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Let go.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
The end.
Now Playing: Nada Surf - Blankest Year
I'm not going to lie... it's been hard for me to shut this blog down. Over 3 years of hopes and dreams, ecstacy, depression, sadness... all written here for the world to see.

Now is a good time to end chapter 1, and let chapter 2 begin. I mean, I can't imagine being luckier... just recently, I've been invited to go to Europe, I ran a kickass first press conference yesterday, and I've got high As in all of my classes, probably because I enjoy the material and I'm not bad at it. I remember that first week of college, when I had no idea what I was going to do with my life. I got way over-involved and haven't looked back. I'll always be indebted to Steve Ding... I've learned how to waterski and some of the best time I've ever spent with my family has happened over the last few months. I've met some of the most incredible people in the last year and I can't wait for us to keep in touch in the years to come.

September 21, 2006. I have direction. I'm on the road to loving myself and others. I'm relevant.

So thank you for spending time with me over the last few years. It will always mean a lot to me that there are people that care enough to read about what's going on in my life.

Lastly... lots of love to those who have earned it, and kicks to those who deserve them.

And closing lyrics...

The Verve Pipe - Happiness Is

The world is giving you the run-around
And leaves you feeling low and let down but
Happiness is
Wherever you find it

I’m not waiting for a friend beside me
Or for the Lord above to guide me
My happiness is
Wherever I find it
And I wanna find it with you

Have you ever felt so out of place
That the smile on your face
Was to keep from cryin’
I don’t know how we get so out of touch
But I don’t want much
Just to find out
What happiness is

While everybody else is winning
You’re stuck waiting for your new beginning
So happiness is
Wherever you find it

You may be full of life’s frustrations
But I’m up for negotiations
My happiness is
Wherever I find it
And I wanna find it with you


If you got your lucky break and broke it
I guess you’ve got your options open
But happiness is
Wherever you find it
And I wanna find it with you


People say a prayer every day
That they end up with more than their next door neighbor
I’m not buying all their ego trips
But I’ll get my kicks
When I find out
What happiness is

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 5:54 PM CDT
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Europe for the weekend? Yep.
Now Playing: Marc Broussard - Gotta be More
It's official...

I'm going to Italy for the weekend in November!

Who knew Continental flew IAH to Rome direct? I do now. On the way back, we have to stop in NJ, but it's a CO hub which means there's a big President's Club which will be a real relief after a long flight. Shower, anyone? Yes.

Of course, not too long after Italy will be Lubbock... now that will be interesting. Here's hoping I can work on taming the jet lag :)

Oh yeah, and added bonus... frequent flier miles! I may even be super-duper Elite after this is all over with which means more free 1st class upgrades! Hotness.

Now, back to writing papers and stuff. Oh, and learning Italian :)

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 10:00 PM CDT
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I'm taking you to Italy, we're gonna sail to Rome...
Now Playing: Fergie - London Bridge
How come everytime you come around,
My London, London bridge, wanna go down like,
London, London, London, wanna go down like,
London, London, London, we goin’ down like…

Deep lyrics, I know. I've contemplated (and/or danced to) them a lot recently. Thanks to my wife. Ugh. Oh yeah, and thanks to my wife, I'm also still hungover. Whoever said drinking Jack and Coke at 10am on sunday was a good idea... is my hero. Seriously.

I just got back from a 6 or 7 mile run. I lost track. I feel like I should have run more, mostly cause I ate and drank like a horse this weekend (thanks again, wifey). Along the same line, if my boob or I called you this weekend, we do both apologize.

Oh... I also got to be a darkroom monitor today without being a monitor or enrolled in photo. Uh yeah.

Last thing... Happy birthday! And by the way, I knew we were going to get along when I found out you and my car have the same birthday. You know how I feel about my car. :)

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 12:49 AM CDT
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
I wanna hear you laugh like you *really* mean it. Collapse into me tired with joy.
Now Playing: Jimmy Eat World - Polaris
Your early 20s is for doing stupid stuff, right?

Like swimming at midnight in a pool that closed at 8, dancing to Promiscuous nearly naked, driving around in golf carts, and watching chick flicks til you're so tired your eyes burn?


I need to stop making the same mistakes over and start learning from them. Otherwise, I'm going to lose what I hold closest and I'm not sure how well I could take that. The worst/best part is probably that you don't even know. I guess we'll keep it that way for now.

It's been a great week and weekend, I just need to grow up and face several realities. I've been kidding myself for way too long.


Good night.

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 1:23 AM CDT
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
A day in the life.
Now Playing: Jack's Mannequin - Into the Airvwaves
So uh, I've definitely been up for 5 hours already. After 3 hours of sleep. And an amazing concert. Story time... ready set go!

Last night, Raye, Jamil and I went to see Jack's Mannequin and some other opening bands (2/3 were actually really good!). But Jack's was still the best and didn't disappoint (duh). They started with "Bruised" - one of my favorites - played probably 6 songs off the album including "Into the Airwaves", "Mixed Tape", and they closed the show with "MFEO". They also played a few others including SoCo's "Good News". The venue - Cain's ballroom - wasn't too full when we got there at 5pm (waiting in line for an hour will do that) but by the time the 2nd (crappy) band came on it was filling in, and people were starting to crowd. Right before the Jack's show, it started getting really tight, and people's hands were grabbing others' asses, or whatever happened to be at that level. It was awk, but once Andrew came on, people stopped pushing as much and most people around me started jumping and singing along. It was so loud, I could barely hear Andrew (which is saying a lot since it was so darn loud). Despite being soaked in sweat and getting squished and stepped on, it was just an aazing concert. So much fun.

Of course, going to a concert on a monday night isn't completely without its problems. Especially when one must catch a plane home after said concert in order to get to class.

So here I sit in class. I've been up since 530. Got on the plane, pulled out of Tulsa at 645, got in to Houston at 805, fought I-45 traffic, got to school, dug through my suitcase to find my laptop power cord, and went to class. Man I'm tired. As I get older, this not sleeping thing is getting more and more difficult.

But... great weekend! Lots of fun. Yaaaaay! :)

Now, back to class.

Addendum: I was reading this post after I woke up from a 2 hour nap, and it made virtually no sense. Grammar and spelling sucked. So I fixed it. :)

Logically crafted by Mathematically Challenged at 11:18 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 4:39 PM CDT
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