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Hey This is my album of pics and i hope you like it and if you dont than i really dont care. Love Ya lots, Annie Medel
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Birthday Party
Birthday Party 
This was my birtthday cake and my sister made it and all. HOw sweet right!!!!

Comments (3) | Add a Comment

hey i think all your pics look good and so do u,
i love your birthday cake!!!! i love you more and nice website. check ya
chelsea | | July 05, 2005

hey beautiful,
u look gorgoeus in your pics like always and tht birthday cake is awesome, i remember it. I love you so much annie and i cant think of a reason why i can live with out u cuz your awesome and a great friend. Love you lots,
sam | | July 05, 2005

man you look hot,
that was a freakin awesome night right, man,damn, your hot and also hey thanx for being a freakin good friend.
your so sweet and did i forget hott!!! lol, well love you lots and lots,
see ya
david | | July 05, 2005