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Sunday, 8 February 2004
Too early...
Soo I had to wake up at 7 thins morning and go to a meeting at the Limited to learn all about pants! Isn't that exciting... believe me, it's not at all.

Anyway, school is going good, I'm figuring out how to balance work, school, and PLAY of course...

Hope everyone had a good weekend.


Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 11:21 AM CST
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Monday, 2 February 2004
This past weekend we had a party in honor of Bailey's 20th Bday... wayyyyyyy to many people came, but it was a blast...

Here are some pics...

First we cleaned our dirty dirty apartment...
I think this is the cleanest #202 has ever been!

Birthday girl helping with the jello shots!

Finished Product- (very colorful)

Laura and Birthday girl making the punch...

Meade started to drink once the place started to fill up... check out how many people are in the background... I didn't think that many people could fit in our living room...

I think Jon and Laura were the only 2 sober people here... but they still had fun =)

Anyway... back to the school week as usual now... NO FUN! If you were here on Saturday night I hope you had a good time... and if not, why were'nt you here??

Talk to you laters gaters!!

Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 11:40 PM CST
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Saturday, 17 January 2004
So....A tad bit hung over from last night's big ordeal. Now I have to go to work from 2:30 - 6:30. No fun. Meade and Bryant are going to go play frisbee golf, I could care less about the game, but I wish I could spend the day's like 60 degrees and sunny. =(
I went and got alllllll one million of my books for next semester. I'm taking...
Cultural History of American Teenagers, the second part of American History, Spanish 4, Intro to the Middle East - Modern Times, and Cultural Anthropology... hmm this should be an interesting semester.


Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 12:12 PM CST
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Wednesday, 14 January 2004
Sorry- Haven't done this stuff in a while...

Got a new job at The Limited, start tomorrow. Meade is getting settled. Samantha comes to visit tomorrow...

You're caught up.
Talk to ya later.

Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 6:26 PM CST
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Tuesday, 6 January 2004
Back in Austin!
Ahh! Home Sweet Home! I've missed my apartment so much. I got back yesterday and roped Jessica and Adrian into unloading my car with me. hehehe I'm sneaky.
I had to start my new year in Austin off right by ordering chinese food. The delivery guy told me that he missed me and had been worried that something had happened to me! That's a sure sign that I order from there wayyyyy too much.
Anyway. Christmas was wonderful! I got so much stuff. The best present was a digital camera and all the goodies to go with it. My parents even gave me photography classes to go along with it. They're the best!
I worked a little over the break but mostly I spent time with family and friends. Samantha is probably so sick of me by now...
Hmm... I'm not excited about my classes for next semester. 15 hours- 12 of which are History classes (Ugh... Spanish 4 takes up the last 3 hours, shoot me now) sooo I'm thinking this semester will bring even more reading than last- if that is possible.
If you don't live with me and haven't heard me say this 100 times today- Meade gets back tonight! =)

Okay well I'm off to the grocery store the only food here is humus and marshmellows. Not a good combo.

Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 5:03 PM CST
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Tuesday, 16 December 2003

This semester is officially over. I sold my books back, trashed all my notes, and am packing to go back to Houston for a month.
My classes this semester were all extrememly interesting and I feel confident that I will take more than I realize from each course. However- mountains of homework and reading were the result of "interesting" classes
Aside from classes kicking my ass all the time...I went some tough times too. For the first time since I was 16- I was alone...Meade and I broke up, Andrew and I finally let go of eachother, and I was alone. I didn't realize how dependent I was on relationships. I was convinced I was going to die alone... I swear that's the worst thought.
But my awesome roommates and some amazing friends made sure I realized that boys are secondary...You can't be happy with boys unless you are happy alone first. So - roomies: would you say I enjoyed myself this semester?

Anyway I don't know when I will see or talk to most of my buddies so I wanted to say some stuff to all of yall.

Nadia, Kristin, Laura, Bailey and of course Ms. Jessica- I have loved our apartment so far. As long as we aren't fighting about dishes we seem to do okay. Here's to more nights spent just the 6 of us.

Jess, Jenn, and Matt: heh. We've had more fun than I can say. Keystone, Monday nights, beer pong, Ken's gas problems, Andrew's mental problems(jk)... Matt- not only are you Sigma Fly- but you are frat-tacular as well.. jk jk jk "Change it! I can't watch this movie....." "Jump over the pit of fire, climb up the 100000 foot rope, make love to your partner, and land in the splits- now that would be reality television!" Oh yeah - Thanks for keeping my feet warm! Jess-"Wow! that looks like taco bell" Wednesday. Bathroom breaks- 37 sec. is the standing record... I have way too many things to say to you! I love you! and I can't believe you wont be at class with me everyday next semester! Good luck at Texas State. =( Jen- Don't worry about all of this drama going on right now. Forget them if they don't want to be with you in a time of need...From what I hear- it's their loss...

Laura: Thank you for always being such a sweet girl. It's great to have you around to keep us all under control. Thanks for helping me make the right decisions and listening to me cry (whether about boys or my toe) on more than a few occasions. I'm going to miss you this month and I can't wait until next August- we're going to have the coolest apartment on this side of 24th.

Andrew: I'm glad we've been able to get everything straight lately. I'm excited for your new relationship and I'm so happy that we can talk to eachother like normal people now! I am always here for you! ps- thanks for lending me a shoulder to cry on, being the person I can call anytime to come get me from somewhere, and most importantly for caring so much for me!! You're the greatest, Duckman- as your computer says.

Bryant: Our dinners at Suzi's have been great. Next semester we need to see more of eachother. =) Just promise not to get toooo drunk again. Bad Mormon!

Eric: It's been great getting to know you better this semester. I hope that I've been as good of a friend to you as you have been to me. ps-I'll watch you chug relish any day!

Chris P: hehe. You just make me laugh... T- time. There is blood on my hand!... Oh man! now the water tastes like blood too...

Samantha: Thanks for coming to visit so much! I love having you here! (michelle too!!) You're always able to make me calm down about something and look at it in a logical way. Thanks! I'm excited about these next few weeks in Houston with you!

Meade: It's been a really weird year. I'm glad that we are still close. Next semester let's watch every movie that Bryant owns!! IN A ROW!(jk eric) I miss you! Hurry back- my cell phone bill can't take all the convo's anymore.


Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 3:58 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 December 2003 4:01 AM CST
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Saturday, 13 December 2003

I'm done... this horrible horrible horrible semester is over!! So guess what I'm off to do now??? DRINK DRINK DRINK! There is a party at Jennifer's house tonight so that should be fun. Hopefully there is lots of alcohol. Jessica and I decided we wanted to be ghetto and drink 40's. I've never had one, so we will see how that goes...Haha- so no one call me early tomorrow..

But today was the official end of the semester- which means that next semester MEADE COMES BACK!! Everybody say YEEEAA! I'm so excited. At first it seemed like he was gone for such a long time, but now it seems like the semester flew by. I guess it's because he has come to visit a few times... who knows! All I know is he when I get back to Austin- he will be HERE!!!


Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 9:31 PM CST
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T-6 hours until my history exam- with me luck.

After that I'M DONE for a month!

Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 1:14 PM CST
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Friday, 12 December 2003

In 24 hours- I'll be DONE!

Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 11:33 PM CST
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Thursday, 11 December 2003
Well... Day 2 of finals is over- and it's 11 am. I have not slept since Monday night. Well, that's not true. I've taken a few 2-3 hour naps, but I have yet to get a nights sleep. No finals for me tomorrow- 2 on Saturday though. So- guess what I'm doing for the rest of the day? SLEEPING...

Finals have been okay- today I did awesome on my government essay but the multiple choice section kinda kicked my butt. Remember how I used to help Andrew study all the time? I finally am getting him back- the past 2 days he's spent hours quizing and trying to help me understand my notes!!

Jessica and Matt have been horrible influences on me. They've even been hanging out without me! What meanies!!! Don't you worry guys, come Saturday night- ya'll better save some of this partying business that's been going on all week for me.

Okay I'm off to my nap! I can't wait- I put a sign on my door that says- If you wake me up I will scream. I hope that works.

Good Luck on finals!!!

PS Chris P- get some sleep! I think you are going insane!


Posted by tx6/ally9433 at 11:04 AM CST
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