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Welcome to my Webpage!!!

On This Site:

Pics of my Dog

View of Central Park

Quote of the Week

Past Quotes of the Week

Coming Soon!!!

A Quick Word

So right now, I am only updating my page because if I ignore it for too long, I get kicked off. Sound familiar to any of my friends who actually e-mail me (all two of you)???

Well, finals week is next week, which also happens to be the week I am working with the grant people. I attended orientation today and have yet to really figure out what I am supposed to be doing. All I know is that I was surrounded by real computer nerds rather than dabblers like myself. So I might just be a little in over my head.

Right, well thats it. Like I said, right now its all about just keeping my page alive, even though its just barely breathing. Hey--and it wouldn't hurt some of you to WRITE to me every once in awhile!!!

Until next time!


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Last updated: 29 July 2003