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The AIKA and its' representatives will discuss the filming of training drills, timing drills, self defense and bunkai videos for the benefit of AIKA members. Our objective will be to provide affordable quality videos. This will go to the National Board for discussion in our January meeting.
The American Isshinryu Association (AIKA)Was founded in 1998 by Kyoshi Phillip R. Furgason. Its purpose is to focus on Isshinryu and nothing else. There are quite a few Isshinryu practitioners with a lot of variations of kata. We do not feel it is our job to change that but we feel that it is this organization's responsibility to assist you in getting from Isshinryu all that you can. The fact that the members come from different backgrounds and schools of Isshinryu only add strength and diversity to our resource pool. The input of the members is extremely important. Instead if saying, "your form is wrong", or "I'll show you the right way", it should be, "I'll show you MY way and we can all learn. I have come to the point where I realized that I can learn something from almost anyone and that every variation of bunkai is valuable in one form or another. We want to establish a synergistic relationship with all Karate-ka in this organization so that we help each other reach our individual goals.

