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I am so tired of wanting to find a song on the spur of the moment on the world wide web, only to spend hours searching without any results. Anyway, I end up wasting time just searching for a the simple song to listen to and usually have no luck finding a link to hear the song. Hopefully this site will allow you to save the songs. I use to like Metallica, but curse them everytime I try to have a kodak moment and it is ruined because of the big babies. Thanks alot Metallica; I remember before all of this nonsense over Metallica crying about people being able to download songs over the internet. I was able to look for my music without any stress. I will never buy anything released by Metallica again.

Right click and select "Save Target As" to download a song. If you experience difficulties with the process, email me and I will see what I can do to help.

The Never Ending Story