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Program Sections


The youth legislature is composed of the House of Representatives and the State Senate with the appropriate officers for each body. Members of the legislature prepare legislation for consideration, debate, and action. This legislation is developed through a process that starts in each local club.


The lobbyist program is designed to provide experienced Legislative delegates the opportunity to work with the total legislative body to influence the outcome of action on bills through pariticpation in hearing committees, access to the News Media and the Governor along with his/her/cabinet, and interaction with Representatives and Senators.

Judiciary (trial and appellate)

The judicial program, including the trial and appellate courts, provide opportunities for youth to experience the state system of jurisprudence and law enforcement. Trial courts are held with youth judges, attorneys, witnesses, jurors and other officers of court.

News Media (print and broadcast)

Reporting and editing other news has become a very influential factor in government. News Media trains youth in political reporting skills in both newspaper reporting and video broadcast reporting.

Executive Government Planners (EGP)

This program provides an opportunity for students to present proposals for the solution of state problems. Working in teams of three, students develop and present their proposals. The proposals are reviewed by youth leadership and offered as ideas for future legislation.

Youth Commission

The purpose of this program is to:

a) give new delegates an overview of the total program

b) prepare delegates for future participation in other program phases

c) visit State departments and gather information. This program is intended for first-time participants.


The forum operates in much the same manner as EGP. Students develop, present and debate topics of state importance after investigating the topic through meetings with local officials, community based organizations, and concerned citizens.

Congressional Insight

The Congressional Insight and Budgeting section of the YMCA Texas Youth and Government program is a fun, exciting, hands-on interactive experience for those who are looking for insight into the day-to-day experiences of an elected official.