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Vika's World

And just so y'all know, this is just the beginning. It's all in the works. I'm working on getting most of my stuff moved to Angelfire, but for now, this is how it goes. Thanks for visiting!

Site index:


Reality Dream




Desire's Treason

Quick Thoughts...

Feb 15

Feb 5

Jan 10


Feb 14

Feb 11

Feb 7

Jan 5

My Books
Honor's Child (nicknamed "Lady of the Ring")



<--- you are here


Real Name: Vika

Pen Name: KAI
Birthday: 3/16/1983
Gender: Female
Location: California
Occupation: Artist
Industry: Media

I'd like to use this space to dedicate the blue rose above to all those who are misunderstood or rejected simply for not fitting into the mold someone thinks you should. There is only One Whose opinion really matters.
 (inspired by expirience, my "gothic" family members, and the blue rose 
here for the link)

To learn about me, visit my journal: Click Here

Website: Click Here
Email: Click here