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Radditz Saga: The past becomes clear
Raditz 1500
Goku 416
Piccolo 408
Saiyajin Saga: Arrival of the strongest
Tenshinhan 1830
Yamcha 1480
Krillin 1083-1770
Chaozu 610
Piccolo (b4 fight with saiyans) 1220-3500
Gohan (b4 fight with saiyans) 981-2800
Nappa 4000
Vegeta 18,000
Goku, normal power 5000
Goku, powered up 8000
Kaio-Ken x3 24,000
Kaio-Ken x4 Kamehameha 32000
Oozaroo Vegeta 180,000
Freeza Saga: Search for the mystic balls
Krillin (Saichorou Power-up) 13,000 (max)
Gohan (Saichorou Power-up) 14,000 (max)
Kewi 18,000
Captain Ginew 120,000
Vegeta 30,000 (max against Recuum)
Goku 90,000 (average) - 180,000 (vs Capt. Ginew)
Final Battle of Namek: Revival of a legend
Goku (after revival) 300,000
Freeza: Form 1 not given
Freeza: Form 2 not given
Freeza Form 3 not given
Freeza Form 4 (50%) 6,000,000
Freeza Form 4 (100%) 12,000,000
Super Saiyajin Goku 15,000,000