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Information : Role-Play Number # 1 Record - W : 000 - D : 000 - L : 000

Achievements : None


DWF cameras go out to the parking lot where a white limousine has just pulled in. The crowd is anxious to see who has arrived,as the limo driver gets out and walks over to the last door on the passengers side. The driver quickly adjusts his tie as he looks at his reflection off of the window. He then opens the door and steps off to the side as the most electrifying man in sports entertainment steps out. The crowd goes wild as they witness the Rock finally arriving to the Thomas and Mack Center.

|Boomer Sooner’ Jim Ross| King do you see who I see?

|Fantasizes Puppies’ King| yup the Rock is here!

|Boomer Sooner’ Jim Ross| and just listen to these fans

|Fantasizes Puppies’ King| I swear it sounds like they just won the lottery Jr

After the Rock steps out of his limo he grabs his bag and removes his shades,latching them onto his shirt as he stares down his driver. The driver just stood still not making any eye contact with the Rock but is staring at his forehead instead.

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| what? Did you want something?

|The Rock’s Bitch’ John| w-well yes Rock…

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| your expecting a tip aren’t you?

|The Rock’s Bitch’ John| smiles why yes I am

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| smirks okay well here’s a nice tip for you,if you ever expect to talk to the Rock again,then brush your teeth!

The driver frowns and goes to get inside the limo but the Rock puts his hand on his shoulder and turns him around.

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| hey where ya going?

|The Rock’s Bitch’ John| I’m leaving sir

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| what for? The Rock was gonna pay you.

|The Rock’s Bitch’ John| but I thought…

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| cuts him off you actually didn’t think I was serious did you?

|The Rock’s Bitch’ John| well yeah

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| smiles man the Rock was only playing,you can’t be so serious all the time. You gotta loosen up…have fun while you still can.

|The Rock’s Bitch’ John| smiles um…okay

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| okay?

|The Rock’s Bitch’ John| so can I have my tip now?

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| heck naw Jabroni! fans laugh

|The Rock’s Bitch’ John| but…

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| see the Rock just got you again. Sure man you can have your tip.

The Rock digs around in his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He opens it up and the driver drops his jaw as he can clearly see he is loaded with cash. The Rock pulls out a twenty dollar bill and a five dollar bill and hands it to the driver.

|The Rock’s Bitch’ John| oh thank you so much Rock

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| oh no problem kid.

The driver then gets in the limo and quickly pulls out of the parking lot as the tires squeal. The Rock just smirks and swings his bag over his shoulder as he heads inside the building. Once inside,he walks down the hallway until he finds his nameplate on the door. He finds it a couple minutes later and opens the door while entering the room. The Rock then sets his bag down and closes the door as the scene fades to black.

Commercial Break
Burger King
Commercial Break  

After the commercial break,DWF returns to the arena where the fans are all sitting around waiting for something to happen. The titon tron then comes on as the cameras go backstage where the Rock is seen walking down the hallway. As the Rock turns a corner he bumps into Jonathan Coachman who just got done doing an interview with someone.

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| well well well…look who we have here grins

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| frowns and scratches his head uh do I know you?

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| fake chuckle oh ho ho I see what your doing. You trying to act like you don’t know me because I’ve embarrassed you on so many different occasions.

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| slowly shakes his head um no…the Rock still doesn’t think he remembers you.

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| oh come…on! You were always trying to humiliate me in front of the people.

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| smiles ah now the Rock remembers…

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| remembers what?

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| who you are

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| yeah I’m Jonathan Coach…

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| cuts him off it doesn’t matter who you are! The fact of the matter is,the Rock is here and he’s ready to kick some candyasses all over Las Vegas! fans cheer you see the Rock doesn’t want to talk to some popcorn fart oh no no no no no. You see that would be a waste of the Rock’s time and the people’s time.

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| now hold on,wait just a damn minute! Rock,every time you show up at an arena it’s only once a month.

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| looks mad & tilts his head to the side Coach don’t you ever bring that up again. You see you don’t know the Rock there for you don’t know what the Rock does during all that time. You see the Rock just doesn’t sit at home like a couch potato like you do,the Rock goes out and makes electrifying movies for…the people. fans cheer

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| yeah yeah yeah… says sarcastically so I assume your going to purposely lose to John Bradshaw Layfield tonight so he can win the Television title and you can just go back to making movies.

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! Coach what in the bluest of all hells do you think your saying?

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| I’m saying your going to lose to JBL tonight. grins

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| puts on a fake smile oh is that so?

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| your damn…

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| puts his hand in Coach’s face Coach,the Rock doesn’t know what you’ve been smoking but the Rock guarandamntee’s he’s coming out with the TV title. fans cheer Hell Layfield don’t know nothing about television! The only thing he knows how to do is sit on the couch and watch one.

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| grins & shakes his head no no no you see that’s the old Bradshaw. We’re talking about John Bradshaw Layfield. You see he’s not the beer drinking loser from the APA…he’s a true American hero.

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| oh so he’s Kurt Angle now huh?

Coach goes to talk but the Rock just talks over him.

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| well the Rock doesn’t give two monkey’s piss if he’s an “American Hero”. Hell the Rock says he can run for president if he wants but he’s not stopping the Rock. You know why?

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| no Rock why don’t you tell m…

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| cuts him off once more oh shut up popcorn fart,the Rock’s not talking to you! fans laugh Anyway what was the Rock saying? Oh yeah,John Bradshaw Layfield isn’t stopping the Rock you know why? Because nobody can’t stop…can’t stop the Rock!

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| smirks riiiiight

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| oh your trying to be funny now?

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| trying to be funny? Psh,funnies my middle name!

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| and you know what else is gonna be funny?

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| no what?

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| when the Rock takes his boot,shines it up real nice…I mean real nice Coach smiles turns that sumbitch sideways and sticks it straight up…your candyass!

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| ha ha ha very funny Rock

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| no,what’s funny is the Rock,the Brahma Bull,the most electrifying man in sports entertainment,the trail blazing,eyebrow raising,pie eating,not afraid to sweat,not afraid to bleed,People’s Champion is going to beat John Bradshaw Layfield tonight on Raw and become DWF’s TV champion! fans cheer

|A Real Smartass’ Coach| and what makes you so sure?

|Most Electrifying’ The Rock| because we all know JBL has been trying to copy the Rock. I mean he’s just jealous because he can’t roll with the big dogs. JBL’s trying to be on the news,be the people’s favorite,make money like the Rock,take all the spotlight,make an impact,hell he’s got Rock wanna-be written all over him! But I tell you what John Bradshaw Layfield’s initials are gonna be after Raw. Layfield when the people are chanting “JBL” don’t think their chanting your name. Oh no no you see after I beat you and spit on you like the monkey crap you are,JBL is gonna stand for from now on Jabroni Beaten Loser! fans cheer because your going to be the first to get laid out by the Rockbottom and people’s elbow and on top of that,be on the Rock’s bitch list. If ya smellllllllllllalalalalalalaalll what the Rock…is…Cookin?!

We then see the Rock sniff the air and put on his shades as he laughs in Coach’s face. The scene slowly fades to black from there as the Rock walks out of the scene and so does Coach in the opposite direction.