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My Weight Loss Journey - updated 01/30/16

Basic Information

Welcome all... This site documents my journey through Weight Loss Surgery.

I first began to put on significant weight when I reached puberty. The summer before my ninth grade year in high school, one of my sisters helped/inspired me to lose weight. I entered high school a thin and trim size three. Within a year my eating habits returned and I began to gain weight again. I began to try all means of dieting. Quite accidentally, I discovered Bulimia as one of my means of "dieting". I used Bulimia as a way to maintain weight for a period of ten years. When I was 26 I sought counsel and recovery from Bulimia. I recovered (and I have since remained in recovery), but found that with each year I grew more overweight. I spent the years since then until by gastric bypass trying to diet and lose weight, only to regain (and each time gaining more and more).

Beginning the year of 2000 I felt my body tell me in so many different ways that "it had had enough". At 36 years old I found that I was having to come to terms with the fact that my addiction to food was slowly killing me. I felt like a statistic "waiting to happen". Throughout that year there were many ways in which God led me to my decision to have Weight Loss Surgery. I will share my experience, strength and hope through this site.

I am ready... to start LIVING AGAIN!

:-) Tina

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Important Links

Before/Current Photos
My Measurements
What I Eat
My Journal
My 100 Reasons to Lose 100 Pounds
Surgical Information
An On-Line Support Group
