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Tilghman Class of 1953 50th Reunion Was Held Weekend of September 26,2003

The 50th Reunion for the 1953 Augusta Tilghman High School Class from Paducah, Kentucky was held the week end of September 26, 2003. Over 100 classmates, spouses and guest attended the various activites held throughout Paducah. It was a most sucessful reunion and the Reunion Committee did an outstanding job in planning and carrying out the various functions. Numerous class members traveled from throughout the United States, as there were those in attendance from California, Texas, Florida and dozens of other locations throughout the south and southeast. Our thanks to all those who helped as volunteers, worked during the week end, mailed letters, made telephone calls and most of all thanks to each of you who took time out to come to the reunion. OUR THANKS TO EACH OF YOU !!!!!!!!! If you attended or did not attend, the committee would like to stay in touch. Please send your address changes, e-mail changes and telephone number changes to the e-mail addresses listed on this site. This will greatly assist the committee in keeping up to date and accurate records for use in future events. If you would like to see "news" about the class of 1953 posted on this site in the future, please let Bill know. If you would rather see a yearly newsletter about the class, rather than a web site, please let him know this as well. In the event there is little or no interest in either, then please see the following paragraph. UNLESS WE LEARN OF A SIGNIFICANT INTEREST IN THIS WEB SITE, IT WILL EVENTUALLY CLOSE, HOWEVER FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO WRITE TO THE WEB MASTER WITH COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MAINTAIN A WEB SITE IN THE FUTURE FOR THE CLASS OF 1953, PLEASE SEND AN E-MAIL NOTE TO BILL A. BELT AT HIS E-MAIL ADDRESS LISTED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS SITE. I appreciate very much the comments and suggestiosn received concerning this web site during the past 2 1/2 years. Each was greatly appreiated. (s) Bill A. Belt
