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Hi! Welcome to my homepage. I'm 37 and live in the Houston TX areaFlag. I was born and raised in Tennessee and then moved to California for 9 years. In January 1999, I loaded up my dog, cat and computer and headed out.
Some of my Favorite Links


Tribute Page

Photos of Pets, Family and Friends

Poems Page

Join the MyPoints Program. Earn
free rewards!
Pat's Web Graphics

Looking for some great jokes, a little daily inspiration
or just learn some classic quotes. Check out the links below.
You can subscribe to have them send a little gift
to your email daily. I have belonged to all of them for a
bit now and thank them all for giving me permission to add them to my page.


Dogbyte's Jokes Archive

Daily Motivational

Ayn Rand's "Essentials of Objectivism" can be found by clicking on the "Escher" below

Essentials of Objectivism

Dana's Designs


I want to thank the people that took the time to
to visit my site and give me the following awards

Spyder's Empire Excellence Award

**Founder and Home Of: The Phenomenal Women Of The Web**


Taken September 11, 2001

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