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May 2006 Tutorial

Needed for this tutorial: Paint Shop Pro 7
Plugins from: Filter Pagina1

or a filter of your choice.

1. Open a new image 350x350.

2. Open your tube or the one I used Statue_Brass_patao

here and Edit-Copy. Go back to your working image and Paste as a new layer. I had to resize my tube to 75%.

Close your tube.
Sitting on your bottom layer (empty one) add a new layer and name it bg.
Flood fill this layer with your PSP pattern-granite.

3. Effects-Plugin Filters-2Manekenai(tm)-Mezzo-Force-Ice with the settings at default.
I found this plugin on this website:
but cannot identify which one so you may have to try out different plugins you have to achieve a similar effect.
Basically it just soffened the rocks pattern. You may use any effect that is pleasing to your eye as this is just a background layer.
I have included my bg tile here.........

4.Text: I added my text on separate layers.
Happy Fathers Day layer: Use the text tool with the
stroke set with Pattern-plastic wrap and Fill
flood filled with a med. bright pink. Use any color you like.

Font used was Whimsey ICG Heavy. Size 28.

5.Going back to top layer in your layer pallet Merge Visable.

6. Image-Add Borders and add a border of 8 pixels. I used the pink I had. Select with your Magic Wand tool and flood fill with Pattern-stones small.

7. Effects-Texture effects-Soft Plastic
with settings:
Blur 20 Detail 14 Density 32
Angle 45 Color white

8. Select none.

9. Add border of 15 pixels. Flood fill with Pattern- Blue Strings

10. Effects- Reflection Effects-Kaleidoscope
with these settings
horizontal offset -73 (minus 73)
vertical offset -40 (minus 40)
rotation angle 90
scale factor 17
no of petals 10
no of orbits 3
radial suction 47

11. Add border of 8 pixels and repeat step 6 to 8.

Save your graphic and you are done.

Each day of life a journey
That's spent with love we share
A moment of pure pleasure
Whenever you are near

Each year a special greeting
That comes from deep within
Grateful for your special heart
The smiles of our children

I always knew I loved you
For reasons that are clear
So happy I can tell you
This special time of year

Times in life so wondrous
When you're at my side
I'm constantly aware of
The love that I can't hide

Today I want to tell you
What's plain for you to see
Happy Father's Day Darling
You mean the world to me.

~ Francine Pucillo ~
Copyright May 27, 2003








"Original midi composition "
"Man I Love"
is used with permission
and is copyright © By Margi Harrell


Copyright © 2002 Margi Harrell

MIDI: Man I Love
Performed by 
Margi Harrell
Please feel free to visit her wonderful site right HERE.
This midi along with more wonderful compositions and/or performances are available at Ms. Harrell's site on CDs. Margi Harrell.  

İMay 20, 2003

The beautiful painting used for this set is by artist, Penny Parker, and used with her permission. 


Penny Parker:
Moon And Back:


Angel Malena PSP Advanced Class      


İMay 20, 2003