leaving hope

leaving hope (journal)
all you never cared to know about Colin Hayward
words and tears and hate and fear and everything between
places to go when this site bores you (like THAT could ever happen)
time.... it ticks...
a dusty stack of photographs....
albums i am useless without
be my druidess.... be mine....
how i fell from grace
recipe for disaster
currently listening to....

Updates and shit of the sort

6/18/02 - Updated yet again with my cd collection due to a fit of insomnia. It's linked as "currently listening to...."
I also made a new poll, as it was painfully obvious no one gave a fuck about the old one. Yes, I am aware that I already live in Dallas. Really, my vote is for Dallas, as that is where my son is. I have no intention of leaving Jonus unless it's absolutley necessary. The poll is just to see where the rest of you think I should go. ("The rest of you..." shit. Who am I kidding? No one visits this site. Fuck.)

6/15/02 - Finally gave the poetry page a major make-over. I like it, I expect you all to let me know what you think. Laters.

6/14/02 - Couldn't sleep, so I dreamt up a new scheme for the website anyway. I'm not sure how to make it work... but... well.... fuck you. I'll get it. Also, I renewed the updates and shit of the sort. In case you couldn't tell.

July 1st, 2002, 9:12 p.m.

Well, here we are, another month. I hate summer. My DSL is taking longer than I anticipated to get here, so updates are still on hold until I have more bandwidth to work with. Patience, my sweet nothings, patience.

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