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Cyber Home of Tim Skains & Family

Hello, and welcome to our cyber-space! This web page is for the Tim Skains family. Currently there are five of us. Tim, Karmine, Hayden, and Timmy Jr.

A little about us:

Tim is 64 years old. He is an engineer, and is good at at math, science, and fixing things.

Karmine passed in September, 2015. She is still in our hearts and minds. She is missed every day.

Hayden is 23 years old. He likes firetrucks, police cars, Scooby Doo, and the Wiggles TV show. He likes to play and have fun!

Timmy Jr. is 22 years old. seven years old. He also likes firetrucks, and police cars, and he likes cartoons. He also likes to play and have fun.

Rex is our pet dog. He is less than a year old. He likes to eat and sleep. He is a pretty good watch dog and a good friend. He also has bad breath...

Our Favorite Things

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Tim Junior's page
Hayden's page
Karmine's page
Tim's page