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H & H Seasoning of Texas


Unless noted otherwise, all content of this site is Copyright © 2001-2010 H & H Seasoning of Texas, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

All photographs on this website are Copyright © 2004 Michael Hudson Sr. All Rights Reserved. Used by license.

The Site contains many of the valuable trademarks and service marks owned and used by H & H Seasoning of Texas, Inc. (" H & H Seasoning") throughout the world. These trademarks and service marks distinguish H & H Seasoning's quality products and services.

"Bubba's Qlicious Lone Star Seasoning", "Qlicious", "No Salt, No Sugar, Just Texas!" and other H & H products referenced within this website are trade marks or service marks of H & H Seasoning of Texas, Inc.

The content, arrangement and layout of the Site, including, but not limited to, the trademarks, service marks, package designs, text, and content, are proprietary and are protected from copying, imitation, communication, or simulation under domestic and international laws and are not to be reproduced, communicated, displayed, distributed, or transmitted without the express written permission of H & H Seasoning. The Site may also contain references to other company, brand and product names. These company, brand and product names are used herein for identification purposes only and may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The images of people or places displayed, forms, structures, and graphics displayed or found within the Site are either the property of, or used with permission by H&H Seasoning. H & H Seasoning may be, but is not necessarily sponsored by or affiliated with any of owners of the other company, brand and product name appearing on the Site, and makes no representations about them, their owners, their products or services. The graphic images, buttons and text contained in this web site are the exclusive property of H & H Seasoning, except where otherwise noted, and, except for personal use, may not be copied, distributed, or displayed, or reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of H & H Seasoning. Any unauthorized use of the materials, structure, sequence, arrangement, or design of the Site, or trademarks, service marks, or trade dress found within the Site may violate civil or criminal laws, including, but not limited to, copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and communications regulations and statutes. By visiting the Site the User does not acquire or obtain by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use or make additional copies of any materials or information displayed on the Site.

GENERAL NOTICE H & H Seasoning strives to ensure that the information contained in this web site is accurate and reliable. However, H&H Seasoning and the World Wide Web (or Web Site Host) are not infallible and errors may sometimes occur. Therefore, to the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, H & H Seasoning disclaims any warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to this web site, including without limitation the merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. H & H Seasoning will not be liable or responsible for any damages or injuries caused by use of this web site (such as viruses, omissions or misstatements). H & H Seasoning may from time to time revise the information, services and the resources contained in this web site and reserves the right to make such changes without any obligation to notify past, current or prospective visitors. In no event shall H & H Seasoning be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any use of the information contained herein.

HYPER-LINKS NOTICE The web site may link to sites not maintained or related to H&H Seasoning. Hyper-text links are provided as a service to users and are not sponsored by or affiliated with this web site or H & H Seasoning. H & H Seasoning has not reviewed any or all of the sites hyper-linked to or from this web site and is not responsible for the content of any other sites. The links are to be accessed at the user's own risk, and H & H Seasoning makes no representations or warranties about the content, completeness, or accuracy of these links or the sites hyper-linked to this web site. Further, H & H Seasoning does not implicitly endorse third-party sites hyper-linked to this web site.

This web site can be accessed from countries around the world and may contain references to H & H Seasoning services, programs, and products that have not been announced in your country. These references do not imply that H & H Seasoning intends to announce such services, programs, or products in your country.

With the exception of information required for the purchase of products and services, H & H Seasoning does not want to receive confidential or proprietary information through its web site. Any information sent to H & H Seasoning, with the exception of information needed for the purchase of products or services, will be deemed NOT CONFIDENTIAL. You grant H&H Seasoning an unrestricted, irrevocable license to display, use, modify, perform, reproduce, transmit, and distribute any information you send H & H Seasoning, for any and all commercial and non-commercial purposes. You also agree that H & H Seasoning is free to use any ideas, concepts, or techniques that you send H & H Seasoning for any purpose, including, but not limited to, developing, manufacturing, and marketing products that incorporate such ideas, concepts, or techniques. H & H Seasoning may, but is not obligated to, review or monitor areas on its site where users may transmit or post communications

H & H Seasoning is not responsible for the accuracy of any information, data, opinions, advice, or statements transmitted or posted on on this website. You are prohibited from posting or transmitting to or from this web site any libelous, obscene, defamatory, pornographic, or other materials that would violate any laws. However, if such communications do occur, H & H Seasoning will have no liability related to the content of any such communications.

H & H Seasoning permits anyone to link to H & H Seasoning's web site subject to the linker's compliance with the following terms and conditions:

A site that links to H & H Seasoning's web site: May link to, but not replicate, content contained in H & H Seasoning's site; Must not create a border environment or browser around content contained in H & H Seasoning's site; Must not present misleading or false information about H&H Seasoning's services or products; Must not misrepresent H & H Seasoning's relationship with the linker; Must not imply that H & H Seasoning is endorsing or sponsoring the linker or the linker's services or products; Must not use H & H Seasoning's logos or trade dress without prior written permission from H & H Seasoning; Must not contain content that could be construed as obscene, libelous, defamatory, pornographic, or inappropriate for all ages; Must not contain materials that would violate any laws; Must agree that the link may be removed at any time upon H & H Seasoning's request pursuant to H & H Seasoning's reserved rights to rescind its consent to allow the link. third-party web sites

You agree that all matters relating to your access to, or use of, this web site shall be governed by the laws of the state of Texas. You agree and hereby submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of the Superior Court of Dallas County in Texas and the United States District Court for the District of Teaxas, with respect to such matters.

H & H Seasoning makes no representation that information on this web site are appropriate or available for use in all countries, and prohibits accessing materials from territories where contents are illegal. Those who access this site do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with all applicable laws.

Revised: January 1, 2010

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