Presentation Evaluation Sheet

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Presentation Title:_______________________ 


Name:___________________ Date:_____________ Period:_____


I.                     Specific Assignment Criteria


_________ Speech met the time limit.  Time / Start ___:____  to  Finish ___:____

_________ Speech adhered to general and specific speech purposes.

_________ Speech utilized a variety of supporting material.

_________Was the presentation well prepared?


II.                   Introduction


Intro. Grade_______ Date:___________

Introduction was properly developed:

_________  Gained attention (attention device) and created interest.


Comments on intro.______________________________________________________________ _ _______________________________________________________________________________


Late –10 Points:______


III.                 Internal Organization


_________ Organization of the speech was clear and easy to follow.

_________ Organizational pattern was appropriate for the topic and type of speech.


IV.                 Nonverbal Delivery


_________ Stance and posture was appropriate.

_________ Eye contact was appropriate

_________ Facial expressions helped to convey/clarify ideas.

_________ Gestures added emphasis and description.


V.                   Verbal Delivery


_________ Appropriate Volume                _________Appropriate Rate

_________ Conversational Style                _________Appropriate Tone

_________ Clear Enunciation                    _________Used Pauses Correctly

_________ Vocal Variety                          _________Flute Delivery / Flow / Choppy


VI.                 Word Usage/Language


_________ Language was direct and made the speaker’s point clearly.

_________ Words were used appropriately.

_________ Grammar was appropriate.

_________ Word pronunciation were correct.

_________ Language was suitable for the audience.


Conclusion was properly developed:

_________ Summarized the speech content.


Late –10 Points:______                Visual Aid:________________________________________________


VII.               Total Score                Two points off for each X                                                _______________

100 points

Comments and Suggestions for Improvement:_________________________________________________


