Major Project Handout

Extemporaneous Speech

An Extemporaneous Speech is one that is prepared in advanced and presented from abbreviated notes (on index cards).

1.    Your topics will be over current events, news, or discoveries. You must have your piece ready by Thursday May 2nd in order to work on your introductions. 


2.    You can use any source you want (newspaper, newsmagazine, internet source, etc…).


3.    Your speech must be over two minutes long. Points will be taken off if the presentation is too short.


4.    You will give your speech off the top of your head with only notes on index cards to keep you on track.  Prepare well in advance.


5.    The extemporaneous speech is due on Thursday May 9th.  


You will need a minimum of six index cards, and your information and references must be cited.  


An outline is a way of organizing information. It uses key words

or word groups to show main topics, subtopics, details, etc

Sample Outline Format:


 I. Main topic

A. Important subtopic

B. Important subtopic

 1. Detail

a. Sub-detail

b. Sub-detail

c. Sub-detail

2. Detail

3. Detail

a. Sub-detail

b. Sub-detail

 II. Main topic

A. Important subtopic

B. Important subtopic

1. Detail

2. Detail

Helpful Hints - Follow these guidelines to complete your outline:

1. Title the outline - write the title of your paper at the top of the page.

2. Follow the sample outline format for numbering and lettering. Main ideas are chief

points. Label them I, II, III, etc. Each main topic must include at least two subtopics.

3. Subtopics for each main topic are labeled A, B, C, etc.

4. Details for subtopics are labeled 1, 2, 3, etc.

5. Sub details or examples for details are labeled a, b, c, etc.

6. Use a period after each division letter or number. Do not place periods after topics or

subtopics not stated in the form of a sentence.

7. Begin the main topic, subtopics, and details with capital letters.

8. Maintain a parallel structure throughout the outline; if you start with phrases, don't

switch to sentences.

9. Indent as shown in the example. You should be able to draw a line through all the

periods after Roman numerals, another through all the periods after capital letters, etc.

·       First card is for your introduction

·       Second, third, and fourth card is for first point or first body paragraph, second body paragraph and third body paragraph, etc.

·       Fifth card is for the conclusion.

·       Sixth card will be used for your sources. Use APA format. 

(Click here for format information).    

Click here to see power point on how to put your cards in outline form.

         APA Format

         electronic reference information

You will need to put general information on your cards only.

Topic information sites.





Houston Chronicle

USA Today



Rense Top Current Stories


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