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Newest Pictures!


A picture of me, my Esperanza date Liz, Kraig, and Maryann

Me and Liz

Me and Liz at dinner - the Grotto

A picture of me and Liz's suitemate Gloria at dinner

This is one of my freshmen from O-week, Jon, and his girlfriend from back home, Darby

All 6 of the ladies from room 304

More pictures to come soon as more get theirs developed

The Flood!!
Some flooding by Martel - the water level in the street here is the same as in the grass

Random water around campus

A picture of the rain on the inner loop. It had gone down at this point.
When I first crossed it earlier that day, the water was up to my knees...

Random people playing in the rain

Liz walking down the sidewalk to Martel

And then the rain starts again...

So what happens? A pick-up mud-soccer game!

More mud soccer

And again

The ground begins to give way and people can't run very well

Another soccer one

Last one.. I promise

What about inside? Did the water come inside? You bet...

O-Week and Baker 13

These are pictures I've had and just haven't put up since it takes so darn long. Crazy Baker 13 people

Attack of the nakedness on Halloween

More nakedness

And again...

This is a picture of me and another of my freshmen, Shannon
recreating our reactions just before some people we knew who ran Baker 13 tried
to give us hugs... Notice the shaving cream...

Here are a few pictures from O-Week

Not just the freshmen can pull pranks, but the advisors, too!
This picture was taken in President Gillis' office! We took a rock that Brown College
(one of the droms here) uses to take the other dorms as it's "colonies".
So we chipped off the y from colony and put it in front of the President's desk!

Here are four of my freshmen completing a task on the scavanger hunt - get in a shower!
This is Alec, Greg (who is 6'11" tall), Kelly, and Emily
