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A revolution of One

Declaration of Independence

In the declaration of independence, it is stated: "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by the creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the persuit of happiness."

If this is true, then certainly every man must have the right to decide whether or not it is in his interest or desire to participate in 'the american dream'.

For instance, let's say that upon reviewing the laws, policies and actions of the United States government and the way of life of its citizens, that I decide that I do not wish to be a part of this government or the society that it was created to protect. Is it possible for me to seperate myself from it without having to take my body to another land?

I was born in this country. Therefore, I am indigenous of this land and have every right to live here, according to my unalienable right to life. Also, since liberty is an unalienable right, then I am in no way obligated by birth to serve or support any government or any person. If liberty is an unalienable right, then no government or person has the right to set boundaries on how or where I choose to live mine.

To force me to surrender my personal sovereignty or my conscience is clearly a violation of my human rights.

For life certain things are required -air, water, food, shelter, sleep, etc.-and since life is an unalienable right, I must be allowed to obtain these things. Nobody is obligated to supply them for me, but to deprive me of these things or to require me to serve another man or industry to obtain them is a violation of my human rights.

To the best of my knowledge, I have never surrendered my unalienable rights. Therefore, they must be mine to command.

With all of this being true, I hereby declare myself independent of the United States of America.

I agree to be responsible for my actions as well as those taken against me.

I do not intend to take any violent action against the U.S. or it's people, I only wish to be seperate from them. I will respect their rights, regardless of whether they respect mine.

Any who feel that I should be struck down or imprisoned for my beliefs, let them do so and let God hold them responsible for their actions against me.

Be Quiet And Drive


By David M. Day
They are fascinated by the puzzles that spew 
From the mouths of fools
And captivated
By the things they can do 
With machines and with tools
But seldom a thought of their spirits
A voice from the past and they dont want to hear it
Fight or flight it becomes for those who fear it
Some people hie, others they smear it with the blood
That spilled from his gut when they cut the chord
And abhorted the course of the truth
To persue, yet pollute, the fountain of youth
With the guns that they shoot
And the lives they uproot
And bury them in shallow graves
This is justified with the lives that they save
And secretly enslave
Force to pave a great highway to hell
Which is where they will dwell for eternity
In coffins they've locked up souls 
And they've hid the keys
And they tell you your free
And to laugh at those who see and believe
And realize the disguise;
The filthy cloaks of lies that they prize more than life


By David M. Day
Employees wanted 
to work for fat bald headed demon
another billionaire politician
He got the power to write laws for you to follow
Job duties will include but not be limited to
working long, hard hours in a hot, smelly factory
producing necessary items
that will eventually end up in a landfill
or as a poison in your drinking water
Time cards will be punched daily
to be sure you are not overlooked by management
You must be willing to follow orders without question
Thought will not be required to perform mindless 
tasks such as lifting, bending, twisting, or breaking.
Uniforms will be provided to opress individuality
and self expression.
Applicants must be willing to sacrafice
the time and energy needed to sustain
a happy marriage, or to raise children,
or enjoy life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness
You may complain during your smoke breaks
but should supress feelings in the prescence of authority
Built up stress from work will be carried home
Nightly, to be lifted by beating your wife
and children before you leave them.
If the pay is not enough then tell that bitch to get a job
and if worse comes to worst
you can always load a glok and rob
your friends, neighbors, and relatives
although we do not promote this type of behavior
in any way
but if you give up all that you love 
then you should always have enough
to afford a roof over head and a greasy burger
insurance will cover the drugs
you need to keep from committing murder
Then, after about forty-five years of hard labor
you'll get a couple years to be grumpy and bitch
about how hard you worked
and how you never accomplished shit
and then you'll realize that you spent
your life digging a ditch
or was that a massive grave?
and when you finally collapse
that's where your ass will be laid.

Under the Shadow

By David M. Day
"We cannot allow people to live so dangerously 
under the shadow of death in this dumpsite."
We cannot allow people to live

Trucks continued to unload more trash,
even as hundreds of soldiers searched
for more bodies
At least 155 people are still unaccounted for.

More victims
Live so dangerously
under the shadow of death

"Ofcourse there is also the smell
of rotting garbage and decomposing bodies"

Still unaccounted for...
unload more trash...
more victims.

President Clinton sent a message of condolences
"Deeply saddened to learn of the lives lost
and the families devastated by the terrible incident."

Rotting garbage and decomposing bodies...
Under the shadow of death,
People live so dangerously.

"After several days,
Only a miracle can keep them alive"

Under the shadow of death,
more victims unload more trash
in this dumpsite

A mechanical hoe scooped up the body
of her father from a dark garbage-choked pool
where their house once stood

Under rotting garbage and decomposing bodies, 
Families devastated by the terrible incident
are still unaccounted for

Military officials said the methane gas
produced by rotting rain-soaked garbage
would have killed anyone

Where their house once stood
under the shadow of death,
Only a miracle can keep them alive.

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