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The Writing of Sam Nettles

December 18, 2003

Calgary Letters.

Whether it's war or peace, freedom or slavery, domestic or foreign, there is no sense in the current U.S. approach to handling the present funding needs of our country.

To begin with, the federal government is just not subject to the same budgeting processes found in state or local governments, which must function like an individual, surviving on money coming in and money going out. Debt and overspending does not apply to the federal government.

The federal government, being in charge of the money supply and it's distribution, should not give money to the Federal Reserve but rather make a simple deposit and draw on it instead of borrowing from the group of private banks and repaying with interest. The money, when it's printed, does belong to the American people, not to the Federal Reserve which doles it out to other banks at a cheap interest rate after receiving it free of charge. The more we grow, requiring an additional growth in the money supply, the more debt is accumulated by the National Government and by individual Americans, State Governments and Local Governments. Banks, financial institutions, insurance companies, credit card companies and other money groups prosper while everyone else suffers. Of course, there's a domino effect when the debt becomes too much for consumers and they are unable to pay the financiers.

Outsourcing jobs overseas, excessive taxation, misuse of resources and other economic mistakes are at the center of our long term financial problems. Low wages, use of illegal alien workers, and other cost cutting processes are what will cost our grandchildren, not the National Debt. A few minor adjustments would eliminate the National Debt. Tell that to all the candidates for president and to the President himself.

Sam Nettles

June 16, 2003
IN REFERENCE TO: "Alderman says he'll sponsor smoking-ban ordinance"
The anti-smoking movement is the most well financed bunch of lies and propaganda in history. The gentleman from El Paso is part of it.

May 19, 2003
Tax Increase:

An additional tax of $1.00 per pack will only add to our economic woes in Texas. Smokers will either quit or use money earmarked for other expenditures for cigarettes. The State and Business in general both lose and the people of Texas will continue to await the inevitable disaster that must occur if money for the economy does not come from those who can afford it.
As far as the health dangers of smoking, science cannot and will not establish a link between smoking and all the diseases attributed to smoking by the inexact science of self serving interest groups such as the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Read this.
The millions of chain smoking senior citizens throughout the world are science smart enough to discredit all the nonsense put out by the politically, monetarily, media controlled, freedom destroying and self righteous propaganda motivations of the anti-smokers, whether they come from a deceitful UN, a control freak US government bureaucracy, corporate greed or the person across the street.

May 16, 2003
Gerrymandering - Not Supposed to Be

During the 1950's, the intellectual elite wrote papers, taught government classes in colleges, made speeches and generally promoted the idea that gerry-mandering was wrong.
As a young student at the University of Texas in Austin, I disagreed. It was clear to me that rural areas were in power and that area representation was just as important as representation for greater numbers of people. I found that rural people were more sophisticated. I never knew a Red Neck from the country. They were all from the city working in factories or warehouses or whatever. Urbanites banded together like birds of a feather with no real understanding of why they needed to get together. Rural people were diverse, knowledgeable, and full of wisdom. I hated to see all the efforts being made to deal with the gerrymandering problem.
Well, most of the family farms are gone. Small businesses continue to perish on a daily basis and the country has become the suburbs with Red Neck city folks taking over everything.
Our congressional districts snake around like a sidewinder rattler. Both political parties continue to abuse the system and dish out blame for what each is responsible for.
Politics can be fun as well as dangerous but until our leaders get off the polarization mindset, we will never solve the representation problems created by gerrymandering. All efforts to fix the problem have failed.

Monday, April 28, 2003
To: ctumiel SA Express News Writer.
Subject: Smoking Ban

Like so many uninformed members of the press, you have chosen to stay uninformed and listen only to the well financed, politically motivated, self righteous, unscientific, prejudiced, foolish and inexact promoters in the ridiculous, freedom destroying and Anti-American anti-smoking movement. Along with thousands now and before, I've been a heavy smoker most of my long life with no medical implications other than the good tension relief and stress reduction results I get from smoking tobacco.
Please check out or my site at for the truth. Yellow is my favorite clothes color but yellow journalism is not pretty.

April 19, 2003
Subject: Smoking Ban Issue

The smoking ban problem will not remain a dead issue.
Just because some money hungry organizations and a desperate medical profession promote lies for manipulative political purposes, doesn't mean the truth will lie dormant.
Tobacco smoke is not a health issue and true science will establish that.
Meanwhile, the citizens of Longview better wake up to the fact that such an important issue, that affects the very foundation of our freedom, truth and justice, will put that community on an ungodly, hell bound, road to disaster.
Sam Nettles

Apr 9 2003
Women in Combat
I don't like the idea of women in combat. I don't like the idea of both parents in combat while their children are with relatives.
I do like the idea of an all volunteer army. If the girls and guys want that sort of life, it's all right with me.
You can't blame the military and I'm too old to go looking for love at sexless military encampments.
Girl weight lifters, football players and boxers never appealed to me but the boys now might look at things differently.
I did cry when I heard what the POW said when the guys announced that they were US soldiers, "I'm a soldier too."

March 27, 2003
Reporting the War
Born in 1936, my generation saw more of the realities of war on news reports at the movies than what is being shown now, for whatever reason.
Looks like Social Workers have taken over leadership positions in industry as well as Government.
It's time for the American people to recognize social work for what it is - a cop out for life's realities.

Denton Chronicle,
True science isn't necessary. Cigarette smoke, primary or secondary, cannot, does not and will not cause health problems.
Common sense, logic and objective thought shows the anti-smoking movement for what it is - a politically motivated, prejudicially self righteous, money making, bureaucratically turf inspired and fraudulent con job.
After observing old smokers all my life and smoking heavily for over 50 years, I can prove that smoking is not harmful. Anti- smokers can't prove it is harmful.
The media should concentrate on genetics, SUV's, volcanoes, forest fires, fireplaces, airplane, truck and diesel fuel, smog, pollen, germs, bacteria and fumes at the self service pumps.
As far as the kids go, I was raised during WWll. My generation has contributed more to the world than any other and we grew up smelling tobacco smoke.

The Rocky Mountain
March 26, 2003
Once again, educated people have been duped by the most well financed scam in history, that being the second hand smoke danger hoax.
Common sense should warn any observer of life realities that it is impossible for second hand smoke to be harmful and questionable for primary smoke to be harmful.
Along with thousands of other old chain smokers, (over 50 years in my case), I can prove that smoking is not harmful. Anti-smokers can't prove scientifically that it is harmful.
Money, power and politics will destroy us unless you folks wake up to what's happening.
Sam Nettles
Hutto, TX USA

February 28, 2003
Re: Alan Greenspan's Boomers Again

Chief economist at the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, said yesterday that the Social Security system needs immediate attention because of the coming baby boomer problem.
Social Security's annual report indicates otherwise.
Click on the url above for details and then scroll to the question, "How are estimates of the trust funds' future status made?" Forget all the mumbo jumbo numbers and charts. Math of Finance is one of the most difficult courses in higher education. Many a party person has changed majors because of it. Encompassing all areas of study in math, the difficulties are enormous. Once learned, however, even the most complicated of projections can be reduced to a few key sentences in any report.
This report's sentence beginning, "Because the future cannot be predicted with certainty,' and another that indicates everything is based on, "current law and assumptions,' allows a lay person to understand the basics, regardless of all the confusing numbers.
Just remember, current laws referring to trust funds are just that; current. Not supposed to be trust funds. Money is supposed to be paid out as collected.
This report a few years ago indicated just that. First the trust funds and then the lock box. Clever move by corporate state lobbyists. Just check the members list.
And of course, as I have written earlier, SSI should never have been a part of the system to begin with.
The most telling of all the sentences in the report begins, "Because the future cannot be predicted with certainty," which is the most revealing of all the report's materials.
My points made previously:
1. SSI is the result of the States' welfare programs being picked up by the Federal Government and funded by the payroll tax
2. Only eligible (40 quarters, 10 years paying into the system) SS recipients should receive funds from the payroll tax. SSI should be funded elsewhere
3. Medicare is separate also
4. People have always assumed that SS was a retirement fund. It never has been. Collected money is paid out as received and the false assumption has allowed phrases like "trust funds" and "lockbox" to be used
5. Payouts are geared to economic conditions at any given time, not to annuities
6.SS beneficiaries are entitled to their fair share of the US payroll and tricky math doesn't change that. As long as there is a US payroll and the legislators don't destroy the system with fabricated projections, SS can't go broke as the scare tacticians exclaim
7. Save for the anti-smoking multi-million dollar campaign to promote junk science and lies, the effort to put SS taxes into the stock market is the biggest con job in history.


Government reports indicate that SSI is not funded by SSA but the practice of setting up trust funds and then borrowing from what should be paid out to SS recipients is certainly providing funds in a criminal manner.

SSI should neither be administered or funded by SSA.

The administrative costs of SSI can not be calculated accurately and they do smother SS administrative costs. When money that belongs to eligible SS recipients is transferred to the general fund and used by the government to cover deficit spending, Congress has lost all credibility.

Over half the total Gross National Product, over 7 trillion dollars out of a total of 15 trillion, is being used to fund the government instead of being paid to the recipients it belongs to.
Sam Nettles

February 28, 2003
At: Slate
Re: Terrorism and the Economy

Consumer confidence, investments and GDP don't mean a thing when consumers don't have money and credit is overloaded.
Unemployment, homelessness, low wages and failing businesses need no new investments.
They need cash and the only way to get fast cash to the consumer and to businesses is through government spending.
With services not being provided, a good start would be to tax the wealthy and let the government do what it's supposed to do.

February 12, 2003

The anti-smoking crusade is turning into a scientific side show, the absurdity of it all further enhanced by inexact scientific polls.

The fact that intelligent, educated people could embrace such a freedom destroying and ignorant cause says little for the sanity of this generation's leaders.

The Zorn piece stated that future generations will look back at smoking as we look back at putting raw sewage in the river.

If our country continues to exist after this attack by anti-smokers, people will look back in anger at how a bunch of zealots almost destroyed us.

Sam Nettles

February 8, 2003
To: Council for Government Reform

False premises about the troubles of Social Security were wrong in 1983 and wrong now.

The growth of organizations like yours came about from conservatives who want to cripple and destroy the SS system.

Check the numbers and you will find that if left alone in 1983, current recipients would have a livable income. "Babyboomers" will have a decent income also if the system is left alone.

Current and future beneficiaries are due a true cost of living adjustment. Inexact economic projections can predict anything but the SS system is tried and true.

The state of the economy is built into the system payouts. Back off!!!

Any conclusion coming after the establishment of a false premise is invalid.

Sam Nettles

The reaction over Justice Mary Southin's smoking den
Printed in: The Province
Sunday, February 02, 2003

The outrage caused by Justice Mary Southin's actions is a direct result of the news media in Canada cowing to the promotional persuasion of the anti-smoking lobby.

The church, family, friends, peers and society in general teach us that bad laws are made to be broken.

I don't blame the judge. I've been smoking 3-5 packs a day for 45 years and that's proof enough that smoking does not kill.

One volcanic eruption puts more dangerous chemicals in the air than all other types of smoke.

When second-hand smoke is seen as a health risk, insanity has taken hold and freedom is on the way out.

Sam Nettles, Hutto, TX

January 2, 2003
In response to: Navy Smokers Nervously Eye Tougher Policies

For what it's worth, this patriotic American who was raised during WWll and knew many decorated heroes personally, would never fight for a military that banned smoking for any reason, at any time or in any place besides those restrictions in place during WWll.

The Anti-Smoking lies are destroying this country and the military is helping.

I've been smoking for 56 years, 3-5 packs a day for 45 years, and no amount of junk science or Hitler type propaganda affects me even if our government and our Military is affected.

You may not be able to change things with a publication but surely you know some people who are interested in finding the truth.

Sam Nettles

December 22, 2002
Tobacco Companies

Maintaining a position like the tobacco companies have is self defeating in court.

Our legal system is not the brightest but if the letter of the law is followed, the tobacco companies, smokers, and all others who suffer the precedent setting consequences of a court ruling on the harmful effects of second hand smoke, then our country will take a step forward into chaos, polarization, ignorance and destruction.

The only health problems non-smokers of any age suffer from second hand smoke are mental health problems.

Property rights lost through illegal search and seizure, confiscation and other pretenses of government action can be used to take down just about anyone by some over zealous judge or prosecutor.

The massive amounts of money used by anti-smoking groups and provided by smokers paying excessively high prices to cover tobacco companies losses in court, can only be countered by massive amounts of money or a simple presentation of the truth.

Sam Nettles

December 12, 2002
Smokers are finally an endangered species

Well, it looks like the souls of several enemies of the world have gone to work in North America.

In literature, it's George Orwell's Big Brother. In religion, it's Satan and the Antichrist. In government, it's Hitler, Marx, Lenin and Stalin.

It does seem appropriate, though, that the issue these evil spirits have chosen to promote is second hand tobacco smoke as a health risk. The insanity of the idea is so obvious that the truth will certainly prevail. There are more dangerous chemicals in one volcanic explosion than all the tobacco smoke in history.

The loss of freedom, at this point, is way beyond understanding, but since the importance underlies the most basic freedoms of any society, the fight is necessarily tough. There are always those who benefit from lies and ignorance.

It's tragic that the mainstream media, without the slightest interest in finding the truth, or publicizing the opposition, would embrace ignorance and stupidity so wholeheartedly.

Sam Nettles

November 30, 2002
Will computers ever replace journalists?
Well, let's see. Computers are programed. They're full of rote memory. They have policies and procedures. Regulations and laws control them. There's no emotions and they don't bleed. Opinions and ideas are fed into them and they are discriminating accordingly. Maybe so, Michael Kinsley, but that doesn't include journalists who aren't mainstream published!!

November 14, 2002
Stop Blaming the Dems
Regardless of what Americans do to demonstrate their failure to go to the polls, many feel that they have no one to vote for. Why vote for one party to get a little tax relief when you end up with more infringement on personal liberty? This is true of both parties. Now, if you could unite the smokers, drinkers, dopers, speeders, gamblers, church goers, atheists, workers, businesses, police state advocates, isolationists, foreign affairs ramrods, hawks and doves, you couldn't lose unless I've forgotten somebody.
Sam Nettles

November 14, 2002
Klein and Reich-Can the Democrats Be Revived?
It appears that both parties need revival. First, the Democrats need to get serious about fighting Big Money and the Republicans need to follow the lead of John McCain's effort to remove Big Money control from government. Democrats need to get away from inexact science and quit listening to environmentalists, anti-smokers, anti-drinkers, pro-health nuts, religious zealots, gun controllers, freedom destructionists and other anti-american themes. Republicans need to stop appealing to those who think with their predudices instead of their knowledge. Perhaps then, the non-voting majority of eligible voters might have someone to vote for and the country could get on the right track for a change.
Sam Nettles

Search Slate for more writings from Sam Nettles.

March 30, 2001
Tax the wealthy

Click to see Page.

January 1, 2001
Start of the Recession
Bill Clinton was a Democrat with a Republican approach to economics. Small business,the middle class, and the poor have suffered since Reaganomics, trickle down,and pulling the money plug on percolating up, became terms. Historically, recessions and depressions are inevitable when Republicans are in control. Just because Bill Clinton was the best Republican president we've ever had doesn't make the inevitability of a recession any easier.
Sam Nettles- Real Texas Freedom

December 4, 2000
Rein in the corporate state
The most important first step that our government could take at this important time in our country's growth is the elimination of the developing corporate state, which is the worst form of government possible. It will take nonpartisanship, patriotism, statesmanship and vision to eliminate this very real threat to our country's existence as we know it.
Too bad that the Republicans could not see this during the primaries and that the Democrats would not use the idea properly.
Sam Nettles
Fort Worth

December 3, 2000
Rein in the corporate state

The most important first step that our government could take at this important time in our country's growth is the elimination of the developing corporate state, which is the worst form of government possible. It will take nonpartisanship, patriotism, statesmanship and vision to eliminate this very real threat to our country's existence as we know it.

Too bad that the Republicans could not see this during the primaries and that the Democrats would not use the idea properly.

Sam Nettles
Fort Worth

Letter sent to The Smoker's Club, Inc. and American
You people are confusing genetic destiny with pleasure causation.
There's just too many old smokers around to justify your conclusions.
Consider who benefits from the anti-smoking promotion:
Government- More taxes.
Medical Industry- Reasons for unknown medical problems, government research money, and cover for invalid diagnosis.
Insurance Companies- Higher premiums and excuses for higher medical cost with more profit.
Oil Companies- Scapegoat for carcinogen and emphesema producing fuels at the self serve pumps and in refineries.
Non-Smokers- Not having to rely on etiquette to remove a little irritation from their environment.
Religion- Helping out the anti-pleasure fools by going along with their self righteous ancestors.
Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop- A health web site that is almost as bankrupt as his ideas on smoking.
Media- Something else to report on.
Politicians- Another great issue and a good control factor over the hapless voters.
American Legacy- It's very existence.

Stress causes more medical problems than all other causes. Smoking relieves stress. Have a cigarette and a glass of whiskey and sit around a campfire, a soothing activity that human beings have enjoyed for several million years.
Sam Nettles
Ft. Worth, Tx
(Heavy smoker for 55 years)

A Prayer of Finality

My Father in Heaven, to observe the world objectively is something like watching the activities on Monkey Island at the zoo.
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College Tuition

Tuition cost me $25.00 a semester when I started college in 1955. It was up to $100.00 when I graduated in 1962. This increase was a result of states losing the matching funds rate caused by the lowering of the tax bracket percentage for the wealthy. Texas was forced to pass a sales tax and the attack on the middle class began and has continued to this day. Education costs are the responsibility of everyone, not just the students and their parents and 529 or 401K plans should not be necessary. If it takes a return to the 90 per cent bracket for the wealthy, fine, but our leaders better wake up.
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