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Drinkin' Lovin' Fightin' and Workin'!

Things I like

My Favorite Web Sites

Find yer Hat!
Womens Pro Rodeo!!!
professional rodeors!
American Cowboy Mag
National High School Rodeo
Everything Western.
Cowboy Art

I'm 5'3,121lbs,tanned,long brown curly hair, brown eyes. Lets see, well I'm a cowgirl probably not the usual startched jeans and button up you've seen. You know the cowgirls in all the westerns? thats me...well let me try to give you a visual. Its hot right now so I have a regular buckaroo hat my hair is curly and hangs down past my shoulders, a red buckaroo bandana that ties at the front, a tightly braided leather choker with a coyote tooth, I usual wear a white lace blouse under a leather vest, tucked into old worn out jeans with a large silver belt, and I'm usually workin' so chocolate brown chaps with silver down the side, large buckaroo boots, with big spur straps with my intials and large rowels. I have a playboy bunny etched into my chaps, and I sometimes wear a heavy australian slicker when it rains. I have many heavy silver jewerly on my wrist and hands and on my right wrist a leather cuff with a carved and painted yellow rose. I ride a buckskin horse. I love being unique in who I am. I know that I don't always look the most glamourous but thats not the point. I've been asked to be in a cowgirl Calander but it defeats the point for me. I do like to party, and joke around. I'm the queen of all pranks thats why my king is Roy D. Mercer! I'm a hard ass I must say! lol...I know when I want things done and how I want them. I try to get along with everyone but when you push me yer gonna get pushed back...HARD. I don't like lame folks trying to say they are cowboy material when they're not...authentics only!! lol... For many years women have stuggled to find their voice. But there has always been one woman who has had it, and thats the working cowgirl. She's the most beautiful and sexy of women, her thoughts tride and true. Riding beside the best of cowboys she is equal to them, she can do it all! She rides beneath the mid day sun and her hands of velvet slowly turn to hands of tough leather. The suns rays shimer off her dark brown skin as sweat sweeps down off her eyes and nose. Bringing her bandana up she wipes the salted liquid emerged from hard work off. She keeps punching her cattle as her sharp eyes dart across the desert and she begins to hum a tune to make the days work go by faster. She knows how to hold her own and has proven herself to all and is respected. And as for Love, well thats just a cowboy away. They ride beside eachother all the long day, they're faces are caked with dust when the sun is finally melting over the earth. Though they aren't together she'll have a little fun with him. She might go to a local run down bar to have a drink of whiskey and take one home. She has indian and mexican charms with her where-ever she may go and in whatever she may do...Herdin' Cattle, Fixin' Fences, Puttin' up fences, branding cattle, herding horses, breaking horses, training horses, feeding cattle, calving, painting barns, hauling cattle, hauling horses, ridin' the fences,etc. She'll go back home to her house grab an ice cold beer from the fridge sink down into a nice warm bubble bath and prop her leg up over the cold tub and hold the icy bottle to her fore head. "I've done something, and I am satisfied with my labor...can anyother woman of a different breed say that??"
