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10 Reasons Why The Bible is the Word of God

If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. John 7:17

This reference is what we are going to start out with. In simple terms this verse means that is we have the hear tot do what is right, God will show us what is right. We can know without a doubt what is wrong or right. This is a promise of God. We can apply it to all matters in our lives and we are going to apply it in this question. Is the Bible the Word of God?

Many people out there try and dispute about the authenticity of God's Holy Word. Many challenge it and claim it is merely a good story written by men. Others compromise saying God could have inspired it by the men wrote it in their own terms, thus it is flawed. What ever their reasoning, the bottom line is they do not want to accept that a very real God has written down His Will for all mankind in the Book. Now here are 10 reasons why, in fact, the Bible is indeed the Word of God.

I Jesus Told us So

Many people will accept that Jesus was perfect and the Words that He says is indeed true. And they would have to be. For Jesus to be our Savior who rose from the grave, He would have to be sinless. That means every Word that He said, would have to be true. So here are listed several scriptures of what Jesus, Himself, said about the Bible.

And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. Luke 24:27

Here the Bible refers to Moses and the prophets, and declaring them as scripture. So here we see that the Old Testaments are called God's Word.

If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken; John 10:35

Jesus here states that scripture can not be broken. That the Word of God will last forever, and unchanged.

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Matthew 5:18

Jesus continues to say the same thing here, that God's Word will last forever. He proclaimed that every tittle, which is like the dotting of the I's and crossing of the T's, will not pass away until everything in the Word of God comes to pass. He continued to give assurance that the Bible will stand till the end of time.

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. John 14:26

In this passage, Jesus was talking to his disciples, telling them that the Holy Spirit would teach them the things they will need to know. The Holy Spirit was going to teach them what the New Testament was going to say, and what they needed to remember and hide into their hearts.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you. John 16:13-14

It is taught here about the Holy Spirit and his role in the Bible. Jesus taught the Holy Spirit did not speak for himself, but relayed what was spoken to him. As God wanted something written down for the Bible, the Holy Spirit would relay that into the hearts of the Apostles, and the Apostles would write what was etched into their hearts. This was God's system for insuring the Bible was written down correctly has God wanted it, and without errors.

All this shows from Jesus's own testimony about the Bible, that the Bible is indeed the Word of God.

II Fulfilled Prophecies

A second reason we can know that the Bible is the Word of God is because of fulfilled prophecies. Many times, over and over, the Bible has shown itself true as its prophecies have come to pass. The Bible even goes into detail about many of its prophecies, not giving a vague generalization about what's going to happen. Its all be very detailed. For example the prophecies about Christ, Himself.

A read of Isaiah 53 talks clearly about what Jesus came to do, and about how Jesus was going to take away our sins. Micah 5:2 talks about Jesus being born in Bethlehem in the mist of many, but He will become the ruler of Israel. Daniel 9:25-27 describes more about what Jesus was going to do, and these are only a few examples. There are recorded hundreds of prophecies that the Bible has foretold of, that have come true. Not a single one of them was wrong. Only a God who knows the future could be that precise in making sure the words was true.

III Unity of the Book

The way the Bible fits together is another reason what the Bible is indeed the Word of God. The Bible consist of 66 books, and has over 30 different men whom was used of God to pen the Bible. Every book is different but together they fit perfectly, never contradicting one another.

An illustration of this can be seen here. Let's say I was to order several different rocks shapes to be built all around the word in different places, and made different sizes. After the rocks was made to my specifications, they was brought to the place I was going to put them together. Every rock looks different from the other. At a glance, they don't even look like they can fit together. But with a plan, I put them together, and from it comes a beautiful building, well built, sturdy, and working together well. This shows a Master Designer.

The Bible is built the same way. God oversaw the entire project and everything was made to his specifications. All the pieces fit perfectly with one another in harmony. This shows that the Bible is the Word of God.

IV Superiority of the Bible compared to other books

The Bible shows its the Word of God as well because of its very natures compared to other books. The Bible is simply better then all other books. There are three main traits that prove this, and shows God's Hand in the Bible.

First the Bible is better in that the Bible has nothing but truth. There is not a single lie or falsehood in the Bible. People have searched for it. The Bible has continually been proved correct scientifically, prophetically, morally, historically, and any other way your can possible think of. Only a book that was written by God can hold no error in it what so ever.

Secondly, the Bible contains all truth. There is nothing you can think of that deals in matters of spirituality or morality that the Bible does not cover. Any situation you can image, the Bible has an answer for. No matter what happens in life, you can go the Bible for an answer, and God will show you the right way. There are other books that might have a golden nugget, but rest assured the took that from the Bible. The Bible contains all the truth in the world, that is needed in our lives.

Thirdly, the Bible contains more truth then all the other books in the world combines. All the books in the world, that contains truth in them, would be hard to care. And God took everything in the world that is truth, and but it in an easy to carry book. God wanted us to have the truth with us every where we went. We don't have to search from book to book, and library to library to look for something to help us in matters of life. All we have to do is open up the Word of God and we can find all the matters of the heart. With all the truth in the Bible, this does show the Bible is the Word of God.

V History of the Bible and its Victory over attack.

From the beginning of time, starting in the Garden of Eden, the Word's of God has been under attack. Satan has done his best to bring reproach and doubt on God's Words. All throughout history men have been used to attempt to destroy the Bible. Through burning, persecutions and scoffers, the Bible has continued to stand strong. God promises that the Bible would stand for all time. And God has made good on that promise. No matter what has been tried, God has preserved the Bible. He has always made sure a preserved copy was secured for people to have and to share. Even the current trend of the Bible perversions, God will still ensure that the perfect, uncorrupted Word of God will be available to us. Because God has saw fit to ensure the Bible would never go away, that is evidence that the Bible is the Word of God.

VI On the Character of the People that accept or reject the Bible

A sixth reason we know the Bible is the Word of God is by the type of people that accept or reject the Bible. The people who believe the Bible is the Word of God are the people who believe God. Lets say there is an author who writes a book. Someone who does not know the author can hold up that book and declare that someone else wrote that book. But the author's friends, and the ones that know him, can be assured the author wrote the book. They can tell for they know him.

The same thing with the Bible. The people who scoff and claim the Bible is not the Word of God are the ones that do not know God. As you get closer to the Lord, you can tell it is God that wrote the Book. You can tell God's writing, and you can sense God's style in the Book. And the more you continue to get closer to God, the more you can testify that the Bible is the Word of God.

VII Influence of the Bible

One other way we can tell the Bible is the Word of God is by the influence the Bible has on people. There is no other book out there that has the impact on the lives of men, as the Bible has. You can take a poor wretched souls, a drunkard, a fornicator, an infidel, and give them the Word of God and you can see a transformation take place. Their lives are thoroughly and wonderfully changed. They are able to give up their wicked sins and there wretched paths. They start living holy, godly lives. And its all because of the Word of God. No man made book can do that, only one written by the finger of God.

VIII The Inexhaustible Depth of the Book

The Bible has more reasons why its the Word of God. Another one is the depth of the Book. You can read the Bible over and over and over and over, and continue to get new things from it. You can never read the scripture and get to the point where you will never get anything new from it. George Mueller was said to have read the Bible through over 100 times, and each time he learned and gained something new. This is because the Bible is the living Word. It is quick and alive. Only the Word of God can do such things.

IX The Knowledge and Holiness we get as we grow in the Bible

The Bible is also the Word of God because of the knowledge and Holiness we get as we learn more about the Bible. As we study the Bible we grow spiritually, and we grow more holy. We gain knowledge as we apply it to our lives. WE learn to trust the Bible as our guide as we learn.

An example of this is explained in this story. You are out in the woods and with you have an Indian guide who knows the woods like the back of his hand. As you go across the trail you come to a fork in the road. The Indian guide says the left is the right path. As you look upon it with your carnal knowledge, from your experiences and feeling, you believe the right is the correct path. You tell you guide, even though he tells you left is the way, all your knowledge goes to the left. As you go down the left, you find that you did take the wrong path and have to back up to where the road forked.

As ya'll come to the next fork in the road, the guide tells you that the path to take is to the right. You examine the road with all your knowledge you have available and determine the left is the path to take. Once again you go your way and find that the guide was right, and you have to go back to the fork again.

After a while of many mistakes, you'll come to a point where you realize the guide is continually correct, and you'll learn to put your faith in trust in that guide, to lead you in the correct paths. The Bible is the same way. It has all the answers in the paths to take. As you grow in the Lord, you'll find the Bible is continually right and if you put your trust in God's Word, it will lead you down the roads you need to go, and prevent you from making mistakes using your own worldly knowledge.

X Testimony of the Holy Spirit.

We started off with God and we shall end with God. Quite simply we can tell the Bible is the Word of God by the Holy Spirit and his testimony. As The Bible says in John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. Simply enough, without all the reasons why, some people just know the Bible is the Word of God. We are God's sheep and we know God's voice in the Bible. When we read the Bible it rings true because of the Holy Spirit and we know it is the Voice of God we hear. We know the Master's Voice. This is because the Bible is the Word of God.