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Discipleship Lessons

II Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

One of the things that is missing in today's churches is discipleship. Notice the Great Commission has four commandments associated with it. It is to (1) Go, (2) preach the gospel, (3) baptize them, and (4) disciple them. All to often in our ranks we go and we see them come to know the Lord has their personal Saviour, however, we don't go past that. Partial obedience is complete disobedience. We must follow up on the converts and teach them the same things that is taught to us.

The Lord has taught me about discipleship and allowed me to see the affect it has upon their lives. Discipleship could be defined like this: "Discipleship is developing the habit of obedience to Christ." In a proper discipleship program you help the individual get into the habit of obedience. This is done by giving the person the Word of God and accountability.

After having the privilege of personally discipling people and seeing them obedience in their daily walks, I developed a lesson plan to teach the new converts. What is being posted is the summery of the lessons, with the purpose of the discipler taking this and studying the Word of God themselves, and then teaching the lesson from what they studied. Hopefully and prayerfully these might be a blessing for you. Lord willing I have a desire to place all 40 lessons on this page to allow you to view the lessons as you see fit.

I also want to place this disclaimer. There is nothing new under the sun. Some of these lessons are ones I developed, while others were influenced by other men of God. Some of these men include John R Rice, Clarence Sexton, Paul Chapel, Curtis Huston and one or two others. While I don't claim originality with some of these lessons, I have made them my own and have rewritten in my own style, adding and subtracting and using my own voice. I do want to give credit and thanks for the influence these men have had upon my life and my study and being able to take them and teach others also.

Lesson 1 - Discipleship and Obedience

Lesson 2 - We Have An Advocate

Lesson 3 - Birthmarks of the Believer

Lesson 4 - Sufficiency of Scripture

Lesson 5 - The Preservation and Power of God’s Word

Lesson 6 - Faith comes by Word of God

Lesson 7 - Ten Reasons Why Bible is the Word of God

Lesson 8 - Responding to God’s Word

Lesson 9 - Two Reasons Why People Don’t Pray

Lesson 10 - Prayer is Getting God

Lesson 11 - How Prayer Works

Lesson 12 - Being God’s Friend

Lesson 13 - Benefits to Music

Lesson 14 - True Worshipers

Lesson 15 - The First Century Church

Lesson 16 - The Mystery of the Church

Lesson 17 - Church Ordinances – Baptism & Lord’s Supper

Lesson 18 - BAPTIST

Lesson 19 - Pastors – The Gift of God

Lesson 20 - He That Winneth Souls is Wise

Lesson 21 - They That Sow in Tears Shall Reap With Joy

Lesson 22 - The Church’s Crime

Lesson 23 - Giving is the Golden Key

Lesson 24 - We are Commanded to Be Filled

Lesson 25 - Characteristics of a Holy Spirit Filled Man

Lesson 26 - The Lord is Our Guide

Lesson 27 - Spiritual Armor

Lesson 28 - We are Engaged in Spiritual Warfare

Lesson 29 - Soldier of Jesus Christ

Lesson 30 - The Rapture – Our Blessed Hope

Lesson 31 - How the War Ends

Lesson 32 - Judgment Seat of Christ

Lesson 33 - Spiritual Growth – Holiness

Lesson 34 - Stages of Spiritual Growth / Responsibility

Lesson 35 - Loss of Rewards

Lesson 36 - The Work of the Lord is Our Mission

Lesson 37 - God Bears Us on Eagles Wings

Lesson 38 - Surrendering Your Rights

Lesson 39 - Biblical Grace

Lesson 40 - The Christian Home
