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Preach the Blood Evangelism

Romans 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Welcome to Preach the Blood! This web site is intended to be well pleasing to God, first of all. Then secondly it is intended to be a help to those who are seeking truth.

I am Scotty Backhaus, the pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, located in Jackson, Tennessee. First let me give a quick overview on who I am, and where I stand. I'm nothing more then a sinner saved by the grace of God, who has the privilege to be used by God. I'm a Bible believing, fundamental, independent Baptist preacher. I first off, believe in leading people to Jesus, and the free gift God has given to us on how to get to Heaven. Then secondly I am believing that God has a individual will for everyone. Everyone has something to do, and they need to do it for God.

I was married in 2003 to Leah, a pastor's daughter. She has been invaluable in the service for the Lord. I also have three children: Sairena, Zebedee and Krista Rose. In the study of God's Word you find that the names in the Bible are all very important. We named our kids with a message for them to bear for their lives. Sairena's name means "princess" and one day we'll have the privilege in opening the Bible and showing her how she can be a child of the King! Zebedee was named for the father of James and John, the disciples of Christ. Even as they traveled with the Lord, people still always refereed to them as "Zeb's boys" (the sons of Zebedee). Zebedee had such a testimony that it followed James and John. We in turn want to raise Zebedee to be a real man with a true testimony. Krista Rose's name means disciple of Christ. Also when you put her name together it preaches "Christ A Rose". We want to raise her to be a true follower of Christ because He lives!

This website is aptly named Preach the Blood with the background God has allowed me to have. For almost 15 years I spent in the field of study in Laboratory Science as a Laboratory Technician. It was my job to test blood and body fluids from patients and give the results to the doctors so they could properly treat the patients. So I went from studying about blood to preaching about THE BLOOD! God is so good!

I received an undergraduate and master's degree from The Crown College of the Bible. The ministry of Dr. Clarence Sexton has been a great influence in my life. I am thankful to the Lord for the Temple Baptist Church and The Crown College.

God has also opened the door to work with Dr. Ed Reese in putting out a new version of the the Reese Chronological Bible. This this study Bible, we are putting all the verses into chronological order so that the Bible starts with John 1:1. In addition we are putting historical and cultural footnotes to give context of the times. Another added feature will have the ages of the Bible personalities during different Bible events. For example when Abraham brings Issac to Moriah, Abraham is 133 and Issac is 33 years old! This study Bible will also have different articles and features to help the Bible come alive and bring understanding to the context in which these people lived. Your continued prayer in this massive undertaking would always be a blessing!


My Testimony

Discipleship Manual

Research Papers

Baptist Links

Statement of Faith

Church Website of Emmanuel Baptist Church

Here are some notes I have originally posted on other websites that have caused others to think: If we sin, does God understand?

Here is probably the most important question you can ask your self: Are you 100% sure that if you was to die today, that you would go to Heaven?

Contact information:
Scotty W Backhaus
731-868-1557 (Home)
731-668-8588 (Church)
Church Address:
3563 N. Highland Rd (Hwy 45)
Jackson, Tennessee 38305

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Scotty Backhaus

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