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Webs by Ron

Inexpensive Web Designs, Digital Photography & Internet Services

In Loving Memory

My parents, George & Virginia McCuen

Move your pointer over my photo for a "mouse-over" demo

Need a web page or site that does exactly what you want it to for a price you can afford?

Want your business or personal photos posted in a high quality professional manner?

I can design and deliver a custom one page web site to your specifications for as little as $250.00.


To create or have a web site of your own requires two very basic things. One is a place to put your pages, photos, text, movies or whatever else you desire, limited only by your imagination! The place where your page "lives" is in a machine called a "server". Space on a server is provided by a multitude of companies and are known as "hosts". The fee for "reserving" space with a web hosting company varies from "free" to several hundred dollars a month.  Typical free hosting services are Angelfire,  (This page resides on a free Angelfire server), Host Once, Netfirms, etc. Almost all free services have advertising that appears on your page. That's how they make their money.  To eliminate banners and unwanted advertising on your page requires a hosting service such as Everyone's Internet, Rackshack, IBM, etc. These companies charge a monthly fee to host your page and most have several plans to fit your budget.  I hate to be long winded, but if it helps you make a good decision then I've succeeded!  Okay! Now that you've chosen a web hosting service, the only thing left is to be able to access your site, (view it), send and receive Email, join forums, chat rooms and all the other fun stuff that's "out there".  For a business, it's the means to buy, sell, advertise and gain contacts.  Either way, a personal fun site or a professional business commerce site requires the means to "get to" your page. This is most commonly done over a telephone line and more and more over high speed devices like cable or satellite. The least expensive is a "dialup account" using your existing telephone line and a modem. The prices for high speed can be very expensive. Keep in mind that high communication speeds and fast processors are only required for high tech internet games or very heavy business networks. Most small businesses and individuals will be quite happy with a dialup account and very happy with the price! I have not mentioned the "all in one" providers like AOL and others for a good reason.  If that's the type of service you desire then go for it. 

So remember the two things you need.

A place to park your page -- RackShack--

A way to get to it.  --EV1--

Here are my personal recommendations

Need a place to park your business web site? Please consider "RACKSHACK". They are simply the very best for the money. 

I highly recommend Everyone's Internet, better known as EV1 for your dialup or high speed connection account. 

They provide a very generous amount of space for a personal site with lots of email addresses and plenty of bells and whistles for as little as $10.00 a month without a contractEV1 will help you register your site, set up E-mails, etc. 

I strongly urge you to consider EV1 for all your hosting needs no matter how small or large.




The following photos are samples of high and low res digital imaging, custom photo scanning and 35mm photography. From time to time you may discover a link to a separate page to further promote a particular model or subject matter.

all images are copyrighted


Nature & Animals

anemon.jpg (223489 bytes)    butter.jpg (187638 bytes)    doggy.jpg (272545 bytes)    fish1.jpg (173904 bytes)    fish2.jpg (89602 bytes)    sharky.jpg (48919 bytes)        

lily.jpg (392036 bytes)    bw11.jpg (109373 bytes)    bird1.jpg (280483 bytes)

prissy.jpg (163104 bytes)

Buildings, Places and Stuff

sky3.jpg (410307 bytes)    firetruck.jpg (219718 bytes)    mini141.jpg (463708 bytes)    lonestar.jpg (208988 bytes)

8ball.jpg (480874 bytes)

Curious About Construction Costs?

Click the Photo!

Web sites I designed or consulted on

Pat's Auto Body and Paint

The Companions of the Lamb

Angler's Quest

A Tribute

The VO Club