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1999 Hunting Trip


Nick (My dad) and Tom (Friend of my dads) pose for a picture in the chilly weather.


Dad and Tom sit in the jeep trying to dodge the snow.

Tom and Nick are walking back to the jeep after a long search for the BIG-1.

Tom and Ramon (co-worker/friend of my dads) pose for a picture before heading out for a walk in "Winter Wonder Land."

Tom and Ramon are sitting having some thirst quenching, anti-freeze "BEVERAGE".

Dad was driving the jeep to the ranch to start their hunt, but the snow/ice threw him off the road. Here he is making his second attempt onto the highway so that he can get to the ranch and resume their (Dad, Ramon & Tom) hunt. 

Here is our jeep in the fog and snow in the early morning hours of the day.

Nick and Tom observe their first kill of the day.  It was a 10 Pointer at over 170 lbs. Sorry, don't know the spread (your guess is as good as mine).

Tom sneaks a pic as Nick gets ready to "gut-it".

Nick and Tom pose with the deer after they field-dress it.

