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The current mood of NicoleElisa at

The current mood of the Internet at

This is my 4th webpage/site. I have to keep moving cuz everyone changes their stuff and I can't keep up. Why can't things stay simple!! ARGH!! Anyway, hi! Sorry, just had to vent. Let's try to keep thing happy, eh? Hmmm, happy..... okay, here's happy (well, it's amusing at least): If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked? haha :)

Anyway, welcome to my crappy lil' page. Not much is here right now cuz I'm a lazy bum and haven't decided what I want to do with the place. I guess I could tell you a bit about myself so you know a bit about me. I'll do it in a fill-out-the-form sort of dealie.

Name Nicole Elisa
Birthdate June 16, 1979
Place of Birth Las Vegas, Nevada
Current Location Miles, Texas (it's near San Angelo)
Occupation Hahahahaha!!! That's a good joke! No, wait, I'll just say "Starving Artist"
Hobbies, interests, etc. Reading, sleeping, painting (mostly landscapes done with acrylics on canvas board), making jewelry (for myself and for sale), hanging out w/ my friends (oh wait, I have no friends... maybe if i get some I'll hang out with them), annoying the hell out of my mom, collecting Absolut ads and bottles, talking on the phone, collecting pens, chatting
Vehicle(s) I drive a '99 Dodge Stratus {but I really really really want a brand spankin' new Beetle :) }
Coke or Pepsi Coke - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Day or Night person Night
Left or Right Brained Middle :)
Favorite Book (of all time) The Poky Little Puppy by Janette Sebring Lowrey
Second Favorite Book Timeline by Michael Crichton
Favorite Series of Books Song of the Lioness Series by Tamora Pierce
Only four books: Alanna: The First Adventure, In the Hand of the Goddess, The Woman Who Rides Like a Man, and Lioness Rampant.
Favorite CDs Surfacing - Sarah McLachlan and The Globe Sessions - Sheryl Crow
Favorite Song #1 Crush - Garbage
Favorite Color(s) Forest Green and Royal Purple
Favorite Movie Braveheart
Favorite TV show(s) I guess I'd have to say "ER" (like everyone else), "Family Guy" ("Damn you, damn the broccoli and damn the Wright Brothers" ask if you really want to know...), Iron Chef (Kaga is slightly scary though), Ballykissangel, Monarch of the Glen and Father Ted (I just love Father Jack "feck arse drink!!").
Favorite Anime(s) Cowboy Bebop, Outlaw Star, Tenchi!, InuYasha, Trigun
Favorte Sport Hockey -- I don't play it, but I love going to games (though I haven't been in years *pout*)
Favorite Team The Utah Grizzlies of course!
Favorite Players G Mike Buzak
. C Gavin Morgan
. C Rob Bonneau
. LW Rasto Pavlikovsky

To the dreaded Pictures....

Mmmmmmm, decomposing fowl...
Yup, it's for real. And we bought this chicken just for the sticker on it. Ah, nothing like the truth... :)

To my Absolut Ad list....

·•°¤Jewelry By Nicole ¤°•·•°¤ Jewelry For Sale¤°•·

Mail Me!

Last updated 5:15 PM 06/03/04

Sesshoumaru is just so fluffy!! :Ž

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