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Webmasters: Pete, Steve, Big E, Ryan, Mikey


I am a ham radio operator (general class) that is in high school and good at basic html programming. For this website, I did the programming and linking.


I play the trumpet on my spare time and I helped out with the jokes section, James Bond section, did all the car section and helped out in organizing the cheat codes. I gave the idea for putting a poll on this website, a sports section, and thought up the title for "LOP" which stands for "????? ?? ???????". Find it under the "LOP News" section. I made the new presidents site which can be accessed here. I also helped bring more traffic to the website.

Big E:

I organized the music, choosing all the great music that is on the homepage as well as giving you the links to the cheat codes for the XBox gaming system. The jokes I added also helped bring laughter to this useful website. I also helped bring more traffic to the website. To talk to me on AIM, click here. To email me, click here.


I helped out by making a wonderful graphics and the password protected website for the LOP section. Want a link to that section? Click Here!


I helped out with the cheat code section and the Houston (West Side) High School 2002 Football Schedules for various schools. I like to play football, basketball, and video games. I also love to swim. Go LOP section!

