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Tales From the Scale... My quest to lose weight
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Kickin' the scales ass and takin' names!!!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Gays of Our Lives... LOL!

OMG I am seriously on cloud 9! Another 5.4 lbs gone and I'm now at 313!!!! I am almost outta teenville and it's down to the single digits until TWOTERVILLE! This was a big morale boost for me as I know I've been working hard at the gym everyday! I am so estatic! This is awesome!!!! I still can't believe I've lost 11 lbs so far!!!! I feel great, I'm in a great mood and it's all good :)

On the exercise front, things are good. I really enjoy water aerobics and working out with the water weights and donuts really make a difference. You'd be amazed how a lightweight foam could kick your butt!!! I am feeling more confident these days in the locker room as well; I don't mind walking without a bathing suit coverup which is a big hurdle for me as I don't dig showing people my fat ass and big thunder thighs! I still am kind of modess about being naked in front of people so I love having the dressing room to get dressed in. We'll see what happens, maybe a hundred pounds from now I'll be cool with it!

I did do something funky to my back yesterday while blow drying my hair. I know, that sounds uber retarded but it's true! I had Mike rub the icy/hot pain stick on my back before work and I had a hard time sleeping in a good position. I was still achy this morning...perhaps stiffer since I couldn't find a good sleep position. After getting in the water and working out some it wasn't bad. I am still sore now but at least I don't feel like I did this morning..ouch!


Posted by Verna at 1:12 PM CST
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Friday, January 11, 2008
My pecs be HURTING but it's all good :)
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: The Ellen Show

Alrighty, I did 20 minutes of weight lifting with our personal trainer Tanner. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be! I was actually kind of nervous about it. The whole getting your blood pressure checked kind of freaks me out, but I know I am working on it so I need to chill! Poor Heather, they couldn't get a reading from her the 1st 2 times. I am glad they got a reading on the third try but I know she wasn't happy with the numbers. Mine were slightly elivated as it was 149/89 I beleive. My nurse when I was pregnant told me anything 140/90 is considered high. But I am working on it so..... Heather, don't worry either, I know you were freaked out but we're working on it so don't worry Wink

I still can't beleive reps of 15 using 10 lb weights could kick my ass!!!! I tell you, it's weird! I've never really lifted weights before so this was a new experience. But not a bad one at all! I am trying to convince Mike to use his 3 personal trainer visits. He said he used to weight train when he was a teenager and I figured since he turns 40 next year it wouldn't be a bad idea to establish a good workout routine.

Since I am leaning towards a healthier me I need to call the dentist on Monday and set the dreaded dental cleaning appointment. I hate going to the dentist. It actually scares me to be honest. I hate the scrapy hook thingy they use to scrap the nasty tartar of your all frightens me! I tried calling today because I built the nerve up to go and the office was closed! So on Monday I will be calling again and setting Mike and I both cleaning appointments. Wish me luck, I am uber scared!!!! Frown

Posted by Verna at 2:32 PM CST
Updated: Friday, January 11, 2008 2:36 PM CST
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Weigh-in Day
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Extra! Extra!- BLAH!

Well, today was the day and I'm down 5.6 lbs. Not too bad for the 1st week. I am pleased as punch to be out of the 320s and in to the 3-teens. I'll be celebrating as soon as I see twoterville again as well!

Goals...I haven't talked about goals yet.  I have a few weight loss mini-goals where I plan on rewarding myself with something non-food!!! Here are a few of my mini-goals that I can think of at the moment:

1- Get to 299...TWOTERVILLE! I can't will be nice to be less than 300 again...yuck, 300!!!!

2- Hit my 10%.... That would be 32 lbs down so that goal weigh would be 292.

3- Get to 249...this has some mental meaning to it. When you are heavy and you step on the scale at the doctors, they use a triple beam scale. With that they move the 50 lb increment up for every 50 lbs. At 249, the 50 lb plub ould be at 200....not 250 and to me that would be a FABULOUS accomplishment.

4- The next milestone would be 224 lbs. That is 100 lbs down and I am sure quite a few dress sizes. I have not been that weight since right after I had TJ, which was almost 14 years ago!

5- 199 lbs.... that is out of Twoterville and into ONEDERLAND!!!!

Then of course, 145 is my ultimate goal weight. I was comfortable when I was 146 many many moons ago. I don't want to be uber skinny, but I would feel my best at that weight.

Anyway, to be honest, I thought I'd be more down than 5.6 lbs, but it's still very encouraging and I am not gonna give up!!!



Posted by Verna at 3:39 PM CST
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Sabatoge is amongst us!!!
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: Law and Order....cha-chung!!!

Ok, I am so surprised of all the bad foods in the news room at work. There are 3 tins of popcorn, cookies, cinnamon rolls and beer nuts! I don't even bother looking at any of it. Poor dieters in there, must be rough. Today the sales team celebrated a birthday and there was apple and cherry pie with ice cream. I got a call wanting to know if I wanted NO!!!! I just can't beleive that people at work have already started to fall off the wagon so soon! I definately do not plan to follow that lead!!!

In a perfect world everything would be fat free and we'd all be skinny and fit but I guess I am starting to have the discipline to JUST SAY NO!!! I just started eating better no less than a week ago and I haven't cheated once!!! I am so happy that I haven't chosen to go to the DARK SIDE and cheat! I know that I shouldn't deprive myself but with the points system I am not! I can eat whatever I want but I just have to stay within my points. I totally don't want to use all my points for one measily piece of pie!

Tomorrow is weigh in for me and I am pretty darn excited. I'll update my weight loss chart as well. Hopefully I will have good numbers. I have been going to the YMCA every day since Thursday and have found that I love water aerobics! I plan on going to another class tomorrow morning...what a blast!!! And whoever thought I'd like to exercise Wink

Posted by Verna at 11:17 PM CST
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Monday, January 7, 2008
No Points Soup for YOU!!!!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Days of Our Lives...BLAH!

Wow! I decided to heat up my can of Progresso 0 pt soup for a snack today. I got to work about an hour ago but wanted a bite to eat. This stuff is pretty darn good :) I love the chicken vegetable and rice. I am not a big meat eater...carbs are my weekness, so it's nice not to have bits of chicken in it.

Today Heather and I are meeting up for Water Aerobics and I am excited! I really enjoy the class (only been to 1 but hey, I LOVE IT!) and it's so much easier on my joints than the treadmill. Don't get me wrong, I love the treadmill but I feel shinsplints while I'm on it. I think I am pushing myself too hard too fast...perhaps slow it down a notch and do it at less time...then do some weights after that. I don't know, well have to see. I am uber excited there are water aerobics 6 days a week at least :)

On the eating front, I am doing GREAT! I don't feel deprived at all like I usually do on the first week of the dreaded DIET!!!! I do need to step it up on the water. Usually I do really good at that...I just need to drink more often.

Anyway, here's to a GREAT Monday!

Posted by Verna at 1:39 PM CST
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Saturday, January 5, 2008
I likes me some Water Works Water Aerobics!!!!
Mood:  surprised
Now Playing: Law and Order SVU...duh-dunk!! :)

Well, I was pleasantly surprised at the Y today! Heather signed up last night (Go Heather!!!) for the Y and we decided to take a water aerobics class this morning at 8:30!!!! I was PLEASANTLY surprised that I enjoyed it...alot!!! I got a good work out and it was alot of fun! I also didn't feel totally winded but I felt it working! My leg muscles will let me know tonight!!! LOL!! Oh well, the burn is GOOD!

 I've exercised all 3 days of the new lifestyle change and I feel GREAT!!! I am sore, of course but it's worth it! I have had no problem with eating...I've been extremely discliplined and I am very pleased with that. The water front today hasn't been too great but I am drinking away now :)

Anyway, day 3 has been great... I have a feeling I'll be fine with this new lifestyle Wink

Posted by Verna at 9:20 PM CST
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Thursday, January 3, 2008
I'm Mad as Hell...and I'm not going to take it anymore!!!!
Mood:  irritated

Ok Folks, I stepped on the mucho expensive and accurate KSN Biggest Loser's Scale and the numbers were not what I wanted to see. My BMI sucks and the normal size cuff on the blood pressure monitor gave me a scary reading! Needless to say I was pretty scared, down and out and feeling miserable. But I am going to change my anger into motivation and kick some ass!!

Yes, the money is super nice but my health is what really matters. I am sick of having no energy. I am sick of worrying about dying...that is my biggest fear. I do not want to leave my children without a mother. I am so scared of doing that and damn it, I am not gonna sit around anymore and just become a fatter fat ass!!!! This is it, I am changing my weigh of eating, my point of view and going to enjoy exercise again.

When I loss all that weight 2 yrs ago on Weight Watchers it felt great. It was kind of a crazy time in my life as I wasn't speaking to my Mother for about 6 months, and my sanity had a clairity I hadn't felt in a long time. Don't get me wrong, I love my Mom, we just have an extremely strange relationship...hell, I'd need another entry to tell you how bizarre we are! I will save that for a rainy day, k!? Anyway, I remember getting into a 22 jean and feeling on top of the world. Now I am back to sz 26/28 and it SUCKS!!! I feel sluggish and I know I am not getting any younger.

At first I wasn't going to do the BL contest at work in fear that the scale wouldn't register my weight. I know that's silly but I would be mortified if I got on the scale and it wouldn't weigh anything over 250 lbs!!!! I would be shamed for life! When I got the email from Robin stating the scale would go up to 440 lbs I said that's it, I'm going for it!

My first mini-goal is 30 lbs during the 2 month duration of the Biggest Loser contest. If I lose more that would be fabulous, but I would love to lose that much. Even if I don't win, it will make me feel better. I am commited now as I had the journalist at work doing the story on it interview me and tape me getting on the scale. I figured I'm more likely to stay on now since I've commited to my co-workers, the viewers of our station and most of all, myself!!!

 I will post my links later to my stats pages when I build my main webpage. Until then, drop me a line or 2 of encouragement!!!!


Posted by Verna at 11:07 AM CST
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