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Vegetto-17/01/02-2:23pm - Hey people i am so sorry about not updating the site lately, seem its been the holidays and there has been no skool i have been relaxing and ejoyin the break. Look forward to updates. Dont forget to vote for our site. Thanks

Vegetto-29/12/01-12:56am - Hey friends sorry i havent posted for a few days but ive had some web problems, but nothing i cant handle. I have just started working on the pictures section, first im doin Koola because i think hes kool. (he he he) any way his section will be done soon. Hope you all have a great new year. Post again soon.

Vegetto-25/12/01-10:23pm - MERRY XMAS to all our fans, hope you all had a great day and got lots of kool stuff. Sorry that not much has been updated lately but i have been very busy. So i will make up for it. If any of you want to send me a merry x-mas e-mail that would be nice. Thanks.

Trunks-20/12/01-7:23pm - Hi guys check out the staff section for about me boss and assisstant and e-mail me if you want me to do something to improve the site and ill contact Vegetto.SEEYA!

Vegetto-20/12/01-7:14pm - Hey people keep visiting the site, and keep voting we want to get no.1. Also the staff section is now complete so have a look and see some info about us. Any questions or suggestions dont forget to e-mail.

Vegetto-19/12/01-11:28am - hey guys thanks for visiting we have now had over 200 visiters. Keep visiting we are working nite and day now that its the holidays so look forward to big things. Also there is a theory goin round about a new dbz series coming i will keep u updated.

Gohan-18/12/01-9:37pm - To all visiters, we are almost there ( no. 1 on top 100 )but we know we are goin to make it therewith your help. so keep the votes coming and tell people about the site. thanks.

Gohan-16/12/01-2:21pm - hi guys just remember to keep visiting but for some reason you cant vote for us by clicking on the box so if you want to vote for us you must go to and after you vote if it comes out as cheating go back,refresh then try again. And please tell lots of people about this site because we cant get to no.1 by ourselves. I'll see ya later!!

Vegetto-16/12/01-2:09pm - Hi, we are now listed on some top100 sites so if you could vote for us that would be a big help. If you have any suggestions please e-mail us.

Vegetto-14/12/01-6:27pm - Hey guys just another note we will be having a little change soon to the main page not much but just a little. And soon there will be a news letter that you can suscribe to for free so look forward to it.

Gohan-14/12/01-5:42pm - We now have our site on a top 100 site, so don't forget to vote and tell people about the site. Help us get to no.1. Kool.

Vegetto-7/12/01-7:08pm - hi me again just posting to say we have now had over a hundred visiters on this site. Its not much but its a start. Keep on visiting.

Vegetto-7/12/01-6:04pm - hi guys hows it goin the new guys have just posted so things are goin good they dont know how to build the website so they find the stuff and i put it on the site. post again soon.

Trunks-7/12/01-6:01pm- Hi i am one of the new guys i will be finding news and pictures, good, seyaa.

Gohan-7/12/01-5:03pm- I am a new member of this site. Become part of this cool and awsome website and make sure you tell your friends about this site so lots of people will visit it. Thanks guys.

Vegetto-25/11/01-11:20am-Hey guys how you liken the page. I would say that we will have the biggest amount of dragonball z links ever only some of them are up but when they are finished if you want links come to dbz transformations. On another note once again i will be away till wednesday and then on wednesday morning i will be going on a school camp, the new member of staff is also in my class. So the next post youll see will probably be on friday night. c ya.

Vegetto-24/11/01-8:34pm- Hey guys, i accidently deleted all the posts so im starting fresh. Id like to welcome a new member to the staff but i will introduce him at a later date. There is still more staff places if people want to join. If you do just click on the link apply for job and read it.

Vegetto-24/11/01-8:27pm- If you would like to see preveiws of the Cell Saga cards you can go to the dbz cardgame website and get a look. I would just like to say they are pretty cool.

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