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June 11, 1990 - June 13, 1997

Memories Of You

We have our memories.
Our memories of you
which continue in our hearts.
These we shall never lose.

We miss your laugh.
We miss your grin.
We want you back.
We want to hold you again.

It is so hard to live.
To live without you
Our unyielding love is what
sees us through.

You touched many lives
in your short time.
It continues to be a miracle
that no-one can deny.

If we close our eyes tight
then open our souls.
We can feel you
and your everlasting hold.

We have our memories.
Our loving memories of you
always in our hearts
never to lose.

Written by:
Angie Festino

"Michael I Will Miss And Love You Forever!"

I miss and love you Michael
and always will
it is hard for me to accept
even still

Memories I hold very dear
even tho only a few short years
you were here

You left us at age seven
and are now up
in heaven

Just to hug you and steal
a big kiss
Michael I will forever and
always miss

Even though we had to part
you will always be
in my heart

For you precious Michael
I will always yearn
if only by a miracle to us
you could return

Until the days we are once
again together
Remember Michael I will
miss and love you

written by
(Michael's MeMaw)

A Special Angel

There's a special Angel in Heaven
that's a part of me.
It is not where I wanted him
but where God wanted him to be.

He was here but just a moment
like a nighttime shooting star.
And though he is in Heaven
he isn't very far.

He touched the hearts of many
like only an Angel can do.
I would've held him every minute
if the end I only knew.

So I send this special message
to the Heaven up above.
Please take care of my Angel
and send him all my love.

Author unknown


A Heart of Gold stopped beating,
Two shining eyes at rest.
God broke our hearts to prove
He only takes The Best.

God knows you had to leave us,
But you did not go alone ~
For part of us went with you,
The day He took you Home.

To some you are forgotten,
To others just the past.
But to us who loved and lost you,
Your memory will always last.
~~ Anonymous ~~

"Footprints On Our Heart"

Some people come into
our lives
and quickly go.

Others stay
for awhile leaving
on our hearts

And we are
never the same.

author unknown

In Memory of Michael

Adjust music here:

Music playing
You are my special Angel

This is a small image of the painting "Footprints In The Sand" and © Zolan Fine Arts, LLC All Rights Reserved. To purchase this beautiful painting by Donald Zolan, click on image to visit his web site gallery.