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Loren's Site, which needs a better name.

About Me
Dreams I've Had
Weird Things I Think Up
My Elfwood Site
My Live Journal
Mari's Website
The Ween Plankton (Loren's songs)
Loren's Chat Room

Look it's a weasel.

Ten more days, ten more days and Mari will be 16. Congratulations to her. I hope she'll like what I got her. I like flash, it's fun to make things. Just like that clip of Mari I made. It took me maybe 35 minutes to make.

Wow, I haven't done much to this site in some time. Today is my brother Evan's Birthday, he is 21 now. Mari and I have been going out for more then half a year. I'm hoping to see her the weeekend of the 20th. That would be cool. Anzar's Winterball is on the 1st of March, I hope Mari can come down to dance with me. On New Years, I think i'm going with Mari to some place in Monterey. I'm not sure cause I've only heard about it once so far. Wow, I'll have someone to kiss for the new year. I've never had anyone, and now I'll be able to kiss Mari. That's always been one of my things I wanted. A kiss when the ball drops and the new year starts. :)

Roxanne the cow, Mari named it.

Some nice pictures of my girlfriend Mari.

Firday the 13th. Not a very good day for Mari. Don't believe me, take a look for yourself at the pictures.

I feel sad, Mari just seems to hurt herself one time after the other, first with the cat then with her lip.

Mari has Ithyphallophobia. I hope it doesn't last long.

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