Days of Yearning

By Deb


DISCLAIMERS: M7 characters belong to Trilogy, et al, SG-1 characters belong to Gekko, MGM, and Showtime. Adriana is mine ... don't mind if you borrow her, just give her back intact and give credit where credit is due.

SPOILERS: Mainly Obsession, my own More than Friends, Under the Sun, and various Stargate episodes.

WARNING: original characters, some violence, nasty language.

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Part Twenty-Six

He had asked to be told when his sister woke up ... so he could hear how she was doing. Buck wasn't confined to quarters as such ... he just had a lot of thinking to do. What the hell had he been thinking, attacking Vin like that? Jesus, he knew Vin would die before he would let anything happen to the kid ... and it wasn't like JD had been alone. Nathan had reached the kid's side by the time Chris sent Vin back to the excavation site.

And after the scene in the corridor, outside the infirmary, Buck had his ass reamed but good by the general, who didn't give a damn how worried he was about JD. He had no business going after Vin the way he had, and Buck knew it. Just from the dirty looks he had gotten from SG-1 told him that most of the base had heard him. O'Neill had already started making wisecracks, and Teal'c just looked at him as if he was a bug.

But nothing could match the look Janet Frasier had given him when she had bolted from her infirmary to chew him out. God, please, he thought, please, let Adriana have been asleep when I was shooting off my mouth. I don't know how to explain to her that I didn't mean it. He had been allowed in the infirmary once, to check on both of his younger siblings. Janet hadn't wanted to let him in ... she didn't want him disturbing any of her patients ... but acquiesced, because she knew if she didn't let him in, he really would disturb them.

He had gone to JD's bed first, and found the boy awake. Facing the young cartographer had actually been harder than facing anyone else, including the fiery, petite doctor. JD's expression had told him that he heard every word, and was struggling between understanding, understanding how afraid Buck had been, and fury, that Buck had taken out his anger and fear on Vin. Anger that was actually meant for JD, but he had been hurt.

He sometimes forgot how devoted JD was to Vin. Vin's devotion was of a quiet variety, but Buck knew the young guide would move heaven, hell, and earth for the boy. All during their conversation, JD kept glancing over at Vin, who was half on, half off Adriana's bed ... sound asleep, but probably very uncomfortable. Ignoring his own tendencies to jump to the wrong conclusion, Buck had gone over to the sleeping pair and gently eased Vin's legs onto the bed.

Adriana had sighed softly in her sleep and snuggled closer to Vin, whose arms tightened around her. Buck sighed and walked around the bed to sit in the chair nearest the door, so he wouldn't talk over Vin's head. He murmured, "I know I ain't given you much reason to believe me, DeeDee, but I do love you. I know, I've been pushing you away from the moment you got here. Hell, I'm the stud ... the man who loves women, and I can't even tell my own sister how much she means to me unless she's asleep."

Buck had paused, then whispered, "You gotta understand something, DeeDee. I love you, and I am so proud of you. Twenty-five years old, with your doctorate in archaeology. You got all the brains in the family, you know that? I ain't stupid ... I just act that way sometimes. Like earlier. When I ... when I went after Vin. Before I found out that you were hurt. I hope so much that you didn't hear what I said to him. Hell, I wasn't even mad at him ... I was mad at JD for doing something so damn stupid!"

Buck shook his head, feeling the familiar anger rise within his soul, but he pushed it down. He went on, "I already got reprimanded by the general. He told me that if you heard what I said to Vin, and asked him to put you at the bottom of the rotation to work with SG-7 in the future, he'd grant that request. And we won't discuss the reaming I got from Chris. Been a while since I got a Larabee lecture. You gotta know, DeeDee ... it ain't that I love you less. But JD needs me more. You ... you don't need me the way he does. Chris and Vin and Ezra, they're there to catch you. JD needs me. Hell, you saw the fool stunt he pulled!"

That sounded pathetic, even to him, and Buck could hear his own mother in his mind. "He'll never grow up, baby, if you don't let him." I know, Mom, he told her, but what else can I do? The damn kid is gonna get himself killed before he's twenty-five if he doesn't start thinking things through. Just as clearly, his mother's voice came back, "And what will happen to your relationship with your sister in the meantime, Buck? When I was dying, I asked you to find your father and stepmother for a reason ... because I knew your sister needed you. Because you needed her, and you both still need each other."

No. No, he couldn't accept that. He couldn't accept that he would destroy his relationship with his sister! Clenching his jaw to hold back the emotions stirred by that possibility, Buck leaned forward to kiss his sister's forehead, lightly brushing his lips over her skin, then caressed her hair. He hadn't touched his sister's hair since she was a child. Had forgotten how silky it was. He wondered if Chris had ever stroked her hair ... they had always been so close. What had DeeDee said about Chris singing lullabies to her, to calm her down? The major whispered, "Hang on, little sister. I will come back for you, I promise. I got faith in you, honey ... that you have the strength to forgive me. Because you may get pissed at me, but you do love me. Heal now, little sister. Get better."

"I don't know that she heard you, Major. I've heard of patients hearing things on some level while they're sleeping or unconscious. I hope she did, because she needs to hear that you love her. Don't keep her waiting too long, Major ... she only has so much patience. Patience which you've been trying for the last three months. Adriana's a compassionate girl. But if you continue ignoring her in favor of JD ... pushing her aside ... you will lose her. She's only human, Major. Not an angel, not a saint, just a human girl who wants her brother to love her all the time. Not just when his ward doesn't need him," Janet Frasier said quietly.

"I don't always understand my sister, Doctor. She's more like Chris than she is like me. But I do know her. And if she can give me a second chance after the years I gave up ... she'll give me another chance after this is all over. I know she's your friend, Janet. And I know as her physician, it's part of your job to make sure she can heal without stress," Buck said.

"That's right. It is. I am her friend and her doctor," Janet answered in a low voice, "and you are her brother. And if that's what you believe, feel free. But I don't think you know her nearly as well as you think you do. Vin will tell you that there are places where she goes, that he can't follow. If Vin, who is one of her best friends, who knows her as well as she allows anyone to know her, says that ... what do you think that means for you? Think about it, Major."

That had been the day before. And Buck was still struggling. He would start helping the archaeologists the following day ... his punishment for attacking Vin outside the infirmary, behavior which the general would not tolerate. And since Buck seemed to think that the lives of civilians ... archaeologists, to be exact ... were worth less than that of military personnel, he would be helping the civilians ... primarily Daniel Jackson with his job.

There was a knock on the door and Buck called in his visitors a bit distractedly. He looked up as Josiah Sanchez came inside, and the big man said, "Buck." The major nodded, and Josiah continued, "Thought it might interest you to know, your sister is awake. In a lot of pain, but she's awake. Vin's still sleeping, and JD's on his way to the general's office. I finally had to move Vin to another bed, since they were both getting restless."

"Thanks, Josiah ... I should head over to the kid's quarters. He'll need me to pick up the pieces after the general is finished with him," Buck said, rising to his feet. Josiah also rose, his blue-gray eyes darkening with rage, and Buck asked, "What? You just told me that my sister is fine, but in a lot of pain. Janet ain't gonna want me underfoot, so I'm gonna go to the person who does need me ... JD."

"Your sister needs you, too, Buck. She needs to know that she's as important to you as JD is. Because regardless of whether or not she heard you shooting off your mouth yesterday, she will hear about it from the rest of the base. About how her brother didn't think her life was worth saving ... and a kid who abandoned his post, abandoned a group of largely defenseless civilians ... was more deserving of life than she was," Josiah replied.

"She don't need me! She's got Chris, and she's got Vin, and Ezra, and it looks like she's got you, too. She don't need me!" Buck hissed.

Josiah shook his head, as if Buck had disappointed him, and said, "So that's it. You're jealous. As jealous as John Dunne is of your sister, as jealous as your sister is of John Dunne. You're jealous of Vin and Chris and Ezra. Because they're picking up the pieces. Did it ever occur to you, Buck, that your sister is spending so much time with them, because you won't make time for her? That instead of pouting and whining like a ten year old, your sister is spending time with the people who make her happy?"

Buck stared at Josiah, who added in a low voice, "You talk about how different things are between you and Chris now that Vin is in the picture. You talk about how Chris shut you out after he lost his family. And yet ... you don't see that you're doing the exact same thing to your sister. You are shutting her out, and have been, just as sure as Chris did after Sarah and Adam Larabee were murdered. I've known for a while that where it counts, you and Vin were more alike then you are different. But until now, it never occurred to me, how alike you and Chris are. I can understand Chris ... I just don't understand why you're pushing your sister away."

Josiah slipped quietly from the room, and Buck turned away from the door, shaken. Was it true? Had he really ... No. No. His mind shied away from the parallels between himself and Chris. The explosion that had killed Sarah and Adam burned half the soul out of Chris Larabee, and devastated Buck. He couldn't accept that he was doing the same thing to his sister that Chris had done to him after the explosion. He just couldn't.

Buck shook himself and pushed himself to his feet. He had to go to JD's quarters. The kid would need him.

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Part Twenty-Seven

The first few minutes of the meeting between General Hammond and JD Dunne were spent in total silence. It had been the plan to ream the boy's ass but good, but after his scathing meeting with Buck Wilmington earlier, Hammond found he didn't have the energy for that. Instead, he watched the boy in silence. Josiah Sanchez had led him into the general's office about fifteen minutes earlier, giving the general a medical update at the same time.

Vin Tanner was still sleeping ... which brought it up to more than twenty-four hours. But Dr. Frasier said his vitals were good, and that was the important thing. He just needed rest. Dr. Wilmington would rest better, now that she knew she hadn't screwed up on her first mission. The rest of SG-7 was standing down, as were the archaeologists. The mission had shaken everyone. But these things happened, it was no one's fault.

Well ... that wasn't entirely true. SG-7 had no way of knowing that there were Gou'ald in the area, that was why they had guard duty and patrols. Which brought Hammond's attention back to the boy in his office. He asked, "Do you understand what you did wrong, Private Dunne? I'm not asking about regulations ... I'm asking, do you know why you're being punished?"

JD Dunne lifted his face to him. He was angry. Oh, he was so angry. But even if JD didn't realize it, Hammond did ... ninety percent of that anger was actually with himself. And it was being directed to someone else. And that made the boy even angrier, because on some level at least, he knew he was wrong. The hazel eyes were stormy, and Hammond could see the boy struggling for control of his emotions.

"I left my post. Left the archaeologists, who are civilians, to fend for themselves. I disobeyed a direct order from my commander," JD replied in a dull voice. Flat. As if he was reciting facts. And that worried the general. Until he saw something shift in the boy's eyes, and JD whispered, "I failed to trust my colleagues. That's what I did wrong, sir. I didn't trust Vin and the others to take care of Buck." Hammond nodded, and the boy continued talking, "I think I wanted the archaeologists to get hurt, sir. Conklin wouldn't shut up.

"And then I was stupid on the first night. I acted like a little kid, like no one had ever suffered like I did. And both Dr. Wilmington and Dr. Jackson called me on it. And it made me mad, even though I knew they were right. It made me mad, because I knew the others were mad at me, too, and I knew they were right. It made me mad that I'm not as important ... that they're being blinded ... that ... "

"That you aren't the center of their world anymore. That you have competition for the attention of Mr. Tanner and Colonel Larabee, as well as Major Wilmington. That's what makes you mad ... that, and knowing you're being unreasonable. Isn't it, son?" the general asked quietly. The question stripped away the last of the pretenses, leaving only a scared boy before him. JD had a hard time meeting his eyes now.

The general continued, realizing that JD couldn't speak, even if he wanted to, "This is something you need to work out for yourself, son. I can't do it for you. I can tell you, that you can't allow your personal feelings to interfere with your job. Have you ever wondered why I don't try to discourage the attraction between Colonel Larabee and Captain Travis? It's because it isn't necessary. It doesn't interfere with her ability to do her job, or his ability to do his. But you ... your anger and resentment and jealousy ... you have to do something about that, son. It clouds your judgment."

JD nodded, still not meeting the general's eyes, and Hammond asked quietly, "Do you know why I'm reprimanding you, son? Not the action, but do you know the reason behind the action? Do you know why this is happening? It's because I see a tremendous amount of potential in you, Private Dunne. You have to be corrected, because I can't show favoritism, and because if I let this go unchecked, you will never learn, and you will never reach even a hint of the potential I see you. And that would be a shame ... you would lose out and so would we."

JD had raised his eyes as the general spoke. Hammond wondered if he should tell the boy that under different circumstances, he would intervene with Chris Larabee. The man had shown he had a blind spot where his family was concerned. Hammond couldn't judge him ... he couldn't imagine losing his girls, as well as his wife. But it made Larabee vulnerable, and Vin Tanner couldn't be at his side twenty-four/seven.

After a moment, Hammond shook his head. No. No, that would just confuse the issue. And the young private had enough to deal with at the moment. The boy said slowly, "I can't promise I'll like her, sir. I don't see what the others see in her, that makes her so special. But I'll do better, sir. And I'll keep faith in my teammates in the future. What do you want me to do?" Hammond regarded the boy for a few moments.

"You're being removed from active duty until further notice, Private Dunne. I want you to help the archaeologists piece things together. The few artifacts they were able to bring back through the Gate were damaged in the evacuation. They could use some help putting the pieces back together. Dr. Lincoln managed to transcribe most of what she found on the walls, and is starting on the translation. Make yourself available to her. Major Wilmington will be helping as well. I want you both to understand these people ... and understand that civilians and military personnel are valued equally in this command," he finally replied.

JD winced, but nodded. Hammond continued, "I want you to understand something else, son. You'll get harassment from the other SG teams for a while. And you'll have to regain the trust of everyone in here. It took Ezra Standish a long time to win people's trust, and there are still some who don't trust him. They probably never will, either. But when you make a mistake, that's one of the consequences. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir. I already had this conversation with Chris ... I mean, Colonel Larabee. He told me that I had to start at the beginning and prove myself all over again. It would be easier and harder at the same time. I know I let you, and him, down, sir. I won't let it happen again," the boy replied. Hammond had no doubt the boy meant it ... and that he would try. But Private Dunne was only a human being, like the rest of them.

"Learn from your mistakes, son. Dismissed," Hammond replied. The boy nodded and saluted, which the general returned. Then he slipped from the office, leaving Hammond alone. Only briefly though, for he saw Jack O'Neill through the crack in the door as the boy slipped out, and Hammond called, "Come in, Jack." The colonel entered the room, quietly closing the door behind him. Hammond asked, "What can I do for you?"

"Well, the kid is intact ... that's a good sign," O'Neill observed. Hammond didn't speak. He had known O'Neill long enough to know that the other man would get to his point in his own way, on his own terms. The colonel continued after a moment, "He's a good kid. He's just hit a bit of a tailspin, sir, but I think he'll pull himself out of it. We all hit those things." Hammond nodded. O'Neill added, "I know you know, sir, I just wanted to say it."

"What else did you want to say, Colonel?" Hammond asked. The colonel rose to his feet, pacing about the office. Something was worrying Jack, and that in turn worried Hammond. The general continued, "Tell me what's on your mind, and I'll see if I can put it to rest, Jack." The colonel turned to face him. He looked startled, and Hammond added, "After four years, I've picked up a few things. Spit it out, Colonel."

"Sir, Colonel Gaines has been quiet too long," O'Neill stated. Hammond nodded, and Jack continued, "Sir, for the last few weeks, Carter has noticed strange transmissions. Transmissions going through the gate at odd hours, when it's not supposed to be in use. She hadn't found anyone in the control room. She didn't have a fix on where it was going, until today ... yesterday. It's going to the planet where Colonel Gaines was stranded, with what remained of SG-3. She can't decode the messages that have been sent."

"There's a traitor in the SGC," Hammond said numbly. His mind raced. A message, sent today. Gaines would be interested in the doings of SG-7 ... and depending on the message she had received, she could possibly see opportunities in the strange relationship between the Wilmington siblings. He barely heard O'Neill mumble a 'yes, sir.' Instead, Hammond was focused on the problem.

After a moment, he looked up at O'Neill and said, "Colonel, tell Major Carter to keep this to herself. I don't want to tip off the traitor. Gaines will be attacking soon. After you talk with the major, find Dr. Frasier. Find out how soon Dr. Wilmington can be moved. I'm sending SG-7 on a vacation, and Dr. Wilmington will be going with them, as well as Captain Travis and her son." At the colonel's questioning look, Hammond explained, "Gaines will try to exploit the strain between Major Wilmington and his sister. I don't plan on giving her that opportunity."

"Understood, sir. You may want to come up with another explanation, though, sir. Dr. Wilmington knows that Gaines is responsible for the deaths of Sarah and Adam Larabee. She may want to confront her for that reason," O'Neill pointed out. Hammond nodded grimly. He had a few ideas, already. And dammit, it looked like he had that idiot Conklin to thank for those ideas, too. Never mind that. They had work to do.

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Part Twenty-Eight

"Mary, we need to talk."

"Hang on a sec, Orrin, I just want to finish this ... sentence. There. Sorry, I just wanted to make sure I finished the piece, so I could double-check everything. What's going on?" Mary Travis asked, raising her eyes from the computer to look at her father-in-law. She had been shut up in her little office for the better part of the week, only coming out to grab something to eat or call Evie Travis to check on Billy.

She and Chris had dropped the little boy off at his grandmother's on Sunday night after leaving Nettie's, and Billy had been staying with her ever since. It was a week she had been promising Evie for the better part of the year, and while Mary was catching up on some long-overdue work, she desperately missed her son.

She tried to avoid being away from him, especially once he began living with her again. But Evie missed having a child around the house, and the elder Mrs. Travis had been like a mother to her. Mary's own parents had died shortly after she finished high school, and to her eternal gratitude, Orrin and Evie had welcomed her into their hearts when she and Stephen married. Orrin said now, "This is about Ella Gaines, Mary." The public relations officer looked up, unable to control the flare of hatred which always accompanied the colonel's name.

There was no logic to it whatsoever. Mary wasn't involved with Chris Larabee, they weren't an item. They were just friends (yeah, right). But Mary had known from the moment she looked at Ella Gaines that the colonel was trouble. Feminine intuition, her instincts as a journalist, pure jealousy ... Mary didn't know. And when Gaines had insinuated that Chris wouldn't be returning with SG-7 ... Mary's cool had almost deserted her.

Eerily, she had almost been right in two ways, though she only counted on one way ... Chris had nearly died on that planet, and that woman had nearly persuaded him to stay with her. Only his discovery that she was responsible for the loss of his family ... oh, god. Mary's heart had broken when she heard that. She had killed an innocent woman and child. Moreover, Vin was convinced that the next time, Gaines would go after Mary and Billy.

Mary knew there wasn't much she could do if Gaines decided to dispose of her and Billy the same way she had Sarah and Adam ... with a bomb. But if Gaines had the guts to try for a frontal attack, Mary would fight her with every ounce of strength she possessed. Orrin said, evidently guessing how her mind was working, "George and I think it's time SG-7 had a vacation, especially after this last mission." Mary frowned ... this last mission? When had they gotten back?

"You didn't hear?" Orrin asked and Mary shook her head. She had fallen asleep at her desk twice in the last twenty-four hours, barely paid attention to the base gossip when she had gone out for a snack, and the last she had heard, SG-7 had gone out on a mission. Orrin sighed and went on, "It's a long story, but the Gou'ald attacked SG-7 and the archaeological team. Private Dunne and Dr. Wilmington were both badly hurt, and Mr. Tanner collapsed from exhaustion." Mary raised her eyebrows.

Orrin, who knew her facial expressions, also knew that she wouldn't give up until she heard the full story. The general explained everything that he knew ... the rising tension between the Wilmington siblings, as well as JD and Adriana ... Conklin shooting off his mouth ... the attack and JD leaving his post after thinking Buck was injured ... Daniel leading the other archaeologists to safety of the Gate while Adriana held off the Jaffa attacking the civilians. Adriana's injury, as well as Vin's desperate rush to the Gate with the injured archaeologist.

Mary's green eyes widened as the story culminated with Buck's attack on Vin just outside the infirmary, and the hurtful words he had spoken. She asked softly, "Did Adriana hear what Buck said? I mean, things have been strained between them ever since she got here, but surely, even if she did hear him ... surely she couldn't believe that her own brother considers her life to be unimportant?" Even as she spoke the words, however, Mary recognized that it was highly likely that the young archaeologist would believe such a thing.

"I don't know, Mary. No one knows for sure, aside from Vin. He was the one who was in there first after it happened. And if anyone else knows, they aren't saying. That's why I need you to go along on this vacation. If Adriana were to find out that Gaines was planning to return, she would want to stay and confront her. That's not an option. I need you to go along, not just for your own sake, not just for Billy's sake ... but for hers as well. If you go along, it'll be easier to convince her to go, so you won't be the only woman," Orrin explained.

Mary's first reaction had been to say 'no,' until Orrin played the trump card. Billy. Her son still needed her, and if going away on this vacation was the best way to protect him from 'psycho-bitch,' as more than one female member of the SGC had put it, then she would do it. And as she followed Orrin's logic, she could see his points on everything, including Adriana. Truth be told, she was looking forward to getting to know the other woman better.

Adriana had slowly begun lowering her guard with Mary, and the journalist was careful not to push. She knew little of the other woman's early life, but Mary's instincts told her to proceed with caution ... Adriana Wilmington wasn't fragile, but she was wary. Just like Vin. That brought Mary's attention back to her father in law and she asked slowly, "Aside from being exhausted, is Vin all right? I mean, the attack ... ?"

"He's fine. Both Private Dunne and Major Wilmington got strips torn out of their hides, but Mr. Tanner is fine. Will you do it, Mary?" Orrin asked. Mary couldn't deny there was a part of her which longed to confront Ella Gaines, the woman who had almost killed several people dear to her ... the woman who had killed two innocents ... the woman who continued to be a threat to those whom Mary loved.

But while Mary had been described as fiery, and occasionally impulsive, she wasn't a fool. She knew Ella Gaines would have no compulsion about hurting Billy. She looked back at her father in-law and nodded her agreement. Orrin relaxed, as if he had been honestly worried about her reaction, then continued, "Wonderful. We're waiting on Dr. Frasier's evaluation, since Dr. Wilmington has two broken bones in one leg, and her other leg is badly bruised, and we want to wait until she's ambulatory."

"Do you want me to talk to her if she's reluctant? I don't doubt that General Hammond will get her to agree, but I can talk to her as well," Mary offered. At the relieved smile, the journalist realized that both her father-in-law and his close friend had been hoping she would agree to it, at the very least ... and offer to, in the best case scenario. Mary asked, smiling, "Has he talked to her yet? Or would he prefer Janet and I to do it?"

"Chris is talking to her now ... might not hurt for you to swing by later," Orrin replied. Mary nodded her agreement. Orrin hesitated and stared at her for several moments, as if trying to come to a decision. Then he said, "You know, Mary. There's that old cabin of ours, up in Montana. If there aren't too many memories associated with the old place, you might consider that as a possible vacation for the ten of you." Mary took a deep breath as soon as Orrin mentioned Montana. She hadn't been up there in years, not since the early days of her marriage to Steven, and there were a lot of memories stored there.

Cabin. It was more like a homestead or a ranch house, with five bedrooms. Buck and JD could bunk in one room, Mary and Adriana could share another, Chris and Vin, Nathan and Josiah ... maybe Ezra and Billy? Mary's brain was already working through the details. Ezra, unlike JD, wouldn't be offended if she suggested he bunk with her son. The Southerner adored children, and they reciprocated fully.

JD, on the other hand, was still very sensitive about his age. And he wouldn't react well to suggestions that he was a 'kid.' Even though, to Mary and the rest of the Seven, he always would be. Mary loved him like he was her own little brother, but he was a kid, and not just in age. The young man had boundless energy, and when he was excited, which was often, his mouth seemed to run a mile a minute. And sometimes, as other members of the Seven had been heard to observe, his alligator mouth got his hummingbird rear-end into trouble.

The same could be said of Ezra, who seemed to have a comeback for almost anything. She would talk to them, see what they thought of the arrangement. She said aloud, "There are memories there, Orrin. But life is for the living. And Steven wouldn't want that place to gather dust." She saw approval in the dark eyes as her father-in-law nodded. And, she felt sure, despite her late husband's wariness of Chris Larabee, Steven would understand her feelings for Chris. But like she had said ... life was for the living.

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Part Twenty-Nine

Aw hell, what had he done to himself this time? While he had only been injured a few times in the fifteen months he had been with SG-7, Vin had nonetheless come to hate the infirmary. Not because of Janet Frasier (another woman who reminded him of his late mother, though not in her appearance. They were both tiny, however, and fierce), but Vin just hated being out of commission. For any reason.

But as he woke up, and realized that he ached a little ... especially his legs ... but there was nothing seriously wrong with him, he wondered what the hell he was doing in the infirmary. Then he lifted his head and saw Adriana in the next bed, and everything rushed back to him, including the confrontation out in the corridor. Vin groaned. Aw hell! Adriana opened her eyes, and smiled at him. She looked tired, but her color was better.

A quick glance around told him that Janet wasn't in the room at the moment. Conferring with General Hammond? That had been known to happen, but why weren't the others in here? Oh, there was one of 'em. Okay. That made more sense. Vin eased his legs over the edge of the bed, keeping one hand clenched in the bedcovers, in case his suddenly wobbly legs gave out. They didn't, and he made his way unsteadily over to his friend's bedside.

"Hey," she said softly. Her face had been washed, taking the tearstains away, but her eyes were still red and puffy. She hadn't been crying recently, but the evidence was still there. Vin skimmed his knuckles along her cheek, an indirect touch he had learned a long time ago was the easiest form of affection for her to accept. He didn't understand why, but he didn't question it.

As she always did, she took his hand in both of hers.

"Hey. Ya look better 'n the last time ya woke up," Vin answered and Adriana grinned a bit ruefully. Vin added in an equally rueful voice, "Reckon I look better too. Ya got any idea how long I been asleep?" The rueful grin gave way to a smirk that could be best describe as evil, as the archaeologist pointed to the clock on the wall. Vin looked at the clock and asked in disbelief, "Twelve hours?" He turned back to Adriana, who shook her head, her smile broadening further, and Vin asked, "Twenty-four?"

"Yup. According to Janet, I've been sleeping on and off during that time. Her best guess is twenty-two accumulated hours, with me waking up in half an hour intervals. Josiah moved you to the other bed when you started fidgeting ... well, both of us started fidgeting. How you feeling? My dear brother do any permanent damage?" Adriana asked, with more than a trace of bitterness in her voice.

Aw hell! Vin answered, "Ain't nothin' wrong with me that a hot shower won't fix. Well, 'side from my legs, which don't wanna seem to work proper, but reckon that'll come. Ya okay?" As soon as the words were out, Vin regretted them. That was a really stupid thing to say. The last he heard, one leg was broken, the other was badly bruised. And Bucklin was dangerously close to crossing the line with his sister, if he hadn't already.

"I'll survive," Adriana answered simply. Each knew neither was talking about her legs. Vin stared at her anxiously. It wasn't that he thought she was lying, but he knew Adriana Wilmington, and he knew how proud she was. There were some things she wouldn't even admit to him. And the worse something hurt her, the deeper she would bury it. A smile crossed her face and she added, "Honestly, Vin, I'm fine! I mean, yeah, it hurts, but I pretty much guessed it already ... I just need a little time to adjust, that's all."

"There ain't nothin' I can do? To change your mind, and let me tell Bucklin?" Vin asked softly. Adriana shook her head slowly, her face still with determination. He didn't know if it was pride ... or just his friend trying to protect herself from further pain. Josiah had raised that possibility one night, planet-side. Nathan had a difficult time understanding why she didn't simply confront Buck ... she had no problems about confronting him, when she believed he was interfering in her relationship with Ezra (or, as she had put it, patronizing her).

Josiah had answered that he couldn't say for sure, since Adriana hadn't confided in him, and likely hadn't confided in Vin, either ... but he had a feeling she was trying to protect herself. She was afraid to hear, once and for all, that JD meant more to her brother than she ever had or ever would. As long as she didn't know, there was hope, and she wasn't willing, or ready, to have that hope taken from her. Both Chris and Ezra had nodded their acknowledgment, none of the men willing to intervene in Buck's relationship ... or non-relationship ... with his sister.

Looking into his friend's determined eyes now, Vin realized that Josiah had been right. That was what his gut had been telling him all along, and now he could see the proof. And that was why Adriana didn't want anyone telling Buck that she had heard him. Because she didn't want them getting involved in the situation ... she was, in her own mind, protecting them. Protecting herself. Vin sighed and looked down at their laced fingers.

When he looked up again, he said softly, "Then I ain't gonna tell him. I don't like it, Drina, 'cause he oughta know. If only to know that he hurt ya. But ... ya don't want him to know, then he ain't. Not from me, not from nobody." His reward was a slight squeeze of Adriana's hand, and Vin continued, remembering something from earlier, when he had briefly awakened, "Josiah gonna tell Chris?"

"Yeah," she sighed, "I didn't really want Chris to know. I didn't want to put him in that position, but I didn't have the energy to argue with Josiah at that point. Josiah figured things on his own, and promised not to tell anyone other than Chris. Ezra was in here, while you were in here with me, and after making the required smart-ass remarks, figured it out for himself. You know, Vin, I really wish you would teach me how to be more mysterious ... less open with my facial expressions. Although, I think Ezra could see through me, anyhow."

"I like your expressions! I like bein' able to tell what kinda mood you're in, and I reckon Ezra does, too. Don't rightly surprise me that he figgered it out on his own. Drina ... ya know I'm here for ya? Right?" Vin asked, wanting his friend to know that. She nodded, smiling, and Vin continued, "Then reckon ya'll understand if I get m'self to a shower and m' own bed?" She laughed outright, and Vin smiled, happy to hear that laughter ... even happier to have caused it.

"Reckon I would," she answered in a drawl. Vin glowered at her, and she just laughed at him. Damn the girl. She never was afraid of him. He mighta scared her a time or two, but she had never been afraid of him. Adriana yawned, then blushed and said, "Ya best get goin' there then, pard, reckon I ain't gonna be able to stay awake much longer." Vin growled at her, trying his best not to laugh at her attempt to mimic his accent.

"Keep it up, girl, and I'll tickle ya!" he threatened. She just giggled and waggled her eyebrows at him. Vin pounced, his fingers finding the ticklish places on her ribs and along her arms. She squealed and smacked him in the head with one of the pillows propping her up. Under any other circumstances, that would have started a pillow fight of epic proportions, but they were in the infirmary, and Vin had more respect for Janet than to leave a mess like that.

Instead, he drew Adriana into his arms, easing the pillow back behind her as he hugged her. His breath was taken away by the embrace that was returned in full measure. Damn, why did he always forget how strong she was? She was a little bit of a thing, but the years she had spent on digs, and before then, in warehouses, had given her a lot of strength in her upper arms particularly. Her muscles weren't obvious, but damn, she was strong!

"When are ya gonna learn not to underestimate me?" she whispered. His answer was just as soft, and quite to the point ... "Nunca. Never!"

Her laughter was muffled against his shoulder, and the laughter could have just as easily been tears, for all he had known. But they held onto each other, and after several moments, Vin released her, easing her back onto the pillows. She did look very tired, and Vin really could use a shower, and then time in his own bed. He said softly, "Come back to check on ya when I feel human again." She nodded. Vin kissed her forehead, then eased himself off the bed. His legs were more steady now and he made his way to the door. He glanced back once, to find her settling in, then quietly left the infirmary.

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Part Thirty

Vin hadn't been gone more than fifteen minutes before Adriana heard a knock on the door. At least, it didn't seem that long ... Adriana could have sworn it was only fifteen minutes. But as she beckoned Chris Larabee into the room, her eyes strayed to the clock. Damn. She had been asleep for a half hour. Chris greeted softly, "Hey, little princess. How are the legs?" Adriana made a 'so-so' gesture with her right hand and Chris continued, sitting on the same side as her bruised leg, "Yeah, I figured as much."

"How are you, Chris? The way I hear it, you've had a lot of shit to put up with lately," Adriana asked and Chris shrugged with a half smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Adriana put her hand on his and said softly, "Josiah talked to you. I'm sorry, Chris, I wanted to keep you out of this." Chris responded by lightly squeezing her hand, his pale eyes intent on her face. They didn't have much time to spend alone anymore, and Adriana missed talking to him.

"No help for it, little princess, I've been involved in this all along. The general tell you his decision, about you going to the bottom of the roster to work with us?" Chris asked and Adriana nodded. The colonel went on, "I wasn't real happy with it, but I could see his point of view. But you know, Adriana, that even if you don't trust Buck to watch your back ... Vin and I can do that. And we're not the only ones."

"I know," Adriana admitted, "I do know that. I hope this isn't a permanent situation, because I miss spending time with you. I didn't realize how much I missed it until we went out into the field." The pair fell silent, Adriana suddenly weary. Had she made the right decision? Not to tell Buck? She said softly, "You ever wonder if you're doing the right thing, Chris? If you're making the right decision? And you're even more scared because it's not just you who might be affected by the decision?"

"Every day," came the response, and Adriana relaxed a little. Yes, she had definitely forgotten how easy it was to talk to Chris. The colonel continued, "You make the decision which seems the best at the time. It may be wrong ten minutes from now, if you find information that proves the opposite ... but you made the decision based on the information you had at the time. Based on your instincts at the time. What do your instincts tell you?"

What do your instincts tell you. Chris was the one who had taught her to trust her instincts ... even when they were wrong, because how else would she learn? She answered him honestly, though not directly, "Do you remember when we all went out to see that show, and found out that Josiah knew the star? Emma Dubonet? Remember how Josiah reacted, and Buck and JD both kept at him and kept at him, until Josiah finally snapped at him and the kid?"

Chris nodded and Adriana continued, "He backed down when Josiah snapped, but he ... " She sighed, trying to find a way to explain the way she had seen her brother's actions. After a moment, she looked at Chris and said, "Buck doesn't mean any harm. I know my brother, he's got a big heart. But he likes having his fun, and he ... sometimes it doesn't seem to occur to him that his teasing might hurt. It's the same thing."

The colonel continued to watch her, his eyes never leaving her face, and Adriana went on, "He may be sorry that ... that he said what he said. But that won't stop him from doing it again. I know that JD Dunne means more to him than I do. And if he apologized ... you know what he's like when he's serious, Chris. I'll believe him, and then I'll ... it'll happen again. The sooner I accept that, the sooner I accept the truth, the better off I'll be. And the less it can hurt me."

She looked down at her hand, still encased in the colonel's, then looked back up at him and said, "I haven't given up on my brother, Chris. There's a part of me which keeps saying if I could only get ten minutes with him. Maybe ... I don't know. But I'm not ready to give up on Bucklin, and as much as this knowledge hurts, I have a hard time imagining anything that could make me give up on my brother permanently."

She took a deep breath and said, "But whatever happens with that, Chris, I will never give up on you. I'm sorry I never wrote you after Sarah and Adam were killed. It sounds stupid, but I didn't know what to say, besides 'I'm sorry.' That sounded so lame ... but I should have gone with lame, and let you know I was thinking about you. That I was there for you if you needed me, especially after all the times you were there for me."

Chris smiled, one of his real smiles ... not a smirk, not a baring of his teeth, but a real smile. He said softly, "No need to apologize, little princess. Hell, I was so out of control, I'm not sure it would have made much of a difference. But I'm kind of glad you brought it up, because there was a particular reason I came to see you. I was planning to check on you anyhow, and Tanner, but that damn Texan ... "

His words trailed off as he shook his head, and Adriana laughed. There was no malice, or even annoyance in his voice. More like wonderment ... she was willing to bet the Texan never failed to amaze either of them.

After a moment, Chris continued, "Thing is, little princess, I'm willing to bet that you've heard the whole story by now. But ... you've heard of Ella Gaines." Adriana felt her lips pull back from her teeth in disgust, and Chris added almost wryly, "Yeah, I thought so. There's no way to say this, except straight out. We have reason to believe Ella is returning to the SGC within the next few days ... a week at the most."

"I want a piece of that bitch," Adriana growled, her eyes flashing. Chris was already shaking his head, and Adriana continued, "I'll get in line after you and the others, but I want a piece of her. She hurt you, Chris." The colonel just kept shaking his head, but Adriana didn't pay attention. She had learned a few things about torture from her historical studies, and had no doubt she could put all of those lessons to use.

"No, Adriana. In the first place, you're an easy target for her. Now, normally, you can take care of yourself, no problem. Trust me, I remember my nuts aching. But you've got two broken bones in one leg, the other one is badly bruised. I will not put you in a position where you could get hurt. I've lost too many people to that bitch, you are not going to join that list. I need you to think with your head here, little princess," Chris said quietly.

Damn him, she hated it when he made sense! Despite her fury, Adriana knew he was right. And she knew that she would be no match for psycho-bitch in her current condition. So she asked with a sigh, "All right. What do you want me to do, aside from restraining myself and not scalping Colonel Ella Gaines?" The last words were spat with venom that surprised even Adriana. Until she thought of Chris after his family was murdered.

"We're going on a vacation, little princess. I understand Montana is very pretty this time of year. And don't even think about trying to get out of it, because somebody would need to stay and take care of you," Chris said. Adriana, who had been thinking that very thing, closed her mouth. Damn ... she really had to start taking enigmatic-look classes from Vin or Ezra.

Satisfied that he wouldn't have to listen to her arguments or protests, Chris grinned in satisfaction, then said, "Look at it this way, little princess ... you'll have a chance to get things straightened out with Buck. If Janet gives her okay, we'll be leaving the day after tomorrow. You'll be in a wheelchair ... no arguments, little princess. Good. We are gonna be on vacation, you will have fun if it kills you, that's an order!"


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