Days of Yearning

By Deb


DISCLAIMERS: M7 characters belong to Trilogy, et al, SG-1 characters belong to Gekko, MGM, and Showtime. Adriana is mine ... don't mind if you borrow her, just give her back intact and give credit where credit is due.

SPOILERS: Mainly Obsession, my own More than Friends, Under the Sun, and various Stargate episodes.

WARNING: original characters, some violence, nasty language.

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Part Twenty-One

Disaster struck the following morning. Vin would never understand the tendency of writers who began horror novels with 'it was a dark and stormy night.' Didn't they know that some of the greatest horrors happened in the broad daylight? Yeah, the dark could make him claustrophobic, but only if he was already inside ... not if he was out, under the stars. Vin would never understand certain people.

And some people, he didn't even try. Like Conklin, who began haranguing whoever was on guard, starting with Vin. The guide was used to tuning out the archaeologist, and just continued to watch the perimeter for trouble. Ever so often, he would call out a teasing comment to Adriana, who continued to take pictures of the structure from various angles.

She would come back with a smart-ass, and occasionally obscene, answer, which would make them, as well as most of the archaeologists, laugh. Daniel called a halt to the work as the sun set, and was once more invited to eat at the campfire of SG-7. He accepted the invitation, adding that he hoped things didn't get as interesting as they had the night before. They didn't, though JD was still seething from the reaming he had evidently gotten from Buck on patrol.

Instead, Daniel, Adriana, and Josiah talked animatedly about the possible scenarios for Atlantis. As yet, Dr. Briana Lincoln, the linguist on hand, hadn't found any references to Atlantis, but she had been late getting started with her work ... because Conklin had been busy harassing Vin instead of doing his own work. As a result, Bree's attitude toward Conklin had passed frosty, and was headed for icy.

She had been heard to say that if he did as much work as he did on ranting against SG-7, they would probably finish the evacuation ahead of schedule. Daniel had answered dryly that the general had scheduled the extra time for that very reason. Bree's answer had been borderline obscene, as she suggested a few other uses for that time, none of which Conklin would have enjoyed. Looked like Conklin was startin' to piss off his colleagues.

Once more, Adriana sat with Vin during his watch that night. The watches were shorter tonight, since Daniel had offered to take one of the watches. It was only an hour, and Vin teased Adriana that he wouldn't have to carry her to her tent tonight ... since she wouldn't be falling asleep against his shoulder. He would have never said so, but he ... didn't mind when she fell asleep against him. Kinda liked it, actually, but he would die before admitting to it.

The following morning, after breakfast, Chris and Vin took one area of the perimeter for patrol, Ezra and Buck took another, while Josiah and Nathan took the third area. JD would remain behind as guard. The photographs had been finished before breakfast, and Adriana was working inside the structure, helping to label the artifacts by description. Due to situations in the past, General Hammond was real leery about them bringing artifacts through the Gate.

The alternative ... taking pictures and then labeling them by number and description ... had been suggested by Bree Lincoln, the linguist. By Vin's reckoning, it was a right smart idea. Adriana had added that if she used the focus lens on her camera, she would have a better chance at getting any inscriptions, and that settled it. Until they knew more about this artifacts, General Hammond didn't want to take any chances with his people.

They were halfway through their patrol, when the Gou'ald hit. Ezra and Buck were pinned down, taking heavy fire. From the broken transmission, it sounded like Buck was down, and Ezra was desperately trying to stay on the line so he could get their coordinates to the others. It worked. Vin was able to triangulate their position, and the rest of SG-7 converged on Ezra's coordinates, except JD. He thought.

He was wrong. As they reached Ezra, the team learned that Ezra and Buck had split up, to make it more difficult for the Gou'ald to take them both out. Vin was headed over to Buck's position, when Daniel's voice crackled over the headset.

"SG-7, SG-7, this is base camp. We are under fire, say again, we are under fire!" the archaeologist said tersely, his voice betraying the struggle to remain calm. Vin stopped where he stood, his blood turning to ice water. Daniel? Why was Daniel calling for help? How had the Gou'ald found the archaeologists, who had moved into the lower chambers about an hour earlier? The answer to the first question arrived when he saw a familiar figure with longish black hair streak toward Buck's last known position.

"This is Seven-one, base camp, I copy ... where the hell is Dunne? Oh, shit ... never mind. Base camp, can you evacuate? Say again, can you evacuate, or do you need help?" Vin heard Chris say. As he finished his sentence, a blast caught JD in the back of his shoulder, and the guide broke into a run, heading for his fallen companion. From the other side of the hill, Nathan appeared, and Chris said, "Tanner, get back to the site and help Jackson evacuate ... let Nathan take care of JD. The rest of you, move in."

"On my way," Vin replied, pausing long enough to make eye contact with Nathan. The medic nodded as he reached JD's side, then Vin ran back toward the excavation site. JD had left his post. He had left civilians to fend for themselves. Vin wasn't a man who jumped to conclusions, or rushed to judgment, but as he raced back to help Daniel Jackson evacuate the rest of the civilians, he did hope JD had a damn good reason.

Vin actually had a pretty good idea ... JD had thought that Buck was down, may not have heard Ezra explain that Buck was fine, but his comm piece was fried. And by the time he did hear that, he was already on his way. As Vin approached the site, Daniel said in his headphones, "Seven-two, this is Jackson. I'm taking the others back to the Gate. Adriana was covering our retreat, but she's not with the group."

"I'm on my way," Vin answered as he approached the site ... there were several Jaffa left, and just as many on the ground, either dead or dying. Covering their retreat, huh? Damn, girl! Reckon when Teal'c said ya was good with that staff weapon, he meant ya was damn good! He took out the remaining Jaffa with a single shot apiece, then continued toward the structure. That the hell had this place been, anyhow? And then it didn't matter, because Vin's heart suddenly stopped beating. A part of it was missing ... like ... it ... had ... caved ... in.

No. He ran as fast as he could for the entrance, screaming, "Drina!" His blood ran cold as he spotted a figure lying on the ground, where the translation had been taking place, the staff weapon just out of reach. He whispered, "Drina?" The head lifted and the figure struggled into a sitting position, then twisted around. Vin ran the rest of the way to his friend, gently supporting her as she sank back against the ground.

"I thought I heard you. Was afraid I was just dreaming. My comm piece went bye-bye when I dove to avoid that," she whispered, indicating the slab which pinned her to the ground. She took a few deep breaths, then added, "I'm sorry, Vin. I couldn't seem to move it myself." He held her tightly, noting the tears which streaked her dirty face, then gently eased her back to the ground. He had to get her out of here. The crackle in his headset told him that SG-7 was having to retreat from the Jaffa, and that Chris was in a bad mood.

"No call for ya to 'pologize, Drina. Reckon it's a mite heavy," Vin answered as he shifted his weight. He tested the slab which had fallen on Adriana's legs, then his eyes followed the line of a pillar which had once supported the ... well, whatever the hell it was. Looked to him like the Lincoln Memorial, only with rooms underneath, but he didn't know the first thing about the Greeks, aside from what Adriana had told him, and he sure as hell didn't know nothin' about Greek architecture.

From what he could tell, as Adriana had dived out of the way of the falling pillar, she had avoided being crushed, but a loose slab had fallen on her legs instead. She had twisted her body, so that she was lying on her side ... Vin figured the damage wasn't as bad as it could have been, but he would still have to carry her out of here, once she was free. He told her, "This is gonna hurt, Drina, but I need ya to stay awake for me."

"Hell, I'll step-dance if I gotta," Drina fired back, and Vin laughed. He lifted the slab, growling at the weight, and tried to ignore the soft gasp of pain which Drina had also tried to fight back. He wouldn't try to lift it off, just slide it ... and that worked. Within seconds, she was free. He scooped her into his arms, and felt another tremor of pain shudder through her, but she stayed awake, whispering, "I was the only one, other than Daniel, who had much training with weapons. I had to cover their retreat."

"I know, Drina, I know. I'm gonna get ya back to the SGC, let Dr. Frasier take a look at ya. Seven-one, this is seven-two. Dr. Jackson and the others are goin' back. I got W-2. She's hurt bad, Chris, I gotta get her outta here," Vin said into his head piece. As he spoke, he heard Jaffa shouting. Aw hell, time was up. He shifted Adriana in his arms, and asked, "Can you shoot a pistol? I need ya to watch my back, Drina."

"You got it," she answered and eased the pistol out of his holster. In his ear, Chris was telling him to get the hell outta there, and Vin reflected that was exactly what he planned to do. As he reached the entrance, he found Josiah there, and Chris added that Josiah would provide cover fire while Vin got back to the Gate with Adriana. No words were exchanged between the anthropologist and the guide. Just Josiah clasping his shoulder, before turning to fire at the oncoming Jaffa. Three kilometers was a helluva long hike with someone in your arms, but Vin would make it. He had to.

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Part Twenty-Two

Oh Goddess, she hurt. As Vin ran for the Stargate, with Josiah Sanchez covering their six (shit, I've either been spending too much time at the base, Adriana thought, or watching too much JAG), the archaeologist thought about how quickly things had spun out of control. Things had started out so well that morning.

After she had finished taking pictures and labeling each artifact by number and as detailed a description she could provide, Adriana had moved onto her next project. She had begun helping Bree ... not with the translation, but by providing different angles of light for the linguist to work. She had vaguely heard Conklin taunting JD Dunne, but quite frankly, she was so used to Conklin bitching, she had begun tuning him out.

Until Daniel's head had jerked up and Bree asked while stretching, "Daniel, what is it?" He answered slowly that SG-7 was under attack, that they thought Buck was hurt. Adriana had almost collapsed against the wall. Bucklin was hurt? Oh Goddess, no. No, no, no. Bree had slipped her arm around Adriana's shoulders, comforting her, and it was then that they heard Conklin urging JD to go to the aid of his teammates.

Adriana heard it, but she didn't process it. Her brother was hurt. He couldn't be hurt badly, he had to be all right. They had to make things right between them ... she had been such a bitch to him. Never mind that he had hurt her, by only speaking to her for talking to JD the way she had ... that wasn't the point. Buck didn't always think before he spoke, and Adriana tried to make it a habit, to think before reacting.

What did snap her out of her numbness was the sound of Conklin shouting, "Hey! Get away from here, this is a government-protected site!" Followed by the sound of fire hitting the building. Fire ... Oh, shit. He didn't. Tell me he didn't. He had given their position away to the Jaffa, damn that idiot! Adriana's brain snapped back into focus and she straightened, seeing the same realization on the faces of the others.

"We have to get back to the Stargate," Daniel said quietly, "everyone, grab as much equipment as you can carry, we're getting the hell out of here." The others did as they were told as Daniel conferred with Chris. As Adriana helped the others, she noticed everyone else with a glassy look in their eyes. They were in shock, from the attack, from Conklin calling their position to the attention of the Jaffa, to JD Dunne abandoning his post.

Daniel had torn the comm piece off Conklin and was heading back toward them. He told Bree, "Conklin is in your custody until we get him back through the Gate. He pulls any more stupid stunts, you shoot him. Understood?" He handed her a pistol as he spoke, and Bree nodded numbly. Daniel's eyes met Adriana's. She had heard of the silent communication between her big brother Chris and Vin ... and now experienced that silent communication when Daniel looked at her.

She said the words aloud, for the benefit of the others, "You're gonna need someone to cover your six, Danny. You get me a staff weapon, and I can take the back exit and draw their fire away from you guys while you hightail it back to the Gate." Daniel looked around at the others, obviously not liking the idea, and Adriana pressed, "You know none of the others are any shape to cover your six, watch Conklin, and haul ass back to the Gate. I don't like it, either, but I don't see any other way out."

Over their heads, the staff-fire was intensifying. They were running out of time. Daniel ran his hand through his hair and sighed, "You're right, I don't like it. If Larabee doesn't kill me, then Jack will. Okay, we'll do it. But I'm getting one of SG-7 here. Dunne ran out on us, it's only fair." Adriana winced, but didn't argue. Daniel said if Chris didn't kill him, Colonel O'Neill would ... well, she had a sinking feeling that if Chris didn't kill JD, someone else would. Damn, he was gonna get fried for this.

She didn't get along with the kid, but found it hard to blame him for leaving them to go to Buck, when she had wanted to do the very same thing. Daniel got on the horn to Chris, and Adriana picked up the staff weapon which Teal'c had given her before their departure. Use it with honor, Adriana Wilmington, he had said. Well, that was certainly the plan. And the plan had been going pretty well actually, as she covered the escape of the others from what she and Daniel had taken to calling the back exit.

It had probably been a dog door, since it was rather small. Did temples have dogs? Whatever it was, it left Adriana with enough room to seriously inflict damage on the Jaffa over the next five minutes. When five minutes had passed, she radioed Daniel on a private channel they had agreed upon (to save Daniel's ears from a blistering Larabee blowout), and let him know that she was heading out.

That was where the plan went terribly wrong. She maneuvered her way out of the back exit, then picked up her back pack and started for the main entrance. Except ... and she still hadn't figured out exactly how this happened ... but one of the Jaffa blasts hit one of the pillars. She barely managed to dive out of the falling column. She wasn't so lucky when one of the slabs fell onto her legs, pinning her to the ground.

Despite her best effort, a scream tore free, and she briefly blacked out. Maybe a few seconds, she wasn't sure. But the pain which had knocked her into oblivion brought her back. The staff weapon was out of reach, so she couldn't defend herself or use it as a lever. The impact with the ground had knocked her headset off, so she couldn't call for help. Which meant she was on her own, unless Daniel realized she was missing.

That would take time, and while Adriana was dizzy from pain, she knew time was a luxury she didn't have. More Jaffa were moving in, she could hear them overhead. She gave herself a few seconds to catch her breath, then started trying to push the slab off her legs. No go. Through the haze of pain, she realized that the top was eroded, though she couldn't tell by what. The bottom ... the bottom was what had been struck by fire from the staff weapon.

None of which helped Adriana, except to focus on something other than the pain, and what she would do to Conklin when she got out of this. Because as the pain in her legs intensified, so did the pain she wanted to inflict on that idiot for giving away their position. She didn't know how long she laid there, before she heard Vin's voice. She didn't answer at first, as she thought she was just hearing things. Until he called her name again.

If she felt like she had been lying there for hours, it seemed like scant seconds before he had freed her and swung her into his arms.

His request that she watch his back gave her another focus for the pain, even after she realized that Josiah would be covering their retreat. As long as she was focused, she wouldn't pass out. And for reasons she didn't quite remember at the moment, it was very important that she not pass out. Oh, that's right ... if she was a dead weight, Vin might not be able to make it back to the Gate, and Adriana knew he wouldn't leave her. So she had to stay awake and make it easier. Vin had come for her, and she had to help him.

She must have passed out anyhow on the way to the Gate, because the next thing she saw was Chris Larabee's worried green eyes staring down at her, and his terse instructions, "Get her home! Buck and Nathan are coming with JD!" Then Vin was stepping into the wormhole, and Adriana finally began to let go ... but not before it registered that Buck was ok. Then they were in the Gate Room, and Adriana's world finally went dark.

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Part Twenty-Three

Things happened so fast, once he got Adriana through the Gate and back to Earth. As soon as he reached the Gate Room, Adriana was taken from him and put on a gurney, with Janet Frasier checking over her. Daniel approached him and Vin whispered, "Ya done what ya had to, Daniel. Somebody had to cover your six. She was ... she was pinned. When one of the columns came down." Daniel nodded, then drew Vin into a rough embrace.

Vin was so tired, and so worried about all of his friends, he didn't resist the embrace. Daniel answered, "Thank you. Now get to the infirmary. I know you're worried about Adriana. General Hammond has ordered Conklin to remain under guard until he calms down enough to question him properly." Vin nodded and Daniel released him. The archaeologist added with a smile, "Besides. I know that after the general is finished with him, your team wants a shot."

"Damn straight," Vin answered, then headed for the infirmary, where he found Jack O'Neill already waiting. O'Neill took one look at him, then steered him down the hall. For once, Vin didn't protest. He wasn't sure if he could wait to hear how she was. Had he done the right thing, moving her like that ... well, it was the only thing he could do, but what if he had caused further harm? Dammit, he couldn't think like that!

"Janet's working on her now, Vin. And she asked me to give you a message ... she said not to worry, that Adriana would recover. The way she fell, kept whatever from causing internal bleeding in her legs, and prevented it from crushing the bones. The kid is damn lucky ... and you look like you're about to fall over. Sit down and rest. No, don't argue with me, Vin, running three klicks with a badly injured teammate in your arms is a bit stressful. Besides, I think General Hammond wants to talk to you," O'Neill said.

He eased Vin into a sitting position. The guide lowered his head to rest on his knees, and a few minutes later, General Hammond asked softly, "Are you all right, son?" Vin raised his head and nodded, taking a deep breath, and the general continued, "I just had an update from Dr. Frasier, she said that Dr. Wilmington's right leg is fractured, but her left leg is just badly bruised. You probably saved her life out there. What can you tell me?"

"The Jaffa attacked ... they hit Buck and Ez. We was on our way, double time, 'cause we thought Bucklin was hurt. They just separated, make it harder for the Jaffa to get 'em. And Buck's comm piece got fried, so he couldn't tell us that he weren't hurt," Vin replied. He took a few deep gulps of air, then continued, "Reckon it was 'bout the same time, Daniel said that they were under fire. Chris sent me back."

He took a deep breath, then asked, "General, 'fore I went back ... I heard JD was hurt. D'ya know if he's okay?" He was furious with the kid, and worried about him at the same time. A dark cloud passed over the general's face, and Vin felt the color drain from his face as he realized that the general knew. Daniel? Or one of the other archaeologists? Didn't matter. He knew. Aw hell, kid.

"He's being taken to the infirmary as we speak. Nice try, son, but Dr. Lincoln already told me. You know he has to be reprimanded, don't you? I can't let this go. He left his post ... and if I have to have Major Wilmington in my office at the same time, so be it," the general replied. Vin closed his eyes, wondering what he could have done differently.

Either the general was getting better at reading him or Vin was getting too obvious. The general put his hand on Vin's wrist, forcing the guide to look at him, and said quietly, "Now you listen to me, young man. You followed your orders ... you went back to help Dr. Jackson with the evacuation. You didn't leave your post, regardless of the reason. The only person responsible for Private Dunne's situation is Private Dunne."

"Yeah, but maybe one a' us shoulda stayed behind. I mean, he woulda still been one against all them Jaffa," Vin replied. The general looked at him compassionately. In his mind, Vin knew that there was nothing he could have done, this time, but there was still another part of him which wanted to protect the kid, try to get the general to go easy on him. And then Ezra's words returned to him ... JD would never learn if he wasn't corrected.

He sighed, "I'm sorry, General, don't mean to undermine ya. I just want to protect the kid, ya know?" Hammond nodded, then rose to his feet and extended his hand to Vin. The guide took it and rose slowly to his feet. His muscles ached, his chest ached, and his legs would kill him in the morning. He was gettin' too old for this ... shit, at twenty-five, he was too old? That was a scary thought. Vin said, "I wanna go check on Adriana."

"You do that, son. If Dr. Frasier lets you in, tell her that I hope she recovers soon," the general replied. Vin nodded and moved slowly into the main hallway beside the infirmary, where he found Chris, Josiah, and Nathan waiting.

All three acknowledged him with tired smiles and bobs of their heads. He only had enough time to wonder where Buck and Ezra were when a locomotive hit him from behind, slamming him into the wall. Vin's head smacked into the concrete, sending shockwaves of pain through his skull, then Buck Wilmington was screaming at him, "You son of a bitch! You left JD! You left him, without even making sure he was all right!"

Vin was lifted and turned around, then slammed into the wall a second time. Buck's hands went around his throat, the big man continuing to rant, "You left him! You went back, and let JD lay there ... went back to save someone who probably don't deserve to live!" With each word, he slammed Vin into the wall. The guide was vaguely aware of Josiah and Nathan shouting, then he could breathe again, and he slid down the wall.

Through the haze of dizziness, he heard Janet Frasier's cold voice, "You know, Major Wilmington, I'm really sorry to hear you say that. Your sister already has a broken tibia in her right leg, a hairline fracture of her fibula, also in her right leg, and her left leg is badly bruised. I would really hate to have to add a broken heart to that list of injuries, because her brother can't keep his big mouth shut!"

There was silence, then Buck whispered, "Adriana? Adriana was hurt?" Josiah and Nathan lifted Vin to his feet. The guide saw Larabee's worried glance, and nodded to him. He was fine ... would be, at least. Now he saw Ezra as well, his own face filled with anger and worry. But, he realized as Ezra nodded to him, looking a bit relieved, the anger wasn't directed at him. Good. Didn't need to be slammed into the wall again.

"That's what we've been trying to tell you, Buck! Vin went back after Dr. Jackson radioed that the archaeologists were under fire. He led the evacuation, and Adriana brought up the rear, covering their escape, but she got hurt when a part of the building collapsed on her. Besides, I was already at JD's side when Chris told Vin to head back to the base camp, to help the others," Nathan explained with a sigh.

Buck looked at Vin, and started to say something, but Vin waved him off wearily. He didn't have the energy for this right now. He asked Janet, "Can I see her?" Janet nodded and quietly stepped aside. She didn't even ask him about checking him over ... would probably do that once he saw to Adriana. Which meant Janet was afraid Drina had heard Buck. Aw hell, could this day possibly get any worse?

Vin limped into the infirmary, by now aching all over. Shit, if he kept feeling this miserable, he'd let Janet look him over ... he'd even stay in the infirmary if she wanted him to. He cast a look at JD, who was still being tended, then his eyes fell on Adriana. Hope rose within him ... her eyes were closed, and her breathing sounded like she was asleep. Vin slowly approached the bed ... and her eyes opened.

Destroying any hope Vin might have held. As Adriana opened her eyes, he saw for the first time how pale she was. It could have been from the pain in her legs, but she hadn't looked that bad on the planet. And then he saw her eyes. She knew. She had heard every word.

For a moment, dizziness washed over Vin, as he struggled to find the right words. When his vision cleared, he saw tears rolling down Adriana's cheeks. Neither spoke, but Vin could read what she was thinking in her eyes. And knew there was nothing he could say, or do, to change that. My brother doesn't think I deserve to live. My brother doesn't think my life is worth as much as JD's.

Oh, God ... what did he say? Buck didn't mean it? She wouldn't believe him. Vin knew that. He slowly sat down on the bed beside her. In that eerie way they did some times, they reached for each other at the same time ... Adriana slipping into his arms as he held them out to her, and she buried her face against his shoulder. Vin felt the sobs shaking her body. It was the first time he had seen her cry since Priscilla Meadows' death, and it shook him even now.

He didn't know where the words came from. But they were there. And as he held the slender, shaking body, he whispered, "I would do it again." And he realized. That was all that needed to be said. He couldn't negate what Buck had said. But she had to know ... had to believe that regardless of what her brother had said ... Vin would repeat his actions. He would go back for her again. He would make the same choice.

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Part Twenty-Four

"Colonel Gaines? I've received information from our spy."

Ella looked over the notes she had made, regarding the plans of the SGC. She didn't have the blueprints with her, but she was recalling each corridor as best she could. There was always the matter of taking a hostage to ensure safe passage, but that would be too messy. Ella liked plans simple and elegant. No, it was better to retrieve as much information prior to returning to the SGC. She asked without looking up, "What is it, Lieutenant?"

"Several things. She witnessed Major Wilmington attacking the guide outside the infirmary. During the mission SG-7 just returned from, Private Dunne abandoned his post during a fire fight with the Gou'ald, forcing the archaeological team to retreat to the Gate, with Dr. Jackson in the lead and Dr. Wilmington bringing up the rear. The guide returned to the site of the excavation on orders from Colonel Larabee, and found Dr. Wilmington still inside, badly hurt," Lt. Kowalsky explained.

Now Ella did look up. Wilmington ... yes, now she remembered hearing that Buck Wilmington's younger sister had joined the SGC. An archaeologist, if she recalled correctly. She had been mentioned by the spy earlier, along with her strained relationship with her brother. The lieutenant continued, now that she had Ella's undivided attention, "He carried her back to the Gate, and apparently, Major Wilmington attacked him outside the infirmary for going back to the site, instead of staying and looking after Private Dunne. The boy was injured when he left his post."

From what Ella remembered of Buck Wilmington, he had been known to shoot his mouth off first at times, and think later. If he attacked the guide while his younger sister was inside the infirmary, there was a better than even chance the girl had heard him.

That would provide Ella with a possible weakness to exploit. Obviously, Major Wilmington cared less for his sister than he did for the little brat ... another weakness to exploit. She smiled to herself. She had had her doubts about the spy, but it looked like the traitor was starting to pay off. In the beginning, when she first started hearing about SG-7 forming, and Chris Larabee heading it up, she had begun plans to try to wreck from the inside out. She would allow nothing to come between her and Chris ever again, including the SGC.

Someone beat her to it, however, and Ella had been delighted to hear that someone had sabotaged the guide's VR helmet during his psych test. Oh, she wished she could have taken credit for that, after the trouble he ended up causing her ... but, she couldn't. Not this time, at least. And then there was the matter of Standish's psych test results being slipped into Nathan Jackson's room. That, Ella had a feeling, was more a matter of mistaken identity.

"There's more, ma'am ... according to the spy, General Hammond is getting ready to send SG-5 to PR2474 at the end of the week. Ma'am ... we still have the address to dial to PR2474. When I received the transmission, I checked my notebooks," Lt. Kowalsky added. There was barely surpressed excitement in her voice, and Ella felt a thrill of excitement shoot through her as well. Could it be?

The girl went on, "SG-7 is gonna be immobilized for a while. From what the spy told me in the communique, Private Dunne is in hot water for leaving his post. He and Dr. Wilmington were both injured, and while Dr. Wilmington obviously is of no importance to her brother, Private Dunne is, and we both know that as long as he's injured or in trouble, Major Wilmington isn't going anywhere. The guide will probably need a few days to recover from a three-klick run, carrying a colleague to the Gate. That's three members of SG-7 out of action."

"Better and better. My bet would be that General Hammond will have SG-7 stand down after a mission so spectacularly botched. Lt. Kowalsky, I want the entire team around the campfire at sunset. We have work to do, and I want to make sure that everyone is crystal clear on what their part of the plan is," Ella replied. Lt. Kowalsky nodded her understanding and waited for her dismissal. Ella added, "You're dismissed, Lieutenant, and excellent work."

A smile lit the girl's face, but she snapped off a perfect salute, which Ella returned, then left the tent. Ella turned her attention back to her notes, but found everything in shambles. Not the notes she had made, but her own thoughts. She sighed and leaned back against the edge of the tent. It was really happening. After all this time, an SG team was practically falling into her hands. There were divisions within SG-7, divisions which Ella could exploit.

There was still the matter of what to do about Lt. Kowalsky, but at the moment, Ella wasn't inclined to kill the girl after it was over. She would see what would happen as time went on. For now, she had to get her thoughts in order ... there were plans to be made, and Ella intended to be much more careful this time. She should have never left her memory box out where Chris could find it.

That had been sheer sloppiness. She hadn't planned to tell Chris about what she had done, the wonderful things she had done to bring them back together.

That would have waited until he was her husband in the eyes of man, as well as the eyes of God. Men could be so unpredictable. Chris was more unpredictable than most. Even so, his rage had startled her ... his hands around her throat, screaming at her. But then, it made sense. He was still lying to himself, making himself believe that he had loved that slut and her bastard son. Of course, that made perfect sense.

Well. She didn't have much longer to wait. He hadn't talked himself into believing that he loved Mary Travis, yet, but Ella had seen the signs the last time. She would be there as well, and Ella had decided she would die first. Then her child. Then she would kill the guide, and Chris would never doubt her love for him again.

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Part Twenty-Five

Dammit, she hated it when people took her blanket to wake her up! And despite her best efforts, Adriana found herself waking up, to be greeted immediately by a shockwave of pain flowing up through her legs. Shit, that hurt! She closed her eyes, trying to steady her breathing. She heard someone murmur, "Well, that failed ... sorry we woke you, little sister, but Dr. Frasier and I thought Vin would be more comfortable in a different bed."

Adriana opened her eyes to find Josiah Sanchez settling Vin into a bed nearby. Vin was sleeping, or unconscious ... one of the two. She frowned, trying to remember what happened. And then she saw JD Dunne buttoning up his shirt in Janet's office, and the memories returned all at once. Good. That's exactly where she wanted him, as far away from her as possible. But what was wrong with Vin? Had he been hurt when they came through the Gate?

"Vin's fine, little sister ... just exhausted. I think he made that 3K run in record time. Adrenaline can be a wonderful thing, but when it crashes, so do you," Josiah observed. Adriana grinned in spite of herself, and the big man came over to her bed, sitting beside her. He explained, "You fell asleep in Vin's arms, then he fell asleep beside you after the adrenaline rush ended. The others have been in and out, checking on you both."

"He'll be okay, though?" she asked and Josiah nodded. A second look at Vin's sleeping form told her that he was sleeping, not unconscious, and she relaxed. Her eyes strayed once more to JD Dunne in the next room, and she scowled, adding, "Don't expect me to ask about him. I know I'm being a bitch, and I know I can't say I would have done anything differently if I thought Buck was hurt, but I'm still pissed at him, and yes, I know I'm being unreasonable."

"Uh, I think most of your fellow archaeologists would agree with you about John Dunne, actually. I know General Hammond does," Josiah replied.

Adriana closed her eyes briefly. That meant he would be getting a reprimand. She wondered if she would as well. Or Vin? No, she didn't think that was likely. She had seen the worry in Larabee's eyes when she woke up at the Gate. Oh shit. She had failed to watch Vin's back on the way to the Gate! Josiah added, as if divining her thoughts, "You were in a powerful amount of pain, Adriana. There's no shame in letting go for a while, and I was there, too."

"Thanks for watching Vin's back. I can't remember passing out ... I should have been watching his back as well. Focusing on something else helps me fight off the pain, I don't know what happened to me this time," Adriana admitted. She was silent for several moments, then said softly, "I owe you an apology, Josiah. I haven't been ... very pleasant these last few months. I ... trust is hard for me, but I shouldn't take it out on you."

"You don't owe me anything, little sister. Things happen in a person's life. Things that leave scars soul-deep. And if a person is strong enough, and wise enough, they try to get past the scars and live again. It may take time for a person to earn your trust, but you give them the opportunity. It's a wary opportunity, but it's there. Will you give me the opportunity to earn your trust?" Josiah asked.

"You've already started, Josiah. That's why I apologized," she answered softly. The blue-gray eyes softened, and the anthropologist nodded his understanding. Adriana took a deep breath, and went on, "I want to tell you something, something about me. It may shock you, but I don't ... I can't be afraid my entire life. Then I'll be letting my scars win. And I'm so tired of being afraid." Josiah nodded once more, and Adriana said hesitantly, "I ... I'm not a Christian."

Josiah said nothing, and she continued, "I was raised as a Catholic. But it didn't feel right to me. And when I started studying archaeology, I also began studying the old religions. And the religions of today which they inspired. I'm not a Wiccan, I'm not a witch. But I worship a goddess, not the Christian god. I acknowledge his existence ... but I ... " She shook her head, unable to continue, and Josiah very lightly touched her fingers, drawing her attention to him.

"I already knew, Adriana. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me, because I know it's something few other people knew. And if you're wondering ... no, I don't think you're evil. I don't even think you're misguided. Just finding the path, the way, that is yours. You see, since my father was a missionary, I studied a lot of different religions. That's how I ended up as an anthropologist. And the beliefs of the people I've studied are just as valid as Christianity. So, you talk to your goddess, whom I have no doubt loves you very much," Josiah replied.

He smiled faintly and added, "You told me that you're not a Christian. The truth is, I've encountered Christians who call themselves Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, Buddhists, Hindus. To me, it no longer matters what name you call yourself ... but how you live your life." He smirked, his eyes twinkling, and added, "Besides. From what Koje tells me, you started being a pagan long before you admitted to it."

"Koje ... you know Koje?" Adriana asked, blinking in amazement. Josiah nodded and Adriana relaxed against her pillows, muttering, "Huh."

"I think that's enough talking ... maybe I should put this on your chart. 'Pain medication and certain drugs lead her to become more talkative.' Dr. Sanchez, Private Dunne is almost finished dressing ... he needs to catch his breath, then you can escort him to his quarters," Janet Frasier said, joining Josiah at Adriana's bedside. The archaeologist stuck her tongue out at her friend, who just laughed. The truth was, though, Adriana was getting tired.

"I'll pass that along to General Hammond once I get JD settled. Can I let Chris know that Vin's fine, just exhausted?" Josiah asked and Janet nodded, her brown eyes flickering briefly to Vin. Josiah added dryly, "Boy ran three klicks in record time. Good thing we ain't goin' nowhere for a while. Buck and JD are likely gonna be ... " His voice trailed off as he looked at Adriana. She looked back at him, and Josiah said softly, "You heard."

"Ya ain't tellin' Bucklin, J'siah," a husky voice said from the other bed. Adriana, Janet, and Josiah all looked over at the same time. Vin muttered, barely awake, "Ya ain't tellin' him. Drina don't want him to know. We gotta respect that." Josiah looked at Adriana, who nodded. She remembered saying something like that to Vin, before she fell asleep. Buck would feel like he had to apologize, and Adriana didn't want his apology unless he meant it. And right now, she just didn't see that happening.

"Then I won't tell him. Go back to sleep, Vin. You need your rest," Josiah answered gently. There was a sigh from the other bed, then silence. Josiah watched the guide for a few minutes more, then said, "I won't tell Buck, but I will tell Chris, Adriana. He should know." Adriana started to argue with him, but realized she didn't want to. She didn't have the energy, didn't have the desire. Right now, all she wanted to do was sleep.

"Okay. Josiah? What's gonna happen to Conklin?" she asked. A twisted, gleeful smile appeared, and Adriana swallowed hard. Uh-oh. This didn't look pleasant. Then she remembered Conklin screaming at the Gou'ald, giving away their position, and her sympathy abruptly dried up. Then something else occurred to her ... just how long had she been out? She asked, her eyes flickering from Josiah to Janet, "And how long have we been back?"

"Since yesterday. I had Vin moved so that he was stretched out on the bed, at least until you two started fidgeting. Then I asked Josiah to help me move Vin onto another bed, let both of you rest more comfortably. General Hammond has decided that Dr. Conklin will not be going back into the field. Permanently. He won't release him into civilian life, because Conklin knows too many things, but Conklin will be doing the grunt work for the other archaeologists from here on out," Janet replied.

Adriana smirked ... couldn't have happened to a nicer guy! She admitted, "I'm really not a nice person. After I get some sleep, I wouldn't mind rubbing it in. The jerk-off deserves it." Josiah winked at her, patting her wrist, and Adriana found she didn't mind it. Funny. That was the second time it happened. Well, she had never minded Buck or Chris touching her, even when she couldn't see them. But after Josiah asked permission, on the planet, it wasn't a problem when he touched her now. That was odd. But she would think about that later. She was tired, and she wanted to go back to sleep.

"Get some rest, little sister. And before you ask ... General Hammond wanted me to give you a message. He's talked with Vin, and the other archaeologists, as well as Daniel. He wants you to know, you did nothing wrong. He figured that since this was your first mission, you would be second guessing yourself ... wondering if you did the right thing when you offered your idea to Daniel. You did exactly the right thing," Josiah assured her.

Adriana exhaled slowly. She had been wondering about that, yes. She looked at the anthropologist and admitted, "I was afraid I had screwed up, but it made the most sense. I'm glad Vin and I won't be reprimanded. It sounds stupid, but ... " She let the sentence trail off and closed her eyes. Josiah patted her hand again, and murmured that she should get some sleep. That was the plan. That was definitely the plan. Now that she knew she hadn't totally screwed up on her first mission, she could rest a lot easier.


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