Days of Yearning

By Deb


DISCLAIMERS: M7 characters belong to Trilogy, et al, SG-1 characters belong to Gekko, MGM, and Showtime. Adriana is mine ... don't mind if you borrow her, just give her back intact and give credit where credit is due.

SPOILERS: Mainly Obsession, my own More than Friends, Under the Sun, and various Stargate episodes.

WARNING: original characters, some violence, nasty language.

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Part Sixteen

Chris was still thinking about his conversation with Nettie on Monday morning, as SG-7 prepared to move out with the archaeological team. Unable to shake the feeling that the old woman was right. As always, Vin stood at his side, quiet and calm, most of his weight resting on his right leg. He would shift his weight from one leg to the other, that motion the only indication that he was ready to get under way. And that his patience was already being tested by Dr. Conklin, who was behind them with the rest of the archaeologists.

"SG-7, you have a go ... good luck, and be careful," General Hammond said from the control room. Chris looked at Vin, who responded with a barely noticeable bob of his head. Satisfied that his guide and friend was comfortable with the situation, SG-7 proceeded into the wormhole, and they were whisked clear across the known universe to PF-5672. Chris didn't like having Vin out at his side, but at least Josiah and the others were there to watch both of their backs. Josiah, of course, would be keeping one eye on Conklin, and the other eye on them.

It always felt like they were being spit out when they emerged from the wormhole. After more than a year of this, Chris would have expected to get used to it. A quick glance to his right told him that Vin was alert, albeit shaken. Chris understood. Not only did you feel like you were being spit out of a giant digestive system (and what lovely imagery that was), the wormhole tended to scramble your senses.

And speaking of digestive systems ... Chris cringed as the distinctive sound of someone retching reached his ears. Vin grimaced in sympathy and muttered, "Damn ... and the poor kid didn't eat nothin' this mornin' neither. Reckon it's a good thin' she brought those bars a' hers." Chris turned and realized that it was Adriana who was miserably sick and her face was nearly green. She was on her hands and knees, trembling visibly. Daniel Jackson was at her side, his hand on her shoulder in a comforting gesture.

The colonel exchanged a look with his best friend and Vin moved ahead, keeping watch, while Chris backtracked to the two archaeologists. He threw a glare in Conklin's direction, and the weasel's smirk abruptly disappeared. Son of a bitch, Chris thought in irritation. As Vin had said, Adriana wasn't bringing anything up. She hadn't eaten much the night before ... admitting to being wayyyy too nervous.

Still, it was obvious that she was miserable. To protect her from prying eyes, Chris positioned himself between her and the others. She smiled weakly as Daniel helped her up and whispered, "I'm so sorry, Chris. I didn't mean to slow us down." Chris reached out to steady her, careful that she had seen the contact coming. He remembered how she had reacted to Josiah touching her unexpectedly at Nettie's ... and what the hell was up with that?

"You didn't slow us down, little princess. Just give yourself a few minutes, Vin's making sure things are all clear for us. I'm proud of you, actually. First time through the Gate, and you're actually coherent. I've known guys who could barely walk after their first trip. Right, Daniel?" Larabee asked the archaeologist. Daniel immediately added his agreement, sharing stories about other trips through the Gate.

Chris used the time to look over his surroundings. According to the intel he had received, they were about three klicks from the site. Based on the direction the wind was blowing, they weren't that far from water. Chris could smell salt water. An ocean, maybe. He tried to focus on that, rather than on the memories of his honeymoon in Greece with Sarah. She had loved the old Greek myths, and insisted on going to Greece, rather than her father's native Ireland. The colonel was aided when Adriana observed, "Not exactly a tropical forest, but it's not Arrakis, either. We won't have to wear stillsuits." He turned back to her with an approving grin. She had got her composure back, along with some color.

"Arrakis? Wasn't he one of the Three Musketeers, or was that a site? And what are stillsuits?" JD asked, coming up to the trio. Chris grinned as Adriana blinked in shock. She looked first at the cartographer, then at Chris, as if to say, did he say what I think he just said? JD was only five years younger than Adriana, but Chris was willing to bet that at the moment, it felt more like fifteen to his 'little sister.' And he wondered if Vin ever felt like that.

"You're thinking of Aramis, Private Dunne," she said at last. JD thought about it for a moment, then nodded his agreement. Adriana continued, "And Arrakis was the proper name of Dune." At JD's blank look, Adriana continued, "It was a series of novels. The Dune series, written by Frank Herbert. A desert planet. It's a science fiction classic. I've only read the first four novels, and saw the movie."

"I remember you and Buck insisting on watching that," Chris groaned. Adriana just laughed. Chris grinned at her, and continued, "You feel like moving on now, little princess?" The girl nodded and Josiah joined the little group. The colonel said, "You take it slow ... no heroics. If you're not feeling well, if you're feeling weak, then you say so. I'll be ahead with Vin. Josiah, Daniel ... look after her."

"Would you like some assistance, little sister?" Josiah asked gently, offering the young woman his hand. Adriana hesitated, then took it. Josiah enfolded the small hand in his own large paw, then put the other hand under her elbow. Daniel walked on her other side, and Chris allowed his eyes to sweep over his men. JD had rejoined Buck, the big major smacking him upside the head with JD's own hat and harassing him about not knowing what 'Dune' was. Not everyone watches SF and fantasy, big fella, Chris thought, but kept his thoughts to himself. Instead, he located Nathan and Ezra.

The negotiator was carrying some equipment for one of the female archaeologists, and Chris smirked. So much for his claim that gentlemen don't indulge in menial labor, the colonel thought, gotta tease him about that when we're settled. As if hearing Larabee's thoughts, Ezra's head came up, and a long-suffering expression appeared on his face. He mouthed 'what,' and Chris just grinned, allowing his eyes to drift to Nathan.

The medic was also carrying equipment, talking animatedly with Stacy, the young woman who had nearly died a few months earlier when a glider almost ran her down. Chris knew that Stacy was a good friend of Rain's, and he also knew that Nathan and Rain's engagement was officially unofficial, at least until Nathan found a suitable engagement ring. Remembering how he had agonized over an engagement ring for Sarah, Chris could sympathize.

Nathan looked up, and Chris inclined his head in Ezra's direction. As he had intended, Nathan followed his gaze, and a broad grin appeared on his face. Oh yeah. They would definitely be teasing Ezra about this tonight. Nathan winked at Chris, and the leader pulled ahead in search of his best friend. Vin had stopped a short distance away from the rest of SG-7 and the archaeologists. As Chris approached him, Vin asked, "Drina okay?"

"She is now. Conklin kinda took the attitude that her bein' sick when she came through the Gate was proof that she shouldn't be on the team, but he was dealt with," Chris answered. A feral expression appeared in the eyes of the other man, and Chris put a hand on Vin's arm, cautioning, "Easy there ... beating him up won't solve anything. Might make the two of us feel better, but we're here to do a job, Vin." The feral look gave way to a cold stare, and Chris realized his mistake at once. The same mistake he had made when he had called Vin a liar in all but words. Ella Gaines. Dammit!

"Ya questionin' the way I do my job, Larabee?" Vin asked quietly ... too quietly. Chris shook his head, and Vin continued, "I ain't got no intention a' beatin' up that worthless piece a' shit. He ain't worth the energy. But reckon when we get back t' the SGC, I might wanna tell Colonel O'Neill 'bout how Dr. Conklin thinks only some people should go through the Gate. Reckon it might take more ... subtlety than I got."

Vin nodded then, a sharp, firm nod, and continued on his way. Buck came up alongside Chris and asked, "What happened?" Remembering Nettie's warning of only a few days earlier, the colonel shook his head. Ever since his return the previous day, Chris had tried to think of a way to stave off the impending disaster. And his gut told him that Nettie was right. It was coming. It was coming, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.

"I questioned Vin's honor," Chris answered with a sigh. Buck just glared at him, and Chris continued, "I forgot I was talking to Vin Tanner, instead of JD. JD would have gone off halfcocked. Vin's a lot more ... well, Vin's Vin." It was a stupendously obvious statement, and yet it summed up exactly what he was saying. Buck shook his head again, and once more, that chill ran through Chris Larabee. Disaster would strike, strike soon, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

He didn't know how right he was.

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Part Seventeen

Damn sorry-assed cowboy, who the hell does I think I am? I ain't stupid ... still cain't read real good, but I sure as hell ain't stupid! What the hell did he think I would do? Beat the livin' shit outta Conklin? And just what kinda good woulda that done? 'Cept give that pieza de mierda more ammo 'gainst us, and get my ass stuck in the brig, or whatever the hell they call it in the SGC. Goddammit, Larabee!

Vin Tanner stalked ahead of the others, unsure if he was more furious with himself for wanting to beat the living shit outta that idiot Conklin, with Conklin himself for being such a smug idiot, or with Chris Larabee for actually thinking that Vin had so little control over his emotions. Hell, forget O'Neill, he'd let Drina deal with that asshole Conklin! From what he had heard, she done a real good job of it so far.

His anger cooled as he walked. He just couldn't figure out what he had done wrong, to make Chris think he would beat the living shit out of Conklin for having an attitude. That wasn't his style, and Chris knew it. So Vin must have done something wrong lately, to make Chris worry about him blowing his stack.

The thing was, even if Drina had been his girl, he woulda never ripped Conklin apart. Not for havin' a lousy attitude. Hell, if that were the case, Vin would spend all of his time in fights. He just didn't have the energy for that, and he knew Drina didn't want no one else fightin' her battles for her. That was why he wouldn't get involved in the growing distance between Bucklin and Drina. One reason at least.

If Conklin had acted that way toward Mary, Vin had no doubt that Chris woulda gotten in his face. Conklin, however, was only so many kinds of a fool. And messin' with the daughter-in-law of General Orrin Travis was one form of stupidity he would never be guilty of. Although, even if he was that stupid, Vin had no doubt that Mary could handle herself. Especially when it came to words, Conklin's weapons of choice. They were Mary's best weapons, too.

Vin smiled to himself, thinking of a possible verbal match between Mary and Conklin. Forget the boxing matches sometimes conducted by the SGC (complete with betting pools run by O'Neill and Ezra) ... that would be a helluva lot more entertaining! He heard the approach from behind and said before his companion could speak, "Ain't sure how long it'll take us to get to the site, cowboy. The others holdin' up okay?"

"They're fine," Chris replied. Larabee, however, obviously wasn't. And Vin didn't think it was about what had happened a few moments earlier ... at least, not entirely. There was something else weighing on his mind. Chris continued after a moment, "You know, I actually saw Ezra 'engaging in menial labor,' just a few minutes ago? He was carrying some equipment for one of the other female archaeologists."

Vin smirked and answered, "Reckon we oughta tease him 'bout that ... second time in less 'n a week, we caught him 'engagin' in menial labor.' Might make a habit outta it." Larabee grinned and Vin went on, "Don't reckon I'll ever forget the look on his face, when he figgered out that Mary and Drina had sweet-talked him into helpin' the rest of us. That's a pair we might wanna watch, cowboy. Drina finally decides to trust Mary, those two are gonna be hell on legs."

"Remember what I told Tophat Bob? About there being a few ladies I was scared of, but not him?" Chris asked. Vin nodded, remembering their encounter with the one-eyed giant while they were helping Nettie to keep her boardinghouse open, and Chris continued wryly, "Those two definitely fall into the same category. Alone, they can scare the hell outta me, but together? Forget the Tok'ra, forget the Tollan, send those two after the Gou'ald."

"Reckon forgettin' 'bout the Tok'ra would suit me just fine," Vin drawled. He had about as much trust and respect in the Tok'ra as Jack O'Neill. As Inez would have said, 'nada.' Chris nodded his agreement, and Vin went on, "Mary done told me about Drina puttin' Conklin in his place. Wish I'd been there to see it. You hear about the archaeologist's meetin', when Conklin started makin' noise about drivin' us out?"

"I heard. Of course, if I'd forgotten, Adriana would have reminded me a few minutes ago. Conklin was patronizing her about getting sick, and you know how she reacts to being patronized," Chris replied and Vin rolled his eyes. Ohh, did he know!

Chris continued, "She stopped, looked at him, and said in this pseudo-sweet voice, you know the one I mean, 'Well, Dr. Conklin, I never was one for roller coasters. In fact, I think if you asked him real nice, Vin might tell you just how much I hate roller coasters. But, I knew that ahead of time, and I didn't eat. I've heard of a few civilians who ignored the warnings of the SG teams and ate a huge breakfast.' Mind you, Josiah's got this big, shit-eatin' grin on his face."

Vin nodded, easily picturing the scene, and Chris went on, "That's about when the preacher pipes up, 'Normally a fine idea, it is the most important meal of the day ... but not to be recommended when you're goin' into a wormhole that makes the Vomit Comet look like a kiddie ride.' Seems JD ain't the only one who didn't listen when he was told about not eatin' before going through the Gate."

"Aw hell ... reckon I can figger out how Conklin reacted to that," Vin replied, shaking his head as the pair ambled along. The guide's eyes were never still, as they swept along the landscape, looking for anything that might be a threat to his. Oh, he knew that wasn't the right way to say it, the proper way to say it, but it was still true. SG-7, and whoever was traveling with them, was his responsibility. They were his. Even that moron Conklin.

"Well, he was stunned speechless. Josiah had to tell him to close his mouth, he was letting all the flies in," Chris replied. Vin threw back his head and laughed out loud. Oh, that was perfect! Chris laughed with him, adding, "Nathan got involved by observing that flies carry nasty diseases. And then Ezra put in his two cents, by saying that 'such distasteful creatures might see fit to deposit their embryos within the digestive cavity of some unfortunate who left his oral cavity agape.' Once he figured out what Ez was saying, Conklin was the one turning green."

By now, Vin was shaking with silent laughter. Chris continued, still laughing, "You should have seen the looks on the faces of the other archaeologists, besides Daniel and Adriana. Once Nathan, Ezra, and Josiah were finished with Conklin, they went right back to what they were doing. Last I saw, Conklin was still greenish. I haven't seen him squirm like that, not since General Travis reamed him over the James incident."

"Oh, I have," Vin replied, and Chris looked at him. Vin continued, "It was about three months after SG-7 was formed. Conklin was on his crusade to get rid of us, and he went to the wrong person. Teal'c." Chris stopped dead in his tracks, staring at Vin. The guide shrugged and added, "Reckon he thought Teal'c bein' all quiet meant that the big guy agreed with him. Didn't realize he's always quiet. How he missed that, don't really know."

"Don't tell me he pissed off Teal'c?" Chris asked and Vin nodded. Chris sighed, then cast a sideways look at Vin, asking slyly, "Was he wearin' those brown pants of his?" Vin smirked at the reference to an old joke between the two men. He nodded and Chris shook with laughter. He waited for several moments, as Chris got himself under control, then the colonel said, "Well, I always said that Teal'c could scare the shit out of me when he's pissed."

"Hell, Chris, Teal'c scares the shit outta any sane person when he's pissed! Never said Conklin was crazy, just a mite stupid," Vin returned.

Chris smirked and Vin went on, "Anyhow, Teal'c was loomin' over Conklin, and starts tellin' Conklin 'bout what all he done while he was First Prime to Apophis. How the System Lords call him 'shovah' for thinkin' for himself, and rejectin' them as false gods. Then he got in Conklin's face and hissed, 'I have seen and done things far beyond your comprehension. Do not tell me that SG-7 is not wanted here. You know nothing of the Gou'ald. I know too much.' Then he turned his back on Conklin, like Conklin weren't nothin,' and walked away."

Chris was silent, and Vin looked over to see his friend shaking his head. Vin took the moment to look through his spyglass. Yup ... he could see the ruins from here. He glanced over his shoulder at the rest of SG-7 and the approaching archaeologists, and did a mental calculation. It would probably take another three hours to get to the ruins, which were still a fair hike away. While they had left the SGC in the early morning, it was mid-afternoon here. Vin turned to Chris and said, "Reckon we should make camp at the bottom of the hill. Keep goin' in the mornin.' I'll scout ahead, find a good place to rest for the night."

"I'll send Josiah with you. I think if he has to listen to much more of Conklin's whining, he'll probably find a way to keep Conklin's mouth open permanently for all those little flies," Chris observed. Vin couldn't argue with that. Josiah was an amazingly patient man, but he had his limits, and it looked to him that Conklin was just about to hit one of those limits. Drina still walked by his side, but no longer needed his arm to support herself.

"Watch your back, cowboy," Vin replied. Chris swatted at Vin's head, but the guide easily ducked, laughing. The two men clasped forearms, then Chris turned to join Josiah and Drina. Vin stayed put ... if only to watch the expression on Josiah's face when he realized that he had been delivered from evil. At least for the moment. Josiah didn't disappoint, casting his face to heaven with a broad grin.

Vin caught Adriana's eye and winked at her. She just smiled, looking a little more at ease with Josiah. Good. He didn't think those two would have a hard time getting along, once Adriana got past her ... unease ... around men old enough to be her father. Although, if Vin remembered right, Buck had once said that his father was a good bit older than Josiah. That weren't the point, though ... Josiah could have a daughter Adriana's age. Or a son Vin's age.

That wouldn't be a bad thing. Havin' J'siah as a pa. Reckon he would make a good pa. Vin had thought about his missing father over the years. Wondered about him. He wasn't rightly sure if his parents had been married. Didn't make no never mind to him, but he wasn't sure if Tanner was his ma's name or his pa's. Josiah smiled broadly as he approached and said, "So, Brother Vin, I understand we'll be making camp soon? Maybe we can convince Brother Conklin to rest his mouth?" Vin laughed ... yup, havin' J'siah as a pa would be a right fine thing.

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Part Eighteen

Being out in the field with SG-7 was almost as good as being out with SG-1. Not that the other teams weren't good ... but it felt right. SG-7 had the same atmosphere, the same ... Daniel Jackson stopped and thought about it. How did he want to put that? He supposed that all of the SG teams were like families, but the dynamics of SG-7 were more like SG-1 than any of the other teams. Yeah. That was a good way of putting it.

He had been invited to eat at SG-7's fire, along with Adriana Wilmington, and he happily accepted. He listened in silence as the team teased each other, with Ezra Standish taking most of the harassment at the moment. Vin Tanner sat across the fire ... actually, it was more like he was reclining against his sleeping bag. He was smiling as he listened to Buck Wilmington, Nathan Jackson, Colonel Larabee, and Dr. Sanchez harass Standish about his claims about gentlemen and menial labor. Ever so often, the two pairs of blue eyes were meet, a smile would be exchanged, then they turned their attention to the others.

It had begun as a festive evening, with Adriana agreeing to make dinner for SG-7. Apparently, while she wasn't a gourmet chef, she was less likely to poison them with her cooking than her older brother. Which started off the night of teasing, as the others in SG-7 relentlessly teased the major about his inability to cook anything properly. That gave way to Wilmington teasing JD Dunne about never hearing of 'Dune.'

While Daniel had long been fascinated by Egyptology, as he had spent his early years immersed in it, he had developed a taste for science fiction at any early age. His grandfather Nick had blamed this love for science fiction on Daniel's theory that an advanced alien race had built the pyramids, but that wasn't it at all. One thing had nothing to do with the other. However, no one ever believed him when he said that, and so he had finally shut up. He turned his attention back to the events of the night thus far.

Unfortunately, as Major Wilmington had been known to do, he finally pushed the kid too far, and Dunne had lashed out at the person he seemed to hold responsible for the teasing ... Adriana. He had made a remark about working through high school, to support himself and his dying mother ... he didn't have time to read science fiction or pay attention to anything that didn't take place in the real world. That was the one he lived in.

Daniel had bristled at this insult, which seemed to imply that neither he nor Adriana lived in 'the real world.' After all, they were on another planet, for God's sake. He wasn't the only one who bristled. But it was Adriana who sat up straight and stared at JD steadily through the fire. She said quietly, "When I was seventeen years old, I left home to save myself. I spent the next year, working in the pits of hell so I could live, and so I could go to college. Don't talk to me about the real world, Private Dunne. That's an argument you'd lose."

The two sets of hazel eyes remained locked. Daniel could already tell it was a staring match Dunne would lose. In the first place, Adriana had learned from the best ... from Chris Larabee. In the second place, Dunne had already figured out he should have kept his mouth shut. However, Daniel couldn't keep his own mouth shut this time. He said in a voice just as quiet as Adriana's, "There's an old saying, Private Dunne. Don't presume to judge someone, until you've walked a mile in their shoes."

"The kid didn't mean no harm. No need for you to come down on him so hard, Adriana," Major Wilmington said. In the firelight, Daniel could see Adriana's face twisting into a terrible parody of a smile. And it occurred to him, that it was the first time the major had spoken to his sister all day. He could see from Adriana's expression that she had realized the same thing. Vin reached over and put his hand on her shoulder. Something else which Daniel was just now realizing. The guide was one of the few people who could touch her without her flinching.

There was silence around the campfire for several moments as the two siblings stared at each other. Chris Larabee rose to his feet and walked around behind Vin to settle behind Adriana. He leaned forward and whispered something to her. Adriana tore her eyes away from her brother and looked over her shoulder at the colonel. Something else was said, and her features relaxed into an impish grin.

Josiah observed, breaking the tension, "Now, speaking of coming down ... was it my imagination, or have I seen Ezra Standish indulging in menial labor twice in less than a week? What is that old saying? 'Oh, how the mighty have fallen.' What of it, Ezra, are you turning over a new leaf?" That shattered the last of the unease, and everyone laughed. Adriana settled back as Chris draped his arm around her.

That wasn't entirely true, though. Some tension persisted. JD was staring at first Buck, then Adriana. As if something terrible had just occurred to him. Something totally alien, as alien as the Gou'ald themselves. There was fear in those hazel eyes, fear and ... the beginning of understanding? Daniel couldn't tell. He knew JD was the youngest of the 'Magnificent Seven,' as they were called. He knew that Buck Wilmington had set himself up as the kid's mentor, guardian, guide, big brother ... whatever you wanted to call him.

And he knew that Buck Wilmington would move heaven and earth, face the very devil, for JD. Everyone in the SGC knew that. What Daniel didn't know was if Buck had realized yet that his tendency to focus on the boy would end up destroying what remained of his relationship with his sister. He was pretty certain that Buck didn't know ... but he was just as certain that JD Dunne did know that. And he was just as sure that this was the beginning of the end.

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Part Nineteen

At Larabee's insistence, everyone went to bed early that night. Vin would take first watch, while the rest of SG-7 helped the various archaeologists set up their tents. Surprising no one, Adriana and Daniel helped each other set up their own shelters, then helped SG-7 set up their own. After they were finished, Adriana found Vin sitting alone. She sank to her knees beside him, murmuring, "Funny, kinda reminds me of Texas."

Vin laughed quietly and replied, "Ya know, was thinkin' the same thin'. Don't look nothin' like Texas. But it's been a long time since I looked at the stars with ya, girl. Didn't realize 'til just now how much I missed it." She smiled at him and they both fell silent for several moments. He heard Daniel offering to watch her tent until she came back. Seemed he didn't fully trust some members of their party, though he wouldn't say who.

"Was I out of line, Vin?" she asked suddenly. Vin looked away from the stars and at her. Adriana continued, "When ... earlier. With JD. When ... you know. Was I out of line?" Vin studied her face for several moments, then shook his head slowly. It wasn't a negation. It was an invitation, and one Adriana couldn't refuse. She never could. The words spilled from her, "I wonder, though. I mean, I don't think I was nasty about it, when he said he had never heard of 'Dune.' It just surprised me. Stupid, but ... "

"Drina," Vin said quietly and Adriana halted in mid-sentence. The guide turned more fully toward her and grasped her shoulders, saying softly, "Ya didn't cross the line. And ya weren't nasty to him. Hell, he surprised me when he asked 'bout Arrakis. Nice to know I ain't the only one ya hog-tied into watchin' that." She bapped him in the back of his head and Vin grimaced at her, before grinning.

"As I recall, Kevin, I wasn't the one who suggested the movie ... it was Carly. And it wasn't me who sat on you, to keep you from leaving ... that was Dawn," Drina retorted, but Vin could see the laughter in her eyes. Would he never be able to accept that she had come back into his life ... without any effort on his part? Chris had promised to help him find her, but she had found him instead. In a way, you could say that she had come for him. Vin shook his head and put his arm around her shoulders. It surprised her, he could feel it.

But she didn't pull away. Instead, she leaned her head against his shoulder, sighing quietly. They were both almost talked out. They had spent most of the last three months catching up on each others lives. But there were many different kinds of 'catching up,' and this was one. Just sitting together under the night sky ... neither saying a word. And as she had on so many nights in Texas, Drina fell asleep against his shoulder.

He made no move to wake her, not until Buck came to spell him for watch. But Drina had always been a stubborn girl, and it looked like she was no different as a fully-growed woman. She stayed asleep, and Vin realized he would have to carry her to her tent. A variety of emotions played over the big man's face as he looked at his sleeping sister. Buck looked up at him and said softly, "You know, for the longest time, I couldn't figure out why you never told me that you knew her. Until now." Vin took the words as they were meant and carefully lifted the sleeping archaeologist into his arms, cradling her against his chest.

As he shifted his hold on her, Vin debated for a moment about explainin' things to Bucklin. But he remembered. He had given his word to Adriana that he would let her deal with it on her terms, and in her time. He couldn't break his word to her. Instead, he carried her to her tent. Daniel Jackson poked his head out of his own, murmuring, "Everything okay?" The guide nodded as he eased himself down onto one knee.

Daniel came out of the tent the rest of the way and scooted over to unzip Adriana's tent, allowing Vin to shuffle inside. The guide gently placed her on her sleeping bag, then glanced over at Daniel, who just shrugged and said quietly, "She needed to spend time with you. It wasn't a big thing. And I realized the last time I looked out that she had fallen asleep ... knew she wouldn't be awake to roll out her bag properly."

"Obliged," Vin replied, tipping his hat to the archaeologist. Daniel just smiled and left the tent as Vin arranged the blankets around her. Once she was settled for the night, Vin left the tent and found Chris Larabee still awake and alert. Chris was staring into the dying fire ... looking for answers? Vin couldn't tell. Hell, it wasn't the first time he had come across someone who looked for answers in fire. Or water. Hell, some even looked for answers in blood.

"She okay?" Chris asked. Vin nodded and Chris continued, "Was thinkin' about having a little talk with JD, about letting his pride doing his talking for him?" He glanced up at Vin as he spoke, adding, "That's a trait which gets a man killed. Along with being cocky." The guide dipped his head in understanding, and Chris continued, "Didn't have to. Ezra did it for me." Vin raised both eyebrows at that.

"Ezra?" he repeated. He knew that their negotiator had become close to Drina since her arrival, but he also knew that Ez was fond of JD. Chris nodded and Vin continued, "What, exactly, was said? And translate it into normal English, I ain't awake enough to figger it out for myself." He looked up as Ezra joined them at the campfire. The other man had lines around his mouth ... obviously still angry. Scratch that, Ezra wasn't angry ... or wasn't just angry ... he was out and out furious. In a way he hadn't been at the campfire earlier. Aw hell, kid, Vin thought with a mental sigh, what didja say?

"I used your vernacular version of English, Mistah Tannah," Ezra answered, his Southern accent growing thicker as it always did when he was upset. He took a sip of coffee, then continued, "I merely told Private Dunne that if he wanted to abuse the person who had been tormenting him, he was of course free to do so. However, I would deeply appreciate it if he left the rest of us out of it. He responded by accusing me of ... as he so delicately put it ... wanting to get in the doctor's pants."

Eerily in unison, Chris and Vin spat out their coffee at the same time, and Chris growled, "He said what??????" Letting his pride do his talking was one thing ... but JD was on the verge of getting himself into a world of trouble. Cause if Chris didn't kick his ass for saying somethin' that crude, then Vin would. Vin thought of JD like a little brother, but there were some lines you didn't cross ... and JD had just crossed one of them.

"He did, Colonel. I told him that that was rude and disgusting, and while I didn't expect him to behave as a gentleman around you and the others, I did expect proper behavior when a lady was involved. I told him that he had greatly disappointed me. I then reminded him that while he had no doubt endured great trials while his mother was dying, Dr. Wilmington had found her mother's brutalized body as a small child. I fear I may have gone overboard," Ezra added.

Overboard? What was that supposed to mean? Ezra continued, perhaps seeing Vin's expression, "When I learned of the death of Mrs. Wilmington, I confess I did some research. I still have some ... contacts within the police departments of the country. Li Pong, for one, and she kindly found the information I desired. I read the police report regarding the condition of Mrs. Wilmington's body after that murderer was finished ... and recited it verbatim to Private Dunne."

"Damn, Ezra," Vin said softly. He didn't often see Ezra angry, much less with JD, but when he did get angry, he didn't hold back. He supposed that was part of what made Ezra so dangerous. His rage was a cold, focused fury, like a laser beam. The three men were silent for several moments, then Vin said softly, "I won't tell her about it, Ezra. It ain't that she don't ... She ain't gonna be mad. She just ... "

"I understand, Mr. Tanner. She has her own pride, and she wishes to fight her own battles. However, I was not simply defending her ... but Dr. Jackson, as well as myself. Private Dunne made a grievous error when he made the assumptions he did. And while normally, I would leave the teaching of such lessons to Colonel Larabee, this time, I did it myself. So long as he makes such rash judgments, without the facts ... he will never learn."

Vin wasn't accustomed to hearing such bitterness from Ezra. Or the next words. Buck and Ezra had become good friends early on, at least, as good as the negotiator would allow them to be. The other man added, "And so long as Major Wilmington insists on defending the boy the way he does, Private Dunne will never learn. Drs. Wilmington and Jackson did not cross the line when they answered Private Dunne as they did."

Another silence fell between the three men, then Chris murmured, "Damn, Ezra. Where's all this comin' from? I ain't never heard you talk like this before."

"I suppose, Colonel Larabee, that I am tired of wearing masks. It becomes wearying, after so many years. And despite my attempts to shut all of you out, you will not go away. So, why should I waste the energy? Do you understand?" Ezra asked, looking first at Chris, then at Vin. Both men nodded, and Ezra continued, "Private Dunne struck a nerve with me at dinner. It was a nerve that had been struck before, while I was growing up. When people made assumptions about me, when they knew nothing about me. And I could wear the mask no longer."

For all his fancy words, Ezra was making sense. Vin understood exactly what he meant. He wouldn't have used those ... ideas, but what Ezra was saying was, he had his own limits. And tonight, JD had struck one of those limits. Ezra looked at him and at Chris, sighing, "I may be just as guilty as Major Wilmington, Colonel. In saying, 'he's just a boy,' glossing over foolish things JD has done. I do not deny that he has done great things. Or that he is capable of greatness. But he must be corrected, or he will never learn."

The negotiator took a deep breath, and for the first time since their original meeting, fifteen months earlier, Vin saw no mask, no subterfuge. Ezra said quietly, "All my life, gentlemen, I have longed for a family. For a place to belong, just as everyone does. Fifteen months ago, I was granted the blessing of six brothers, even though I tried to pretend to myself that I didn't want those brothers. And three months ago, I was granted another blessing. The little sister I had always wanted. I will not allow that family to be ripped apart, due to the blindness of one brother, or the childish resentment of another."

"That ain't gonna happen, Ez," Vin answered quietly. Ezra wouldn't look at him, and Vin continued, "Ya don't understand. Drina ain't gonna let that happen. It ain't her way, askin' people to make choices like that. Way she figgers it, she'd lose, if she made us choose 'tween her and JD. She ain't gonna make ya do that. And after what happened tonight, I ain't real sure JD would do it, either. He figgered out somethin' tonight, and it scared the shit out of him."

"Well. I hope you are correct, Mr. Tanner," Ezra replied. He started to say more, but fell silent. All three men around the fire remained quiet, watching the flames slowly die away. They sat there for several hours. Vin realized that almost the entire team sensed that something was about to happen. It would have been a cliche to call it a storm ... but whatever was coming was big, and had the potential to turn everything upside down.

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Part Twenty

They broke camp early the next morning, despite grumbling from both Ezra and Dr. Conklin. At a guess, Buck would have said no one in the archaeological team or SG-7 had gotten much sleep. Everyone, except Conklin and Ezra, was very quiet. Buck glanced over at his sister as she helped Daniel with his tent. She didn't glance in his direction once.

If Buck hadn't felt like a jackass the night before, he did now. When he stopped and thought about it, he knew he opened his mouth without thinking. And it had sickened him when he realized that he had only spoken to his sister to chastise her for her statement to JD. It was worse, because JD had deserved it. He had acted like a little prick, his tone implying that Adriana lived in a fantasy world and lived the perfect life while JD was slaving away for his dying mother.

Every time Buck thought about his then-eight year old sister coming home early from school, already sick, to find her mother's mutilated body ... every time he thought of that little girl at her mother's funeral, still as a statue while their father wept hysterically ... he went cold inside. Katrien's murder had left scars on Adriana's soul, scars which would never truly heal. And he still didn't know what happened, to drive her away from home at the age of seventeen.

Their old man was a bastard, yeah. And Buck had no trouble keeping Adriana's secret, but he still wondered ... what could the old man have done? Had he beaten her? Buck had never seen bruises on his sister, but he knew better than to think that meant something. That would explain the way she had jerked away when Josiah touched her at Nettie's ... and really, from what Josiah had told him, 'jerked away' was a mild term for her reaction.

Whatever she had endured after Buck was transferred, she had survived. His little sister had grown into a strong woman ... strong and smart and capable. Part of that was thanks to Vin Tanner, no doubt. Tanner had been there for Adriana, supporting her and believing in her, while Buck was hiding. He had been so afraid of that little girl, that she would disapprove of his bachelor ways, that he had shut her out of his life for all those years.

Most people who thought they knew Buck Wilmington would have been surprised to hear what was tumbling through his head. But he could admit it to himself. His little sister scared the hell out of him. It was so much easier when she was a little girl ... he knew how to deal with her then. But she stopped being a little girl, and everything got complicated. Especially after Chris Larabee entered the picture, and Adriana had latched onto him.

Buck was paying the price for that neglect now. He had no idea how to reach out to his sister ... and every time he thought he would get some time alone with her, something came up with the kid. And JD needed him more than Adriana did. JD was younger, he was barely out of his teens. Buck hated that his sister had learned to be as strong as she was ... but she just didn't need him as much as JD.

And then there was the fiasco last night. Buck cringed, remembering what an ass he had made out of himself. He supposed that was why he didn't intervene when he overheard Ezra chewing out JD, shortly before Buck had relieved Vin on watch. Especially after JD had accused Ezra of wanting to get into Adriana's pants ... geezus, Buck would have punched JD's lights out for that crack, if he had been nearby!

Nope, Ezra had done a fine job of putting JD in his place. And Buck had headed over to take watch from Vin, to find his sister sleeping securely against the guide. The trust which his sister had placed in the Texan, took Buck's breath away.

Buck shook himself, falling into step behind the archaeologists. It was his job to bring up the rear, to make sure the Gou'ald didn't surprise them. Chris and Vin had point. SG-7 was sprinkled through the archaeological team. Just ahead of him, Buck could see Daniel and Adriana deep in conversation. Buck had no idea what they were talking about, but he saw an impish grin pass over his sister's face.

Lord, he loved that girl. And he knew she loved him ... what was it Mama always used to say? That love could forgive anything. That was why he eventually relaxed, even after he made an idiot out of himself. Once he got JD in a place where he could be trusted to take care of himself, and not get the rest of them killed along with him (after some of the fool stunts he had pulled recently, he definitely needed Buck), he and Adriana would have all the time in the world to catch up.

As he watched for Gou'ald and kept an eye out for any other kind of trouble, Buck thought about what he would do as an apology to his sister. Saying 'I'm sorry' had always been hard for him, and Buck often apologized in other, less obvious ways. Chris had told him that Adriana had a fairly new GEO Tracker, a bright blue one. He could wash that for her ... nah, that wouldn't work. She loved washing cars ... Lord, the times they had together when Chris was with him, and they got together, washing cars!

Buck grinned at the memory of his then-fourteen year old sister, clad in denim cutoffs and a T-shirt, chasing Chris Larabee around Buck's beat-up old truck with a water hose ... and her squeals of laughter when Chris had turned the tables, and the hose, on her. Nah, washing her car wouldn't work. Flowers? Well, that was a possibility, if he could convince Janet Frasier to tell him what his own sister's favorite flowers were. When she had been a little girl, she had always loved carnations ... up until her mother's death, when carnations overwhelmed the funeral home where the service was conducted.

Buck supposed he could ask Vin or Chris, but that really wasn't an option. Chris would just look at him, asking why he didn't know that himself. In his eyes, if not in words. Vin would probably say he didn't know, even if he did. Nope, one of the ladies on the base was his best bet. Maybe Janet would have some other ideas. Maybe a book his sister had been wanting, but hadn't had a chance to buy yet?

They reached the archaeological site about two hours after breaking camp. It wouldn't have ordinarily taken so long, but they had civilians with them and a lot of them. The archaeologists slowed down their progress. Not that Buck was complaining, since both Adriana and Daniel were doing great at keeping up ... it was a statement of fact, not a complaint. And as soon as they reached the site, Daniel took charge of his group.

To Buck's surprise, he had learned the previous night that Daniel had asked Adriana to take charge of photographing the artifacts and the site itself. Not surprisingly, Conklin had protested, since it was Adriana's first mission. She had also reminded Daniel of her inexperience, but Daniel had overruled the older archaeologist. While she was inexperienced within the SGC, this was far from her first dig, and she knew how to photograph artifacts. Apparently, Conklin could never get the right angle on the photographs, and they ended up missing things.

While the archaeologists began organizing themselves, Chris shared the patrol and guard schedules with the rest of SG-7. JD would have first watch the following morning, while the rest of the team split up into pairs to patrol the area for possible Gou'ald movement. Vin would have first watch this afternoon, and any complaints JD might have had about 'baby-sitting a bunch a' nerds,' as he had put it when the guard duty was announced, were firmly silenced.

Buck could tell from the glances of the others that they were all running out of patience with JD's attitude. The kid had been like this ever since the weekend, when Casey had spent as much time as she could with Adriana. JD couldn't figure out why Casey would be interested in what Adriana had to say, and Casey got fed up with his possessiveness. When Adriana had offered to make herself scarce, so Casey could spend time with JD, Casey had firmly answered, "No! I like to talk to someone who isn't constantly puttin' her foot in her mouth."

Mary had told him that Adriana mouthed, 'ouch,' at that, and replied, "Well, hon, you haven't been around me before this weekend, I'm pretty good at putting my foot in my mouth. Vin could tell you this. So could Chris. 'Course, he could also tell you that I'm good at putting my foot in other places. Painful places." But Casey had begun questioning her about the age of the Sphinx, and another conversation began.

Even now, as SG-7 was setting up, Buck was finding himself pulling in two different directions. He loved his sister, and he loved JD. It wasn't fair that he had to choose between them. Why couldn't he love them both, without either one or both getting jealous? He loved his sister, more than he could say, but dammit ... JD needed him more. More than Adriana ever had, or more than she ever would.

And the stage was set for disaster.


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