Days of Yearning

By Deb


DISCLAIMERS: M7 characters belong to Trilogy, et al, SG-1 characters belong to Gekko, MGM, and Showtime. Adriana is mine ... don't mind if you borrow her, just give her back intact and give credit where credit is due.

SPOILERS: Mainly Obsession, my own More than Friends, Under the Sun, and various Stargate episodes.

WARNING: original characters, some violence, nasty language.

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Part Eleven

"Ya ever hear from Dawn or Carly?" Vin asked, breaking into Adriana's thoughts once more. Damn. She had to stop doing that. It wasn't that Vin minded the silence, she knew better than that. But she had been known to get lost when she zoned out like that, and then there was the matter of a possible accident. Adriana nodded, refocusing her attention on the road and on her conversation with Vin.

"Yeah, in fact, I just finished a letter to Carly. Dawn is still in Georgia. I don't hear from her as much as I used to, but I guess she's been pretty busy. Kyla is getting married again ... after her ex-husband was put away, Kyla took her kids and moved to GA. They've been living with Obadiah. He's dying, you know," Adriana told her friend, her voice cracking ever so slightly. It had broken her heart, finding out that her friend's beloved uncle was dying.

"I know. Reckon havin' Kyla and her girls is a big help to him," Vin replied. Adriana blinked back tears. She had allowed very few men over the age of forty-five to penetrate her protective shield in the years since she had left home. Koje had been one. Obadiah Jackson had been another, and it hurt to think that he wouldn't be on this planet for much longer. Vin continued, his voice growing cold, "We all went to Georgia, when they finally caught the rat bastard who done raped Nate's mama."

This was something Adriana hadn't known, but she was glad to hear it. Dawn had made a veiled reference to seeing justice done, and to seeing her cousin Nathan for the first time in many years. Vin continued, "He asked 'bout ya once, when it was just him and me. Told him that ya was Bucklin's sister, and that Chris were the only one who knew. That was how I wanted it, and he promised to keep the secret for me. Ya still got that picture?"

Adriana didn't ask which one he meant ... it was a picture which everyone wanted copies of. Her and Vin on the swing, as if they were both still children. Dawn had framed her copy, as had Adriana. She nodded, and Vin continued, "When Chris come back in the house, Obadiah had me get that picture to show him. Reckon that was the first time it really hit him. That I knew ya. He's missed ya somethin' fierce, Drina." Adriana nodded solemnly as she pulled into the parking lot of her apartment building. Yes, and she had missed him as well. More than she had even realized, until she was in his arms.

She said now, "Come on up, so you can reassure Chris that I'm not living in a pigsty." That made Vin laugh, as it was meant to, and the sharpshooter unbuckled himself, then slid out of the Tracker. Adriana slung her purse over her shoulder and locked the doors. She had only lived here for three months, and she was still not comfortable with leaving it unlocked for any length of time, even though it was a nice section of town. She just wasn't willing to take that chance.

They took the stairs, Adriana considerate of Vin's claustrophobia. She lived on the third floor, and it was quiet. Unusual for the summer time, unless all the kids were at the pool. As she reached her apartment, she checked the door. Another legacy of her years in Texas, of the tangle with the Moseley family ... she always checked to make sure her door was still locked. It was, and she unlocked it.

She was still in the process of unpacking her boxes, but the kitchen, the living room, and her bedroom were all done. She was still getting her office organized. Janet Frasier had taken her to flea markets on their free weekends, helping her to furnish the apartment in Adriana's own peculiar style. Petra would be shipping some things from Germany, a little at a time. Less expensive that way, especially since Petra was still in the process of finding a job.

"I have sodas in the fridge ... you're welcome to help yourself. No beers, you know I don't drink that stuff, and I don't think you'd like my Chablis. 'Sides, I'm taking that with us. You know how Ezra likes his fine wines," Adriana observed. Vin nodded with one of his more devastating grins (damn him, anyhow ... when would he learn how lethal his smiles were?), and peeked into the refrigerator while Adriana went into her bedroom.

Her duffel bag and backpack were right where she had left them, on her bed. Adriana took a deep breath, looking around the room. After sharing a flat for three years, it was a bit strange, living on her own, but she was adjusting. It was eerie at nights, but on the positive, she had been able to decorate the place on her terms, within reason, of course. Which was why she had made the bedroom what she had always wanted. Fantasy prints by Michael Whelan on the wall, along with photographs of the places she had been and the people she loved.

The ceiling was white, but covering it was a black blanket with white sequins sewn into it. The night sky. It had been a present from Cassie Frasier, when the girl had learned about Adriana's love of sitting outside at night and staring up at the sky. A housewarming gift, for lack of a better word, even though Adriana hadn't finished the apartment enough to invite anyone but Janet, Cassie, and Vin over. Of course, with the black blanket, the room tended to get warmer, so Adriana had an air conditioner in place. While the apartment was rented, she was making it hers.

"Right purty place, Drina. Like it," Vin observed from the doorway. She had become used to his ability to sneak up on her, so it didn't startle her, to hear his voice behind her. She nodded, and Vin went on, "That closed door ... that the office ya was tellin' Daniel 'bout? The one ya wanted a big stereo system for? I 'member in Texas, ya always worked better with music playin.' Liked to drive Dawn and Carly nuts."

Adriana grinned, turning to face him, and said, "Yeah, why do you think I would shut myself in the bathroom with just my little CD player? The bathroom right off my bedroom? It was the only way I could get work done sometimes." Vin nodded with a faint smile. Adriana left her bags for the moment and walked to her friend, slipping her arms around his waist. Damn, and people said she needed to gain weight? But she didn't say that to Vin, especially not when his arms folded around her. She whispered, "I'm so glad you're back in my life. I missed you so much." His arms tightened around her.

Vin wasn't a man given to shows of emotion. He didn't laugh often ... let his smile and his eyes do it for him most of the time. He wasn't a demonstrative man, not usually. Not with most people. Adriana had always been someone who was the exception, rather than the rule, and she didn't know why. She just knew she was glad ... and that she always felt so safe when Vin held her. As if nothing could hurt her.

That was an illusion, of course. She knew that he would sacrifice himself to save her, or anyone else who was in danger. But he couldn't protect her from everything. But sometimes, illusions were all you had. Vin whispered, "Missed ya, too, girl. I'm so sorry, Drina." This wasn't the first time he had apologized to her for that. Despite her repeated reassurances that she understood, Vin hadn't forgiven himself for leaving without a proper good-bye.

In the months since her arrival, Adriana had done some research on Eli Joe. She hadn't been able to find out who employed him, but she had found out that he was an amoral bastard, who would have hurt an innocent little girl. Vin had done the only thing he could to protect her and Carly, because after reading about his attacks against the Kincaid family, Adriana had no doubt whatsoever that Eli Joe would have gone after her and Carly to hurt Vin.

And that could not be allowed. It had been the first of many promises Adriana had made to herself, when she left Colorado eight years earlier. She was through, being used. Nor would she allow one of her best friends to be used, either. She couldn't do much, if Eli Joe decided to take the direct path and shoot her from a sniper's position (as had happened in Vin's psych test, according to Teal'c ... why he had told her that, Adriana had no idea, as it was her understanding that those results were private). But aside from such situations, situations where she had no control, she would not allow Eli Joe to use her. Or Carly.

As much as it went against the grain, to back off, it was something Adriana had to do. She had to trust Vin to take care of himself, and Chris to watch Vin's back when she couldn't. That, however, was an unspoken agreement between the colonel and the archaeologist. That Adriana would watch Vin's back when Chris couldn't, and vice versa. While Chris would have never put it in those terms, Adriana knew her surrogate brother loved Vin as a brother.

But Chris had five other men in his unit, and he couldn't be watching out for Vin all the time. Vin didn't expect that, of course. He didn't expect to take priority over the others. Not even when he was hurt, because Chris still had responsibilities ... it was during those times that Adriana would watch out for Vin, usually, because by that time, they were already back at the SGC. Adriana stayed with Vin while Chris was attending briefings.

It was never that he didn't want to be with his best friend. Vin understood that. Adriana understood that, and she willingly took up the slack. She wasn't a leader ... she was an archaeologist, and it was easier for Vin to have Adriana keeping her vigil at his bedside when he had been hurt. He didn't like for Chris or any of the others to see him that vulnerable. It wasn't that he didn't trust them. But from his point of view, it was his job to protect them ... and that included protecting them from seeing him as less than capable to take care of himself.

Vin sighed very quietly, a signal that he was ready to leave, and Adriana released him, giving him a slight slap on his backside as she did so. He responded with a mock glare ... part of the game, part of the teasing ritual they went through every time. She said, "We should get going, before Ms Welles wonders where you got to ... if I might have kidnapped you." Even as the words were out, Adriana found herself quailing at the idea of meeting Nettie Welles. She had heard about the woman from others in the SGC. But Vin loved her, and Adriana would die before willingly disappointing her friend.

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Part Twelve

"Relax, Miss Nettie ... she wouldn't have kidnapped him," the voice said. Nettie Welles turned and glowered at the blond haired man quietly rocking. But there was precious little anger in the glare, especially not after Chris Larabee smiled at her. The colonel continued, "My bet is, they got to talking, and Vin may have found it necessary to persuade Adriana that it really was okay for her to come."

"Okay for her to come? What's wrong with the girl, I invited her!" Nettie fumed, careful to keep her voice low. Billy Travis had fallen asleep in the colonel's arms, his blond head resting on Larabee's shoulder in a trusting manner that took her breath away. Vin was her favorite out of these men, but she loved them all. They had saved her home ... had helped her to fix it up again, had even helped to build a pool in her backyard for her boarders. To say she was grateful was a slight understatement.

"I know, ma'am, but I'm afraid our little princess is a little on the shy side at first. And with her relationship with JD the way it is ... she just wants to make sure you're not just being polite. Adriana has this terror of being where she's not wanted," Chris explained. Nettie sat down beside the colonel. The truth was, while Casey had told her that Vin's friend didn't get along with JD, Nettie was looking forward to meeting the new archaeologist, if only to make sure she was a good girl. Not someone who would cause harm to her boy Vin.

Nettie's instincts were telling her that Adriana Wilmington was a good girl ... that Chris Larabee didn't show that kind of tenderness to a girl who was a troublemaker. He was a hell-raiser in his day, of that, Nettie had no doubt. But she also knew that Chris Larabee loved that girl.

That said a lot to Nettie Welles, who understood about loving someone like they were kin, even if they weren't. She had understood it, even before a soft-spoken young man with shoulder-length light brown hair and bright blue eyes had arrived, seeking a room. But the last year had been like getting her son back. Her boy had died in the Persian Gulf War, and no one could replace him. But Vin's arrival in her life had eased some of the pain.

And if she had developed a soft spot for him, to match his for her, then that soft spot had grown into love during the last year. She hadn't raised Vin Tanner ... that honor had gone to Julia Tanner for five short years ... but she was as proud of him as if he was her own son. And she would have fought anyone for him. He had told her about Adriana Wilmington, his friend from Texas. Drina, as he called her. And now, Nettie was finally getting to meet her.

"There," Chris said softly, nodding toward a blue Jeep heading for the house, "that's them now." Nettie turned back and Billy stirred quietly in his arms. Chris looked down at the child, and Nettie scooped the little boy into her arms. Chris flashed her a grateful smile, moving to the rail to watch Adriana Wilmington drive up the lane. Nettie nodded her understanding and went back into the house, placing Billy on her bed, where his mother also slept.

While Mary Travis was hardly more than a girl, in Nettie's eyes, she was also a determined, fiery woman who stood at the sides of her friends. One of those friends was Vin Tanner, and Nettie knew the young woman would walk through fire for him. It was one of many reasons why Nettie loved the blonde reporter. If Vin Tanner was her surrogate son, then Mary was her surrogate daughter, just as Casey was.

Voices drew her out of the room and she smiled as Vin entered her house. She enveloped him in a fierce hug, catching sight of a slight figure peering around Chris Larabee. At first glance, the girl was no more than fifteen or sixteen, but Nettie knew how deceiving appearances could be. After whispering how glad she was to see him, how glad he had come, Nettie released Vin, and the girl stepped out from behind Chris shyly.

Looking closer, Nettie could tell Adriana Wilmington was much older than the fifteen years she had seemed to be at first. There was already some gray hair mixed in with the dark brown curls which fell lightly to her collarbone. She looked tired ... there were dark circles under her hazel eyes. Hazel eyes, unlike the dark blue eyes of her elder brother, and she smiled shyly at Nettie. Josiah came up from behind the girl, gently settling a hand on one slim shoulder, and to the watching Nettie, it was like an electrical current had touched Adriana.

She jumped, her breath catching in her throat, and her body stiffened. The fear was quickly replaced with a feral rage, and Adriana spun around to face Josiah in a single quick motion. Her body, which had been stiff only a moment earlier, was now poised for fight or flight. In the time it took for Adriana to spin around, Nettie had looked over at Vin, and found her own suspicion mirrored in the young man's blue eyes. Someone had hurt this girl, and hurt her badly.

"Drina, this is Nettie Welles. Nettie, I done told ya 'bout Drina ... my friend from Texas. She's an archaeologist ... she done told me 'bout them stories I told ya," Vin said.

An amazing thing happened ... as Vin spoke, some of the tension eased from the thin, almost quivering body. Chris added softly, "It's okay, little princess, I can watch you back as well as Vin's. You're on vacation at the moment, remember?" The rest of the tension dissipated and Adriana turned back to face Nettie, looking more than a little sheepish. She approached the older lady, that sheepish grin still in place.

"Sorry, ma'am ... I'm not used to anyone but Vin coming up behind me. I didn't mean any disrespect. It's nice to finally meet you ... and please, call me 'Drina' or 'Adriana.' It's still a bit freaky to hear someone call me 'Dr. Wilmington' when I'm off duty," the girl said, shyly extending her hand to Nettie. Under any other circumstances, when faced with someone like Adriana, someone shy and unsure of their welcome, Nettie would have ignored the proffered hand and pulled her into a hug.

But after seeing how Adriana had reacted to Josiah's touch, Nettie ignored her instincts and instead, gripped the slim hand in a firm grip. She was pleased to find that the answering grip was just as strong as her own. This girl didn't need protection. She could take care of herself. And she had Vin and Chris to watch over her. No, she didn't need someone protecting her. She did, however, need love.

Nettie Welles had been teased by more than one friend about her habit of taking in strays, of 'adopting' adults. She had never paid them any attention, because the people she adopted needed something from her, and something she was willing to give. This girl was no different from Mary Travis or Vin Tanner. Nettie did listen to her instincts about what came next. She said, still holding the girl's hand, "You look like a strong girl, honey ... would you mind helping an old woman with something?"

A brilliant smile lit up the tired face and Adriana Wilmington said, "Just point me in the right direction, ma'am. I like being useful." Nettie grinned back, linked arms with the young woman, and winked at Vin and Chris over her shoulder. Then she led Adriana into the kitchen. For some reason, with some folks, it was easier to get them talking while they were working. Nettie was willing to bet Adriana was one such person.

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Part Thirteen

"Real glad I talked her into comin,'pard," Vin said softly, sitting on the front porch with Chris. For the last two hours, they had been sitting on the steps, passing a bottle of beer back and forth between them, listening to Nettie and Adriana talk. And laugh ... and joke about the men. Vin didn't care about the jokes. It was enough that two of his favorite women got along so well. Well, three ... Mary, Nettie, and Adriana.

He had been concerned, despite his brave words to Adriana, that Nettie wouldn't have the patience to accept Adriana's shyness. He should have had more faith. The next test was Casey ... though Vin wasn't worried about Casey, not really. If there was anyone who would be impatient with Adriana's shyness and hesitance, it would be Casey. Despite Adriana's fear, Vin knew Casey wouldn't hold her strained relationship with JD against her. As long as you didn't try to come between her and the cartographer, she was fine.

Casey and JD came up the drive on JD's motorcycle, and Vin bit back a grin. Five would get ya ten, Casey's schoolbooks were in one of the compartments. Casey got off the bike, and bingo, there were her books. She kissed JD's cheek, then hurried up to the porch, beaming when she saw Vin and Chris. JD would be driving the motorcycle into the garage, so Nettie didn't have to see her beloved niece on one of 'those deathtraps.'

Casey bounded onto the porch as Vin and Chris rose to their feet, and threw her arms around Vin first. The guide grinned, returning the embrace as Casey talked excitedly about the picnic, and how much fun they would all have this weekend. The girl released him and gave Chris a hug almost as fierce as the one she gave Vin. Chris just smiled and returned the hug without embarrassment, his light eyes warning Vin to shut up. Never said a word, cowboy.

No, but you sure were thinking about saying something. Not a word, Tanner, or I'll tell Adriana a few embarrassing stories about you that she hasn't heard yet! Aw hell. He would do that, too! Smirking a little at the expression on his best friend's face, Chris told Casey, "It's good to see you ... how did your summer course go?" JD came up onto the porch behind his girlfriend, his helmet dangling from his hand. He shook first the colonel's hand, then Vin's.

"They need to put air conditioning in the classrooms, I like to died! Did JD tell you that I was taking an anthropology course? After that, I'm really looking forward to meeting your friend, Vin. Is she here? Buck told me on the phone that she was thinking about not coming, 'cause she was afraid Aunt Nettie and me wouldn't like her," Casey said, shaking her head in amazement at such a thing.

Now just how had Bucklin figured that out? A quick glance at Chris told him the answer, and the colonel said in a low voice as they followed the two youngsters into the house, "I just told Buck that Adriana was worried about the reception she would get from Casey and her aunt, since her relationship with JD isn't that great. Don't look at me like that, Tanner, she's just as much my little sister as she is Buck's."

"Didn't say a word, cowboy. Just surprised me, is all," Vin replied in a voice as soft as his friend's. He continued in a somewhat louder voice, pitching it loud enough for JD and Casey to hear, "Yep, Drina is here ... last time I saw her, Nettie had gotten her to help in the kitchen." Casey turned back with a bright smile, surprised but pleased. Vin continued, "Reckon ya might want to wait 'til they come out."

"Now you're being silly, Vin, I know better than to go into the kitchen when Aunt Nettie's showing a new person around!" the girl laughed.

She lightly punched JD in the ribs, saying, "I gotta go upstairs and put away my books. Back in a few." Vin barely held back a laugh as JD rubbed his side, glaring at the girl as she headed upstairs. He wished he could tell Adriana she had nothing to worry about ... she was already on good footing with the Welles women. Nettie didn't allow just anyone into her kitchen to help, and Casey knew that.

The girl was also willing to listen to her aunt's instincts, as long as it didn't have to do with JD. As Casey headed upstairs, Nettie and Adriana emerged from the kitchen, Adriana explaining, "Well, like I said, after Priscilla died, I kinda hit a bad patch. She was my surrogate mother, I guess you could say ... a lot more than my advisor. I honestly think that if I hadn't had Dawn, Carly, and Vin, I might have spun out of control."

"Oh, pshaw! You don't give yourself enough credit, girl! The way Vin tells it, you were strong for him a number of times 'fore he had to leave Texas. And I put a lot of stock in what that boy says. Well, JD, I didn't hear you pull up! Casey with you, son?" Nettie asked, moving forward to embrace the young cartographer. JD smiled, accepting the hug with easy grace, and Vin wondered if Nettie reminded JD of his own ma, dead for the last few years as well.

Yup, Nettie mothered all of 'em, at one time or another. 'Cept for Josiah. JD returned the hug, then as Nettie released him, she turned back and said, "Adriana, honey, you've been helping me for the last couple of hours, you've gotta be hot ... why don't you put your bathing suit on and go for a swim with the others? I got everything under control, and you're here to have fun. You can change in my room, just mind you don't wake Mary."

"Too late, Mary's already awake," a voice made husky from sleep observed. Mary shuffled into the room, barely awake. She smiled sleepily at Adriana, saying, "But Billy's still asleep ... thanks again, Chris." Vin smirked. When would his best friend do something about his attraction to the pretty blonde? A quick discussion with Jack O'Neill earlier in the week had told him that there was nothing really standing in Larabee's way, if the idiot would ever get his head out of his ass and admit how much he cared for Mary.

"No problem, Mary. Nettie's right, little princess, you're looking a bit flushed. You could use some time in the pool. Don't make me make it an order," Chris warned, smirking at the girl. Adriana stuck her tongue out at him, making both Vin and Mary laugh. The guide and the reporter exchanged a glance. While Mary had seen some of the interaction between Chris and Adriana, she had never see something like this before.

"Oh, I'll change into my suit, dear heart ... but once we're both out in that pool, you're fair game!" came the response. Adriana was still speaking in a soft voice, to avoid waking Billy, but there was no doubt in Vin's mind that his friend would carry out her threat. She nodded to Mary and Nettie, then headed into Nettie's bedroom, grabbing one of her bags along the way. Vin wondered how she knew that was her beach bag, since both looked the same to him.

"She's a real nice girl, son," Nettie said quietly, smiling at him. Vin nodded, smiling after the girl with more than a little affection. Yeah, she was. She really was.

"I don't know about you, Chris, but that would worry me. I've never been around when Adriana gets her revenge, but I have a feeling that she's not someone who takes prisoners when she fights back," Mary teased. Vin could tell that she was looking forward to whatever Adriana had planned. Vin could have told her that Adriana could take months to plan her revenge. He could have, but didn't, because he had no idea what his friend was planning right now.

"You have no idea," Chris answered, and Vin smirked. Chris started to say something else, but his eyes were drawn to a location somewhere over Vin's shoulder. The guide turned and felt his jaw become unhinged. Adriana had emerged from Nettie's bedroom in a sleek black bathing suit. She was fastening the beach towel around her waist. No surprise there ... the girl was incredibly modest, even though she didn't consider herself that attractive.

Even in college, Adriana had been drawn to darker colors ... often black, but not limited to that. More than once, since her arrival here, Vin had teased her that she acted more like Larabee's sister, with the way she dressed. Adriana just smiled sweetly and thanked him for the compliment. But it was true, she liked dressing in black. Even in the summer months, she favored black denim shorts. She joked that she was indulging her darker side.

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Part Fourteen

As Adriana advanced into the living room, her eyes flickering between Chris, Vin, and Mary uneasily, a figure catapulted down the stairs and almost ran right into Adriana. The archaeologist half-turned and reached out to steady the newcomer. Casey blurted out breathlessly, "Oh, hi! You must be Adriana ... I'm Casey, I've heard a lot about you. Wow! Vin didn't tell me that you were pretty ... neither did JD, but it mighta slipped their minds. Men are funny like that."

Adriana waited for Casey to run down, then said, "It's nice to meet you, Casey. I hope you didn't hurt yourself?" The girl laughed and shook her head, giving Vin a moment to watch the two interact. Any worries he might have had about Casey and Adriana evaporated. He hadn't really been worried about it, but he would have been stupid if he hadn't at least considered the possibility that Adriana was right.

"No, I'm fine. Oooh, that's a pretty bathing suit. You look good in black. I think it's 'cause of your coloring ... you know, the fair skin and dark hair. C'mon, let's go. JD, go get your bathing suit on, I'm takin' Adriana out to the pool," Casey said. She grabbed the archaeologist's hand and pulled the somewhat bemused young woman after her, saying, "I suppose it ain't really JD's fault he didn't tell me how pretty you are. Bet he figured it would make me jealous, but I ain't. I know you're Vin's girl."

They couldn't hear anything else, and really, Vin wasn't sure if that was because the girls had moved out onto the patio, or if the flush in his cheeks was somehow affecting his hearing. Mary said into the silence that followed, "Well. I suppose I should get changed. I have a feeling Adriana may need rescuing from Casey ... or maybe, Casey will need rescuing from Vin. Thanks again for inviting me, Nettie."

The old lady hugged the blonde reporter, answering, "No call to thank me, honey. Just make sure my Casey doesn't talk that poor girl's ear off. Shouldn't you boys be changing? Josiah, a word with you?" Josiah nodded, and joined Nettie in the kitchen.

Vin, JD, and Chris all mumbled their assents, even though Nettie was no longer in the room. She had that effect on people. Vin couldn't have said what was going on with the other two ... he was still recovering from Casey calling Adriana his girl. Wasn't the first time, of course ... Will Richmond was forever calling Adriana Vin's girl back in Texas. As Vin's ma might have said, a body could call a pumpkin a basketball as many times as they wanted, that didn't make it so. And Adriana was one of Vin's best friends, he would have moved heaven and earth for her, but she weren't his girl. Somethin' Will never could get through his head.

The three men retreated into the room they always used to change clothes. JD asked thoughtfully, "Do you guys really think Dr. Wilmington is pretty? I never really noticed." Vin didn't answer, and JD continued, "I mean, she's always dressed in those jeans and sweatshirts, I never see her dressed up, so I couldn't tell you if she's pretty that way." Vin lifted his head and looked at Chris, wondering if he had ever been that young.

"I do think she's pretty, JD, and what she's wearing doesn't really have much to do with it. What do you think, Vin, how long will it take before Buck tries to get her to come inside and change into a less sexy bathing suit?" Chris asked. Vin laughed this time, but didn't answer at first. If anything, he was willing to bet that Buck wouldn't even notice what his sister was wearing, since it was a one piece.

"Don't imagine it's gonna even come up, cowboy. Even if it does, Drina ain't gonna care," Vin observed. Chris looked over at JD, then back at Vin, and nodded with a sigh. That actually wasn't what Vin had meant, but he couldn't argue with his friend's conclusions. The guide continued, "And 'fore ya ask, cowboy, Drina didn't say nothin' in the jeep 'bout the Atlantis theory. She don't talk shop when she's drivin.' Says she needs to concentrate on the road, not on work." This time, Chris smirked.

"Good, glad to hear I taught her right," he said. Vin looked at his friend as he tied the drawstring of his trunks, and Chris continued, the smirk widening into a broad grin, "Didn't she tell you? I taught her how to drive. Took her out onto the back roads when she was fifteen. You look surprised, Kevin. Didn't you think I had the patience to teach a teenager to drive?" Vin glared at his best friend, then turned the glare onto JD when the young cartographer laughed.

"Oh, I reckon ya got the patience to teach Drina to drive, but ya forget, I done rode with both a' ya, and Drina is the better driver," the guide retorted. He darted out of the way as Chris smacked at him, laughing softly, then scampered out of the room in his bare feet. Chris was still growling, but Vin had never let that bother him. He made his way out onto the patio, JD at his heels, where Casey was still talking away. Actually, she was now letting Drina get a few words in. And Drina, who had always gotten along well with teenagers and youngsters, was thoroughly enjoying herself. She would have made a great teacher.

Nettie had just placed two lemonades in front of her niece and her guest, and she winked at Vin. Slipping her hand around his arm, she murmured, "Reckon Adriana may need something cold and wet, between the heat and answering Casey's questions." Vin just smiled and winked back at her. Nettie slapped the back of his shoulder, still chuckling, and went back inside. Vin dove into the pool, the water plastering his hair to his skull as he rose to the surface.

Mary had just emerged from the house and sat down near the steps, easing her feet into the water. She looked over her shoulder at Casey and Adriana, murmuring, "How much do you want to bet, Casey totally ignores JD all weekend?" Vin smoothed his hair back from his face, so he could see properly. The young cartographer was already starting to look a little resentful of the attention his girlfriend was paying to the archaeologist.

"No bet, I'd lose ... ya might wanna talk to Ez, though," Vin replied and Mary laughed softly. Vin continued, "She becomes someone else, when she's talkin' about her job. Reckon that's what Casey did right ... askin' about archaeology and history. Reckon I oughta thank J'siah for suggestin' she take that." He paused, then asked, "Mary ... what do ya see when ya look at Drina? I ain't askin' about the outside."

"I knew what you meant, Vin," the public relations officer reassured him. She glanced over her shoulder at the two dark heads close together, then said, "The shyness is a shield, she uses it to protect herself. The way Ezra sometimes uses his masks to protect himself. The difference is, Ezra realizes what he's doing, and I don't think Adriana does. Or at least, she's not conscious of it. She actually prefers when people dismiss her, because that means they'll leave her alone. And I'm ashamed to say it, but if I hadn't known about your friendship with her, I might have dismissed her as well ... or maybe I wouldn't have bothered getting to know her."

"That ain't true, Mary," Vin defended, "I know ya. Ya woulda seen that she's a good person, just a mite quiet." Mary grinned at him impishly, and Vin admitted, "Alright, more 'n a mite quiet. But still, ya woulda looked past what she wanted ya to see, or what she thought she wanted ya to see. I know, what Conklin and some a' the others say 'bout her, it don't bother her. She laughs it off. But it bothers me. I know her, and I know she ain't like that."

"Well, after what happened in the archaeologists team meeting, I don't think anyone will underestimate her. They may not like her, but they won't underestimate her," Mary observed. Vin looked at her, confused, and Mary said, "You didn't hear about that? I'm sorry, Vin, I thought you knew. Conklin shot his mouth off, and Adriana shot him down. Daniel Jackson told me about it after the meeting. Not all of the archaeologists in the team like her, but they won't try to cut her down, the way Conklin does."

Vin was so intent on his conversation with Mary, he barely noticed Chris slipping into the pool. Barely. However, he said, "Just remember, cowboy, I fight dirty." He turned his head as his best friend approached him, and Mary laughed outright, then squealed in surprise when Chris splashed her. She kicked water back his way, and got hit with another wave of water from the colonel. Larabee was in a mischievous mood today, it would seem.

"He's not the only one, cowboy," Adriana called as she and Casey slid into the pool. Chris turned away from Vin, a predatory expression appearing. Adriana didn't back away. If anything, her grin broadened further, and she continued, "What, you thought you were the only one who taught me how to fight? Not hardly, cowboy, I learned a few tricks from Vin ... and almost all of them are dirty." Vin exchanged a look with Mary, then the guide hauled himself out of the pool to sit beside the blonde widow.

"Did you," Chris asked very softly, "just call me a cowboy?" Casey glanced from her new friend to the colonel, and back again, then looked at Vin. The guide motioned her to the side of the pool where he and Mary now sat. Adriana would be fine ... a little wet, maybe, but Chris would cut off his right hand before he would ever hurt her. However, that didn't mean Vin wanted Casey to get caught in the crossfire. Or maybe he should say, the cross-water.

"I sure did ... cowboy. What are you gonna do about it?" Adriana asked with a silly grin. Chris continued to advance, the predatory gleam in his light hazel eyes in direct opposition to the laughter which was threatening to burst out. Adriana maintained her own position, as Nathan, Josiah, Buck, and Ezra emerged from the house in their own suits. Rain, who was now Nathan's fiancee, would join them shortly.

"What am I gonna do about it? This is what I'm gonna do about it, little princess!" Chris retorted. With that, he submerged and swam the last few yards to Adriana. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and down they both went! Adriana just had enough time to take a deep breath before Chris dunked her. Vin watched carefully, only allowing himself to relax when they came back up, both laughing.

Adriana held onto Chris, still giggling, and the colonel wasn't letting her go either. Relieved, Vin began laughing. It wasn't that he distrusted Chris ... hell, he knew Larabee loved that girl. But accidents did happen. But not now. Not under a glorious sun, not under the brilliant blue sky. Not when Vin was surrounded by the people who meant the most to him. Not with his two best friends laughing and hanging onto each other. Not on a perfect day which he would treasure forever.

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Part Fifteen

They played in the pool for several hours, just relaxing and enjoying the warmth of the day. When Billy Travis woke up, he changed into his own trunks, then cannon-balled into the pool, soaking his mother. Chris played with the little boy, until it was time to start grilling. Then he turned his spot over to Adriana, who began teaching the child the joys of motorboat. Not for the first time, he imagined his 'little sister' playing with his son, and felt the familiar ache in his heart.

Thinking about Adam didn't hurt as much as it did once. The ache would be there forever, he knew that. But time had eased some of the pain. Nettie brought more hot dogs and hamburgers out from the freezer and murmured, "That girl would make a fine mother. Was she close to her own?" Chris shook his head, feeling his features twist into a grimace when he thought about Katrien Wilmington. She had died before he met Buck or Adriana, but he didn't understand how she could *not* love her own child.

"Her mother was murdered when Adriana was eight," Chris admitted in a low voice, "and Adriana found her body." All the color drained from Nettie's face and the colonel added, "Don't know much more than that, just that she wasn't close to either of her parents. Vin lost his mother when he was just five, and he adored her. Don't know that much about her, aside from that."

"Julia Tanner must have been one helluva woman," Nettie observed. Chris smiled and nodded. Vin didn't really say much about his mother, but the love in his voice didn't need words. It wasn't a matter of silent communication ... but it was there, if you knew what you were looking for. Both the colonel and the widow watched Vin for several moments. He still sat on the edge of the pool, talking with Mary. Nettie said softly, fondly, "He's a good boy."

Chris laughed and replied, "I think you're probably one of the few people who can get away with calling him a boy, Nettie. You and Josiah." His eyes flickered from his best friend to the anthropologist, who seemed to be in a deep discussion with Nathan, as Ezra would throw in his own opinion every few moments. But the eldest of the 'Magnificent Seven' kept looking at all of the people joined around the pool. Keeping watch over his flock, Chris supposed.

Nettie smiled and answered, "Don't make it any less true. That boy's got scars inside and out, 'bout as many as you have, I would bet. But there's something inside him. Don't know what to call it. Fancy man, he would have a way to describe him. I never been one for fancy or highfalutin' talk. Never been comfortable with callin' any soul 'pure,' way some of these folks do. But he's got a good heart, and he don't bother tryin' to hide it."

Chris just looked at Nettie, who continued with a sigh, "Nope, I don't have much use for Fancy Man's way of talkin.' I suppose that's one thing I like about Drina. You'd think, with all of her education, that she'd use big words, and she does. You should have seen her, Colonel ... up to her elbows in dirty water, washing the fragile dishes that can't go in the dishwasher. And it hit me, why they became friends."

"Oh, it did, did it? Care to educate me? I have a tough one figuring that one out from time to time. I could use the help this time around," Chris joked, and received a swat in the back of his head from the tough old lady.

Larabee just laughed, drawing the attention of their companions and Nettie continued, her eyes twinkling, "Best be careful, Chris Larabee. All I gotta do is reach behind me and get my hamburger flipper. I can use that as a weapon, just as much as my old rifle." The twinkle in her eyes told Chris exactly how she would use it, and he cringed. About the way Mrs. Potter would probably use one of her kitchen utensils against Conklin.

Still, he couldn't resist the temptation to tease, "Hamburger flipper?" Even as he spoke, Chris gasped ... something wet and cold had struck his legs. Looking up, he saw Adriana with a wicked grin on her face. Billy turned bright red ... evidently, the little boy had splashed Chris while kicking. Chris growled at Adriana, "Just you wait, little princess, I have my ways of getting revenge. And I'm a lot more patient than you are."

Adriana snickered and replied, "Well, cowboy, whenever you're feeling froggy ... leap! Hey, Billy, you ready to get out? No? Well, I'm starting to turn into a raisin here ... so let me take you to the side of the pool, and I'll see if Vin would mind switching places with me." Vin had no problem with that whatsoever, and he eased himself into the pool to take Billy's hands, giving Adriana his seat beside Mary.

*Ohhhh, you ain't getting off that easy, little princess,* Chris thought as Adriana reclined beside the widow, *just you wait 'til I don't have to worry about getting Billy or Mary!* He smirked at the archaeologist, who just smiled sweetly in return. Damn. She was getting as bad as Tanner! Nettie laughed softly, "That girl isn't the least little bit afraid of you, is she?" Chris shook his head ruefully. So much for his bad-ass reputation. He was sure that stories about the water battles would circulate through the SGC in record time.

"Nope. Don't ask me why not, but she's never been afraid of me. I scare her sometimes, and I know Vin does, too, but she's not afraid of either of us. Reckon the only one she's really afraid of is Buck. And I think she knew that she was wrong to worry about you, but she worries anyhow," Chris explained, "She's always done that. I think it helps her work through things ahead of time ... if she thinks on them, worries on them, she's better prepared."

Nettie chuckled and replied, "And people mistake you for a loose cannon? I wouldn't want you mad at me, Chris Larabee, but you got a lot more to you than most people think. Oh, I knew ahead of time that she and JD don't get along. Casey knew, too. But you don't get to be my age without learning you can't judge someone just 'cause they don't get along with someone you like a lot. I don't know what possessed Casey to give her a chance, but my niece surprises me sometimes. And I raised her."

"Pure contrariness? Knowing JD doesn't have much use for Adriana, Casey may have decided to give her a chance for that reason alone," Chris offered and Nettie burst out laughing. The truth was, that was his best guess. Much as Casey cared for JD, she could be a very stubborn, very contrary young lady ... and she wasn't one to blindly accept whatever anyone told her, regardless of who that someone was. And while he would have never said as much to his 'little sister,' Chris wondered if Casey felt sorry for Adriana. He wasn't entirely sure why, but he didn't always fully understand Casey. Or any other woman, for that matter.

"Knowing Casey, you may be right. And it ain't like Drina treats JD badly. She just keeps her distance. There is a difference. I just wish that situation would clear up. It ain't good for Drina, it ain't good for Buck, and it ain't good for JD," Nettie said quietly. Chris nodded and turned his attention back to Vin and Billy, playing in the pool. He wasn't worried that Vin would get involved ... but he was worried about what the future would bring to that troubled trio.

"They'll be all right, Chris," Nettie said quietly, "just have faith in them. JD's young and proud ... he sees Adriana as a threat. He's not sure how or why, but he does feel threatened by her. I would say that she feels threatened by him, but that's not true. She may resent him, but she doesn't feel threatened by him. They'll work it out, on their own terms and in their own time. No, the one I would worry about is Major Wilmington."

Chris was brushing barbeque sauce on designated burgers, but he cocked his head to one side, listening intently to Nettie. The woman continued, "I been around a long time, Chris Larabee. I don't study people like Vin does, but I can still read 'em pretty good. The major's gonna push his sister too far one of these days ... it may take awhile, my instinct is that Adriana has a lot of patience. But it will happen."

Chris did look up then and asked quietly, "Do you think it will be a blowout argument?" Nettie didn't answer at first. Her eyes shifted from one Wilmington sibling to the other. Buck sat with JD and Casey on one side of the pool, while Adriana sat beside Mary on the other. Chris answered his own question, seeing the answer in the physical distance between the siblings, "No. Adriana will just run out of patience ... and then that'll be it."

"Oh, there might be a blowout, Chris Larabee. At first, when her patience finally snaps. And then she'll retreat ... either out of shame or ... something else. But she'll turn her attention to other things. Her new friends and her old friends. There's nothing you can do to stop it. Just make no innocents get hurt when that blowout happens," Nettie replied. Her eyes strayed to Vin once more, and Chris understood immediately.

"She'd never hurt him. Never," Chris stated with quiet assurance. Even if he didn't always trust himself not to hurt Vin ... the awful fiasco of Ella Gaines remained fresh in his mind, even after all these months ... Adriana would never hurt Vin. Nettie just smiled sadly, and Chris realized with a sudden chill that she wasn't afraid of Adriana putting Vin in the crossfire. That wasn't what she was worried about at all.


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