Days of Yearning

By Deb


DISCLAIMERS: M7 characters belong to Trilogy, et al, SG-1 characters belong to Gekko, MGM, and Showtime. Adriana is mine ... don't mind if you borrow her, just give her back intact and give credit where credit is due.

SPOILERS: Mainly Obsession, my own More than Friends, Under the Sun, and various Stargate episodes.

WARNING: original characters, some violence, nasty language.

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Part Six

"Colonel Gaines, I just received information from our spy. SG-7 will be on guard duty for a team of archaeologists on a new planet."

Ella Gaines looked up from her journal entry, brushing a lock of dark hair back from her eyes. She set the journal to one side, motioning for the young lieutenant to continue. The girl was one of the recruits Ella had discovered in recent months, rogue members of SG teams who had chafed under the limitations placed on the SGC by the Tollan and the Tok'ra, among others. They were barely more than mercenaries, but they shared a hatred of the SGC. For now, that was all Ella needed, at least until she was able to return to Earth.

"Go on," she prompted, indicating for the girl to sit. While Ella regarded her current team as little more than mercenaries, she was too smart to treat them badly. If she treated them like dirt, she would probably be murdered in her sleep some night before she could reclaim Chris. No ... no, as long as she had use for them, she would treat them properly. The girl had spent the entire day monitoring communications, she could use a few minutes break.

"Well, as I said, the communique advised that SG-7 would be acting as guards for archaeologists on a new planet. I believe it's PF5672, or something like that," the girl answered with a shrug. Ella could empathize ... after a while, the letters and numbers of the various planets were enough to make anyone dizzy. The girl ... now what was her name? It would come to Ella in a minute, probably after she had left.

"I understand what you mean," Ella told the girl, who nodded. Rivers of sweat rolled down her cheeks, and Ella realized the child could probably use some refreshment. She handed the girl a canteen, drawing a weak smile from her.

"Thanks. In any event, there are a team of six to seven archaeologists on this team, including, and this is interesting, Dr. Adriana Wilmington ... the younger sister of Buck Wilmington. Based on the information sent to us, she and her brother don't get along, though she's very close to Colonel Larabee and the guide," the girl explained. Ella noted the use of Tanner's title in SG-7, rather than his name. Smart girl. Ella would have hated to kill her. That would have made two communications officer whom Ella had lost for mentioning his name.

"While this is very interesting, there's just one problem ... we don't have the coordinates for this planet. We can't even get back to the SGC, and that, my dear, is our primary concern. Now, while I thank you for keeping me abreast of my darling Chris, our best bet at the moment is to find a planet we can reach, a planet which is being explored by another SG team ... one whose signal will be accepted by the SGC," Ella replied.

"Yes, ma'am, and that's what I told our insider. I was told that when there was information of that kind which became available, it would be passed along to me," the girl replied. Lt. Kowalsky, that's right. The niece of the late Major Kowalsky, who had blamed first the Gou'ald for her uncle's death, then the general himself for placing her beloved uncle in danger. And there was more than a hint of defensiveness in the lieutenant's voice.

Ella waved her hand, replying, "I know, and I know you're doing your best, Lt. Kowalsky. Did our contact give you any indication when that information became available?" The girl nodded and looked down at her notes. That was another reason Ella had recruited her. She was organized. Maybe a bit too organized, but Ella would jump off that bridge when she came to it. For the moment, the girl's skills served her purpose, and she hadn't decided what she would do once she no longer needed her.

"I'm afraid not, ma'am. The insider was rather vehement that their position was rather fragile inside the SGC, and that it was hard enough getting this information to us. Ma'am, how long are we willing to wait? I realize you had already waited several years the last time ... but we could be talking about several months, on top of those several years," Vanessa Kowalsky observed. Ella looked at the girl, who added, "Ma'am, of course I knew when I first joined. My uncle taught me better than that."

"I see," Ella murmured. On the one hand, she wanted badly to make this girl her new second in command. She was smart, organized, hard-working. On the other hand, her habit of taking notes as part of her job could cause trouble later on. The question which remained was, did Ella care? Once she had Chris back, once he realized that they really did belong together, did she care about what someone under her command could do to her?

She didn't have the answer, and only knew that she still needed Lt. Kowalsky. For now, and if the truth was to be known, she had no desire to kill the girl. At least, unless she stood between Ella and Chris. Ella looked up at the girl and said, "You're absolutely right, I did wait for several years before I got Chris back in my life. And that's the reason I'm willing to wait now. I was sloppy the last time, and that drove him away. One must be very careful with a man. No, we'll wait until we have information about an SG team on a planet we have access to."

"Understood, ma'am, just wanted to know where we stood. I should be returning to my post," Lt. Kowalsky replied, rising to her feet with a salute. Ella returned the salute, dismissing the communications officer. Alone once more, Ella thought about what she had told Vanessa Kowalsky. Yes, she had been very sloppy the last time. She would have to be more careful this time. But she was determined ... she would kill both Vin Tanner and Mary Travis.

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Part Seven

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I don't remember Hildy's last name being mentioned in Obsession, so I made one up.

If Ella Gaines was hoping for a time when the SGC had forgotten about her, that time hadn't come yet. General Orrin Travis had arrived the day before the briefing, with answers to create more questions. Upon Hammond's request, his old friend had taken the faulty helmet from Vin's psych test for testing. In the early months, nothing had been detected, no malfunction. But fearing for the team he had helped to create, Travis had urged his small team of scientists to keep working. Two weeks earlier, they had hit pay dirt.

There were times when both generals had to question the sense of scientists. What seem to be common sense to the two men had been like a flash of brilliance to the scientists. They had failed to reproduce the exact conditions of the original psych test ... and that was when the sabotage became known. Hammond's gut feeling was correct. Someone had tampered with Vin Tanner's psych test helmet. It seemed to be too easy to tie that, and the file containing the results of Ezra Standish's psych test, to Ella Gaines.

Still, the renegade colonel had caused enough damage, and had nearly torn apart SG-7. Why was it so hard to believe that she had tried to destroy SG-7 before they really formed? Because it was too easy, and General Hammond wasn't finished looking for answers. It seemed, however, that he wasn't the only one thinking about Ella Gaines, and her attempt to destroy SG-7, for Orrin Travis asked, "What's the plan for SG-3?"

George Hammond sat back with a sigh. Damn Ella Gaines, anyhow. She was no longer in the SGC, but from the day SG-7 had come back, she continued to haunt them all. Chris Larabee was badly injured, Buck Wilmington had carried the lifeless body of Lt. Hildy Caffrey through the Gate, with some help from Josiah Sanchez. JD Dunne and Ezra Standish had been silent as well. It had fallen to a still-shaken Vin Tanner to explain what had happened.

At that time, Hammond had known Vin for nearly a year. He had seen him angry, he had seen him worried, he had seen him determined. But he had never seen Vin Tanner shaken. The young man had explained that he'd had a bad feeling about Colonel Gaines from the moment he laid eyes on her, but being around her seemed to make Chris happy. So he had kept his mouth shut, and instead, tried to focus on the mission.

Gaines' story was that she and Lt. Caffrey had been attacked on the planet, during a routine mission. Vin had gone to the site of the ambush, trying to find information on what had really happened, while Chris and the others were making camp. Something didn't sound right, not after talking to Lt. Caffrey. Vin made contact with the 'attackers,' and learned that they had been attacked ... by Gaines' second in command, Jack Averill, and the rest of SG-3.

So, why hadn't she mentioned that? More to the point, Lt. Caffrey had said that Colonel Gaines made sure Averill knew where she and the colonel would be. During his scouting, Vin had discovered that the natives had, for lack of a better word, been sandwiched between the two women and Averill. Something else which Gaines had failed to mention. It was looking more and more like a setup. It wasn't until he talked to Lt. Caffrey a second time that Vin was positive.

The warriors hadn't seemed that threatening to the lieutenant. More like startled, but the colonel had insisted they retreat. Vin had already realized that the warriors were hardly the barbarian hordes described by Colonel Gaines when she returned to the SGC. There were no more than ten warriors in the party, which shouldn't have been a problem for an experienced SG team. Which, he had been given to understand, SG-3 was. Which led to one inescapable conclusion. Averill had not only set up the ambush, but Vin's gut told him that he had done so on the order of the colonel. The question was, why.

Vin had gone to Chris, telling him everything he had learned and seen. The warriors, surprised by the SG team, had retreated to safety, only to run into Ella Gaines and Hildy Caffrey. It was a setup. He didn't know why, but Ella Gaines was up to no good, and Vin was afraid for his friend. But Chris not only couldn't believe what Vin was telling him ... he also pushed the guide away. Hurt and angry, Vin had left the camp that night.

Vin had stopped, struggling with his emotions. A glance had passed between Travis and Hammond, but neither man spoke. When Vin continued, his voice was hoarse with emotion. He whispered, "I shoulda never left. Only a coupla hours after I ... only a coupla hours later, Chris found out that she-devil killed his wife and boy. He found one a' Sarah's things in her tent. She's the one who hired Cletus Fowler. So she could get Chris for herself. Right 'bout that time, Averill and the rest a' SG-3, 'cept Miss Hildy, attacked the others."

Orrin had looked away, and Vin rushed on, "I know, I know I shouldna left 'im, General. I know that, and I'm sorry. I was just so mad. Don't he know I wouldna made that up?" That had startled Hammond, and he realized for the first time that Vin was still angry and hurt. But he had kept his feelings to himself, and obviously, had returned to aid his team. His jaw was clenched tight, his blue eyes taking on an almost glazed look from the moisture he was unwilling to acknowledge.

"You don't have anything to apologize for, son. You needed to clear your head. And even before you knew about the attack, you returned. Doesn't matter why, just that you were there for your teammates when they needed you," Hammond had said quietly. He had understood, better than Vin thought. The young guide was one who strongly controlled his emotional reactions. And Larabee had practically called the sometimes brutally honest man a liar.

In the eyes of both Hammond and Travis, no member of SG-7 had ever run out on their companions. This was no exception. If the two generals could understand a single member of a team slipping away to get help for captured teammates, they could certainly understand a young man slipping away to get his wayward emotions under control. Better that, after all, than Tanner taking a swing at Larabee ... which had been known to happen as well.

Larabee had been shot in the fire fight which followed, and Hildy Caffrey had sacrificed herself to save Buck. Jack Averill was dead. Ella Gaines had escaped, and General Hammond couldn't shake the feeling that like the Gou'ald System Lord who had taken the guise of the Egyptian goddess Hathor, they hadn't seen the last of Ella Gaines. He wasn't the only one, as Travis repeated now, "George? Do we have any leads on SG-3?"

"No. All SG teams in the field have been notified to keep an eye out for her. She'll come back here, Orrin. She may ambush one of our teams out in the field, but she'll come back here. When she does, we'll have to do something to protect Mary. If she killed Sarah and Adam Larabee, if she saw them as obstacles preventing her from making a life with Colonel Larabee, then she'll see Mary as a threat as well," the Texan observed.

Orrin nodded, his mouth tightening. Neither of them liked this 'wait and see,' especially not Orrin. But they simply didn't have enough information right now. Before the conversation could go any further, there was a knock on the door and Hammond called, "Come." The door opened and a dark head poked itself inside. Hammond said, "Dr. Wilmington ... please, come in. Is there something wrong with next week's expedition?"

"You could say that. I'm afraid I'm now permanently on Dr. Conklin's 'trouble' list," the young archaeologist answered with a sigh. Hammond suppressed a sigh of his own. At this rate, by the end of the year, there wouldn't be anyone left in the SGC who was not on Conklin's shit list. He motioned for the girl to continue, and she proceeded to explain what had happened in the meeting of the archaeologists.

As Vin would have said, if he was present, aw hell. Dr. Wilmington concluded, looking more than a little sheepish, "I knew he would come straight here, complaining about my insubordination, and I wanted the chance to tell my side of the story. I know, I shouldn't have told him off, but he pressed the red button with me. I don't take kindly to people threatening my friends and family, and that's exactly what he did."

"There are two things you need to understand, Dr. Wilmington," Hammond said and noticed the girl stiffening a little in her chair. No, not stiffening ... it was more like she was bracing herself for a blow. Hammond continued, "The first thing is, you are a civilian, not a member of the military, and as such, you cannot be insubordinate. Impudent, yes, but not subordinate. In the second place, while you are new here, and you are inexperienced, you also have the right to defend yourself. Which you did, quite ably."

"Besides, you didn't threaten him, Adriana," Orrin observed, "you pointed out a few facts, all of which are correct. You didn't attack him, you didn't threaten him."

"Even if you may have wanted to," Hammond added, drawing a faint smile from the girl, and a bona-fide grin from his old friend. The SGC general continued, "Now, maybe you could have been more diplomatic, but you still did nothing improper. Relax, Dr. Wilmington. I have no desire to replace you ... if I could, I would have replaced Conklin a long time ago, but there's the whole matter of national security."

This time, the scientist's smile was both relieved and sheepish, and she said, "I can see how it would be ... Conklin is let go, he's now a disgruntled former employee looking to cause trouble, and one who has access to state secrets, as it were. I'm sorry, sir. It's just that I'm so new here, and I honestly didn't know what would happen. I suppose my experiences at my jobs while I was in college color my view of the SGC, even though that's not fair to you."

"There's no need to apologize. I have a briefing with SG-7 tomorrow, but you're free. I happen to know there's a picnic at Nettie Welles' place, and I know you've been invited. Why don't you take the rest of the afternoon off, and go pack? Let General Travis and I deal with Dr. Conklin," Hammond offered. Not surprisingly, the young woman shook her head with a smile. The girl was a workaholic.

"That girl works entirely too hard. When was the last time SG-7 had a bonafide vacation? About the same time Mary did, I think. Maybe when they get back from PF5672, you should give them all a vacation, including Adriana," Orrin observed. Hammond nodded. Yes, he had been thinking about that. He would be thinking about it even more, after the two teams returned from their mission.

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Part Eight

Vin Tanner was, indeed, finished making his 'war plans' with Chris Larabee. The two men had spent a few hours, working out a schedule for guard duty and patrols. Something which SG-7 had established early on was that they would stick to Earth hours and days, to avoid confusion. Thus, they had seven men and twenty-four hours. A quick consultation with Daniel Jackson, who was the team leader, informed them that the archaeologists would be working about ten hour days. After ten hours, Daniel had observed, concentration lapsed. Best not to push themselves, a comment which made Vin laugh.

Jackson had been known to lose hours upon hours when he was involved in a project, and Adriana was just as bad. Vin had come to recognize the signs years earlier. Fortunately, however, she had gotten better. He could remember having to repeat himself three and four times before he could even get her attention, when she was involved in a project. Vin reckoned he had Petra, Adriana's roommate in Germany, to thank for the changes in his friend.

And she had changed. The insecurity was still there ... actually, the insecurity about her relationship with her brother had gotten worse, just since she had arrived. Buck had become one of Vin's best friends in the last year, but this was one time when the sharpshooter would have happily clobbered the big man. However, he had given his word to Adriana, that he would stay out of it. And Vin hadn't broken his word to her yet.

In other respects, she was much stronger. She had found comfort in her growing friendship with Ezra, in renewing her relationships with Chris and Vin. And while she kept saying it wasn't important, Vin had apologized to her for leaving Texas the way he did, without a real good-bye. She understood ... Vin had suspected she would, but it needed to be said. He needed to say it out loud.

And in some ways, she was the same girl he remembered. Sweet, sassy, funny, mouthy. A hellcat, Chanu had called her more than once, and Jack O'Neill had picked up on the nickname. Vin thought it was funny ... Chanu called her 'hellcat,' and Chris called her 'little princess.' Both nicknames fit her perfectly ... because each man ... hell. How did Ezra put it? The negotiator had said that bein' with Chanu brought out the hellcat in Drina, and bein' with Chris brought out the little princess. Sorta.

Vin laughed softly, remembering the look on JD's face the first time Chris and Adriana had argued. She had arrived at the SGC maybe a week earlier, and it escaped Vin's mind, what Adriana had said. She wanted to do something which Chris considered too dangerous. And forgetting the story which he had told Vin in the jeep when they went to collect Vin's belongings from the motel, Chris had threatened to tie Adriana to a chair.

Even if Chris had forgotten the incident, Drina obviously had not, for she asked with a feral grin, "Remember what happened the last time you tried to stop me, Christopher? What makes you think I can't hurt you worse this time? I'm ten years older, and ten years smarter." To the amazement of the others in SG-7, Chris had gone pale ... with not even a trace of the infamous Larabee glare.

"What happened the last time?" JD had asked. Vin answered indirectly, cupping his hands over his privates in a defensive gesture. The boy didn't get it at first, then his eyes widened. He looked from Drina to Vin, then back again, gasping, "You didn't, you couldn't have!" One moment, Larabee was pale, the next, he was blushing. JD looked at him, then asked, "Chris? Did she really? I mean ... ?"

"She did, kid," Buck had laughed, "kicked Chris right in the balls!" There was a moment of silence as the entire team processed this, then a snigger could be heard.

It wasn't Vin, although he found it hysterically funny. Hell, he had thought it was funny, even when Chris told him the first time! No, the one trying desperately not to laugh was none other than Mary Travis, who had just joined them at the table. Her green eyes were dancing with laughter, and her shoulders were shaking. Chris obviously couldn't decide what shade of red he should turn, and how he should pay back Adriana.

"You ... kicked ... Colonel ... Larabee ... in ... his ... privates?" Ezra asked slowly, as if he was still trying to process the information. Adriana had nodded, her hazel eyes appearing almost green as she struggled not to laugh at her surrogate brother's expression. That right there, the almost-green eyes, told Vin just how good Adriana's mood was. Ezra shook his head, adding, "Well. I can see I shall endeavor to remain on your good side, dear lady."

"Why, Ezra," Adriana had responded in a psuedo-Southern accent, "I do believe that has already been established, unless of course, you were playin' games with my emotions." As Southern accents went, it wasn't too bad, but it was still a phony one. Ezra started to sputter, and Adriana had winked. If Vin hadn't been beside her for the better part of the night, and hadn't known she had been drinking Dr. Pepper steadily, he would have wondered if she was drunk.

But she wasn't ... she was happy, and she was tired. Always a lethal combination, for it brought out Drina's wicked sense of humor in full force. She said, still laughing, but in her normal voice, "Ezra! I only get mad when people patronize me ... or insult my family and friends. Or leave them lying unconscious in my dorm room." Her eyes flashed at that. Vin had noticed a few questioning ... and concerned ... stares, but Adriana didn't elaborate. Good. They had enough trouble right now.

"Well," Ezra replied, his face growing solemn, "I shall endeavor to remember that. Far be it from me to patronize such a lovely, intelligent lady ... or insult those whom she loves. Especially when they, themselves, are dangerous men." It was his turn to wink at Adriana, who grinned impishly in response. Lord. He had forgotten so many things about his friend, and remembered so many more.

"Hey, you. Woolgathering again?" the subject of his concentration said. Aw hell, Vin thought, startin' to sound like Ezra now! But he smiled as Adriana slipped her arm around his waist, coming up under his own arm. Vin didn't duck away from the embrace ... instead, he fitted his arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer as they walked. He remembered the first time she had tried that ... well, after she had caught him at the barn, following the Nichols confrontation at the beginning of their friendship.

"Am not. Just thinkin' on the last few months. Ya got a few minutes to spare, to play?" Vin teased. Adriana stuck her tongue out at him, grinning impishly. Vin drew her in for a brief, one-armed hug, then continued, "Just thinkin' on how glad I am to have ya back in my life. Reckon Chris is, too. I ain't never seen him smile so much, not in the last year. Damn, Drina. Chris and I planned to come lookin' for ya, and here ya was. How do ya do that? Even when ya was in college, ya seemed to know ... "

He faltered, unsure of what to say, or how to proceed. Adriana was silent, maintaining her position at his side. At least until he didn't continued, then she said softly, "I don't know, Vin. My instincts said to do something, and I just did it. You should know, you were something of an experiment for me. I had never listened to my instincts before I met you ... and from our second meeting, at the library, I just went on instinct."

"Reckon it don't matter much. Just is. Like the way I can ... the way I just know what Chris is thinkin' sometimes. That's a whole 'nother kettle of fish. It's damn scary, the way ya can make Chris laugh. Buck swears ya open the door to the past, when ya do that," Vin said. He felt Adriana stiffen. Damn. Not one of his smarter comments. He knew better than to say anything more ... this had to be up to her.

"Soooo, he can talk about me, he just can't talk to me," Drina sighed, "I suppose I should be grateful that I even enter his mind. I just don't know how much longer I can do this. You know how much you and Chris mean to me, you know Ezra is becoming one of my best friends, but I honestly ... well, when I found out SG-7 would be going with us to the planet, I wished someone else had been assigned to guard duty."

Vin didn't say anything. He didn't take the comment personally ... it had nothing to do with him, and everything to do with Buck and JD. After a moment, the archaeologist sighed, "I just have to let it go ... if it's meant to work out, it will. Anyhow. Tell me what's new and interesting with you. Oh, and remind me later, I have a story to tell you. It's about the planet we're going to, or rather, about the early inhabitants." Vin just looked at her expectantly, and Adriana sighed, "Right. Okay, well, Daniel and I have been doing some checking ... "

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Part Nine

That conversation repeated in Vin's mind the following day, during the briefing. He had learned from Adriana that the archaeologists believed the planet was originally settled by Gou'ald slaves who had been taken from what was then part of Greece. That wasn't the interesting part, however. During the original recon missions, a linguist who had been born and raised in Greece found references to the lost continent of Atlantis on the structure where the archaeologists would be excavating.

Hammond had further explained the significance of the finding. Almost everyone knew about the lost continent of Atlantis, and it was believed that marine archaeologists had recently found the ruins of the ancient city. That had confused Vin ... was it a city or was it an entire continent? Adriana had explained it was probably a city, but her own understanding of ancient Greek wasn't that great. Translations tended to screw up things.

Vin had accepted that explanation, smiling to himself when JD asked the very same question during the briefing. General Hammond offered the same explanation as the archaeologists, adding that this was part of the mission. Further, with Gou'ald presence on the earth, the concept of Atlantis took on all-new meaning. It had taken SG-7 only a few seconds to process that, then Ezra asked, "Then, it's a possibility that the Gou'ald are responsible for the destruction of Atlantis? And that they took the Atlanteans with them?"

"That's certainly a possibility. Further, Dr. Jackson has advanced the theory that the Gou'ald who destroyed Atlantis struck a bargain with Ra, which allowed them access to the Stargate," General Hammond replied. Vin could feel the excitement stirring in the briefing room. Even General Hammond looked excited ... Josiah was the only anthropologist or archaeologist in the room, but everyone was excited.

"What can we do to help the archaeologists and linguists, aside from standing guard and patrolling the area?" Nathan asked. Stay out of their way, Vin thought, but kept it to himself. The medic continued, grinning impishly at Vin, "Aside from keeping Miss Stacy out of the way of any gliders, that is ... don't rightly think Janet would appreciate havin' Vin cooped up in her infirmary for a week with broken ribs and a broken arm again."

Vin rolled his eyes, pointing out, "That weren't my fault. What was I s'posed to do, let her get hurt?" He was greeted with laughter. Even General Hammond was struggling to keep from smiling. Vin shook his head, muttering under his breath. Still. Even with the excruciating pain of his broken ribs and broken arm, Vin would have done the same thing without hesitation. He could live with the pain of broken bones ... he had been doing it his entire life. But he didn't think he could live with himself, knowing he could have saved someone ... and didn't.

"We know that, Mr. Tanner, but I don't believe your teammates can resist the temptation to tease their resident Robin Hood," General Hammond replied. Vin almost groaned out loud this time. Would he never live that down? The general continued, "And as to your question, Mr. Jackson, I don't think so. Maybe some heavy lifting ... just ask if they need help first. Some of the ladies are very determined to prove themselves."

"And some of them are stronger than they look," Chris put in. The general nodded and Chris continued, after receiving a signal from the commander of the SGC, "All right, that'll wrap it up. We have the entire weekend to ourselves, but we are to report to the Gate Room at oh six hundred hours on Monday morning. Ezra, to you, that's six ... in the morning. Six in the evening is eighteen hundred hours."

Everyone laughed at the good-natured teasing, and Ezra, who was a night person, returned, "Why, Colonel Larabee, I haven't been late arriving for a mission in months! I am astonished and hurt to think you have so little faith in my sense of honor and duty to my compatriots. I ... " Josiah effectively silenced him by clapping his hand over the negotiator's mouth, ignoring the muffled protests.

"He'll be there, brother Chris, as will we all," the anthropologist said.

Ezra nodded emphatically, adding his muffled reassurance, and Josiah continued, "That being said, does anyone need a ride to Nettie's place? Vin, I know you're riding with Dr. Wilmington ... and how exactly did you convince her to come along? The last I heard, from Captain Travis, she really wasn't sure if she was welcome." Vin grinned faintly ... it had been a rare conversation, when he did all the talking.

"Reckon I just got her to see that if Nettie didn't want her to come, she wouldna invited her. Drina's a right smart girl, but she's a mite stubborn," Vin admitted. And insecure, he thought to himself, but kept that to himself as well. The simple fact was, Drina had nearly had a panic attack ... nearly given herself one. She was scared out of her mind that Nettie wouldn't like her. Where she would get a plumb loco idea like that, Vin had no idea.

At his side, Chris leaned over and whispered, "She may be worried about JD and Casey, cowboy, since Casey is JD's girl. May be afraid that Nettie won't like her because she doesn't get along with JD." Vin blinked in surprise, then nodded. Yeah, reckon that would make sense, he thought, that would make a lot of sense. Maybe not from the average twenty-five year old archaeologist, but this weren't no average nobody, this was Drina, and her mind sure worked in funny ways at times.

"Well, however you convinced her, Mr. Tanner, I am eternally grateful. I do enjoy talkin' with the young lady ... perhaps I can persuade her to keep me company while the rest of you gentlemen, and I do use the term loosely, effect the necessary repairs around Ms Welles' homestead," Ezra observed. Vin just laughed and shook his head. Ezra sighed and muttered, "I was afraid of that ... she will, no doubt, endeavor to make herself useful. The young lady works entirely too hard."

"Ya ain't the first person who's said that, Ez, and I don't reckon ya'll be the last. Drina's gotta feel useful, or she feels outta place. She's always been like that," Vin explained. He paused, then added with a wicked grin, "And 'sides, from what Drina done told me, she was kinda hopin' to get ya helpin' the rest a' us." She had actually said no such thing, but it was worth it just to see the look on Ezra's face.

The room exploded with laughter, and Ezra muttered, his face growing red as he evidently realized he had been set up, "That was not kind, Mr. Tanner. Not kind at all." That provoked another explosion of laughter. It wasn't that funny, but Vin had sensed the tension in the SGC over the last few days. He had overheard a brief conversation between General Travis and his daughter-in-law, involving Ella Gaines. Or, as Drina called her, 'psycho-bitch.'

The laughter was a release of tension, and Hammond allowed it. Finally, as the laughter died down, Hammond said, still grinning, "All right, gentlemen, you're dismissed. I'll see you all Sunday night ... enjoy your time off." Chris repeated the general's dismissal and as one, SG-7 rose and saluted the general. Even Vin, who didn't hold with that kinda thing, but he was in a military installation, and it woulda been rude not to salute.

Chris waved him to the door, and Vin realized his friend wanted to talk with the general. That was fine by Vin ... he needed to find Adriana. It took him less than five minutes to do just that, after he had discovered she wasn't in her quarters. His second choice was the room used by Daniel Jackson as an office, and it was there that he found her. The two archaeologists were leaning over a table, quietly discussing something. Vin felt something uncomfortable deep in his chest, something with no name but made him feel uneasy.

Then Adriana looked up from whatever was on the table, and she smiled. Damn that girl. She was forever talking about how damn dangerous his smile was? Did it ever occur to her that her own was just as un-nerving? No, of course not. If anyone had told her she was pretty, she woulda mentioned Major Carter, or Dr. Frasier, or Captain Travis. So Vin had learned again where her boundaries were. Some of 'em had changed over the years ... not all of 'em.

"You ready to go, Vin? I've got my stuff from my quarters packed ... night reading. Daniel just wanted me to see something before we left," Drina said. Vin nodded and Drina turned to the other archaeologist, saying, "Like I said, I need to do more studying, but I'm with you. I do think we should keep it between us, at least for now. See you on Monday ... and for heaven's sake, don't work so hard!"

Daniel laughed and ruffled the curly dark hair, earning him a junior Wilmington glare from Adriana and replied, "I could tell you the same thing. Vin, get this girl outta here, will you?" Vin nodded with a smile of his own, which grew as Adriana joined him, muttering under her breath. Yup, that was the plan ... to get Adriana out of the the SGC for a while, 'fore she started taking root down here!

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Part Ten

While she would have never said that the last three months had been entirely goodness and light, Adriana would have said that she couldn't remember the last time she was this happy. She had a job she loved, support and unlimited funding to do the job she loved, and she had some very special people in her life. True, her relationship with Bucklin was likely to remain stalled, but for all that, Adriana was still a very happy young woman.

However. That being said, she was also glad to be getting away for a few days. Monday was her first mission ... the last three months had been spent learning further self-defense, brushing up on her ancient history and mythology, and just finding her way around the SGC. Adriana had prepared herself to do grunt work ... cataloging and researching. While she had done that, she hadn't been prepared ... for a lot of other things. On Monday, only a few days away, she would be going to another planet. Not just another planet, but another galaxy. Not just another galaxy, but ... aw hell!

It promised to be the most exciting excavation of her life. She had participated in more than one dig, of course. Hell, she had been working on digs for almost ten years. But this ... this was special. Not just because of the possible Atlantean connection, though that was enough to get the storyteller in Adriana humming. No, it was everything. The Atlantean connection, being on a mission with SG-7, going to another planet. Everything.

So she needed a little time away, before she spun right out of control. As she and Vin headed out, first collecting her bag from her quarters, then picking up their passes from the Marines, Adriana could barely control her excitement. She heard Vin's soft laughter as she practically skipped toward her GEO Tracker, and her friend teased her, "Reckon you're a little excited there, Miss Drina?"

Adriana responded by sticking her tongue out and Vin threw back his head, laughing out loud. The archaeologist responded by lightly smacking him in the back of his head with one hand, while searching in her bag for her keys with the other. Usually, she had her keys out even before she left the elevator ... it was a good way to protect herself. But she knew she could trust Vin to look out for her. Besides, her hands had been shaking too badly in the elevator.

"Real purty jeep, Drina," Vin observed as she finally unlocked the passenger door and opened it for him. Adriana offered him a smile and went around to the driver's side of the jeep. She unlocked the door and opened it, swinging herself into the driver's seat. Adriana noted with approval that Vin had buckled himself in. Good. He hadn't forgotten her rule about riding with her and fastening the safety belt.

"Thanks," Adriana replied, "her name is B.E." She fastened the safety belt around herself, then started up the engine. This was the first time Vin had ridden with her in the new Tracker, so she couldn't help herself ... she was showing off. Just a little bit, though. Not much. She located the CD she wanted, and popped it into the CD player. Adriana looked up and smiled to herself, seeing Vin's obvious confusion. He mouthed 'B.E?' and she took pity on him. She laughed, "It's short for Bright Eyes. Because it's bright blue."

And the color reminded me of your eyes, Adriana thought, but she didn't say as much. She knew it would make Vin uncomfortable. As it was, a flush spread across his cheeks. 'Bright Eyes' had been her nickname for him, much like his habit of calling her 'Miss Drina.' She rarely called him that, in part because it ... now how had Dawn put it? That's right ... implied a level of intimacy that neither had reached, nor were comfortable with.

It made her laugh, if only to herself. Part of Dawn's habit of using big words came from her background in psychology. Adriana knew her share of big words, as an archaeologist, but it was different. The way Dawn put the words together ... that was what Adriana loved. It hadn't surprised her, when she first arrived here, to find out that Dawn had gotten along beautifully with Ezra in the short time they had known each other. In the first place, Dawn was a beautiful woman, and Ezra was a man who appreciated beauty, especially the exotic beauty which her former grad assistant and roommate possessed. Adriana knew about the trial which had shattered Dawn's family ... her former roommate had told her about it in letters.

So, she actually knew about Ezra Standish ahead of time ... it just took her a little time to figure out that the negotiator for SG-7 was the same man who had helped to put that son of a bitch away, along with Detective Li Pong of the Seattle Police Department. When she did, she had even more respect for her new friend. What had amazed her, though, was how quickly he had accepted her. Ezra Standish was a man who didn't let his guard down easily ... he had obviously learned how easily one could be hurt when one gave trust to the wrong person.

And yet ... Adriana shook her head, turning her attention back to choosing the proper track of her CD. It had been a gift from Carly on Adriana's twenty-third birthday, her first birthday in Germany, her first birthday outside the US ... her first birthday away from the people who had become her family. Carly had remembered Adriana's favorite songs, including one very special song. "Total Eclipse of the Heart," a song which held special meaning for Adriana. It was, Carly admitted in the card, her way of making sure Adriana never lost Vin.

Adriana had written a letter to her former roommate only the week earlier. Carefully omitting any references to Cheyenne Mountain, or anything that could even remotely be classified, Adriana had told her friend that she had reconnected with Vin, as well as both of her brothers. Once she had gotten that out of the way, the young archaeologist had gone into further detail about her even-more-messed up relationship with her elder brother. Carly had always given her good advice, when they were roommates. Maybe she would have a perspective on the whole situation with Bucklin that would help Adriana.

At the very least, Carly could tell her if she was being unreasonable in wanting to spend time with her brother. Or if she was being unreasonable in the way she was going about it. Carly wasn't as close to the situation as Adriana herself was ... maybe she would have some ideas. Adriana nodded to herself. The letter was in her purse, she would mail it on the way to her apartment building.

Vin said, breaking into Adriana's reverie, "Hey, this is that song we danced to ... ya 'member, Drina? The Fourth a' July picnic at Dr. Meadows' place, 'bout a year after we met?" Adriana flashed him a grin, and Vin continued, rolling his eyes, "Course ya 'member, don't reckon ya forget nothin.' Reckon I oughta warn the others 'bout that." Adriana laughed outright. He wouldn't, of course. He had too much fun laughing his ass off when someone did forget a warning. Like the young private, or Ezra.

"Now where's the fun in that, Kevin?" she teased, laughing as she always did at the dirty look. From what Chris had told her, Buck hadn't stopped teasing Vin about his real name once during the last three months, ever since he and the others found out. Not even Vin's threat to shoot Buck, or anyone else who called him 'Kevin,' could silence her older brother. Of course, Ezra pointing out that Vin hadn't shot Adriana yet, could have had something to do with it.

"One a' these days, Adriana Kathleen," Vin growled. Adriana threw back her head and laughed. Oh, she loved teasing Vin, she really did! The use of her own full name would have gotten her to back down, if it had been coming from Chris or Buck, but for all his growling, Vin was too much the gentleman to do anything to her.

Of course, her two brothers were gentlemen as well, in their own ways. Chris would probably dunk her in the pool which he, Vin, and the rest of SG-7 had helped to build. If Buck could tear his attention away from JD or flirting with the ladies, he would probably tickle her half to death. But Vin wouldn't do anything in the way of payback. Her longtime friend was a very sensitive young man. Sensitive in that he was very empathic to the pain of others.

Not in the same way as JD Dunne, with whom Adriana admittedly had little patience, perhaps because of the way her brother seemed to coddle him. According to some of the other SG teams, anyone who hurt the kid's feelings had to answer to her brother. If he had been ten or eleven, that would have been one thing ... but Dunne was almost twenty years old, if he hadn't had his birthday yet. And he would never grow up if her brother did, indeed, coddle him.

She was reserving judgment on that, at least until she actually saw them in action. While Chris had always looked out for her, Adriana had learned at an early age that the world didn't stop for her hurt feelings. She knew she couldn't stop the men in her life from hotly defending her honor, or her. But she tried not to let other people bother her. She had a job to do, and she tended to keep to herself until someone went after her family. As Conklin had.


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