Graphics By Jodie Taylor

The North Point Web-Site

2015 Las Vegas Reunion

       Anything you need to know about the up coming reunion should be included in the above information. Questions may arise that have not been address, and we welcome your inquires or comments. The person who has set this up is David Holroyd, and you can reach him at or contact me at and I will try and help you. Any questions you have about the hotel can be addressed to the Flamingo Hotel through Amber McCoy at who's information is listed above. If you intend to attend this reunion please let either David or me know with the number of you planning to attend.

Thanks! Ron & David                          September 14th 2014

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The Material on this website is the property of the North Point Group and its members. Any use of the content without the express written consent of the group, its owner, or the webmaster is strictly verboten. If you have any questions about the website or it contents please feel free to contact the webmaster, Ron Buckholz at the mailing address or e-mail address listed above. Any and all comments or suggestions are welcome.

Kriegsfeld Special Weapons Depot (North Point)