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Chris and Katie
Our Story
How we began
Chris and I met January 18, 2002 at Camp Capers, the Episcopal Church camp of the Diocese of West Texas. Chris had brought a girl from his town, Diane, who I knew from past camp sessions. That Friday was disturbingly cold in Waring, Texas, and all I had was a sweater and thin jacket. I hid, humiliated, behind Diane as she marched up to the cutest boy at the camp and demanded that he hand over his coat. He obstinately answered 'no,' until Diane stepped aside and pointed at me. My prayer to melt into the ground went unanswered, and when he quickly handed over coat and gloves without further question (leaving himself shivering in a thin t-shirt), I realized I'd been holding my breath and quickly gasped for air. We struck up an awkward conversation, and I quickly developed a hopeless crush on this new 'tough boy' who'd just tumbled into my life. I laughed at endless stories of cars and teacher pranks, knowing full well that he'd never go for this shy, awkward 16 year old (note that I'd been 16 for 5 whole days--making me the 2nd youngest in the entire camp by less than a month).

The next day, we spent all morning together with Diane and Morey, another lasting friend. Then Chris suddenly disappeared. I looked for him, but eventually gave up, certain that he was just trying to get away from me. He didn't return for another 3 hours, just in time for the camp dance, where I had an amazing time with him. It wasn't until more than a year and a half later that I learned that Chris had spent those 3 hours with Diane, listening to Country music (quite possibly his LEAST favorite thing) and learning to 2-step, just so he could dance with me that night--and to think I'd been mad about that. At one point, he looked at Morey and asked if he'd seen that pretty white mustang in the parking lot when we arrived. A spark lit in my mind, and I asked timidly, 'the one with the black top?' 'Ya, you know who's it is?' he asked. 'It's mine,' I smiled.

The next day, we exchanged phone numbers as happens at the end of every camp and parted. People rarely keep in touch after camp, so I just assumed he'd asked to make me feel better...but little did I know...

the call About a month later, the phone rang late on a Sunday night. I answered, talked for a minute or two, and then awkwardly had to ask who was speaking. My heart fluttered nervously as we talked, or rather, HE talked, for the next 2 hours. I called back at the exact same time the next Sunday night, and we talked for several hours every few weeks for the next year. We became friends through dating problems and bad relationships, but my heart still skipped a beat each time the phone rang on a Sunday night.

we meet again I didn't see Chris again until more than a year later at the next Camp Capers Mid-winter session on January 24, 2003. I nervously looked over the entrance line, but there was no sign of him. I had given up on ever seeing him again when he walked into the dining hall. I had just taken a huge bite of a chicken strip when I glanced up to see that gorgeous smile once again. I gave back a tight grin, unsuccessfully wishing away the food. When I got back to my cabin that night, the girl in the bunk above me raved about this adorable guy she was going to get this weekend. My heart sank as I realized she was talking about MY Chris. She hung on his neck all of the next day, giving me no hope of getting near Chris. Oddly enough, Chris kept turning away from her--towards me. On Sunday, Chris and Morey agreed to let me follow them to a mutual friend's house in a town between Waring and San Antonio.

this kiss--January 26, 2003 Standing in front of Shara's house and cuddled inside his jacket against his warm chest, Chris hesitated before slowly leaning in--and suddenly Morey burst from the house and shouted 'get a room,' as I jumped away into the cold. We continued on into San Antonio and stopped in front of my own house. I couldn't believe he was actually there. We stood around and talked for the next 3 hours (about 3 o'clock) until he absolutely had to go to get back home by dark. We stood alone for a moment while Morey waited out by his car, reading a magazine. Chris said a few sweet words, kissed me on the cheek, and went on his way. I blinked back tears and headed into the house for some self-pity time, but the minute I sank into the couch, the phone rang. I answered sadly, and it was that very familiar voice. Chris told me mysteriously, 'you have something that's mine, but I can't tell you over the phone. Meet me at the back door.' I curiously opened up the door and peeked out, asking, 'what are you talking about???' 'You have my heart,' he answered as I fell into his arms. He slowly leaned in, and we kissed for the first time. If you ask him, he'll tell you that I kissed him. I found out later that when Chris had gone to leave the first time, Morey had looked at him and asked 'how was it?' and when Chris said he hadn't kissed me, Morey made sent him right back, complaining that he hadn't waited 3 hours in the cold for nothing. So that's how it all started, and we still count this as the day we started dating. I know, I know, how corny, but you can't say the same line wouldn't have made you fall just as hard.

and then? Chris and I dated long distance for almost a year. In January 2004, he moved to San Antonio as my 18th birthday present. He lived with Morey in a 3 bedroom apartment with 3 other guys for the next 4 months until he left for basic on April 13, 2004.

And Military life began
chris graduated from high school in may 2003 and started talking with recruiters. he decided on the air force after several huge fights between the two of us. you could probably say that deciding to enlist when we had only been dating 5 months was the first major bump in our relationship, but we made it through. he left for basic with a plan to train for the special forces. he got through about 13 weeks of that, but he injured his knee and had to reclass. he left for mississippi in october, completed tech school there, and had 20 days of leave in december before leaving for korea on january 2, 2005. so that's us in a nutshell. he signed up for a 2 year tour there, so life's not the easiest right now. everyone says 'if you make it through these 2 years, you can make it through anything,' but of course they said the same b.s. before: 'if you can make it through this year of special forces training, you can make it through anything.' what do they know. i got my first phone call on the 7th (8th his time). i think we're going to be okay.

military girlfriend