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Hello, I'm B. W. Kash

Welcome to my webpage. I know, it ain't much, but it's reflective of me. Dark, simple, with a little bit of egoism for good measure.

What can I tell you about me? I was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada. As of writing this, near the end of 2004, I'm 29 years old. I learned to play the guitar at the age of 5 listening to my father's Johnny Cash records. The first song I ever learned was Folsom Prison Blues, and I had been hooked on Cash's music since. Over the years, I've listened to many other genres of music. Maybe some of it rubbed off in the music I write, maybe not.

To explain what B. W. Kash means. B. W. is short for Black Wolf, a name given to me by a Cherokee shaman I meant in my travels to Ohio. Kash really doesn't need much explanation. Johnny Cash, and I wanted to be a little different.

I'd give you the nickel tour but it would cost you a dollar. So, if you'd rather avoid the tour guide and take a stab at finding your way around on your owm, that won't cost you anything.

Below are some of my originals I've written and recorded recently, and there's a story about each one. To Die was written back in 2001, coming off a nasty separation and eventual divorce, and the consuming emptiness that followed. This song has a hidden message of hope, some say it's just stubbornness on my part that I won't give my detractors the satisfaction of running me out of town. Because of You was written shortly after Johnny Cash left us in 2003. I wrote it and sang it in his style on purpose as a tribute, and the words reflect how I feel about life and family today. Country In My Soul was actualy a mindfart. I was listening to others play in a Paltalk room I frequent, and the song hit. All of it, the music, the words. It's as if my brain had been sitting on it and finally needed to get rid of it.

To Die
Because Of You
Country In My Soul

Covers Site - Under New Development

Farewell To A Hero - The Johnny Cash Tribute Page