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Someone for everyone
July 1999
Karen Gunther

Disclaimers: The characters and situations that inspired this story are the property of Sony/ Columbia- Tri-Star. No harm is intended nor monetary gain. I promise to put them back when I am done... they'll just be happier and healthier than when last we saw them.

Permission granted to archive at and the Dark NN site. Anyone else interested, please let me know.

timeline: following 'Last Knight'


"No, you are my best friend" Nick said with a sad expression, pausing as he handed the ornate carved wooden cane to his master, his friend. He turned slowly and knelt by the body of the woman, his friend and confidant for the past six years. Kissing her forehead gently, he tensed, awaiting the fatal blow. He could sense resignation and great sorrow as LaCroix lifted the cane.

"Damn you, Nicholas!" was the last thing Nick heard as the stake came down with great force...

(in a nightclub, in Quebec)

Pacing back and forth behind the bar, hardly noticing the swaying crowd of humans, dancing to a reverberating beat, reveling in the passions in the dark, Janette drank deeply from a stemmed goblet.

"What is going on, Janette?" the bartender, a tall, thin man with a dark mustache and beard, said, grasping her shoulders tightly. "And don't say nothing.. I've known you too long. You are upset about something"

"I don't know.. something terrible is happening. I sense such pain.. such anguish.." she said softly. "I fear what he is going to do. I must see him, I must stop him." her voice trailed off as the bartender looked at her intently.

"Family troubles, eh? Nothing else could have you this worked up. So you are going west for a while. Say hello to the General. And be careful, if they are in a battle, you will just be drawn in as usual."

"No.. this is much worse. My master needs me. I must go to him. I feel his call" She sighed and drank deeply. "Take care of the club, Miklos" she said calmly, and strode quickly to the back door leading to her apartment.

"I am sorry mon fils" LaCroix spoke softly as he stood over the limp body of his son. A deepening bruise over Nick's temple and blood stains marring the silk shirt were the only evidence of the earlier struggle. "but I could not grant your request. You are mine, will always be mine and I do not easily relinquish what is mine" He smiled sardonically. "You may have taken Janette from me, but you will not take yourself. We will be together eternally."

A glance out the window revealed coming dawn. "But we cannot stay here. You have need of nourishment, something more satisfying than your bovine swill." He laughed softly. "And you are far too trusting that I would clean up your mess."

Gathering Nick in his arms, he flew up through the skylight, not noticing the dark figure approaching from the East.

CHAPTER 02/ 0?

Landing softly on the roof, Janette cast out her senses. The pain and anguish which had increased during her flight, had now dimmed, but her concern was growing. "Nichola.. what have you done?" she sighed, opening her mind to the vibrations that linked her with Nick. Sensing only quiet, where there had been great pain, she knew he was alive.. but where she could not say.. and was he sleeping or unconscious? "I hope you are all right mon chere."

Sensing the coming dawn, she grasped the skylight frame, and opened it, flying inside, just as the automatic steel shutters clicked closed, encasing the apartment in blessed darkness. She landed on the balcony overlooking the main room, did not sense Nick, but could faintly hear something else.. the soft beating of a mortal heart.. slowing, dying..

Moving with vampiric speed, she flew toward the body lying curled by the fireplace. Rolling the woman over gently, Janette gasped with recognition. "Natalie? Oh my..." She saw quickly the puncture marks.. the clear sign of a vampire's feeding. "Who did this? And what was his intention? Hmmm?" Running her finger through the trickle of blood that leaked from the wound, she brought it to her mouth and tasted. A slow smile crossed her face. "So.. Natalie. You did not want to die. You trusted Nichola to control himself and stop. Oh, but we now both know what a passionate man he is. It is not in his nature to take just a little. Or love just a little. Yes, you have learned a valuable lesson, but it need not be a fatal one. Perhaps I will assist you here. There is yet a spark of life within you. Perhaps together we can bring Nichola to his senses."

Bowing her head slightly, she let her fangs descend, and quickly opened a small wound in her wrist, drawing on the wound to start the flow of blood. Lifting Natalie's head into her lap, Janette dripped the blood into her mouth. "Natalie, can you hear me? You can come back.. you must come back.. turn away from the light.. it is not your destiny." Janette whispered into Natalie's ear slowly, hypnotically. "Your work is not done. Come, join us in eternity." The blood dripped and pooled in Natalie's mouth, a little trickling down the side. "Come, ma chere. We will find Nichola. Come join us. Turn away from the light, your destiny has always been in the darkness, the power and passion of the night" she exhorted, beginning to despair that she was too late when she felt a slight tug on her wrist. Natalie began to suck more earnestly, drawing the fluid. Suddenly, she reached up to grasp Janette's arm and drank deeply.

"Ah, I believe that is enough, cherie" she exclaimed, pulling away her wrist when she could sense that Natalie had taken enough, had come fully across. "Now, you will rest. And I will seek out a first meal for you. And not that bovine swill that Nicola drinks. I will not have my daughter become a carouche!"

She laid Natalie on the couch and moved to the secret hiding place that she knew Nick kept behind a painting. With a smile, she withdrew the two labeled green bottles, one bearing a red ribbon. "Oh my, LaCroix's special blend.. a perfect first meal for you my dear. Even he would approve of this for his granddaughter!" Sitting the bottles and a crystal goblet on the table, Janette curled up in the leather chair to wait.

**** (at a warehouse outside Toronto)
The first rays of morning sun were barely warming the Toronto streets as the darkly clad man forcefully opened the door to a nondescript brick building. Half carrying, half dragging his companion, he slammed the door behind him. Clicking a remote at the windows, steel shutters whirred down, encasing the large room in darkness.

"Sit, I will get us refreshments" he murmured, although the other man did not respond. Indeed, he seemed to barely notice his surroundings or the words of encouragement that the older man had for him.

Supporting Nick on a couch, he moved quickly to the next room, and returned with several green bottles. "Alas, we cannot be civilized. I had provisions stocked but not glassware. I assure you though that this vintage will be to your liking" he took a deep swallow, watching Nick for a response. Seeing none, he shook him awake. Nick's eyes were dark as he followed LaCroix's movements but said nothing.

"Come now, you need nourishment Nicholas" he exhorted handing him a bottle.

"Why LaCroix?" Nick asked quietly. "Was it too much to ask?"

LaCroix turned suddenly, eyes blazing. "Yes, Nicholas, it was. How could you ask that of me? I made you.. I granted your wish.. eternal life.. you want me to take this from you? I do not surrender what is mine.. I made you for all eternity. I will not give that up. Let go your mortal bonds and this incessant guilt. Accept what you are.. what you have been for 800 years!"

Nick looked around the room, not responding and not taking the bottle set before him. "I killed Natalie. You expect me to live with that? And what did you do with her.. with her?"

"Nothing. It is what you did to Natalie that you should first realize and accept." He began to pace, moving back and forth in front of the couch where Nick sat silently. "You put her in great danger for too long. Allowing her knowledge of the Community to grow. Allowing her to fall in love with you." he smiled as Nick looked up with a startled expression. "Yes, I knew you lied to me about the good Doctor. But what is worse is that you both lied to yourselves."

"What do you mean?" he asked sharply, his eyes darkening with anger.

"I warned her.. we may mix minds with mortals, but anything else could be quite hazardous to her health." Leaning back on the smooth surface of the leather chair, he shrugged with deceptive calm "And I was quite right, as always. I knew that you would not be able to keep her at arms length forever, and as usual, your control was lacking. Too bad really.." he smiled looking directly at Nick until their eyes met. "And our bargain is fulfilled. I have my retribution. Magnified. As I did not directly cause Fleur's death, but you caused Natalie's death. Ironic is the word that comes to mind. Pity really, she had courage and spirit. I will miss her."

"Oh really? Since when?" Nick looked toward LaCroix, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yes, Nicholas, you heard me correctly. Your doctor friend was an intelligent woman with an open mind. She readily accepted the unbelievable. She was of great service to the Community and yet, she was not a member of it." he paused momentarily to drink from his bottle. Setting it on the small end table he pressed his fingers to his mouth, looking off in the dark corners of the room. "There are those who wanted her brought across."

"Enforcers?" he asked swiftly.

"No- although, they knew of your relationship.. it would have happened as soon as you moved on." He turned once more to capture the gaze of the younger man. "She knew too much. In your absence, it would have been taken care of.. and the enforcers would have brought her over. She was too valuable to kill." He said firmly. Lifting his bottle he turned away before asking simply, "By the way, where is her research?" LaCroix tried to be casual, but any evidence of the experiments must be eliminated. The Enforcers would find it if he did not get to it first. And they would not be merciful despite the fact that Dr. Lambert could no longer talk about it.

"What research?" Nick asked, feigning ignorance.

"Oh, Nicholas, don't toy with me." he said with annoyance. "I know what you were trying to do. If there was a cure- which there is not, I am sure Natalie would have found it. And I know that Natalie has been the physician to the undead for some time. We must retrieve her data before anyone else sees it and before the Enforcers look for it. They know it exists and that it is your responsibility.. and all those blood samples she analyzed.. truly empirical evidence."

Nick sighed, in frustration. LaCroix had a way of finding out everything.. "I honestly don't know where it is. It is in a black notebook, she kept it hidden among the closed cases files. She was very careful with it. That cabinet was always locked. The notes are pretty vague. There is no mention of what she was treating."

"Nonetheless.. it is evidence. It can be found by the wrong people and expose us. Research such as this must be kept in the Community." LaCroix repeated

"Destroyed?" Nick asked with trepidation. Natalie had done more for him than anyone ever before... perhaps her work would be continued someday... but only if he kept it...

"Not necessarily. I will take it to the Elders. It may prove useful at some time. No one has ever done such an extensive medical profile of one of us. Your transgressions in revealing our existence to her can be forgiven since you took care of her." He smirked .

"Yeah.. I took care of her all right" Nick frowned and walked into the next room, laying down on the bed. "Leave me alone LaCroix"

"I will leave you alone for now. At dusk, we have work to do.."

CHAPTER 03/0? (at Nick's loft)

Cold. Intensely cold. Scattered images of violence ran through Natalie's mind. Feelings of love, a desire to be together. A bright light and then a voice calling her name. A familiar voice, faintly accented encouraging her to come back and then a liquid nectar burning down her throat, strengthening her, calming her fears. A voice told her to sleep, bringing a peace she had never known before. She slept.

Sounds invaded her consciousness, loud, more intense. Distant sounds of traffic, conversations, doors slamming, beating hearts. She opened her eyes, feeling a panic, unsure of where she was, what had happened. Images seen clearly in the darkened room. She was in Nick's loft. Why could she see so well with no lights on?

She sat up, swinging her legs over the side of the couch. "Nick? Are you here?" she called out, her voice strangely loud. Standing slowly, she felt a burning sensation across her abdomen, a cramping, and then intense thirst. She doubled over clutching her stomach.

"Natalie? Cherie.. you're awake" Janette was at her side instantly, pulling her back to the couch, and holding her shoulders, gently caressing her back.

"Janette? How?" Natalie began, but a sudden pain caused her to double over, vision now turning red and a strange ache in her teeth. "I'm hungry.. I need something." she whispered.

"I know, yes, I know. Here, drink" Janette handed her a crystal goblet filled with a thick red liquid. Not noticing the contents, Natalie drank rapidly and finished two more in succession before stopping to smell the contents of the glass and look at the green bottle that Janette had filled her glass from.

"What is this?" Natalie exclaimed, a shocked expression crossing her face, as if noticing for the first time the familiar- looking bottle bearing the label 'Raven Private Reserve'. Her vision had cleared and the sounds were not as overwhelming.

"What do you think, Natalie?" Janette teased her gently. "I think you know enough to realize what has happened. What you are."

"Then I am.. I am a..?" she could not bring herself to finish the question. "Where's Nick?" she asked instead.

"That I do not know. But yes, you are eternal." She replied with a smile. "Can you feel the vibration?" At Natalie's nod, she continued. "I am your master, Natalie, not Nicholas. What you are feeling is our bond, our eternal joining. We will forever be able to sense one another." She paused for a minute, taking a sip from her own goblet of bloodwine. "You should be honored. You are the first that I have chosen to share this bond with. I know something happened this evening past and we will talk of it later.. but I finished what Nicholas started. I brought you over. I do not know why he did not finish your conversion. He does not know that I did. I found you here alone."

"Alone" the sorrow was plain in Natalie's voice. "He could not stop himself. I could feel him lose control.. but damn it.. He promised that we'd be together.. no matter what." Her voice rose in pitch, the anger becoming more evident as her eyes blazed, tiny fangs appeared and then lengthened. "Oww.. that hurts"

"Calm yourself, Natalie" Janette could not hold back her smile as Natalie cautiously felt her teeth. "Yes, they are real. And with time, you will be able to control when they appear. When you change, release the vampire. Right now, strong emotions will do it and you won't be able to stop it. I think you are just aching to bite him back, no?"

The smile was infectious, and Natalie giggled back at the thought. "Literally and figuratively- yes"

"Well, our Nicholas was never good at knowing what a woman needs." Janette smiled at this unlikely pairing. "Now, calm yourself.. take a deep breath and relax.. yes, we have much to discuss. The sun will soon set, and we must be on our way."

Natalie sighed and drank deeply from her glass and felt the fangs recede. "Yes, when we last met, you were mortal. What happened?"

"As were you," Janette responded looking away. "Ah, well, you will soon learn that among vampire families, there are no secrets. Our blood reveals everything. You are of my blood, my lineage. With time and practice, you may learn to block certain thoughts, but your blood reveals all. Between us, there must be absolute honesty." She said firmly. "It is the one thing that I have learned from both of my masters.. deception in the master- fledging bond only causes discord.. and eternal pain." She turned and gazed directly into Natalie's eyes. "You knew me as a child of LaCroix."

"Yes and then you were mortal" Natalie said calmly.

"Perhaps.. but maybe it was an illusion." She sighed. "You might have learned something from my blood when you stitched me up."

Natalie glanced up, a gleam in her eyes. "That's right. I didn't ask for a sample. That's unusual for me"

"Ah, well, you already knew to look for secrets in the blood.. perhaps you were destined for this life." Janette laughed. "But I digress. You know of the fire?" At Natalie's nod, she continued. "Nicholas got Patrick and his aunt out and then came for me.. I had been shot, mortally wounded. I asked him to leave me, to let me die. He did not. He brought me back across."

"You did not want him to do it?" She asked, surprised. Janette had always seemed so much at ease with her vampirism. She would be the last one that Natalie would think ready to give it up... to die as a mortal.

"Non.. and Natalie, please, this conversation is just between us.." she looked at Natalie seriously. "Even LaCroix does not know this.. although he does know that Nicholas is now my sire... and not my brother. He believes that it was my wish. It is against our Code to convert someone against their will."

Natalie looked at her startled. "But why did you bring me across? How did you know I was willing? I was alone and unconscious."

"I tasted your blood my dear." She replied simply. "I felt your passion, your desire to live, to join Nicholas eternally. I know these desires. I have felt them myself. But I know that you made him happy, as I never could... I could sense his love for you.. I believe there is someone for everyone, and you and Nicholas are meant to be forever joined.. even if he is too blind to realize it. I could feel his pain, his turmoil over the past week. He may deny his own needs and desires but I do not." .

"What are you saying? You brought me across for Nick?" Natalie asked, surprise evident in her voice.

"Oui.. I know he could have, and perhaps had reasons why he did not.. or perhaps he was interrupted. But with time he would have regretted leaving you, and become as bitter as LaCroix." She sighed heavily, "if I had known it would cause 800 years of anguish to leave Fleur..."


"Yes, she was Nicholas's sister. She caught LaCroix's eye. He wanted to bring her across. Nicholas and his sense of chivalry, or perhaps being the overprotective big brother, would not hear of it. And the two of them have bitter memories of the event. That is why he watches you so closely. He has feared what LaCroix would do to you if he knew of your love for each other."

"What? Love? Who said anything about love?" Natalie said with a heavy sigh.

"Oh, Natalie.. I have tasted both your blood and Nicholas's.. remember, you cannot hide your thoughts. I know that you love him and he has loved you for some time." she smiled at Natalie's startled look. "That is why I left Toronto. I thought if I were gone, he would finally admit what was in his heart." She sighed. "But it looks like his passions were just too great." She looked intently at Natalie. "Although I must ask you.. what WERE you thinking? Do you know how long it has been since he has a willing, warm meal?"

"Umm. No." she responded, meeting Janette's gaze. "All he ever said was that he did not kill anymore. Nick never talked much about his vampire life. He always said it was too dangerous for me to know."

"Well, that is true and his discretion surprises me, you already knew too much. It has been a very long time, two or three centuries perhaps. He stopped killing a century ago, but stopped random killing long before that. Do you realize the temptation you presented? Pleasured blood is exquisite.. and he could easily have made yours unbearably sweet. What little I tasted..." she gave Natalie a sultry smile. She had discerned so very much from that one taste. "It is no wonder he lost control. Offer a feast to a starving man?"

"I never realized.." Natalie looked up, the beginnings of blood tears filling her eyes.

"Oh, Natalie.. don't blame yourself. Nicholas could never control himself with women he loved. You know he was married to a mortal once." Janette soothed, moving next to her on the couch and gently holding her hand.

"No.. what happened?" Natalie asked quietly. This was something that Nick had never told her.

"He tried to bring her across on their wedding night. And failed. He took too much.." Janette stopped and looked at her intently.

"And LaCroix found her.. not you.." Natalie smiled, seeing the similarities. Suddenly her entire six year relationship with Nick made sense. She could see how his past experiences, relationships, and behaviors had impacted her life. She took another sip from her glass and looked at the clock.. four-thirty. The sun would set soon.

"So, what happens now?" she asked quietly setting her glass on the table.

"You will come with me." Janette looked closely at Natalie, expecting an argument, but finding none. "As your master, I will teach you the ways of the night, our Code. But not here. You are too young to be seen by mortal friends. After you have learned some control, we will see if it is possible to resume this incarnation."

"Incarnation?" Natalie asked patiently. While she knew a little of Nick's endless succession of 'lives', she'd never really pictured herself in the same situation. The idea of becoming a vampire had always been vague. While she'd dreamed of a life with Nick, she had little thought to the other aspects of such an existence.

"If you choose, you can be on the fringes, like me. My night clubs provide amusement, enough interaction with both worlds for me.. allows me to shelter the orphans, the strays." Janette explained.

"Orphans?" she repeated.

"Fledglings whose masters deny them their experience, fail to teach them... without training, they quickly become bait for the Enforcers. Not you, my dear... you are of LaCroix's lineage, he is among the oldest except our Elders.. and I am oldest in my current community.. with age comes power and respect. You will be educated well. Even as a fledgling, you will have a place of respect in the community. But you may also choose to live as Nichola.. in the mortal world, wandering through time in a variety of professions and locations. We have the resources to do either.. with time.. but first you must decide.. will Dr. Lambert die here? Your car is here. We can easily arrange an accident which would close out this incarnation.. or.."

"No.. I'm not ready for that." Natalie answered quickly. She was not ready to burn any bridges and feigning her death had too much of an aura of finality for her. "Can I come back.. or arrange a transfer, keeping this identity?"

"Hmm, for now, a simple disappearance will do. Something more permanent can be done later" Janette nodded at the phone. "it has been ringing all day. They want you and Nichola to come in and talk. What DID happen? And why would they call here for you?"

"Nick's partner was shot yesterday. I don't know exactly how it happened, but he was there. I think he took a bullet too. As usual, he blames himself.. and as to why they called here for me.. probably because I did not answer at home. I sometimes would stay the day if Nick was depressed.. I talked him out of walking into the sun once.. and fear for him."

"Yes, well, that sounds like our Nichola.. Always blaming himself. But Natalie, listen carefully. You cannot just call your captain. They would insist you come in. They would ask you questions you cannot answer. You do not KNOW where he is.. And then there is a funeral. You would be expected to attend and you cannot go to churches anymore. No, we will go back to Quebec tonight. We must leave both your car and that big green thing of his.." Natalie smiled at her description of Nick's caddy. "I don't think you are ready for my mode of transportation." At Natalie's questioning gaze, she explained, "I flew.. I will teach you the joys of flight but that is too long a journey for you just yet. I think we will borrow Nichola's little red car.. I think he calls it a corvette.. after all, he put it in my name when he bought it a decade or two ago.. they will not know it is his.. and won't be looking for it." As the clicking of the automatic shutters signaled the setting of the sun, she held out her hand. "Come, we must leave."

(Toronto police station.. two weeks later)

Phones ringing, multiple conversations, the usual chaos reigned in the detective's bullpen. Two desks sat strangely quiet. A cardboard box sat on one, a uniformed officer slowly emptying drawers into the box.

"Thanks, Miller" Joe Reese paused as Officer Miller put the nameplate <Det. T. Vetter> into the box. "I know that her partner should be doing this. I hope he is OK, wherever he is.."

"Captain.. phone call, line 3" a voice called out from the back of the large room. He slowly moved to his office at the side of the room.

"Reese" he spoke into the phone, sitting heavily into the orange swivel chair. "Oh huh, no, she wasn't at Tracy's services.. no she hasn't been into the precinct.. do you doubt that resignation letter? .. Oh really? Well that is strange.. No he doesn't answer either.. Do you really think that is necessary? Yes, I agree with that, but doesn't it belongs to Missing persons? Well, we are a little close to the whole thing but if you insist. We'll look into it.. yes, I know, you want to close that case out.. all right, I'll take care of it." He sighed and went to the door, calling to a pair of detectives.. "Trent, Watson, office .."

A pair of detectives stood up and with a shrug, went to the office together and sat in the chairs in front of his desk. Reese closed the door and moved behind the desk. "This has just been turfed to us.. I don't think it is appropriate but here it is." He looked seriously at both detectives. "I want you to find Knight and Lambert."

"Are we thinking foul play?" the older detective, a tall, thin dark man asked. "Isn't this a missing persons case?"

"Well, yes it is MP but it is also Vetter's partner and the senior coroner.. the commissioner thinks we'll have better luck. Missing Persons has had the case for a week and has done nothing. No one has seen either one of them since the night Tracy was shot. Dr. Lambert packed up her office, and left a resignation on her desk.. which her superiors think is a forgery. She did not go to the department's Memorial Service for Tracy yesterday, so a co-worker was concerned. She went to Dr. Lambert's apartment today. She had not been there is a long time, perhaps several weeks judging from the mail piled up. Her cat had not been fed. And we know that Nick has not been in. Has not answered his phone. No one has seen him. And everyone in town knows his car."

"What's your thought, Captain? How do you want us to proceed?" asked the younger detective, a tall, statuesque brunette woman.

"We'll put out APBs on both cars, nationwide.. I cannot believe they had not even done that much.. Go over to his place, see if he's home and just hiding."

"Search it? Do we need a warrant?"

"Not yet.. just see if he's home. I'll see if they'll give a warrant as a potential suicide. The missing person complaint alone hasn't been enough, I guess."

"Got it" both detectives stood to leave.

"And let's keep this quiet. It's not an official IA case, and I'd like to keep it that way."

Natalie awoke to the sound of mechanical shutters rising. The sounds and sensations still overwhelmed her at times, but she felt much more at peace, calmer. It was only a couple weeks since she started her new life but she felt more controlled. She still would flash her eyes with any strong emotion, but could suppress the appearance of the fangs. She still kept close company to Janette, fearing her response to mortals.. although she had yet to face anyone. Janette kept her pretty secluded with the comment 'I will introduce you when I am ready.. with your strong lineage, there will be expectations of both of us.. .' Natalie had not asked again, trusting Janette's opinion. It was strange how the two women, formerly competing for Nick's affections had meshed so well.. almost as kindred spirits, but Natalie was comfortable with this existence.

She could hear Janette moving about her room down the corridor, and concentrated on her link.. focused her mind on her master, her sister and now her friend. And was not surprised to sense Janette approaching the door.

"So, Natalie, you are practicing.." she smiled with approval. "Are you ready for another lesson?"

"And what is on the agenda tonight?" Natalie replied calmly, brushing out her long, curly hair. They had settled into a routine- a lesson early in the evening and then Janette would go downstairs by midnight to check on the club. Natalie would then stay in their apartment and read, or clean, or practice controlling her new senses and abilities. The Toronto coroners office seemed a long time ago.. and Natalie was not sure whether she wanted to go back.. except for her desire to see Nick.

"It is time to face up to your new life Natalie"

"That sounds ominous" Natalie replied with a frown.

"I did not intend it as such, but we cannot hide you for all eternity. People are starting to ask about my new companion. We shall go for a walk, and then you shall join me in the club."

"Am I ready?" Natalie looked intently at Janette.

"Certainly.. My club caters to a select population." Janette replied with a smile "Much as the Raven, you know. But in any case, tonight is a special night. You will meet some old friends. It is a private party."

"Meaning?" she asked.

"Come now, doctor.. You are intelligent.. I have explained our Code. It is time to take your place in the Community." Janette's expression became more reflective. "You have skills and knowledge which will serve us well."

"So this private gathering is all, I quote, old friends? Meaning no beating hearts to tempt?"

Janette laughed. "So THAT was your concern? And here I thought you would share Nichola's reluctance to be a part of the Community!"

"Why would I not want to associate with your friends? Develop ties among others of our kind?" Natalie turned to face Janette, puzzled. "You are my friend, my mentor.." she pause before continuing, reaching our to take Janette's hand. "And yes, my master. You saved my life. I would not betray your trust, your confidence. You have shared your knowledge with me freely. Of course I will share mine with you. If being coroner is of value to the community.. then that is what I will do."

"And you will do as I ask?" Janette asked with an intent look, turning to face Natalie. "Without question?"

"Yes, of course. Did I argue when we left Toronto?" Natalie searched Janette's face, uncertain where this conversation was going, but tried to keep her mind open, unconcerned. She could feel the light touch of Janette's probe. Knowing this to be part of the master- fledgling relationship, Natalie sat quietly trying not to fight the intrusion. She dreaded these probes, this lack of privacy- even in her own thoughts and memories. Janette had reminded her frequently that there was no privacy within their bond of blood. Discretion over what was said perhaps, but not what was sensed. When she had first probed Natalie's memories, Natalie had resisted. With the strength of a millennia as a vampire, Janette persisted, explaining that it was her right, and responsibility to ensure Natalie's adherence to the Code, and that meant knowing the fledgling's thoughts, desires and memories. And she assured Natalie that LaCroix was not nearly as gentle or patient with his children!

Thereafter, Natalie did not fight the probes.

"Ah, let us begin, Natalie." Janette stood, extended her hand and led Natalie to the back stairs. Taking a deep breath, Natalie extended her senses and felt the night life. It was this sensory experience that she treasured most. The silence of the night had come alive with her enhanced senses and she loved it.

They began walking down the dark streets, each engrossed her own thoughts. Finally, Janette broke the silence. "This lesson usually comes much sooner in your existence among us Natalie." She murmured. "As you have dedicated your mortal life to healing, I felt it wiser to wait until our bond was more established before I taught you survival skills."

Natalie was silent but she stopped and looked hard at Janette. <she is going to teach me to kill. Why does this not bother me?> was the thought that ran through Natalie's mind.

"Remember, my daughter, no questions." Janette said calmly, glancing up and down the silent streets.

*** (a warehouse in Toronto)
"And how long do you plan to keep up the silent treatment, Nicolas? LaCroix said with barely concealed anger. The two of them had been existing together in the dark building, leaving only to replenish supplies but hardly interacting. "Your sham of a mortal life is ruined. You have been gone too long to go back. You must move on. We must move on." This litany had been LaCroix's focus ever since dragging Nick here, locking him in his room most of the night, only releasing him when the sun was at its brightest, and then not letting him out of sight. A walk in the sunlight was still a real possibility.

"This is your doing, LaCroix" Nick snarled, drinking deeply from the bottle he clutched. At least he had started feeding again.. although it had taken a week before he broke down and drank the human blood that LaCroix stocked.

"Yes. It is. I am not ashamed of what I am. And neither should you." he responded fiercely.

"I have too much undone here. What of Natalie?" the sorrow was reflected in his voice, his posture as he slumped on the couch.

"Yes, Nicholas.. what of Natalie? She is a public figure after all. She will be missed. They will look for her. They are probably looking for her already. And they will look a lot harder than for YOU." Nick looked up startled, eyes now blue, focusing on LaCroix.

"What are you saying?" he asked sharply, standing to face his master.

"After they look in her house, where do you think they will look next? In your loft. And they will find her. Dead. No signs of forced entry. State-of-the-art security system armed. No sign of YOU" LaCroix smiled evilly. He enjoyed toying with his son. "And what will they think? That YOU are responsible for her demise. Very sloppy my boy, very sloppy. Not only will the humans suspect you, but this was not hidden well. Unless she is quite decomposed, you will need me to protect you from the Enforcers." He laughed. "Or perhaps you would like the Enforcers to find you. Stake you out to the morning sun. Ouch."

Nick began pacing back and forth. "Oh, no, no, no, no.. This is terrible. LaCroix, we must take care of this. We must go back. We need to clean things up. Take care of the loose ends."

"Loose ends, Nicholas?" he prompted.

"Yes, let me take care of Nat's body and leave my badge and resignation, retrieve her research files. It will be cleaner this way, less risk to the Community. I need to do this. Help me please LaCroix." He pleaded. It was something that he had avoided over the past week, but someday he would have to face the fact that he had killed his best friend... his love...

"And then?" LaCroix asked mildly.

"And then I will leave with you, live as your son." Nick said softly, meeting LaCroix's eyes. Locked in silence, Nick could feel the touch of LaCroix's probing mind. A familiar feeling, yet it had been many years since LaCroix touched him in this manner. He did not fight it, he had not fought it since he was a fledgling.

Finally satisfied, LaCroix released Nick's mind. "Very well. At sunset, we will go back to the loft and tie up the loose ends. And then.. New York perhaps? Quebec? Vancouver?"

"New York, I think. Its been almost forty years since I lived there. It would be too risky to go to Canadian cities. Too many cops might recognize me. Either somewhere in the States or back to Europe..."

"Yes, there is wisdom in your thinking. New York it is.. I will put a call in to Aristotle when our business is completed." He smiled at the thought. After nearly a century, his son would be his companion again. Now, if he could find Janette. Then his life would be complete again..

CHAPTER 05/ 0?

"You did very well, Natalie" Janette murmured as they strolled along the river. "Even to finishing the job."

"Janette, I think I covered up enough vampire kills that I know what coroners look for." Natalie laughed softly. "I know what not to leave visible."

"And so?" the question hung in the air. "How do you feel?"

"What, Janette? Are you looking for regret, sorrow? I am not Nick." Natalie replied.

"No regrets? No guilt?"

"No, I accept what I am. What I chose to be. What I pushed Nick into making me" She sighed. "I know, I know. Its not that I don't cherish you as my master, Janette.. It's just.."

"Yes, Natalie, I understand. You don't have to say it. I have already felt it. Remember, we have no secrets. I know you had wanted Nicholas to bring you over.. to be your master. But, Natalie, I must tell you, he has not had much success with fledglings. I only know of one who has survived and she hates him"

With a slight laugh, Natalie looked around as they neared the club. "So.. am I official now? Was that my initiation or something?"

"You are too perceptive, cherie. Yes, it was necessary before you could meet the community. My daughter must have experienced at least one warm, fresh meal"

"That's one way to look at it, I suppose." Natalie reflected.

"And if you are ever separated from a Community gathering place, you need to survive on your own." Janette said sternly. "you cannot assume there will be a club wherever you go. I will introduce you to our main supply network , but..." her thought went unfinished as Natalie squeezed her hand and interrupted.

Natalie smiled. "But you forget. I am a doctor. Show me a hospital and I can whammy my way to some free sip sacks. They may not be warm, but they would do.."

"Once you've mastered that talent of course." Janette smiled.

"Of course. But now I see the difference. The temptation.. It is truly something one must experience. I never understood before.." her voice trailed off and Janette looked at her sharply.

"Do not try this alone, Natalie. You are too young to hunt alone. You need me to stay in control. Part of the challenges which you face now and must master before you face the mortal world are control of your urges. You did well in the hunt, but have yet to go out in public."

"Yes, I know. And you can trust me, Janette." Natalie replied earnestly as Janette unlocked the door to their apartment. "But I am ready and eager to face the vampire world.. So what is the dress code tonight?"

"Your finest of course.." she laughed, "but then that was left in Toronto, so let's see what we can find. I am sure I have something that you would be simply charming wearing"

**** (Toronto, outside Nick's loft)
The plain brown sedan pulled up slowly by the warehouse, and parked directly behind a blue sedan. The detectives both got out of the car, looking around, shining a flashlight at the windows above, now shuttered tightly against the afternoon sun.

"Say, doesn't that look like the ME's car?" exclaimed Det. Watson, pulling out her notebook and jotting down the license plate number and taking a closer look in the back seat.

"Yeah.. you're right.. let me run the plates" Det Trent replied pulling out copies of the APBs that had been posted earlier in the evening. "Yep.. lets call this in" he smiled, pulling out his cell phone. "Captain.. we have a positive ID on Lambert's car.. yeah, its parked outside Knight's apartment. Looks like its been here a while, one of the tires is flat and it is covered with dust and leaves... OK, we'll wait here"

Trent turned and looked at his partner, "Well, the search warrant and keys are on the way. Its an official investigation now."

Captain Reese pulled up and got out of his car slowly. Hesitant to find what was behind those steel shutters.

"Okay, we have established that no one is home?"

"Yeah.. have been ringing the bell for twenty minutes now" Watson said with frustration. "Looks like a pretty decent security system though."

"That's why I have a key.. And the combination to the alarms. Had to search Knight's desk for that.." Reese said grimly, walking up to the door and punching in a series of numbers. They entered the elevator just inside the small entryway and rode up in silence.

The door of the lift slid open stiffly with a clunk.. as if it had not been opened for a long time. Darkness filled the room, and Reese stumbled in, feeling for a light switch.

"Wow.. what a place" Watson exclaimed, taking in the grand piano, large screen TV and stereo system in one glance. Trent wandered looking carefully..

"Hey, cap.. what is this?" Trent pointed at a large, dark stain on the rug by the fireplace. Reese hurried over and looked closely.

"That is a problem, people" He sighed and pulled out his phone. Don't touch anything.. but go upstairs.. make sure they are not in the bathtub or something.. this is blood.." He punched in a series of numbers... "Yeah, dispatch.. this is Reese. Send a crime scene team to 101 Gateway Lane. Detective unit is already on scene."

The night was clear, a light breeze fluttered past the two darkly clad figures standing on the roof.

"I fear we are too late, Nicholas" LaCroix whispered looking across the street at the warehouse that served as his son's residence. A marked police car sat in front of the garage. Yellow crime scene tape was strung across the door.

Nick could see uniformed officers gathering outside the door and then recognized Captain Reese as he emerged from the building. "But I don't see the ME's wagon.. This doesn't make sense"

"Shhh.. listen.." LaCroix whispered, pointing at the gathering of detectives.

"No one home?"

"Nope, Nada. Empty as a tomb.. Found her car, her purse.. but not her.. And the answering machine tape is full. The mail was piled up."

"Well we all know they were hot for each other" Nick gasped at this statement and LaCroix chuckled.

"You think they skipped town together?"

"Possibility. But why leave the purse? And he left his ID and gun.."

"Doesn't make sense.. kidnapping maybe?"

"No signs of forced entry.. that alarm system was on. And it is a pretty good one..."

"And I'd hate to see anyone try that on the Knightmare. He'd rip them apart with his bare hands."

LaCroix let out a soft laugh. "Yes, your human associates know you well. Better than you know yourself it would seem. So it looks like they did not find Dr. Lambert. But they were looking for her here."

"Where is she then? No one else knew she was here.. she was too far gone to leave on her own. Truthfully she WAS dead.."

They watched as the cars pulled away, leaving a single marked car in front.

"Shall we?" LaCroix gestured to the warehouse. With a brief nod, they both rose and swiftly flew across and through the skylight, landing on the main floor.

Evidence of the police search was present throughout the loft, but no evidence from that night a month previous. The carved wooden cane was gone. A large piece had been cut from the oriental rug by the fireplace. Natalie's body was gone. The police had piled his mail on the dining table, and rifled through it. The tape was removed from his answering machine.

"This makes no sense. Where is she?"

"Well, Nicholas, there is nothing to clean up. You may simply vanish... poof.. it has already begun.. It is time to move on. I will contact Aristotle and we will make our preparations." LaCroix walked slowly to the phone and tapped in a series of numbers as Nick wandered around the room.

"Ah, yes, my old friend.. my son and I have need of your services. Yes, it is definitely that time. Tomorrow perhaps?.. No?.. oh, really.. a celebration of what? Really?? .. Now that is a surprise.. she hardly seems the maternal type.. you must fill me in... Yes, I know the rules... just tell her to contact me .. and that I want to meet her protégé" At that, Nick looked up, startled.


"Janette. He is going to a party at her new club. A private party to introduce her new fledgling to the community."

"Janette brought someone over?" Nick looked incredulous. "After a thousand years.. she finally did it." he said with a quiet sigh. "But she always said she was not very maternal.. I can't imagine her.."

"Oh, I can.." LaCroix broke in quickly. "I think she will do a splendid job. In fact, I think we will need to find her.. meet this new addition to the family."

"Where is she?"

"He would not say.. and obviously, we have not been invited.. something which we will discuss with her.. neglecting to include her sire and patriarch to a family party.. You know he won't reveal locations when someone has relocated"

"But it is somewhere close enough to travel easily"

"Yes. You are her master. You can find her. I always found you. Even when you did not wish it." LaCroix looked at him sharply. "Do you want to find her?"

"I don't know if she wants to see me. She was quite angry with me. And I need to know what happened here. Where Natalie is." His voice became softer.

"As you wish. Two days. Aristotle will be back in two days and have our travel papers ready shortly after that. We will be on our way then.. Do what you must- here, now. Close your loose ends. Say your farewells"

Nick stood and walked over to his computer, switched it on.

"Be careful, Nicholas." He cautioned. "You log onto the police computer and they will know you are here. Are you prepared for the repercussions of the past month? It could get nasty. Larry Merlin could get the information for you in a few days."

"I need to do this" Nick replied firmly, punching in his access code and waiting for the connection.

CHAPTER 06/ 0?

The crowd was growing, murmured conversations barely heard over the beat of the music. A steady stream of visitors came up to the bar and smiled greetings at the bartender.

Natalie paused by the side door connecting their apartment to the club. She smoothed her dress, a sleek teal silk sheath that complimented both her figure and her auburn hair, and straightened her necklace. Janette appeared next to her, elegant as usual in a red silk gown, trimmed in gold. She gently touched Natalie's shoulder.

"It's time. Come. Meet your new friends." She opened the door and walked through, nodding at the bartender with a smile. Natalie felt as if every eye were focused on her and she struggled to emulate Janette's cool exterior calm. "Good evening, Miklos. All is as planned?"

"Yes, of course. Your parties are always well attended. I believe the majority of our guests have arrived." He nodded at Natalie with a sly grin. "And who is this charming lady?"

Natalie was distracted, looking all around the club and it wasn't until Janette tapped her shoulder that she responded. "Oh, yes, I am sorry. I'm just a little nervous about all this.." Natalie stammered. "Let me start over" She breathed deeply and then smiled, extending her hand. "Hello, I am Natalie"

"And I am Miklos. I have served as Janette's assistant at clubs all over the world. I look forward to a very long friendship with you as well, Miss Natalie." He paused to kiss her extended hand, and smiled, putting her very much at ease. This was going to be okay.. it was just a party.. like many she'd attended as a mortal.. no different, really. Except now, she was the honored guest. The protégé of a very old member of the community. The pressures she felt were getting larger.. "Some refreshment perhaps?" he handed her a stemmed goblet.

Natalie sniffed the thick red liquid and smiled, eyes open wide. "And this is..?"

"The house special. Only served to very special guests" He smiled darkly.

"And I am a special guest?" Natalie returned with her own dark smile, taking a sip.

"A VERY special guest.. Come, Natalie, let us make our rounds." Janette grasped her own beverage, and led Natalie on a circuit of the room, greeting the various guests, all members of the vampire community. Most were currently living in Quebec, but some had come from great distances.. because, as one put it.. 'we just had to meet someone that Janette felt worthy of joining the club'. It was obvious that Janette was well respected, her opinions were valued, and Natalie was readily accepted in their midst.

Having made a circuit of the club, they settled in a booth near the bar. "You're doing fine, Natalie. You are right.. this is just a party.. like many you have attended as a mortal. Your life is not so different now." Janette smiled, handing her a fresh goblet filled with the 'House Special' . "Overwhelmed yet?"

"No, but if I remember everyone's name, I will be amazed." She said with a small laugh. "So.. do we try this tomorrow, with an open door?"

"If you wish. I think you are ready. If you get over-stimulated, you can always take a break upstairs... Ah, here is someone you must meet.." Janette nodded to a thin, grey haired man approaching them.

"Janette, charming as always. You know, only a party of yours would get me out of Toronto, but I simply had to meet the new addition." he turned to Natalie a smile. "So, this is your protégé? I have heard good things about her already."

"Aristotle, this is Natalie Lambert, formerly Toronto County Coroner, and now, the newest member of the Community." Janette said formally. "Natalie, this is our relocation specialist. You will need his services at some point.. he is simply the best around.."

"I am so pleased to meet you Natalie, I will leave you my card, it has a private number and your personal access code. I will be happy to set you up wherever you would like to go. Now, do you wish to tie up those pesky mortal ties?"

"Well, I am sure someone has missed me.. but I had resigned the night before we left. I've only been gone a few weeks. I could go back to my former position I suppose."

"Do you want to?" Janette asked gently.

"You don't have to.. we can arrange for your 'body' to be found.. or an accident.. or simply a job transfer that would allow you to simply fade from people's memories. There is a talent to knowing when it is time to move on. Think about it.. I will stop by tomorrow to see to your needs" Aristotle patiently explained.

"I don't know. I truly don't know. I still feel unsettled and in need of stability but Toronto was my home for so long. And I was contributing to the Community.. even though I had not yet joined. I liked that feeling. And then there's Nick.." Natalie trailed off, looking past both Janette and Aristotle.

"You need not decide tonight. But remember, the longer you are away, the harder it will be to step back.. and more difficult the story of where you've been." Janette soothed her mentally and refilled her goblet.

"Toronto was your mortal home, you say? Hmm.. a lot of changes there of late." He paused sipping from his glass and looked directly at Janette. " I bring greetings from your family, Janette. He is anxious to meet the newest member. He wants you to contact him. They are planning to move on.."

"Oh.. and just what did you tell him?"

"Merely that your maternal instincts had kicked in and there was a new member of the family. This is no secret now, Janette. But you know I am discrete. He does not know where you are and he did not ask. He just wants to talk. If you want to be found.. that is your business."

"When is his appointment?" she asked thoughtfully.

"Two days.. You have a message?"

"Perhaps.. come by later?" Janette raised her eyes a looked directly at Aristotle.. Natalie had listened to this interchange with great interest.. noting of course that there was no indication of who 'he' was.. but obviously they both knew. She suspected that they were speaking of LaCroix, but did not want her privy to the conversation.

"So, Natalie, enjoying yourself?" Natalie nodded and looked around, watching the swaying figures on the dance floor with great interest. Janette nodded to a tall man leaning on a post watching them both. At Janette's nod, he approached the table.

"May I borrow your friend, Miss Janette?" he bowed slightly and gently lifted Natalie's hand. "Would you like to dance?" Natalie stood and with a wave from Janette, made her way to the dance floor.

As soon as Natalie was away from the table, Janette stood and glided smoothly past the curtain to the back room, followed closely by Aristotle. As soon as the curtain was closed she turned, "and what is the news? Tell me, has she been missed?"

"Janette, are you crazy? She is a public figure! Bringing over the coroner? I'd say ironic but you are inviting a visit from the Men in Black. Of course she has been missed! The police are looking for her. And I don't know what she meant by a resignation. IF she did leave one, no one got it. Her picture is still all over the ten o'clock news. Missing.. foul play suspected.."

"She is a public figure who knew too much." Janette replied swiftly. "You know of her relationship with Nicholas?"

"She and deBrabant? Oh my, this is rich.. I'm sure the General did not approve of that!"

"What do you THINK? Anyway, those Men in Black would have paid her a visit as soon as Nicholas left town. She has been doing research on him for six years and has documentation. Blood samples, computer images of his DNA. Empirical evidence. Scientific notations that even the medical journals would believe. This is better than that alternative. She knows the Code now.. she'll adhere to it.. Anyway it was not totally my doing."

"Oh? She carries your aura.. she is undeniably of your blood. You have just given the public stamp of approval to her in front of the entire Community as your fledgling."

"I may have completed it.. but I did not start the conversion. I found her nearly drained, but still alive. I felt she would be of more value as my fledgling then dead.. so I finished the job. I don't know who started it."

"But you suspect?"

"I'm not sure.. but it was probably family, but which one, and why they did not finish.. that I do not know. So.. the mortals are searching for her.. And Nicholas? Is he searching?"

"The papers aren't saying much other than it is still an official investigation and she has not been seen in two weeks. And neither has he ... Officially, they are both missing. And, you'll love this.. one of the theories is that they ran off to get married." Janette choked back a laugh at that. "And the other theory?"

"He killed her, hid the body and left the country."

"A little closer to the truth, perhaps, but none-the less inaccurate. Hmm, he is still in Toronto though?"

"Yes, with LaCroix. But not for long.. and I don't know where they are heading. Do you want to be found? He wants to find you.."

"Not yet.. tell him to check his email .. I will call him.. If I think Natalie is ready, we will join him. But I won't put you in the middle.. I know his computer code.. I'll contact him."

"Fine.. he'll be happy to hear that. And I can't wait for him to 'meet' the granddaughter.." he laughed. Janette merely looked him in the eye <oh, you don't know the half of it>.

****** (Toronto police station)
"OK, let me have it. What do you know?" Reese looked up at the detectives paused outside his door.

Detective Watson opened a folder and hesitated. "The DNA profile came back." She looked Reese in the eyes intently before continuing. "That blood stain on the rug is definitely Dr. Lambert. The carved cane had blood on it, type AB negative, like hers.. but it had either been wiped or cleaned in some way. The lab could type it.. but the cells were too damaged for a DNA workup.. they were mixed with some other strange cells.. we don't know what to make of it. They are kind of similar to some unmarked specimens that were found in her evidence locked case."

"Bottom line, detective?"

"They won't say it positively IS hers.. but they can't rule it out either. While that pool of blood was not enough for a fatal wound, it does establish that she was there.. and she was injured... and severe enough that she could not have gone very far without medical attention."

Detective Trent continued, "The phone trace indicates that no calls have been made from her apartment since the day before Vetter was shot.. and even that one was to Knight on his cell phone. The last call made from his phone was to the morgue.. before he went on shift that same night. Knight's car is in the garage. Lambert's car was parked outside.. and a business owner down the street was about to report it as abandoned.. it has not moved since the night Detective Vetter died. There has been no activity in either of their bank accounts or credit cards in that time."

"In other words, we can establish only that she was hurt in Knight's apartment, but there is no indication that she is dead.. she wasn't treated locally.. how about elsewhere?"

"We ran a trace on her provincial insurance.. nothing.. no Jane Does matching her description either."

"What about in the states?"

"Could only check with her name and insurance.. no to New York or Michigan.. Checked airport video logs.. no sign of either of them."

"And the only clear prints on that cane were Knight" Watson broke in. "The ME said it was sharp enough to be a weapon."

Reese sighed, flipping through the file. "That is not enough to arrest him. Especially one of our own. He certainly had opportunity, he and Lambert spent a lot of time together both in and out of work hours. But motive? I just don't see it."

"Well.. you know his temper." Watson laughed. "Detective Knightmare- the fear of the nightwatch!"

"Yeah.. have you ever seen him pissed off? Not something I EVER want to experience again! And all I did was make a comment about Lambert." Trent nodded in agreement.

"And that made him angry?" Reese asked thoughtfully.

"Jealous.. protective, maybe. He just told me to stay away from her or he would make sure I regretted it. And I believe he would.."

"Maybe there was more to this relationship than meets the eye. Interesting.. Keep on it." He nodded in dismissal to the two detectives. Before they could leave though, a uniformed officer appeared in the door..

"Captain.. excuse the interruption, but.."

"That's OK Lewis.. What do you need?"

"We just got a call from computer ops.. Detective Knight logged into the department computer system an hour ago."

"WHAT?" all three voices responded, surprise evident in their voices.

"OK- are they sure? did they say where? What was he accessing?" Reese fired off the questions as he turned around and hit a key on his own computer, bringing up the main log-in screen.

"At home. He pulled up files on Detective Vetter's death, and now he is searching his own missing persons file... and Doctor Lambert's file."

"Oh, this is too weird.." Watson shook her head. "We just left there. The place is guarded."

"How did he get in there? I thought we had a patrol car sitting outside." Reese shook his head in disbelief, pulling up the mail screen. "OK you two.. don't just sit here.. go get him!"

"Arrest him?"

"No, just bring him in for questioning.. if he refuses, then arrest him.. we have enough for an assault charge.. and Natalie isn't here to refuse to press charges" Reese waved away the two detectives and began to type furiously.< Knight- where in the hell have you been? You better have a damn good explanation for this. And in case you did not notice yet. I have your badge and gun. Want them back? Come in and get them.. and tell me why you deserve them>

The message bell chimed just as Nick tried to access the evidence files and the words scrolled across his screen.

"You were right. I've been made" he sighed.

"They'll be over soon.. Do you want them to find you here? We could confuse them some more and leave for a while.. you know, this could be fun.." LaCroix said with a sly smile.

"No, it is time that I act my age.. and face up to responsibility. I'll let myself be found. Do you want to be here?"

"Yes, of course.. it could be amusing.. and besides.. someone has to corroborate whatever story you concoct. By the way.. what IS the story?"

CHAPTER 07/ 0?
(Toronto police station)

The room was crowded, hot. Nick sat behind a table, a large tape recorder and microphone pointed at him. Chairs circled the other side holding several detectives, Captain Reese and several other officers paced in the back, all grim faced and quiet.

"OK, Detective Knight. Let us get straight to the point. You have been missing for two weeks. During which time, you have delayed an official investigation into your partners death. You return, sneak into a guarded crime scene. Without calling in to report, you log into a secured computer system and pull up files. Not your assigned cases, by the way.. but cases for which you are directly involved." The leading IA officer was deathly calm, matter-of-fact. "Do you deny any of this?"

"No" Nick's answer was brief. If they were going to interrogate him, he wasn't going to make it easy.

"Your guest when the detectives came to your apartment? What is he to you?"

"A friend."

"A suspect in a case recently for which you were primary investigator.. involved a friend.."

"That may be an ethical issue with IA.. but is hardly pertinent to this case. This is a case, is it not? An official investigation?" Nick answered coldly. He would hear what he needed to hear.. and then be gone.. he could be patient.

"Or did he force you to leave? Should we be questioning him?"

"Hardly." Nick shuddered to think how accurate the question was.. but mere mortals questioning a 2000 year old master vampire.. the thought was absurd.

"So... you left on your own?"

"Yes, I'd lost two partners in a year. I needed to be alone. Lucien was kind enough to loan me his cottage up North.. I needed to get my head together before I could be safe on the streets again.. before anyone could partner with me again" The answer was well rehearsed. He knew enough of police politics to know a safe answer.

"Oh, yes, a safe answer.. tell me Knight.. how long did you practice that one?" Rogers, a particularly nasty IA officer sneered at him. One would think he was a disciple of LaCroix. "This is not the first time that you have been the focus of one of our investigations.."

"What do you want me to say? That I have been dead drunk for a week? Didn't know where I was.. or care? OK.. you heard it." Nick said angrily, eyes meeting Rogers with a fury.

"Really.. and would you submit to drug testing, Knight?"

"Certainly.. you want proof that I am fit for duty, fine.. if you are seeking samples for other purposes they better not be admitted in court. Unless of course you are charging me with something.. AWOL.. that may be grounds for dismissal or suspension, but is certainly not criminal." Nick knew he was walking a fine line here.. Natalie was not in the coroners office to switch samples for him anymore.. he had to be careful what he offered. Drug testing would not reveal anything.. but providing any fluid EXCEPT blood would require a little vampire magic.. and a 'willing' mortal.

"Gentlemen.. let's keep this civilized.." Reese glared at Nick and Rogers.. this was not going well at all. "Let's start at the beginning.. we know you looked at the files from Detective Vetter's death. Let's hear your side of the incident."

"Fine." Nick began recalling, with his perfect vampire memory, the events of that night.. one that would forever change his life. For two hours they questioned him back and forth, what he did and why. He was finally thinking that the interview was coming to a close when the first hint of trouble..

"When did you last see Dr. Lambert?" Reese's question was simple but made his heart lurch <they knew>

"The night Tracy died. Natalie came to the loft to notify me."

"And this was the same day you left?"

"Yes." Nick was determined to stay vague.. not give them anything to focus upon.

"And you have not seen her since?"

"No, I left her sleeping on the couch when Lucien came to pick me up."

"And you have not called her since you came back in town?"

"No.. I assumed she would be working.. I was going to wait until her shift was over.. why?"

"How would you characterize your relationship with Dr. Lambert?"

"She is a friend, a professional colleague.."

"A friend..?" Reese laughed. "Oh, come, now, Knight.. I've seen you two together. And your reaction to how others treat her.. Why hide it?"

"Hide what? Why do you think I am less than honest?"

"You keep a drawer of women's underwear and nightclothes in your bedroom... that got more comments then the blood in the fridge the last time we investigated you. Either you are kinkier than we all thought, or you have a regular visitor." Rogers smiled sarcastically.

"OK, so Natalie was over a lot." Nick kept his voice quiet, controlled. <what ELSE had they found?>

"Are you lovers?" Rogers asked swiftly.

"I truly think that is none of your business." Nick returned, anger beginning to rise. He could feel the dull ache in his teeth. <Control, Nicholas.. stay in control mon fils> he could hear LaCroix's mental comfort through their bond.

"Oh, but it is..." Wilkinson, an IA officer known for brutal investigations spoke up. He had been instrumental in Nick's last arrest. "How do you explain her blood staining your carpet?"

Nick looked up sharply. "What!?!? Blood? What blood?" Had he been that sloppy? Or was she not really drained when he'd laid her down?

"Yes, her blood, pooled on the rug.. brutal sex perhaps.. or something worse.. you tell us."

"How about neither. She was asleep on the couch. I don't know how the blood got there." This was not going as he'd thought. And he was getting in deeper than he'd like.

"Do you recognize this?" Rogers slid a picture across the table.

"Yes. It is a cane, made by an old friend."

"It had her blood on it." At this statement, Nick's surprise was genuine. <no, that was my blood.. but you would not know that.. but then at that time, my blood was hers.. and how closely had they examined that bloody cane?>

"A weapon perhaps?"

"How would I know? I was not there."

"Perhaps. Yours are the only prints on it. I ask you again.. where is Dr. Lambert?"

At this statement, Nick felt at the end of his rope. "I do not know where she is." Exasperated, Nick looked around the room, coldly, deathly calm, projecting the vampire.. "So, what exactly is going on here? What really is your purpose here gentlemen? What am I accused of? Am I under arrest? Or is this how you usually welcome stray detectives who take unscheduled vacations?"

Reese felt a cold chill on his neck. He hated this.. a sad expression on his face, he stood. "I really hate to do this, but I have no choice. Dr. Lambert has disappeared Nick. She has been missing since the night of Tracy's death. You have opportunity, are able to disable that security system which even our own experts could not. We have a weapon with your prints.."

"Motive? Bottom line, Captain.." Nick kept his voice still, quiet.

"You are under arrest for the assault and suspicion of murder of Dr. Natalie Lambert." Reese replied solemnly. His face reflected the pain he felt in arresting one of his own detectives, a man who had saved his life on more than one occasion.

"You must be joking.. I would not hurt Nat. You know that, Captain."

"I thought I knew that, Nick. You know more than you are telling us. When you are ready to talk, we'll listen." Reese said sadly.

"There is nothing more to tell." Nick said softly. <truly, nothing more that I can tell you>

"Well, then. I have no choice... officers, take him to booking." he looked Nick in the eyes. "I'm sorry Nick, I wish there was another way. Give us other options, tell us where to look, who to look for."

**** (Quebec)
Natalie woke and stretched, looking at the clock, six-thirty.. the sun had already set, and her automatic shutters were up. Ever since she had started going to the club with Janette, she slept later into the evening. She enjoyed the contact, the conversation and was adjusting to hearing the mortal heartbeats without noticing or responding. Soon, very soon, she would tackle looking for Nick. Even if it meant a return to the coroners office. She could sense Janette busy in the office.

After a quick shower, she dressed in her early evening casual, a loose t-shirt and leggings, and went to the kitchen for 'breakfast' The apartment was quiet except for the light tapping of Janette's fingers on the keyboard. Natalie sipped her drink slowly and opened the newspaper. A burst of anger flooded her senses and she heard Janette gasp, "No, he wouldn't!"

Natalie hurried into the room, "what is it? I've never felt such powerful emotion from you.."

"He's done it again!"

"Who? What?"

"Nicola.. he has allowed them to arrest him.."

"For what? Tracy's death was an accident."

"Oh, no, my dear. This is even better.. he has been arrested for murdering YOU!"

"Well, it's true.. but I scarcely think that mortal justice can deal with THAT particular crime." Natalie let an evil smile cross her face as she scanned the screen, reading the news report. "Should we intervene?"

"What do you have in mind, Natalie?" Janette turned and faced her, searching her eyes.

"Simplest would be to have LaCroix break him out."

Janette shook her head, gesturing to a stack of printouts which Natalie could see were email messages, that evidently had been going back and forth all day. "He already tried that. Nicola refused."

Natalie sighed. "Then I will show up at the precinct." She said quietly. "That's a sure way that would make everyone happy... I hope."

"What do you mean?" Janette asked, uncertain of Natalie's fear.

"I know Nick drained me, and he did not bring me across. I love him, but he loved me as a mortal. He obviously did not want me as a vampire. I'm afraid to face him.. see the rejection in his eyes."

"Oh, Natalie.. I have known him for a very long time.. he may be upset at first, but he won't reject you. He may be angry at me.. but I can deal with that. You would do this for him? Return to your old life?"

"Yes, I would.. I do not want to leave you.. but obviously, Nick still has that self-destructive streak.. and he wants to do penance. I think it is time to snap him out of it. Shock therapy. He thinks I am dead."

"Well, technically, you are.." Janette said with a smile.

Natalie laughed. "Does LaCroix know? About me?"

"No, I think we surprise him too.. That could be quite fun, no? Now Natalie, are you sure? You will face a long conference with your mortal friends. It will test your self-control to the limit. I will only be able to give you limited help. You must have a story that they will find acceptable." She paused, turning to face her directly, looking into Natalie's eyes. "Natalie, I will not leave you. We will stay close for at least a century or two.. I agree with the need to go to Toronto, so we will both go. After Nichola is released, we will talk of what comes next. With whom you will live... but you will live with one of us.. you are too young in our world to be alone."

"That's fine, but I need to do this. If they arrested him, they have some proof that I was harmed. I can get him released for my supposed murder, but to completely exonerate him I will need to know what evidence they found." She said, business-like. The cool, confident coroner was surfacing, overriding the tentative fledgling vampire.

"Hmmm, ah yes.." Janette flipped through the stack of papers. "Here it is.. a blood stain which matched your DNA."

"On the rug, I bet." She said thoughtfully.

"And they are calling the stake as the murder weapon. It had Nicola's fingerprints and blood on it which matched your type."

"Did they do a DNA?" she questioned.

"No and he doesn't know why. You realize this information is from LaCroix?"

"I figured." Natalie smiled. "If the stake really had Nick's blood on it, it would match my type since he'd just fed from me... but it would not match the DNA. In fact they would not be able to identify a DNA profile because of his digestive enzymes."

Janette looked at her carefully. "You DID know a lot about us"

"I guess.." Natalie just looked at the floor. "Are you upset?"

"No.. amazed would be more like it. You do realize that you knew too much.. you were an invitation to the Enforcers. You would not have lasted a day if Nicola had ever left you."

"Oh.. and now?" she asked quietly.

"Now it is not an issue. Now you are one of us. Oh, do not fret.. they would not have killed you.. they would have converted you and then left you as an orphan.."

"Should I destroy my research?" she asked hesitantly. Nick had always said there was a danger, but he'd never said exactly what or how much danger her pursuit of knowledge was causing.

"Not yet.. the Elders may want it.. but for now.. do not speak of it to anyone outside the family. You may trust LaCroix. Whatever differences you had.. he will not be unhappy with your conversion.. he always said you were a natural and was upset that Nicola was reluctant to bring you over."

"Really?" Natalie looked at her sire, surprised.. LaCroix had been her nemesis for quite some time... and he wanted her converted?

"Yes.. really. As long as you do not fight him.. he can be a loyal friend.. Let me send LaCroix a message, so that he can supply my Toronto apartment.. and then we will be on our way.. and this time we will fly.."

Natalie smiled at the thought.. she loved to fly!

The room was dark, only the flickering light of the computer screen illuminated the gloom. LaCroix sat silently at the table, sipping slowly from a bottle. Fatigue edged his face.. it had been a long day, but at least he had contact with his beloved Janette, once his creation, his daughter.. now his granddaughter.

The message bell chimed, signally an incoming message.

<Greetings mon grand-pere- I have received your numerous communications and discussed them with my young companion. We have means of assisting your son which will be mutually satisfactory and are en route to Toronto tonight and will see you both. It is time for you to meet the newest member of the family, don't you think? If you would be so kind as to replenish the stock in my Toronto residence, I would be most grateful.. with affection, Janette>

A broad smile crossed his face.. ah, the entire family together.. but then how did Janette think SHE could get Nicholas out of jail... when he would not use vampiric means.. especially with a fledgling's assistance.. unless.. no.. it was not possible. Could she be planning human means? This mysterious fledgling could not possibly be Dr. Natalie Lambert?

CHAPTER 08/ 0?

The sun was setting as Natalie finished arranging her hair in a conservative knot. Smoothing the skirt on her simple blue suit, she went out into the living room where Janette waited. They had arrived in Toronto shortly before dawn and quickly fell into a dreamless sleep.

"Let's go.." she said quietly, and they both went to the balcony and silently flew to the precinct. Landing in the park, a block away, Janette tightly gripped Natalie's hand.

"Are you sure? Once you do this, you cannot hide any longer. I will not leave you and I will assist you as much as I can, but if you choose to re-enter your mortal life, you will have to rely on Nicola's guidance in that area." She gazed seriously in Natalie's eyes.

"Yes, I need to do this. Even if he rejects me and makes me find my own way. I cannot let him pay for something he did not do. He suffers such guilt for things that he DID do, that this must be unbearable. And I think he truly believes that he did kill me."

"I understand. I will be here, Natalie." Janette said, squeezing Natalie's hands briefly. "Remember I will sense your thoughts and feelings.. listen for me.. If it gets tough, just close your eyes and take a deep breath. Now.. you did feed well?"

"Yes, of course." Natalie smiled, took a deep breath and walked away.. and up the steps of the 96th precinct. Opening the door and stepping inside she paused.. all the heartbeats reverberated in her head. She calmly pushed the sensations to the back of her mind, and walked up to the information desk... "Evening, Jim.." she said, casually walking past.

The desk sergeant looked up, gasped and paled.. conversation stopped as Natalie stepped into the detectives bullpen. She could feel every eye on her, but resolutely walked straight to Reese's door, not looking or talking to anyone. <have to do this before I lose my nerve> The shock was palpable..

With a quick knock on the door frame, she walked in, "Hello, Captain" she said quietly.

Reese looked up from the file on the desk. Fatigue rimmed his eyes and he looked older, more tired than she'd remembered. He paled, leaned forward in the chair. "Natalie?"

"Yes.. you look like you've seen a ghost." She smiled, taking his hand.

"Oh, my... well, that is what we thought you were." he paused, breathing heavily. "It is so good to see you in one piece.. where have you been for the past month ? My God, we thought you were dead."

"Obviously, reports of my demise were premature" Natalie laughed nervously. She could feel Janette's mental encouragement. <yes I am doing the right thing.. this is OK>

"Yes, I can see that.." suddenly he stood up and exclaimed, "Oh my, we have to stop them.."

"Who?" Natalie asked as Reese picked up the phone and hit a single button.

"Dispatch.. radio the transport van and tell them to bring Knight back here.. we have new evidence and need to question him." He let out a grin and looked at Natalie. "Yeah, Dr. Lambert is here in my office, alive and unharmed.. obviously the charges will be dropped.. but don't tell him why he's coming back here." Natalie smiled back thinking <the unharmed part is debatable>

"Where was Nick going? What charges?" Natalie did a double take.. hoping that her acting skills were holding up.

"We arrested him several days ago and he was being transferred to a maximum security lock-up.. charged with your murder."

"Oh my.." she gasped, trying her best to look shocked. "but Captain.. that is insane.. you know that Nick would never hurt me.."

"OK.. Natalie, where have you been?" his voice became more serious. "Obviously the murder charge is dropped but you disappeared for almost a MONTH. That is not like you.."

"I've been with my cousin in Quebec.. she will verify that if you'd like.. she lives in a remote area with no phones. I was so depressed after Lora committed suicide and Tracy died, I just had to get away.."

"OK.. but why didn't you book off? Medical LOA?"

"Captain, I had packed up my office and left a resignation letter. I truly did not think anyone would worry."

"So, that letter was real? Your superiors thought it a forgery. The signature did not match.. they were convinced you had been kidnapped or were being held against your will."

"Yes.. I left a typed letter of resignation.. that was real.."

"And you simply abandoned your car? Your cat?"

"Captain, I was less than coherent that night. After they called to notify me of Tracy's death... I sort of lost it. I refused the case and typed my letter right then. I took the metro from Nick's place to the train station. I figured my car would be safe there."

"How do you explain the blood on Nick's rug?"

"What blood?" Natalie tried to stall.. not knowing what Nick had said, she did not want to offer up any explanations. Her story thus far would be verified by someone from the community who could pose as a 'cousin' and would reflect the parts that Nick could not have known. Any further and she would need to mesh things. Reese eyed her closely and sighed.

"Well, your mere presence clears him of the murder charge, but the assault charge will stay unless I hear something more logical to explain why your blood was on his carpet." He paused, watching her expression so closely. "I don't understand what it is about that blood stain that makes you both clam up. What are you both trying to cover up?" he asked exasperated. Natalie looked him in the eye and made a conscious decision.. time to try the whammy.. She focused on the sound of his heartbeat, let it echo in her mind and concentrated on focusing his thoughts...

"What did Nick tell you?" she asked calmly, never moving..

"Nothing. No reasons. Acted shocked." He responded mechanically. Natalie smiled and released her hold on his mind. She could feel Janette's mental applause. <very good, my dear, very good>

Well, if Nick hadn't said anything, she could go to 'plan B'... she could always tell him what she had said.. and hope he did not mind.. Looking very sheepish, she looked at him and asked, "um.. how much blood did you find? Are you sure it was mine?"

"The DNA matched, Natalie.. .. we couldn't say it was a fatal wound, but there was enough to see and test.. and enough that it looked like you were hurt, pretty badly we thought.. and then there was some with your type on a cane... Why are you both so evasive about this?"

Natalie did her best to look embarrassed.. blushing was difficult now.. but she managed to look quite nervous and evade his eye contact. "Well, when I went to tell him that Tracy had died, he was really upset.. um, we were comforting each other and um, well, we got a little carried away and um.. well, it was the wrong time of the month .. umm. .to do such things..."

Reese started laughing and stopped her, "OK.. I think I get it.. but why wouldn't Nick say anything? That was our best piece of evidence.. and he would have taken a murder rap.."

She still evaded his eyes "When pushed, I think he would have said something at a trial, but you know how private Nick is. He truly did not want people here to know that we were seeing each other."

"Natalie.. we all knew." He looked at her directly "It did not matter to the department. There is no conflict of interest here." Natalie broke into a big smile as he continued... "and everyone will HAVE to know now.. so you get to tell him that the cat is out of the bag.."

At the sound of a knock on the door, he paused, "Yes, come in."

A uniformed officer stepped in. "We've got Knight in interrogation A. We did not tell him why, but I'll warn you, he's in a foul mood. Fouler that usual." He smiled at Natalie, "Good to see you, Doc.. hope you can cheer him up.."

"See?" Reese grinned. "OK, Natalie, time for the resurrection scene. I'll give you a few minutes alone and then join you.. before I can release Nick, I need to talk to you both. And Natalie.. I am willing to release Nick to your custody tonight.. but I expect you to come in tomorrow and make an official statement and meet with IA." He rose and led Natalie to the smaller interrogation room, and paused at the door of the observation area. Natalie could feel a tingly sensation on her neck, not unlike what she felt in Janette's presence, but muted.. and entirely different from the other vampires she had met.

At the sound of the door opening, Nick spoke angrily. "why am I here?.. I have nothing to say." he stopped suddenly and stood, feeling the vibrations.. and whirled around and stared . "Nat?" his voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes, it's me.." she said softly as he swiftly crossed the room and enveloped her in a tight embrace, twining one hand in her hair and clutching the other to her back.

"Oh Natalie.." his mouth met hers and kissed, the passions rising as she molded her body to his, reaching one arm around his neck and holding him tight about the waist. He felt her chill lips, her pallor matching his and the slow pace of her heart.. "How?" he murmured, trailing kisses across her cheek, down her neck.

"Not here, Nick. We will talk, but not here.. we are being watched." She spoke barely audible.

"Yes, I know.. And I'll give them a good show.. don't you think it's time we went public?" At his comment she reached out her senses.. indeed, Captain Reese had been joined in the observation room by a number of other people.

"Ah, Nick.. I sort of did.. that's my explanation for the blood on the rug.." she looked him in the eye, watching the hint of gold..

"OK... I'll never live it down , but ..." he replied keeping his voice low. "Then, you won't mind.." he caught her lips and kissed her fiercely, plunging his tongue into her moist depths, exploring the curves.. and skillfully teased her teeth until she felt her fangs begin to descend.

<Natalie, stop.. control yourself.. passion is very dangerous for you..> Natalie could hear the alarm in Janette's link and she broke away, hiding her face on his shoulder.

Breathing deeply, she looked into his eyes, hers now rimmed in gold.. silently searching his. "I thought as much." He said solemnly, and held her tightly. "Relax, deep breaths, calm thoughts.."

She felt her eyes clear, and could feel Janette <good, that's good, you are doing fine>.

The door opened behind them and Reese walked in. "Just friends, co-workers? Uh, huh, sure, Knight. If that's how you say howdy to a friend.." he teased.

They both turned to face him, Nick maintaining an arm around her waist, holding her against him tightly. "Well, maybe a itsy bit more than that" he grinned, an expression Natalie had not seen in several years.

"You could have saved the taxpayers a lot of money, Knight, if you'd just told us the truth."

"I still plead ignorance about that stain.. I didn't realize we were that messy.. and, I honestly did not know where Nat was. That was the truth, Captain. And why I did not know is something WE will talk about.." Nick gave her a serious look.

"OK.. OK.. I am releasing you, Nick, to Dr. Lambert's custody. When she makes her statement, we will be able to officially drop the charges. In the meantime, you are not to leave her sight.. got it?"

Nick leered at her and tightened his grip.. "Um, hmm. Not a problem.. not a problem at all.. we will be at my place should you need either of us."

Reese opened the door and led them out.. to the cheers of the other detectives and officers.. and not a few hugs and slaps on the back..

Extracting themselves from the crush of well-wishers was no small task, but finally, Nick was able to open the side door of the precinct and led Natalie out into the cool night air.

"Um.. where is your car, Nat?" he asked glancing around the parking lot, looking for the familiar sedan.

"Police impound lot." She returned, an innocent look on her face. "I used alternate transportation." Her meaning was not lost on him as his eyes grew dark.

"As in..?" he looked skyward.

"Yep.. my priority was to spring YOU .. then the car. And it might be difficult to explain how I have a sun allergy all of a sudden, so getting the car will take some thought. Of course, I could have borrowed the caddy.. but I'd have had to get past the guards. And that would have ruined the surprise." Her teasing tone belied her nervousness at facing him. "And you know, I do love a surprise.. and I think Reese really thought he was seeing a ghost.."

"And he is not all that far off in that thought. I thought you were beyond assistance.. even my assistance." He said seriously.

"Well, at least someone thought otherwise.. or tried." She said sarcastically.

"Natalie, I just couldn't do it... I hope someday you will find it in your heart to forgive me." He said quietly.

"So.. you did intend to leave me. Let me die on your rug... alone. Here I was hoping you were just interrupted." The bitterness was reflected in her voice and blood tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Shh.. It did not happen as I'd intended... but then, I don't know what I really intended.." he leaned over and kissed her cheeks, wiping the tears away. "I didn't mean to leave you, Nat. Things happened that were beyond my control. This is just a surprise, that's all. Come on lets go home and talk in private." He put his arm around her waist and held her close.

"So are we walking or ...?" She looked up to his eyes. "And, your place or mine?"

"My place. Its better prepared for our needs. I'll need to check your drapes. My tolerance is much better than yours. And, as long as we are being watched, we walk.." he gave her a hard look. "Or didn't your master teach you that yet?"

"So now you're going to insinuate that my education is lacking, Sir Nicholas... I have had only the finest of tutorials. I know the Code." She looked at him intently. "And now I know how much danger I really WAS in... would you have warned me before leaving town?"

"Nat.. you are the reason I have not left town. I knew you were safe as long as I was here.. and yes, I would have warned you before leaving town."

"Would you have brought me across then?" she asked softly.

"I don't know.." he said thoughtfully. "But if I couldn't, I would have found you a new protector."

"Personally, I think this is the better solution." She gave his arm a squeeze as she looped her elbow with his.

"Do you really? Do you prefer the darkness? Just wait until the centuries have gone by.."

"Stop it, would you! You have more guilt than anyone I know.. and it is NOT necessary. Let's just go back to your place.. I'm sure there are some things YOU can teach me." She smiled with a quick leer, and glowing eyes.

He returned her leer, and squeezed her tighter.. "yeah, I can think of a few things"


The patrol car was gone. The crime scene tape was removed from the doorway. Otherwise the loft was undisturbed from that night a month previous. Even now, the events haunted LaCroix's thoughts. He sat quietly on the couch, sipping a new vintage and puzzling over Janette's brief message. <Come to the loft tonight. All will be well. - J.> Brief and to the point but entirely too cryptic..

The clicking of the elevator broke his reverie. He could sense the approach of another.. and it was not his son... ah, his lovely Janette.. The door slid open and Janette glided in bearing a wooden crate with glass bottles. "You are looking well, my dear. It is so good to see you again.. I see you brought your own. Don't care for the house vintage?"

"Not his house vintage.. vile stuff.. and anyway, my companion needs better nourishment." She unloaded the crate into the refrigerator as LaCroix stood and walked over to her. "Yes, help yourself."

Taking a bottle and walking over to the couch, he glanced her way. "Just visiting to rescue Nicholas, or planning to relocate?"

"Haven't decided yet. I think that will require a family discussion, non?" she took her own bottle and reached for a stemmed goblet from the shelf.

"So.. I finally get to meet the young one. I do have a minor issue for you.. neglecting to invite me to the coming out party.. this will not prevent me from doing my duty. You know that."

"Yes, yes, I know." She replied with a shrug. "I felt that a little preparation was in order before meeting the patriarch. I know how you are with fledglings."

"Ah, but this fledgling carries my blood.. all the more reason to seeing to proper training. And you have been training your protégé properly, no?"

"Of course I have been.. and we are doing quite well."

"You are being very evasive Janette." He remarked smoothly, taking a sip from his goblet. "Where did you find this person? And since you came alone, where did you stash him, or is it a her?"

"LaCroix, I would not desert my fledgling.. she is in good hands and quite safe. And is heading this way as we speak. And I found her right where I am standing.." Janette replied crossing to the fireplace, and looking directly at him.

With a glint in his eye, he smiled broadly. "So, my suspicions were correct. She is with Nicholas.. and she had secured his release... oh, you are good, Janette, very good."

"You approve then? I am not sure Nichola will, but I thought she was more valuable as one of us, than dead. And I really wasn't sure what happened here."

"Oh.. but this will be very interesting. You chose wisely. I think she is just what the family needs."

He landed on the sidewalk in front of the loft, coat trailing, and looked up. Natalie followed behind him and came down, a little hard, stumbling into his arms.

"Sorry about that.." she giggled nervously. "I still need some practice.. especially with the landing part."

He looked at her significantly. "Now that is something that I can help with." His laughing tone became serious as he picked up the vibrations. "Nat.. tell me, do you feel anything..?" He did not want her coming into their 'family' reunion unprepared.. his family tended toward the violent side..

Natalie closed her eyes and cast out her senses. A smile crossed her face when she felt Janette's calming presence inside.. but there was another.. stronger, older and yet vaguely familiar. "Janette.." she breathed quietly.

Nick looked at her intently. "How did you know?" and then made the connection.. it suddenly made sense, and a sly smile crossed his face. "So, that's who did it?"

"What?" she looked at him, puzzled.

"Now, I see everything.. OK.. this makes sense, now.. Come on Nat, time for the family reunion.. and a dramatic entrance." He took her hand and together they glided up to the roof. Standing by the skylight, he paused and turned to Natalie. "Nat, I know that you and LaCroix have had some differences in the past.. but he IS family now.. and don't let my problems with him sway your opinions.. give him a chance. OK?"

Natalie nodded, she had been tutored on the family dynamics, so knew more than she let on.. together the floated down to the main floor of the apartment.

Janette and LaCroix were sitting on the couch silently. They had each felt the approach of Nick and Natalie.

"So.. you finally embrace your true ways, Nicholas.. Aren't you the one who insists on mortal conventions such as doors?" LaCroix said sarcastically, not turning around. Nick led Natalie around until they stood in front of the fireplace.. almost the same spot... "But then, now that you have been released by the mortal justice system.. are you ready to leave yet?" he paused as he could clearly see who Nick held tightly. "Greetings, doctor.. you are looking a little more, shall we say, 'lively' than when we last met."

"Thanks to Janette." Natalie shot back casting a warm glance to her master before looking at LaCroix with narrowed eyes.

"Oh, yes.. so you are the mysterious fledgling.. the buzz of the community.. No one could actually believe that our Janette had finally succeeded.. but then, truthfully, you owe your existence as much to Nicholas." Nick's hand tightened around her. "You have learned our Code?" at Natalie's nod, he smiled. "And our ways? I saw the previous flying demonstration.. but as patriarch, I think that I require something better.. more substantial."

Natalie's senses began to tingle. She looked toward Janette <what is he planning?> she thought with a momentary panic. He stood and smoothly walked toward her. "Time for the final exam, doctor." He said, glancing to Nick and Janette. "This is between this fledgling and myself. Do not interfere."

Nick dropped his arm from around Natalie's waist and leaned toward her. "Go. He won't hurt you. I'll wait for you here."

With a deep breath, Natalie walked toward LaCroix, "Well it's been a while since I took a pop quiz." With a glance to Janette who remained silent but nodded her approval, Natalie stood and looked directly at LaCroix. Meeting her eyes, he looked skyward.

"Come.. follow me.." he swiftly rose and flew out the skylight, Natalie following close behind. Following his vibration took a lot of concentration and she pushed down the feelings of unease. He would not hurt her. She would survive this.

Landing in a park by Lake Ontario, he stood by a street lamp and waited for her to land beside him. "So, my dear.. you have lived among us for a month?" Natalie nodded in response, not saying anything. "It's time to see how much you have learned. I would hope that Janette has seen to your training." He watched her intently, sure that she would resist him.

"Yes, she has." Natalie met his eyes and opened her mind, convinced that this would go better if she was open to him, did not fight. Their eyes met but she did not feel the touch of his mind. Janette had told her repeatedly of the intensity of LaCroix's mind probes.. she had told herself to just relax, let it happen.

"Ah, good... You already know and acknowledge the responsibilities of elder family members. I will not require that knowledge, at least not just yet... but that you so readily would submit tells me much. And I hardly expected it from one so spirited as you, doctor." His smile did not reach his eyes, which glowed briefly, intensely. Natalie could sense his power.

"Maybe I have learned something. Like who my enemies are.. and my friends." She let her eyes glow in return with a shy smile. <and maybe some discretion over what battles I choose to fight>

"And I am now in the latter category?" he asked quietly.

"I would hope so.. we are no longer on the opposite side. Eternity is a long time to fight someone or something. I would like to mend the fences between us." She turned to face him directly, stretching out her hands. She knew enough of the politics of the vampire community to know that having LaCroix as an ally would make her 'life' much simpler.

"Such wisdom, from one so young.. Hmmm.. maybe I underestimated your value to us.." He smiled and took her hands, giving them a tight squeeze before releasing them. A thought crossed his mind, an image that had resurfaced several times since figuring out that Natalie had joined them in eternal life. This could be the key to reuniting his entire family.

"So, am I to assume then, that you also see yourself as a friend?"

"And more.." he gave her a significant look. "I'm sure that Janette gave you the sordid details regarding her flirtation with mortality."

"Yes, she was your child, and now she is Nick's.. and Nick is yours.. so regardless, I am ultimately yours.. of your lineage, your family. Which, by the way, is the only reason that I went along with this little examination." She replied, keeping as emotionless as possible.

"Astute of you.. but in any event, Janette regained all of her powers too quickly. She should be little more that a fledgling like yourself.. she is far more.. even the power I sense from you tells me that much. I do not think she truly was mortal. She still carries more of me than of Nicholas. I still see her as mine." He responded intensely, a touch of anger in his voice.

"Well, maybe the vampire factor simply went dormant.. and Nick reactivated it. She did remind me that I did not take any samples when she was shot. I guess I was too upset at the time. Otherwise I could give you a definitive.. and since all my studies were done on Nick, I don't know whether differences show in the blood." She replied thoughtfully, starting to pace in front of him.

"You show remarkable understanding..." he tapped his finger to his cheek. <obviously this research had gone pretty far>

"Yes, well I have been studying your physiology for six years." She replied matter-of-fact.

"Ah, yes.. the research. You know that the Community was aware of what you and Nicholas were doing. It could have cost you your life. And was quite futile.. a cure would not have been allowed." He grabbed her arm gently and stopped her pacing, turning her to face him.

"And now? What of it now? LaCroix, it is well hidden.. but it is too dangerous for me to keep.. I have no desire to meet Enforcers just yet.. I have no need of it. Before I destroy it, is there someone within the community who would want it?" She looked at him directly but quietly.

"You would destroy six years of research?" a touch of surprise showed in his voice.

"Well, I can't exactly publish it. I do know the Code, LaCroix. And anyway, I have what I wanted all along. At least I think I have it.." her voice trailed off quietly.

"And that is?" he probed gently. He already knew what the answer would be, but he needed to hear it from her.

She turned slightly, not meeting his penetrating look, and warmly slightly at the thought. "Nick" she said softly.

"So you do love him? You would do anything for him.." he kept his voice low, hypnotic.

"Yes, but I still haven't gotten a good idea of whether or not he will accept me as I am now." she looked at him directly, quietly searching his face.

"And why is that? Why would he not?" he kept probing, searching. <why indeed would his son, NOT want his lady-love for eternity? But then, why would he prefer to end both of their existence?>

"Because I don't want to go back. And I don't want him to go back, either." Her answer was firm, but soft. He could see the commitment in her voice, her eyes.

"But you would do anything for him?" he asked, needed to know just how far she was committed to her new life, and ultimately to him.. if she proved disloyal, this new life might not last long..

She turned and met his eyes with determination. "But not help him regain mortality. That research is over. Finished. There is no cure. At least not that I will find... or seek for him. WE are on the same side now.. and that is all I wanted. But Nick refused to bring me over..."

"So. I truly do have an ally." He smiled broadly "You know, my dear, you could have come to me at any time. I would have been happy to bring you over.. I was not happy that Nicholas was so reluctant. I do not know why he has fought it for so long.. there is someone for everyone.. and you, my dear were destined to be with Nicholas.." He paused slightly, "and together we will keep him true to himself and to us.. But to answer your question regarding the research. I will put it into my vault and contact the Elders. Acceptable?"

"Yes." She was, in a way, glad that her work would not be wasted. "So what now..? Or was this exam just an excuse to get me alone..?" She gazed directly at him.. she was getting hungry.. this was becoming a long night..

"Not at all, my dear. Now that we are better acquainted.. we will proceed with my true purpose. You are hungry, no?" His eyes glinted. <let's see how much of a push she will need..> He knew that Janette had fed her properly, but how far had the lessons progressed. Times had changed from when he had brought over both Janette and Nicholas.. the first meal could no longer be something living.. it was too dangerous for fledglings to have those strong cravings.. but all converts needed to learn the skills of the hunter... lest they become the hunted.

"Yes, actually I am. Are you suggesting we go *out* for dinner?" She smiled at him, letting her eyes glow briefly. "Something warm, perhaps?" She could tell what the <real> purpose of this excursion was.. and she was determined to give him <nothing> to fight with Janette about. That family had too much strife already.

"You seem very agreeable to this.. whatever will Nicholas think? But yes.. I would like you to procure our dinner." He smiled in return and nodded, <this is going better than I had expected.>

"And you will watch? I promised Janette not to do this on my own.." she looked him directly in the eyes.

"So you have learned to hunt." He said with a slow smile. "I am pleased.. and Janette shows wisdom.. in this day, one cannot hunt freely."

"And you forget.. I am the coroner.. I have been covering for the Community for several years. I know what my colleagues notice and worry about.. an isolated case is not a problem.. so discretion is important.. and I AM discrete." she smiled up at him.

"Shall we?" he prompted and she nodded toward the path along the lake. This time of night there was little activity but she headed in the direction of where she knew were some bars and started to walk down the path, casting out her senses for a lone mortal. He merely followed behind her, saying nothing, but watching, observant of her actions. As they neared the dock areas, she picked up the clear sounds of a mortal, moving slowly along the dark path.. obviously intoxicated. An easy target.. and alone. Looking back at LaCroix, who still trailed behind, she nodded her head silently and then moved swiftly so that she was in front of their prey. He stayed back in the shadows. She knew he would not interfere.

The man saw Natalie approaching him in the darkness. She had adjusted her skirt so that a little more leg was visible.. still the sensible, professional look, but just a tad revealing. They said nothing but he walked up to her unsteadily. "and what are you doing out here alone, little lady? Lose your way?" his voice slurred.

"Waiting for you.. I think you know what would make me happy.." she smiled, and touched his hand.

"I do, huh? Yeah, I am quite the ladies man.. but I don't know if I can afford you." he put his arm around her waist and began to pull her close.

"Ah.. but you don't know my price.." she said going into his embrace, smoothing the shirt away from his neck and meeting his lips with hers lightly. Trailing kisses lightly across his mouth, his cheek. He moaned in pleasure. Her kisses went to his neck, she licked the vein, prepared it and allowed her fangs to descend and swiftly struck, his warm blood gushing into her mouth. It all happened very quickly. She could sense the violence in the man's life.. the women he had attacked.. the men he had hurt.. and she felt no sorrow, no guilt at his demise. She could feel LaCroix approach as she broke away. "Care for some?" she asked, wiping her mouth.

"Don't mind if I do.. You left me some?" He smiled, striking the man from behind and finishing the last drops, letting the man fall to the ground. She knelt over him, taking a small knife from his pocket, drawing it across his throat with a confident, broad stroke, effectively disguising the fang marks. She carefully wiped the knife, removing her finger prints and placed it in the mans hands to make sure his fingerprints were on it, before putting it back into his pocket. She lifted up the body and moved with vampiric speed to the edge of the lake, scanning the area before landing. She dropped the body into the undertow and turned to see LaCroix standing on the dock above her.

"Very good.. you even sweetened the meal. I am impressed." He smiled, taking up her hand. "And you cleaned up after yourself like a professional. But then you've had a lot of experience in that area."

"So, do I pass? I mean, that WAS the exam if I am not mistaken.." She looked at him, letting her eyes glint. "And you didn't think I would do it.."

"A plus, my dear." His proud smile revealed much to her. "Yes, well, you have been around Nicholas so much that I was not sure you would so readily agree... you are just full of surprises.."

"Well, I was around Nick as a mortal, remember.. since my conversion, I have been with Janette. And she has taught me more than I think Nick ever would... And she is not ashamed of what she is." Her fierce answer surprised him.. but then, her ability to hunt was beyond the clumsy efforts of most fledglings he had tested... indeed, most needed help with the clean up or forgot to share with their elders..

"And you credit your attitudes to her?" He questioned intently.. this was very different from what he had expected.

"Yes, she is my master, my mentor. She may not have started me on this path, but I feel fortunate for her shaping my thoughts those first few days when everything was so jumbled."

"And you don't think Nick would have done as well?" he asked. <can she separate her love for Nicholas from her now- present knowledge of the reality of vampirism>

"No, he has this unrelenting guilt.. I can see now why he does not do well with fledglings. He could not exert the nurturing as Janette did, nor the firm control that you did. I could feel some of your influence in how Janette instructed me." She answered clearly.. verbalizing for the first time what she had felt ever since returning to Toronto, the ambivalent feelings. She loved Nick, but she was almost thankful that he was not her master.. why was that?

"You realize that Nicholas will be most upset with all of this.." he motioned to indicate the area. She knew that he meant her actions that night.

"Yes, well he doesn't know what he wants. He says he wants to be mortal but then he can't stop using his special abilities to solve cases. He won't eat human food, but then he won't drink what he really needs... and I am not sure he will want me because I will refuse to drink bovine. But I want to be with him.." She suddenly voiced all of her feelings, her concerns.. why all of a sudden did she feel so comfortable with LaCroix.. after all, they had been at each other's throats since first meeting.. And he had threatened her life more times that she'd care to count.

"And I want you to be with him as well, my dear." he murmured, drawing her closer. "There are some lessons yet that Janette has not touched upon.. I think if Nicholas has to initiate you in that arena, he will not want to leave you either. That is my fervent hope. And I think we could work together to bring him back into the community."

She looked directly into his eyes. "You are referring to sex?" she said bluntly. At his smile, she laughed, "Well, that would be really hard to take.. I think I could let him do that.. after all, I was trying that night.."

"So, that is what started all of this?" He smiled with almost a leer

"Yes, I asked him to make love to me.. to take just a little at a time." LaCroix's smile got broader. "Well, Janette already told me, he does not know the meaning of moderation when it comes to sex.. and I think I learned that the hard way.."

"Indeed. It would appear that you did. But now you have no reason to fear his passions. But there is another matter for us to discuss before the dawn forces us to seek shelter. I have a proposal for you. I would like your help to bring Nicholas back into the community." Time to put all the cards on the table. He was satisfied that Natalie was firmly indoctrinated in her new existence and ready for a challenge. And he was an expert at manipulation.

"Does that mean we could not continue in our jobs, or any jobs?"

"No.. it merely means providing services now and then to community members, coming to an occasional gathering. And giving up that search for mortality." Hoping she would not see through the vague answers, the last was really the goal.. but the former could basically keep her at his beck and call for quite some time.

"That doesn't sound awful.. although that last could be difficult but yes, I could do that." She looked closely at him. Nick had told her enough about his master that she felt as if she were bargaining with the devil.

"And in return, I will meet with the Elders and see how your skills and background could benefit the Community. And continue to provide my wisdom and guidance. I am most proud to have you as a granddaughter."

"Okay .. yes, that would be acceptable." She said slowly.. she knew that there really was not a choice here. LaCroix's bargains were usually one-sided... but to merely have his support was enough. She had seen what he had done to Nick.. and knew she could not survive his anger.

"So, we are agreed?" LaCroix gazed intently into Natalie's eyes.

"We are agreed." She declared, no hesitation in her voice, extending her hand. Instead of the expected handshake, he raised her hands to his lips for a gentle kiss. She did not resist, although surprised by his actions. Indeed, he was full of surprises it seemed.

"Shall we return? I am quite certain that Nicholas is beside himself with worry." He smiled sarcastically. "He is so certain that my intentions are less than honorable."

Natalie smiled and laughed. "At least I know better."


Silence reigned as Janette and Nick watched Natalie fly out with LaCroix. Without a word, he walked to the refrigerator, pulling out an unlabeled green bottle. Pulling out the cork with his teeth, he sniffed the contents before taking a deep swallow. "Ah.. not spoiled.. care for some?"

"Oh, my dear, how could you tell? .. and thank you, no, I brought my own." She wrinkled her nose at the thought, sitting on the leather couch facing him.

"Each to their own." He shrugged. A sudden thought came to his mind, aware of the labeled bottles that he had seen in his refrigerator. "And what have you been feeding Natalie?"

"Oh darling, what do you think? I am not like you. I am not ashamed of what I am. And neither is Natalie. She was weaned on LaCroix's finest vintage.. the one you kept hidden behind the painting." Her eyes glinted as he jumped up, startled and checked his 'secret' stash.. to find it gone...

"I was afraid of that" his voice was low, controlled, but hinted at anger.

"Well, if you wanted control of her tutelage, you should have finished the job." She responded, the sarcastic tone evident. <we are not going to play this game> she thought. " I know this is bordering on forbidden territory.. but why did you not?"

"I could not condemn her into this existence." He looked at her darkly, angry eyes flashing. "And I am not exactly thrilled that you stepped in."

"Oh, Nichola, this IS what SHE wanted.. she wants to be with you." Janette said with a heavy sigh.

"She didn't know what she was asking for.. she would have grown to hate me... all my fledglings have.." he said with sorrow, sitting on the couch next to her.

"That is because you infect them with that guilt of yours. I do not.. and therefore Natalie is happy." Janette replied matter-of-fact. "She will not hate you. And don't you see.. what's done is done, there's someone for everyone.. and you and she belong together."

"And what about you? We have been together for 800 years.. you would accept her so readily?" Nick turned to her curiously.

"Yes.. I want you to be happy. And she makes you happy." She said with a shrug, moving closer to him. "Oh, I knew why you have been coming to me these last few years. It was not because you wanted ME.. it was because you wanted HER but would not take her."

"Janette.. I am sorry.. I know I used you.." he reached around her shoulders and gently kissed her forehead, standing and moving closer to the fireplace, staring into the flames.

"And I used you.." she said with a seductive smile, leaning back into the couch. "and had fun doing it.. but she is what you want.. so please do not fight it."

"Just tell me she hasn't hunted.. she only knows bottled.." He stopped his pacing to face her directly. Janette continued to sip her drink, curling into the corner of the couch.

Janette simply laughed. "You want the truth mon coeur? She has hunted.. .. and she was very good.. a natural.." She was enjoying this.. tormenting Nick was way too easy..

Nick looked up, crestfallen, "How could you? She is a doctor! She has taken an oath to do no harm."

"And you promised to never leave her... My dear, she is a vampire. So are you. While her first feeding was bottled and her main diet is courtesy of the Red Cross donation labs expired stock, she must learn to survive on her own." He sat sullenly, not looking at her. "Oh, do not fret. She does not crave it like you and I. She has hunted but once.. I felt it best that I teach her.. and not LaCroix. You do realize that is what he is doing with her right now. She will hunt tonight. He will insist." She put down her drink, and walked up to him, putting a gentle hand on his arm. They both knew of what LaCroix's 'test' comprised.. and how the performance of the fledgling could determine future success and longevity.

"Yes, I realize that. I'm not happy about it, though... and I know how she hates covering them up.. But what do you mean she doesn't crave it?"

"She drank bottled exclusively for several weeks before tasting fresh.. We hunted once and she said she could taste a difference. I have watched her very closely since then. She had no contact with mortals until after our lesson.. and either she has tremendous control or she does not crave the kill. The only time she has come close to losing control was in the police station. And I felt passion, not bloodlust." He smiled and let his eyes flicker at her.

"Oh, you felt that? That was my fault, not hers" he replied with a slight laugh and a leering gaze. "I was confirming what my senses told me.. I wanted to see her fangs.. so I kissed her just right.. she didn't know what I was doing .."

"Nicholas de Brabant... you are supposed to be the mature elder here.. not the giggling BOY! You have 760 years on her.. you know better than that.." she feigned annoyance but was secretly glad to know that he could stir Natalie's passions so well.

"Janette, one more question, and then I promise, I won't argue your methods." His tone became serious. "Has she shared?" his voice was low.

"No. I brought her over for you, my dear. My intent was to save that lesson for you." She returned his serious look. "We have not discussed anything of the more personal nature except for the things she must know as a woman. No one in Quebec would dare touch her." He smiled at Janette's protective stance. "Do you mind?"

"Mind? Of course not. I will enjoy it immensely. And it may take several tutorials.." he gazed hungrily. It had been too long since he had shared the blood of a vampire and let them join his.. and he was growing warm at the thought..

"Control you urges, Nichola.. it may be a while before they are back.. and I don't think she would understand finding you and I at each other's throats.."

"OK, OK... I will control my baser urges.. but she won't believe me that monogamy is not necessary in our world.. maybe I'll ask LaCroix to explain that.."

"If you do.. he will want to have her too.. you know that.." he nodded and shrugged., knowing it was bound to happen at some point anyway. "You know what her greatest fear is?"

"What ?"

"That you will reject her. That you loved her as a mortal, but would not love her now." She looked at him intensely, trying to sense his thoughts, feelings. He had closed his mind to her but returned the intense look.

Nick looked at her sharply. "That's absurd!"

"Is it? Are you changing your aspirations?" She asked directly... time to establish his intentions.. and whether or not it would be practical to leave Natalie in Toronto.

"What do you mean?" He looked at her puzzled.

"Are you still going to search for a cure? Leave her behind?"

"It would be for both of us." He looked past her toward the fireplace. He was sure that Natalie's work would eventually be successful.

"Ah, but what if she doesn't want it? She seems quite content." Janette sat down beside him on the couch.

"She isn't 800 years old. She cannot possible understand." He sighed, sipped from his glass.

"You are still assuming a great deal, Nicola. And you still have not answered my question. As her master, I ask you again- will you reject her love?" She could tell, he would not accept it until Natalie told him directly that the research was over. Natalie had promised her master.. and Janette was sure that LaCroix would extract the same promise.

"No, Janette. I may not have actually brought her over, but it is my fault she even had knowledge and opportunity to be in this position."

"Do not do this out of guilt, Nichola. I only want her happiness. She won't be happy if you stay with her out of some medieval sense of duty."

"I hear you.. and that is not the case." He answered quietly, firmly. He still loved Natalie.. and as a vampire, he could now show her.. but he still longed for humanity.. and children..

"Good... because I have not yet decided whether or not we will stay here in Toronto. And if I go back to Quebec and I am not satisfied with your commitment to us, she comes with me."

"Is that a threat?" his eyes narrowed. "Remember, I am still YOUR master, Janette."

"No, no, not at all. It is just a statement. I do not desert fledglings."

"Oh, and I do..?" he responded angrily.

"You have." She said simply.

"That's a grand claim for someone who has never succeeded in a conversion on her own. As I remember it.. you are 'too much the glutton' . Natalie is partially my responsibility."

"Perhaps. But I have sheltered strays for most of the past century. I've seen what happens when the creator does not take responsibility. That will not happen to Natalie.. and if she is not happy with you, I need to be close by.. to provide the woman's touch.. make sure she is not foolish.."

"You doubt my ability to make Natalie happy?" he asked incredulous.

"Let us just say.. we shall see.. and whether Natalie lives with me or with you is partially her decision. She already knows that she must live with one of us."

"And you will let her make the decision?"

"Yes.. but if she chooses to stay with me, you must allow it as well." he looked at her with a frown. "Oh Nichola.. you would still see her.. we would only be at the Raven.. she may want some mortal ceremony or something before living with you.."

Nick started laughing. "Oh, Janette, I was sure you would be whisking her off to Paris or something. Not simply across town.."

"She has already chosen to return to her drab little job as coroner.. and I have agreed to this. She serves the community well in this role and it will be a good transition.. there are still connections she must make before moving to her next incarnation.. I figured another decade here at most. But if you anger either of us.. we may not invite you to come along when we leave."

"OK, I understand. I am on probation. I promise not to smother you and to be patient with Natalie.. satisfied?"

"Satisfaction is another matter entirely, but yes, this is acceptable." she smiled and rose, going to the refrigerator to pour herself another glass.

"This is taking an awful long time, Janette. Is she OK?" Nick looked at the clock with the air of an expectant father.

Janette closed her eyes.. and smiled. "Yes, the test is done and all has gone well.. they are just talking."

CHAPTER 11/? (adult)

It was nearly dawn when Natalie and LaCroix returned to the loft. Janette had already retired to the guest room, feeling Natalie's calmness through their bond. She knew that the encounter had gone well.. but really did not want to be present for the confrontation between Nick and LaCroix. He was still angered that Natalie had been taught to hunt, or as he put it <forced to kill> but chose to blame LaCroix for those lessons, even though Janette had initiated her first.

Nick paced the loft's main room, too nervous to sit.. too restless to eat.. he could suddenly sense a faint vibration. <good, they are back>. Looking up he watched Natalie and LaCroix to enter through the skylight. He pointed to the windows and clicked the remote.. closing the steel blinds. "Cutting it awfully close aren't you?"

"And good day to you, Nicholas. I'd have thought you to be resting. After all, you've had a busy night.. and quite a shock." He smiled at him.. seeing if he would take the bait.

"How could I relax until I knew that Natalie was safe.. so are you satisfied?" He looked at her intently. She remained quiet, almost as if she feared him.

"Quite. Your Natalie shows great promise for one so young. Her education is not quite complete though." He gave Nick an intense look before continuing. "But she has gotten off to a good start and we had the chance to clear the air. Neither you, nor the good Doctor need fear me. I would ask only that you keep in touch.. visit me now and then.." he looked at Natalie and let his eyes glow briefly before turning back to Nick. "Well, I think I shall retire for the day. As the dawn has come, we will all need to share your humble abode Nicholas. I note that Janette is already using the guest room. I will avail myself of the couch and leave the bed to you.. after all, it must be much more comfortable than the prison cell.." He looked at Natalie and smiled, "Have fun, my dear.." he murmured gently nudging her towards Nick.

"Come on Natalie, let's go upstairs.. we can talk privately in my room.." Nick said, and took Natalie's hand, leading her up the stairs silently. They walked into his bedroom and he closed the door behind him. She sat down on the bed and watched him walk in, remove his jacket and hang it up. "Here, let me hang up your jacket.." he said reaching as she shrugged off her suit jacket.. <anything more and you will have to work for it> she thought.

He sat down beside her, not touching but looking at her closely. "Oh, Nat, I don't know where to begin. First, I would not have brought you back here if I'd known he would be here. I am so sorry for tonight.."

"Why?" she returned his gaze, her voice reflecting puzzlement. "He was very pleasant.. we cleared the air.. said things which needed to be said.. and I think have come to an agreement for the future."

"Oh.. and what did he want? His price is usually pretty high, Nat." his look became more intent as he reached for her hands and held them loosely.

"For me to stay with you.." her smile and voice had a hint of passion, of love, of desires for the future. "He only wants me to be with you.. to try to make this relationship work. And that's what I want, so we were quite amicable."

"He did not ask you for anything else?" Nick glanced at her suspiciously, holding her hands tighter and gently caressing her arms. <This did not sound like LaCroix's usual test.>

"Well.. he did ask me to procure dinner for both of us." She responded quietly, sighing as his caresses drew her closer to his side.

He stopped abruptly and took her face in his hands "And did you?" he looked directly in her eyes, searching.

"Yes." She murmured, reaching her arm around his back and leaning into his side.

"Oh, Natalie.. I am so sorry. If I had only finished your conversion, this would not have happened." He tightened his own hold on her and gently kissed her temple.

"No?" she pulled away and sighed impatiently. "Oh come on Nick.. he thrives on tormenting you.. tormenting fledglings.. tormenting anyone he can. I simply did not fall into his trap. I won't give him anything to use against me. Or Janette. So he took me hunting.. Nick, the man I took was a rapist and murderer.. the world will not miss him." She reached her other arm around and faced him. "You may get your jollies fighting LaCroix.. but I would not survive it.."

"And as coroner, if the body washes up to shore, how will you explain it?" He scanned her face for signs of regret. <how could she kill and not feel regret?>

"When the dental records reveal his criminal record, I don't think the department will worry about looking.. I've hidden these before.. why are you so worried?" she ran her hands up his arms to his chest and began to unbutton his shirt.

"Because you've never had to cover up your own kill before.. that is different.. and what are you doing, Nat?" he smiled as she leaned into his arms and ran her hands across the smooth skin of his chest.

"You act like I will be making a habit of hunting.. I won't. I have done so twice.. and only because I did not feel I had a choice. The sooner I pass all of their tests, the sooner they will leave us alone.. and what do you think I am doing Nick?" she smiled at him, easing off his shirt and leaning against his bare shoulder, sighing with pleasure as he began to unbutton her blouse.

"Not exactly, Nat. they will never leave us alone completely, That is part of the deal. You are never alone." He looked at her intently, sweeping the blouse off her shoulder, caressing her back, her shoulders. "Your blood link connects you always.. strongest of course to Janette, but indirectly to me, to LaCroix. Janette will always be able to find you, sense your feelings.. Even this.." he said meeting her lips gently while reaching to cup her breast through her lace bra. She shuddered in delight, pulling him down to the bed next to her.

"Well, the bond is one thing.. I'm just talking about them being in the next room" she whispered, meeting his lips and accepting his probing tongue into her mouth. He reached into her bra and caressed her nipples, sending shivers down her back.

"OK, I can understand that. I guess I'll have to just make you forget that they are here.." he trailed kisses down her face, her neck, a quick nip at the pulse point a mere hint at things to come and reached around to unhook her bra, continuing the kisses down, taking one breast in his mouth and suckling, sending tingles through her entire body.. and a tingling feeling in her mouth. Standing up to quickly shed his trousers and boxer shorts, he laid down on top of her and their mouths met with an fierce intensity unmatched. His tongue probed her mouth, her teeth, she could feel a dull ache in her canines and then the rapid descent of her fangs..

"Ohh, Nick, stop.." she stopped the movement of his hands toward her skirt and rolled him off of her, closing her eyes as her vision became golden.. she could tell the vampire had surfaced. "I'm losing control... I can't do this."

"Natalie, it's OK.. really.. that is supposed to happen." He soothed her, rubbing her back gently and resting his face against her at her murmurings of distress.

"You know how I always said this would be hazardous to your health?" he asked, continuing to make light circles on her back, inching lower..

"Umm, yeah." She answered, sighing in delight as his hands reached into her waistband, unzipped her skirt and gently pushed it off, along with her silk panties. She opened her eyes and found her vision had cleared but she could still feel the fangs..

He rolled closer, both on their sides facing one another. "Look at me Nat." she looked up suddenly and saw his smile.. complete with fangs.. "This is why.." He kissed her gently, caressing her fangs with his tongue lightly. "When you reach a certain point of arousal, the vampire WILL come out.. you won't be able to stop it.. And you won't be able to control it.. or the need for blood. Taking blood is part of sex for vampires." He paused, kissing her again but this time, her tongue probed his, wrapped around his fangs. "You learn fast.." he groaned with pleasure and reached down, caressing her breasts, her stomach and beyond. Trailing kisses down her stomach her reached her legs, her thighs and gently probed between. She twined her hands into his blond hair, continued to caress his back., gasping as his fingers probed her labia.

"Oh.. Nick.. what torment is this..?" she moaned, parting her legs and pulling him back on top of her.

"Only the beginning my love.." he smiled, returning to kiss her deeply, running his tongue across her fangs until the blood began to drip down her throat.

With the first taste of his blood, her eyes blazed and she reached down to find his erection, stroking and caressing him. With a groan, he grabbed her hands, holding them tightly, he sheathed himself in her moist core. Finally joined, she arched toward him and moaned in pleasure. As they moved together, she could feel herself moving in a spiral of pleasure and longing for something... her vampiric vision focusing on Nick's neck.. the vein bulging there..

"Yes, my love.. it is what you want.. it is what you need.. take me.." he whispered looking directly in her eyes and tilting his head slightly.

"I can't" she groaned, slowing her thrusts, holding him tightly.

"You must.. you need me.. I need you.." he insisted and pulled her face toward his neck. It was instinct, and her fangs slipped into the vein easily. She began to draw the fluid, his blood into her and she felt the sharp prick of his fangs into her neck.. as she felt him reach his release, the spurts of fluid deep within her and the feeling of warmth spread across her entire body. Images of his past with her, his love.. ran through her mind and she broke the contact as he did as well and laid back on the pillow. Letting the jumble of images run through her mind, she looked at Nick and realized she did not need to say anything.. he already knew what she felt.. and he knew her thoughts as well.

"Wow.. so.. was THAT the mysterious lesson that everyone said was your responsibility?" She smiled at him. She had not imagined that she could ever feel anything so intense.. so incredible.

"Yes, I have wanted to make love to you for years.." he said softly, letting his hand caress her shoulder lazily. "and this is even better than what you would experience as a mortal.. assuming that you had survived it and I have my doubts whether you would have.. my track record with mortal women is not good.. but we will just call it lesson #1.. we will need lots of practice, don't you think?" he smiled, twining her hair around his fingers.

"Oh, of course.. No wonder you can't control it.. And the biting.. that is always part of it?"

"That my love, is the most important part for the vampire.. the physical part is not always necessary.. but the sharing of blood.. it is a very intense experience. And the main reason I kept going to Janette.. I know it was unfair to you.. but as a vampire, you have needs that only others of your own kinds can fulfill."

"And now.. we can be there for each other.. and will not need to seek out others." She smiled and cuddled against him. He knew that this was not the time to burst her bubble in that regard.. but to be happy with what they had... someday she would learn that seeking others was perfectly normal.

"And we have an appointment tonight, so I think some sleep is needed.." He pulled the sheet over them and pulled her closer, resting her head on his shoulder and twining his hands in her hair.

Downstairs in her room, Janette sipped her beverage, a sly smile crossing her face as she felt Natalie's reactions to Nick's attentions. "Oh, mon coeur, you have not lost your touch.."

CHAPTER 12/ 0?

The clicking of the automatic shutters rising woke Natalie. Slightly disoriented, not sure where she was, she scanned the room. Waking up in strange places was becoming more common, but disconcerting nonetheless. Feeling the cool, firm body molded against her back, she suddenly remembered their morning of passion. Nick was still asleep when she slipped out of his arms and went to the shower. A fine layer of bloodsweat had dried to a film.

"Ugh.. well, vampire sex leaves an even uglier mess." She mumbled, turning on the taps and stepping into the fine spray. Washing quickly, she dried off and put on the fuzzy pink robe that she had left here when Nick was shot.

Walking into the bedroom, she felt Nick's eyes on her, watching her. She said nothing, but went to the dresser and opened 'her' drawer and pulled out clean undergarments. "Well, I wonder what your colleagues thought of this.."

"They were amused. They said that either I was kinkier than they'd imagined... or I had a regular visitor." Nick replied dryly. "And before I face anyone at the station.. what exactly did you tell them about that stain? Their prize piece of evidence against me.. And how did you know that I had not explained it?"

"How do you think I knew? I asked Joe.." she replied casually.

"You just ASKED??"

"With a little bit of that vampire magic." She smiled at him. "First attempt, too." He frowned at her and started to speak. "Oh, no, no, no. Don't say anything. You've done the same often enough. Don't give me that double standard."

"OK, OK. I'm just not used to you having the skills too. Please, Nat. Be patient with me." He gave her that wide little-boy grin that melted her heart and soul. He patted the bed next to him. She moved to sit down and he put his arm around her, gently kissing her.

"So... what did you tell him?" he pushed the robe off her shoulders and caressed the bare skin.

"Oh.. not much.. just that we were.. oh, I think I called it 'comforting each other'. And that it was the wrong time of the month for such activities." She smiled at him, running her hand over the smooth planes of his back, his chest..

He laughed loudly. "Good. That is a good one, Nat. Very creative. Would take a woman to think of that one. And something that Joe would understand.. and NO ONE will question .. oh, you are good, Nat." with a quick nibble at her neck he continued. "And quite erotic.. I never thought of doing that.. could have been fun." His caresses were becoming bolder, more intentional. "And I'm sure the guys at the precinct will think we are both a little twisted."

"And they would be right.. but I like twisted." She smiled , and deepened her embrace, their lips meeting with a fierceness that spoke of their intense passion. Natalie gasped as her fangs dropped quickly, with no warning.. "oh, Nick, it happened again.. I can't control it."

"Shh.. its OK, really it is.. very normal.." He kissed her neck, licking the pulse points, allowing his own fangs to descend and she sighed with pleasure.. "Go ahead, Nat.. do it.. take me.." he moaned softly as he felt her fangs penetrate his flesh. Striking quickly in her shoulder, he felt himself flow into Natalie as she flowed into him.. such ecstasy .. why was he so reluctant all those years?

In the aftermath of their interlude, they were silent, holding each other loosely.

"Nat.. much as I'd rather spend the night here with you, we have an appointment. And I need a shower." Nick stood and with a quick kiss to her temple, went into the bathroom. Natalie went to the dresser and pulled out the t-shirt and leggings she'd left here on one of their movie nights. Dressing quickly, she descended the stairs to see Janette watching her, an amused look on her face.

"So, Natalie.. Good evening. And how are you feeling today?"

Natalie looked at her puzzled, and went straight to the refrigerator and poured herself a mug of 'breakfast'. "I'm fine."

"Get much sleep, my dear?" La Croix asked in his most formal tone.

Natalie suddenly realized exactly what they were hinting at.. and found herself growing warm. If she could still blush, her cheeks would be flaming by now. She unconsciously brought her hand to her neck. The wounds on her neck and shoulder were smaller, but not completely healed. "Umm.. did we wake you?" she asked quietly, sipping from her mug.

"Oh, ma chere, I enjoyed it immensely." Janette replied. "You were actually very quiet.. but remember we are bonded.. how could I ignore such strong feelings?"

Natalie looked at her, shocked. "You felt us.. making love..?"

"But of course.. both times.. Oh do not fret. I am supposed to feel you. You will get used to it. Remember, Natalie. No secrets."

"But I didn't know that extended to the bedroom."

"Natalie.. it is nothing to be embarrassed about. I am merely glad that you and Nichola have finally consummated your love.." she turned and whispered in Natalie's ear. "And he is good, is he not?"

Natalie finally smiled, conspiratorially. "yes, that he is" she whispered, brushing her hair away from her neck revealing the puncture marks now barely visible. Janette smiled like the proud parent and glanced up the stairs, watching Nick walk down.

"Bon soir, Nichola.. thank you for the hospitality this day."

"And good evening to you, Janette." He walked over to the refrigerator. With a sigh, he pushed aside the labeled bottles to grab a half empty unlabeled one.

LaCroix sighed, arching an eyebrow. "Perhaps Natalie will be able to work on that diet of yours."

"Or I'll work on hers.." Nick returned with a glare.

Natalie sighed, looking between the two men. "Would you two knock it off?" She looked toward Janette. "How have you stood them for the past 800 years?"

Janette smiled, "Oh, Natalie.. you are indeed a breath of fresh air. I am looking forward to sharing eternity with you. No one I know would dare stand up to LaCroix like you.."

"Well, what's he going to do? Kill me?" she teased.

Nick turned sharply, "Nat, that is not funny"

"Oh, would you lighten up?" she implored. "It's a joke. Can't I joke with him? Or does that go against the vampire rules of conduct?"

"Nat..." Nick rolled his eyes.

"Nicholas, I am enjoying all of this.." LaCroix smiled, looking at her through steepled fingers. "And Natalie, you may joke with me to your hearts delight. In private. Remember, my dear, in public is a different matter."

Natalie walked up to him, and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "But of course, sir. I know my place."

Nick and Janette just stared incredulous at the performance unfolding before them. She was playing with fire.. and could get burned..

She turned to Nick and spoke calmly, "I need to go back over to my apartment and get ready for our interview. All I have here is too casual... give me an hour and then meet me there, OK?"

"And are you planning to make this a daily event? Or will you bring over more than just a change of clothing?" he walked over to her, gently touching her arm. "I would like you here with me.. I can think of many ways we could spend the day.." his grin spoke volumes.

"Umm. Well.. I'll pack some essentials.. how about we try this out before I give up my apartment.. OK?" She stammered and looked toward Janette. "Is this going to be OK, Janette ? I mean we never decided where I would live."

Janette laughed gently. "Of course, Natalie. I do not mind. I will not be far away if you have need of me. I will be listening, but not too intensely." She smiled conspiratorially with a quick glance at Nick. "I will not leave you, but I think Nichola can see to your needs right now.. and you will see to his?" Natalie looked away in embarrassment. "Oh, Natalie.. please, I am just teasing you because you react so well.. I've not had so much fun in years. Now, stop by the Raven before you return for the day.. I want to hear all about it.. until later?"

"Yes, Janette.. I will see you in a bit. And Nick, see you in an hour?" Natalie just looked at LaCroix and nodded as she walked to the elevator.

Walking out into the cool night air, Natalie scanned the area. Hearing no movement, nor heartbeats, she took to the air and soared, landing on the balcony of her apartment. She went inside and quickly pulled out her suitcase and a few boxes, quickly packing a few essentials and clothing for several days. She then selected an outfit for her meetings.. a conservative tan suit with coordinating scarf and jewelry. It had been nearly an hour when she realized that this was the first time since coming across that she'd been alone. She had become so accustomed to the influx of emotions and sensations that to be alone was almost disconcerting.

"Knock, knock.. hey, Nat.. almost ready?" Nick called out, breaking her reverie.

"Ah, yes, Nick.. here.. these need to go to the trunk.. that will last me a while.. then we re-evaluate.. or you help me.. OK?" She pointed to the suitcases and boxes.

"I vote for the latter option.. that is, if I have a vote.. I will help you pack anytime.. even let you redecorate the loft, if you'd like.." he glanced at her with a gentle smile and a kiss to the forehead.

"Hey.. you can do better than that.." she teased, pulling his mouth to hers and kissing deeply, their tongues meeting. He tightened his embrace around her and ran his tongue across her teeth, teasing her until her fangs dropped. "Nick... I can't control that.. stop it."

"Oh, but I didn't want you to control it.. I think you need something for extra courage.." he smiled and kissed her deeply, running his tongue across her fangs until the blood started to fill her mouth. His own fangs had dropped and he nipped at her tongue.. the mixture of blood filling both their mouths.. with ecstasy and passion.

With a moan, she broke away, "oh Nick..."

Nick just looked at her with a contented look.. "and there's more where that came from.." he leered at her "Come on Nat.. let's go." He picked up the boxes as she grabbed the suitcase and followed him to the car. They rode together to the precinct in silence.. each absorbed in their own thoughts. Pulling into the parking lot and turning off the engine he turned to her. "Um.. Nat.. I was going to do this earlier but there was too much of an audience and, well.." he stammered, reaching into his pocket for the small velvet pouch.

"Do what, Nick? You know I only bite if you beg.."

"We have to do something about that sense of humor, Nat... bad puns.." he reached for her hand gently. "I've wanted to give you this for several years, but the barriers between us were too great."

"And now..?" she prompted.

"Now, it is safe for me to express my love. And for others to know of it.." he looked intently into her eyes, taking a delicate gold ring set with rubies and a flawless diamond from the pouch, sliding it on her left hand ring finger, silently questioning.

"Oh.. my, Nick.. that is gorgeous.. and I think there is supposed to be a question with it?" he looked at her wordlessly and nodded. "Say it, Nick.. I want to hear you say it.."

"Natalie, I love you, I have loved you for a long time. I want to spend eternity with you. Will you marry me?" he asked softly, the emotion filling his voice clearly.

"Yes, I will marry you, now and for eternity.."

He smiled and squeezed her hand tightly. "This was my sister's ring.. I had it refurbished when I knew that I wanted more to our relationship.. when I thought I'd lost you after that incident with Roger Jamieson."

"Nick.. that was 5 years ago.. you've never said anything.."

"I couldn't. It would have been too dangerous for both of us. And anyway, what is 5 years when you have eternity? Come on.. let's get this over with.."

After checking in with the desk sergeant, Nick went straight to a meeting with IA. Natalie went into the interrogation room, meeting with Captain Reese and detectives from Homicide and Missing Persons who had previously worked on her case. Giving her statement took an exhausting four hours as they questioned every nuance of her story, her relationship with Nick...

"Nice ring, Natalie.." Detective Watson said. "May I see it closer?"

Natalie smiled and extended her hand. She was getting hungry, her control was being stretched to the limit.

"Hmm.. I don't remember seeing this yesterday.. Is it new? Is this an announcement?" Watson probed.


"On what?" Reese asked sharply. Natalie reached over and turned off the tape recorder. Detective Trent glared at this breech of protocol.

"Are we done yet? Have I told you enough? Is Nick cleared?" she asked impatiently.

"Yes, yes, you've given us enough for that. I'll take it to the Crown and get the charges dropped. I still have some things that we need to discuss but that can be off the record, OK?"

"Fine. And yes, we are making it official AND public. Nick and I are getting married. In fact, I am moving into his place today."

"Congratulations" Reese said, shaking her hand tightly. "Why the secrecy?" he asked, pointing to the tape recorder.

"Joe.. you've known Nick and I for some time. You've known, or at least suspected that our relationship was more than we've said publicly." She said slowly, as Reese nodded to her statements. "The fact that we chose to pick now to announce our intentions should have no bearing on the case, but I was not going to allow the Crown to throw out my testimony as a 'conflict of interest' or say that I was coerced. Trust me, no one forces me into a decision like this." Her eyes glittered and the pangs of hunger were getting stronger. The heartbeats in the room were becoming harder to ignore. <Control Natalie.. keep yourself together.. this is not the time nor the place.. I will be there.. meet me..> Natalie could feel Janette's urgent thoughts. She sighed and looked at Reese. "Joe, I really need a break.."

"Sure, go ahead.. be back in fifteen.. Don't leave the precinct. Watson go with her." He nodded to Detective Watson and the two women stood up.

Natalie could feel Janette's vibrations becoming stronger as she opened the door to the ladies room. Watson moved to follow her, but Natalie stopped her, focusing on her heartbeat, locking on her mind. "You don't need to come in here."

"I don't need to.." Watson echoed, her voice mechanical, hollow.

"No.. you will guard the door and wait for me.. I am not going anywhere."

"Not going..." Natalie walked into the door, clicked the lock and breathed heavily, opening her eyes to a golden haze. She walked to the window and pushed up the sash.

Janette stepped in, handing her a bottle silently, watching Natalie swiftly drink it down. "Oh, cherie, you cut it close this time.. too close.. are you going to be all right doing this?" she sighed, handing Natalie a second bottle. "I think we need to get you a flask.. did you not feed well? You must be prepared.."

"Yes, I fed.. from this and from Nick.." she replied, pausing to wipe her mouth.

"Did Nick also feed from you?" she asked sternly, looking directly in Natalie's eyes.

"Umm. Yes. Does that make a difference?"

"Oh, my dear... that isn't feeding.. that is sex!" she giggled. At Natalie's sharp look she sighed and continued. "A quickie, yes.. but it will not hold off the urges.. as you found out today.." she nodded at the bottle which Natalie was finishing. "In truth, it will make the urges harder to ignore. I shall have to speak with Nicholas... you two are acting like adolescents in heat.. please, a little moderation. I think he is over-compensating for years of celibacy. Drink up.." she said handing her a third bottle.

"How did you know I was hungry?"

"We are bonded, Natalie. We are bonded. Now, go back and finish whatever it is that you are doing. I will see you later." Taking the empty bottles, she slipped out the window. Natalie closed it, checked herself for bloodstains and unlocked the door. Detective Watson still stood there, looking slightly dazed.

"Come on." She nodded and went back to the room, noticing quickly that Nick was now in the detectives bullpen, at his desk. Entering the interrogation room, she saw that they had been joined by Natalie's supervisor, and several members of the Coroner's staff. The tape recorder was gone and the table had been pushed to the side of the room.

"Dr. Coburn?"

"Dr. Lambert.." he had a mock stern expression. "who ever heard of leaving a typed resignation.. signed illegibly. You actually thought I would believe it?"

"Well.." she looked at him sheepishly. "I was an emotional wreck. I would have needed an LOA anyway. Doing Lara's suicide pushed me to the edge.. doing Tracy was more than I could even consider. It would have pushed me over permanently.."

"Natalie.. we would not have asked you to do that.. or even have allowed it. You were too close. I was not happy that you went ahead with the Haynes post mortem. You know of our policy regarding family and friends.. you should have let someone else do it.. You did not have to quit over this.. In fact we all doubted the authenticity of the letter. As far as our office is concerned, you have been on a medical LOA. We want you back, Natalie.."

Natalie looked at him and gazed at the smiling faces of her assistants, the junior night coroner, senior day coroner who all looked at her, expectantly. "We'll figure out a way to get you on days if that would make a difference.."

Natalie tried not to look horrified. "No.. I'll only come back if I am straight nights.. only nights." She knew that the allergy excuse would not work for her.. so a different approach was needed.

"Are you sure.. ? Not that I'm not thrilled to have you back on nights.." he asked hesitantly.

"Yes.. Nick and I are getting married and I want to stay on the same shift." She smiled shyly looking at her assistants." The unspoken joy was visible in Grace's face.. and Natalie knew that she would be busy just talking the next shift she worked.

"OK, Natalie.. you got it.. and you've saved the city trying to find a new night coroner.. can you start tomorrow?"

"OK.. we're agreed.. I start back to work tomorrow. I'll need a new beeper." She looked sheepishly at him. "I thought I maybe I left it in the morgue with my resignation.. anyway I have no idea where it is.."

"No problem.. It'll be on your desk.. and Natalie.. no more disappearing acts, please.." Reese nodded and followed him out, leaving Natalie alone with her two assistants.

"Well. I guess it is just us ladies again.." Natalie said, almost shyly, to her assistants. Her assistants had been her lifeline for so long- she could not simply disappear from them. She was a little concerned how she would handle being back in the morgue. Hiding her change would be most difficult at work... and the autopsies would be only one struggle... between the chocolate and the coffee. She began to wonder if blood mixed with coffee...

"Not to worry, Natalie.. I've refreshed the chocolate stash and the vanilla hazelnut coffee." Grace smiles. "And we have a LOT of catching up ..." she gave Natalie a hug and together they walked out into the squad room.. and gave Nick a wave mouthing 'its about time, detective.. about time..'

Natalie walked up to Nick and gave him a quick hug, immediately drawing interested stares. "So.. Nick.. did YOU say anything.. about us?"

"Umm, no." he grinned drawing her closer into his embrace. "you know I am not good at talking publicly about my private life." he murmured

"Knight! What's going on in here? Do I see one of my detectives HUGGING a coroner?" Reese's voice boomed over the assembled group, smiling at the two of them, in each others arms. "Do either of you have anything to say? Like an announcement?"

Nick turned slightly, arm around Natalie's waist, looking at her intently. At her silent nod, he cleared his throat and looked up at the faces of his friends, his coworkers. "Well, yes.. Natalie and I are going to get married."

A chorus of cheers, and comments of 'its about time' went around the room. Rhythmic clapping began and swelled with the chant of 'kiss.. kiss.. kiss.. kiss..' until Nick grabbed her and pulled her tightly against him and bent his head to meet her lips. The tentative, polite, public kiss flamed quickly into passion as she eagerly opened her mouth to the touch of his tongue. He carefully avoided her teeth as he explored her moist cavity and allowed her to caress his teeth with her tongue. Sliding one hand into her hair to hold her tightly, his other slid lower, to the small of her back, reciprocating the circling movement of her hands upon his back.

"Ahem.. do we need some ice water.. or should we sell tickets?" Reese laughed, slapping Nick on the back as they broke apart reluctantly.

"Just giving the people what they want, Captain.." Nick said with a laugh, lightly caressing Natalie's shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah.. well, here.. you left something in my office." he tossed Nick a small black leather case. Nick caught it and opened it to find his badge. "You've been reinstated. Come into my office and sign out your gun and phone.. and then you and Dr. Lambert can go out and enjoy the rest of the evening.. in private."

CHAPTER 13 (adult)

The reverberating beat of the music could be heard across the street as Nick parked in front of the Raven. This was Natalie's first visit to the Toronto gathering place of the vampire community since coming across. She was a little nervous but Nick's comforting arm.. and her experience in the Quebec club, gave her a little confidence.

Nick nodded at the bouncer and guided Natalie to the bar. It was as if nothing had changed from Nick's first visit here, seven years previous. Janette stood regally at the end of the bar.. elegant in a black velvet sheath, her dark hair curled and framing her face. Sensing their approach, she signaled the bartender for two beverages. She embraced Nick and smiled at Natalie, searching her face. "Feeling OK now, my dear?"

"Something I should know about?" Nick asked concerned.. looking between Natalie and Janette. He could sense that a non-verbal exchange was occurring but did not know about what. "Natalie? Janette?"

Natalie sighed. <he will be relentless> she thought and spoke quietly, her voice pitched for him alone. "The interview got a little rough. I got hungry." At that comment, Nick looked at her sharply.. frowning.. "Oh, relax.. would you? I took a break. Janette brought me a snack. I'm fine."

"I don't know, Nat.. that is not good news. Especially when you are coming back to work.. you may not be able to take a break at a bloody crime scene."

"Nichola.. you must also control YOUR appetites." Janette chided him. "You are not helping Natalie's control.. she told me about the exchange in her apartment.. and in the parking lot.. really. You are acting like an adolescent in heat."

"OK.. OK.. I admit it.." he smiled at Natalie. "I guess we have been overcompensating from the years of abstinence."

"Yes, but Nicholas.. you are the elder one.. supposedly with more control.." Janette scolded.

"Janette. Face it. He's a man. He is no different from mortal men. I learned and I will remember. He may not .. but I did. And I WILL keep a flask with me." Natalie interjected, eyes twinkling at Janette.

"So.. Janette.. like what LaCroix did to your club?" Nick teased.. wanting desperately to change the subject.

"Oh. No. It is tacky. Lacking class. There is much to be done here. I put in a call to Alma. I need her talents." Janette was back to her old self.. queen of the night.. reigning over the Raven.

"What does LaCroix think of that? I thought you'd signed the club over to him?" Natalie asked.

"Indeed." LaCroix walked up and gave Natalie a quick kiss on the forehead. "At least someone in the family is considering that I might have an opinion in this matter." LaCroix sat down next to them and sipped his beverage. "And how was this evening, mes infantes? Was the performance a winner? Ready to return to your dreary mortal jobs?"

"Yes, LaCroix. WE are.." Natalie replied, ignoring Nick's nonverbal nudging to the contrary. "And while this HAS been enjoyable.. I think we need to head home.. Don't you, Nick?" she gave Nick a penetrating glance, sliding her tongue across her lips suggestively.

Nick grinned and took her hand. Looking back at LaCroix and Janette he quickly replied. "Yeah.. long night already.. need some rest, I think. We'll stop in after our shift tomorrow."

They rode back to the loft in silence. Nick piled the boxes onto the lift and then inside the door as Natalie clicked the remote at the shutters and then grabbed Nick by the lapel and pulled him close.

"I believe this is where we left off... only now there is no audience." She murmured, kissing him fiercely.. forcing his mouth open with her tongue thrusting. At first shocked by Natalie's aggressiveness, Nick caught on quickly, shrugging off his jacket... letting it fall to the floor and holding her tightly. This time he skillfully teased her teeth until she released the vampire with a squeal of delight. Trailing kisses down her neck, her throat and then down her front as he unbuttoned her blouse, pushed it off and ripped apart the lace bra so that her firm breasts were bared to his caress and kisses.

She felt herself melting into his embrace, his hands making her skin tingle as he cupped her breast, licking the other, nipping at it, suckling until the nipple was firm and Natalie was gasping for air. She hardly noticed that he had removed his own shirt and was pushing her skirt off.

Lifting her gently, he sat her on the dining room table, sliding off her silk panties and hose at the same time. Their eyes, both golden with desire met as he stood between her parted thighs and slid off his trousers.

Their mouths met, hungrily, passionately, as Nick slid his finger inside her, separating her folds, massaging her clit. She gasped, her breathing quickening as Nick replaced his finger with his cool, firm shaft, filling her completely. Moving together, she met his thrusts and pulled him closer, kissing his chest.. his mouth, his neck.. the desire was overwhelming.

"Yes, Nat.. now.." he screamed, driving his fangs into her soft creamy white throat while she took him as well. Shuddering her own climax, she could feel the cool, jetting spurts of fluid as Nick found his own release.

Neither moved for a moment and then Natalie looked up, around the room. "I guess we were in a hurry." She gestured to the clothing scattered all over the floor.

"Well, this WAS the first time we have not had an audience." Nick smiled.

"Oh, Nick.. be serious. You know how strong my bond is.. Janette felt everything. And she is telling LaCroix right now. And making some comment about adolescence."

"Yes.. but they aren't here.. they don't know WHERE we did it.. and I can think of few more places that need to be explored.." he smiled wickedly. <eternity with Natalie could be a lot more fun than I'd imagined.>


The shrill sound of a beeper woke Nick first. He nudged Natalie awake with a mumbled "Nat.. welcome back to the real world.." rolling over he handed her the pager.

"What time is it?" she squinted at the clock.. they had dedicated every room of the loft with amorous activities and had finally drifted off to sleep about noon.

"5. Sun will be down at 5:18." He answered, not opening his eyes.

"How do you know that?"

"You learn.. survival skill." He replied flatly.

She looked at the pager and put out her hand. "Phone please." With a sigh, she dialed the number. "Umm, Dr. Lambert answering a page." She just looked at Nick. "Stop giggling Nick." And then into the phone, "uh huh.. OK.... Where?... OK, got it... who's case?... oh, really? Does he know that?" she nodded and pointed at Nick. "OK, Grace. Give me a half hour. I need to shower and dress... OK, Grace, I'll tell him. Bye.."

"Tell him what?" Nick smiled handing her a mug from the night stand..

"To stop keeping me awake all day." She grinned at him, taking a sip. "Nick, this is yours." she handed him the mug as he just looked at her innocently.

"Oops. Sorry. I forgot. It would be a lot easier if we both ate the same thing." He said, mock apology.. handing her the other mug. "Was that a case?"

"Fine.. you can drink human anytime but I am not going to do bovine unless it is a juicy burger with all the trimmings.. and you know THAT is not going to happen. And yes, it was a case.. yours." he looked at her as the phone rang. "there you go.." she smiled, walking into the bathroom.

"Yeah, Knight here... oh, hi Captain... yes, Nat just got paged.. we'll be rolling soon. I know.. I'm solo."

Natalie came out, toweling off her hair and pulling a suit out of the closet. Her dry cleaning bill was getting out of hand.. two days and two suits with weird stains.. no wonder Janette wore so much black. Finishing her makeup quickly she pulled her wet hair up in a clip 'Oh well, no time to be fancy' she mused.

"Ready, Nat?" Nick called out. He handed her a briefcase, which felt heavier than usual. She peeked in and saw two plastic sports bottles. "your stash.. and here's one for the road... gun shot wounds can be rough.. especially fresh ones.' He looked at her seriously. "This is your first time in public with fresh blood. If you feel at all queasy or change at all, let me know... we've shared blood enough that you can communicate through our link."

"Like I do with Janette?" she asked, taking a deep swallow.

"Yep.." he took her hand and helped her into the car..

Flashing lights and crime scene tape marked the area. Nick walked up to Captain Reese and called out "Hey, what's up?"

"Sorry to call you in early, but you've got the lightest case load.." he pointed to the tarped body.. blood oozed out the edges of the plastic, over the concrete of the playground. "Turf war.. drugs.. I don't know.. lot of bullet casings but only one body.."

Natalie meanwhile, had walked over to the ME van, and up to the attendants who handed her a clipboard and a medical bag. "Welcome back, Doc.."

"Thanks Eddie... OK let's get to it.." she smiled grimly and slid exam gloves on. Taking a deep breath, she pulled back the tarp and mumbled, "let's see what we got here.." Staring at the blood pooled on the shirt dripping on the concrete surface.. it called to her.. the smell brought sensations of the heart beats surrounding her.. she could smell the blood of the other officers.. Shaking herself, she focused on distant conversations.. traffic noise.. anything but the blood. Mechanically she noted her observations of the scene, her usual methodical examination of the body. With a steady hand she located the entrance and exit points of the bullets, marks on the arms.. on the neck.. and suddenly felt weak.

Standing stiffly and moving away from the body, she felt lightheaded and called silently to Nick. Before anyone else had even noticed, he was at her side, supporting her arms and helping her sit down on the curb. "OK, Nat.. doing great. Deep breath.. fine.. look at me.." meeting her eyes, he was relieved to see them still blue. "Need a drink?" he whispered.

"No.." she said quietly and motioned to her attendants to begin loading the body for transport.

"Doctor? You OK? You look pale.. hmmm.. any other announcements, Knight?" Captain Reese had walked up to them and noticed her behavior. "You usually aren't bothered by crime scenes.. and I've seen you at much worse.."

"I'm not pregnant." She said flatly, knowing exactly what he was hinting at. "I just didn't get much sleep today." At Reese's broad smile, she continued. "Have to get used to nights again.. and nerves.. you know.. I was a little nervous about coming back to work."

"Sure, Natalie. Whatever you say." he responded, clearing drawing his own conclusions. "Nick, please see to it that our ME gets a little more SLEEP." he said in a mock stern voice.

"Uh, sure, Captain." Nick replied, knowing that he was correct in his assumptions.

"Captain, would you like my preliminary?" Natalie asked patiently, trying very hard to get everyone's mind off her sex life. One would think they had never had two city employees marry.


A few days.. and nights.. passed uneventfully. Natalie was in a rhythm, was learning to carry a black travel coffee mug.. with the lid of course around the office.. her addiction to caffeine was well known and no one questioned it. She still loved the smell of coffee and had even tried it ~ once. With disastrous results..

Early mornings, between their shift and the dawn they would go to the Raven.. Janette expected her daily visit to check on Natalie. They were all very proud how she had handled that first crime scene and autopsy and adjusted to being around mortals for long time periods.

Nick was more talkative than usual on their way in.. clues on the gun shot victim were pointing toward a drug deal gone bad.. speculation that he would have a new partner by the end of the month.. and a squawk on the radio broke the conversation..

"81-Kilo.. please respond.. 81-Kilo.." Nick picked up the handset and acknowledged, looking quietly at Natalie who had pulled the lights out from under the seat. "Possible homicide, Lake Shore near Parkside."

"81-Kilo responding.. I have Lambert in the car. This her case?"

"That's affirmative.."

"OK, I'll bring her... 81-Kilo roger and out." He clicked on the lights and turned the car in the opposite direction.

Natalie was quiet as the pulled up. The area was familiar. Very familiar. Nick was used to her unease at crime scenes and said nothing as she took a deep swallow from her purple sports bottle before getting out of the car, grabbing her bag.

Together, they walked up to the gathering crowd and pushed their way through, crawled under the yellow tape and up to the uniformed officer who stood next to the covered body.

"Steve.. what do we have?" Nick asked.

"Found by a jogger. Washed ashore.. looks like he's been in the water for a while."

"Drowning?" he questioned, as Natalie crouched down and pull back the tarp.

"I don't think so.." he said, and pointed to the slashed throat.

"Who found him?" Nick asked, trying to ignore the strong emotions coming from Natalie. Those cuts looked suspicious to him and to Natalie as well, he suspected, but he sensed something more powerful.. regret..

"Over there." he pointed to a scruffy looking man talking to a detective from the 18th.

"OK.. thanks, Steve." He nodded in dismissal and knelt next to Natalie, forcing her to meet his eyes. "is this a..?" the question hung in the air.

"Yes.. don't worry. I can deal with it." she responded quickly.

"Can you? Really? And who will notify LaCroix? You?" his voice had become very soft, almost inaudible. She looked at him, confused. "That is what we do when we find one in the open.. notify the community elder. He determines when the enforcers must be called." He looked at her more closely. "Although.. this one is very neat.. very experienced... an accident that it was found.. hmmm.. but we still must tell him."

Natalie had recognized the body immediately, but said nothing. Nick would figure it out soon enough. She merely kept jotting down her observations.. keeping it professional.. she had to.. this was just another of his tests.. another part of her initiation...

"Knight!!" Reese called out. "Fill me in.." Nick turned to Natalie with a pleading look.

Helping her to stand, she looked at her clipboard. "Male, mid 30s. In the water about a week. Already dead when he was dumped. Throat slashed."

"Suicide?" he asked, a hopeful tone in his voice. While no one wished for suicide, it was a lot less paperwork than a homicide.

She shook her head. "No.. doubt it. Wounds are not consistent with self inflicted. I'd say he was dumped. I'll call it homicide and get a preliminary to you by the end of the shift."

Nick walked into the lab two hours later. Natalie was studying specimens under a microscope and did not look up. "Hi" was all she said.

"OK.. call it.." he said quietly, walking over to the steel table and pulling back the sheet, studying the body carefully.

"What? Call what?" she said looking up from her work and watching him intently.

"Cause?" he met her eyes, keeping the table between them.

"Officially.. read my report." She waved at a file sitting on top of her desk.

"Unofficially.. truthfully." He probed.

"It is what you think it is.." she confirmed his thought, yet not saying it.. she could not say it yet in this room.. she still feared her co-workers seeing anything strange in her behaviors.

"Did you make the call?" he said with his most authoritative tone.

"No.. I will." He nodded at her and pointed to the phone.. she was the fledgling.. she had to learn responsibility. She dialed quickly and waited until a voice answered loudly over the din of the club. "LaCroix, please.. tell him it is Natalie.. thank you.." she waited, tapping her teeth with a pen. "No, this is business.... we found one.... well, I could tell... I know, I am a professional... Nick said you should know... I'll tell him... I'll modem you the preliminary report....OK?"

Nick just watched her as she hung up the phone "So??"

"He says thank you.. he is surprised you remembered.. you usually don't."

"Well. Before, I did not want him to know when you were covering.. he would have been suspicious."

"And yet, it kept me somewhat safe from the enforcers.. oh, what a tangled web we weave.." she sighed tapping keys on her computer. She was fairly sure that LaCroix knew she'd been covering for the community for years, but if Nick wanted to delude himself into thinking he'd hidden their relationship... well, she would let him.

"But .. this is very neat, precise. No marks.. very experienced. Why someone this experienced would not clean up better.." he paused and looked at her, eyes darkening.. "Or someone very professional."

Natalie met his gaze squarely.. eyes clear, mind open <let him probe me> and answered his challenge. "what do you want me to say, Nick? Yes.. okay.. does that say enough? You knew what LaCroix would expect of me.. what we did during that test.. I told you about it.. I said I would take care of this. I will. Read my report."

"And we will talk later." He said, taking the report and walking out.

LaCroix had been in the office for several hours.. ever since that phone call from Natalie.. Janette began to worry.. why would her fledgling be calling him.. and why was her mood so dark.. what had Nicholas said to her now??

"Mon pere.. why the solitude?" she said, walking into the office. He looked up from the desk, and handed her a stack of papers.

"And what is this?" she paused and began to skim it. "Why do you have a coroner's report?" reading further her eyes glinted mischievously "Oh, are we playing games?"

"Not a game. This is a test of their resolve. I moved the body that Natalie hid so well and it was found." he smiled coldly. "and of course, it is both of their cases."

"So that is why she called you."

"Yes.. to 'inform' me of the discovery and send me the report she will submit. She writes very well. Oh, I know that she has been doing this for some time.. protecting the community and Nicholas and although Nicholas denied their love, I knew of it." he said with a satisfied smile.

"Then why do this? She is one of us.." Janette asked. She was not happy that LaCroix was playing games with Natalie already, but knew that there was nothing that she could do about it.

"He must accept that.. and what better than to find the evidence of her kill.. and then have to cover it up. Either this will bring them both back into the community together.. or we will take her away from him and leave. He cannot betray her.. or the community.. but can he live with her, knowing that she has killed?"

"But he already knew it.. I told him.."

"Being TOLD is one thing.. but seeing it.. ah, that is another.." his voice practically glinted with evil.. and pleasure. This was vintage LaCroix.. playing mind games..


Natalie could sense his mood immediately when she got into the car.. anger... regret... his eyes spoke of the darkness of his thoughts and she said nothing. It would do no good.

Throwing his jacket on the couch he sat at the dining room table and motioned for her to join him.

"So we're doing this interrogation-style. Fine. I've never been on this side of the detective.." she said with annoyance, sitting on the opposite side of the table.

"If that's what you want to call it. OK. At least your report was partially correct. Omitted a few key facts, though." He said firmly, a hint of anger showing in his deep voice.

"Facts that cannot see the light of day. You know that." She sniffed, avoiding his penetrating stare.

"Natalie. Be honest." He pleaded. He knew the answer but he still needed to ask. "Was that really your work? Your KILL?"

"Yes." She met his eyes directly, spoke firmly. "I DID pass LaCroix's initiation test. I know he is too strong for me to fight directly. He told me to 'procure dinner'. I did."

"And that's it?" he prompted. He wanted, no needed, to hear her express her feelings about taking a life. How could he be wrong about her? Had the vampire changed her that much?

"Did you run the dental records?" she asked quietly.

"Yes.. positive ID. You were right. He has a record. A long record. But, Natalie.. that does not justify.."

"Oh don't be such a hypocrite, Nick." she exclaimed. "So my soul is stained. So's yours. It's not like I do this daily. Or even want to do it again. It gave me the creeps. I'm happy to live on donated.. At least that is voluntary. Even your bovine is not truly voluntary.."

"What do you want me to do?" Nick responded angrily. "I can't very well say how he died.. or look for his killer.. when I live with her.."

"Nick.. this is NOT the first time we have covered for the community." She countered. "Why is it so different?"

"Because it is YOU." his voice cracked and she could see the turmoil.

"It is also a test. Of both of us.." Natalie responded simply, matter-of-fact. She refused to bring the emotion into the entire event. She could see LaCroix's precise, calculated touch to this situation.

"What do you mean?" he asked quickly.

"Only LaCroix knew where that body was hidden.." she replied, leaning back in her chair. "This is way too soon for it to just naturally wash ashore. It was planted. He wants to see your reaction." She smiled, seeing his expression soften. The anger had dissipated, and was replaced by the Nick she knew and loved. "Whether you will reject me. So he can take me and leave."

"How do you know?" he leaned forward, studying her expression. It was something he'd known would be an issue eventually, but had not thought would come so soon. He knew that LaCroix had not yet reconciled their old agreement. And he was not sure that the fact that Natalie was now a vampire would make her any less vulnerable to his advances.

"I've seen how he looks at me. I know that vampires have a different concept of monogamy. While he really wants you to fully embrace the vampire again, he would take great delight in also taking me away from you. Wouldn't that fulfill that bargain you made with him?"

He looked at her, realizing that she was right. "Yeah.. this does have his indelicate touch."

"Nick, do NOT go to him.. don't give him the satisfaction of reacting. That's what he wants.. You to battle with him.. over me." she pleaded.

"So what do you suggest?"

"We cover this.. as we have before.. we tell him it is done. No emotion.. no regret.. If you want to tell him that it was my kill, go ahead. Tell him you won't permit me to hunt again..."

"Nat.. how can you not regret? I felt it.. you are not being honest with me.. but what is worse.. you are not being honest with yourself.. that will haunt you."

"I can bury it deep.. not show it or reveal it. I may give him the picture of total submission, but it is an act. I know who not to anger."

"He thinks you are the dutiful granddaughter.. So you're faking?"

"To him, yes, at times.... with you, no. I love you Nick. But for this to work.. for us to have a real relationship, you must accept what I am. What you are. What's done is done. And there's no going back."

"You were making progress toward a cure." The disappointment was clearly present in his voice. That she would not want to continue the search was something that he'd not anticipated.

"Nick, it was dangerous before.. and is no more safe now." she looked at him incredulous. "Do you honestly think I could just pick it up right away?"

"Why not..? The enforcers won't bother you.."

"But LaCroix would.. and he can sense me clearly now.. as can Janette.. she would not permit it.. and she will be watching me for at least a century." She sighed heavily and met his eyes. "They both made me promise to stop my research. I cannot do it. Not now. Maybe never. No Nick.. let us be together, and happy... if we want children, we can adopt.. but I don't want to go back.."

"Has he pressured you into this change in attitude? Has she?"

"A little, maybe.. but Nick, just give me time.. I am still getting used to this life.. I don't want them to take me away.. and they will.."

"Has he touched your mind?" he asked, fearful that LaCroix would truly know her intents.

"No.. but she has.. frequently." He nodded, LaCroix's teachings were being followed closely it seemed. "I did open myself to him once."

"You didn't?!?" he exclaimed.

"Yes, I did. Janette told me about his probes. Warned me actually. I though if I was open, there would be no challenge. You see Nick, he wants a fight.. a battle. When I simply submit, it isn't fun..."

He laughed suddenly, eyes gleaming, "oh, Natalie.. you are too much.. playing games with a 2000 year old Roman General.. I hope you are having fun.. and it doesn't backfire on you.."

"Nick, he is more human than he thinks.. and I have spent my short mortal life fighting my way into a man's world. I am having fun with this.. if he wants some mind games.. I can play with the best of them.. and as long as it is a game and I show ultimate respect and submission in public, he will let me play in private. Face it, I bet he is enjoying this.. I mean, who ever heard of a fledgling not afraid of the great LaCroix?"

"You're right there." Nick looked at her intensely. "Most of the community is terrified of him. And you're not afraid?"

"I didn't say that exactly. I know my limits... where I can push him, and where I cannot. Oh, I am sure he is having as much fun with this as I am. I won't push him in front of anyone but you or Janette... half the fun is just figuring out what the game is. And yes, I will let him probe my mind. I am not strong enough to fight it... and I know eventually, he will probably want sex..." she took Nick's hands and held them tightly. "Nick, you have my heart and my love... but I cannot promise that I would refuse him my body."

"Or your blood?" Nick asked. "He is more likely to want to taste your blood.. than to make love to you."

"I won't refuse... I would hope that he would share, but I won't push. I know what he will read from my blood, so it doesn't frighten me. Will you be angry?"

"Natalie.. don't worry. All I ask is that you tell me. I don't want to find it in your memories when we make love...." He bent over and kissed her gently. "Can we go to bed now?" he took her hand and led her upstairs.

"I should really check in with Janette first.." she said hesitantly. This was the first morning that she had not been to the Raven for a pre-dawn meeting with her sire... Nick nodded and went to the bathroom as she dialed . "Yes, Janette... well, Nick and I needed to talk.... We'll be over tonight..."

The sun had barely set when Janette appeared in the lift. Natalie was still in her nightclothes, sitting at the kitchen table sipping breakfast. She sensed the approach of her master and was waiting at the door.

"Janette.." she looked at her curiously, giving her a brief embrace. "What brings you over?"

"Are you being sloppy, my dear?" she asked sternly.

"What do you mean?" Natalie responded, walking over to the kitchen.

"I saw the file you sent to LaCroix. Was that really your kill?"

"Yes and I know he moved the body. I hid it better than that." Natalie replied, eyes glittering. "He wants me to react. Well, I won't. I will forever be his dutiful granddaughter." The sarcastic tone of her voice was hard to mistake.

"In public." Nick said wryly, watching the exchange.

"Natalie, my dear, are you playing games?" Janette asked, almost in awe of what was unfolding before her eyes. A fledgling... *her* fledgling standing up to an ancient.

"Well, yes." Natalie admitted. "Look, I know he can make my life miserable. So I won't fight him. At least not when anyone besides family is present."

"And you know that this was Natalie's kill?" Janette turned to Nick.

"Yes. She told me. I'm not thrilled... but she is right. He wants a reaction. And I won't give him the satisfaction. I will cover it up.... give me a week and it will go into the unsolved."

"And what brought this revelation? He is sure that you would not be able to tolerate your mortal love as a killer." Janette looked at him, surprise evident. This was not at all what either of them had expected. Indeed, she was expected to be packing Natalie to go back to Quebec.

"Because she pointed out the utter hypocrisy of my attitude... how can I condemn her for a single kill, when I have killed thousands?"

"A very logical approach. I am impressed." Janette looked between the couple. Natalie was truly a breath of fresh air and was becoming a valuable member of the family. She was truly a peacemaker between LaCroix and Nick.

"So he showed you the report?" Natalie asked, handing Janette a full mug.

"Yes.. he thought he was going to drive a wedge between the two of you.." she sighed. "And I cringe at the battles he fought with Nick."

"Janette, I told you. I am not going to fight him. If he asks me for something... I will comply." Natalie responded, taking Janette's hand in hers. "As long as he leaves Nick and I alone."

"Natalie, my child, he won't . He wants you." their eyes met in a moment of understanding... their minds meeting.

"I know." Natalie said softly. "And Nick and I have already talked about this.... I will someday share myself with him but not yet. I have just gotten used to the infusion of Nick's thoughts and memories. I am not ready to add his." she looked up at her master. "Surely you can understand that.."

"In a way, I do but remember that I am older than Nicholas... but yes, over the years, I have been with both LaCroix and Nicholas." Janette answered. "And you are okay with this?" she turned to Nick.

"I'm not thrilled, but yes, I am okay. We are family... as long as we can be honest... I just don't want to find something like that in Natalie's memories" he approached slowly, wrapping his arm around Natalie's shoulders.

"He is expecting you both at the club before your shifts." She shrugged.

Natalie nodded, looking at Nick. "Yes, I know. And I am ready. I can be very contrite... really." The elder vampires both sighed. She was really too much...

Natalie barely noticed the loud music as she and Nick strode purposefully through the club toward the back office. Nick nodded, sensing his master within as Natalie knocked.

"Entrez.." LaCroix's voice was heard inside and Nick pushed the heavy door open. "Ah... my children... you have news for me?"

"Yes.. the report I sent. It has been taken care of." Natalie said firmly.

"Oh?" he questioned, eyes narrowed. "And do we know who was so careless? Or do I need to search?"

"As you know very well, LaCroix... it was my kill. You were with me, remember?" She answered, meeting his stare directly, opening her mind. This time, she did feel the fierceness of his probe. She stood silently, not resisting... and Janette was right... he was not nearly as gentle.

"So it is.." he said at last, releasing the hold on her mind. "I am pleased that you chose not to resist me... or fill me with falsehoods." He looked between the couple, noting Nick's silence. "You are being very quiet, Nicholas. Did she not tell you?"

"She told me. And she has promised to be more cautious in the future." Nick said firmly. He knew better than to say that he was going to 'forbid' her hunting... that would just make LaCroix angry.

"And you can live with your fiancee being a killer?" LaCroix smiled sarcastically.

"When I have killed thousands, who am I to criticize her for a single kill?" Nick responded, matter-of-fact.

"Well." he looked at Nick with a raised eyebrow. "That is indeed a change. Are you feeling all right, my son?"

"LaCroix... I am not going to play this game. I intend to stay with Natalie for a very long time... if she insists, I will consume the same food as she... but I will not kill. But I am also not going to make her life more difficult. I realize my control is much greater than hers."

"So, if she kills again, you will cover it up?"

"Look, she has been covering up for the community ever since we met. The least that I can do is to help her now that she has crossed over."

"Big words from someone who did not want to condemn her to the darkness." he sniffed.

"Well, a lot has happened in the past month. Perhaps Janette had more common sense than I.."

"Are you going to tell HER that?" Natalie broke in. "She is convinced that you are angry at her for bringing me over..."

"Yes. I will tell her." he mumbled. "So, is the interview over, LaCroix? I promise that the case will go into the unsolved files within the week."

"Yes, that would be satisfactory." He rose and moved closer to the couple. "I do not believe I have said this in our previous meetings." Taking Natalie's hand loosely he raised it to his mouth and kissed it, "welcome to the family, Natalie. I look forward to eternity with you." He turned and walked away as Nick opened the door and led her out into the hall.

"I was right." Nick mumbled, taking Natalie's arm and guiding her outside into the moonlight.

"Right about what?" she asked as soon as they were alone in the alley.

"He wants you."

"And?" she prompted. "You don't think he will share?"

"Oh, I don't know... just forget it." he said quickly, opening the car door.

"No, no. Explain yourself." She insisted. "We already discussed it. I thought you were okay with it."

He sighed and took her hand, pulling her into the middle seat. "I know we did. And I am trying to be rational, but yes, I am possessive of my love. I don't want to share you... but I know I must. You know enough now about our world... our rules."

"Nick... remember, you have my heart and my love. If he makes a move, I will share myself physically... but not spiritually." She said soft, sultry, running her hands along his denim clad thighs. "I won't make the first move."

"Except with me." he said with a low growl. Turning to her with glowing amber eyes, he smiled, revealing a hint of fangs. "I do hope you are not planning to be on time to work."

"Actually, I was thinking of a few locations that we have not tried yet." She whispered, pulling him tighter against her.

"As in?" he grinned, sliding his arm around her waist and feathering kisses down her face.

"The cold room perhaps?" her eyes glinted mischievously as he inserted the key into the ignition.


The rush of cold air told her of his arrival almost as quickly as the vibrations. Natalie looked up from her desk to see LaCroix standing before her. His arrival had been silent, and he just watched her work until she set down her pen and leaned back in the chair. Obviously he wanted something. "Yes?" she prompted. "What can I do for you?"

"I merely wished to complement you upon the exercise in creative fiction that you shared with me." he began, moving closer to her.

"Creative fiction?" she said with annoyance. "That was an official government report. It was not fiction"

"It was fiction." He said low, leaning over to speak in her ear. "And I know that it is not the first time that you have done so."

"All right. Perhaps it was somewhat incomplete." She replied, turning to face him. "But what do you want me to do? Put 'breakfast' as the cause of death?"

"And you have been doing this for years." It was a statement, not a question, his voice low, resonant. She shivered, feeling the beginnings of arousal. He could seduce with a simple sentence.

"Yes, I have." She admitted. "You knew that. You knew of my knowledge. Why is it an issue now?"

"And you remember our dinner at Azure?" he asked smoothly, sitting in the chair next to her desk, leaning over to meet her gaze.

She looked down at her papers and took a deep breath before replying. "Yes."

"I knew that you would." He took her hand and held it lightly. "Nicholas deluded himself into thinking he'd taken those memories, but I knew better. You are stronger than he realizes."

Leaning back in her chair, she pulled her hand away. "What do you want?" she repeated

"Merely to reprise our evening together." he leaned forward, following her movements.

"I don't think so, LaCroix." She shook her head. "Haven't you forgotten something?"

"Oh yes." he shrugged impatiently. "Your relationship with Nicholas. How tiresome."

"No." she smiled slowly. "Dinner no longer has the same appeal."

His eyes glowed slightly as he stood and ran his hands along her shoulders. "Dancing, then?"

She nodded, looking up at him, "but I will tell Nick first."

"Won't he be terribly upset?"

"He'd be more upset to find it in my memories later." She stood and faced him directly. "Look, I know that you have both been with Janette. That eternity makes relationships a little different."

"To a degree." He agreed. "But family is eternal. Remember that" He kissed her hand gently. "I will be in touch, my dear."

Shivering more from pleasure than from cold, Natalie stared at the empty room. He had departed as quickly as he'd arrived. And now that he was gone, she began to shake. <what have I done?>

Finding it impossible to concentrate, Natalie signed out early. Her caseload was still fairly light since her sabbatical, especially since she had made it clear that she was no longer available anytime of the day. After leaving a message for Nick, she drove over to the Raven.

Pushing her way through the crowd, she went up to the bar for a drink and then scanned the crowd for Janette. As usual, she was in the corner booth.. toying with a young man. Hanging back for a moment, Natalie hung back watching. Making brief eye contact, Janette acknowledged her presence. Moments later, she glided over and took Natalie's arm, guiding her over to her booth.

"You have concerns, my child?" she asked softly. She had sensed Natalie's confusion.

"Yes." she admitted. "LaCroix wants to take me dancing."

"And?" she prompted.

"And I agreed." She admitted. "Oh, Janette, what have I done?"

"So far, nothing." Janette answered smoothly. "What do you fear? He won't hurt you."

"I don't know what I fear." She said slowly. "I've barely gotten used to the infusion of Nick's memories when we share. I don't know if I could handle 2000 years at once." She sipped from her glass as Janette sat silently. "And what do I tell Nick?"

Taking her hands, Janette met her gaze, "He already knows it is a possibility, no, a probability, I believe." At Natalie's nod, she smiled. "He will be all right. So will you. And I do not believe that LaCroix's interest in you is of a carnal nature. He wants to entertain you. He enjoys music, theater, dancing. And it is ever so much more pleasant with a companion."

"Why not you, then?"

"He has done all those things with me." she shrugged. "So he wants to introduce you to the things he loves. Eternity could be so dreary without culture." Leaning over the table, she said softly. "You are a member of the family now. You will travel with us. So he wants to get to know you better."

"That's all?" she leaned back in the chair, relief evident. "And here I thought..."

"Yes, yes, I know what you thought, Natalie." Janette smiled. "And someday you may want that from him. But he won't expect it from you." she laughed slightly. "What he *will* expect however, is that you are loyal to the family."

"You make it sound like the Mafia, Janette." She laughed, filling her glass from the bottle set in the middle of the table.

"That analogy is not all that far off." She replied. "Just ask Nicholas what happens when one is disloyal."

"Disloyal, how?"

"Trying to change, to leave the family." She said with a shrug.

"As Nick has tried to do." Natalie observed, thinking over the memories she'd acquired in her exchanges.

"Oui, as Nicholas has tried to do. Although, I must tell you that we traveled together for quite a long time with minimal strife. It was only in the past two centuries, when he got this ridiculous idea of becoming mortal again that the battles began." She watched Natalie's expression closely. "And I am sure you are well aware of some of the things that he has endured in this quest."

"Yes, he has told me."

"And I do not need worry about you?" Janette asked, watching Natalie's facial expression. The turmoil that was coming across their link made it unclear, but she was fairly certain that Nick was pressuring her to resume her research.

"Janette, I told you, I have no intention of working on a cure." She said firmly. "I gave my research files to LaCroix last week."

"Oh? And what does he plan to do with it?"

"He said he was giving it to the Elders. Or locking it in his vault." She took another drink of bloodwine before continuing. "I trust him to safeguard it. He has mentioned the possibilities of me conducting some other research privately when we leave here."

"Perhaps that is what he wishes to discuss with you."

"Perhaps." Natalie said doubtfully. She still was not entirely trusting of the master vampire's intentions.

"And dawn is approaching. You need to get home, or Nicholas will be ever-so-perturbed with me." Janette said with a hint of amusement. "Do not think that I am not quite aware of your activities. Really, Natalie... in the *morgue*..."

"In a body bag in a drawer.." Natalie grinned mischievously, her eyes glinting at the thoughts of what she and Nick could do next.


The roses were on her desk the next evening. White long stem roses. No one knew how they'd appeared, and there was no note, but Natalie knew. It was LaCroix's calling card. His way of reminding her that he, too, remembered that Valentine's day.

That evening was etched in her memory as the first time she had truly seen the seductive power of the vampire. Nick had either suppressed, or denied it for as long as she'd known him. Her attraction had started with the man, nothing supernatural about it. With LaCroix, however, there was something more, something undefined but enticing.

Now that she and Nick were publicly together, no one questioned her about the flowers. It was assumed that they came from him. Natalie knew better, but said nothing. Inhaling the intoxicating fragrance, Natalie worked on paperwork in a very scattered fashion. She was certainly not breaking any speed records tonight. Flipping on her radio, she was just in time for the Nightcrawler's program... and she soon found that his topic was loyalty to one's family. Another way of reminding her that she was a part of the family and that he was 'in charge'. She was sufficiently distracted that she barely noticed the musical interlude which came between his monologue and the call-in portion of the show.

"Ah, so you *do* listen. I am flattered." The voice was soft, filled with suppressed emotion... and about an inch from her ear. With a slight jump, Natalie turned to see LaCroix leaning over her.

"Don't DO that!" she responded heatedly.

"Ah, I so enjoy a woman with fire." He drawled, running his hand along her collar, stroking her neck.

"LaCroix, is there a purpose to this visit? Or are you just giving Janette something to snicker about?"

"Like you and Nicholas?" he pulled a chair next to hers and sat back. "I would not be so bold. We barely know each other."

"And?" she prompted.

"And I would like to remedy that. I do believe you said something about dancing."

"Umm, yes." she said hesitantly.

"Tomorrow evening, eleven o'clock. I will pick you up. Wear something dressy." He stood and touched her lips gently. "And tell Nicholas that he has nothing to fear." She nodded in agreement, watching him leave as silently as he'd arrived.

Too nervous to sleep, Natalie spent the day alternating between pacing the loft and rearranging furniture. With her new vampiric strength, pushing the couch was no longer the struggle it once had been. And a perfect way to expend nervous energy.

It was late in the afternoon when Nick came downstairs. Scanning the room, he found Natalie leaning on the fireplace, surveying her handiwork. "Was this planned, or did it just occur to you to give the loft a new look?" he said wryly, going to the refrigerator ~ at least she'd not attempted appliance moving.

"Well, it just happened, I guess." She shrugged, meeting him in the kitchen. "Do you mind?"

"No, it is fine. I want this to be your home as well, Nat." he moved closer to her, watching her expression. Something was bothering her. "You did not sleep" he said softly, holding her in a loose embrace.

"Not tired, I guess." Her casual statement was not lost on him.

"You don't have to do this, Nat." he said softly. "I'll make an excuse for you."

"No, Nick. It's okay. I just think it is strange to live with one man, but go on a date with another."

"Then don't think of it as a date." he shrugged. "Think of it as a business meeting."

"Business?" she looked at him puzzled.

"Why not? With Janette as your master, and me as your lover, you will always have business with LaCroix. It is best to learn to work with him, not against him. He can be a formidable enemy, but a very loyal friend."

"And you are sure that you don't mind?" she asked softly. It had taken so long for the two of them to get together, she did not want to jeopardize anything.

"I do not mind. He and I have had our differences over the years, and I cannot promise that it will always be smooth, but I do not want to draw you into my disagreements." He leaned against her, kissing her forehead lightly. "Now, I believe you need to get ready."

Attired in an emerald green cocktail length dress, Natalie had just finished putting on her makeup when Nick walked into the bathroom. "He's here."

Slipping her feet into the black 3 inch heels, Natalie turned to face him. "I'll be good" she murmured, giving him a light kiss on the forehead before strolling out of the room and down the stairs. LaCroix was resplendent in his tailored silk suit- black of course. She did not think she'd ever seen him wear anything else. "And good evening, sir." She said formally.

"You are a vision, Madam." He responded, taking her arm within his elbow. "Shall we?" he lead her down the stairs to a waiting limo. The driver stood waiting by the passenger door, and opened it as soon as they approached him. LaCroix murmured directions to the driver as he assisted Natalie into the rear seat. "Care for a refreshment? It will be approximately an hour until we reach our destination." He uncorked the bottle and filled two goblets, handing one to her.

"And where are we going, LaCroix?" she asked, accepting the glass and leaning back into the cushioned seat.

"Natalie, I would very much appreciate it if you would call me by my name. At least for tonight." he sighed, watching her expression as he sat back, holding himself at a respectful distance.

"All right, Lucien." She replied, stumbling slightly over his name. "Where are we going?"

"A delightful club. You will enjoy it." he said with a smile. "In the meantime, I would like to continue the discussion that Nicholas interrupted."

"What conversation?" she asked, searching her memories for her past meetings with the master vampire.

"Love" he intoned. "True love is like morphine. One taste and you are enslaved for life." he smiled inwardly as the flash of recognition crossed her face. "Are you so enslaved, Natalie?"

The memories of their evening at the Azure filled her thoughts, looking away, she paused before meeting his intense gaze. "Yes" she breathed.

"Good. I would be disappointed if you said anything else." He nodded in approval. "Because my son is so enamored of you that were you to say otherwise, I might worry for his well-being." He sipped his drink and stared at her. "And you do *not* want to make me worry." His expression was friendly, but the tone of his voice had taken on the menacing seriousness that she knew all too well.

"And here I was worried that you were going to seduce me." she laughed nervously.

"Natalie, if I wanted you, nothing would stop me." he informed her haughtily.

"Then you ..don't..." she hesitated to ask the question.

"It is not that I do not find you a very desirable woman, Natalie." he replied, his deep, resonant voice showing his power. "I once thought it impossible for a vampire to feel love." his gaze met her with a tenderness that she'd never seen before. "I was wrong."

"Fleur." She murmured.

"Yes, Fleur. She was my true love. Perhaps Nicholas was correct in his actions in her regard. Perhaps not. But we shall never know." He was lost in thought, memories. Natalie knew that look and said nothing. She did not want to jeopardize the fragile peace that she sensed.

"And now?" she asked softly, giving his hand a squeeze.

"And now, my son has experienced love. And through an intervention of one who knew both of us better than we knew ourselves, and had also experienced the loss of a true love, his love was saved. And may save us all."

"Me?" she squeaked.

"Yes, you, Natalie." he nodded. "You seem to be able to speak to both Nicholas and myself. I sense a peace in him that I've not known in a very long time."

"And you aren't going to seek retribution? T try to take me away?" she asked sharply. That was, as she recalled, the agreement.

"No." he replied firmly. "Perhaps the events of the past month have taught me something as well. That agreement will not serve me as well as forging a friendship with the object of his love."

"You expect a lot from me." she said nervously, looking away.

"Nothing more than you are doing now, Natalie." he said smoothly. "Loyalty to the family is all I ask." He smiled, leaning over to give her a brief kiss on the temple. "And if you wanted *me*, I might consider indulging you." his tone softened slightly. "But I believe that you still retain enough of your mortal mores that you intend to be faithful to Nicholas." Leaning over to refill her glass, he said softly. "My intention is simply to get to know you better. As a good father-in-law..."

"Father-in-law?" she questioned. "Or grandfather? Make up your mind, Lucien."

"Yes, you do represent a newer, younger generation within our family. Take whichever title you prefer. But amongst your mortal colleagues, father-in-law would be more realistic. Regardless, I am patriarch of the family."

"I know, Lucien. You already *tested* me using that relationship." she said sarcastically.

"And you passed with flying colors." He nodded. "Now, I merely wish to share with you some of the things which make eternity more pleasant." To her surprise, an hour had passed. The car had stopped and the driver was standing by the open door stiffly. LaCroix took her arm and guided her out of the car. She could hear jazz music coming from the building in front of them, and could tell that they were far from the city. In the distance, she could hear the roar of rushing water.

"So we are near Niagara?" she murmured, looking up at him.

"Yes. You have very good senses for one so young." With a nod to the bouncer, he led her into the club. She could see easily despite the dim lighting. A good sized crowd filled the club, with numerous couples swaying on the dance floor to the music of a 5 person band. Making his way confidently across the room, he motioned to a booth along the back wall. "I will get some refreshments for us. Is that table acceptable?"

Sliding into the seat, Natalie glanced around the club. The numerous mortal heart beats were barely noticeable. What was notable were the vibrations she felt. They were not the only vampires present. She looked up to see LaCroix sit opposite her, setting a familiar looking green bottle on the table along with two goblets.

"You have questions, Natalie?" he said, uncorking the bottle. "Ask."

"Is it my imagination?" she began. Smelling the contents of the bottle, she looked up with alarm "Where did you get this?"

"Relax, my dear." He laughed. "You think that the Raven is the only club?"

"No... I've been in Janette's Quebec club." She looked around. The place did have the dark corners, the air of mystery that she'd come to associate with vampire clubs.

"And I am an investor here." He shrugged. "Look hard enough and there are gathering places most everywhere." He filled his own goblet and looked at her. "A toast then... new friends, old champagne and passions of the heart."

She smiled, remembering that it was the same thing he'd toasted at their at Azure. "To new friends... eternal friends." She felt as she'd come full circle in accepting her immortality. She'd accepted it, and it had accepted her. This life would not be so bad... not bad at all...
