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Now and Forever

May 2000
Karen Gunther

This story is written to follow a story that I posted in Janary, 'Eternity'. It may stand alone, but will make more sense if you've read the previous story.

A special thank you to my beta- reader Elise... thanks for putting the commas in the right places and telling me where MORE would be better than less description!

Disclaimers: the characters and situations depicted in this story were inspired by the television show, 'Forever Knight' which is the property of Sony/ Columbia Tri-Star. No harm is intended and I'll put them back when I'm done (they'll just be a little happier)
Permission to archive: at the Dark NN site and the ftp site. All others, please ask
Cautions: Parts of this story contains scenes of consensual passion (M/F: Nick/ Natalie). Chapters (4, 9, 11, 14) will be posted under adult headings. If you are under legal age or such content offends you, please look for the pg-13 version on my web page (


The music rose in volume and the strains of 'The Hunger' filled the club. Standing in the spotlight on the dance floor, Nick drew her into his embrace. Pressed against his firm chest, Natalie looked up to see his look of intense love. His lips met hers with open desire, their tongues meeting, dueling. Running her tongue over his teeth, she felt the fangs. The fangs that defined his existence as a vampire... the very thing that had kept them apart.

For the first time since they'd met, he did not pull away. His eyes now a glowing amber, he allowed her exploration, reveled in it. He could smell her arousal, taste her love in the trickles of blood that filled his mouth. He knew it was time. Trailing kisses over her cheek, to her neck, he tilted her head slightly, running one hand into the knot of auburn hair to steady it. Looking up, he nodded, his eyes meeting LaCroix's gaze.

While Nick held her firmly, the ancient vampire stepped closer....


As the spotlight dimmed, Natalie's sense of relief was palpable. The tension of the past week was gone. Something she had never dreamed possible or even probable when she had first met Nick six years ago was now a reality. Something she had never dreamed that she would consent to, much less request. She, too, was now as eternal as he. Together they had a bond neither time nor space would break. Her happiness was infectious as Nick draped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer.

LaCroix stepped back, surveying the crowd. His eyes met the occupants of the rear-most booth with a brief nod. Leaning closer to the couple, he instructed, "You may have one hour to socialize, Natalie." Natalie looked at him through narrowed eyes. It was plain that she was not accustomed to taking orders. Well, she would learn. "One hour," he repeated. "And stay with Nicholas."

Nick nodded, watching his master stride toward the back of the club without a backward glance. He understood, better than she, how vulnerable a newly converted vampire would be. "Don't," he murmured, silencing her protests with a kiss. "It's been a pleasant evening so far. Let's not get him started."

"All right," she said reluctantly. "But I didn't like his tone. I am not a child."

"In his eyes, you are," Nick said softly. "He views anyone under a millennium as a child."

"You too?" she questioned, wrapping her arms around his neck and swaying with him to the music. Others were now joining them on the dance floor.

"Me especially," he agreed. "I am the adolescent son, forever battling with his father for independence."

Pondering that thought for a moment, she smiled in understanding. Her own adolescence had not been smooth either. It was an analogy that made clear many of the stories that Nick had told her of his stormy relationship with his vampire master.

"Come on. Let's meet people." He slid an arm around her waist and guided her closer to the bar. Murmuring in her ear, he told her the names of most of the other guests. It surprised her that someone who had spurned the vampire community for so many years would know the others so well. Approaching a table near the bar, he nodded toward a tall woman with curly blond hair. "Oh, you need to meet Urs. She is one of Vachon's."

Natalie looked at him puzzled, thinking of Vachon as Tracy's 'friend'. Who, then was this woman? It took her a moment to realize that he was referring to who had converted the woman. It startled her to understand that she, too, would be considered a possession.

"Nick," Ursula greeted him warmly and held out a hand to take Natalie's. "Welcome, Natalie. I'm Ursula, but everyone just calls me Urs. I work here at the club as a dancer and wait tables. I know things must seem very confusing right now, but it will get better. When you are able, I would love to spend some time with you, introduce you to some people who were not invited tonight."

"Of course, I would love to," Natalie responded, pausing for a moment to let the rest of her comments sink in. "Wait a minute. Invited? What do you mean 'invited'?"

"Oh, you know," she said casually. "Lucien planned this evening himself. The music, the guest list, you know, all that stuff. He loves being in control. I was kind of surprised, though, when I saw you walk in and figured out that you were the guest of honor." She looked at Natalie sheepishly. "You were the last person that I thought would ask for this."

Natalie was growing more anxious with every statement. How had he known? She and Nick had only discussed it yesterday, and they had not said anything to him prior to walking into the club tonight. What else did he know?

"We'll talk later, Urs," Nick said softly, leading Natalie away. He felt the rise in her emotions. Turning her in his arms, he tilted her chin up so their eyes met. "Natalie, it's okay."

"How did he know?" she demanded. "Can he read your mind?"

"He probably sensed my emotions," Nick shrugged. "I'm not very good at blocking him. Never have been."

"But you weren't anywhere near him," she protested.

"Doesn't matter," he stated. "He's my master. We're bonded." Nick's simple statement gave Natalie a chill. If LaCroix could sense his 800-year old son with such clarity, how clearly could he now sense her, his newborn daughter?

"So, can he feel me?" she asked, holding on to him tighter. This was something totally unexpected. She had always known that LaCroix was much more powerful than Nick, but not the extent of his powers.

"Of course."

"All the time?" she whispered.

"I've never asked. I would imagine so. I guess I'm used to it," he said simply. While his memory was razor sharp, he had only a vague recollection of the initial assault on his private thoughts that had occurred when he became a vampire. It was so much a part of his existence that he'd neglected to warn Natalie.

"Even when we..." she hesitated, looking at him pleadingly.

Kissing her forehead lightly, he whispered, "Yes, even when we make love."

"Oh, Nick, I don't know if I can do that. I want you, want to be with you, but I won't be able to relax," she murmured, pulling away from him.

"You will," he said low, letting his eyes glow briefly. "I promise. You won't be aware of anyone but me."

"Promise?" she asked softly, running her hands over his chest and encircling his neck, molding herself more tightly against him.

"Absolutely," he breathed, burying his face in her hair. Swaying in slow rhythm to their own music, they were too absorbed in each other to sense that the band had stopped playing.

"Hey, none of that," Javier Vachon chastised. He slapped Nick on the back, a stern look hiding the amusement in his eyes.

"What?" Nick asked. His best 'caught-in-the-cookie-jar' look spread across his face.

"Take it upstairs, Knight," he instructed jokingly. Stepping back, he handed a bottle to Natalie. "And for you, Doc, a drink on me."

"Thanks," Natalie took the bottle and quickly drained it, to the amusement of both men. "What?" she asked looking at their grins.

"Nothing," Vachon laughed. "Just never thought I'd see you here, putting away uncut blood like a starved fledgling."

"Which is exactly what she is, Vachon," Nick said with a warning tone. He was not exactly sure what the Spaniard was up to, but he wanted it clear that Natalie was not fair game.

"I know. I watched," he nodded. "And by the old Roman, too. Sure surprised me when I figured out who the newbie was going to be. Only *he* would make a spectacle of bringing someone across." He shook his head, puzzling over what had happened to induce Nick to allow his lover to become a vampire. And by his own master, no less. The disputes between LaCroix and his offspring were legendary. Leaning against a pillar, he glanced back toward the stage casually. This was a topic that he really did not want to bring up, but knew it was inevitable and he would rather know in advance how to address the issue. "And what are you two going to do with Tracy?"

"Do with her?" Nick looked at him curiously. "What do you mean? 'Do with her'?"

"Is it time for a little honesty? Or do you both plan to continue the charade?"

"You know the Code, Vachon. You know what would happen if we were honest with her," Nick said firmly. "I don't think she or you are ready for that, and I have no intention of bringing her across."

"Just wanted to check. She's been asking a lot of questions about you." His careless tone belied his very real concern that he would slip. He knew that Tracy was becoming impatient with the way he evaded answering any of her questions.

"Nick, she came to the morgue a couple of days ago," Natalie broke in.

"And?" he prompted.

"She somehow figured out that you were Nicholas deBrabant. And that you were the vampire that Francesca knew."

"And what did you tell her?" Nick asked, facing her directly. He could not imagine Natalie voluntarily revealing his secret, but he had to be sure.

"That she was imagining things," Natalie replied softly. "And if she was having problems with you, she should go to you."

"Hmm... well, she hasn't."

"Nick, that was the day before yesterday. When has she had the time?"

"But she did have time to come to me," Vachon warned. "I played dumb. I'm good at it," he said jokingly. "But I wanted you to know."

"Well, I have not changed my mind, Vachon. I have no intention of telling her anything. And if you do, you better be prepared for the consequences," he warned, gesturing to the booth in the back of the club where Enforcers had sat, supervising the events of the evening. "I'm not sure how patient they'll be with any of us."

"Speaking of the Men in Black... where'd they go?" Vachon asked, looking around, seeing no sign of the tall, darkly clad men who put fear into every vampire by their mere presence.


Seated at his mahogany desk, LaCroix set out the crystal goblets that he reserved for very special occasions. Taking a gold labeled bottle from a wooden case set by the desk, he filled the goblets and offered it to his guest.

"My finest for you, Vincent," he said smoothly, gesturing for the dark haired man to sit in the leather chair by the fireplace.

"Of course. May I congratulate you, Lucien," he replied, taking the goblet and following LaCroix to the chairs. "This was quite a coup."

"Oh?" he questioned.

"Yes, indeed. Converting the doctor to the undead? We had wagers whether or not she would ever submit voluntarily, and then of course, who would do it." He shook his head, his eyes twinkling with amusement. This mission was ending on a much more positive note than any of the Enforcers thought possible. It was even allowing him time to be with an old friend.

LaCroix laughed, "Doctor to the undead? So that is what you called her? And whom did you bet on?"

"What else should we call her? That is, after all, her role within the community?" He shrugged. "And to be honest, I thought you and Nicholas were too much at odds. I am simply in awe that you could get her to promise eternal loyalty publicly. You are good, Sir. Very good. I thought he would ask Janette, but only if forced."

"Interesting thought," LaCroix stroked his chin. "Yes, I could see that happening." He straightened and sipped from his glass. "I do have a question, Vincent. Since you have had the time to develop a nickname and even wager on the doctor, how long have you known about her? And why was it deemed necessary to act now?"

"I believe it was in 1992 that the situation was called to our attention. It was before that case at the museum that the media made such a fuss over."

"Yes, I remember that case, but how did you hear of it?" LaCroix prompted. He remembered well the museum case. He had been the one to kill the guard and then in a pitched battle with Nick had suffered injuries severe enough that it had taken a year to regain his full strength.

"Merely that it was noted that there had been no carelessness in Toronto in over a year. Toronto is too large of a city, too large of a community for there to be no indiscretion for that long. We were suspicious so we sent in an investigator. And we noticed a pattern. Animal attacks were out of proportion for an urban location. So we checked files in the coroner's office. Strangely enough, all of the supposed animal attacks were reported by the same medical examiner. Someone named N. Lambert. We watched her." He paused, sipping his drink. "Didn't take long to find out that she was friends with Nicholas."

"Why didn't you confront her then? Or Nicholas? He did, after all, violate the code by revealing our existence to her."

"Didn't serve our purpose," he shrugged. "We could tell that she knew about Nicholas, knew of vampires. But she was maintaining our secret, was actually aiding him in covering carelessness. Why stop her?"

"What changed then, if you knew for the last six years?" LaCroix asked, refilling his guest's glass.

"Our investigators have reported of her growing knowledge, of her research. Her assistance during the Fever made some question the need to intervene then or now. I have supervised her surveillance, and I must say, she has certainly proven to be an interesting case."

"Indeed," LaCroix agreed.

"But with this latest incident, and what *did* make it into the media, we felt the time was right. We needed to secure both of them into the community."

"Would you have really executed her?"

"No," he stated firmly. "But we would have made it appear as she had died, and forced her conversion. There were mixed emotions as to what the appropriate punishment would be for Nicholas, but the consensus was that we would leave that to you."

"Really?" he queried. "That is rather unusual."

"You are well known for your discipline, General," he stated with a sly smile. "I am confident that you could determine a suitable action." He smiled at LaCroix's nod of agreement. "I thought so."

"My reputation precedes me," he nodded, a cold smile crossing his face. "So am I to assume, then, that you will leave her to me from this point?"

"Yes. We trust your ability to mold her suitably." Vincent set down his glass and stood, straightening his coat. "However, we want you to get copies of all of her research."

"Copies? Or the originals?" LaCroix nodded, standing to face the senior Enforcer.

"Copies. You may keep the originals, if you desire. But we want to analyze the information that she has found."

"You know that she was trying to change Nicholas," he warned.

"Yes, yes, I know," Vincent sighed. Nicholas's quest might have been a joking matter to many within the Community, but the Enforcers took his words and actions seriously. It was a dangerous concept and had the potential for creating unrest if others had followed his lead. Had Nick been the progeny of anyone else, it was likely that he would have been silenced some time ago... permanently. "Like he has for the last century or two. I am aware that she was not the first to do so. He foolishly thinks there is a way to renounce us."

"You know that I would never allow that," LaCroix stated fiercely, setting his glass on the table.

"Yes, we know. And since it is fruitless search, let him look."

"Then why do you want the research? If you know it to be a useless search?" LaCroix asked curiously, following Vincent toward the door.

"There has never been such a thorough scientific study done of one of us. Call it science, or call it curiosity. But we simply want it archived."

"Fine. I will request it of her immediately," LaCroix agreed. "And I *will* make sure that she is properly educated."


"Come." The voice echoed through Natalie's thoughts, drowning out the music, the conversation. She had been greeting the other guests but did not see anyone speaking at the moment.

"Find me." The voice repeated its summons. This time she recognized it. LaCroix. The ancient master vampire, who was Nick's creator and now hers. Looking around, she did not see him anywhere, but felt a compelling urge to seek him.

"What's wrong?" Nick's calming presence and concerned expression stopped her frantic searching.

"Where is he?" she demanded.


"You know," she said impatiently. "LaCroix. I hear his voice in my head. Am I crazy?"

"No, Nat," he said, relaxing. He had known this game, experienced it. He remembered vividly, following LaCroix's call through the catacombs of Paris. Now it was her turn. "You're a vampire. Remember? And he is your master."

"Yes, and?"

"And he is telling you that he wants to talk," he explained. Since he had not felt a summons himself, it was evident that the discussion was for Natalie alone.

"Is that all?" she asked, relief obvious in her relaxed posture. "So where is he?" She watched Nick look around and shrug. "How do I find him?" Her voice was rising as the pressure in her mind was mounting. She turned to him with frustration.

"Close your eyes," Nick instructed, resting his hands lightly on her shoulders. "Relax. Think of him." He could feel her tension ease with his soothing voice. "Feel the vibration?" he questioned. "Follow it." He kissed her forehead gently and watched her make her way across the club toward the private areas.

Cautiously pushing open the door in a hallway that she'd not previously known existed, Natalie could feel him. The powerful aura was like a beacon. He was near; she was getting closer. The pressure in her mind eased with every step she took. Amazed at her own ability to see with the lack of artificial light, she peered into the room.

"Are you alone?" The voice was low, deep and sensual. Looking up, she saw LaCroix sitting in a large leather armchair in the corner of the sparsely furnished room.

"Yes," she replied, looking at him curiously. "Why? Should I have brought Nick with me?"

"No," he answered. "I only requested your presence. Had I wanted him, I would have told him." He gestured for her to come into the room. "Did you have help in finding me?"

"Sort of.." she admitted.

"Explain," he commanded.

"Nick, umm... helped me focus my thoughts. Told me what to do."

"But you followed the vibration on your own?" He watched her expression and saw her silent nod. He could feel her uncertainty. It was unlike her usual confident demeanor. "Good." He stood and handed her a full goblet. Lighting a candle to illuminate the room, he sat in the large chair and gestured for her to sit in the chair next to him.

She sat silently, sipping her drink, watching his every action. She was not sure what was expected of her. What he would do with her promise of loyalty. It was an open promise, one that was now making her nervous.

"Now that I have granted you eternity, I felt it time to discuss some details," he declared.

"Regarding?" she asked coolly. She would maintain her aura of confidence and ease if it killed her.

"You *do* recall your promise to me?"

"Yes," she said softly. She averted her eyes trying to hide her trepidation.

"To begin, I shall require your full and complete cooperation for the next month. We have a lot to accomplish and a limited time. Is that understood?"

"Yes," she nodded, meeting his eyes, relaxing in his presence. "I'm on vacation from work."

"And I will expect that you consume *only* human blood. No blood of animals is to touch your lips, even as an experiment."

"Yes, Nick told me the same thing," she nodded in agreement.

"He did?" LaCroix could not hide his surprise. Maybe his son was coming back to him completely. "That is surprising. I'm glad you see the wisdom already. There is one more thing. I need your complete research file on vampires." She stiffened, as if to protest, but was silenced by his forbidding gaze. "There is no way back, Natalie." He said sternly. "Not for Nicholas. Not for you. I will not permit my children to dishonor me in such a manner. Is that understood?"

She hesitated before responding. "Will you talk to Nick? If I stop my studies, I want him to know it was at your request."

"I won't need to say anything," he said smugly. "Nicholas will see it in your blood."

"What do you mean?" she asked in confusion. Why would Nick be taking her blood?

"Come now, Natalie. That *is* how you told me of your wish for eternal life. Allowing me to taste your essence allowed me to know all of your longing. I know that you yearn for *him*. Those desires are mutual, I assure you. He will act upon them, and that means the sharing of your blood, the sharing of your essence. You don't need to hide your feelings from me. I know he had you quite aroused before I brought you across." Leaning back in his chair, he smiled at her flustered expression. If it could be said that a vampire blushed, Natalie was now quite flushed. "I anticipate that he will spend the day with you here."

"Here?" She looked around the room, her embarrassment forgotten with the prospect of being so close to him. Not only would he feel her emotions, but he might hear them as well. That was a daunting thought. "Can't we just go to the loft?"

"No, you are too inexperienced," he instructed firmly. "You will stay in this apartment until I deem it safe for you to do otherwise. There is a fully stocked refrigerator should you hunger. The bedroom is through that doorway. You will find appropriate attire in the closet. I reside in the apartment across the hall, if you need me. We will meet again after sunset for me to begin your tutorial." He rose and walked smoothly across the room, turning at the doorway to speak in a low, serious voice. "Obedience to one's master is an absolute, Natalie. Do not disappoint me."

She watched as he exited the room. He had no sooner left the room when she heard the scrape of a key in the lock. Stiffening with anger, she began to walk toward the door. It was bad enough that she had to stay in the Raven, and not her own apartment, but did he have to lock her in?

She was in a fury when she saw that it was Nick coming into the apartment. "Nat? What is it? Calm down," Nick commanded, capturing her in his arms.

"He locked me in here," she said with fury.

"No, that key was me. This apartment hasn't been used for a while. I didn't know if the door would be locked or not." he said, holding her firmly.

"Why would the door be locked?"

"For your protection," he replied. "Your risk is less because of who your master is, but there are those who try to take advantage of new, untrained converts." Smoothing her hair, loosening the abundant curls, he whispered in her ear, "The lock is not to keep you in but to keep others out. Give us some privacy."

"Oh," she said, relaxing against his chest, sliding her fingers between the buttons. "Is he trying to scare me?"

"I don't think so, Nat."

"Then why did he threaten me?"

"Threaten you? How did he threaten you?"

"Well, he keeps reminding me about obedience."

Nick sighed heavily. This was another stark reality of life within the vampire community. Culture shock would come early for Natalie. "As I would expect. He takes the training of a fledgling very seriously. If you know what's good for you, you'll wait a few centuries before you openly defy him."

"Why?" She pulled away and looked at him closely.

"He can and will use physical force. He knows your limits, even if you do not. He won't kill you, but he can inflict great pain."

"And you know this first hand?"

"Trust me, I've experienced his wrath personally."

"And no one stopped him? Not even Janette?"

"Natalie, there is something that you need to realize now," he said with obvious regret. He sat on the couch and gestured for her to join him. "His dominion over you, over me, is absolute. He *made* both of us. No one has the right to question him about how he rules either of us."

"You never said anything about this," she said accusingly.

"I tried," he replied with embarrassment. It was true that when finally agreeing to her request to be converted, in his desire to have Natalie at his side, he'd neglected to tell her everything. In a way, he was guilty of the same thing that he'd accused LaCroix of and cursed him for centuries- that he'd not known the whole truth. "I think that is why I don't do well with converts. I don't force obedience. And sometimes, you have to."

"Nick, will he make me kill?" she asked in a low, fearful tone.

"He'll make you learn all that you would need to know in order to take blood from a living host," Nick said vaguely. "Some skills are necessary for your own protection."

"But will he force me to take a life?" she repeated.

"Eventually," Nick admitted softly. "But let me talk to him. Don't just refuse outright."

"I'm a physician. I've taken an oath..." she protested.

"And you also made an oath to him. He'll say that it supersedes the other one." Sliding an arm around her, he kissed her forehead, whispering, "Likely, he'll get you so distracted, either by hunger or anger, that you don't fight it. You probably won't even know what you're doing until it's over."

"But afterwards, I'll know. I'll remember."

"You will," he nodded. "It haunts me to realize how many lives I have cut short."

"I know. You project your feelings of remorse in the lives you have chosen to lead." She leaned back in his embrace, gazing up at him.

"What do you mean?"

"You've led a life of service... at least as much as you've ever told me. Police officer, teacher, doctor. That is not the life of a man who does not care."

"I suppose," he said slowly. He had not thought of his life in that way. Somehow, Natalie was able to see his actions with more clarity than he ever did. Leaning against her, he caressed her lightly while trailing kisses from her forehead to her eyebrows and by her ears.

Sighing with delight at the sensations he was creating, Natalie relaxed against him, murmuring, "You're doing it again."

"Doing what again?" he asked, pulling her blouse loose from her slacks.

"Changing the subject," she declared, unbuttoning his shirt and sliding her hands across his firm chest. "You always change the subject when it is something you don't want to discuss."

"Wouldn't you?" he grinned, revealing the long, sharp points of his fangs.

"Maybe," she hesitated, sighing in delight as he ran his hands over her chest. "I still would like to finish a conversation with you... on a, ohhhh... serious topic .... Oh, Nick, what are you doing?"

He paused in his efforts to remove her blouse, one button at a time, using only his mouth and teeth. "I'm seducing you. Is it working?" he asked with his best 'innocent' look. "Or do you *really* want to continue the discussion?"

"I think we need to take this into the other room," she declared, standing and pulling him up beside her. "The discussion can wait."

"As milady wishes," he bowed and swept her into his arms.


The room was dominated by a large four-poster bed and was decorated with a few paintings that Natalie recognized as Nick's. She was not sure whose apartment they were in, but it was prepared for a vampire. Heavy black curtains covered the small window, and candles stood on the dresser. She had already learned that the flickering light of a single taper shed enough for her to see and was far less painful than electric lamps.

Setting her on the bed, Nick leaned over her and initiated a deep, impassioned kiss. His tongue explored her mouth and caressed her teeth until her fangs dropped. With a low growl, she pulled away and looked up at him, "Was that me?" she asked with obvious embarrassment.

"Yes, that was you making that sound." He laughed, sliding lower to trail kisses down to her breasts. Taking one nipple in his mouth and caressing the other, he lightly nipped at the firm nub, pushing the lace bra off.

"Oh, now I'm embarrassed. I'm sure LaCroix heard me," she moaned, squirming in delight at the sensations he was creating.

"I thought you were going to forget about that," he teased, sliding his hands lower, to the waistband of her slacks.

"Or we could just show off," she whispered, wrapping her hands around his back. With a loud rip, she pulled off his shirt. "Oh, I'm sorry, Nick." She looked at the pieces of silk that had once been a garment.

"I have plenty." He sat up with a grin, tearing her shirt away, tossing it over the edge of the bed.

"But I ripped it to shreds. I really liked that shirt," she whispered apologetically.

"Don't know your own strength yet, do you?" Nick observed, gazing at her through amber eyes. He had long awaited this moment, and would savor it and bit of her. He continued to kiss every inch of her exposed flesh. Unfastening her slacks, Nick slid his hands lower to help her remove them. Standing to push off his trousers, he trailed kisses up from her feet as she groaned in delight.

Reveling in the exquisite sensations that he was producing, Natalie ran her fingers through his blond curls. His caresses and kisses were more intense, more arousing than anything she'd ever experienced. She could hear every moan, feel the low rumble of his growls of delight. And she wanted more... so much more...

With all of their clothing scattered carelessly on the floor, Nick rolled on top of her, nudging her thighs apart, his arousal pressing against her legs. "I want you now, Natalie. All of you," he growled, gazing down at her through heavy lidded eyes.

"Then take me." She wrapped her legs around his waist and guided him within. Together they rode a wave of passion higher and higher. The sensations were powerful, intense, and Natalie was sure that a mind blowing climax was coming... but she could not get there. Moaning his name, she saw the vein on his neck standing out, calling to her.

"Yes, yes... do it," he called out.

"Do what?" she asked with desperation.

"Take my blood, Nat. Do it. Now," his voice came out in low-pitched growls, forceful with his own need. It was instinct. Fangs unsheathed, she kissed his neck and penetrated, feeling the flow of his blood. Swallowing, she had the powerful sensation of love and desire before reaching her peak just as she felt Nick sink his fangs into her shoulder.

Feeling the tentative prick of Natalie's fangs, he filled her with his seed in several long bursts as he took her blood. Her dreams were his, his love was hers. Together, they filled each other with their hopes, desires, and memories.

Catching his breath, Nick slid to Natalie's side and pulled her tightly against him, as they both lay facing one another. Lightly caressing her arm and shoulder, he gazed at her thoughtfully. "Are you okay, Nat?"

"Wow. That was, wow," she mumbled. "And I thought it was good when you had amnesia. But that was incredible." She leaned against him, running a hand across his chest. "I could feel you, feel your thoughts."

"And now you know why I would not do that before tonight," he whispered with embarrassment. "I can't control how much I take."

"And you always, umm, bite?" The concept of biting her lover was still embarrassing. She almost felt as if she'd lost control. The sensation of sharing Nick's blood had been incredibly erotic.

"You can give a partner pleasure without it, but if you want to, ummm, finish, you have to have blood. Fresh blood," he replied kissing her lightly. Now that they were together, really together, he could not get enough of her. "I know of some people who can simply use their own wrist, but I'm not one of them."

"But when you had amnesia, we made love," she said questioningly. It was a memory that she'd cherished. When his memory had returned, she was convinced that it was to be their only time together.

"Yes, and if you remember... I, umm, didn't..." he turned away, flushed with embarrassment. "At the time, I thought I was just weak from being shot."

"But you made sure that I ..."

"Yes, your pleasure was my goal. Then and now." He smiled seductively, moving his hand over to circle her breast. "It didn't matter that I did not come. I wanted you so badly. I still want you and I will always see to your pleasure, my love."

She reached lower, feeling his growing arousal. "And I will see to yours. I would not want you to sacrifice that, my love. I want to share all that I am with you. Now and forever."

Leaning against the headboard, LaCroix set down his goblet and sorted through the intense emotions that he'd just felt from both of his children. "So, my children have consummated their relationship," he mused. "Now let us see if you really want to leave us, Nicholas."


"Wake up, my child," the insistent voice woke Natalie shortly after dusk.

Curled against Nick's cool, firm body, she opened her eyes drowsily and stretched. With a yawn, she sat up, looking around the room. She was not sure what had awoken her but seeing the clothing scattered around the floor brought back the memories from the morning. In their haste, not everything had remained in one piece. The memories were fresh in her mind, and reliving them made the desire to share his life become stronger... overpowering.

"Good morning," she murmured, seeing Nick's eyes flutter open. Running her hands over his chest, she circled his nipples lightly, teasing them with her fingernails. Delighting in the indrawn breath, she molded herself against him, feeling his growing arousal against her leg.

"It's not morning," he said smugly.

"Picky, picky, picky," she teased, leaning over to kiss him.

Capturing her within the circle of his arms, Nick pulled her down, rolling them both until he was on top and had met her kiss with his own. Their tongues once more were dueling, exploring and his hands were gently running down the curves of her naked body. He wanted her, now more than ever. He wanted her rose and cinnamon essence, her spirit and energy... her life.

Moaning in delight, Natalie met his explorations with her own, pulling him tightly against her. Sharing his blood that morning had opened her eyes to the erotic adventures that their eternal lives made possible. She did not know how he could have considered giving it up.

"Oh, Nat..." he moaned, "please, I need you."

Reveling in the sensations that his caresses created, Natalie kissed him on the large vein on his neck, kissed it, licked it, prepared it. She needed him as much as he needed her. And together they would make a new life together. They were both so involved in their play that neither heard the outer door of the apartment open.

There was no mistaking the slam of the bedroom door being closed though. The indrawn breath of their master had the same effect as a ice water being thrown over them. Nick slid to her side, pulling the blanket over them both. "Oops," he whispered. "You didn't say anything about an alarm clock."

"Good evening, children," LaCroix intoned, his voice and expression were stern, but his mannerisms spoke of his approval. He knew that his endorsement of the relationship between his wayward son and his newest daughter would do much to mend the broken fences within the family. Now if he could only draw his eldest, Janette back to his side. With a knowing glance, he turned, tossing robes on the bed. "Playtime is over. We have work to do."

Waiting until the door was closed, Nick sat up and slid on a robe. "Even after 800 years, he can still make me feel like a child," he said ruefully.

"Then how do you think he makes *me* feel?" Natalie commented, fumbling to tie the robe securely around her waist. Standing to face him and gesturing toward the door, she kissed him lightly, "This is normal, then?"

"Very," Nick sighed, pulling on his robe.

As soon as she was covered, Nick led her out to the living room. LaCroix was seated in the leather chair, exactly as Natalie had found him that morning.

"I did not wake you so that you could play, Natalie," he scolded.

"You just told me to wake up," she protested, ignoring Nick's warning look.

"Hmmm. That is true. I did not realize that you would be so literal in your interpretation of my words. I shall be more precise in my directions, then," he said thoughtfully. By rights, he could punish them both, but this would be far more interesting. She was going to be a challenge. And it had been far too long since he'd had this stimulating a challenge.

"Well, Sir. Now that I am up, what is the agenda?" Natalie asked in her best subservient tone. It was not something she did well, especially since what she really wanted was to pull Nick into the other room.

LaCroix raised an eyebrow at her question, or more precisely, the tone of her voice. He was not fooled by her voice or mannerisms. <Ah, the game is afoot> He smiled, and replied, "After you are suitably attired, you and I will go on a walk. And I believe that Nicholas will need to go back to his home to obtain clothing which is in one piece." Natalie felt her face heat up and squirmed under his intense scrutiny. "You are stronger than you realize, Natalie. Or haven't you figured that out yet?" Turning to Nick, he continued, "You may await us here or return before dawn." Moving to the door, he fixed Natalie with a stare, "You may have one half hour to dress. Don't be late."

Natalie nodded silently, and watched him close the door quietly. "I take it that you aren't invited," she murmured, seeing Nick heading back to the bedroom.

"It would seem not," he agreed, pulling on his trousers. "Don't worry, I'll be here when you return."

Dressing simply in black jeans and a cotton sweater, her hair secured in a loose braid, Natalie knocked on the doorway across from her room exactly thirty minutes later.

"Ah, punctuality. A very good trait," LaCroix said with a nod of approval as he opened the door and stepped into the hallway. He did not invite her into his apartment, she noted, making clear the separation. He would be allowed privacy where she would not. "Have you fed?"

"No, I'm not hungry," she replied. At least she did not hunger for food. She was anxious to get the night's 'lesson' finished, so that she could get back to the apartment... and Nick. She had waited six years for their relationship to reach this stage and was anxious to learn from him as well. Although she was fairly certain the lessons that Nick would provide would be *quite* different from LaCroix's.

"Natalie." He looked at her sternly, capturing her attention with a penetrating glare. "Do not use Nicholas's appetite as an example. Your metabolism is still changing. You will need to consume at least twice as much as he or I. If you wait until you *feel* hunger, it will be too late to control your desires." She nodded mutely, not wanting to calculate the volume of blood that would likely mean. It was a thought that had struck her after the conversation she and Nick had when discussing her coming across. How many lives had it taken to satisfy his hunger, nourish his eternal life for the years before voluntary donors and blood banks?

"Follow me," he instructed, striding down the corridor and then stopping at a door at the bottom of the stairs. Natalie could hear music in the background, the unmistakable sound of glasses being washed, furniture being pushed about. It was startling how well she could hear even the faintest of sounds. "We are not going to the club tonight, Natalie," he cautioned, unlocking the door.

"I was not expecting recreation time, LaCroix," she said sarcastically, brushing past him into the small room. Despite the darkness, she discerned a simple metal table pushed against the wall with several wooden crates stacked below it. Several straight back chairs were in the corner next to a shelf with several notebooks. An opened case with corked glass bottles was set to the side of the door

"That tone is not necessary," he remarked sternly. Closing the door firmly, he pulled a bottle out of a wooden case set to the side of the door. Uncorking the bottle, he watched her expression closely.

The barest hint of the scent of blood flared into her vampire senses like fire to dry tinder. Her fangs fell into place. Her eyes glowed amber. A low pitched growl escaped her lips, startling her as much as the feel of the fangs. Snatching the bottle, she drained it in one swallow.

LaCroix watched her with barely concealed amusement. "I told you," he purred.

"Ok, I guess I was hungry," she said sheepishly. "Happy?"

Leaning against the doorframe, he replied evenly, "The state of my emotions is a rather moot point, Natalie. I believe we are more concerned with *your* well being. At the present moment, I know you better than you know yourself... your thoughts, your fears..." His voice lowered and he focused on his bond. "Your desires," he whispered, barely audible.

"Don't *do* that!"

"Do what, Natalie?" he inquired, his tone innocent but his expression one of concealed amusement. He was obviously enjoying himself.

"That voice... in my head," she gasped.

"What about it?" he asked mildly, watching her start to spin around the room, holding her head, as if in pain.

"Make it stop," she begged, turning to look at him pleadingly. He stepped closer, placing his hands on her shoulders to steady her movements.

"Natalie, calm yourself," he said firmly, reaching over to take another bottle from the case. "This will pass with time. You are still adjusting."

Taking the bottle as soon as he'd uncorked it, she eyed him cautiously, "Adjusting?"

"Yes, of course." Pulling over a chair, he sat and gestured for her to take the other straight backed chair. "Did you honestly believe that the only change you would experience would be your dietary requirements?"

Drinking steadily, she shook her head. "I suppose not."

"You *suppose* not?" He paused to open another bottle and take a swallow. "The dietary change is the merest tip of the iceberg, Natalie. Did you not wonder why Nicholas and I insisted you take time away from work?"

"He just said I would need the time to develop control. I assumed he meant control of my hunger."

"That is part of it, but not all," he said patiently, satisfied that she was calm, attentive and ready to learn. "You have abilities of which you are unaware, and it will take years to master all of them."

"Wait a minute, I only took a month off work," she protested.

"In a month, you will learn to control you desires sufficiently to be amongst your mortal colleagues. To fully appreciate your abilities will take much longer," he spoke low, his voice deep with desire. He was looking forward to spending centuries instructing her. He could sense in her passions unrealized. Perhaps he would even give her the lessons that he'd neglected to give Nicholas. "That voice you hear is me. It makes it easier for me to teach you."

"So it won't go away?"

"No," he said firmly, leaning forward, setting his glass on the side table.

"Will I be able to 'talk' to you like that?"

"Perhaps," he replied thoughtfully, glancing at her through steepled fingertips. "It is more likely that you will develop such an intuitive bond with Nicholas before you do with me."

"Nick has not gotten into my head, LaCroix," she pointed out.

"Ah, but you've only shared blood with him a few times. It takes the intense co-mingling of your essence that comes with the initial conversion or many separate encounters to form that deep a bond. I do believe that you've shared with him twice... or was it three times?" he asked solemnly, taking another sip from his glass as he watched her flush when she realized to what he was referring. "So his bond with you is minimal. I anticipate that it will intensify."

Natalie was silent. She was mortified to realize that he'd known precisely how many times they'd made love. She was even more disturbed to realize that she longed to taste LaCroix's blood again. It was not the physical relations that she wanted, but the intense power of her master's blood...

Setting his now empty glass on the table, LaCroix rose, and took her empty bottle. "Come, we have work to do." She followed him out of the apartment and up several flights of stairs. At the top of the stairwell, he stopped before a metal door. "Remember, Natalie. Do exactly as I tell you tonight. Some skills must be taught in an exact manner. No improvisation."

Following him out the door, Natalie realized they were on the roof of the Raven. The night air was crisp, clear. The stars shone brighter than she'd ever remembered, and the sounds of the city ....

"It is not your imagination, Natalie," he said softly. "The world does seem different. It *is* different. *You* are different."

"I know," she snapped impatiently. "You've been telling me that for the past hour. Would you like to get on with tonight's lesson?"

"Very well," he said, stepping closer, watching intently as she unconsciously moved further away from him. And closer to the edge of the roof. "Close your eyes."


"Natalie, you must trust me," he cautioned. "Close your eyes."

With a sigh, she complied. It was an odd sensation to hear the sounds both near and far, to feel even the slightest breeze.

Smiling as he watched her swaying slightly in the breeze, LaCroix reached forward, and gave her a gentle push.

Feeling herself begin to fall, Natalie's eyes flew open and she shrieked, "HELP!!"

"Relax. Concentrate. Picture yourself lighter than air. Rising. Soaring." His calm direct commands reached her subconscious. Preparing herself to hit the ground with great force, she was surprised to feel herself rise in mid-air, soaring back up to the rooftop. Stepping onto the roof with a slight stumble, she laughed with relief. LaCroix stood over her, hands clasped behind his back. She lay back on the asphalt, breathing deeply. Silently, he extended his hand.

Taking his hand, she stood and stared at him accusingly, "You pushed me."

"So I did," he responded dryly. "You are unharmed."

"That is *not* the point."

"That *is* the point," he corrected her patiently. "Do not be afraid to take risks. Push yourself to new heights. Stay away from fire, sunlight and sharp sticks and you'll live forever. It is up to you how happy that life will be."

"All right, all right," she grumbled, recognizing the words as ones quoted by Nick on at least one occasion. Evidently, his sermons were repeated for each generation. "You did not have to push me. I would have jumped. I'm not afraid."

"Not afraid..." he purred. Letting his eyes glow amber, he moved closer to her.

"No," she whispered, standing still and feeling his cool breath on her neck. "Not of you."

"After all that Nicholas has told you about me? About his past?" he hissed. "And you do not fear me?"

"I am a scientist. I will make my own conclusions. But only after collecting my own data," she said firmly, not allowing his intimidation tactics to faze her. At least not that he would see. "Should I be afraid of you?

His eyes cleared as he stepped back, studying her calm appearance. He could sense her nervousness, but she showed nothing. <Good, she has control> he thought before replying. "No, you should not. You need not. I am your eternal teacher, protector, guide. Remain loyal to me, and you need fear nothing."

She hesitated slightly. "And what do you expect of me?"

"Loyalty. Respect."

"Define loyalty," she requested, thinking of the promises she'd made.

"Interesting that you ask that," he mused. "I would suspect that you've had few in your life who were truly loyal, if you need ask me this. Persons who are there for you when you needed them, unquestioningly." He straightened and stepped back further, "It is simple, Natalie. I am now family. Don't shut me out. I desire companionship. That is all."

"So I have to live with you?" she asked, puzzled that he would ask more from her than from Nick. Or was this simply a ploy to get Nick to come back to him?

"No. You do not live with your mortal parents, do you?"

"Uh, they died when I was very young," she said softly, trying to keep the emotion from her voice.

"Indeed," he said thoughtfully. "So I was correct. You've not experienced the unconditional support of a parent."

"Yes, I will admit that the concept is vague," she admitted. "And I don't like vague. So, if you want something from me, tell me."

He nodded, glancing into the night sky. "Agreed. I shall have no difficulty informing you of my expectations."

She shivered at his tone. Somehow, somewhere, they would come to a clash of wills. It was only a matter of time.


A routine developed after the first week. Natalie would take a meal in her apartment prior to meeting LaCroix for a lesson, usually starting with a flight from the Raven's roof. Her accuracy and coordination was improving, and she could actually land without stumbling now.

By midnight, they would be back at the club. LaCroix would broadcast for a few hours and Natalie would finish another bottle while reading. He maintained an entire library of historical documents that he'd assigned her, as well as re-learning Latin. That was his language of choice when instructing his offspring, and it would do no good if she did not understand. "You might be centuries younger than I, but that is no excuse for ignorance," was his comment when pointing out the stack of books.

Another lesson would extend until the light of dawn broke across the sky and then Natalie would collapse in bed, secure in Nick's embrace. She reveled in their growing bond. As LaCroix predicted, the more times they made love, the stronger the bond became. There was still much in his life that Nick was not allowing her to see yet, and much that they'd not discussed.

"Are you happy, Nat?" Nick asked, caressing her shoulder languidly, in the aftermath of their lovemaking.

"Hmmm? You need to ask?" she murmured nestling herself into his shoulder.

"You didn't answer me," he whispered.

"Why wouldn't I be happy?" she countered.

"No regrets about coming across?" he asked softly. "You don't want to go back?" While her transition was being handled much differently from his, he'd already regretted the choice by this time. She'd yet to take a life, but she knew exactly where her food came from.

"No. I want to be with you. Forever," she said firmly, kissing him gently.

"Forever?" he questioned. "You aren't going to keep working on a cure?"

"You know damn well that LaCroix won't let either of us go. Not now, not ever," she commented, continuing to make small circles with her hands across his chest.

"I know, but we can still try. Maybe there will be some breakthrough years from now," he sighed, relishing the feel of her against him. "You aren't giving up your research, are you?"

"He's making me give him my research," she said softly. The notebook and disks were in a locked cabinet at the Coroner's office, so she had not turned over her files. It bothered her to meekly submit to LaCroix's request, but something in the tone of his voice told her that it was a non-negotiable issue.

"I don't know what games he's playing, but can't you keep a copy at least?" Nick pleaded. He knew how much of her life had been occupied by his quest. It was hard for him to believe that she'd simply hand it over.

"You don't think he was told to get my files? All of them?" she asked with surprise. It was something she'd expected, and she'd very carefully backed up her files and hidden them. Yes, she'd give LaCroix what he'd asked for but he'd not said that she could not retain a copy.

"Well, maybe. But I could see him asking for it as a power play," Nick replied thoughtfully. It would be just like his master to do something like that.

"Nick, he's been very patient with me."

"So far. But what has he asked of you so far?" Nick asked patiently. "All I ask is that you be careful. Don't be too complacent."

"Or?" she questioned. "What precisely are you worried about?"

"Are you attracted to him?" he asked gently. He had sensed something in her blood, something that she would not even recognize yet.

"Don't be absurd!"

"I'm not," he murmured. "Blood doesn't lie."

"Nick," she began.

Placing a finger over her lips to silence her, he whispered, "Shhh... it's okay, Nat. I know what you are feeling and why. It's okay."

"But it's not like that, Nick," she protested. "I'm where I want to be, with you."

"But you *want* him," Nick stated flatly.

"No, I don't."

"Nat, don't lie to me," he chastised, kissing her shoulder. "You *do* want him. Not in a carnal sense, but you do want his blood."

Natalie looked at him sharply, "Nick, I.... I don't know what to say." It was something that she'd not even admitted fully to herself, but he was right.

"There's nothing *to* say," he said, holding her tighter, gazing into the distance. "You think that I have not felt exactly what you are feeling?"

"You? But Nick, you are both..." her comment went unfinished, as the image of Nick and his master came to mind. It was a vague memory that she'd not understood until now.

"I know, I know," he sighed. It had been long ago, a different time. There were still moments though, that he wanted to relive that time. Perhaps not in all ways, but the peace with his master was to be savored. "And at the time, I still had the attitudes and philosophies of a Catholic knight."

"And you don't now?" she teased.

"Some things change. Some do not," he shrugged.

"So the fact that I want to share blood with him is normal?" she questioned.

"Yes," he admitted. "If you are injured, the blood of your master will heal, nurture and strengthen you. It is an elixir unparalleled..."

"And when last did you taste it?" she asked quietly. She could sense his desire awakening.

"Several hundred years, I would guess," he said thoughtfully.

"But you still want it. Even now." It was not a question. She said it with certainty.

"Yes," he whispered. "The desire never goes away, but each sip draws you closer together. Every time you share his blood, you bind yourself tighter. And the master sees more of your soul." He was silent, reflecting on desires he'd not felt in a long time, had not allowed himself to feel much less indulge. "I have always had things I did not want him to see."

"And now?"

"It's hard to go back," Nick murmured.

"But do you want to?" she questioned. She knew the answer, had already felt it in his blood, but wanted to hear him say it, admit it aloud.

"Yes," he whispered, so softly that she could barely hear him.


It pleased Natalie immensely that her approach was undetected. Her evening lesson over, she had several hours free. After a week of seclusion with LaCroix and Nick, she was now allowed to leave the Raven for those brief interludes, although had been cautioned not to approach anyone, and not to go to her office.

Hovering at the skylight of Nick's loft, she watched him paint. She had never seen him exude such happiness. The abstract image swirling on the large canvas evoked a sense of joy, and she could actually hear him humming. She must have made a sound, for she saw him look up and motion to her with a broad grin.

Opening the latch, she flew down to the living room. "It's gorgeous, Nick."

"It's a reflection of my life," he said with a smile, setting his brushes in the bottle of turpentine. "My art always has been that way. My hopes and dreams pictured on a canvas."

"Well, I don't see suns," she said dryly. Many of his more recent works were focused on his quest for mortality and a desire to be in sunlight again. "So what do you call this 'phase'?"

"Hmm, I don't know," he flashed her a wide grin. "You tell me."

"It looks peaceful. A sense of joy," she said thoughtfully. "Something that I've not seen since I met you."

"You are right about so many things, Nat. Maybe I'm finally accepting myself."

"No guilt?" she chastised.

"I can't undo all the evil that I've done," he said quickly. "But I can do good things with my eternal life. You can, too."

"Are you going to tell LaCroix this? Or will you keep fighting with him?"

"It's too hard," he protested. "I've fought him too long."

"There is another way, Nick. How do you think I told him things that were too hard to say?"

"Natalie, don't do this," he warned. He wanted his master's powerful essence, but he would not beg.

"You've not spoken to him, have you?"

"No," he said firmly, pacing to the other side of the room, staring at the night sky through the barred windows. "You haven't either, at least not about this," he observed, reminding her that she, too, was craving their master.

"Jeez, you wonder why?" she protested. "I mean, he has tried so hard to get me to think of him as a father figure. This just strikes me as incestuous."

"No more than you and I," he said casually. In the week following Natalie's conversion, he'd realized that he'd been a vampire for too long to go back. Even though he existed in the mortal world, he was not mortal. Since his conversion, so many years ago, he'd never been in one place more than ten years. Much as he liked Toronto, his sights were already on where he could go next. Seeing Natalie's shock to things common within the community, things he casually accepted and knew, reminded him that even though the crusading knight was still within him, it was not the dominating force.

"I suppose," she mused. "Then you are suggesting I try to seduce him?"

"No," he walked over to her, and pulled her down on the couch with him. "I don't know what I'm suggesting."

"Nick, he's shown no interest in anything other than teaching me. He seems genuinely happy that you and I are together," she stated, running her hand along the arm he'd laid across her lap.

Nick looked at her skeptically. He'd seen LaCroix watching Natalie intently. He knew that his master's interest went beyond parental love. It was something almost expected between any master and their fledglings. He'd experienced LaCroix's love. He'd turned his back on it centuries before. With Natalie's love and help, maybe it was possible to become a family once more.

"You don't agree?" she asked gently.

"I didn't say that," he replied quickly. "I do agree that he wants us to be happy together. That doesn't mean that his interest in you is only platonic." He tightened his grip on her shoulders. "Whatever happens, just tell me. I do understand Nat."

She leaned against him, savoring their closeness. "I won't leave you, Nick. But I don't want to leave him, either."

"You won't have to," he assured her.


Three weeks into Natalie's eternal life, LaCroix pronounced her 'ready'.

"Ready?" she questioned, setting her glass back on the table. Her appetites had settled and while she still consumed more than she ever saw Nick or LaCroix take, she was more controlled, calmer.

"I suppose one could say that it is a mid term examination," he mused. "In any event, we will have a single lesson in the evening from this point forward. You may be with Nicholas after midnight. And you may stay the day at his home."

"Not my own apartment?"

"Don't push, Natalie. Your colleagues still believe you to be on vacation."

"I will need to be alone sometimes, LaCroix," she said softly, standing and walking toward the door.

"I know," he replied, his blue eyes shining with a cold, calculating gaze. "But even when you *think* that you are alone, I am near. In your thoughts... in your blood."

She shot a quick look at him. <Does he know?>

"Monogamy is a much different concept in our world, my dear. I know what you want... all of what you want." He glided over to her side, resting a hand on her shoulder and tilting her chin up to face him. "And Nicholas won't say anything should you indulge your desires."

"This is not the time, LaCroix," she murmured. <Why deny it? He would know the truth anyway>

"Lucien. My name is Lucien."

"Oh, so we are on a first name basis, then? Nick doesn't use it."

"He did at one time. When he was not denying himself. You need not deny yourself, Natalie. In any way," he purred against her ear. She could feel the strength in his loose hold, sense the desire in him.

"I'm not," she pulled away slightly. "What is on the agenda tonight, Lucien? Besides trying to seduce me."

"That makes it sound so sordid," he said smoothly, resting a hand on her shoulder. "As if my attentions were undesirable."

She shivered at his tone. It was true, his closeness was driving her to distraction, making her want to do things that she'd not dreamed of. "That is not what I meant."

"So my attention *is* something that you would not fight," he observed smugly. He could be patient. "As you say, another time, Natalie." He straightened and strode purposefully toward the door. "And I do have a broadcast tonight."

She followed him from the apartment to the stairway and up to the roof. After a short flight, they were walking along a sparsely populated area near industrial docks. Following his lead, Natalie was silent, moving in the shadows. He'd not told her exactly what the lesson was, but she was becoming adept at simply doing as he did. Pausing for a moment, he held up one hand, pointing. She could see a man walking closer to them. She nodded toward the man and looked at LaCroix quizzically.

'Allow him to approach you' he instructed, and then rose into the air. Natalie could tell that he'd gone to a rooftop and was watching them intently.

Walking confidently along the street opposite, she saw the man cross over and come closer. The glint of a gun flashed from his belt. This was not a neighborhood that any mortal woman would travel alone so Natalie shrank further against the buildings, just as she would had she been as a mortal woman.

"Hey there, pretty lady, you lost?" the man called out to her, circling her.

"No," she replied, continuing to walk away from him. She could hear the beating of his heart, smell the warm blood coursing through his veins. With some effort, she kept her fangs retracted.

"I think you are, but for a small fee, I'll protect you," he said smugly. Striding in front of her, he held one hand out to restrain her while the other reached lower in a vain attempt to feel her breast.

"Thank you for the offer, but that isn't necessary," she pushed his arms away, shivering at the contact with his warm skin. The force of her movement put him off balance, and he stumbled against the brick wall. Silently she glanced toward the rooftops. She did not fear her own safety, but was not sure how long she'd maintain composure if pushed.

"Have it your way," the man said sarcastically, drawing the knife, and placing it against her back. He was not about to let a woman push him around. "I'll take my fee anyway."

She whirled and pushed him to the ground, the gun clattering down the street with the force of her blow. "I don't think so," she said in a firm, deep voice. She felt the pressure of her fangs against her lips. Looking up, she saw LaCroix standing several feet away, watching.

The man stood with a fury, a knife extended. There was no way he was going to let the little slip of a woman get away with *this*. Natalie backed away, intending to walk away, unaware of LaCroix's approach.

"Are you going to allow this scum to intimidate you, my daughter?" he asked with disdain. He picked the man up with one hand and let him dangle.

"Hey, man... I didn't mean anything. Really. I didn't hardly touch her," the man protested, struggling as LaCroix set him down, but maintained a grip on his shoulders.

"No one hurts my family. No one." He turned toward Natalie, who stood several feet away. Her eyes were glowing amber as she held her arms tightly against her chest. "Natalie, come here."

"Lucien, I can't," she pleaded, raising her amber eyes to him.

"You can. You must. Come closer."

She took a step and another. The scent of his blood, the fear and adrenaline were overpowering. She could not stop, could not control it... before she realized what she'd done, the man lay on the ground drained. She did not even remember the bite, driving her fangs into his neck, feeling the hot blood pour down her throat until it was over. Looking up at her master in shock, she murmured, "Oh my God, what have I done?"

"Protected yourself," he said dryly. "And I don't think that a deity has anything to do with it." Picking up the knife, he handed it to her. "Now finish the job."

"What?" she asked with confusion. The sensations of violence and hatred that she'd felt in the man's blood were overwhelming her.

"The Code, Natalie. What have I told you?" he reminded her. "You know what to do. You've seen enough of them."

"Oh, yeah," She nodded as if just waking from a dream. Automatically, she snapped the man's neck and made some slashes on his neck and chest.

"What are you doing?" he asked, watching her extend the wounds. Usually, a vampire disguised their kill by merely gouged the fang marks into a straight line. She was creating numerous punctures and wounds, ending with a straight cut to the heart.

"Giving the coroner some fun," she shrugged. "Knife wound to the heart." She wiped the handle on the man's shirt and carefully placed his fingerprints along the blade and handle before dropping it. "So do we leave him here?"

"Not usually. The lake is a good place... or a dumpster... but I daresay that you've done sufficient work to set up this area that we could simply leave him in that alley." He pointed at an unlit alley and watched her heft the body with ease and place him in the far corner. The knife was left on the street. She was clearly functioning on autopilot and had not fully absorbed everything.

By the time they'd returned to the Raven, Natalie had realized exactly what she'd done... and was not happy. Slamming the door to her apartment, she strode up to him. "You tricked me!"

"I did nothing of the sort, Natalie," he said mildly.

"You did this deliberately," she accused. She was still in shock that she'd taken a life and then hid it.

"Perhaps," he said thoughtfully. "You needed to see what happens when you are threatened."

"You didn't need to *show* me."

"Au contraire, Natalie. I did. You would not have believed me," he said smoothly, sitting in the overstuffed chair, watching her pace.

"I've believed everything else, haven't I?" she protested. "Lucien, I'm a doctor. I've taken an oath to do no harm."

"To your patients," he sneered, "as if you could harm *your* patients. In any event, I do not believe that he is a patient. Or at least, he was not. Perhaps he will be. But you have also taken an oath to obey *me*... and that oath supersedes any that you've taken as a mortal. You are no longer one of *them*." He looked at her curiously as she stopped pacing and sat on the couch silently. "What?"

"Nick said the same thing," she said quietly.

"He did?" LaCroix raised an eyebrow with surprise. "Surprising."

"He agrees with you more than you think, Lucien."

"I thought he'd deny it. He's fought me for so long. Claimed that he no longer wanted eternal life."

"He doesn't know how to mend the fences," Natalie said softly. As she calmed, she had realized that he was right. She would not have believed how quickly and unconsciously the vampire would react to a threat. Nick had warned her many times of 'provoking' the vampire within him, and he had centuries of experience in suppressing it. She had none.

"Maybe he is mending them through you," LaCroix said thoughtfully. "And yes, you may vent your frustrations to him. He will likely be more sympathetic, but tonight's activity was necessary before you can return to work."

"I know," she agreed. "You are right. I needed to see the consequences. There is more to guard against than merely hunger."

"So you see the wisdom of my method of instruction?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yes. All right. I understand. Everything," she said impatiently. "I did not enjoy killing that man, but I understand why you put me in that situation. Before you brought me across, I told myself that I did not *need* to kill, would not kill. But now..."

"No, Natalie. You may not *need* to kill, but you do *want* to kill. It is an instinct. One that you must accept."

"Lucien, I don't have to accept that," she argued, watching as LaCroix stood and walked across the room. Pulling two goblets from the rack and a bottle from the wooden case, he came over to the couch and sat down. Filling the goblets, he handed one to her.

"Then you will be as unhappy as Nicholas. He never accepted it either," he said solemnly, watching as she drank from her glass. "That is your food. Your nourishment. Where do you think it comes from?"

"I *know* where it comes from," she said emphatically. "I also know that it is no longer necessary to kill to get it."

"Maybe it isn't." he acknowledged. "That does not mean that you won't desire the blood of every mortal whose heartbeat echoes into your brain. Especially those who have stirred your emotions."

"That makes more sense," she said thoughtfully. "I can accept *that*."

"Then you know what your challenge will be," he nodded. "If you wish to spend eternity like Nicholas, wandering through a series of occupations, then you need to respect your desires and abilities." He moved closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

Leaning against his firm chest, Natalie glanced into the distance, "yes, I do."

Kissing her temple, LaCroix caressed her arm lightly. "And I am here to assist. It will be so much easier if you do not try to separate yourself. That is my fear. That once you are trained, Nicholas will take you and you will both run from me."

She turned within his loose embrace to face him. Wrapping an arm around his neck, she drew him closer. "Lucien, you are part of me, and I am part of you. How could I separate myself?"

"You cannot," he murmured. Their lips met in a kiss of peace, of growing affection. His tongue traced the edges of her lips, probing, searching. Feeling her lips part, and her tongue meet his, he thrust within, caressing her teeth, stroking them. Feeling the tingle that signaled his fangs descent, he felt the sharp edges of her fangs and the tentative touch of her tongue caressing his fangs. "Yes, Natalie. Yes. We *are* each other."

With an inarticulate growl, Natalie pulled back. Her eyes glowed amber with desire. LaCroix's kisses had a powerful effect upon her. She wanted more... so much more. "Lucien, I want to be part of you again."

"Then take me, my child," he whispered, unbuttoning his collar, baring his neck. His smile revealed his fangs, his eyes glowing amber. Holding her closer, he gasped with delight as she kissed his neck, licked the vein and then sank her fangs within him.

Trembling at the unexpected prospect of taking his blood, Natalie carefully prepared the vein, kissing his neck until the vein stood ready for her. She could feel his inarticulate growls, the low rumble that told her that her actions were welcome. She drove her fangs deep into the vessel with one swift stroke, sucking to take the rich nectar that welled up from the wound. His memories flowed into her, as his blood filled her mouth. She was barely aware of the exquisite pain of his fangs within her own neck but could sense the flow of thoughts, desires, memories pass between them.

LaCroix pulled back, breathing heavily with the power of their exchange. Sharing blood with his children was an incredibly erotic experience, one to be savored and not rushed. Caressing her shoulder lightly, he was silent, allowing her to meditate upon the moment.

She was seldom at a loss for words, but Natalie did not know what to say. Relaxing into LaCroix's arms, she closed her eyes and focused upon their bond. It was, as Nick had told her, a powerful moment. She knew her master with clarity unknown previously. While there was still a lot that he'd shielded from her, she knew of his fierce, protective love for all of his offspring, how he'd wanted to convert her for several years but would not force the issue. And how he wished to renew his bond with his son but was too proud to ask.

"Natalie, you are being very quiet," he said softly. "Is there anything you wish to ask me?"

"I'm fine, Lucien," she murmured, molding herself against his chest and sighing with pleasure as he ran his hands over her back.

"You've spoken to Nick already?" he probed. He did not want to damage the fragile peace he'd attained with Nick. Sharing blood with his son's girlfriend was not likely to be well received, no matter that such activities were condoned among most vampires. The fact that she'd asked, and had actively sought his affections would likely be misunderstood.

"Yes, and he's fine with it," she replied sleepily. The emotional toll of the evening had drained her, and she was unlikely to stay awake much longer. "I told you, he wants to mend the rift between you."

"Completely?" he asked, trying to confirm a thought he'd sensed from her. That not only had Nick discussed the sharing of master's blood with her, but had expressed a desire to be with him once more.

"Umm hmmm," came the drowsy response. Natalie was soon asleep, resting against his chest. He laid her gently on the couch and covered her with a blanket.

Closing the door of the apartment behind him, LaCroix walked into his apartment, picked up the phone and dialed a number quickly. "Nicholas," he spoke as soon as the connection was made. "I believe that Natalie would appreciate your presence in her apartment before dawn. We are finished with tonight's activities and she is asleep. She is fine. Yes, I am sure that she was broadcasting many emotions. I would prefer you discuss it with her." He hung up the phone and sat on the couch to reflect on everything that he'd felt in Natalie's blood.


It was nearly dawn when Nick arrived at the Raven. He had been preparing a surprise for Natalie, one that could not be delayed. LaCroix's phone call was unexpected. His bond with Natalie had grown to the point that he'd felt the array of emotions that evening. While he would need her to fill in the blanks, he could only conclude from the power of her anger that she'd made her first kill that night. And as he would expect, she was unprepared for it.

Letting himself in the back door, entering the security codes at various doors to reach the private quarters, Nick could not hear any activity. LaCroix must have retired for the evening. A single lit taper cast a flickering glow on the walls of Natalie's apartment as he slipped in, closing the door quietly. Sitting by the couch, he watched the slow rise and fall of her chest as she slept. He never tired of watching her peaceful expression as she slept.

Sweeping her into his arms, he carried her into the bedroom and laid her on the bed. She did not awaken as he carefully undressed her and cushioned her among the pillows. Undressing quickly, he slid under the covers and nestled himself against her. They could talk in the evening.

Natalie woke slowly, her eyelids thick with the fatigue borne by the stress of the activities of the previous night. She felt secure in Nick's arms, his cool body molded against her. She was not sure when he'd arrived or how much LaCroix might have told him. Turning slightly, she felt his grip tighten.

"I know you're awake, Nat," he said softly.

"Mmmm, why didn't you wake me?" she asked drowsily, looking up into his deep blue eyes.

"You looked too peaceful," he replied, kissing her forehead lightly. "I'm not sure what you did last night, but I didn't want to disturb you."

"Did you talk to Lucien yet?"

"Oh, so you have permission to use his first name?" Nick teased. He had stopped long ago to call his sire by anything but his surname, preferring to keep a bit of distance between them.

"You do too," she scolded. "So did you?"

"Not quite," Nick tightened his grip on her. "He just said you'd need to talk. But I did sense a storm of emotions from you."

"Sorry. I hear that I broadcast things. I can't help it. I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk."

"Nat, it's okay, really. I know that some things are hard to talk about. Can I guess?" he asked softly, running his hands along her arms, trying to get her to relax. "You took a life," he said with certainty.

She turned quickly, looking at him in shock. "How... how did you know?"

"Not hard to figure out, Nat. You've expressed your reluctance to kill. I understand it better than anyone else in the community. And I felt your fury and then a sort of shock. It just made sense that was what happened."

"Oh, Nick, you told me it would happen, but I was not prepared. It was so different from the bottled. I *felt* everything." Her voice trailed into sobs as she relived the sensations.

Murmuring phrases in his native French, he cradled her, soothed the tears that had not fallen until now. "Nat, its okay. It happened."

"But I swore that I wouldn't," she protested.

"Why don't we start at the beginning?" he prompted. "I'm quite certain that he would not merely take you on a hunting expedition."

She stiffened at his words. She was all too aware that most vampires reveled in the kill and she could now understand why. The sensations that the fresh, warm, emotion filled blood brought to her could not be matched by the stale bottled blends. But to call it a 'hunt' bothered her immensely.

"Nat?" he prompted.

"We were walking... over by the docks... on the east side near the lake."

"Together? He was with you?"

"He watched from the roof. I was alone."

"Nat, no woman should be alone at night over there," he scolded.

"Exactly," she said with a sigh. "I was accosted."

He laid back against the pillows. The image was clear now. "And so you reacted."

"Oh, is *that* what you call it?" she asked sarcastically. "I didn't even know what I was doing until it was over and the man was dead at my feet."

"What did you do with the body?" Nick asked sharply.

"We took care of it. Don't you think by now that I know how to cover up a vampire kill? It's not our jurisdiction anyway so don't worry."

He could sense the emergence of the cool professional, the one that hid feelings in the face of atrocity. He was not sure that it was the best thing right now. "Nat? You okay with this?"

"I was pretty angry at first. I thought Lucien had done it deliberately to make me kill," she reflected.

"In a way, he did," Nick agreed. "But I think there was a purpose to this, not just a means to get you to take a life. He is more cautious than that."

"I know. I understand now. I need to respect my emotions and the consequences of anger." She slid closer, leaning against his chest.

"You are much more controlled than most of your age, but the vampire will fight reason. You saw how fast it can happen," he sighed. "And why they call me the 'Knightmare'. You know my temper."

"Yes, I know your temper. I *do* know your precinct name," she replied. "And I know my own impatience has been amplified. I will work on it. We can't have people calling me 'Ms. Knightmare'; can we?"

"But we could have them call you 'Mrs. Knight'; couldn't we?" he asked softly.

"Nick? Did you just say what I think you said?" she looked at him, startled.

"Madame de Brabant would be a more accurate title, I would think," he said thoughtfully, taking her left hand and kissing it softly, drawing each finger to his mouth slowly, sensually.

"Nick.... You're trying to distract me..." she protested, sighing with pleasure at the sensations he was creating.

"And you are not answering the question," he said, trailing kisses from her fingertips, up her arm. "Will you be my partner, now and forever, my eternal wife?" His voice was low, sensual as his kisses reached her neck. He could smell her growing arousal, feel the rumbling growls as she expressed her pleasure.

"Yes, my eternal lover, I will be your eternal wife," she breathed, wrapping her arms around his back. He rolled on top of her, running kisses down her body as he unbuttoned her nightshirt. Drawing her breast into his mouth, he lightly scraped the nipple with his teeth, grinning at the quickly indrawn breath. Running his fingers lightly down her belly, he alternated attention between her breasts with an occasional nip to his favorite spot on her neck.

"Nick, let me...." she moaned, as he continued on his path lower. She tangled her hands in his blond hair, parting her thighs as he layered kisses on her most private areas. The intensity of the sensations he created made her inarticulate. "Nick," she called out. "Please, now.... I need you.."

"What do you need from me?" he teased, looking up at her with amber eyes as he slid up, kissing and caressing every inch until he reached her lips.

"Inside me, a part of me..." she pleaded, pulling him closer. Feeling his erection pressing against her thigh, she reached lower to guide him to her entrance.

"And you are a part of me..." he murmured, thrusting within. Together they rode the wave of passion, meeting each other's motion with their own. They were matched in perfect synchrony. His fangs had dropped and he guided her toward his neck. Feeling her fangs enter him and his blood flow into her, he sank his fangs within her. With the first drop of her sweet essence, he climaxed, filling her with his seed.

Spent, he rolled them to the side, still within her, languidly caressing her. "You were with Lucien, weren't you?"

Natalie looked at him sharply. That seemed a strange thing to bring up at that particular moment. "Yes," she admitted. "Does that bother you?"

"Umm, this might seem strange to you, but no. If anything, I'm envious."

"It doesn't seem strange," she replied. "His blood is, well, intense, powerful, not as sweet as yours, though. And all I did was share his blood... nothing physical," she said with an embarrassed glance at the wall.

"I know," he soothed, kissing her temple. "I could tell. Don't be embarrassed, Natalie. As Lucien would say, let go your mortal bonds."

"So he's used that one on you, too?"

"Many times. Many times," Nick reflected. "And the truth is, the sharing of blood is the more intimate act. It is the sharing of your soul, your very being." He was quiet as she kissed him, knowing how hard it was for him to put into words, these very personal things. "When he brought you across, he shared your life, your dreams, your passions. He knows you in ways you do not know yourself. Taking his blood will allow you to renew and refresh yourself. In our world, it is not infidelity to share yourself with both of us."

"In other words, keep it in the family?" she quipped. She had begun to take on Nick's habit of joking to avoid serious discussions before she was ready. And she was most definitely not ready to discuss any feelings she may have developed toward their master.

"Oh, so Janette is fair game?" he teased. "She's family, too."

"Nick, I don't know what I feel about Janette right now. I know that you went to her for sex as long as she was in town," Natalie whispered, feeling him stiffen against her. "I know you two have quite a history. A month ago, I would have been insanely jealous to see you together."

"Like when I brought her to the morgue for first aid?" he asked gently. He had not realized how much Natalie had known of his relationship with Janette. He had tried to conceal his carnal needs and the fact that he had used Janette to relieve desires that he had feared would be fatal to his mortal love.

"Yes," she admitted. "I don't know exactly what happened, and I'm not sure that I want to know. I'm not sure what she'll think of having me as a little sister but from what little I've seen and experienced over the past few weeks, I'm a bit more tolerant of your relationship together. Just don't bring her to our bed, okay?"

"Okay... but I don't think you have anything to worry about. She's rather annoyed at me right now. I think she'll keep her distance for a while. In any event, I think she'd be pleased to have you as a sibling. It was never *you* that she didn't approve of. It was what you were doing for me."

"Your quest," Natalie said knowingly. "Which, may I assume, is no more?"

"What makes you say that?"

"You just asked me to be your eternal wife which means you are not renouncing eternity," she observed, capturing his hand in hers and bringing it to her mouth for a kiss.

"Remind me not to get into any arguments with you," he laughed. "You are way too logical. I think you could match wits with LaCroix!"

"I have. And I will continue to do so," she grinned. "And you haven't answered the question."

"Yes, all right, Natalie? With you at my side, eternity is not a burden but a joy. Something to be savored, relished. Cherished." He spoke softly, deliberately as he reached into the nightstand for the small box he'd placed there the evening before. "And for you, my eternal bride, something to symbolize our promise." He took her hand and slid a ring on the third finger.

With a gasp, Natalie held up her hand and stared at the broad gold band. A sparking marquise cut diamond was flanked by sapphires. "It's gorgeous. That has to be two carats, Nick."

"Hmm, I think it is. With sapphires as sparkling blue as the morning sky, as bright as your eyes, as flawless as you are, my love."


On the Thursday prior to her return to work, Natalie sat in the corner booth of the Raven surveying the crowd. She had begun to spend part of the evening observing the customers, becoming accustomed to hearing the echos of many heartbeats. And it was more interesting than reading history texts in Latin.

Most nights, Nick would join her after the 'official' closing, the time that the club was only open for immortal patrons. While many thought of him as standoffish and formal, he was gradually showing a playful side, and the jam sessions that he'd have with the band were becoming popular enough that he'd been invited to join them on an open gig.

Sipping from her goblet, Natalie could sense the approach of her master. She was better at discerning the presence of individual vampires. It was more difficult for Nick to sneak up on her than ever. Turning slightly, she spoke calmly, "Good evening, Lucien. How was the show tonight?"

"Satisfying. Did you listen?" he responded, taking the seat opposite her.

"Just the monologue. Interesting topic choice," she mused. She now understood how the broadcasts had always seemed focused on Nick.

"Loyalty. A concept misunderstood by many," he observed, watching her expression closely. She'd adapted with greater ease than he'd thought possible.

"So I've heard," she replied evenly. Over the month of constant close contact, she'd begun to enjoy matching wits and the verbal sparring. She'd no illusions that at some point their existence would not be as peaceful but was learning that the ancient vampire was not the evil domineering master that Nick had depicted him.

Laying a thick envelope on the table, he slid it across to her while motioning to the waitress for refills.

"And what is this?" she asked, taking the envelope gingerly.

"Open it," he urged, watching as she tore open the envelope and shake out the contents. Puzzled, she read the hotel reservation and flight plan.

"What is this?"

"A gift," he replied. "You have worked very hard this month. I thought you'd enjoy a break before resuming your job."

"Thank you," she said with an eager smile, picking up each paper one at a time. "New Orleans?"

"Have you been there?" he questioned, savoring her open eagerness for every new experience.

"No," she said cautiously. It sounded delightful, but she'd always hoped to vacation there with Nick.

"Well, then, I'm sure that Nicholas will enjoy being your guide," he said smoothly, taking the filled glasses from the waitress and handing one to Natalie.

"Oh, then this is for the two of us? Not you and me?"

"While I appreciate the sentiment, I do believe that you would prefer to be alone with Nicholas," he smiled suggestively. She blushed at his tone and studied the papers more closely. LaCroix had developed a knack for saying things designed to embarrass her. It was a playful side to the ancient Roman that she'd never thought possible.

Wealth had its advantages, as Natalie soon discovered. Their private jet was waiting at the airport, custom fitted for a vampire's needs and an evening flight time well after the usual private flights.

"Impressed?" Nick asked with a smirk, seeing Natalie's incredulous gaze around the cabin.

"Yeah," she commented absently as she settled into the comfortable reclining seat. For someone who had never flown first class, the idea of a jet for just the two of them seemed decadent beyond words. "So, who's plane is this?"

"LaCroix's. How do you think he gets out of town whenever he likes?" Nick shrugged. Having use of the Foundation's planes at a moment's notice, Nick was familiar with the Lear jet. Indeed, he had could count on one hand the times he'd taken a commercial flight. And those were only when it would have been noticed otherwise.

"All set, sir?" the pilot's voice came over the intercom.

"Yes, we're ready whenever you are," Nick replied, fastening his seat belt.

"Very good. We are cleared for taxi and takeoff, I'll let you know when we are at cruising altitude. I anticipate arriving in New Orleans at 3 am, central time. US customs will be waiting for our arrival."

As the pilot's intercom clicked off, Natalie turned to Nick, "Isn't that sort of late for an international flight?"

"We have our own connections, including customs agents, especially in New Orleans," he replied casually. It seemed, of late, that every new experience for Natalie served to reinforce how ingrained the vampire community was for Nick. "You'll find that the community there is even larger than Toronto."

"Then there is no problem getting supplies?" she asked. She had noticed that the cooler Nick had carried on board was certainly not enough for more than a day, especially with her appetite.

"Of course not. There are several clubs that we will visit. And our reservations are at a wonderful historic inn in the garden district. Very private." He glanced over to her with a suggestive leer.

The plane was met by a darkened limo that whisked them away just as the gray predawn skies were beginning to lighten. Natalie stared out the windows with obvious delight at the elegant homes and stately spreading trees. The scent of magnolias was thick.

"This is our hotel?" she asked with amazement as the limo parked in front of a large brick mansion fronted by an expansive pillared veranda.

"Only the best," Nick pledged, taking her arm and leading her within. He seemed oblivious to the detailed architecture and sumptuous décor. As they approached the desk, Natalie felt the faint vibration of her vampire senses. Her eyes met with the desk clerk, and she suddenly realized that the hotel was run by a vampire.

"Ah, Nicholas, so good to see you once more! It has been a very long time," the clerk greeted them enthusiastically. "And who is this charming young lady?"

"This is my fiancée, Natalie." Nick stretched out his hand to shake the other man.

"Ah, Natalie. So someone has finally captured our crusading knight." He winked knowingly and gestured to the bellhop. "Take their bags up to Suite 2," he commanded, lifting a thick book onto the counter. "Just sign here, Sir. I believe that your sire has already made arrangements. Everything should be in order. The room is already stocked with the blends that he requested." He leaned forward and spoke low, "We look forward to getting to know the General's newest progeny, but I will let the others know of your relationship."

"Thank you, Jean-Pierre," Nick slipped a folded bill into his hand and took Natalie's arm.

The stroll up to their upper floor suite was quiet as Natalie took in her surroundings. The main lobby opened into a sumptuous parlor with a winding stairway to the second floor. Most of the guest rooms faced the gardens to the rear of the old mansion. The bellhop led them down a corridor to a locked stairwell. The lighting and décor was different on the third floor. The understated classic elegance was still present but the lighting was more subdued, and there were only four doorways along the entire hallway. She could hear the heartbeats of the bellhop and other guests along the second floor. Nick had been here before, probably many years before, was her guess. That was something she'd discuss with him when they were alone.

Sliding a key into the door, the bellhop opened the door wide and ushered them inside before sliding the cart with their luggage inside. The room's décor was every bit as elegant as the rest of the hotel. Natalie wandered, slightly distracted, as the bellhop quietly placed their suitcases in the bedroom and handed a set of keys to Nick. Taking a labeled bottle out of the mini-bar's refrigerator, Nick filled two stemmed goblets and sat down on the sofa.

"Nat? Earth to Natalie?"

"What? Oh, umm... sorry," Natalie stammered, seeing Nick sitting patiently with an amused expression.

"So is that what I look like when I am off in another century?"

"Very funny, Nick. I was here," she protested.

"Physically. Mentally, I'm not sure where you were," he teased. "Come here."

Her senses tingling at the scent of the blood-wine, she swiftly crossed the room. "This is so decadent, Nick," she enthused, taking the proffered glass.

"I suppose," he replied thoughtfully. "I never thought of it that way. It was the common style when this place was built." Taking his own glass, he touched hers gently. "A toast to our future."

"Forever," she nodded, taking a sip. She was used to the pure, unblended blood, and the wine burned as she swallowed. A warmth filled her, and memories of the first time she'd become intoxicated came to mind.

"Yes, I'm allowing you the special blend tonight." He gestured to the bottle. "One glass only. Any more and we won't be able to enjoy this suite." He leered at her, sliding an arm around her shoulder.

"This is what you usually drink?" she asked, taking another sip. She could taste the fine merlot and felt the sensations of the lovers who had donated the blood.

"Sort of. This is a special blend for the honeymoon suite."

"But we aren't on our honeymoon, Nick," she said quickly, setting her glass on the end table. The wine's intoxicating effects were powerful, and she was already feeling light-headed.

"We could be," he replied, taking her hands loosely. "And even if we aren't, most of the community does not believe in mortal ceremony. By coming here together, they will view us as mates."

"Is that why Jean-Pierre said he would tell the others of our relationship?"

"Yes, otherwise there would be many here who would try to charm you."

"You said in Toronto that some would take advantage of me, that I was endangered. Is that still the case?"

"No, but for different reasons. LaCroix is well known as an ancient. A lot of vampires want to win favor with an ancient and would try to do that through you."

"I know that Lucien made the arrangements, but did he have to announce that he sired me?" she complained. She did not know very much about vampire society but was slightly embarrassed by the whole concept of *everyone* knowing who brought her across.

"He didn't need to. Anyone who has met him would sense his presence in you. In both of us for that matter."

Natalie was silent, puzzling how they could know so much so easily. Would she ever have privacy again?

"You are young in our world, my love. With time, you will be able to sense this as well." He leaned over and kissed her gently. "And you have not answered my question."

"What question?" She turned to face him, puzzled.

"Will you marry me?"

"Nick, I already said that I would. I am wearing your ring."

"I mean, will you marry me tomorrow? Make this our honeymoon. I can't think of anything more romantic than a moonlit ceremony in the courtyard." Taking her hand, he kissed it gently. Encouraged by her sigh of pleasure, he continued his kisses up her arm, taking her in his embrace.

"Yes, I will," she agreed, melting against him. Grace was right. She was going to come back from her month break with a wedding ring. The teasing they would both take was going to be intense. "But I don't have a dress or anything."

"Never fear, I have connections," he grinned. While he was sure of her love, and her desire to commit to him he was not sure if she'd agree to a ceremony away from their friends.


The sun had barely set when she slipped into the lobby. She had felt his presence since early that morning. She had hoped for a longer time before their inevitable confrontation, but if he was seeking her out so soon, something must have changed.

Brushing the hood of her cape away to reveal raven curls and alabaster skin, she leaned against the desk, gazing at the young man at the end of the counter.

"Ma'am?" he asked, studying her movements.

"I would like to speak to Jean Pierre, s'il vous plait," she purred. Ever the temptress, she knew exactly how to get information from mortal workers. This, however, was something that she'd need to discuss with one of her own.

"One moment," he nodded, and knocked lightly on the door. The slim dark haired man emerged quickly as if expecting the summons.

"Janette, ma belle," he took her arm, and guided her toward a corner of the lobby. "How may I be of assistance?"

"He is here," she stated firmly.

"Who is here? We have many guests, Janette."

"Nicolas. I don't know why he is here, but I need to see him."

"Ah, yes. Family," he nodded with understanding. He did not truly know all of the complexities of LaCroix's line, other than the long history of conflict. It seemed that the son had resolved many of those difficulties. Now was it the elder daughter that fought him. The young daughter was too new of a convert to disagree with her master, and he was not even sure that Janette knew of her newest sibling. He had no intention of discussing it with her. "I will ring his room. You may await him in the club."

"Thank you, Jean-Pierre." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek. She had hoped for the meeting to be in a public venue. She was afraid what her temper would do if she met Nick in his room. While she had reconciled herself to eternal life once more, she had not forgiven him for blatantly disregarding her specific request. Most in the New Orleans community still thought of her as LaCroix's progeny, so she was not sure how much Nick had imprinted her when he'd brought her across in the fire. And that was fine with her.

"You are serious about doing this here?" Natalie asked again, as Nick hung up the phone. He had made arrangements for a dressmaker to come to their suite that evening with a selection of wedding dresses for her. LaCroix would be flying down to New Orleans in time for the ceremony Sunday evening. They would have that day and would come back to Toronto together early Monday evening in time for both to go into work on Tuesday.

"Absolutely. I want the entire world to know that I love you." He leaned over to kiss her. He needed to speak to Jean-Pierre for the most important part of the wedding- the officiate. New Orleans was one of only three cities with the person that was needed for the ceremony that he wanted. The ringing of the phone stopped him from taking his passion further. "Yes?" he said firmly, watching Natalie lean against the pillows. "I'll be right there. No, you were right. Thank you." Setting the phone down gently, he turned to Natalie. "Janette is waiting for me downstairs," he announced.

"What is she doing here?" Natalie asked with dismay.

"I suspect that she lives here," Nick admitted. "I thought I felt her presence when we arrived, but I wasn't sure. Evidently she felt me."

"So? What are you going to do?"

"She wants to talk. I'll talk," Nick shrugged. "Give me an hour, and then join us in the club. I think she needs to see you." With a gentle kiss on the forehead, he left the suite.

Natalie leaned back against the cushions of the couch. While she wore his ring and had heard his reassurances several times that day alone, Janette was the one person who stirred the green monster in her.

She was sitting in the back corner, a secluded booth. Her ease of movement, and elegant dress were reminiscent of the eternal seductress and not of the frightened mortal woman that he'd taken to the morgue for a bullet removal earlier that year. She seemed more natural, more as he remembered.

"Janette." He sat opposite her, taking her hand and kissing it lightly. He wanted to embrace her fully but was not sure of her reaction. And he did not want to cause a scene.

"Nicolas," she said in a very formal tone. "What are you doing here? You promised *not* to come looking."

"I didn't," he protested. "I didn't know you were here. In any event, LaCroix made the arrangements."

"Ah, so I should *thank* him for making me face you so soon?" she said sarcastically.

"That is up to you. I knew you were here almost as soon as we landed but was not going to seek you out. I said I'd stay away. I intended to do just that."

"Hmmm. You expect me to believe that you came here alone?" Janette studied him suspiciously. His expressions were, as usual, that of an 'innocent' little boy, but she knew him better. There was a reason that he was in New Orleans.

"No, I never said I was alone, Janette. I came with Natalie."

"Natalie? You came *here* with Natalie? That is a rather large risk, mon frere," she questioned, surprised at his audacity. Bringing a mortal lover to a city filled with immortals was a risk she didn't think that even Nick would take.

"Yes, I did. We are getting married," he announced, gesturing to the waiter for a drink.

"Married? Oh, Nicolas, when will you learn?" she asked, incredulous. Sometimes the boldness of her immortal sibling was simply amazing. "You know that LaCroix will not allow you to marry a mortal."

"Really?" he mused. Obviously Janette could not sense Natalie yet. This could be fun. Hearing the waiter's approach, he said no more. Nodding at the labeled bottle that was presented, he waited for two glasses to be filled and handed one to her.

With obvious reluctance, she took the glass, sniffing the contents cautiously. What she found surprised her. Taking a sip, she exclaimed, "This is a better blend than I expected."

"I am capable of picking out wine, Janette," he said sternly. Tossing back the contents of his own glass, he continued, "Would it surprise you to hear that LaCroix is coming to the wedding?"

Sputtering in surprise, Janette set her glass down, eyeing him closely. Yes, she was surprised to hear that LaCroix would come to an event unifying Nicolas with a mortal woman. It was only slightly more surprising than learning that Nicolas was drinking human blood again "So, when did you give up the bovine Bordeaux?"

"Things changed after you left, Janette." He could feel Natalie's approach. "A lot of things."

Janette shook her head with surprise. Perhaps their master would condone this relationship with a mortal after all if Nick had embraced their ways again. No mortal had ever survived Nick's love for long. It was then that she felt the faint vibration. An aura of one she knew well but in a form that she did not know. Looking up, she was surprised to see Natalie enter the room and make her way unerringly toward them.

"Nicolas? Is there something you've neglected to tell me?" she asked softly.

"I suppose," he grinned. "And I suppose that you are correct. LaCroix would not allow me to marry a mortal."

"But I am not mortal, Nick," Natalie said firmly, sitting next to Nick. With a polite smile, she turned to Janette. "It's good to see you, Janette."

With the waiter's approach, she nodded, "Welcome, Natalie." Natalie turned and took the glass from the waiter and they waited until he was out of earshot. Janette assessed her closely. The aura and presence all screamed 'LaCroix'. Surely Nick had not allowed their master...

"Yes, I did," Nick said softly. "Your senses are still keen. She is not my daughter but is our sibling."

"I'm speechless," Janette murmured. She *really* needed to get Natalie alone now. There had to be a story behind this. She glanced suspiciously at the beverage that Natalie sipped. It had come from a different bottle than theirs. Just what was Nicolas influencing his lover?

Natalie was observing every gesture of Janette. She wanted to have a peaceful relationship with the elder vampire. There was much that she wanted to discuss, to learn. This initial meeting would pave the way for either strife or friendship. She could tell that Janette worried what Nick was feeding her and with good reason. He had survived for nearly a century on the blood of animals and had only returned to their natural sustenance a month ago. And that was something she was not sure that Janette knew. Pushing the glass forward, she whispered, "Taste it."

Hesitantly, Janette dipped a finger into the viscous liquid, and brought it to her lips. Eyes glowing slightly, she felt the vivid memories, the sweet tang of the fresh blood. "Natalie? I'm impressed. You have better taste than Nicolas."

"I can ask for the bottle," she offered. "The wine affects me rather quickly so I drink the unblended."

"Yes, but this is an uncommonly good one."

"The waiters are trying to impress me, I think," she shrugged. Nick had twined an arm with hers, and she leaned against him. "So, will you come to our wedding?"

"Tell me about this wedding," she commanded, looking directly at Nick. She could sense that Natalie was still quite young as a vampire, and doubted that she fully understood the implications of a true vampire union. If all that was planned was a mortal judge and mortal paperwork, she would tease but not interfere.

"Tomorrow night, here in the courtyard," Nick began.

"And who is performing this ceremony?"

"Cut to the chase, eh, Janette?" he said thoughtfully. "I've not spoken to Jean-Pierre yet, but I plan to ask his sire, Michel."

"Are you absolutely sure about this, Nicholas?" she asked quickly. "And have you explained it to Natalie?"

"I am sure, and Natalie has consented," he said confidently.

"That does not answer my question," she pointed out. Turning to Natalie, she spoke in soft, gentle tones. "Natalie, undoubtedly you've realized that marriage is something that few vampires do."

"That's what Nick said. This is as much for our colleagues as for us," Natalie agreed. She was not sure why Janette was making such a fuss.

"If that is what you believe then you and he are referring to different things, Natalie. You are thinking of a mortal judge and mortal paperwork. That is something that we seldom bother with. He is referring to an entirely different thing."

"Enlighten me," she leaned forward. Obviously, she would get more information out of Janette than she *ever* would out of Nick or LaCroix.

"A vampire union, sealed and endorsed by your maker, is forever, monogamous and eternal." Janette replied solemnly. She, herself had only seen the ceremony twice, and could count on her hands the number of vampires she knew who had made that commitment.

"Yes, and?" she questioned. That was something that she desired, but there had to be more to it if Janette was so doubtful.

"I just thought you should know that there was a difference." Janette leaned forward, phrasing her words with caution. She did not want to be the cause of her siblings arguing, but neither did she want them doing something they'd regret. "Once you do this, you can't turn your back on him, you can't leave him, you can't be with anyone else except your sire."

"Or? What is it that you are so afraid of, Janette?" Natalie prompted.

"Punishment for infidelity within a vampire union can be death, or worse, banishment."

"Banishment? What is so bad about that?" Natalie asked, turning to Nick. He had remained quiet through the discussion. She knew that he'd lived much of the past century apart from the vampire community. Had he been punished for something? Or was it his choice like she'd long suspected. And if that were the case, why would he view being banished as something to be avoided.

Nick sighed and spoke quietly, "Natalie, you've seen in the past month how much the resources of the community are a part of our lives. Our supply lines, our relocation, our travel. Even as rebellious as I have been, I would not want to endure that kind of existence." He took her hand and looked into her eyes. "I want an eternal union, but if you aren't ready, we can just have a mortal ceremony. I'll wait."

"No, Nick. I am glad that Janette explained what you didn't, but it does not change my mind. I want you, now and forever." She leaned forward and kissed him lightly.

Clearing her throat, Janette caught Natalie's eyes. "Then I believe that I should help you pick out a dress. I think I have a better idea of what we should look for. White is simply not appropriate for this type of ceremony."

"Oh?" She glanced between Nick's embarrassment and Janette's all-knowing look.

"When he says 'You may kiss the bride' it is not a little chaste peck that Nicolas will give you," she said smugly.

"You mean?" Natalie whispered. Her face was becoming quite flushed at the thought.


The dressmaker had brought a variety of gowns that were hanging in the front room of their suite when Natalie let Janette in. Nick had gone to finish making arrangements for the ceremony. Natalie was just as glad to have Janette alone. She had so many questions, things that Nick would either not know, or would not answer.

"I took the liberty of calling my cosmetics supplier, Natalie," Janette announced as she watched Natalie walk around the room studying the various dresses.

"You noticed?" she said with embarrassment. She had not been able to adapt her makeup to fit her new complexion despite trying multiple lines, many of which were supposed to be 'exact' matches for any skin tone.

"It is normal. Your skin is more sensitive, and your coloring is different. Jenise will help."

"Does everyone feel this confused?" She sat on the couch with a sigh. The makeup was just one more thing. While Nick and LaCroix had both been very patient with her, she had questions that she didn't think either of them could, or would answer. Maybe spending time with Janette was what she needed.

"Of course. No matter how prepared you *think* you are, there are things which you don't realize until after it is done, adjustments to be made. You'll be fine. Actually, if you'd not said it had been only a month, I would never have known."

"Oh?" Natalie prompted, gesturing for the dressmaker to begin showing the dresses.

"You are very calm, very controlled for your age. I can tell that our sire has worked very hard with you."

"And I go back to work this week. I don't know if I'm ready."

"You are. Believe me, you will do fine."

Ever the fashion expert, Janette quickly sorted the offerings into two racks- the 'no way' and the 'perhaps'. Most of the dresses on the second rack were in deep jewel tones or black. She had quickly dispatched pastels to be unflattering for Natalie's complexion and white was out of the question. All that Natalie could figure was that she and Nick would share the blood kiss. Why that would prevent a traditional wedding gown she did not understand. Nick was not usually messy when it came to taking her blood. Even in the throes of passion, he would greedily take every drop.

"Here, try these on," Janette instructed, careful to compliment the dressmaker's work. Marge had sewn fashions for several centuries on several continents, but had left Europe during the French Revolution, setting up shop first in Charleston and then moving to New Orleans in the early 1800s. Changing her name periodically was the only concession that she made for eternal life. She was one that was known for her quick work and ability to obtain appropriate fashions for any occasion. And from the selection that she'd brought, Janette could tell that she'd been uncertain just what sort of wedding had been planned. When it was clear that the whites were being rejected, she'd started to open up and engage in friendly banter.

"So? What do you think?" Natalie asked hesitantly, turning slowly. The dress, a deep green silk had a plunging v-neck and a fitted bodice. The ankle length skirt flared to a short train.

"Hmm, a possibility. The color brings out the color in your eyes, but I am not sure. Try that one next," she commanded, pointing to a strapless burgundy silk.

Four dresses later, she was trying on the last one. All had been analyzed for color and style and Janette had them in order. Walking out of the bedroom, Janette gasped. The shimmering midnight blue silk sheath seemed to glow with every step that Natalie took. It fit like a second skin, yet did not seem overly tight with long sleeves ending with points just shy of her wrists. The neckline was low, but not daring, and a slit in the skirt came just past her knee.

"It's a little long," Natalie said, seeing the fabric cover her bare toes. "But otherwise.."

"It is perfect," Janette said confidently, "and with heels, the length will be just right."

"Your fashion sense is, as usual, impeccable, Janette," the dressmaker replied, coming over to check Natalie's arms. "I will make sure that the length here is snugged a bit, Natalie." Turning to her assistants to begin packing up the other gowns, she smiled. "I'll get the dress to Janette before sunrise today."

"Thank you," Natalie replied. After changing back into more casual lounging attire, she got a bottle out of the refrigerator and poured glasses for them both. They had an hour before the cosmetics consultation. Sitting on the couch with legs folded, she turned to the elder vampire. "OK, so what is no one telling me?"


"Why did she say she'd snug the length of the sleeve? Why is that important?"

Janette sighed. She wished that Nick had been more forthcoming with his bride-to-be, but it was obvious that his medieval upbringing was still a very big part of his psyche. His bride would be coming to the wedding as uneducated as woman of his mortal lifetime. "This ceremony is a bit different from any you've ever seen."

"I figured that much. So there is more that just how Nick kisses me?"

"Yes, you will also share blood with LaCroix, and me."

"From the wrist?"

"Yes. It's hard to explain. Just do whatever Michel tells you and don't be afraid. I've seen the ceremony a few times."

"But never done it?"

"Of course not," she said quickly. "It's for forever, remember? One does this ceremony only once. Even if the mate perishes, you cannot form a union with anyone else, ever."

"I'm just asking, Janette. You don't have to get so defensive with me," she protested. A sudden thought came to her. Nick and Janette had lived as man and wife for nearly a century. Evidently, he had never formally joined with her. Who's decision was that? "Did you ever want to?"

"No. I know what your concern is, Natalie, and I assure you, I have no designs upon Nicolas. Not now, not ever. He neither asked me, nor would I have consented to this sort of union. What we had was good, but it was never supposed to be eternal. Yours is, and he was right in asking you to do this."

"Thank you," Natalie said softly. "I know that was not the easiest thing to say to me, but I am happy that you would say it."

"I do not want you entering into this with any doubts, Natalie. I knew when I left Toronto that you were destined for an eternal union with Nicholas. I just didn't know how long it would take for *him* to figure it out!"

"You are sure about this, Nicholas?" Jean-Pierre asked for the second time. He and his sire, Michel, had joined Nick for a beverage in a quiet corner of the club.

"Absolutely," Nick assured him.

"A union within the community is not to be done on a whim," Michel said thoughtfully. "Your mate is only, what, a month old? She's barely used to our lifestyle, let alone able to make decisions for eternity."

"If you won't do it, just say so, Michel," Nick said with a sigh. He had not expected so much resistance. An eternal marriage, recognized by both the mortal world and vampire community was something that he had wanted since first meeting Natalie six years previous. While his original thought had been that he would be mortal, and their union would be within the bounds of the church, his ultimate wish had not changed. "I have no doubts, and neither does Natalie."

"And neither do I," LaCroix's firm decisive voice made them all turn. The elder vampire strode across the room and nodded to each of them.

"You believe this is best for all concerned, Lucien?"

"Yes, I do. I knew when I brought her across that she would join with Nicholas. I was not expecting it so soon, but I am not surprised."

"You were not anticipating it when you arranged this trip?" Nick asked, studying his master's expressions closely. LaCroix was known for revealing only what he *wanted* people to know. It would be just like him to purposely arrange this trip to pressure them both into a premature decision.

"Let me put it this way: I was giving you both the opportunity but not the suggestion. That you chose to have the ceremony now is a welcome surprise."

"Very well, since I have the consent of your sire and Natalie's, we will proceed," Michel nodded. He was not accustomed to performing a union with a fledgling, but he respected LaCroix's judgment. They both knew the consequences and were unlikely to be entering into this uninformed. "Midnight tonight in the garden."


The sun had barely set when Natalie opened her eyes to see Nick watching her. Running a hand over his chest to touch his lips, she murmured, "Trouble sleeping?"

"No, I just don't need as much sleep as you," he smiled, taking her hand in his and kissing each finger. "I slept fine."

"And you are ready for today?"

"Absolutely." His voice was firm, decisive. "Nat, if you are having any doubts, I'll wait. I love you with all my heart and soul."

"I have no doubts, Nick. None." The clarity of her voice and certainty she voiced warmed him as nothing he thought possible.

In her heart, Natalie had always pictured a bevy of pastel clad bridesmaids, giggling over champagne as they helped her dress for her wedding. Strange how life's twists and turns change childhood fantasies, she mused. Instead, she had Janette sharing a particularly fine bottle of blood-wine. It seemed decadent to have someone else apply one's makeup, but as she'd yet to perfect a new look, Natalie was happy to have Janette's friend Jenise there.

Janette wore an elegant black satin gown that suited her well. The thin straps and low neckline suited her figure. Stepping back, she studied Natalie intently. "Yes, yes, you'll do."

"And what does *that* mean?" Natalie asked, standing to smooth the silk of her skirt. She was not used to such luxurious fabrics, even to the silk hosiery and undergarments. Janette had simply handed them to her with the whispered comment that cotton simply would not be appropriate.

"Well, we do want you to make a good impression. It reflects on me, and I do have a reputation to uphold."

"Ah, so the truth comes out!" Natalie crowed. She knew there was a reason for Janette being so attentive. While she hoped she could be friends with Janette, she'd not anticipated such personal attention. Janette simply looked at her and shrugged.

"Natalie, I mean this sincerely. I wish you and Nicolas a long and happy life. I am happy that you had the courage to finally push him. I think you both made wise decisions. There are things in my past that I am not proud of. Things that you will find out tonight, if you pay attention. Please do not make assumptions. I do not enjoy talking of the past but will do so to make you better understand who I am. Not tonight though. Tonight is a celebration."

Natalie nodded silently and finished her glass. The wine was making her slightly tipsy just as champagne would have done. At the sound of a knock on the door, Janette walked over to open the door.

LaCroix stood at the threshold, resplendent in a black tuxedo. "Ladies, I am here to escort you." He could not help but stare at Natalie. He had always thought of her as a beautiful woman, but now she radiated happiness and was absolutely stunning.

"Ready?" he asked, taking Natalie's arm as she simply nodded and approached him. Her only experience with the larger vampire community was at her conversion so she was taking his lead. Her only regret was that her long time friends were not there and could not be a part of her vows.

The garden was draped in fragrant blooms, and lit by torches. Witnesses stood circling the courtyard, all dressed formally. With the warm breeze and moonlight, Natalie could not imagine a more romantic setting. Nick stood at the center of the courtyard, watching her approach, his smile infectious. Through their bond, he sent her mental caresses with every step. A string quartet began playing as soon as the door was opened. The crowd parted to allow Janette to walk toward the center. She stopped next to Nick facing Michel and they all turned to watch Natalie enter.

Nick had never, even in his dreams, imagined Natalie as a bride. Even if he had, the image before him surpassed anything. With her luminescent skin and shimmering dress, she radiated joy. After giving LaCroix an unexpected hug, she took Nick's hand and squeezed it with a silent message of 'I'm ready'. With LaCroix standing behind them, Nick took her arm and faced Michel.

"Greetings my fellow children of the night. It is indeed my pleasure to welcome you on this most auspicious occasion." Michel's voice boomed over the crowd, pitched to reach only to the edges of the courtyard and no further. This particular courtyard was in an area of the hotel that mortal guests had no access. On this night, even staff that knew of its existence could not get through the guarded doors. "Marriage is the sharing of souls, of dreams, and aspirations. It is two becoming one. A union for all eternity. It is a rare occasion when one of us decides to make the ultimate commitment to another. Such unions are not to be entered into lightly and without forethought." He glanced solemnly between Nick and Natalie, trying to discern any reluctance. "Nicholas and Natalie come before the community this night to declare their commitment to each other. Now and forever." He bent over and held up a golden chalice. Showing it to the witnesses as empty, he handed it to Nick.

Taking Natalie's hand loosely, Nick kissed her wrist and let his fangs descend. Slicing the vein, he held it over the chalice and let the blood drip before holding his wrist out to her. Her own fangs had dropped when Nick bit her wrist, and she lightly nipped at his, placing it, too, over the chalice, mixing his blood with hers.

No words had been exchanged, but Nick took the chalice and handed it to Michel, who smiled at them encouragingly. Drinking from the chalice, his smile became broader, and he then handed the chalice to a man standing behind. It was passed among the five men and five women standing behind Michel who each drank from the chalice.

At the nod of each of the ten, Michel's gaze encompassed the circle. "Nicholas and Natalie have shared their intent with the elders of the community, and we can attest to their sincerity." Setting the chalice back on the table, he laid a hand over their clasped hands before turning to Nick. "Nicholas de Brabant, child of Lucius, do you swear to eternal faithfulness to this woman?"

"I do." Nick's voice rang out clear and confident.

"Natalie Lambert, child of Lucius, do you swear eternal faithfulness to this man?"

"I do." Natalie said, squeezing Nick's hand firmly.

"And as a token of your union, you may now exchange the rings," Michel instructed. Nick reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of simple gold wedding bands. Pressing the larger band into her hand, he gently held her left hand.

"This ring is the outward and visible symbol of the love that I bear you," he stated. Sliding the ring on her third finger, he lifted her hand to kiss it lightly before extending his own left hand.

"And I will wear it for eternity," Natalie replied. Taking his left hand, she slid the ring on his finger reciting, "This ring is the outward and visible symbol of the love I bear you." She trembled at the sense of love that she felt from her bond with Nick. The rings reflected the torchlight, glistening for all to see. She had moved the diamond and sapphire ring to her right hand for the ceremony, but was anxious to move it back its rightful place with the wedding band. They'd chosen simple gold bands because of the incongruity that the jewel encrusted rings would have in their mortal lives. As Natalie had said when the jeweler came over the day before, 'What is important is not the ring, but what it says' so Nick had reluctantly agreed to the simplicity of a plain band.

"Nicholas and Natalie have expressed their intent to form a union with their words, thoughts, and actions," Michel continued, focusing his thoughts on the couple before him. "A union within the community is not valid until the sire and closest sibling of both individuals have agreed to it. As you share a master, we now ask him to step forward." He nodded toward LaCroix, "Lucius, son of Divia, do you consent to this union?"

"I do," LaCroix replied, stepping forward to stand in front of the couple.

"And you are willing to seal this union for eternity?" Michel asked, nodding as LaCroix took Natalie's hand.

"Relax," he whispered, feeling her trembling. Taking the wrist that had barely healed, he made another slice, before slicing his own and placing them together. The encouragement that she'd felt through their bond hit her with full force as their blood mingled. Still joined with Natalie, LaCroix took Nick's wrist and made cuts on it and his other wrist. Placing his wrist against Nick's, his blood flowed between both of his children together. Whether the thoughts came through her bond with both men or through their blood, Natalie would never know. The apologies and forgiveness that she felt brought tears to her eyes. With the eyes of the community upon them, they were united... parent and child... husband and wife.

At an unseen signal, LaCroix broke away from each of them, with a tender embrace, and then stepped to the side. Michel nodded to Janette, who then stepped in front of them and did the same, first with Nick and then with Natalie.

While her discussions with both Nick and Janette had told her much of their past relationship, she was not prepared for the images that she saw from the other woman. She saw the unhappiness that Janette had experienced in her mortal life, and the long, sometimes stormy relationship that she'd had with both Nick and LaCroix. And when she'd finally found someone to love unconditionally, he'd been snatched away all too soon. Natalie now knew, with certainty that they were all making the right decisions. It might take time, but she and Janette could be friends. And time was now something that Natalie had in abundance.

When Janette stepped aside, Nick's arm went around Natalie's back as he drew her closer. Michel stood watching, waiting for the buzz of the witness to quiet. He was not sure exactly what had happened in the blood bonding, but he could sense that the knowledge shared would strengthen all of them. "Nicholas and Natalie have expressed their intent to form an eternal union. Their sincerity has been judged to be true. Their sire and sibling has consented and sealed their union. In the eyes of the community, they are one. Now and forever. Nicholas, you may kiss your bride," he instructed.

With a fierce smile, Nick pulled her tight against him. Their eyes met, glowing amber. Kissing the vein on her neck and licking it, Nick drove his fangs within and eagerly drank of her essence.

Natalie gasped at the fervor of Nick's embrace. She could feel the tiny drip of blood down her back, and realized that the ceremony had aroused both of them by teasing them with the constant indirect mixing of blood. While she'd not been told to do so, she could not wait and sank her fangs in his neck, heedless of the collar that she had to rip away.

The applause of the guests rained down upon the couple. Michel turned to LaCroix and said jokingly, "Shall we leave them alone for a while?"

"No, I'm rather enjoying this," he said with mock seriousness. "How far do you think they'll go before they remember they have an audience?"

Suddenly aware of the conversation and cheering, Nick broke away, and laid his head against Natalie. "I love you," he murmured.

"And I love you," she responded, not wanting to leave his arms.

"And since you are both in a well known incarnation, I have paperwork to satisfy the Canadian government that this is a legal marriage," Michel said, handing a thick envelope to Nick. "You'll need to sign it, of course, but everything else is done."

"A legal marriage?" Natalie gave a nervous laugh. "I don't think its possible for a marriage to be *more* formalized." It struck her how mortal unions were formalized with the exchange of vows, of words. Hers was formalized with the exchange of souls, of dreams and goals. No wonder Janette had been so nervous.

"And that is why few are prepared for this step, Natalie," Michel observed, knowing exactly what she was thinking. It was a common reaction for the participants. "And now, I believe we have something to celebrate." He gestured to a line of uniformed waiters in the back of the courtyard. In unison, they picked up trays of full goblets and began to circulate among the crowd.

As soon as the glasses had been distributed, LaCroix held his aloft. Conversation ceased as he captured the attention of every guest and staff. "This is an occasion to be celebrated. Those of you who know me, know Nicholas, also know of our strife. Our many battles as Nicholas tried to distance himself from me, from all of us. For that reason, I celebrate not only this union, but my renewed connection to my progeny, both old and new. To Natalie, my newest convert, I bid you welcome to the larger community and thank you for your role in returning Nicholas to all of us. May this union bring you both years of happiness!"


Circulating among the guests, hands intertwined, Nick introduced Natalie to those friends he'd not seen in years. Some of the references were vague, but it struck her how many people he had touched. Would it be the same for her?

"Natalie, cherie," Janette sidled up next to Natalie and spoke softly.

"What?" she turned. Nick remained engrossed in a conversation that she had become lost in. That seemed to be the biggest problem for her as many of the guests had a history with Nick, and wanted to catch up on literally centuries.

"I have something for you," Janette began, pulling Natalie aside. She tried to catch Nick's attention. The conversation that she wanted to have with Natalie was one that did *not* need his attendance.

"You didn't need to do that," Natalie protested. Rivals for Nick's attentions ever since they'd met, having Janette as a 'friend' seemed strange.

"Ah, but you forget. I've seen what is in your closet." She shook her head scoldingly. "For your wedding night, my dear, scrub tops and baggy t-shirts won't suffice."

Natalie laughed. Ever since Janette had handed her the undergarments for the wedding, she'd been waiting for this- the package of lingerie that was designed to be worn for only brief times. "OK, I confess, my daytime attire, when I wear any, is not alluring. I'll stop by your room later."

"Now," she said. "I've had it delivered. You and I will share a drink or two."

"All right," Natalie agreed reluctantly. She cast a longing glance at Nick. She truly wanted nothing more than to go back to their room and finish the celebration in private.

"Stay here," Janette instructed, nudging her way through the crowd to Nick's side. Sliding a hand up his arm sensuously, she quickly captured his attention and after a brief discussion, took the key from him. Returning to Natalie, she held her hand out, "Come ma soeur. Nicolas will be up in a half hour."

She took Natalie's arm and they strolled into the hotel's public areas and then up the stairs. "Is this where you give me the 'birds and bees' talk?" Natalie asked dryly.

"I would suspect that I'm a bit late for that, Natalie," she laughed, unlocking the door.

"And you'd be right," Natalie agreed, following Janette into the room.

A large wrapped box sat on the coffee table alongside a pair of goblets and a corked bottle. "Hmmmm, for me?" Natalie asked with mock surprise.

"You *are* the bride."

"That's right. I am," Natalie declared. Sitting on the couch, she uncorked the bottle and filled both glasses.

"Are you going to open it?" Janette urged, taking the goblet in one hand as she sat down.

"Of course," Natalie replied. With careful, practiced motion, she started to slide the very tightly wrapped ribbon to the edge of the box.

"Oh, for heaven's sake, Natalie. Just rip it."

"You aren't supposed to break the ribbons on bridal gifts," Natalie said quickly.

"And why is that?" Janette asked, puzzled that Natalie would concern herself with something so petty.

"Superstition," she shrugged. She'd been to so many bridal showers for friends and had played that game for years. It was a matter of pride that she could get the ribbon off in one piece.

"And what is supposed to happen when you break a ribbon?" Janette sat back, curious at this mortal custom. Her wedding as a mortal woman had been so many years before that ribbons and fancy papers were an unfamiliar tradition.

"You get pregnant," Natalie shrugged. Intellectually she knew that it would not happen, but the superstitious side of her wanted to take no chances.

Janette was silent for a moment before responding. "You know that won't happen."

"I know," Natalie murmured, pausing in her efforts. "I am a doctor."

"Does it bother you?" Janette asked, setting her glass on the table and turning to face Natalie.

"I knew that being a vampire meant I wouldn't be a mother," she said matter-of-factly. Her professional mask had appeared. The one she put on when she would not allow emotion to enter into the situation.

"That doesn't answer the question," Janette pointed out.

"I...I know," she responded softly. "Does it bother you?" she asked instead.

"I could not conceive when I was mortal," Janette replied pensively. "That is why I ended up in the brothel. But I've had many years to find alternatives for those instincts. I satisfy my maternal longings by helping stray fledglings. You'll find an outlet."

"I suppose." Natalie looked up at Janette and smiled, grateful that she was not questioning her further. She had not truly pictured herself as a mother, but to be asked about it was disconcerting. Would Janette think her odd if she claimed to not have maternal instincts?

"Well, come on. Open it," Janette urged, refilling their glasses.

Sliding the ribbon off in one piece, Natalie ripped the paper in one swift movement. Opening the box, she found several small, flat boxes and a large square one. Lifting the large one, she opened it and found a vast array of compacts and small cosmetic bottles.

"These were custom blended for you." Janette pointed at an envelope on the side. "I've included names and addresses of my favorite cosmetic suppliers in several cities along with Jenise's notes so that you know what to order."

"Oh, thank you," Natalie admired the collection. "I never even considered that this would be such a problem. Nick and LaCroix never noticed that my makeup was always a few shades off."

"I think of my role in the family as to teach you those things that the men either don't know, or don't think important. Cosmetics is just lesson #1."

Natalie looked at her curiously. She could not imagine LaCroix *not knowing* something about their existence. What *else* would Janette be teaching her?

Handing her a smaller, flat box, Janette declared, "I lived with Nicola for nearly a century. He is very attentive, but can be a bit, ummm, old fashioned."

"I noticed," Natalie said dryly. With a sly smile, she lifted the sheer silk negligee out of the box. The midnight blue color matched her wedding gown exactly but this was much, much more revealing. "And this is for tonight?"

"Of course," she nodded, handing Natalie the last box. "And this is to spice things up when you get back to Toronto."

Natalie opened it hesitantly and then slammed the lid back on, embarrassed to even show the black leather that she'd glimpsed.

"You really, ummm, see me, ummm," she stammered, cautiously opening the box again, now knowing what it contained.

"This is to inspire Nicolas. He will follow your lead. Once you let him know that you are, shall we say, amenable to a little creativity, he can be *very* playful." Janette winked at her as she started pulling the leather garments out of the box.

"You don't think this is too much?" Natalie asked as Janette uncoiled the whip and laid it beside a low cut sleeveless vest that laced up along the sides and front. Attached to it by thin garters was a leather thong style bikini. Natalie had never paid attention to the mail order lingerie catalogs that came to her. Somehow she did not think that this came from Victoria's Secret!

"Natalie, cherie, you know there are other, less official, uses for Nicola's handcuffs, don't you?"

"Well, umm," she hesitated, flustered to admit that yes, she had thought of playing some games. The handcuffs had come to mind, but it embarrassed her that Janette had even suggested it. So far, their lovemaking had not been creative. They both had so much repressed desire that they hadn't tried alternatives. "But leather?"

"Trust me," Janette said with a knowing smile. "Eternity is a long time for missionary position with the lights off." She smiled at Natalie's obvious discomfort. "Besides, Nicola *likes* leather." With a sly grin, she stood.

"Oh, no, wait just a minute," Natalie pulled her back down. "You aren't leaving on *that* note. This I have got to hear!"

"You sure you want to hear about me being with your husband?" Janette asked skeptically. She knew logically that Natalie had to feel some jealousy towards her and did not want to damage the beginnings of friendship she felt.

"Absolutely. Look, I know that you lived together for a long time. I also know that some of his visits to the Raven when you lived there were not on police business. Either we can be open with each other or we can't. I'd rather that we be honest about it. What does Nick like to do with leather?"

"Remember that he owned horses while we were together," she began. "One of our little games involved, umm, breaking in new saddles and bridles." She smiled mysteriously, remembering the feel of the leather straps around her body. "After all, we had to make sure that the horses would not be overly chafed..."

Natalie laughed at her comment. Someday she'd have to get Janette to come to Toronto and tell her more stories. Janette knew stories that Nick would never tell. This could be fun.

Janette stood, "And now, I really must be leaving. You need to get ready." She knew that Nick would not wait too long. "Have fun, ma soeur..."

Nick was not sure what Janette felt was so important that she had to share it with Natalie on her wedding day, but had reluctantly agreed to allow a half hour for 'girl talk'. While he was grateful that Janette was so amenable to his marriage, he had enough of a history with her that it made him nervous to think what was being told to his bride. Just what was involved with 'girl talk'?

Pacing in front of the now empty refreshment table, he glanced at his watch for the third time. Guest were starting to drift away, but he was finding it more difficult to remain polite as they came up to wish him well.

"Impatient to be with your bride?" Jean Pierre asked slyly, handing Nick a full glass.

"Wouldn't you be?" Nick growled, taking the glass and tossing back the contents in one swallow. Setting the glass back on the table, he took one more glance at his watch before leaving the courtyard with swift strides. He *was* impatient, and was not going to wait one more moment.

Approaching the suite, he did not sense Janette. Whatever she had wanted to accomplish, must be finished. The door was unlocked as he slowly pushed it open. He was greeted by soft music and a candlelit room. Sweet incense was burning giving the room a fragrant, romantic mood. Looking up, he saw Natalie standing at the bedroom door.

"What took so long, my love?" she asked softly, walking toward him. She was wearing a long silk gown, held up by thin straps. The bodice plunged to a deep vee, teasing him with a hint of her full breasts. The deep blue silk shimmered in the candlelight, revealing her womanly treasures as she approached. She had pulled her hair out of the elaborate combs she'd worn for the ceremony. Her auburn curls formed a halo around her sultry smile. A cloud of jasmine surrounded her and intoxicated him.

He was silent as he strode across the room and gathered her into his arms, burying his face against her hair. "Oh, Nat," he breathed. Running his hands across her back, the silk whispering softly around them, as he pulled her closer to him. "I can't bear to be apart from you, even for a moment."

She slid her hands under his tuxedo jacket, easing it from his shoulders. "I will be with you forever, Nick." Their lips met with a fury of passion. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he caressed her teeth, teased them until he felt her canines elongate and heard her soft pleasured growl.

Pulling back, he glimpsed the amber of her eyes, then trailed kisses across her face, and down her neck. Fangs sheathed, he concentrated on the juncture of her neck and shoulder, the vein and tendon standing out for attention as his hands slid into the bodice of her gown to cup her breasts.

"Nick," she moaned, reveling in the exquisite sensations that his caresses were producing. She could barely concentrate enough to open the studs in his shirt.

As if reading her mind, Nick quickly took off his shirt, the studs and cufflinks scattering across the room. He sighed with pleasure as Natalie ran her hands over his chest and followed with kisses. Her mouth and tongue caressing him as her hands had. She slid her hands to his belt and began to unbuckle it.

"Not here, Nat," he said quickly and lifted her into his arms, floating them both into the bedroom. He glanced around the room with surprise, seeing the scattered lit candles which cast a soft glow to the room.

"I want to see you, my love," she whispered, pulling him down on the bed next to her. They met once more with that lovers dance, kissing and caressing every inch of skin revealed as clothing was discarded.

Gazing at her through amber eyes, Nick whispered, "I love you, Natalie." They lay on their sides, their nude bodies pressed tightly against each other.

"And I love you, Nicholas de Brabant," she declared. She pressed him backwards against the pillows, laying a leg carelessly over him.

"Natalie, please," he pleaded as she began to wiggle lower kissing him, and encircling his manhood within her hands. He was firm, and ready for her and He wanted her. The sensations as she took him in her mouth made him scream inarticulately.

Cupping his scrotum, she scraped along his erect shaft with her fangs, lapping up the tiny drops of blood. She could feel his pleasure through their bond.

"Oh please, Nat... please, let me..." he pleaded.

She raised herself up, and then lowered herself onto him, settling him deep within her. Her movement surprised him, but he recovered quickly to reach up and pull her down so he could kiss her. Natalie rode him, and his movements matched hers in perfect harmony. Together, they plunged their fangs into each other and felt that release, that moment of perfect pleasure as they shared their love, their hopes and their dreams.


Natalie had barely logged into the department computer when she heard the distinctive click of hard soled boots and the rapid heart beat of a very nervous woman approaching. And it wasn't Grace. Grace would not wear that kind of shoe, and she had no reason to be nervous. That could only mean one thing. Tracy was on a mission. Leaning over the computer screen to hide her awareness of the visit, Natalie tried to act surprised to hear Tracy's voice.

"Nice try, but it isn't working," Tracy said sarcastically.

"What?" Natalie looked up, the picture of innocence.

"The surprised look," she replied dryly. "Don't tell me that you *didn't* hear these shoes?"

"We-e-e-l-l--l," Natalie hesitated, turning her chair away from the computer and gesturing for Tracy to sit. "What brings you over here without your partner?"

"A hunch."

"A hunch?" she repeated.

"Yeah. I *am* a detective, you know. I know when something doesn't add up right."

"Uh huh," Natalie said doubtfully.

"Let's see it," she commanded.

"See what?"

"Your hands," Tracy said with a growing grin. The longer that Natalie delayed, the more convinced she was. Either there was some new jewelry or some strange stray bruises that neither would want to explain.

"Why?" Natalie sighed.

"Hmmm, let me see... my partner was in *on time* and has been doing paperwork all evening, and smiling. Smiling *way* too much. I had to make up an excuse or they would have done a breathalyzer on him. He was *humming*."

"Humming?" Natalie asked with a secretive smile. She had convinced Nick to use his handcuffs in a less than official manner that morning, and they'd gotten scarcely three hours sleep before coming into work. She knew he was in a good mood when he'd dropped her off at the coroner's building, but could not imagine him being so noticeably happy.

"Yes, humming," she confirmed. Her eyes narrowed as she studied Natalie's reaction. "And Grace tells me that you've been unusually cheerful. Didn't even complain about doing a leftover case from dayshift."

"Well, I was on vacation," she began. "Aren't you supposed to be more relaxed when you come back from vacation?"

"Vacation? That's right, you were... and who did you go on vacation with?"

"Tracy," she sighed. They could play 20 questions all night, or she could get to the point. "You have a question? Ask. Let's cut to the chase."

"Cut to the chase? OK, I want to check out my partner's taste in jewelry," she declared.

"By asking me?"

"Of course," she shrugged. "I'm patient. My partner is doing all the backlogged paperwork. I happen to know that the 89th is sending you a neatly wrapped package. You can't keep that hand in your pocket and do an autopsy."

Natalie sighed, rolled her chair closer, and stretched out her left hand. "You win." The diamond and sapphire ring sparkled in the fluorescent light. She'd taken it off for the previous case, wearing it on a chain around her neck, and knew she'd be doing that again for the next case. It was too new and too precious for her to risk damaging it by wearing it during a post mortem.

"Wow," Tracy breathed, taking a closer look at her friend's hand. She'd been expected to see a ring, but this was beyond her imagination. "Natalie, that's absolutely, wow..." She stammered with surprise. This was no simple half carat diamond solitaire.

"So does it pass inspection?"

"Absolutely," Tracy admired. "That diamond must be two carat, and with sapphires, too. He's got great taste." She had never seen such a ring, other than in her dreams. Even her father's jewelry purchases in an effort to save his marriage were not this grand. And he had been very proud of how much he'd spent. She hesitated to even think how much Natalie's ring cost, but knew it exceeded Nick's monthly salary by far.

"I suppose," Natalie said with a non-committal shrug. "I'm no expert."

That was when Tracy noticed the simple gold band worn below the jeweled ring. That could mean only one thing. "Uh, Natalie?"


"That, uh, looks like a set."

"It might not match, but yes, it is." Natalie slid off the jeweled ring and suspended it on a thick gold chain, clasping it around her neck. The band remained on the third finger of her left hand.

"You got married?" Tracy questioned, the surprise evident. The engagement ring was a given... but the wedding band?

"Yes, we did," Natalie said softly. "And we've not told our supervisors yet, so you are to keep quiet. Understood?"

Tracy nodded, taking her eyes off the rings momentarily to meet Natalie's gaze. Was it her imagination? Was Natalie paler than usual? Had something happened during her vacation *besides* a vacation?
