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Dreams and a New Life (sequel)

This story follows my previous stories 'Dreams and Reality' and 'Dreams and Eternity' which are archived at and the Dark NN site. It is not necessary to have read the others first, but it will make it a little easier to follow. Unlike the previous stories, I will post some parts as 'adult' for M/F sex that is more explicit than the other stories and I would rate the majority of the story pg-13 for violence.

Disclaimers: The characters and situations that inspired this series of stories are the property of Sony/ Tri-Star and a lot of people with a lot more money than I. No harm is intended and I promise to put them all back when I am done. (they'll just be a lot happier)

Permission to archive at the Dark NN site,, and the ftp site. All others, please ask...

timeline: 3rd season, but an alternate timeline that began after 'Games Vampires Play' and is now by my fictional calendar March 1998. AtA and LK never happen (and they really didn't... it was all in someone else's imagination) Approximately two weeks after the end of 'Dreams and Eternity'...


Studying the samples intently, Natalie did not notice that her humming was becoming louder. It had been a busy week and she was finally getting to her 'private practice'. It had been a month since she had attempted artificial insemination on Tracy, and was ready now to check on their success.

"OK, Natalie, what is making you so chipper?" Grace turned, annoyance evident in her voice.

"What?" she asked absently.

"The humming... I have not heard you hum so much since you were hiding a pregnancy." She turned, a gleam in her eye. "Time for another little Knight? I do believe that Claire is old enough for a little brother." The teasing took on a familiar tone.

Natalie turned and smiled. "I don't think so. She is quite the handful. She has learned to walk. I don't think I could handle morning sickness and chasing her around the loft." She turned back to her work, aware of Grace's disappointed sigh. She knew that they would be answering questions about more children for as long as they remained in Toronto. And the fact that she conceived Claire so easily negated the simplest explanation. Looking up at the clock, she stood and grabbed her coat. "I'm heading out to meet Nick for lunch... I'll be on pager." Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed the file and headed out to the parking lot.

Signing in at the precinct, she saw Tracy hunched over her desk, Nick watching in amused silence. Holding a finger to her mouth as he looked up, she tapped Tracy on the shoulder. "Hi, Trace" she said brightly, grinning as she jumped back.

"Don't do that!" she said in mock fury. "You took several years off my life.."

"You can spare them." She answered dryly. "Got a minute for some coffee?" she nodded toward the break room.

"Sure." She answered curious, noting that Nick did not follow them.

Grabbing a mug of hot water and a tea bag, Natalie sat in the back corner of the room and motioned for Tracy to sit. "I'll let you know if anyone comes this way." she said as Tracy brought over her own tea and sat down. "How are you feeling? You look a little green."

"Lousy. Nick has been teasing me all evening. We had a case tonight... a drowning. I lost my lunch... the blues have been harassing me, too."

"Tell them it is not nice to make fun of morning sickness." she said simply, wrapping her hands around the warm mug.

"So you did my tests?" Tracy asked sharply.

"Yes, I did.... You are pregnant. Probably between 6 and 7 weeks." she reached over and grabbed Tracy's hands. "Call your gynecologist soon. Act like everything is normal. And it's time to tell Vachon."

"And everything looked okay?" she whispered.

"Yes. I checked your blood very thoroughly. I will set a schedule for routine monitoring. At first monthly and more frequently after twenty weeks. You call me first if you have any bleeding... or..."

"Or what, Natalie?" she looked at her friend, seeing the fear, for the first time.

"Strange sensations, cravings." She shrugged, trying her best to remain casual.

"Pregnant women always have strange cravings, Natalie. What are you afraid of?" Tracy asked quietly, leaning on her elbows closer to Natalie. She could tell that there was something specific that her friend was worried would happen.

"Blood. If you crave blood, call me. And I don't mean if you and Vachon get intimate. That craving is different." She said quietly, watching Tracy's expressions. "As the pregnancy progresses, you will be able to sense us... it will be kind of a tingling on your neck. If it is anything more, let me know. Eventually food will be a problem, but we will cover that later."

"OK." She said, leaning back in the chair. "You are nervous, aren't you?"

"Ummm, yes, I am." She admitted. "It was different when it was me... it was my doing. But I have now done this to you. And I want it to go okay."

"Natalie, I have to know." she asked, almost hesitating to bring up the subject. "What will you do if I start to change too fast?"

"Have Vachon finish bringing you across, which will mean that you miscarry." She looked at Tracy matter of fact. "I hope it does not come to that, but your death is not an option here."

"I just wanted to make sure that an abortion was not a consideration."

"No, Tracy. If it happens naturally, I cannot control it. If you get close and you have not delivered, I may intervene, though."

"Like do what?"

She laughed lightly, "Everyone thinks that I went into labor naturally."

"Didn't you?" she asked with surprise.

"No. I was up to 65% vampire and could no longer eat. I had a friend break my water. That was enough to start my labor." she looked at Tracy intently. "I still have all the records from my own pregnancy. I will compare yours... see if there are differences." She raised her head and spoke louder. "So has Javier moved in yet?"

Tracy looked up and saw Detective Lock stroll into the room "Yeah, Vetter? How is the Spanish sensation?"

"Umm, he's fine.. and yes, he, ummm, moved in last week...." Tracy said, with a nervousness that she did not have to fake.

"Oh, does Daddy know that?" Natalie asked watching the other woman pour some coffee and pull a lunch bag out of the refrigerator.

"Not yet." she leaned closer, as if trying to hide something. "But he'll find out soon enough... Nat, I am late."

"Late? How late?" Natalie murmured, paying attention to the other detective who was listening intently and pitching her voice just loud enough that it could be heard, and yet seem to be a secret.

"A week.. how soon can you do a test?"

"A blood test would be accurate now. A home test is not as good. Come by the lab, I can run a pregnancy test tonight." she grinned conspiratorially and stood. "I need to go, Nick is taking me back." The women walked out together and motioned for Nick to follow them to the parking lot.

"So, did she take the bait, you think?" Natalie asked, as Nick looked between them curiously.

"The word will be out on the streets before morning." Tracy grinned. "She was definitely listening.."

"And?" he asked.

"And, we are pretending to take Tracy over to my lab so that I can run a pregnancy test on her. One which I already know is positive."

He looked at Tracy, concern flashing. "Oh, Tracy, why didn't you say anything? Here I have been teasing you about being green."

"Nick, it's okay." she replied with an embarrassed smile. "Nat just came by to tell me. I'll be fine. Especially if I can just tell people that I am pregnant."

"You better tell your father today. If it starts around the precinct, he'll find out and be waiting at your apartment. And not be happy." Nick said sternly.

"Yes, Dad." She responded with a teasing tone. She was going to have to talk to Natalie about his paternal attitudes. "And yes, we already have been working on a wedding. Just need to set a date. I guess we'll decide that today."

Returning to the precinct after what they thought would be a reasonable time, Tracy hung her coat on the rack, acutely aware of the silence that descended when she and Nick walked into the room. "So, you going to call him now, or wait until after shift?" Nick stage-whispered. He was enjoying the play-acting.

"I'll wait until I am home." Tracy answered in the same tone... she, too, was enjoying playing the game... and knowing that her dreams were becoming a reality.

"Vetter... office." Captain Reese called out, seeing the detectives back. As soon as she had sat down in the chair opposite him, he looked at her, a mix of pride and fear. "You know that I try not to interfere in my officer's private lives.. but..."

"In my case, you don't want my father's anger." she smiled. "so what have I done now?"

"Tell me that the gossips were wrong. That Nick was not escorting you over to the morgue for a personal errand?"

"What did you hear, Captain?"

"That you told Natalie that you suspected that you were pregnant." he looked at her seriously. "Your father will not be happy."

"Oh, he will love being a grandfather." Tracy replied. "I hope you will let ME tell him." smiling at the captain's look of concern, she leaned over. "He has met Javier.. he likes him. And I already told my partner, I am not waiting six months... you know, he had me worried, there."

"So, you are?"

"Yes... I am pregnant. Natalie figures that I am due in early November." she stood to face the captain directly. "Captain, I can still do my job. I do not expect special consideration."

"Tracy, this comes as a surprise to me." he replied, looking over her figure closely... she did not LOOK pregnant yet. "I have no intention of coddling you, but you do realize that your father will insist that you are off the streets before the third trimester, so I will leave both of you paired with Samuals for now. He can then cover your maternity leave." He sighed. "Congratulations Tracy, but please, take care of yourself."

As expected, word of the pregnancy had reached the commissioner's office swiftly and Richard Vetter was waiting in the parking lot for Tracy to go off shift that morning. With a wave to Nick, she walked up to her father's car.

"Dad?" she looked at him quizzically. "What are you doing here?"

"Let's go eat, Tracy." He said solemnly, opening the door for her.

As soon as he'd started the engine, she turned to her father with a sigh. "OK, Dad... so the grapevine moves quickly. Is that what this is about?"

"Button... I am only concerned with your happiness." He said quietly, gazing into her eyes. "So, it's true, then."

"Yes, I am pregnant." she said, facing him directly as he parked the car outside the restaurant.

"And unmarried." He frowned.

"Dad, this is the 90s, give me a break." She sighed. "Anyway, Javier and I have been talking about getting married for the past month, so don't worry. I won't take after my partner."

At mention of Nick's marriage, he laughed slightly. "Good thing. I thought for a while there that I'd have to call him in for a meeting. Imagine... getting the coroner pregnant and not marrying her." He snorted in disapproval. Despite his divorce, Richard Vetter held the ideals of family and marriage close to his heart. There were times that he wished he had been able to salvage his marriage, but his wife's alcoholism had forced him into a situation he did not know how to resolve. He could only pray that his daughter would be more fortunate.

He opened the car door and led the way into the restaurant. After being seated and ordering their breakfasts, he turned to Tracy. "Are you sure about this, Tracy?"

"Yes, Dad. Absolutely. I love Javier and he loves me. I am ready to spend my life with him." She said firmly, although not telling him just how long that life would be.

"It just seems that you could do better than a musician, Tracy." He sighed. He had always hoped that his daughter would find a businessman, or another cop.

"Consider him self-employed, Dad. He has a good head on his shoulders, and is very loving. We are good for one another." She said, taking her father's hands in hers.

"If you are sure..." he hesitated. "Now, about the wedding plans." His voice took on that business-like tone of command. This was the one thing that Tracy had feared- her father wanting to plan the wedding. "I don't know that Father James will perform the marriage, knowing you are pregnant. And Father William is a stickler on engagements being at least a year. Have you already started pre-marital counseling?"

"Dad, under the circumstances, I think a trip to the Courthouse will suit me just fine." She shrugged. She had feared that the issue of a civil service would upset the family, but a church would preclude attendance of her partner, his wife... and the groom...

"No, absolutely not. My daughter is NOT going to elope." He said firmly.

"Then we'll have a judge at the house." She replied. "I don't want a big church wedding."

"Well, Judge Thomas owes me some favors...." He frowned in concentration. "And for the reception?"

"Well, we could just get the club where Javier's band know it- the Raven. Its downtown. Nick knows the owner."

"The Raven? I don't think so," he shook his head. That club was just a little too gothic and dark for a wedding reception- especially his daughter. "Why not just go to the Four Seasons or the Country Club?"

"Either one, Dad. Do you want to make some calls today?" she knew that this was a battle she need not fight. As long as she had control of the ceremony, she would let her father run the reception.

"You wouldn't mind?"

"No, not at all. I need to sleep today. I am back on duty tonight. See what is open in three or four weeks. I've already looked at invitations. All we need is a date and location and the printer can have them ready in a couple days."

"So, you *have* been planning this..." he said with surprise.

"Sort of. Not the pregnancy part, though." She assured him. If he knew how planned the pregnancy really was... well, her father's temper rivaled only her partner by a little bit.

"But you had been talking marriage, before.. umm" he hesitated. "He did not take advantage of you, did he?"

"It was entirely consensual, Dad. And he had already given me a ring. I just don't wear it to work."

The relief on her father's face was obvious. "You don't know what a relief that is to hear, Tracy." He took a sip of his coffee and smiled broadly at his daughter. "I had visions of him getting carried away after the awards dinner. After all, Nick has a wife to help him celebrate."

"Dad.." Tracy scolded, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment. Yes, she and Vachon had celebrated the award... just not the way that her father imagined.

"Tracy, we are both adults here, and as you say, this is the 90s. As long as he takes responsibility for his actions, I will not file charges against your intended." He smiled at Tracy's look of disgust. "Now, you need to take care of yourself and my grandchild. I think you need to come off the streets."

"Dad, I have already talked with my captain." She protested. "Let me handle this."

"And what did he say?" he asked with growing concern, sure that Tracy's enthusiasm for her job was overriding common sense.

"I have agreed to go on desk duty at the beginning of the third trimester. OK?"

"I would feel better if you did it now." he said firmly, pulling out his cell phone.

"Dad, Natalie worked up until a week before she delivered." She remarked, reaching over and clicking off his phone. "I think three months at a desk is long enough"

"Tracy, your partner's wife is a coroner, not a cop." He replied sternly, seeing his daughter's set expression. "But I don't suppose I can talk you into it."

"No." she said firmly. "And don't worry, Nick will make sure I stay out of trouble."

"Yes, I do believe that I will have a chat with your partner," he smiled, motioning to the waitress for the check. He knew Nick well enough to have seen his protective attitude toward women. "And what doctor are you seeing?"

"The same one that I have been going to for the past five years or so... Doctor Taylor. He's on the faculty at UT."

"Specialist?" he probed.

"Yes, Dad." She replied with an exasperated tone. Between her father and her partner this was going to be a VERY long pregnancy.

"Nat, I have an errand so I'll need to head in early. I'll meet you for lunch." Nick called to Natalie from the foot of the stairs.

"What?" Natalie replied, leaning out the nursery door. She and Claire were building towers of blocks. Or rather, Natalie was stacking the colorful wooden blocks and Claire was toppling them over. And usually with a loud squeal of delight.

"You heard me perfectly well." Nick teased. He had a mischievous gleam to his eyes. She knew that look.

"What are you planning?" she said sternly.

"Oh, nothing much..." he answered, flashing his best 'innocent' look.

"You can't lie to me." she shook her head. "You are up to something."

"Call it payback time." he shrugged. Blowing her a kiss, he crossed to the lift, watching her shake her head. There were times that she was sure her husband was younger than her daughter- or at least he acted that way. Then again, it was a refreshing change to see him so happy.

Tracy signed in promptly at nine and looked curiously at the smirk that passed between the desk sergeant and clerk. "What?" she asked.

"Oh nothing..." he said casually.

Shaking her head at Bob's odd behavior, she walked into the bullpen. Nick was already at his desk. Pretending to be working on paperwork, he watched her cross the room. "Very funny, Nick." she said sarcastically, seeing the balloons tied to her chair. It was exactly what she had done upon learning of Natalie's pregnancy.

"At least it isn't too hard to find a Mother's Day balloon in April." He smiled. "Feeling better today?"

"A bit." She nodded. "But don't ask me to work up any drownings today."

"Got it." he agreed. "Paperwork, perhaps?"

"Delighted." She took the file with a tired sigh.

They were both absorbed in their work, and the rare opportunity to get caught up on files when Captain Reese's door opened with a slam. "Knight, Vetter! Office!" His face bore the look that warned them of a new case. One that would not be pleasant. They rose in unison, and filed into the office with Nick taking his usual place leaning on the file cabinet. "Body found in a vacant lot by the docks." He said, handing a slip of paper to Nick. "I think the ME is already en route, but I don't know who it is. I guess Chang has been reassigned."

"So I hear." Nick confirmed, straightening himself to follow Tracy out.

"Nick. It's a child." Reese warned, glancing at Tracy's retreating figure.

"Understood." Nick nodded. No one enjoyed handling a child's violent death but he knew that his pregnant partner might handle it worst of all.

"So how did your father take the news?" Nick asked softly as they pulled out of the parking lot.

"How did you know that we talked already?"

"That he'd find you?" at her nod, he laughed. "I saw his car here this morning and besides, Trace, he is the original overbearing father. Of course he is going to check out THAT rumor."

"And make sure that no one took advantage of his daughter." She said with a note of sarcasm.

"He said that?" he asked, incredulous that her father would even think that possible.

"Not in so many words, but yeah. He was concerned that, umm, we got carried away after the awards dinner... or that it was not consensual."

"Doesn't mince words, does he?" Nick shook his head. The centuries with LaCroix had shown him the perils of a strong-willed father, but for the first time, he actually had a friend who could understand.

"No, he doesn't." she said flatly "and I am glad that we had already started planning the wedding."

"Your father is actually allowing you to plan it?" Nick asked with a hint of teasing. He knew how Richard Vetter had run Tracy's career... and he would likely have a large part in planning his daughter's wedding.

"Sort of. I'm planning the ceremony. He's handling the reception. It's a compromise."

"And how did you come on that scheme?"

"Well, he started talked St. Micheals... and I talked Courthouse. We compromised on a judge at the house. And then I suggested the Raven." At Nick's choked cough, she grinned. "He said Country Club and I said go ahead... make the call." She looked at him nervously. "I might need your help, though..."

"With what?" he asked suspiciously.

"Refreshments for Vachon's guests. And you. Any ideas?"

"I'll talk to the Raven's head bartender... just hire one of them for the night. They'll take care of providing beverages and glasses and convincing the country club to hire them for the night. They will know who to serve what drinks. And don't worry, we are used to not leaving partially full glasses around."

"Thanks, Nick." she sighed. One worry was taken care of.

Isolated from the traffic, noise and lights of the city, sheltered by tall, seldom used warehouses, the flashing police lights were a beacon in the night. Nick could sense Natalie's presence as he approached the area.

"You okay, Trace?" he asked softly, seeing her hesitate slightly when walking toward the crowd of uniformed officers.

"I'll be fine." She answered grimly. She could see Natalie crouching over a partially covered body. It did not look like a very big body...

Natalie looked up suddenly, pulling the tarp over the body. Turning away, she looked sternly at Nick, the slightest hint of moisture filling her eyes. "Nick, get her out of here." She ordered.

"Natalie, I said no special consideration." She protested. "I'll be fine."

"No." Natalie said firmly. "This is ugly. Really ugly. No woman in her first trimester is going to touch this child until I know what happened. And it will give you nightmares. Go. Now."

Nick had not seen his wife this upset since the murder of her goddaughter, and the anger that she was suppressing was intense. Pulling her aside, he murmured, "any speculation?"

"Torture, burns, toxic chemicals. I don't know. This will take time." she sighed. "just send her back to the precinct. She can pull missing child reports for the past six months. Look for between age 3 and 5." She was rapidly loosing her ability to hold in the tears. She needed to get back to the lab.

"Okay, Nat. Okay." he nodded in agreement, walking over to where Tracy had planted herself firmly, staring down at the small form, shrouded with gray plastic. "Come on, Tracy. You are out of here." He said firmly, guiding her toward a group of officers. "Nat is concerned about toxic chemicals. She's right. You need to protect yourself."

"I don't need to be coddled, Nick" she protested, looking beyond him to see the small form. "I thought we were beyond that."

"We are." He acknowledged. "This has nothing to do with your abilities as a cop, Detective. But, you are how many weeks pregnant?"

"OK. OK." She threw up her hands in mock surrender. "Jeez, Nick, how did Natalie stand it?"

"What?" he asked in confusion.

"Well, if you are like this around me, what were you like when she was carrying YOUR child?"

"Oh, much worse." He said with a gleam of humor in his eye. "Just ask her." Taking a deep breath, he gestured to the shrouded body. "Nat is estimating between 3 and 5 years old. Why don't you start pulling missing child reports. I'll get you physical characteristics as soon as possible"

"Three years old?" she asked, the horror unmasked.

Nick nodded in confirmation. "That's what Nat thinks." He replied softly, squeezing her hand in a silent gesture of understanding. These were the cases they all hated. He watched Tracy speak to a uniformed officer and leave before returning to Natalie's side. She had left the body covered, while she made notations on a clipboard. "You want to show me now, or later?" he asked her.

"Later. I want to get out of here." She said firmly. He could sense her tenuous control. Knew that she was holding back tears. Tears she could not shed in public. She gestured to the attendants and strode toward her car with Nick trailing close behind. The tears began to flow as soon as she was away from the crowd. Pulling her tightly against his chest, he rubbed her back and held her wordlessly. "I'm okay, Nick." she murmured, pulling away and opening the car door.

"You sure?" he asked, handing her a handkerchief.

She wiped the red streaks from her cheeks and turned to him. "You need to get a new shirt, Nick. I leaked on you." she pointed to the red stains that marred his collar.

"I'll meet you at the lab." he said, wrapping a scarf to cover the wetness of her tears. Whatever this was, she would need him to get through the autopsy.

Natalie had already started her examination when Nick arrived at the lab. His gasp of horror was enough that she stopped the tape. "See why I sent Tracy away. She'd have nightmares for weeks." She moved away from the table enough for Nick to see the entire body. "I'll have a 3-D reconstruction CT done to try to determine facial features. So far I can tell you that it is a female, Caucasian, weight 15 kilo, height 98 centimeters, brown eyes. I'm not sure of the hair color yet." She gestured at the scarred, and burned head "Haven't found one yet."

"Who would do something like this?" he asked slowly. Even at his worst, he would never have harmed a child. Especially like this.

"And signs of sexual activity.." she continued. Her voice was low, monotone. She was in 'professional mode', the shell that protected her psychologically from the worst of the horrors of her job.

"Rape?" he whistled. "Any chance for a DNA?"

"Nada." She replied, covering up the body and sitting at the desk. "No semen present, just the scars and stretching that should not be there." She picked up the mug and drank deeply before she could make eye contact. "Old fractures of both femurs, cigarette burns covered the back. Hands were soaked in some sort of chemical that denuded the skin to the dermal layer, so no prints. And then there is the face. I don't know, Nick. I'll do my best but she is probably too young to have dental records... those are still primary teeth."

"Nat, do you need a break?" he asked softly, moving closer.

"No, I need to finish this. Get it over with." She said firmly, standing and moving next to the table. Clicking on the tape, she continued her exam, with Nick watching silently. And puzzling over what sort of monster would torture a child to this extent.

It was close to daybreak before Natalie had finished her exam. Nick had returned to the precinct after she'd completed the worst of the autopsy. And other than confirming that, yes, she would list it as a homicide, she could give no information yet. The injuries were so extensive and so disfiguring that she knew that identification would be nearly impossible. At least a visual ID. Using computer imaging, she had an approximation of the child's appearance. But nothing that would ease the family. If, indeed, a family could be found.

The first rays of the morning sun were streaking the sky when she pulled her car into the garage and shut herself into the darkness. The caddy was already in its place and she could faintly hear Nick's voice as he played with Claire. And it came as no surprise that Tracy's car was parked in front. Somehow she knew that Tracy would push to involve herself with the case.

"Cutting it a little close, aren't you?" Nick scolded as she opened the kitchen door. "I thought we'd have to send Tracy to get you."

"Well you KNOW what I was working on, Nick." she said, fatigue evident as she dropped her purse and briefcase at the bottom of the landing. She accepted the mug of blood from his outstretched hand and wearily sat on the couch. Tracy was seated on the floor, tossing bean bags to Claire. Hearing her daughter's joyful giggle was enough to lift her mood.

"OK, Natalie, what did you not want me to see?" Tracy asked softly, turning to face her.

"A child, tortured and mangled beyond recognition." Natalie said simply. "It's bad enough that I had to see it. It's bad enough that anyone had to see it."

"So how will we proceed? Nick?" she prompted, ever mindful of her professional duties.

"I can give you a computer image that is the approximation of the face. Since I found no hair, I had it done with several shades and styles of hair." She spoke softly, aware of Tracy's gasp of horror. "Based on the bone maturity, I can guess that she is four years old. And from the scarring and fractures, I would say that the injuries occurred over a four to six month period." She took Tracy's hand and held it loosely, "Nick can do this solo, Trace."

"No, Natalie. I refuse to be coddled, just because I am pregnant." she said firmly. "I'll do my part. I accept that you don't want me to see or handle the body, but let me do something. I can still research files. Work with what you can give me."

Nick nodded, "OK, Tracy. We'll start tomorrow. I'll bring in the preliminaries."

"Thanks, Nick." Tracy said with a shy smile. While being over-protective at times, Nick was one of the only men who judged her on her own merits... and not her father's.

Despite two weeks of computer searches, comparing missing child reports from across Canada, they were no closer to identifying the murdered child. To make matters worse, the tabloid media had somehow gotten wind of the case. And made pests of themselves at the coroner's office. That is, until one got too close to Natalie... and she convinced them to cover the fans attending the Stanley cup playoffs in Dallas... somewhere far, far away from her.

Despite the frustrations on the job, Tracy was happier than ever. She was filled with plans for the wedding, now set for April 20. Her parents had compromised and both wedding and reception would be at the Four Seasons hotel. Natalie and Nick would be the attendants and Nick had arranged for a bartender from the Raven to work the reception.

Finding a dress, was proving to be more of a challenge. With the changes in her body now becoming apparent, although not obviously pregnant, and her desire for a more sophisticated look, she'd yet to find something. And the wedding was only a week away.

"Well, I'd let you wear my wedding dress, but it is truly a maternity dress, and I don't think your parents would appreciate that." Natalie remarked, looking up from the newest case she had.

Tracy paced the room. Nick would be here shortly and she hated talking about dresses around him. "No, you are right there. They both know that I am pregnant but don't want me to flaunt it. I don't know what to do. Where did you get your dress?"

"To be honest, it was a gift." She replied, pausing in her work. "And it was custom made for me."

"Oh? Do you think I could use the same seamstress?" she asked, hopeful.

"Perhaps, but I never met the designer. He is a friend of Nick's. They surprised me with the dress."

"You didn't go for fittings?"

"Nope." She shrugged. "Nick says he measured me while I slept... not a very comforting thought that I sleep that soundly. And it was designed to be loose, so I really didn't need to be fitted." She sighed and turned to Tracy. "I will ask who it was, and see if you can use the same man. OK?"

"Thanks, Nat... you are a lifesaver!" She stepped forward and gave Natalie a gentle hug, before looking at the array of specimens cluttering the counter. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, this?" she gestured to the pile of slides that were waiting to be seen. "I'm helping the RCMP and OPP with a cluster of children's cancer cases that are cropping up just north of Thunder Bay. They wanted a second opinion, I guess. See if I could see any common links."

"Any luck?"

"Not yet. They are suspecting an environmental pollutant, so I have soil and water samples next." She paused for a minute before looking quizzically at Tracy. "Did you try that area to ID our little mystery guest?"

"Well, we went on the national wires... what are you thinking?" she asked, sitting on the stool next to her.

"She was burned with toxic chemicals. I suppose in smaller quantities, they might be carcinogenic." Picking up the next slide, she leaned over the microscope, "Just a thought..."

"Well, your thoughts usually have some merit, Nat. We'll look into it."

"Look into what, Tracy?" Nick asked, watching the interplay between his wife and his partner.

"A correlation between our little Jane Doe and the case that Natalie is working on right now. I'll explain it to you." she stood and walked toward the door.

"OK, you can do it on the way. We have a new case... a body by the lake."

She groaned and turned to Natalie, "a drowning. They always make me ill... any thoughts?"

Natalie stood and pulled a jar of wintergreen gel from the shelf above her. Tossing it to Tracy she laughed. "Here, it worked for me. If you don't mind smelling like wintergreen..."

Pulling away from the coroner's office, Tracy clicked on the radio. LaCroix's smooth voice filled the air. Taking responsibility for one's own actions was the topic of the night. As usual, his comments and quotations seemed to be aimed directly at Nick.

"Why do I get the feeling that he is talking to you?" Tracy observed, breaking the silence that stretched between them.

"Because he usually is." Nick said dryly. "He is my sire. He can sense my emotions and knows what buttons to push."

"He doesn't seem as angry anymore." Tracy commented.

"Give him time." Nick remarked. He had a suspicion that LaCroix was not happy about the latest child to be entering the vampire community. While they had not discussed it, Nick was sure that the elder vampire already knew. "Are you sure about this, Tracy?"

"What? The case?" she asked, looking at Nick's expression closely. She was not sure that Nick was truly happy about the pregnancy or her eventual conversion.

"Yes.. what did you think I was asking?"

"Oh, nothing... and yes, I can handle it." she reassured him. Their eyes meet, and Tracy knew that he did have concerns, but would not discuss it- at least not yet.

The spring evening was unseasonably warm. A gentle breeze blew in from the lake cooling the few who were still out enjoying the moonlit night. Natalie was expending nervous energy working on their new rooftop patio. Having spent many an enjoyable evening there the previous summer, she was determined to make this her paradise... and had undertaken the task of childproofing it, and planting flowers in large pots.

"Natalie? Where are you?" Tracy's voice drifted up through the skylight. With the wedding only a day away, she was staying at the loft. They had not spoken of reprising the 'girls night out' that they'd given to Natalie... mostly because, she was sure that Nick would take Vachon to the Raven. And she did not know where else Natalie could comfortably go for a night out.

"Up here.." she called out, floating down to the living room to stand in front of her.

"What are you doing on the roof, Natalie?"

"Therapy" she shrugged, walking over to the closet, pulling out the leather carrier. Seeing the carrier, Claire grabbed her leg with an excited squeal before she could buckle the first strap.

"Therapy?" she questioned, watching Natalie strap Claire against her chest. Evidently, they WERE going somewhere.

"Yes, therapy. Want to see?"

"Love to. What staircase goes up there?"

"There isn't one." She said casually. "Grab hold" she instructed, standing in front of Tracy. As soon as she felt Tracy's hands loop around her, she flew up swiftly. Tracy gasped in surprise, and then delight as she surveyed the night sky. "My little oasis." Natalie explained, unstrapping Claire and setting her down.

"This view is incredible" Tracy exclaimed, looking off to the west where the lights of the city sparkled and the Toronto skyline was clearly visible.

"Thought you'd like it." Natalie smiled, sitting on the cast iron bench. She uncorked her bottle and poured herself a glass and then pulled the bottle of iced tea from the cooler. "And I was not sure that you would want to do anything wild."

"Hey, we took you out..."

"I know. I still remember parting crowds at the Raven." Natalie laughed. "If you want to go somewhere, I can call a friend to stay with Claire."

"No, this is fine. I don't want to run into Vachon tonight..."

"Trace... you are going to have to get used to using his first name. After tomorrow, YOU will be a Vachon."

"For now, I suppose." She said slowly. "But you stayed Lambert?"

"Only professionally. And just because it is a pain to change your name on medical licenses. Almost everyone I know from med school kept their maiden name professionally."

"So what name is on your marriage certificate?"

"Knight." She replied.

"Is that really his name?" she asked, trying once more to get information about her mysterious partner. Aside from his age and the fact that he'd fought in the Crusades, she knew precious little about him.

"No. And eventually when we move on, we'll get a new name... and so will you." she responded casually. She knew, quite well, what Tracy was doing. And it would not work. If Nick wanted her to know more, he would tell her in his own way.

"How much longer do you think we'll be able to stay here?"

"Nick and I are already planning to move to Montreal when Claire is four." Natalie explained, pulling out a bowl of fresh fruit for Tracy.

"So you've already discussed it?"

"Yes. Joe Stonetree offered to put through a transfer for both of us, so our files can be traced back, so this move we'll keep the name 'Knight'. We'll just change the birth years."

"Why would he do that?"

"He knows about us, Tracy. He offered to help us, in exchange..."

"In exchange for what, Nat?" Tracy asked suspiciously, watching her friend pour another glass of the viscous red liquid. Knowing what is was made her shiver slightly.

"Well you know what happens when mortals find out..." Natalie said dryly.

"Oh." She said slowly, watching Natalie drink her bloodwine. "Where do you get that stuff?"

"Private suppliers." She responded quietly. "Vachon will take care of you. Don't worry about it. You have a lot of time yet."

"Is it donated?" Tracy asked carefully.

"Ours is." She shrugged, her casual mannerisms gave Tracy the courage to delve deeper into her friend's lifestyle. "I don't know where he gets his stock. Ask him."

"Natalie..... ummm...." She hesitated, not sure how willingly Natalie would answer her questions.

"Yes, Tracy, go ahead. Ask. I may not answer, but you can ask me anything."

"Have you ever, ummm... you know... ummm.."

"I think I know what you are asking..." she said softly. "You want to know if I have ever drank it warm... from the source?" she watched Tracy's shy nod. "Yes."

"Really?" Tracy asked with surprise.

"Yes, really. Not often, but I have." She shrugged. "when the time is right, I will take you with me."

"You are the last one I could see taking a life..." Tracy shook her head in disbelief

Taking her hands loosely, Natalie looked directly at her. "Coming across, well, it changes you... more than you realize. And I don't just mean the physical changes. I would not trade my life with Nick for anything, but I am not the same person that I was a year ago."

"Another round for my bachelor friend..." Nick called to the bartender.

"You want me to get drunk, don't you?" Vachon responded, taking the glass and drinking it in one swallow.

"We can't GET drunk..." Nick eyed him. "Although, I've never seen anyone put away that much, that quickly."

"Ah, you've never mixed it with rum, have you?" Vachon laughed broadly, pleased that he had found some areas in which he was more knowledgeable than the elder vampire.

"No, can't say that I have." Nick answered, taking a sip of his own glass, and feeling a burning sensation.

"You have now..." he said with a sly smile. "And it WILL get you intoxicated... should I call Natalie and warn her?"

"I can take care of myself..." Nick laughed, seeing some of the others coming over to the bar. While most of Vachon's friends thought the concept of a marriage to a mortal strange, they were not averse to consuming large quantities of intoxicants with him. Any excuse for a party....

While enjoying the music and dancers, Nick had not noticed the approach of his master. "Nicholas, a word, please." He said sternly, watching the younger men begin a chugging contest with rum-laced blood.

"They'll be okay, LaCroix." Nick said swiftly, not turning around.

"It's not them that I wish to discuss." He said smoothly. "Come."

When LaCroix was in that kind of mood, Nick had learned centuries ago, that it was best to get it over with. Whatever was bothering him, would not go away. And the sooner he faced it, the better. He picked up his glass and followed his master into the office. Sitting opposite him on the overstuffed chair in the corner, he gazed at LaCroix patiently. "Yes?"

"You need to get better control of your daughter." He said firmly.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked in puzzlement. What had Claire done to anger him?

"I am not referring to Claire."

"Oh." He let out a breath. "Okay, LaCroix. What has Natalie done to annoy you?"

"I am not sure that 'annoy' is the proper term, Nicholas." He rose and went to the side table and poured himself a goblet. "But annoy will be mild if she continues to introduce children into our world. Children do not belong in our community. It was one thing for you to create one in the natural way. You have mingled in both worlds for several centuries. But it is unacceptable to artificially create hybrids when we do not know the consequences. And that young Spaniard may not be able to maintain the illusion to the satisfaction of your colleagues."

"Natalie had permission from the council..." Nick began.

"I realize that." He nodded. "And from you?"

"She never asked me." Nick admitted reluctantly. "I am not thrilled, but it was ultimately the decision of Tracy and Vachon."

"So, she did this without your consent?" LaCroix observed carefully.

"She did not need my consent, LaCroix. It is their baby, not mine." Nick protested.

"Did not need your consent? Are you not her master?" his eyes began to glow slightly as his voice lowered in tone. "She does not understand that all areas which concern the community, she must have your consent? Well, then, I am patriarch of this family and I am telling you, no more. Do you understand? I have been quite supportive of your family."

"You have." Nick agreed.

"Even to the point of not seeking the retribution due me." he watched his son's startled expression. "You think that I forgot our agreement? Our discussion at Azure?"

"No, I know that you would not forget. Anything. Ever." He said softly. "What do you want of me?"

"Control her. You are her master." He sipped from his glass. "Act like it." he set his glass down and gazed at his son with a raised eyebrow, his voice even, controlled... dangerous. "Tell me this, Nicholas. Has she killed?"

"Yes." Nick replied.

"With you?" he asked sharply.

"No, with Janette. Twice."

"Not good enough, my son. I want you to take her hunting. Those excursions to the hospice do not teach her our nature." He smiled at Nick's look of surprise. "Yes, I know of Janette's little enterprise. Very ingenious. One which you might emulate instead of letting your desires fester. But she, like you, is a mature vampire. Natalie is not."

"Her skills are quite well developed." Nick protested. "She has very good control."

"Control, yes, but she has little concept of obedience. And you *know* the importance of obeying one's master." He replied, looking at Nick solemnly. "If you won't, then I will. And I am not sure that you want that."

"I don't want it... because I don't think it is necessary." Nick said, his voice rising in anger.

"How often, as a fledgling, did you do something, just because I told you to?" he asked mildly.

Pausing to think, Nick looked up, "More times than I could count. I never questioned you."

"Exactly. Now, how often does Natalie do as you ask? Without question?"

"Truthfully LaCroix, I have seldom asked her to do anything." Nick replied thoughtfully. "But since the first night, she has always been agreeable."

"Hmmm... you demand little." He said dryly. "Then I will teach her."

"Teach her *what*?" Nick asked with an exasperated tone.

"Our nature. Obviously if she is willing to assist in the procreation of these hybrids, then she does not understand the instincts of the vampire. If you have not taken her hunting, then you do not know what Janette showed her. And I think it is time that I tested our protégé." He took a deliberate sip from his glass before meeting Nick's steady gaze. "As patriarch, it is my duty and right to see to the obedience of all members of our family. That includes your Natalie."

"And if I disagree?"

"There is a little matter of our agreement. She may not be mortal any longer... but she was when we first met.. and you lied to me. I will not hesitate to take Natalie and Claire... and you will never find them."

Nick looked at LaCroix, seeing the anger sizzling behind his amber eyes. He knew that he was not joking. And that he was perfectly capable of making his wife and daughter disappear forever. "Just don't expect me to come along." He replied with a resigned tone. He only hoped he would be able to explain it to Natalie in advance.

"Of course not, Nicholas." he said smoothly. "That would be cheating. This is one test she will pass on her own."

The limo pulled into the garage just before dusk. Picking up the garment bag that held Tracy's wedding dress, Natalie called up the stairs. "You ready, Trace?"

"As I'll ever be..." she answered with a sigh, coming out of the bathroom, carrying her makeup case. "How did you get through the first trimester without even knowing?"

Natalie shrugged, and handed their dress bags to the driver before leaning over to pick up Claire. "I thought I had the flu. Ask Grace... she'll tell you how she nagged me to go to the doctor." Handing Tracy a packet of crackers, she led the way to the elevator. "I did not think it was possible for Nick to father a child, so I did not even think about pregnancy."

"Then how did you figure it out?"

"Nick did. He said my blood smelled different." She answered casually. "Yours does too..."

"You can smell my blood?"

"Yes... and I could tell when you were on your period. That was how Nick really knew that I was pregnant. When I went several months without one."

"He knows that?" Tracy asked, an embarrassed flush creeping into her cheeks.

"Yes, Trace. And so does Vachon. Didn't you ever notice that he avoids you?'

"Well, you're right...But I had never realized that was why." She said thoughtfully, watching Natalie strap Claire into her safety seat. Natalie seemed so natural with a child... she only hoped that her instincts would be as natural.

"Even in a limo?" she questioned.

"Absolutely." Natalie nodded. "Besides which, you don't want to get a ticket. Your father..."

"Say no more." she laughed.

Arriving at the Four Seasons Hotel, Natalie and Tracy went upstairs to the suite that Nick had booked the day before. He and Vachon had stayed the day there, but after reassurance from Natalie that no one was lurking in the suite, Tracy pulled her dress out of the bag. With a little help from Janette's Parisian seamstress, an ivory satin dress had been made. The pregnancy had given her a bit more cleavage and just a slight thickness to the waist so the dress had a fitted princess style bodice with a loosely pleated skirt that went into a short train. Natalie's burgundy gown was similar in style but was more fitted, with a slit from her ankles to knee. Claire's soft linen dress matched Natalie's. She laughed and chortled with glee as Natalie tied back her blond curls.

"Tracy?" Richard Vetter's voice preceded his knock on the door.

"Come on in, Dad." Tracy called out, fastening the necklace that Natalie had lent her. It was the same necklace that she'd worn for her own wedding.

"Ready?" he asked hesitantly. Tracy walked forward and placed her hand on her father's arm.

"Absolutely" she said firmly, nodding to Natalie to precede them to the elevator. They were followed by Elyse, carrying Claire.

Following a simple ceremony, the hotel staff pulled open a partition in the ballroom, allowing guests to find tables and sample the buffet. A string quartet provided background music while guests greeted the bridal party. The invitation list had grown, due to influences of Tracy's parents and included most of the department's command staff as well as political figures. Enough to make Vachon very nervous.

"Why do I feel like they are all staring at me?" he muttered to Nick as they stood in the receiving line. With his years of experience mingling within the mortal world, Nick was much more relaxed.

"Because they are." Nick answered simply. "You are the groom. That is what people do at wedding receptions."

"And you went through this?" He growled impatiently.

"No, I didn't." he shrugged.

"Oh?" he prompted, pausing only to greet an elderly woman, whom Tracy introduced as 'Mrs. Chambers'... as if that would mean something to him.

"No. Nat and I just went to the Courthouse to get married. We had LaCroix and four people from the department as witnesses. And then there was a small celebration at the station."

"Sounds more my style." He sighed.

"Ah, but you married into the Vetter family. Trust me, his temper would match LaCroix at times." Nick whispered low. "And if he says the reception is 200 people at the Four Seasons, Tracy is not going to fight it. At least she got the ceremony moved here... her mother wanted it at St. Micheals." He smiled at the look of surprise that Vachon gave him. "Between Natalie and myself, we have been very much a part of planning this whole event."

"I wondered who hired the bartender." He nodded toward the bar set up in the corner, where Jack, one of the Raven's employees was busily pouring drinks. They could both see familiar green glass bottles on a back table, set amidst the liquors.

"She asked for my advice and yes, I made arrangements." Nick nodded in agreement.

"Thanks." he said simply, and seeing the last of the guests coming through the line, glanced over to it. "I do think that I will indulge."

"You may want to wait a minute." Natalie cautioned. "Wait until Nick gives the toast." Seeing Vachon's curiosity, she laughed slightly. "There are a lot of traditions here, and you will need to suffer through them. Nick gives a toast and then you kiss Tracy." She leaned a little closer, lowering her voice before continuing. "And blood breath tastes disgusting for the un-initiated."

"And you would know this first hand?" he questioned with obvious amusement.

"More than once, too." Nick answered, giving Natalie a brief kiss. "But she never complained"

"But Tracy might," she cautioned. "And there are too many witnesses."

"What about the buffet?" Vachon looked over and saw that Tracy was with her parents but motioning for him to join her.

"Just take little samples and play with it." Nick advised, "you are just too nervous to eat, right? And I believe you need to go join your wife." Together they watched Vachon stroll across the ballroom before going to the bar to obtain their own beverages. They would consume the champagne with the toast, but would be fortified before that.
CHAPTER 07/ (adult)

The sun was at its zenith when the insistent chime of her pager woke Natalie. Looking at the display, she could see that she'd been paged repeatedly over the past hour. Nick still slept soundly, his bare arm pinning her against his chest. Sliding out carefully, so she would not wake him, she took the cordless phone and went into the hall. Stifling a yawn, she dialed quickly.

"Lambert.." she said as soon as the phone was connected. "You rang?"

"Well, it's about time you answered your pager." She could sense the agitation in her supervisor's voice.

"Mike... I work nights. I play nights. I sleep during the day." she explained wearily. "And besides, Nick's partner got married last night. We were out very late."

"And I thought I'd have to put an APB on you, or at least send a unit over to check.... your machine kept picking up." she looked down and saw that, indeed, the message light was flashing on the answering machine.

"Well, what was so important that you could not wait until I am on duty tonight?" she asked, barely keeping the annoyance from her voice.

"You worked up that child Jane Doe last month?" his voice came out as a cross between it being a statement and a question.

"Yes." she replied hesitantly. From the tone in his voice, she knew what was coming. Another one.

"I have a new case that I am assigning to you." he stated. "How soon can you get here?"

Looking at the clock and groaning in dismay, she replied with obvious reluctance. "I'll get there when I get there. And where am I going?"

"Oh, just come into the lab. I have the field notes from Jim. He saw your report on the previous case and thought it more appropriate to assign this one to you."

"And you want me to believe that he is just being altruistic? Assigning away a child case?" she said, the anger surfacing in her voice.

"That's not it, Natalie. No one likes investigating child murders.... but he is right in thinking that the same ME is more likely to find similarities."

"Yeah, yeah... tell me more fiction. Just tell Jim that he owes me. Big." She sighed and clicked off the phone. Thoroughly awake, she knew it was at least five hours until sunset. Her usual excuses would not work. She would have to figure out a way to go in early. And Tracy was on her honeymoon...

After showering and dressing in a simple navy pantsuit, she sat on the bed and nudged Nick. Unsuccessful with simply tapping him on the shoulder, she began caressing his chest and leaned over to nuzzle his neck. Her own vampire senses coming alive as she smelled his blood, tasted the skin over the vein... and felt his arms snake around her, holding her face while he licked her jugular.

"Good afternoon, my love." he purred in the deep growling voice that told her that he was in the mood to play. "I do believe you are over-attired for this." He slid his hands under her jacket and pulled her closer.

"Now that you are awake..." she began, feeling him pull her blouse out of her waistband. "Nick, what are you doing?"

"What do you think? You started this..." he murmured, trailing kisses across her neck as he rolled with her until they were sideways on the bed. "And you are definitely overdressed. Where did all these clothes come from?" He said, unbuttoning the blouse and reaching in to caress her breasts. She could feel the growing pressure of his erection against her thigh and saw the flecks of amber in his eyes. Well, she had not promised WHEN she would get there...

Shrugging off the blouse and bra, she pulled him closer, her kisses moving across he forehead and then their mouths met. She felt the pressure of his tongue against her lips and could sense his pleasure as she opened her mouth to his exploration. It came as no surprise to feel his fangs descended, and hear his low growl of pleasure as she stroked their sharp edges, allowing a trickle of blood to fill his mouth. Rolling over so that she was on top, his hands were unfastening her slacks and had started to push them down. Rising from the bed, she pushed them off completely and allowed him to capture her in a tight embrace.

"So you want to play, my love?" he laughed, seeing the glint of her fangs visible on her lower lip. "Didn't get enough last night, did we?" he said low, seductive, trailing kisses across her belly, and pushing off her panties.

"This was not my intent when I woke you up." she confessed, sighing in pleasure as his hands explored her body. He knew exactly how to arouse her.

"But you aren't complaining." He countered, letting one hand slide low, reaching to her feminine core. "Or resisting..." he followed, stroking her nub and feeling the wetness of her arousal.

"OOOHHH... Nick..." she moaned. "I would never resist my master.." she teased, catching her breath.

"And don't forget that.." he grinned, sliding on top of her and capturing her arms in his hands as he thrust within her, hard...

"Never.." she gasped staring up at his amber eyes, knowing that hers glowed as well. Arching her back to let his thrusts deepen, she pulled him against her, scratching his back until they both smelled the trickle of blood. "Nick... take me.." she moaned, feeling his fangs brush against her neck.

"With pleasure, my love..." he whispered, thrusting deep within her and planting his fangs in her soft throat. Feeling him begin to drink, she found the vein in his shoulder and pierced it. With a loud growl, she felt the force of his climax as he filled her with his seed. Leaning back against the pillows, she smiled at his seductive gaze. "Natalie, do you realize that it is only 2 o'clock?" he chastised.

"And I need to go to the office." she countered.

"Now?" he asked with dismay. "Why?" he asked, lazily running his hands across her upper arm and back.

"Trust me, it was not my idea. They gave me a new case and wanted me there an hour ago." She shrugged. "Any ideas how to get there?"

"You can't go to a scene in the middle of the afternoon." He replied, horrified.

"I won't need to. The body is already in the lab."

"And it is so bad that Jim doesn't want to do it... so he gave it to you."

"You got it..." she laughed, reaching up to kiss him gently. "You'd think that you knew office politics."

"No... I've just had more experience with this." He sighed, sitting up. She was projecting very odd emotions. "And what is the case?" he asked softly.

"Another child." She replied low.

"You sure you'll be all right doing it?" he asked, remembering how hard the previous case had been for her.

"Nick, I am a professional. I may not like it. No one does. But I can do this."

"If you say so." he said, giving her hand a squeeze. "I'll call LaCroix's driver. He won't be busy this time of day. The Benz has darkened windows. Between that and my protective gear, you'll be okay. I'll instruct him to take you around back to the unloading zone."

"Thanks..." she smiled in relief. "But I will need another shower."

Natalie had a nagging sense of deja vu as she completed the post-mortem examination. Another child, hopelessly disfigured, scarred and then dumped. The fractures were more recent but as with the first case, there were no fingerprints, no teeth and no hair left. It was all she could do to begin the written report, tears filling her eyes.

As he drove into the precinct, Nick could sense Natalie's sorrow and frustration. With scarcely a moments thought, he turned the caddy toward the Coroner's building. Silently he entered the building and made his way to her basement lab. Clicking the lock behind him, he walked over to the desk and pulled her up into his arms. "Shhh... it's okay, Nat.." he soothed, murmuring endearments in his native tongue. It did not matter that she understood very little of the medieval French, his presence and support was all that she needed. "better now?" he whispered, feeling the tears subsiding.

"Yes" she replied. "How did you know?"

"That you needed me?" he asked softly, stroking her tangled curls. "I told you, we are bonded. I could feel you. I know this case would bother you." he pulled back and met her steady gaze, "so, any more luck with this one?"

"No, not really." She said with a tired sigh. "Whoever is doing this is one very sick person." Moving over to her desk, she picked up the file and handed it to him. "The injuries were over a shorter time period but they were similar in nature." Sitting in her chair, she looked up to him. "Find him Nick. I don't care how."

He studied her expression intently. The feelings that she was projecting startled him. The vague stirrings of the hunter instincts were surging forth. They were feelings that he had denied for so many years, and had taken care to not nurture in his lover. But they were there, and threatening to come out. And that frightened him.

Leaving the lab in the pre-dawn pale light, Natalie was still haunted by the images she'd seen in the case that night, in her own feelings ~ rage, revenge... feelings she'd not known to that extent. Sure, she knew anger.. and her anger toward Paul Chang had almost led her to do things that she'd never dreamed possible. The intensity of her emotions and desires frightened her. Was this her... or the vampire within her?

Standing by the doorway, she felt the chill on her neck. She knew what that meant. Swiftly dialing on her cell phone, she spoke quickly as soon as she was connected. "I'm being summoned. Don't wait up. I'll see you tonight." Turning around, she saw a tall, darkly clad man.

"So you felt me. Good." he said with a hint of amusement that was not reflected in his expression.

"Yes. I did. Where are your companions?" she asked, looking for the two stake-bearing Enforcers that had accompanied her for her first interview with the Elders.

"We did not feel it necessary. You have proven cooperative previously." He shrugged. "Besides, you are merely a fledgling... no match for me."

"Well then, where are we off to?" she said with a sigh.

"Follow me." he instructed and flew off. Natalie followed close behind, landing on the roof of a tall condominium building near downtown.

"Ah, a second location." She observed, as they walked down two flights of stairs and around a corner before knocking on a door. The door was opened and Natalie was prodded to go inside. She could see the council members seated around a long table, goblets and bottles on a sideboard behind.

"Natalie... please, come in." Aaron said quickly, seeing her unease. "Join us for some refreshment."

She sat in the indicated seat and looked around the table. They all were in the same places as when she first encountered them almost a year previous. "Two interviews in one year. Isn't that unusual?" she asked softly.

"In a way it is." Aaron replied. "But since you came last with your sire, we felt an individual meeting was warranted."

"Oh?" she inquired, accepting the goblet that was pushed toward her.

"Yes, I understand your experiment in genetic manipulation has been successful." A muscular dark haired man who sat at the end of the table announced.

"If you mean, my attempts to assist Tracy Vetter conceive a child, you would be correct." She replied calmly, glancing between the six people who sat around the table.

"And everything is proceeded normally?" Angela asked, shooting a look of annoyance at the other man.

"To my knowledge, yes. No sign of abnormalities in her blood." She replied. "Then again, it was not apparent for me this early either."

"And you WILL keep us fully informed?" the older appearing woman prompted.

"Of course." She answered, puzzled. Had she not been given permission?

" I am sure you are now wondering why we would summon you." Aaron said smoothly, noting her look of surprise. It was as if they'd read her thoughts. "We have heard that you did not seek your sire's consent in this matter."

"Consent? Why would I need Nick's consent? It's not his baby." She responded with a little more force than she'd intended.

"Lucien was correct about this one," responded a blond man who'd been silent at her previous interview. "she is quite willful, and has no concept of obedience."

"Natalie. We have not existed for centuries by carelessness. It is the responsibility of the elder members to guide the young ones. Instruct them how to survive. How to use their new skills appropriately. And most important, how to remain undetected. Ours is a secret society with our own rules. Our own Code. In your case, Nicholas is responsible for teaching and guiding you. In matters concerning the community, you must obey him."

"He knew what I was doing. He never said anything." She protested.

"But you knew of his doubts." Angela reminded her. "We are not seeking to punish you, but to remind you of the need to listen to him."

"But I do listen to him."

"As a lover and a wife, you do." She agreed. "But as a daughter, listen to his doubts. And take heed."

"What are you saying?" Natalie asked, glancing around the assembled group.

"Nicholas has doubts that Vachon will be able to maintain the facade." Aaron replied. "And so does Lucien. Oh, we have no doubts that he will do well as a mate for Ms. Vetter, and eventually as her sire. But he is not accustomed to being so closely tied to the mortal community. His ability to parent to the satisfaction of the mortal world in which the child will exist is more in question."

"So what do you want of me?" Natalie asked. She, too, had her concerns, but was surprised that the council shared them, or knew that much.

"We are simply advising you of our doubts." The dark man stated.

"Make sure that any mortal social event that he goes to, he is accompanied by either you or Nicholas. And have your next location set up with Aristotle."


"In case you have to leave quickly. There are no guarantees here. You had no family when you crossed over. Ms. Vetter does. She may need to leave town." The blond said casually.

"All right." She agreed. Looking around the room, she said slowly. "Angela could have told me this. Why did you need a full panel?"

"We wanted to all hear you agree." Aaron replied, sipping from his glass.

"Agree to what?" she said, puzzled. What could they be concerned about now?

"Your education is not quite complete." He stated matter-of-fact, expressionlessly.

"What do you mean?" she asked quickly. It had been some time since anyone had given her any 'lessons', so she had thought that she'd been taught all that she needed to know about being a vampire. Sure, Nick was more accurate with his flying, and could hypnotize more readily, but he'd had more practice. She very seldom used her special abilities.

"Your diet has been quite restricted." The dark man replied, holding up a bottle. "If your patriarch comes over to give you a tutorial... you will go with him."

"I've always paid attention to LaCroix's lessons." She said puzzled.

"And you will continue to do so? Without question?" Aaron prompted.

"Yes, of course." She responded.

"You will understand our concern about children coming into the community better after his next lesson." He motioned to Angela, who stood and walked over to Natalie.

"Come." She said, guiding Natalie down a hallway. "We have a room for you to spend the day." she said, opening a door to a simply furnished bedroom.

"I didn't mean to cause everyone so much concern." She said softly. "I thought it was okay. That I had your permission."

"Natalie, it IS okay. And you did have our permission. I suppose that no one on the council really anticipated your success. We won't under estimate you again. We don't want you getting in over your head. And if it works, and the children grow to maturity with little or no ill effects, then, perhaps, the others won't worry so much."

"So it is not just the pregnancy they are concerned about?"

"No, that is just the beginning. In many ways, that is the easy part." She smiled. "no, the difficulty will be with children. What abilities will they have? Will you be able to control them? Will they maintain our secret? Or rather, how much contact will they force upon you?" she shrugged, leaning on the dresser, motioning for Natalie to sit down. "You and Nicholas are used to straddling the line. Tracy has some experience. Vachon has none."

"And you are worried?"

"Yes." she agreed. "Please, when you are making your plans for your next location... consider sharing them with Vachon. He will need your guidance."

"Umm, we already have our next home decided, and Tracy already asked to go with us."

"And where would that be?


"Isn't that a bit close?" she cautioned. "You might be recognized."

"We'll keep these identities. Aristotle will just alter a few dates. After a few years, we'll head overseas so that Claire can be educated in one place. That way, if our Toronto friends come looking, we won't have disappeared, and when we have started to fade from them, but before we have close friends in Montreal, we'll leave."

"So you have it all planned? I'm impressed."

"Well, Nick is the mastermind." Natalie said sheepishly. "He has a lot more experience in this."

"Yes, he does." Angela agreed. "and that is what we want you to understand. When it comes to matters of the community, take heed."

"Should I have not helped Tracy?" Natalie asked, combing through her memories for the previous discussed she'd had with the elder vampire.

"No, that is not it. But you should have made sure that Nick had no doubts... and evidently, Lucien felt he did. And Lucien certainly does." She stood and prepared to leave. "I'll leave some refreshments for you outside your door. You are welcome to leave as soon as the sun sets. Do not concern yourself if no one is about." With a slight nod, she left the room

With the lateness of the spring sunset, Natalie barely had time to go home, shower and change clothes before it was time to go in to work. Nick wisely left her alone. She was in no mood to discuss her interview, even if she was allowed to do so. Sure, he would pick up some of it when next they made love, but it was not the same. Combined with the most recent case, she was slowly reaching a boiling point. Something would break soon....

Sipping samples of the latest shipment to arrive at the Raven, LaCroix felt the twinges of power... of desire. "I think it is time to nurture these feelings." He said aloud as he detected from whom the sensations arose. His eternal granddaughter. "Yes, tonight is a good night for a hunt." He mused as he walked over to the broadcast booth where he began to tape a monologue for the evening's broadcast.

Luckily, there were no new cases, so everyone could leave Natalie alone. As much as she was outwardly calm, her inner turmoil was very apparent when she snapped at anyone who dared speak to her. And it did not help that the theme of LaCroix's broadcast was 'accept your feelings and act upon them'. Everything he said made her want to find the man torturing innocent children. "and give him a taste of his own medicine" she muttered.


She whirled, looking around the lab. "Where did that come from?" Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, she leaned over the microscope again.

"You have feelings, Natalie. Act upon them."

Startled, she looked at the radio. Did he really say that? All she heard now was music. "OK, I must be crazy." She muttered, pulling out another batch of samples.

"No, you are not crazy, Natalie."

She looked up, the radio still had music playing. "OK, LaCroix. What are you doing?" she said aloud, realizing that he was speaking to her directly.

"Come to me and find out." His voice took on a commanding tone. With a sigh, she put away her work. She knew that LaCroix had a reason to be seeking her out. And until she obeyed, he would not leave her alone. Slipping unnoticed into the parking lot, she closed her eyes and concentrated, picturing the master vampire. Casting out her senses, she felt him. After making sure she was alone, she flew into the night sky.

"Very good. So Nicholas has not been completely neglectful of your education." He said dryly in greeting as she landed beside him in a wooded area just north of the city.

"What do you want?" she asked abruptly.

"Oh come now, you want me to ignore the feelings that you are projecting?" he replied with a hint of amusement.

"What do you mean? What feelings?" she said, her voice reflecting her suspicion. While they had an uneasy peace with the master vampire, she was not totally trusting of his actions.

"I am sure that Nicholas is taking his usual approach of, ignore it and hope it goes away." He continued, ignoring her previous questions. "It is not a healthy method, doctor." His commanding voice demanded her attention.

"OK, LaCroix. Obviously you want something from me. Just tell me." she fired back at him, annoyance rising into anger.

"No, my dear. It is not *me* who wants something from *you*. It is you who need me." he smiled sardonically, and took her hand. "You sizzle with anger, of suppressed rage."

"And you don't know what you are talking about." Natalie snapped, pulling her hand free. Her eyes flecked with amber as she struggled to maintain her control.

"No?" he questioned. "Look at you. You can barely keep yourself together." He smiled at her reaction. Just as he imagined. Oh, this would be an enjoyable evening....

Sighing in surrender, she met his eyes, "okay, you win. Yes, I am not exactly in the best frame of mind tonight. It will pass."

"Will it?" he probed. "And how WAS your interview this morning?"

Startled, she stared at him, the surprise evident. "You know that I can't talk about it."

"Ah, but you want to, don't you?" he asked, smoothly, standing so very close. She could feel his breath on her neck as he spoke directly in her ear. "But you cannot. Even to Nicholas."

Spinning away from him, she stared, eyes glowing. "And what is this tutorial that I am supposed to allow you to give me?"

"So, they did speak of it..." he mused. "I do believe that you are even in the proper frame of mind."

"Frame of mind for *what*?" she demanded impatiently.

"You are so delectable when your temper is rising." He smiled, stepping back and leaning against a tree. "It is time for your final exam, my dear."

"Final exam? And what, pray tell, am I being examined in?"

"You say that Nicholas has been instructing you adequately. Well, I would like a demonstration." He watched her expression closely. "Tonight, we hunt."

"Hunt?" she questioned.

"Yes. Man is a predator. And we are the ultimate hunter. Our very nature tell us this. Do you not wonder at the feelings you have when thinking of this creature who is preying on the young?" he remained still, speaking in low, seductive tones. His voice an instrument that would demand action. "Ah, you have.." he noted her emotions becoming more focused. "Have you never wondered how Nicholas could surmise so much about a crime scene? His senses... and now yours... Use them."

"OK... how?" she said softly, opening her senses fully. Bombarded by sounds, smells, she staggered until she felt LaCroix's strong arms support her.

"Don't overdo it, doctor." He cautioned. As he'd long suspected, she was suppressing her vampiric urges and senses. "Come. Follow me." he instructed and flew into the distance, landing on a flat roof at the edge of a town. "Watch. Listen."

Distant traffic sounds, scattered conversation and random music filled her ears. In the distance, she heard a popping sound, almost like gunfire. "You hear that?" she asked quickly.

"Indeed. Find it." he instructed, following behind her as she flew to an alley. She could see a man laying in a pool of blood, the scent making her mouth water and her fangs itch. With a screech of tires, a car pulled away. "Follow it." he whispered.

"But he is still alive, I can help" she protested, pointing to the man in the alley.

"And how would you explain that? You are supposed to be working downtown. Besides, he is beyond any help. unless, of course, you intend to merely hasten his end." He said with a sarcastic laugh. "No... you want to do something about the man who shot him. Find him. Stop him." His instructions took on that hypnotic quality that told her to allow her secret desires come out. With a brief nod, and a look of intent concentration, she flew off.

Seeing the car speeding along the highway, she landed in front of him and stood calmly as the car stopped just short of her with a squeal of over-used brakes. The man leaped out of the car yelling obscenities at her. She merely relaxed and allowed the vampire to surface. Strolling casually up to him, she placed a hand on his chest. "And where do you think you are going?" she asked, low, threatening.

"Out of here. Stay out of my way, lady." His hand was on his gun, but before he could pull the trigger, she was behind him, her arms wrapped around his chest.

"I don't think so." she sneered. Holding his head firmly, she tilted his neck and sunk her fangs into him, striking the artery forcefully. The warm blood spurted out, faster than she could swallow it. She drank, blood trickling down her blouse, running down the man's chest. And then it stopped. It was gone, the heart silent. With a gasp of horror, she dropped the cooling body and looked down at herself. She was splattered with blood. Her hair, her clothes. Covered with blood. Her mind dizzy with the sensations that the fresh, warm blood held.

"Very good, doctor. Very good." LaCroix said from the shadows where he'd watched.

"Oh, damn... what did I do?" she asked softly, picking at her blood stained shirt.

"You acted like a vampire." He stated. "You did not let your mortal inhibitions hold you back from taking action." Picking up the body, he placed it back into the car. Opening the gas tank, he carelessly dropped in a lit match. Taking her hand, he flew them both toward the city. She could hear the powerful explosion in the distance. Landing at the Raven, he led her down the stairwell to his apartment. Handing her a robe and some towels, he pointed to the bathroom. "You might want to shower before we talk."

The warm shower and time to assimilate the entire experience relaxed Natalie enough to go back out to talk to LaCroix. She had only fed from living humans twice previously. Both times had been at the hospice with Janette. This was different. So much different.

"OK, LaCroix. Did I pass?" she asked, belting the robe around her firmly as she walked into the living room. He was sitting on the sofa, reading a newspaper.

"Yes." he replied, folding the paper and putting it on the side table. "Do you understand what just happened?"

"Other than the fact that I killed a man?" she replied, her voice shaky. "In anger... A man who was not terminally ill."

"Natalie. You allowed your instincts to take over. You used them. Yes, you killed a mortal. Mortals, die... does it really matter how?" he said casually. Seeing her frown, he motioned for her to sit opposite him. "For the first time since you became one of us, you acted like a vampire. Not some restrained mortal."

"But I have sworn to do no harm." She protested.

"That was before." He sniffed. "Anyway, it is not like I would expect this to ever happen again. I did this to show you what it is really like."

"What *what* is really like?"

"Our existence." He said simply. "Would you want Claire to see you like this?"

"No." she replied forcefully. The thought horrified her.

"Exactly. That is why you must take care with your young one, and the one yet to come. They would not understand the balance with which you exist. I have always said that there is no place for children in our world." He held up his hand to silence her. "I have revised my opinion somewhat, in your case, Natalie."

"Well, I would hope so." she said with more anger than she'd intended.

"But, others may not." He warned. "They would not dare cross me, but they may be less kind to Vachon. For that reason, Ms. Vetter must be seen as being closely allied with Nicholas. Under his protection."

"How do I do that?"

"Be seen at the Raven together. More than once." He said. "And if at all possible, their child should be watched by Elyse as well. She has proven herself worthy."

Natalie nodded. "I agree." Hearing the distant bong of a clock, she looked at her watch quickly. "Oh, I need to go."

Standing, LaCroix walked over to a closet and pulled out a black shirt. "I'm sorry I have no women's shirt to offer you, will this suffice for the flight home?"

When she came out of his room with his shirt loose over her skirt, she walked up to him and said softly. "I understand what you needed to show me, but I am not sure that Nick will be as understanding."

Nick had already arrive home and was frantically pacing the loft when she came through the skylight. Pointing the remote at the steel shutters, he turned to her and demanded. "Where were you? You car, your purse were still at the lab. Everyone said they were steering clear because you were in a foul mood." Seeing her wearing LaCroix's shirt, he came closer "And why are you wearing his shirt?"

Flopping on the couch, she pulled him down next to her. "Because I ruined mine." She shrugged. "Claire asleep?"

"Yes. Stop changing the subject, Nat. How did you ruin your blouse?"

"LaCroix took me hunting." She said softly, her eyes meeting his. "I was messy."

"Are you okay with it?" he asked, running his hands along her arms. He was sure that she was expecting him to blow up with anger.

"I guess. I know what he was trying to show me, and I understand now." she leaned against him. "I know what you fight so much. And I realize why you did not want to teach me." Sinking deeper into his embrace, she leaned back. "No arguments? No recrimination?"

"Nat... I knew he wanted to do this. And I agreed to it." he admitted. "I just didn't know he'd do it before I had a chance to talk to you about it." Kissing her forehead lightly, he murmured. "It is a part of our existence. One that I am not proud to claim, but he was right. You needed to see it, experience it, to understand it."

Two weeks passed without incident. No new cases but neither were they any closer to identifying or solving the previous two. While the job was becoming increasingly frustrating, Natalie was at peace with herself for the first time in many months. Those urges and desires were quiet. With Tracy and Vachon returning from their honeymoon, plans were made for an evening together. In public.

The Raven was not very crowded when Nick and Natalie arrived. A mostly mortal crowd danced and drank, the rituals of the darkness. With a wave to the bartender, they claimed a table on the upper level. Public enough to be seen, yet private enough to talk. A bottle and two glasses were set down before Natalie had even shed her jacket and looked around.

"On the house." The waitress shrugged, nodding toward the bar.

With a quick glance, Nick could see LaCroix leaning on the bar, a smug, satisfied smile on his face. "OK, Nat, why is he looking so happy?"

"Because we are here?" she remarked with a shrug, reaching across the table to grasp his hand. "I don't know. Does anyone know what makes him tick?"

"No, I suppose not." He said thoughtfully. "You are sure there was not an agenda for your suggesting this instead of a quiet evening at our place?"

Resigned, she poured the drinks and sighed. "OK. There is an agenda." She admitted. "I was told to be seen with Tracy and Vachon. In public. Make sure that it is known that they are our friends."

"Told by whom?" he probed

"Who do you *think*?" she responded with a sigh. "The council, LaCroix... does it really matter?"

"Is that all?" he asked, suspicions raised. That sounded too easy.

"All that I was told." She protested. "If there another purpose, I was not told."

"Well I am sure there is another reason, but I can believe that you were not told." He said casually. Seeing Tracy enter the club hesitantly, he stood and waved to catch her attention. With Vachon trailing behind, she made her way over to the table.

"Hi Nick... Natalie." Tracy greeted them with a smile, sitting down next to Natalie. Handing a glass of soda to his wife, Vachon sat down and accepted the full goblet from Natalie. "So, what's the deal?" she said abruptly.

"Excuse me?" Natalie responded.

"Why here?" she asked, nervously looking around. Vachon had leaned back in his seat and was casually scoping out the crowd.

"We always just invite you both to the loft. I thought you might enjoy a night out." She replied casually.

"Uh huh... sure, whatever." Tracy eyed the three vampires. "You can't talk, can you?"

"No" Natalie admitted. "But we can be seen."

"Ah." Tracy smiled. It was, as she expected, a command performance. Well, she was well accustomed to those. "And just what am I supposed to do tonight?"

"Talk to us." Natalie said with a shrug. "So, tell me about the honeymoon, where did you go?"

"Home" Vachon replied. "My home"

"Which one?" Nick asked with a laugh. Knowing how many homes he'd had over 800 years, he had a good idea how many Vachon might have as well.

"My first one." Vachon said with a teasing smile.

"It's still there?" Natalie questioned. She knew that Nick had talked about taking her to see the ruins of his former estate, but could not imagine that Vachon's would be intact.

"Well, to be precise, we saw what's left of it." he shrugged. "But it was interesting to see my old digs. Haven't been there in at least two hundred years."

"Hey, I thought it was a great idea." Tracy responded, leaning over to give him a light kiss. "And it made sense. Besides, I've never been to Spain before." she said enthusiastically, pulling out a large envelope. "and I even have pictures!"

Admiring pictures, polishing off more than one bottle of bloodwine and a little dancing made the evening fly by. Not once did they talk 'shop'. And through it all, they were under LaCroix's watchful gaze, as well as the myriad of vampires who frequented the Raven that night. It did not take long for the word to get out- Vachon's new wife was a close friend of LaCroix's son. And if she was under Nick's protection publically, she was under LaCroix's as well. And none were so foolish as to tangle with the ancient Roman.

It was near closing time when Tracy made her excuses to Nick and Natalie. Between jet lag and the pregnancy, she felt about to drop.

"I'm driving. Get in." Vachon murmured as they approached Tracy's sedan.

"Oh, and do you even have a license?" she protested as he pulled the keys out of her pocket.

"Does that matter? You are about to fall asleep." He stated, opening the passenger door.

"OK, OK. You are getting as bad as Nick." she slid into the seat and leaned back as he walked around to the driver's side.

"Querida... no one could be *that* bad." He teased. "Anyway, I saw you and Natalie talking in the corner. What was the purpose of having you come to the Raven?"

"I think she was told to invite the two of us. Or at least that I was to be seen with Nick at the Raven."

"Oh?" Vachon prompted. "Told by whom?"

"I don't know. Sometimes she is really open to me, and sometimes she isn't." Tracy shrugged. "But it must have been someone pretty powerful. She is not what I would call a timid woman."

"No... you're right there." He said thinking <she might be a very confident woman, but she is a mere fledgling in the vampire world.> He had never been interviewed by the council, but he knew of their existence. They were feared almost as much as Enforcers. And he was sure that with the circumstances that surrounded Natalie's conversion, she had been summoned, perhaps more than once.

"You are being too quiet, Vachon. What are *you* thinking?"

"Either LaCroix or the Elders wanted you to be seen with Knight. Not a bad idea, though." He replied, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"Elders? You mean like that woman who gave the deadline... Angela."

"Yes. Angela is one, I think. I've never been summoned, but I am sure that both Nick and Natalie have." He shrugged. "I prefer to lead a quiet, anonymous life."

"Uh huh... until you met me." she teased, leaning on his shoulder.

"Yes. Until I met you." he leaned over and dropped a light kiss on her temple, inhaling the fragrant essence of apricots and calla lilies... and thinking of the day when he would actually be able to partake of those delights.
CHAPTER 11/ (adult)

(one month later)

The coming of summer meant later sunsets, longer days and shorter nights. It also marked an anniversary. A very special anniversary. It was a year since Natalie joined Nick in eternal darkness. And a year since she had given birth.

Events to mark both events were very much on her mind. Some would be public and some private... very private. While Nick had stopped celebrating his 'rebirth' day centuries ago, he had hinted that he would not let hers pass unnoticed. And had given her such a sultry smile that she had shivers of delight in anticipation.

Claire's first birthday would be celebrated by the entire family with a party in Natalie's rooftop garden. As Nick had foretold, being watched closely by the entire vampire community was only the beginning for their very active toddler. Surrounded by doting adults, her verbal skills were far beyond her age. The nursery had taken on the aura of a fantasy land, with toys and books in abundance. Natalie had almost suggested 'no gifts' but had been overruled by Nick who assured her that the pleasure was as much in the giving of the gift... and they could always donate anything excessive to one of the Foundation's charities.

Distracted by her plans for the upcoming parties, she did not hear the ringing of the phone until the machine clicked on. Leaning into the skylight, she listened to the message. At least she'd convinced Nick that his 'in bed or incommunicado' would not be appropriate for a family. Hearing Captain Reese's voice echo loudly, she floated down to the main floor. Nick leaned over the railing and called out "what was that about, Nat?"

"I was on the roof, so let me play it again."

"Knight! Knight! Pick up the damn phone! Got a new one for you. I expect to see you and Natalie here ASAP. Call dispatch for the address."

"Whoa, he sounds rather perturbed." Natalie observed, pouring herself a drink.

"Yeah. I'd say so. Did you get paged yet?" he asked, accepting the mug from Natalie. As if on cue, her pager began chiming.

"Speak of the..." she laughed, picking up the phone and dialing. "Yeah, Jill. Just got it. What do you have?" her disposition got progressively darker as she took the address and turned to Nick. "Brace yourself"

"Another one?" he whispered. Few things, he had discovered, could make Natalie so anger filled, as the violent death of a child. And the cases recently were pushing her control more than he'd like. He was almost ready to suggest a vacation, but he knew she would not react to that well either. "OK, lets go. No sense putting it off." Striding over to the desk, he unlocked his gun and slipped it into his holster. "Nat? Come on. Let's get this over with. Elyse is upstairs."

The growing crowd was as much a warning as the captain's distressed message had been. It never ceased to amaze Natalie that the most gruesome of murders attracted such curiosity seekers. Parking the car in the midst of the flashing lights of the police cruisers, they both clipped on their ID cards and pushed through the onlookers.

"Its about time!" Reese called out, seeing their arrival.

"Well, took a while to get through that mess out there." Nick said dryly, seeing Natalie head over to the center. "So, what do we have, besides ugly? And where is Tracy?"

"Another child torture victim." He said solemnly. "And I sent Tracy back to the precinct." At Nick's raised eyebrow look, he shrugged. "Look, I'm getting pressure from above to take her off the streets. She won't do it. So she'd doing some background checks. Why don't you see if Natalie has anything yet?"

With an understanding nod, Nick walked over to his wife's side. She fairly sizzled in suppressed anger. "Nat?" he said aloud as he tried to send her thoughts of comfort, of strength and love.

Looking up, she gave him a wan smile. "I'm okay." she said softly, leaning over to cover the body before standing. "He might be getting careless." She shrugged "Tortured over a period of time, but a lesser time, I think. And he left a fingerprint."

"A fingerprint, Nat?"

"Hey, its more than you had to go on with the other cases, Nick." she turned, annoyed and walked over to the captain. "Joe, I'll do what I can to help you with an ID, but there isn't much to go on."

"Yeah, tell me a new one." He nodded tiredly. This nutcase was really starting to irritate him. Why would any sane individual do that to innocent children. He only hoped that his top investigative team could do something soon to find him."

With this being the third case, Natalie had developed a routine. First the X-rays and CT imaging. Then the post-mortem exam. She hated having a 'routine' for any case, because that meant she was seeing too many of them. It did not help that the Nightcrawler's monologue theme was 'Give in to your desires'.

Nick could hear the smooth tones of his sire's voice as he walked down to Natalie's lab. <great, he's feeding into her darkness. Just what we do not need!> Pushing open the door, he strode over and flipped off the radio.

"Hey, I was listening to that!" she protested.

"You *do not* need to have LaCroix telling you what to do." He said firmly. "Believe me, I know what he would do here."

"In a way, it is what we all want, Nick." she replied, her anger defused somewhat. "To find the scum who is doing this. He just has a different methodology. That's all."

"Uh huh" Nick said, unconvinced. "I still don't like the way he feeds into your urges."

"Well, it does make other urges more prominent, I will admit." She said, moving closer to him. "Urges that I believe you *would* enjoy." Running her hands down his back, she went willingly into his embrace, sighing in delight as he pulled her closer, ignoring the professional decorum that they both usually maintained while in the morgue. Looking up to his expression of desire, she pulled his lips to hers. Banked fires exploded as their passion erupted.

"I want you" he said fiercely, feathering kisses across her smooth pale neck, pushing back her labcoat's collar.

"Then take me." she said seductively, kneading the growing hardness that strained through the denim of his jeans.

"Where?" he murmured, pulling her hips against his, sliding one hand under the untucked top of her rough cotton scrubs. "You've a case in progress..."

"Cold room." She replied, pulling him across the room to the large refrigerated room. The door snapped shut behind them. The single red lightbulb cast eerie shadows in the room. A single shrouded body was pushed to one side and an empty gurney to the other.

"Nat... we aren't alone." Nick laughed, looking around the room as he reached over to pull the scrub top over her head.

"I don't think that Mr. Fribble will mind, Nick." she said firmly, pulling his shirt tails out from his jeans.

"You're sure *you* don't mind?" he asked, unhooking her bra and reaching within to caress the pale, firm globes.

She sighed in delight, whispering, "not at all" as she unbuckled his belt. The sensations of his kisses trailing from her neck to her bared breasts were overwhelming. She felt her eyes begin to glow amber as she unbuttoned Nick's jeans and freed the growing hardness.

"Oh, Nat..." he moaned as she stroked his erection to an almost painful hardness. Lifting her until she was perched on the edge of the gurney, he untied the drawstring of her scrub pants and pushed them off along with her lacy panties. Standing between her parted thighs, he whispered, "I need you, Nat"

"Then take me... Forever, I am yours." she said, guiding him within her moist sheath. Meeting his thrusts and wrapping her legs around his hips to draw him closer, she rose to higher levels of desire, of passion. "Nick... take me now..." she moaned, feeling her own fangs drop. Even in the dim light, she could see the glow to his eyes and feel the power of his love.

"You first, my love." he murmured, feeling the headiness of their spiraling passion. Without hesitation, she buried her fangs in his neck and drank from his nectar as she quivered with the power of her climax. With a low growl, he planted his fangs low on her shoulder and filled her with his love as he drank of her blood. A light layer of bloodsweat covered them both as they leaned against each other, still joined.

"Wow." Natalie said softly. "Thank you, my love"

"No, it is you who deserves my eternal gratitude." He whispered, suddenly standing straighter and looking around the room for their clothes. "Damn. Tracy's here."

"Nick? Nick? Where are you?" her voice was getting louder as they both scrambled to look somewhat presentable. Flinging open the door, bathing the room in florescent light, she looked at her partner sternly. "Nick, what are you doing in the cold room?" Stepping back to allow him to enter the main room, she watched him button up his shirt. "You have nothing to say?"

"No, I don't" he said with a shrug as Natalie slipped into the room and stood behind Tracy. Her hair was still disheveled but the scrubs were tied securely.

"I think you can figure out why he was in the cooler, Trace." Natalie said with a hint of amusement, laughing as the detective whirled around to face her. "He needed to cool off"

"Yeah, right." Tracy said dryly, looking between her partner and his wife. They both had a mischievous glint to their expression. "Sure, I can just imagine what needed to be cooled off."

"Well, I'll leave it to your imagination then" Nick shrugged. "So what brings you here, Tracy?"

"The case, Nick. I may not be welcomed at crime scenes these days but I am still on this case. And some of us *were* working." She said firmly, annoyance clear in her tone and posture. "And not getting a quickie on city time." she scolded, trying her best to not react to the look of utter relaxation on her partner's face. Moving over to the steel autopsy table, she pulled back the drape. "What can you tell us, Natalie?"

All business, her voice cool and unemotional, Natalie stood opposite Tracy, "Female, estimated to be 4 years old, weight 17 kilo, height 104 centimeters, brown eyes. Undetermined hair color. Only clear fingerprint is the left thumb, partial of left forefinger. Estimated TOD, 3 days. Cause of death, dehydration and blood loss secondary to multiple burns and stab wounds. Injuries too numerous to recite, but occurred over a two to three month period." She paused her recitation to meet Tracy's gaze. "Any other questions, detective?"

"Uh, no. Thank you, Natalie." she clutched the edge of the table firmly, her knuckles whitened. Her complexion was paler than usual and Natalie could hear the rapid pounding of her heart.

"Tracy, sit down before you fall down." Natalie said gently, guiding her to the desk chair. "Now do you see why we've not let you see the previous ones? This is mild. The first one was the worst. This one we might actually be able to identify."

"But we are still no closer to finding who did this." She protested.

"But figuring out where the children are coming from, who they are, what common links exist will lead us to the killer." Nick remarked. "So what do you have?"

"Oh, umm. Yeah." She shook herself and opened the file that she'd brought over. "There was a similar string of child torturing and murders in Calgary five years ago. Four cases found over a four month period. All are still unsolved. They are faxing the autopsy reports to you Natalie to see if there are any similarities." She handed the file to Nick. "I don't know, but it could be the same person."

Nick opened the file and skimmed through it. The places where the bodies were found had an eerie similarity... docks, park, downtown alley. All the same. Same type of locations, same position of the bodies. And same time period between the bodies being found. "I would agree with you there, Tracy. And if he holds to his pattern, we'll find body number four in six weeks on the loading docks of the Courthouse."

"He actually dumped a body at the Courthouse?" Natalie asked incredulous. "That takes guts. And they did not catch it on tape?"

"No. Either he knew the positions of the security cameras or they were out of tape. Not to mention the fact that the last body was found in the early morning, on the new moon. They figured it had been dumped about 2 am." Tracy explained.

"Well, I think the Courthouse needs some new security cameras. Ones that are not registered." Nick said smugly.

"Can you do that?" Natalie asked, taking the file from Nick's hand.

"We'll see, but I bet Reese will approve it. Otherwise, I could arrange for some private security." Nick said thoughtfully.

"Private security?" Tracy asked doubtfully.

"Absolutely. You don't think Vachon would get into this?" Nick replied with an intent look between the women. "We want to catch this guy? I am not above calling in a favor or two."

"What would you ask him to do?" she asked carefully. Vachon had always kept minimal contact with most mortals at a minimum. She could not imagine him voluntarily working on this endeavor.

"We figure out the most likely time period, and have him stake it out with a friend or two. If the guy shows, he restrains him and calls us."

"And how do we explain that he was there?" Natalie broke in. "Vachon has ties to the department now."

"Vachon has friends. One of them can actually do the restraining. Hunting that we both would approve of... trust me, there are plenty of vampires who would help"

"You are serious?" Tracy asked. "They wouldn't just want, like, a free meal or something?"

"Well they will get a free meal, Tracy, but it will be from the Raven's stock." Nick explained. "And this is merely my contingency plan in case they can't do anything about the security cameras."

"If you think it will work." Tracy agreed. "Nat, let us know when you've reviewed those autopsy results. I think Nick is sufficiently cooled off now. Come on, partner." Leaning over to give her a brief kiss on the forehead, Nick followed her out.

The autopsy reports from Calgary were, indeed, full of similarities. Too many to be coincidental. It did nothing to ease Natalie's mind to know that there was another child enduring such horrors and was powerless to stop it. To distract herself before the dark thoughts made her do something she'd regret, she pulled out the consultation that she was still working on.

The soil and water samples all contained minute traces of a chemical commonly used to treat lake freighters to keep their fuel from freezing. It was something that one might anticipate finding in the area around the shipyards in Thunder Bay. But these specimens had been obtained in an inland, rural area. Far from the industrial areas. She had already discovered chemical similarities to some substances already proven to be carcinogenic. Just on a hunch, she concentrated a few drops and placed it on a skin specimen. The reaction was quick and dramatic. Burned all the way to the dermal layer. <just like our killer> she thought.

Leaning over the desk, she picked up the phone and dialed Nick's desk. "Yeah, Nick. Any identification on that fingerprint? Yes, I know it's one finger and its a child. Just do me a favor. Send a copy to Thunder Bay and tell them to go through the missing child reports for the last year. I know its a long shot. Call it a gut feeling." She hung up the phone with a satisfied smile. <I know you're out there. We'll find you>

It was nearly dawn when Nick strolled into the lab, holding out a thick file. "We hit the jackpot, Nat. Our mystery guest #3 is Meg Shaw, age 4. Missing since she went sledding with her preschool class in November. Four children disappeared from the park that day. None have ever been found."

"Have her parents been notified?" Natalie asked softly. While it was a comfort that the child now had a name and identity, it meant parents would come... and want to see...

"The RCMP has been called. They will go over today and then let us know when to expect the family here. Yes, they will need to see the body, Nat, but day shift can handle that. Isn't there someone who owes you around here?"

"Indeed. Good thinking, Nick. I really don't think I could do it." she said, her eyes filling with tears. She had an image in her mind of a family, frantic with uncertainty for the past six months, getting the knock on the door from a solemn, uniformed officer and the news that their daughter had been found far off in Toronto. Dead. Gone.

"Natalie... none of that. I think you need to go home now for some distraction. Don't you have a party tonight?" he said, giving her a handkerchief.

"Yeah, you're right. I can't dwell on this." She sighed, slipping out of her labcoat and grabbing her purse out of the desk.

The loft had taken on a festive atmosphere with streamers and balloons and a growing pile of decorated boxes. What originally had been an intimate gathering with Tracy and Vachon and the family, had grown as more of Natalie's friends had hinted that they, too, wanted to celebrate Claire's first birthday. And knowing how much those 3 am callers had helped her with the transition to her new life, she did not have the heart to say no. And many of them brought 'dates' so at least twenty adults filled the main level of the loft. And the pile of elaborately wrapped gifts threatened to overflow the top of the grand piano.

Claire was dressed in a frilly pink dress that almost floated as she toddled from adult to adult. She was in her glory. She loved crowds and flashed a toothy smile at the many admirers that gathered in various parts of the loft. "Oh, Natalie, she is simply adorable." Tracy gushed, leaning over to pick up the birthday girl.

"Well, I'd agree with you there." Natalie smiled, giving her daughter a kiss on the forehead, and watching her wiggle until Tracy put her back down. "And quite mobile, too."

"I see that." Tracy nodded, looking around. "Is it my imagination?"

"No, it isn't." she confirmed, eyeing the younger woman closely. Her pregnancy was showing, but barely. The baby's heart beat was clearly audible to Natalie's vampiric senses, but there was not the characteristic vibration of the vampire- yet. "So you can tell?"

"I don't know why, but yeah. Everyone here has, I don't know, an aura or something." Tracy replied with a slight shiver. And it was not simply that she was the only one with a tan. There was a definite feeling to all of the other guests.

"When did I check you last?" Natalie asked sharply.

"Three weeks ago. When I went in for my fifteen week checkup. Just before the wedding." She leaned closer, "what are you thinking?"

"I don't know. But if you are sensing us already, I want to make sure that everything is still okay." Lowering her voice she whispered, "come to the lab tomorrow. I'll take a sample and check it out."

"I feel fine, Natalie." she protested, caressing the growing mound where her child rested. The child's movements were now easy to feel. Seeing Natalie's stern look, she sighed, "Yes, doctor, I'll come by the office tomorrow. And I wanted to tell you that I am flattered that you went to the trouble of making hors d'oevres just for me." she nodded to the plate of finger sandwiches and raw vegetables that sat on the dining table next to the row of green bottles and stemmed glasses.

"It was fun." Natalie smiled. "Other than finger food for Claire, and an occasional potluck, I don't cook anymore and I always enjoyed it."

"Sorry to steal you away, but I think it is time for cake." Nick appeared at Natalie's elbow and guided her away.

"Then I need to change Claire's dress." She said firmly, walking over to find her daughter holding Janette by the calf while she laughed at faces being made by Alma.

"Why? She looks fine in what she is wearing now." Nick protested.

"Obviously you have never seen one-year-olds feed themselves cake." She laughed, scooping up Claire and calling out, "We'll be right back" she was not sure that her guests, most being several centuries old and unfamiliar with children's behaviors and traditions of the 20th century, would approve of just the diaper, which is how she would have approached it, so she dressed Claire in a simple oversized cotton tee shirt and pulled her hair into a miniature surgical cap. Placing her in the high chair which had been set on a sheet in the middle of the dining room, she nodded to Nick.

Carrying out the small cake which had a single lit camera, he started the refrains of 'Happy Birthday'. Tracy and Natalie joined in immediately, but it took longer for the other guests to sing along. With Vachon manning the video camera, Nick set the cake down and with an exaggerated face, helped her blow out the candle. Flashing her father a surprised smile, she dropped the spoon on the floor and immediately plunged her fingers into the frosting. Taking a large handful of cake and pulling it in the general vicinity of her mouth, she began giggling. Soon more of the cake decorated her face, hand and shirt than had actually made it into her mouth.

Sidling over to Natalie's side as she prepared a small dish of cake and ice cream for Tracy, he said with mock sarcasm, "you knew she'd do that?"

"Absolutely. It can't be helped. Its an uncontrollable urge. Smashing the cake is a tradition." She grinned and took the plate out to Tracy. Their guests were enjoying Claire's reactions to the cake as much as she was enjoying the sticky sweetness.

***** (adult)
The automatic shutters had just closed, signaling the dawn. The guests had all left, many with promises to share their favorite childhood traditions with Claire and her parents. Claire had fallen asleep, even before her parents had bid good night to the last of the visitors. With a quick tug on the sleeve, Nick pulled Natalie away from the kitchen toward the stairs. "What? I'm not done cleaning yet." She said with annoyance.

"Oh, I think you have done enough *cleaning* for one day. Those glasses will still be there tonight." he wrapped his arms around her waist and spun her to face him.

"And what do you have in mind, Nick?" she said softly, seeing the glint in his eyes.

"Hmmm, what were you doing a year ago?" he asked, feathering kisses down her face and neck.

"Nick, *that* anniversary is not for another week." she protested, feeling the gentle caress of his hands across her back. Sighing with pleasure as he unzipped her dress and slid it down her shoulders, she met his kiss with her own. Deepening the kiss, intensifying the passion, until he pulled away and moved over to the couch.

"I know." He said low, pulling her down next to him. "And I need to thank you for giving me a daughter, a hope for the present, for the future." Sliding the drawer of the end table open, he withdrew a slim box and handed it to her.

"What is this?" she asked, unwrapping the gold paper with an eagerness that rivaled Claire's display of only a few hours previous. Opening the case, she sighed in delight and pulled out a thick, engraved gold heart locket on a gold chain. A smaller, matching heart locket was next to it. "For Claire?" she asked, her voice tremulous with emotion.

"Yes. They match. Mother and daughter." He replied, kissing her forehead as she opened the larger one. It was engraved 'My love for all eternity, Nick' and contained a miniature copy of the formal family portrait that had been taken for Claire's birthday.

"It's gorgeous, Nick." she breathed. "Thank you." she leaned over and set the box on the end table and wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him tighter to meet her kiss while unbuttoning his shirt.

"It is I who should thank you, Natalie." he murmured, sighing with pleasure as her caresses became bolder. His fangs dropped as she began stroking his erection that strained the confinement of his trousers. "Shouldn't we take this upstairs?"

"Why? Claire's asleep. We're alone." she mumbled, kneeling in front of him, pulling the belt out of the loops. She had unzipped his trousers and eased his fully erect manhood out of his black bikini briefs. Kneading his scrotum firmly, she began to feather kisses down the length of his erection. Finally taking it fully in her mouth, with her fangs lightly scraping the upper surface, he growled as his eyes began to glow.

'Natalie." he said low, the intense pleasure growing. He began thrusting harder against her mouth, grasping for her auburn curls. "Not like this... please... I want to be inside you..." he begged, pulling back slightly.

With a seductive smile, she leaned back and shrugged out of her dress and shimmied her panties off and then stood. "Then come to me, my husband.." Taking his hand, she led him to the rug in front of the fireplace, and pulled him down next to her. He pulled her close to him and met her caresses with a passion of his own. With a low moan, he kissed her with an intensity that caused his fangs to fall into place. Stroking her fangs with his tongue, exploring her mouth thoroughly. "Oh, Nick.. please, take me. Now." she moaned.

He leaned over her, trailing kisses across her neck, nuzzling the vein while she squirmed and tried to pull him on top of her. "Not yet, Nat. I'm not ready.' He whispered, drawing her breast to his mouth, scraping the nipple with his fangs, and lapping up the trailing blood. He could smell her arousal, feel her need as well as his own. Nudging her knees apart, he positioned himself at her opening and slid within, feeling the slickness of her sheath, the welcoming warmth as he met her thrusts with his own. Together they rode the wave of passion, sharing of their bodies, their blood, their souls, until they were one.

Identifying the most recent victim had opened the floodgates. It was widely assumed that the other two children were among the four who had disappeared from that Thunder Bay day care. Collecting clothing, hair samples and recent photographs of the other missing children, Natalie was attempting to find a match. The family of Meg Shaw had arrived in Toronto and came to the morgue. Their horror at the sight of their little girl was unimaginable. Her mother fainted, and was then sedated. Her father merely stared. Tracy had led them away and told them what little she could.

"It was horrible, Nat." Tracy related, telling her of the family's reaction to having to identify the body. "They couldn't identify her."

"I knew they wouldn't be able to." Natalie said dryly. "Was the 3-D reconstruction at all accurate?"

"Surprisingly, it was. Her mother said that it did look like Meg." Tracy leaned back in the chair, watching Natalie work. She was preparing DNA workups to confirm the identity of the other children. "And how did you wiggle your way out of that little task?"

"What time did the family arrive?" she asked, nodding to the clock. She had come into the lab as soon as the sun set, but at least an hour after the family had been there and gone. "Let's just say, Jim owed me."

"How convenient." Tracy said sarcastically. Avoiding the less pleasant duties did not seem like something that Natalie would do, but then, her life now had restrictions. Restrictions that she would face herself in the not so distant future. "And how do you explain it? Not being able to come during the day, I mean."

"I don't" Natalie responded. "As far as the department is concerned, I work nights to be in synch with Nick. When I get paged during the day, I take my time answering, or make an excuse. Once in a while, we will have LaCroix's limo driver bring me in. The allergy thing is not something that one can just 'develop'."

"So what will I do?" Tracy said low. "And how do I tell my mother that I can't do lunch?"

"How have you explained Vachon?" she asked, pulling out her files on 'private' cases.

"Ummm, I haven't." she shrugged. "As far as my parents know, he is a musician, and works until 5 am... then comes home and sleeps. They don't seem to care if he comes over to their place for dinner when I do."

"This may be a problem." Natalie said thoughtfully. "Let me talk to Nick. He's got a lot more experience in this area." She eyed Tracy closer, "so are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You just look a little pale." Natalie observed. The younger woman was now wearing maternity clothes, although they were still very loose. Her pregnancy was showing, but barely. "You aren't very big."

"Well, its not like I spend much time in the sun, Natalie." she said sharply. "And I am as big as I should be for twenty weeks. At least, my doctor is not worried." She sighed, seeing Natalie's skeptical look. "OK, I've been a little nauseated this week."

"A little nauseated?" Natalie questioned, pulling off her gloves and striding over to the sink.

"Yeah, a little nauseated." She repeated. "Pregnant women *do* get nauseated, Natalie"

"I know. Been there. Done that." she said softly, pulling on fresh gloves and gathering supplies. "Are you sure that is the only problem? What about blood?"

"What about it?" she asked suspiciously.

"Any reactions to Vachon's food?" she probed, sitting next to Tracy, rolling up her sleeve in preparation for drawing a sample.

"Like?" she prompted, not really sure where Natalie was heading with this line of question.

"I don't know. Anything..." she met Tracy's gaze steadily. "Hunger? Desire? Nausea?" at each shake of her head, Natalie breathed a sigh of relief. "I'll take a sample and make sure that there is nothing else to be worried about."

"What *are* you worried about, Natalie?" she asked softly. It had been only two weeks since Natalie had drawn her blood. When she acknowledged that she could sense vampires clearly. She'd assumed that nothing had been found, since Natalie had not told her anything yet.

"That you are rejecting food." Natalie replied.

"Rejecting *food*?" Tracy's voice rose, her heart beating faster.

"That's why Nick had to bring me across so soon after Claire's birth. I could not eat, and was weakening." She explained, opening the syringe package and needle.

"But I am only halfway through the pregnancy. How could that be happening already?" her voice rose, in panic, as Natalie held her arm loosely, scrubbing the crook of her elbow.

"We don't even know that it is, Tracy. Calm yourself." Natalie let her voice deepen, taking on the monotone that she used to hypnotize as she slid the needle in place with the ease and confidence borne by years of practice. When she sensed Tracy's heart beat and breathing slow to a more normal level, she turned away. "I already have a slot at the Institute tonight. I'll take a look and let you know."

"O-Okay...tomorrow?" she said slowly.

"Umm, day after....I'm off tomorrow."

"Oh? So is Nick. You two synchronize this?" Tracy said with a sly grin.

"Sort of. It's, ummm, my, umm, anniversary." Natalie replied shyly.

"Anniversary?" Tracy questioned. "I thought you got married in March."

"Not *that* anniversary." She retorted. Seeing the puzzled look on Tracy's face, she leaned closer "Call it my *re-birth* day then." Seeing that Tracy understood what she meant, Natalie explained, "Nick has plans for us."

"Ah... so I can assume that when he comes on duty on Friday, he will be *very* relaxed?"

"Tracy!" Natalie exclaimed.

"Oh come on, Nat... he is pretty transparent at times. I can always tell when you have relieved his tension."

"Jeez... now I'm going to be embarrassed to be around you." she declared, standing and putting the blood tubes in a small refrigerator marked 'official specimens only'.

"Natalie, its not like I'm watching, or even know exactly what you are doing. If anything, I'm envious." Tracy explained wistfully.

"Your time will come, Tracy. I promise."

Morning could not come soon enough for Natalie. All of her research was becoming an emotional drain. A day of pampering and seduction was just what she needed.

The DNA reports would not come back for a few days, but she knew enough. The mystery children all matched now. Names and bodies. But one was missing. She was not at all optimistic regarding the outcome there. She knew that it was not over. She could see that fourth child on her table. Her only hope was that Nick would be able to catch the person responsible.

And her time at the institute had shown her that Tracy's nausea was not simply pregnancy related. The change had started. Her own records did not reflect any discernible alteration in her blood until 28 weeks. Tracy was two months less into the pregnancy, and already had 5 percent of her cells carrying the vampire attachment. Frowning at the machine's calculation as well as the images before her, she debated how best to proceed. It was not yet life-threatening, but why was Tracy changing so fast? And how far could they get the pregnancy to go before it would threaten both lives?

A knock on the door broke her reverie and she looked up at the clock, <hmmm, 4 o'clock... one hour left on duty> "Yes, come in" she called out.

"Delivery for Dr. Lambert." The security guard announced, escorting a very nervous appearing young man into the room. He wore the uniform of a florist shop, the only one open all night, and was carrying a long box. He looked around hesitantly. Obviously he had never been in a morgue, and was not sure he ever *wanted* to.

"Thank you." she smiled, taking the clipboard that was silently thrust her way. Reaching into her pocket after signing the top form, the delivery boy shook his head.

"Uh, that's okay ma'am. Its already taken care of. Enjoy them." He scurried out the door, almost knocking into Grace as he left.

"So what did our detective send you this time?" she teased, seeing the long box set on top of the steel autopsy table.

"Flowers" Natalie said with a hint of sarcasm, walking over to the lab bench and pulling out a large glass beaker.

"That I can see." She retorted. "Ah, he has good taste." She murmured, as Natalie pulled off the lid revealing a dozen long stem red roses.

"Umm." Natalie breathed, inhaling the intoxicating sweet scent. "Yeah, I'd agree with that."

"So what's the occasion?" Grace asked, a sly expression crossing her face as she leaned on the table, watching Natalie arrange the flowers in the beaker.

"Let me see..." she opened the card before Grace could grab it. Written in Nick's elegant script was a simple unsigned message <My love, now and eternally. One year is but the beginning. Please join me once more>

Grace saw the mysterious smile that lit up her boss's face, "You willing to share?"

"No way." Natalie smiled, putting the card in her inner pocket. "Use your imagination."

"I don't know, Nat. My imagination is pretty vivid." She teased. They had worked together for long enough now that the teasing was friendly.

"Go ahead." Natalie returned. "Imagine all you like." She paused, eyes twinkling, mischievously. "Just remember that reality is soooo much better."

"So I can assume that you will be in a *very* good mood when you come on duty Friday?" Grace replied, matter-of-fact, but loving the startled expression.

"You and Tracy both?" she looked at her assistant with amazement.

"Oh come on, honey. He's good for you. We all know it. And we *do* know when he's made you *especially* happy." She laughed at Natalie's obvious embarrassment. Few things could rattle the unflappable, cool professionalism of the coroner... but Grace knew just what buttons to push.
CHAPTER 14/ (adult)

Trimming the stem of one of the roses and fastening it in her hair, Natalie signed out in a much better mood than when she'd arrived. Grace watched her with a secretive smile. She'd not gotten Natalie to say just *what* the occasion was, but obviously, Nick had something planned. And with all the stress in the department lately, it was a very appropriate time.

A trail of rosebuds started at the garage door, leading to the elevator. Natalie could hear the strains of piano music as she punched in the security code. The elevator door opened to reveal a tall candelabra and rosebuds scattered across the floor. Their fragrance relaxing her, soothing her nerves.

Nick was seated at the piano, playing with a passion and intensity that she seldom saw. The loft was lit entirely with candles and she could see crystal goblets and a tall glass bottle set on the table by the lit fireplace. Cut flowers graced every surface. Setting down her briefcase, she walked over to his side directly.

"One year will never be enough, my love." she said softly, sitting on the bench next to him.

He turned, pointing the remote at the stereo, where the strains of a Vivaldi concerto filled the loft. "It is but the beginning, mon amour.." he stood and guided her to the couch. Pouring the bloodwine into the goblets, he handed one to her, before raising his own. "To eternity"

"Eternity" she whispered, taking a swallow. The emotions overwhelmed her... lovers, passion-filled, hopeful...

"A special vintage." He murmured, seeing the glow of her eyes. "You can thank Janette later." Setting his empty glass down, he pulled her closer, running his hand across her shoulders. She shuddered in delight at the sensations that he was creating. Setting her own glass down, she turned and gazed into his eyes.

"Later." She said seductively. "I have more important things to do right now." Leaning into his embrace, she began unbuttoning his silk pajama top, kissing the exposed skin as she went.

"That you do... but do you not wish to wash off the traces of the morgue?" he whispered into her ear.

"Are you saying that I *smell*?" she pulled back with mock indignation, her eyes sparkling with the thought. She had a suspicion that this was merely step one. He so seldom showed his romantic side, but when he did, would go all out.

"Not at all. But you are giving in to the seduction just a little too fast." He teased, standing and taking her hand. "Milady... your bath awaits."

"Ah, and I do believe that I will need someone's assistance." She took his hand and followed him up the stairs. "Uh, not to ruin the mood or anything, but where is Claire?"

"With Janette. She was quite excited to play auntie again." He replied smoothly, reminding her of Janette's role a year previous... that of Claire's protector.

"Somehow, I don't see her as the aunt type." Natalie sighed.

"Oh, I do. When she is a teenage especially." He said with a laugh. Although it was not something that he particularly *wanted*. Janette's influence on his daughter would be interesting, to be sure.

Sweeping her into his arms, he carried Natalie up the stairs. Like the lower level, it was lit entirely by candles, their flickering light casting shadows. Wordlessly, he helped her remove her work clothes, kissing each exposed inch of skin gently. "Come..." he murmured, leading her into the bathroom. The Jacuzzi was on, and fragrant with lavender and roses.

"Aren't you going to join me?" she asked, the disappointment clear, as she stepped into the steaming tub.

"In a minute..." he replied, opening the closet, revealing another set of goblets with a bottle on a tray. Setting it within easy reach, he turned and slipped off his pajamas. She leaned back against the spray and watched with a contented sigh. She never tired of seeing him *without* the pajamas...

"Happy?" he asked, stepping into the tub behind her.

"Delirious." She nodded, scooting forward so that she was seated between his outstretched legs, her back resting against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, his hands making forays up to cup her breasts.

She sighed in delight, letting her hands stroke his thighs. "This is wonderful" she murmured as he began to trail kisses along her ear, occasional reaching lower to her neck. Shivering in delight, she could feel the passion rising, calling out to release the vampire...

"Of course." He said low, and she could feel his fangs had descended as he nibbled on her neck, his caresses higher, encircling her nipples. His erection was pressing into her back.

"Nick... let me..." she whispered, feeling the descent of her fangs, sensing his growing excitement.

"No... not yet.." he said firmly, his hands reaching to her feminine core. His gentle caresses becoming firmer, more intent. He slipped another finger within her, his thumb flicking against her clit. She met the rhythm of his caresses, leaning back against him.

"Nick... please..." she pleaded, feeling her passion rising... she needed him so badly... Suddenly he lifted her up and impaled her on his throbbing hardness. "Ahhh... Nick..." she moaned. Together they moved, heedless of the waves they created, and eventually overflowed the tub. The pleasure of feeling him fill her so completely was intense. With a growl, Nick lifted his head and buried his fangs in her neck. She shuddered with delight and sank her own fangs into him. His thoughts, his desires, his love were hers. She felt... everything...

Leaning back, breathing heavily, she met his gaze . "Umm, Nick.."

"Yes, my love?" he said huskily.

"We, uh, made a mess." She pointed to the pool of water that covered the floor.

"It will dry." He said with a shrug, standing and holding out his hand. "Come."

Smiling, she took his hand. She would worry about the mess. Tomorrow. She had better things to do tonight. And she would definitely have a smile at work tomorrow.

It was the night of the new moon. Darkness would fill the night completely. And if the pattern held, the fourth child mutilation case would be discovered that night. This little tidbit they'd managed to keep out of the papers, mainly because the investigative team was Nick, Vachon and a few of his friends... who were quite amenable to the chance to 'hunt' legitimately. It was something that Nick was reluctant to admit, even to Natalie. When he'd gone back to consuming human blood, his hunting instincts were strengthened, and he found himself using them more than ever. While it did not end with the kill, there was still the delightful anticipation... catching the scent, tracking it.

"You know, if the department ever found out *how* you were so successful..." Vachon teased, sitting in the shadows next to Nick. Six vampires surrounded the back of the Courthouse. They had elected not to take a request for upgrading the security cameras to Reese for fear that it would leak and frighten off the killer.

"The Enforcers would make quick work of me." he retorted. Over the years, he had become better acquainted with the young Spaniard, and they had an easy rapport. Far different from their first meeting, when Nick had threatened him violently.

"I hear you." he shrugged. "But, you know... this is not a bad way to work off some energy. I just hope he shows."

"If he does... when he does... go ahead and track him. Toy with him but don't kill him. Call me to take it from there, okay? He will face mortal justice first." he waited for Vachon to nod in understanding before taking off, flying back to the precinct.

Signing in, he could see the captain leaning on his desk, talking to Tracy. "There you are..." Tracy said with mock annoyance. She knew where Nick had been, but could not tell anyone else.

"What's up, Cap?" he said, sitting at the desk and looking up.

"And where are you two with the mutilator?" he asked with a heavy sigh. "I don't need to tell you that the press is watching us on this, do I?"

"We hear you, Cap. And we're working on it."

"Well what *do* you have?"

"Nothing new." Nick admitted. "We're running a trace on the chemical suppliers, following up on similarities to the Calgary cases. Its the same MO, but I don't know that we have any physical evidence to charge the same person."

"And any physical evidence with *this* one?"

"No." Nick shrugged. "Whoever is doing this is very careful. Natalie has not found anything on the bodies to help us. And believe me, she has looked."

"I believe you." he replied. "Keep on it. And Nick... keep together on this. You two are being watched. Certain people are not happy that it is still ongoing."

"Let me guess." Nick prompted, looking directly at Tracy, his eyes roaming up and down her loose shirt and rounded belly. "Your father wants you off the streets."

"He wanted me off the streets as soon as he knew I was pregnant, Nick." she said with determination, glancing between her partner and her captain. "But I am still on this case. Maybe I won't take any others now... but I will help you with this one."

"Okay, okay. Tracy, I don't have a problem with it." Nick protested. "But I can understand why your father is concerned. And I'll leave it at that." He turned to the captain. "We will keep you apprised."

"He's talked to you, hasn't he?" Tracy demanded, rolling her eyes with exasperation.

"Yes, he has." Nick admitted. Sliding his chair closer to hers, he said softly, "but I think you know me well enough by now to know that it was not necessary for him to do so."

"Ah, yes. Chivalry. A very old habit."

"And those old habits are hardest to break." Nick met her gaze with a slight smile. "Now, shall we get back to work?"

"Nick... is everything, umm, in order?" she asked nervously, looking around the room, seeing the captain now talking to a uniform officer at the desk.

"Yes." he nodded, looking down at the papers that cluttered his desktop. "Surveillance is in place. He will call us if anyone shows up."

"And detain him?" Tracy asked, her voice pitched very low as she stared at her partner. He was doing his best not to look obvious, that they had something planned.

"That's the plan." Nick nodded, glancing up briefly.

"This better work." Tracy said grimly. "There is still another missing child out there."

"Tracy. That fourth child is already beyond our help. The best that we can do is to make sure that he doesn't start this pattern anywhere else." Nick said firmly.

The night wore on, with Tracy's growing nervousness becoming more apparent. When Nick's cell phone rang at 4 am, she nearly jumped. Looking up, she saw his expression darken and her own fragile hope fading. Rising, he went to the Captain's office. "Anonymous call, Cap. Another child on the steps to the courthouse."

"OK. Go. I'll send Natalie and forensics." He said with a sad, resigned sigh.

Nick nodded, and came out motioning for Tracy to follow him. "Come on."

"What?" she looked up, her heart pounding in anticipation.

"We have the fourth case." He replied with a stark grimness that was appropriate to the situation, but somehow told her more. That their plan had not succeeded.

"And?" she prompted.

"And, what? That's all. We'll have to talk to Vachon later to find out what happened." He strode out to the parking lot. Tracy could feel the anger that he projected. Was it the vampire she was sensing or the anger from the policeman? She couldn't tell, and that frightened her. She had never seen him lose control, release the vampire fully. Vachon had told her of the control of the 'older' ones, but at the time, she did not know that it was her partner that he was talking about.

The crowd was large and getting more unruly when they arrived at the scene. News cameras and angry citizens being held back by uniformed officers and in the background the usual investigation in progress with all the personnel that it required. Flashing IDs at the officers at the tape barrier, they slid under the rope and glanced around.

"I'll see what Nat has to say. You talk to the sergeant." He said firmly, walking closer to the circle of people surrounding the small, shrouded body.

"Oh no, Nick... we will *both* talk to Natalie." she returned, angrily. "I am not a fragile flower to be protected."

"Suit yourself, but don't say I didn't try." He shot back at her. He knew that Natalie would not agree, but perhaps it *was* time for Tracy to see one. Standing behind Natalie's back, he could feel her sorrow clearly but also knew she had felt him.

Leaning over, but not turning, she motioned for the attendants to step back. "OK, Nick... come closer. We're shielding from the cameras over there." Pulling back the drape, she said low. "He's getting angry. He knows we're getting close." She kept her eyes focused on the ground, away from everyone, knowing that the amber was dominant. She couldn't help it.

The body was mangled, disfigured beyond recognition. It was the worst one yet. Facial structures alternated between being scarred from burns of varying ages, and swollen from fresh abuse. Limbs were at odd angles. The fingers were gone... simply not there. Tracy stared, unbelieving. The bile rising in her until her rebellious stomach told her 'enough'. Sinking to the ground, she closed her eyes, still seeing the image ... "oh, my God...." She whispered, over and over.

Nick helped her to stand, and drew her against his chest. "Tracy. It's okay, Tracy. Its over." He murmured, motioning to a uniformed officer. "Take her over to the perimeter. Keep her away from the media and try to get her to drink some water." Crouching by Natalie, he whispered, "And are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine." She murmured, raising her eyes which had cleared. "I'll get her back to the lab and we can talk."

"Talk?" he questioned, knowing that she was usually pretty reticent about these cases.

"But not to the media." She instructed.

"Absolutely." He agreed. "Let's see... I think they need more coverage of Wimbledon." He teased, remembering how she'd previously dealt with excessive media coverage.

"OK, people. Enough is enough." Captain Reese's voice rose. The volume was enough that Nick was sure it could be heard on the other side of the lake. "Everyone listen up. Conference in ten minutes."

Nick met Tracy's questioning look with a shrug as if to say 'what's that about?'. She slid her chair around their desks and whispered, "okay, Nick. What happened? Javier wouldn't talk about it."

"He saw the perp drop off the body. Saw the body." The casualness of his tone belied a more serious situation.

"And?" she prompted. Surely there was more to the story than that.

"Even a vampire can be disgusted and appalled." Nick said, low, ever aware of the others in the squad room. "They tracked him, but didn't detain him."

"Why not?" she asked, puzzled. Wasn't that the plan?

"Because they would have killed him." He stood abruptly and strode into the briefing room. He was still reeling from the events of the previous night. The sight of the mutilated child had affected all of them.

Tracy followed him, silently. She could tell that there was more to the story, but doubted she'd ever hear it. While in many ways, she was a part of the community, of Nick's secret world, there were times when it was clear that she was not. The veil of secrecy had been dropped, and no matter how much she probed, he would not answer.

Most of the other night shift detectives had crowded into the room when Reese strode in, dropping a thick file and pile of newspapers on the table with a thud.

"Exactly where *are* we with the child killer?" he demanded, standing directly in front of Nick.

Nick looked up uncertain how exactly to answer. There were details he could not reveal yet. Like the fact that he had an address of where the killer could be found. Or how he got that information. "I haven't seen the report from the one last night, and umm, Natalie was not very talkative this morning, but I am assuming that it is the last of the missing preschoolers from Thunder Bay."

"Tell me something that I don't already know, Knight." He pleaded. "We are being crucified all across the province."

"Have we found the supplier of the chemicals?" Samuals asked, speaking to no one in particular.

"I'm not sure how that will help us." Nick replied.

"Well, the report says that burns of that nature may be caused by that particular chemical, which, I am told, is not exactly widely used. If we could trace it, we might get a name."

"Its a long shot, Samuals, but a reasonable thought. Go with it." Reese commanded.

"Our current assumption is that the bodies were dumped her, but that they were actually held, and killed somewhere outside of Toronto." Tracy stated.

"So, have we looked? Do we have any idea where this could be?" Reese asked.

"No" she admitted.

"We know nothing about who is doing this?" he asked, his voice rising in anger.

"uh, no." she replied, glancing at Nick. He knew something.. she could see that mysterious 'I've got a gut feeling' look on his face. Why he was silent she did not understand.

"And you two are 'Partners of the year'?" he scolded. He reserved public dressing downs for major cases, and this would certainly qualify.

"What do you want us to do, Captain?" Nick asked in a resigned tone. He had expected this explosion for some time.

"Catch this maniac. Get him off my streets. Any more questions?"

"No" Nick nodded toward Tracy and strode out to his desk.

"OK... what's up?" she asked breathlessly. At one time she'd been able to keep up with him, but as the pregnancy progressed, her stamina was not as it had been.

"I know where he is." Nick whispered.

Her eyes lit up. Maybe all was not lost with this case after all. "How?"

"Vachon told me." he said simply, keeping the low tone, barely audible. He would not say all the other things that he and Vachon had discussed, but would tell her the bare necessities. "He feared controlling himself if he confronted the guy, so left that up to me."

"So, let's go." she said eagerly, her voice rising to a more normal level.

"No" he said flatly. He had promised too many people that Tracy and her child would come to no harm.

"Nick, you heard the captain. We need to find this guy." She pleaded. With a barely perceptible shake of his head, he picked up his coat as if preparing to leave. Obviously she was not invited to the party. Again. Slamming the file on her desk, she turned, angrily. "You used to trust me!"

"I *do* trust you." he shot back. Their voices had risen and now had the attention of most of the precinct.

"Is there a problem, detective?" Reese asked, leaning on the door frame to his office.

"Nick is planning to check an anonymous tip solo." Tracy said quickly, keeping her eyes on her partner.

"Knight. You know procedure." Reese said firmly. "go check it out *with* your partner."

Looking with concern at Tracy's rounded abdomen, he said with obvious reluctance. "I'll take Samuals"

"This is about the child killer?" he asked. At Nick's brief nod, he looked between the two detectives. It was evident that there was more going on than either would reveal. "Okay, take Samuals. He needs the experience, but he is a rookie. Take Tracy. That is an order, detective."

With barely suppressed anger, Nick unlocked his desk, and pulled out his weapon, securing it in his holster before gesturing to the other two detectives and sweeping out the door. There was no discussion which car they would take. Nick was not in the mood to talk. As soon as everyone was seated, he pulled out, with a squeal of tires.

"What's the plan, Nick? Where are we going? What did the source say?" Samuals peppered him with questions from the back seat. Tracy remained silent. She had worked with Nick long enough that she could sense his unease with the situation. And definitely knew better than to pester him with questions. He had not even turned on the radio. Tracy could almost sense his tenuous control and said nothing.

Parking on an unlit alley, Nick turned to his companions, silencing Samuals with a single look. "Third building on the left. Second floor apartment." He announced tersely.

"And you'll take the back door?" Tracy asked, knowing that Nick would enter through the roof, looking for other exits. He nodded and looked at Samuals. "I can cover myself. You stay together. Both of you." His tone did not invite any discussion.

"Got it." Tracy agreed, checking her weapon and watching Nick ease into the shadows. And then, he was gone.

"Where did he go?" Samuals asked, trying to focus into the darkness. He'd been on investigations, but since getting his shield, had not gone to apprehend anyone. And as a uniformed officer, he usually had a much clearer idea of the situation. This seemed so blind. And he did not know what to make of Knight. He'd simply disappeared into the night.

"Come on." She commanded, leading the way down the alley, seemingly unconcerned that her partner was nowhere to be seen.

Nick landed on the roof. He heard the lone mortal heart beat within the building, which, for all intents, looked like an abandoned warehouse- much like his own home. He understood the need to live remote from others. Pulling out his cell phone, he punched in a number and spoke in a low, barely audible voice, "I need you. Tracy insisted on coming along... well, she was loud enough that the captain heard we had a lead... I'll take care of that. You get over here to keep her out of trouble... Hell, yes, I'm worried..." Clicking the phone off and making sure that his pager was also off, he opened his senses and floated down to scan windows.

Tracy led the way into the building silently. The halls were dark. Very dark. Before anything could be said, Tracy clamped her hand over Samual's mouth. "Don't talk" she growled in his ear. Her own ability to see in the darkness both thrilled and frightened her. Was this a result of her increasing vampiric tendencies? Obviously he could not see as well, as he rested his hand on her shoulder and stumbled slightly as they crept up the stairs. Hesitating at the door, the only door on the second floor hallway, she wondered just where Nick was. Taking a deep breath, she pounded on the door and said in a loud, confident voice, "OPEN UP, METRO POLICE!!!" She could hear movement inside the apartment, but no response. Preparing to kick in the door, she called out "METRO POLICE, PLEASE RESPOND" Hearing the click of a semi-automatic gun being loaded, Tracy backed away, pushing Samuals against the wall.

From his post outside, Nick heard Tracy announce herself. He could not see, or detect anyone in this level, and flew swiftly to the opposite side of the building. He heard the popping sounds of the gunfire as he neared the windows. Bursting through the window, Nick could see a lanky man casually shooting geometric designs in the door. The hail of bullets rattled against the walls. Distracted momentarily by the crash of a shattering window, Nick tackled him and tossed him against the far wall, the gun falling safely away. He could smell the sweet scent of fresh blood. It taunted him. Teased him. Called to him...

Tearing the door off the hinges, he saw Samuals slumped against the wall, clenching his legs and moaning. Tracy was unconscious, blood staining her shirt. Yanking out his cell phone as he cradled her on his lap, he hit a single button and spoke loudly, "Dispatch, Knight here. I need backup and ambulances. Officers down. Vetter and Samuals. NOW!" he repeated the address and began pushing aside Tracy's clothing. This was no time for modesty, he needed to find where the blood was coming from. "Tracy... Tracy..." he murmured, finding an entrance wound on her abdomen. Her pregnant abdomen. There was not an exit wound. The bullet was still in there. How close to the baby? To vital organs? He could hear both her heart and the baby, beating strong and regular if not a bit rapidly. Pulling out the phone, he hit the speed dial and spoke as calmly as he could. "Nat, listen fast. Tracy's been shot, in the abdomen.... Call her doctor and have him meet us at the ER at St. Josephs. Yeah, I can hear them both fine, but she's going to need surgery.... Yes, I'll meet you too... I'll send Vachon with her... yeah, he may need your help. Thanks, Nat."

"What the hell happened, Knight?" Vachon growled, seeing the grisly tableau before him. He had been able to smell Tracy's blood from the moment he entered the building.

"She was at the door when he started shooting." Nick replied grimly. "I told her..."

"I know." Vachon's voice had softened somewhat. He knew how protective Knight was, and how it annoyed Tracy. He had a very good idea of what had transpired. Tracy had taken risks despite Nick's warnings.

"Ambulances are coming. Stay with her." Nick instructed, shifting her to Vachon's lap as he went over to check on Samuals.

The sounds of the sirens echoed the alleyway, and Nick could hear the clatter of the equipment being unloaded and people entering the building. Moving to the head of the stairs, he called out, "Up here. Second floor."

Following the paramedics up the stairs, flashlights reflecting scattered light, Reese stared in amazement at the scene before him. Two of his detectives, bleeding, one unconscious. "OK, Knight. Fill me in." he said in a firm voice, his calm demeanor hiding his fears. "Let the paramedics do their job." He instructed, motioning for Nick to join him, away from Tracy's side. As Nick stood, Reese saw Vachon holding Tracy in his arms. "Uh, Knight. What is a civilian doing here?" he asked sternly.

"I called him." Nick said casually. "If Nat was hurt, I would want to be there."

"There's a big difference. You are a cop. He is not." Reese said with concern.

"And he has not left her side since he got here. He has not contaminated the scene in any way." Nick replied. He would not back down on the appropriateness of Tracy's husband being with her. Of course his true reason was that if Tracy's life was truly faltering, Vachon needed to be with her- to bring her across if necessary.

"I won't argue now. I don't agree with your action, but I can see that it is pointless to discuss it now." Reese said, eyeing Nick closely. He knew of Nick's temper and did not want to provoke him. "So what happened? Who shot them?"

"Our suspect. In there." He pointed into the apartment. Grabbing a flashlight, he guided Reese to the area of the apartment where he'd left the man. He was still slumped against the wall. Nick could hear the steady heart beat... but he was still knocked out. "The weapon is over there. He dropped it in our struggle"

"And how do you explain his current condition?"

"I was coming up the fire escape... heard the shots, and jumped through the window. He turned to face me, as if to shoot me as well. So, I tackled him."

"You tackled him?" Reese repeated, obviously skeptical. He could see the shards of glass on the other side of the room from a broken window, but saw no cuts, no injuries on the detective. He was either incredibly lucky, or something was not right with the story.

"Yes, you have a problem with that?" Nick asked with veiled annoyance. "He was firing a semi-automatic at my partners."

Reese looked at him, "You may take some heat on this. Excessive force." Shaking his head slightly, he walked to the door and motioned for a paramedic. "Did you arrest him before you, umm, *tackled* him?"

Nick shook his head. "No, my instinct was to stop him. Sorry cap, sometimes procedure is not my forte."

"Yeah, I know." he said slowly. "Go on. Go with your partner. I'll stay here with forensics. We'll talk tonight."

The alarm in Nick's voice and the feelings that he was projecting told Natalie that this was serious. Any abdominal wound could be dangerous to a pregnant woman, but a gunshot was unpredictable in the best of circumstances. She was thankful of her growing friendship with Tracy that had included discussions about childbirth and obstetric care, thus allowing her to know exactly who her obstetrician was. She knew Tracy's doctor from medical school. They had done an emergency medicine rotation together but had not kept in touch since then. So he was surprised to get a early morning phone call from her... of course, any physician in Toronto dreaded early morning phone calls from the coroner. It was never good news. After assuring her that a 26- week baby did have a chance of survival, he agreed to send her records and come over to the hospital.

Natalie was waiting in the ER. The appearance of the coroner in a hospital emergency department was enough to cause a sense of unease amongst the medical staff until she explained that one of the incoming trauma patients was a friend... and her husband's partner.

"And she is pregnant?" the trauma surgeon asked as he pulled on his protective gown and goggles. The call had come in just moments before, that two metro police detectives and a homicide suspect were en route.

"Yes, she is 26 weeks along." Natalie responded, stepping behind him to tie the gown. "Nick said she was shot in the abdomen."

"And Nick is her partner?" he questioned, curious why the coroner would be called about a trauma.

"Yes... and he is my husband." She remarked, seeing the look of understanding that the surgeon now gave her. "He called me so I could get things rolling here. Nick has lost a partner previously, and has been shot himself. We both know the value of good trauma care." Stepping back so that he could check his equipment, she continued. "She sees Scott Taylor for prenatal care. I already called Scott, and he is faxing her records over here."

"Thanks, Natalie. That'll save us a lot of worry." He turned, hearing the sounds of approaching sirens. "Your friend is lucky to have such caring friends." He paused slightly, hearing the buzz of staff gathering at the ambulance bays. "Now let me take it from here. I'll do my best to make sure that your friend does not become your client." With a nod, he sprinted toward the ambulance bays.

Feeling the unmistakable vibration of another vampire, Natalie did a double take until she saw Vachon step down from the ambulance. She motioned for him to come into the waiting area with her, as they wheeled Tracy past them.

"You rode with her?" she questioned, astonished. Family were never allowed to ride with a gun-shot patient. He just looked at her silently. "Of course, how silly of me." she remarked. She had not thought that either he, or Nick would have made sure that he was with her. Picking up her briefcase, she led him to the small waiting room that was reserved for trauma cases. "Coffee?"

"What?" he asked, finally responding to her.

"Thought that would get your attention." She said dryly. Seeing the approach of the desk clerk, she pushed him gently onto the plastic covered couch.

"Are you Detective Vachon's husband?" she asked, thrusting a clipboard in his direction. "We need you to fill out these papers." She nodded toward Natalie, saying "Dr. Lambert can stay here with you. We'll keep you both apprised."

Natalie nodded to the clerk and handed a pen to Vachon. "I'll be back. I'm going to get some coffee while you fill out the forms."

Returning a few minutes later, Natalie set a covered styrofoam cup on the table in front of him, keeping a second one cradled in her hand. "How are you doing with the bureaucracy?"

"Coffee, Natalie?" he said with mock disgust, brushing his long hair back and setting the clipboard on the table with a tired sigh.

"Just taste it." she said in a low voice.

Hesitantly, he picked up one of the cups, seeing her take a sip from the other one, he lifted it closer. The scent of fresh blood wafted from the lidded cup. His eyes lit up and he smiled. "This is better 'coffee' than I'd imagined."

"I told Nick that I'd take care of you." she remarked. Taking his hand loosely, she looked into his wide brown eyes. Eyes that spoke of the pain and uncertainty. "She'll be okay, Javier."

He blinked at her use of his given name. So seldom did anyone use it any more. "And the baby?"

"I don't know." she admitted, squeezing his hands tightly. "There's a chance, but it depends where the bullet went."

Nick found them there, silent, waiting. "How is she?" he asked, looking between the solemn faces. He knew that if there was an imminent danger, Vachon would not be in the waiting room.

"They're still working on her." Natalie replied softly. "Wait with us." She patted the seat beside her. He sat down and wrapped his arms around her.

The sun had long since risen, and Natalie had replenished their 'coffee' several times. Neither man asked her exactly where she went to obtain the nourishment. They were both thankful just to have it. Captain Reese had joined them after the day shift reported in. He greeted them, and accepted the coffee from Natalie's next trip... although Nick had given her a strange look when she came back with a fourth cup.

"I figured you'd all be in here." The trauma surgeon said dryly, pulling off his cap and running his hands through his short gray hair.

"OK. How is she?" Vachon asked.

"And you are?" he asked. He knew Natalie, but did not know the other men, and was always hesitant discussing patients with strangers.

"Her husband." Natalie broke in, before Vachon said something inappropriate. She knew why he was asking. "This is my husband, Nick... her partner. And that is Captain Reese, her supervising officer."

"OK. And I am Mike Coulter, I'm one of the trauma surgeons. Scott is up in the ICU with her. He was scrubbed in with me." he sighed heavily. "She was lucky. The bullet came within millimeters of the uterus, but did not penetrate it. She is critical, but stable. So is the baby."

"What *exactly* did you have to do?" Natalie asked. She knew that the men would not know what to ask, and was determined to find out more precisely how badly she'd been injured.

"Well, as you know, the gravid uterus pushes everything out of the way. So when you see the size of the incision, don't panic." He kept glancing over to Vachon, but spoke mainly to Natalie. He had figured out, quickly, that she would be the translator for the group. "The bullet entered about here," he pointed to a place on his left side, just below the ribcage. "and traveled to about here. It nicked her liver and was lodged there."

"OK. I understand. What damage was done, Mike?" she asked again.

"I took out her spleen. She was bleeding pretty heavily. I repaired the liver, and the other internal injuries." He sighed, heavily. "I don't know, folks. She lost a lot of blood." He turned to Vachon. "We did our best. Barring infection, she should survive, but I can't make any promises about the baby."

"Why do you say that?" he said, speaking for the first time.

"Surgery at this stage of pregnancy can be very dangerous. We do our best, but sometimes that is not enough. Anytime the uterus is stimulated, it could become active. And what we had to do to find and remove the bullet would definitely be considered a stimulant." He sighed again. "We have her on a fetal monitor, and if she starts into labor will give her medication to stop it. The tracings on the baby's heart rhythm look good though. A little stressed, but improving as mom improves." Pausing for a moment, he pulled out a piece of paper. "This is not the best place for her or the baby. Once she is out of anesthesia, and has gotten a few units of blood, we'd like to transfer her to Women's Hospital."

"Why?" Natalie asked.

"She needs to be followed by a high risk perinatologist. If she delivers, the baby will need a specialist and a neonatal ICU. They both need more specialized care. Intensive care of a pregnant woman requires attention to both mom and baby. They'll do a better job. It was right to bring her here to emergent care. Now that the immediate danger is past, we take them both to the specialist."

"That makes sense." Vachon agreed. "Where do I sign?" he had figured out why this was being discussed. It made him somewhat nervous, signing all these consent forms. Somehow, this was not what he'd envisioned when he'd agreed to a marriage with the mortal Tracy. "Can I see her?"

"Certainly." He nodded with a slight smile. "You can come upstairs with me. Sorry, Natalie. Only immediate family."

"I understand." She nodded, watching Vachon follow the doctor out.

"OK, doc... translate all that, please." Reese said as soon as the door was closed again. He had understood very little of what had been explained to them. Pulling out a pad of paper, Natalie began to draw pictures.

Reese left shortly after the doctor met with them. Leaning back into the cushions of the couch, Nick turned to Natalie and said softly, "she didn't wait for me."

"Nick... this is not your fault. She knew the risks."

"I promised to protect her." He said stubbornly.

"And you did." She reminded him. "You are *not* responsible for every shooting in the city of Toronto. She knew the risks and she *chose* to come with you. She *insisted* on coming with you." Pausing to take a drink, she looked to see if her words had had any effect on her husband. A thought came to her suddenly. Someone had been missing from their waiting room vigil. "Oh jeez... did anyone call her father?"

Glancing around the room as if he, too, had just figured that out, he said thoughtfully, "I'm surprised that he is not here. I would think he would have heard... by the media if nothing else." He pulled out his cell phone and dialed the precinct "Yeah, Bob. Nick Knight. Did the shooting make the news?" he leaned forward, sighing as Natalie began to massage his shoulders. "No? Did the arrest?" he picked up his cup and took a drink and then turned to Natalie with a shrug. "That's amazing. No, thanks. Umm, tell everyone that she came through the surgery okay. She's being transferred to Women's Hospital this afternoon. She'll be in the ICU, so no visitors. Okay. I will." He hung up the phone and turned to Natalie. "Well, I don't know how he did it, but the media did not pick up on it. Reese is planning a news conference tonight... but it did not even go across the police radio."

"Well you better call her Dad."

"Yeah, I told Bob that I would." Dialing the number he stood and began to pace. "Dotty? Yeah, this is Nick Knight. Yes, Tracy's partner... I need to talk to the commissioner. Now.... Yes, it *is* a matter of life and death." He turned to Natalie and mouthed 'in a meeting'... "sorry to pull you out of the meeting, sir, but I thought you should know that Tracy was injured this morning.... Well, we arrested a suspect for the child murder spree.... And he shot her... No, sir... she just came out of surgery.... They will be transferring her to Women's this afternoon... She'll be in the ICU... no, I haven't... only family.... Yes, I will... yes, sir."

He clicked off the phone and sat down. Natalie pulled a thermos out of her briefcase and handed it to him. "Here."

"Well, he was nicer than I thought he'd be, since I was telling him that his daughter had been shot. He was more upset that no one had thought to do it before me, and that she went to surgery without his knowledge."

"Okay, so a few brownie points for you." she remarked. There was a lot about Richard Vetter that reminded her of LaCroix, namely his attitudes towards offspring... "Is he coming over?"

"No, he'll meet her at Women's... so what happens if she delivers now?"

"I don't know." she said softly. "Her blood test on Monday showed 45 percent vampire... I was 32 weeks before I was that far.... When she gets beyond 50 percent, food is a major problem.. I had already figured that she would not go to term, but I was hoping to be a little further than this. I don't know why she has changed so quickly."

"Could it be that you conceived naturally, and at the time, the vampire was very weak in me." he asked in a low tone, speaking directly in her ear.

"And Vachon was on a full human diet and was at full strength." She said softly. "You may have something there. I did not even think of that... Hmmm, I need to get a sample from her today... I don't know what effect the transfusions will have, if any."

"Wait until shift change. I'll help distract the nurses." He leaned back and stretched. "Nat, is there somewhere we can sleep?"

"What? Besides here?" she teased, standing so that he could stretch out.

"This will be okay, if you join me." he murmured as she slid next to him, winding her arms around his waist.

It was late afternoon when Vachon woke them up. "Nat... hey, Doc... got any more coffee?" he said, tapping her on the shoulder, and then laughing as she snarled at him, eyes amber. "Ooh, remind me not to wake you up again."

"Tell me about it." Nick sighed, meeting the younger vampire's gaze.

Natalie sat up, and stretched, giving Nick a very evil look "look who's talking. At least I don't growl."

"No, you just snarled 'no' to me" Vachon said, sitting in the chair opposite them. "So, how about it? Being around the ICU has been *very* tiring. Trying not to snack on the bags hanging at my wife's bed... seeing all the blood going into her." His voice trailed off, and Nick reached across and took his hands.

"Vachon. Its okay. We're both here to help."

Natalie stood and mumbled "I'll be back."

"Where is she getting it?" Vachon asked softly.

"I don't know. Ask her. I presume the blood bank or the lab." Nick replied, "so, have they moved her yet?"

"Getting ready to. She woke up briefly. Spoke to me a little." He leaned back in the chair. "what will we do?"

"Do? Is she getting worse?" Nick asked quickly.

"Well, no. But what if she does give birth now? The baby is really premature. The docs have been quoting all sorts of really scary statistics."

"We'll cross that bridge when and if we come to it." Natalie's firm, calm voice sounded from the doorway. Handing a cup to each man, she set an additional cup on the table. "I'll go over to the university and check this sample out. In the meantime, both of you, take it one day at a time. She's out of danger enough that we can all go clean up... and Vachon, you can bring a thermos with you. I'll show you where to get refills."

Nick was waiting at the morgue when Natalie came back from the Research Institute. The other advantage to Tracy's move was that it was only a block from the coroner's building. After showing Vachon where the stash of contaminated blood was kept, and how best to enter undetected, he had gone to see Tracy's new room.

"So how is she?" she asked, laying a stack of files on the desk.

"Waiting to see you." Nick said simply, watching her expression, trying to interpret her mood.

"Okay. So she is awake and talking." She said cautiously.

"Yeah, you could say that." Nick replied, leaning on the desk as she sat down. "She's still in a lot of pain, but is refusing medication."

"I hear you. As soon as I've checked my assignments for the shift, I'll head over there." She clicked a few keys on the computer. She could tell that he was not saying everything that bothered him. This entire event was bringing out very strange emotions in both of them. It was clear that Nick feared losing another partner, and would do anything to prevent that from happening. "Was there something else?"

"Well, I don't know. She just felt different.." he said with a casualness that belied his concerns. He had barely gotten accustomed to feeling the vampire's aura from his partner, and now it seemed blunted.

"Felt different?" she questioned.

"What did you find?" Nick asked softly.

"I don't know if it was just the effect of the transfusions, but she is down to 30 percent vampire." Natalie replied, pulling out a sheaf of papers and holding them out.

"From 45?" he questioned, trying to interpret the paper. She had shown him these reports before, but it always took him a while to figure out the symbolism and abbreviations.

"I said that I did not know if it was permanent, Nick. I'll check her daily... either the transfusions or the loss of her spleen could be causing this." She moved closer to him, "I'll go over and talk to her."
continued in dreamsB