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Dreams to Reality

May 1999
Karen Gunther

Disclaimers: The characters in this story belong to Sony/ Tri-Star... and a
lot of people with a lot more money than I... but I promise to return them a
little happier than when last we saw them...

Mild adult innuendos and descriptions of a medical nature... if discussions
of childbearing offend you, don't ready further....

Timeline- Third season after 'Dead of Night'


The fire flickered and danced, silence filled the room as Natalie and Nick pondered their own dreams of the future, their recent encounters with the
spirits of Kessel House and the events that kept them together .. and apart. Natalie leaned against Nick, curling into his strong arms. She feared he
would soon move on, and did not know what she would do if he left her. They had been through so much in the past three months.. the investigation at the
haunted house, which forced both of them to confront issues from their past- although Nick would not say who had come to him. He just seemed down.. less
resolute in his pursuit of a cure even after seeing Janette and her brief return to humanity.. and he would not even discuss trying to use the same
method as Janette. Of course coming so soon after that demonic possession, and the fever.. not to mention his near fatal head wound..

Natalie was just so tired.. she fought the fatigue and queasiness at work every night.. although working nights as a coroner did not help either
problem. Her assistants were nagging her to see a doctor.. this had continued way too long for a flu.. but for now it felt good to just rest in
Nick's arms. This was her reality right now and it felt good.

"So.. Natalie.. is it mine?" Nick asked softly, allowing one arm to drift lower on her abdomen. Only once had their relationship progressed beyond the
semi-platonic friendship they enjoyed.. and yearned for more.. but at the time, he had forgotten what he truly was.. and now he lived with the memories
of that night.. as well as his 800 years as a vampire.. and the incessant hunger that prevented him from showing Natalie his love as much as he'd like.

"Is what yours?" she turned slightly to meet his eyes, a puzzled expression on her face.

"You don't know? The baby.. Is it mine?" he asked patiently.

"What baby?" She sat upright looking directly at him, her heartrate rising. <is that possible? We were together only once.. but I thought vampires were
sterile.. oh my..>

"Oh, Nat, I thought you knew.. I thought that was why you came over today." Nick sighed and looked very apologetic <how could I be wrong.. the signs are
all there>.

"Umm.. if I can ask.. if I have not even suspected this.. how do YOU know?" she looked at him hesitantly. Nick was always so reticent to talk about his
vampire senses, urges, abilities. What she knew she picked up by observation

He wrapped his arm around her, inhaling deeply, pulling her closer. "Your blood.. it smells different."

"Smells different?" she asked.. <this is a new one..>

"Yes.. every mortal has a unique smell.." he began to caress her abdomen, feeling the very slight fullness.. trying to sense her more fully..

"So.. What's mine? My smell that is..?" she asked snuggling closer leaning against his strong shoulder <as long as he's talking, might as well learn as
much as I can>

"Apples and cinnamon.. sweet but spicy.. just like you.." he kissed her forehead lightly. "But now.. I detect something more, undefined but
different.. its not the aura I'd feel if a vampire had fed from you." she looked at him quizzically. "If a vampire feeds from a mortal, they leave a
scent.. kind of a 'hands off'.. and most vampires will then stay away.. unfortunately, the vampires I worry about most in your regard, would not
respect that.. or I would have already tasted you.." his voice trailed off. Natalie just sat there stunned at this revelation.. this was all news to her.
"And besides.. you haven't had a period in at least two months"

She pulled away, her face flaming and walked toward the fireplace, keeping her back to him. "Uh.. how do you know THAT?"

"Oh, Natalie.. you don't know the temptation you present to me.. I want you so much.. and when you are having your period.. the blood scent is so strong
that I fear for your safety .. I just can't be around you.. I'm so afraid of hurting you.." He stood and walked up to her. "You never noticed?"

She searched her memories, and indeed, she could not remember ever being at the loft during 'that time'. A thought came to her suddenly.. she turned and
faced him directly. "But couldn't we use that to our advantage?"

"How so?" Nick had always avoided menstruating women.. and as a mortal in the 13th century, they were an absolute taboo.

"Umm.. how do I put this delicately..? Uh.. would that blood be enough to satisfy the vampire enough for us to be together? Trust me.. that first
day.. the flow is pretty heavy.." her cheeks were flaming.. she had never discussed such personal matters with a man.

Nick looked at her thoughtfully, sensing her embarrassment. "I've never tried that.. but you know it might work.. would be messy though.. but I don't mind
messy." He grinned, a glint in his eye spoke of deep desire. "That still does not answer my original question."

She turned and leaned against his chest and sighed. "IF I am pregnant, then yes. It is yours. I have not been with anyone besides you in years. But I
thought you could not father children.."

"That's what LaCroix always told me.. but then it could be because mortal women do not usually survive an encounter with one of us.. they are either
killed, or brought across.. in which case, they could not support a pregnancy. Have I ever, uh.. given you, um.. a specimen to analyze?"

"No.. and it might not be a bad idea.." the scientist was working overtime on this theory that she was indeed pregnant. "But you are going mainly on a
smell.. can you hear a heartbeat?"

Nick turned her around to face him. "No, not from here. At least not yet, but I can listen if you want.. at this age, though, I will need direct contact."

"Direct contact?" she almost hesitated to know what he meant.

"Yeah.. skin to skin.. my ear directly against you.. umm right over your uterus." He looked in her eyes, trying to stay clinical.. just the thought of
being against her warm body was enticing.. but she had to want it.. had to trust him..

"Do it. I want to know." She said firmly and walked back over to the couch, unbuckling her belt and loosening her slacks, pulling them down. He put a
hand out and stopped her.

"That's far enough.." he said softly. "Lie down." As she complied he looked at her. "Don't worry, Natalie.. I may change.. but I won't hurt you." She
nodded, and reached up to touch his tousled blond hair as he knelt next to the couch. He leaned over and laid his head lightly on her belly, and
concentrated.. a broad grin lit his face when he found the sound.. the rapid, muffled beat of an unborn heart.. his eyes glowed golden for a minute and
then returned to the clear blue before he spoke. "Hello, little one. You don't know what a miracle you truly are but your daddy loves you.." his eyes
filling with blood tears, he gently kissed Natalie's belly and looked up. "Yep.. you're pregnant.."

He turned and stood as Natalie refastened her slacks. "well, I guess I DO need to make that doctor's appointment that Jill and Grace have been nagging
me about." She looked at him sharply. "And when do we announce it at work? If I request any special restrictions at work, the gossip lines will lead
right back to you. And fast.. you know Grace is the main pipeline between the police department and the coroners office.. and her suspicions about us
are getting too accurate for comfort."

"That's OK, Nat. I fully intend to take responsibility. I am looking forward to being a father.. and formalizing our relationship."

"Won't that be dangerous? It will get back to the Community.." she did not comment on his last statement, not totally sure what he meant.

"I'll talk to LaCroix.. see what his 'price' is.." he grimaced at the thought.. La Croix's price was generally pretty high and he wasn't sure what
bargaining power he had. "I don't think the rest of the community is a problem.."

"Oh, since when? What about enforcers?"

"The fever.. Nat. Too many debts owed to you. No.. the only problem is LaCroix.. if he pushes, the Enforcers might be called.. but if I get to him
first.. Don't say anything yet.. not even to Grace.."

"OK.. but I will go ahead and set up my doctor's appointment."

"Nat.." he hesitated and looked at her. "Would you consider moving in here? I want to share this miracle every step of the way.. and I don't think you
should live alone.."

"You know I'm a package deal.. with me you get Sydney.."

"And baby.. I think we can all share.. I'll even add another bedroom and a nursery.. say yes, Natalie, please..." he looked at her with that wide-eyed
'little boy' innocent gaze that melted her heart..

"Yes.. Nick. I will live here.. but I won't kick you out of your bedroom.. either we share or no go."

"You would trust me? To sleep with you.." he looked at her incredulous. This was better than his wildest dreams..

"Yes, Nick.. I trust you implicitly.. I have never feared you.." She gazed at him directly, no hesitation in her eyes. He could sense her peace and
contentment... and utter trust... and wondered how he could be so fortunate to have found her.


The morgue was quiet that night. No new cases. And now that Natalie knew what was causing her fatigue and nausea, she knew how to manage it. An
unexpected cancellation had allowed Natalie to see her doctor that afternoon and she confirmed it.. Natalie was indeed pregnant.. twelve weeks pregnant.
After being chastised for delaying her prenatal care so long, she did an ultrasound and routine blood tests...

Natalie was trying to catch up on paperwork but was distracted by her thoughts and the small picture she slipped into the frame next to Nick on her
desk. Lost in her thoughts, she did not notice that the door of the lab had opened until Jill spoke up.. "Got any of the files done? Oh.. what is so
fascinating? Hey, an ultrasound picture.. oh, I love looking at these.. who's is it?" she snatched the picture before Natalie could stop her.
Reading the radiology label, she looked at Natalie with a big smile. She enveloped her in a wide hug.. "Oh, Natalie, this is great.. I am so happy for
you.. I have to call Grace.."

Natalie put out a hand to stop her from touching the phone. "No. Don't. Please, Jill, let me handle it.. You know how I hate being the latest fodder
for the gossip mill.. and this will be a doosy.. it'll be all over town within hours.. and I have not even told family."

"OK" she said reluctantly. "So.. how far along are you? Does Nick know?" at Natalie's shocked look, she giggled. "Nat, honey.. of course I know he's the
father.. I've not seen you with anyone else since I started here.. and I HAVE seen how he looks at you."

Natalie looked sheepishly at her. "I didn't know we were that obvious. But please, Jill.. I am not ready for this to be common knowledge. Don't say
anything yet."

Jill smiled and seeing Nick at the door, stood up. "OK.. if that's what you want.. Oh, hi Nick, come on in.. good to see you." she walked past him and
whispered "daddy."

Nick looked darkly at Natalie as Jill closed the door behind her. "I thought we weren't saying anything."

Natalie sighed. "I didn't say anything. She saw this." She handed Nick the ultrasound picture. "You know what they say about empirical evidence.."

"OK.. OK, sorry I snapped at you. I called LaCroix.. he wants to meet with both of us today. And how did she know it was mine?"

"What does he want with me..? I thought you were going to take care of it." she sighed.. LaCroix was not one of her favorite people.. just the thought of
a command meeting with the ancient vampire was enough to send chills down her back.

"He didn't say.. and he didn't act surprised when I told him about the baby .. so we may be in trouble."

"Trouble? With whom? I thought you said I was owed.." she began to pace. This was not good.. not good at all.

"What about Jill? Will she keep quiet?" he asked calmly, putting his arms around her shoulders and leaning against the cooler door.

"I swore her to secrecy.. I said I had not even told family yet.. and she said it was obvious that it was yours." Natalie answered, trembling slightly.

"That what was yours, Nick?" Tracy stood at the door, looking at the two of them.

"What brings you here, Tracy?" Nat spoke up.

"We have a call Nick. And aren't you going to answer my question?" Tracy tried to meet his eyes.

"No, Tracy. I'm not." Nick said flatly, turning to Natalie he whispered "Nat, I'll pick you up at 4." Standing up, he gently kissed her forehead
and walked out, hearing Natalie's phone ringing.

"I'll drive.. get in" she said and Nick sighed. He hated riding.. but was sufficiently distracted that this was not altogether a bad idea.

They drove for a while, Tracy kept giving Nick puzzled looks. "Tracy.. spit it out.. Just ask, before you explode." He said patiently.

"Is there something going on with you and Natalie?"

"That's a rather personal question, Tracy. I'm not sure you need to know just yet."

"No.. it is my business if it's my life I'm worried about. I don't want my partner distracted every time the ME is around. And it is obvious that the
two of you are more than casual friends. I just want to know.. how much more.."

"You're that second person today who has claimed that we were 'obvious' about something. Well, if it is that obvious, you don't need to ask.." Nick
answered in his best matter-of-fact cold voice. Tracy sighed.. she would need to go to a different source.. after all, she was a detective.. it was
time she had a little girl talk with Natalie's assistants.. she knew that Grace was very observant.. and a leading source of the police department
grapevine.. if anyone knew, Grace would.

The flashing lights and buzz of activity made the crime scene stand out.. a beacon in the night. Parking behind the morgue's van, Natalie got out
grabbing her clipboard and bag. She walked through the crowd of on-lookers and stepped under the yellow tape barrier, looking for Nick and Tracy.
Walking up to them.. she looked around and asked.. "so what did you have for me?"

"Body found by the lake by some boaters.. floating. We're not sure it's a drowning though. And it has been in the water for a while." Tracy answered,
shuddering slightly. But then, Tracy was not known for handling bodies well.

Natalie groaned inwardly and reached into her bag for the jar of wintergreen gel. Better to prepare myself, she thought, dabbing it under her nose. The
body was covered by a thick plastic tarp. Natalie laid down her bag and slid on her gloves before removing the tarp. Trying her best to fight down the
nausea, she methodically jotted down her observations.. she was a professional.. she could do this..

Rolling the body over, a wave hit her.. the odor was more than she could stand. She turned, leaning on a tree and took a deep breath. it was a
mantra, and she reached into her bag for some crackers. Seeing her distress, Nick came over and took her hand.

"Sit down, Nat. Deep breath. Good. Do you need to leave?" he murmured to her.. rubbing her shoulders as he crouched by her. They were starting to
attract attention and Captain Reese walked over.

"Dr. Lambert? Are you OK? You look a little pale." He looked at the couple closely. <hmm, he is hovering.. something is up..>

"I'll be OK.. I don't know what hit me.. I just felt nauseous. I'm OK now.. I can finish.." with Nick's help, she stood and headed back to where the body

"Knight, don't you have work to do?" Reese nudged him. He was just standing and staring at Natalie. <There was definitely more to this relationship..>

Natalie finished, and motioned to the attendants to come and bag the body as she walked over to Reese, stripping off the gloves. "OK, Captain.. this was
not a drowning.. he was dead when he went into the water.. oh 4, maybe 5 days.. the water's cold enough that I may be able to get more for you later
but those are definite ligature marks on hands and feet. I'd say he was tied up.. I'll list as homicide and get you a report by the end of the shift."

He nodded. "Take care of yourself, Doc. I've never seen you react to a body.. and your assistants say you've not been feeling well. Have you been
to the doctor?"

"I AM a doctor.. but yes.. I have.. and I am fine.." he looked at her doubtfully. Natalie was beginning to wish they could just announce it.. her
professional life would be easier if everyone knew she was pregnant.. No one questioned a pregnant woman being queasy.

On the dot of 4 am, Nick walked into the morgue to find Natalie still at work. She paused her dictation long enough to motion to her desk. "Have a
seat.. almost done."

"We have an appointment, remember?" he was anxious to get this over with.. and not be stuck at the Raven for the day.

"How could I possibly forget, Nick?" She looked at him grimly. "You think if I still smell of formaldehyde, I'll be less appetizing?"

"Nat.." he smiled. "Never.. you are always appetizing.." he said sliding the chair closer to her and breathing on her neck, kissed her lightly.

"Natalie, I have those lab reports for you.." Grace's voice could be heard as she quickly took in the two of them.. very close.. "Ooops.. hope I'm not

"No, Nick is here to give me a ride.. and he is being entirely too distracting.." she teased, pushing her chair back. Scanning the report, she hit print.

"OK.. Grace, could you send this to Captain Reese.. I have an appointment today and need to get home."

"Sure.. are you ever going to make that doctors appointment? Nick, you have to talk to her.. this nausea is just not normal." Grace's friendly concern
was evident but Natalie merely thought <yes, it is.. it is very normal>


The crowd had thinned when they walked into the Raven, and Nick could sense that most of the patrons were vampires. The entrance of a mortal female
drew some interested looks until it was seen how close Nick held her. While many of the community did not agree with Nick's quest, his age and family
lines garnered a grudging respect.

"Where's LaCroix?" Nick hollered at the bartender, who waved toward the back offices. Taking Natalie firmly by the hand he went to the door of the office
and knocked.

The door was opened, and LaCroix stood there, dressed in his usual black, sipping from a stemmed glass. "Ah, Nicholas, how good of you to join me
today. And it is a pleasure indeed to see you again, Doctor." His smooth voice and mannerisms belied his long history of violence.. and power.
LaCroix was not a man to be trifled with.

"Yes, well, I did not think this meeting was optional." Nick replied calmly as they sat in the indicated chairs. He held Natalie's hand firmly.

"Indeed. It was not optional. I am glad you had the wisdom to comply with my wishes for once." He turned his gaze to Natalie, catching her eyes
directly as he sat in the overstuffed chair opposite hers. "So, doctor. Nicholas tells me that you are in a family way." LaCroix looked at her
intensely. He usually had no respect for mortals and their weaknesses.. but had developed a grudging admiration for the young mortal woman who had
captured his son's eye. He had shown better taste than usual.. this one would even be a good addition to the family..

"Yes. That is correct." Her voice was steady, clear.. showing no hesitation or fear.

"And Nicholas is the father?" he gave her a penetrating look.. no emotion.

"Yes." she kept her replies brief.. nothing to anger him.. just answer the question.

"How unusual. I have never known a vampire to father a child.. much less a mortal woman to survive the mating. And Janette always said that our
Nicholas was not much in the control department.. somehow I don't see it. Are you sure..? Whom else have you been with?" his voice was almost
accusing.. threatening.

"No one. I have been with no one else. The child was conceived the night Nick came home from the hospital after being shot.. he functioned as a mortal.. in
all ways.. for a brief time." She keep her voice calm, and Nick squeezed her hand. He knew that his input just yet would only make things worse.. this
was her interview.

"And yet, he IS a vampire. Vampires cannot father children." He gave her his best 'evil' tone

"They can't normally. But even today, Nick could father a child.. just by artificial means." She ignored his attempts to rattle her and put on her
best 'clinical' persona.. the one she had perfected in residency

"What does THAT mean, doctor? Please be specific." His anger was tinged with curiosity <just how far had this research gone?>

"OK.. you want specifics. I'll give you specifics. I'll give you the medical facts. His sperm count is normal. It may look like blood, but there is a
sufficient quantity of viable sperm to impregnate a woman. If you would like, I could do a count on you... if you think that Nick is not normal, that
my previous work has altered him. Its just that no woman ever survives conception with you guys. But with artificial insemination.. " She looked
between Nick and LaCroix.. taking in their surprise.. obviously no one had ever studied them that closely.

"But you were not.. artificially..?" LaCroix watched her closer.. more intently.

"Uh.. no.. I was inseminated the um.. natural way.." she began to flush..

"Fascinating.. tell me doctor.. oh, that is a delicious color you turn..." he glinted a cold smile and Nick reached up to tighten his grip on her arm. "And
Nicholas was able to achieve this act without taking your blood?"

"Yes.. but remember... he did not remember what he was." She looked at Nick before continuing. "And we have not tried since.."

"But you would..?"

"Yes." her voice was quiet, calmly resolute.

"But he won't, I would assume, then. Has he ever taken your blood? Even a sip?"

"No.." she said and Nick nodded in confirmation.. he was beginning to become concerned about this line of questioning.. LaCroix would be able to tell if
he had fed from Natalie.. why ask?

"Tell me doctor, what are you going to do about this child?" he leaned back in his chair, steepled fingertips pressing at his mouth as he watched her

"Do about it? Excuse me, LaCroix? What are you getting at..? If the question is abortion, the answer is no.. and I am too far along anyway." She said with
more intensity than she'd intended. <ah.. she has fire.. a worthy addition indeed..>

"Are you going to stay with Nicholas?" he moved closer, catching her eyes.

"Yes." she answered avoiding his stare.

"As a mortal?" he asked slowly.

"OK, let's lay the cards on the table.. what do you want of me? I don't like the cat-and-mouse games. What is the penalty or price for getting pregnant
by a vampire?" she was getting impatient. Time for the real negotiation.

"Indeed.. the direct approach. A woman after my own style, yes. Very well, doctor. The community elders have heard of your dilemma." Natalie looked at
him shocked, and then at Nick, who merely shrugged. "We have our ways.. I knew of this before you did, my dear. You carry Nick's aura.. and I knew he
had never partaken of your blood.. which you have so eloquently confirmed for me.. and now the child's heartbeat is quite evident.. at least to me." He
smiled at her like an indulgent father. "You will have our protection for the duration of the pregnancy and the child's infancy. On the child's first birthday.. you
will be presented with an option. Be brought over by Nicholas.. or by me."

"And if I refuse to be brought over?"

"Then you and the child will be targeted for execution by the Enforcers." At her sharp gasp.. he went on.. "Natalie, you know too much.. you've seen too
much .. and you have too much evidence.. if Nicholas EVER moves on, they would have been called. And now, well, the child changes everything. This
child is a half-breed. It carries the aura of a vampire but is mortal. It likely will have some of the powers of a vampire. The elders are concerned a mortal
parent would not be able to control it.. And that puts the community at risk... an unacceptable risk.."

"And if we disappear?" Natalie looked between the two men.. she had to know all of her options..

"They'll find you Nat.. you cannot hide from them.." Nick said sorrowfully. "Is this really necessary LaCroix?"

"Yes, Nicholas.. you know the Code and chose to violate it.. you are getting off rather lightly in my opinion. It is only because the Elders respect the
good doctor and her previous contributions to the Community that you all are not simply to be executed now." LaCroix said with fury.

"OK, OK.. I agree.. I agree.. just, stop it you two.." Natalie spoke up, and both men looked at her questioning..

"Natalie.. you don't know what you are saying.." Nick said with a desperate tone.

"Yes, Nick.. I do.. I am saving the life of my child.. your child. This is what mothers do.. sacrifice for the sake of the child.. protect the child.
And I can think of worse things than to spend eternity with you.."

"Very good, my dear." LaCroix spoke smoothly. "I look forward to welcoming you into the family." His expression had changed to a tentative smile. "And
Nicholas.. your choice is to accomplish her conversion privately before the child's first birthday.. or you will have witnesses. A lot of witnesses."
LaCroix said, taking her hand and pulling her up.. gently touching her slightly full abdomen, he said. "ahh.. you will be a very loved child... you
see my dear, doctor.. there are many in the Community anxious to see this child grow up strong and healthy. Do keep in touch, my dear."

She just looked at him, slightly shocked, as Nick tightened his grip around her waist. "OK, LaCroix.. that's enough.. Do you mind if we leave now? "

He led Natalie out and they drove back to the loft in silence, riding up the lift before either said anything. "Nick.. we never went to my place.. can I
borrow a t-shirt? And I will need to go over this afternoon to feed Sydney."

"Natalie, how can you be so calm? You have just been handed a death sentence.."

"No, Nick.. I prefer to think of it as a transition. I have a year and a half to get used to the idea.. to spend time in the sun.. and then I join you
in eternity. And I still have your child to raise. Not a bad deal from my perspective. Oh, I know there are a lot of things you regret.. feel guilty
about... But Nick, don't you see.. that was how you were raised. Much has changed since 1228.. I don't have that sense of punishment and guilt and I
will be able to drink bottled.. not to kill. Think about the research I could accomplish if I did not have to worry about a virus killing me.."

"You have a unique perspective, Nat.. what did I ever do to deserve you?" he said with a kiss to her cheek.


The shrill ringing of the phone woke them both.. Natalie had drifted up against Nick in sleep and they both laid in the middle of the big bed,
cuddled together, arms around each other. Nick reached over and picked up the phone.

"Yeah.. Knight here.." he said groggily.

"Nick.. Tracy.. do you have any idea where Natalie is? She is not answering her page and her machine picks up at her apartment." She went on
breathlessly as Nick just handed the phone to Natalie.

"Here, it's for you." he mumbled.

Natalie took the phone from him and nervously answered, "Uh.. hello?"

"Natalie??" she could hear Tracy's voice, sounding very shocked. "OK.. well.. this answers a lot of questions that Nick would not answer."

"Tracy.. what was so important that you had to wake us both up?" Natalie asked impatiently.. she could sense the office grapevine gearing up.. oh,
well.. they had not even heard the best part..

"Oh, yeah.. I just never expected to find you at Nick's place" she giggled <in Nick's bed, you mean> "Anyway.. there was a drive by shooting on the
401.. multiple casualties. You are needed to come in early... Jill called me for Nick's number. I thought she was crazy.. but I guess not.. anyway, I
said I'd call. So could you call your office?"

"OK Tracy.. and you can stop giggling anytime. Bye.." Natalie clicked the phone off and sat up. "Well.. the cat is definitely out of the bag now.
Tracy will waste no time telling the world where I was.. including the sleepy
voice on the phone." She dialed the phone "Hi Grace.. yes I just heard.
I'll check my pager.. I think I left it in the kitchen.. or I was sleeping
too soundly.. No I am not at home.. I am sure there are messages there.. OK,
OK.. Give me a half hour to get some breakfast and I'll be in.. No, Tracy
found me.. I said I'd be in.. Bye, Grace." She looked at Nick, already
asleep again. <well, no sense trying to wake you.. I'll just leave you a

Walking into her lab, already changed into scrubs,, her hair still damp,
clipped behind her neck.. she found the amused gazes of both assistants.
"What.. did I forget to tie my shoe?"

"You've been holding out on us, girl.." Grace said sternly. "You did not say
WHERE you were.. we had to hear that from Tracy."

"And I'm sure she did not leave out a single detail.. like Nick being half
asleep.. I am sure he won't even remember talking to her." Both assistants
laughed at that as Jill handed Natalie the reports of the pending autopsies
on her schedule.

"So.. Natalie.. did you have that other appointment yet?" Jill looked at her

"OK, Jill.. if I am going to be fodder for the grist mill, I'll let you two
leak out something even better than Tracy's scoop. I'll get everything over
with at once." Her eyes glinted as Grace looked at her puzzled. "Jill, why
don't you show Grace that picture you were admiring yesterday." Jill grinned
at her and took the ultrasound, strategically placed in Nick's frame.

"She's REALLY been holding out on us, Grace.. look at what I found
yesterday.. Pay close attention to the name labels on the scan.."

It did not take Grace long to figure out what she was being told and she gave
a 'whoop' and hugged Natalie firmly. "Oh, Natalie, honey.. I am soo
excited.. how far along are you? And why didn't you say anything? We've
been nagging you about the fatigue and nausea.. if I'd known.."

"It's OK, Grace.. I am just glad to have such good friends who care so much.
And I am twelve weeks along.. I'm due the end of June and everything is going
quite well." She moved over to the table. "And since you all dragged me in
here so early.. let's get started."

They had completed two of the post-mortems before Natalie declared it time
for a break.. now that they knew.. she could take care of her needs
properly.. and maybe the nausea would not be so pronounced. Grace came back
from the break room with fruit juice and a bagel for her as she entered data
into the computer.

Looking at the clock, she suddenly realize it was 5:30 already.. the sun
would set shortly. She dialed the loft and waited for the machine to pick
up.. Nick always screened calls. "Hey there Knight.. I know you're there..
are you awake? Pick up.." she waited and sure enough, Nick answered.

"Nat.. where are you? I woke up and you were gone?"

"I'm at work.. Oh.. you don't remember the phone ringing around 2 o'clock?"


"Brace yourself.. it was Tracy.. looking for me."

"Oh, my.. god.."

"Yeah.. and you were very groggy.. and just handed the phone to me.. so,
guess what?"

"I don't think I need to guess.. the entire precinct knows you were at my
place.. in my bed.."

"Yep. And I figure.. since we are feeding the purient interests of the
entire police force.. I might as well really make it juicy.. I told Jill and
Grace about the baby.. so God only knows how far the news has gone.."

"OK, deep breath.. yes.. thank you for the warning.. you're at work, then?"

"Yes.. I came straight here.. could you stop by and feed Sydney and load up
some clothes?"

"Like what?"

"Like the contents of my top drawer, a few suits for work.. my makeup."

"OK, yep.. I'll see you around 9.. OK?"

"See ya.." Natalie hung up the phone and saw both assistants leaning against
the wall, with Tracy Vetter staring at her, an amused look on her face.

"Oh, Natalie.. I'm sorry I got the giggles.. Its just that, well, I tried to
ask Nick about your relationship and he gave me the run around.. I just never
expected you to be there.."

"In his bed.." Natalie looked at her intently "Go ahead.. say it.. And by the
way.. he does not remember you calling. Its OK, Trace.. Nick is just a very
private person.. and he detests being part of the grapevine.. but I assume
that more than the four of us know where you found me.."

Tracy looked sheepishly at her.. "well, I was at my desk when I called.. and
umm, I was giggling so hard.. people wanted to know what I found so amusing..
so umm, well.. the entire precinct knows.. but it really did not surprise
anyone that I know."

"Its OK, Tracy.. I'm tired of hiding things.. so now I don't need to." She
smiled at Tracy.

"Are you feeling better today? You looked kind of pale at the scene

"I'm fine Tracy.. I won't guarantee that it won't happen again.. but its
nothing to worry about."

"Nat? You looked like you were going to throw up.. I have NEVER seen you get
ill at a body.. no matter how bad it was.."

"Tracy" she said quietly. "I'm pregnant."

Tracy looked at her, speechless.. recovering quickly, she giggled again..
"Oh, I can't wait to see that partner of mine.. when he keeps things to
himself, he does a damn good job.." She walked over and gave Natalie a quick
hug. "Congrats Nat.."

Evening had fallen, Nick had postponed showing up at the precinct as long as
he could. He had gone over to Natalie's apartment, fed Sydney and then
packed several boxes full of clothing, essentials and non-perishable food.

He walked into the precinct making a direct route to his desk.. and seeing
Tracy seated, facing the door he slowed.. looked around.. and saw the stares
of the other detectives.. and the balloons tied to his chair.

"Uh, Trace.. what is this?" he asked evenly.. he was not going to fight
this.. obviously Tracy was going to have fun teasing him.

"Well.. things are making a lot more sense now. I had an illuminating
discussion with Natalie" he looked at her intently <not that illuminating,
I hope>. She grinned at him, "Read the balloon, Nick." He looked up and saw
it read 'Happy Father's Day'. "I know I am like, really early and I had to
search for one of those in December.. but I couldn't resist.. and you would
not believe how many people noticed.. Nick.. I think you will be a wonderful
father.. I am so excited for you and Natalie." She stood and gave him a
quick, tentative hug and went back to her own desk.

"Thanks Tracy.." he smiled, and sat down. "I'm glad you are enjoying this."
He looked at her big grin and shook his head. "Tracy.. don't we have some
work to do?"

"Knight.. office!" Captain Reese's voice boomed over the room, and Nick
stood and followed him into the office. He could see his personnel file
sitting on the desk blotter.

"So.. you are full of surprises it seems." Reese looked at him sternly. "Just
how many adjustments do we need to make in your personnel file..? and when
were you planning on telling me that you and the coroner were living

"Well.. she is just moving in today.. This is not going to be a problem with
the department is it?"

"Yes, we found that out.. the hard way. Well, her supervisor will deal with
that omission.. so you will be staying at your current address? I assume she
is now your next-of-kin? And I hear that a baby is on the way.. actually..
the entire department knows you have a baby on the way .. so when is the
wedding? And no, the department will have no problem with you two being
married, or co-habitating or whatever."

"Uh.. yes to the address and yes to the next-of-kin.. and to the baby.. as to
a wedding.. we'll see. I want her to see that I am not marrying her only
because of the baby.."

"Obviously not planned.." he was puzzled how two very intelligent people, one
of them a doctor could be surprised with a pregnancy.

"No.. but this has been a rough year for both of us.." he looked at the
captain seriously. "The baby was conceived the night I came home from the
hospital after being shot.. when she was the only thing I could remember...
and I could not even remember her name, just how I felt about her. I pushed
Nat into going further than we'd ever gone before.. and while I don't regret
the result.. I don't want to push her right now." he looked up again.
"Please, Joe.. that little confession was just between us.. it is NOT for
public consumption. I think I have given the rumor mill enough grist for a

"Of course, Nick. Just tell me whenever you're ready for that classification
change. If you need time off with short notice, I think I can swing it. And
you know that when the baby comes, you are entitled to 2 months paternity
leave. I suggest you take it.. you will need the time as a family... Nick..
you will be a wonderful father.. that child is lucky."

to be continued...
Dreams and Reality 05a/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01

CHAPTER 5 (two months later)

Moving into the loft had been easier than Natalie ever thought possible. She
found that she enjoyed the space.. and waking up next to Nick every afternoon
had a calming effect on her. The nausea had passed.. and while she felt
'bigger' every day, she had more energy. They had met with architects the
day before and made plans for the renovations which would add a nursery and
another bedroom.

Humming softly, she pulled the cookie tray out of the oven. She loved to
cook.. and if Nick could not enjoy it.. her co-workers would. Tonight was
their potluck to celebrate Valentine's Day.. any excuse for chocolate was
good enough. She was distracted enough that she did not notice his presence
until he spoke.

"Good evening, Doctor." LaCroix said smoothly, smiled as she jumped slightly.

Turning to face him, she let her annoyance show. "I wish you would not do
that!" she thumped her wooden spoon on the table. "What do you want now?
Nick is out.."

He walked over to her slowly. "I know.. I waited for him to leave.. I wanted
to see you alone.. hmmm, such spirit for a fledgling.. enticing to say the
least." He smiled running his hand over her neck and then gently massaged her
enlarged belly. "And how is the little one and her mother."

"I'm fine.. and my child is fine.." she did not move as the baby began to
kick against LaCroix's hand.

"Ah.. a greeting. Yes, she shows fire and desire.. much as her mother.."

"LaCroix.. do you know something I don't..? They have not seen on the
ultrasounds.. is this a girl?"

"But of course.. I know. I can feel it, sense it.. after all, Nicholas and I
are bonded.. as you and he are bonded. In the legal sense, as well, I would

"No.. he's hinted at 'formalizing the relationship' but that is all."

"Surprising.. one so medieval in many ways, allowing his child to be
considered a bastard?"

"Well.. the child is not here yet.. And I thought vampires did not believe in
such mortal conventions as marriage."

"Ah.. but you have a child who will grow up among mortals.. For the sake of
the child, conventions may be warranted. As long as you don't take the
phrase 'till death do us part' too seriously. You realize that Nicholas and
Janette had a pseudo-marriage for about a century already. Yours may last
longer, but eventually you will part your ways."

"Yes, I knew that they were together.. only a century you, say. Well.. maybe
I'll have to talk to him.. I'm sure we will last longer than that.."

"Oh, but you can do so much more than talk.. you have a power over him which
even I do not control. Do you realize how frightening that is.. for one as
old as I?"

"OK.. you know I prefer the direct approach.. spill it.. what do you want?"

"As you say.. the direct approach.." he sat down at the table and smiled as
Natalie began taking the cookies off the tray to cool. "Oh how domestic.." he
smiled at Natalie's glare. "I know we have a year before decisions will be
made.. but it is inevitable and I thought I should begin your tutelage.. make
the transition easier so to speak."

"OK.. but why wait until Nick is out.. surely he would not object?" she said

"Oh, my dear.. he had not yet reconciled himself to the very idea that you
will join the community whether or not he approves. Tell me, Doctor. If
there was not a child to consider.. would you still agree to this?"

"Yes. I would.. with no hesitation. I am not suicidal, LaCroix.. was that
really a choice you presented?"

"If your life was not in danger? Would you still?"

"Yes. And even if Nick were to reject me later .. I don't think your
existence is as terrible as he says."

"Would you kill?" he asked softly, barely audible. She looked around
hesitating. "He cannot hear you, my dear.. I will not tell him of this

"Yes. Not at random or indiscriminately.. and not unless my survival was
dependent upon it.. but yes."

"Good.. very good.. I thought you showed promise and would adapt well. There
is something you should know.. If you want Nicholas to succeed with your
conversion, he must get off the bovine." She looked at him quizzically "It
weakens him.. your spirit is quite strong, you will overwhelm him... if you
want him to do it.. he must be stronger than you. And when you first come
over, you must consume only pure, fresh human stock."

She laughed nervously. "I can get that at work easily" She stood and looked
at him. "So, do you want me to just switch the bottles on him?"

"No, my dear.. talk to him. If you must, tell him we spoke. He will know I
was here."

"Oh? How?"

"We can sense one another's presence. Especially family. I will be happy to
arrange for your supplies both now and in the future. But this needs to be
voluntary. Much as you have consented to me.. and freely. Nicholas will
still see your conversion as involuntary and that concerns me.. I do not want
his attitudes to bleed through and infect you."

"Well, is this yet another campaign stop? I know you are willing LaCroix..
when the time comes.. I'll know who is right for me.. OK?" Natalie smiled

"Agreed. And Natalie.. please, keep in touch.. you are welcome at the club..
and trust me, his aura comes through loudly enough, no one would dare touch
you.." She smiled at him and allowed his brief, formal, embrace before
sitting down in the chair.

Encounters with LaCroix took a lot out of her, emotionally and physically.
It was as if the tension of being so strong was exhausting. It was another
half hour before she felt like moving and by then it was time to get ready
for work.

to be continued
Dreams and Reality 05b/11
may 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01

It had been a quiet night at the morgue. For a change, paperwork was the
main agenda. Cleaning off a big stack of files and sorting them by precinct,
Natalie prepared to make the rounds to deliver her file reports.

"Hey, Jill.. I'm off to play delivery-person. I'm on pager." She pulled on
her heavy coat and picked up the stack for the 96th. Her coat did not quite
close any more.. and she had not gone to the precinct in over a month..
since the big 'announcement'.. it was time to bite the bullet and be seen.

"No messengers tonight, huh?"

"No.. I feel the need to see the sights.. umm, be seen."

"Get it over with, you mean... I know you've done a great job of hiding."
Jill smiled indulgently. She did not know why Natalie was so embarrassed to
show off her relationship with Detective Knight. After all, he was a
gorgeous guy.. and obviously loved her.

The drive to the 88th was short.. and Natalie had only a few files for them.
She was their back-up ME, so did not see nearly as many cases.. and rarely
got called to crime scenes for them. The 27th was her next stop. She had
first come to the coroner's office as their primary, but when Nick
transferred to the 96th, she had also. She still had many friends there, who
were all delighted to see her in a maternity dress. Her only disappointment
was that their captain had the night off.

Finally pulling up to the 96th, she parked and lifted the stack of files.
Most of her cases were here. The pavement was wet, and just a little slick,
but as she tried to keep her balance, she felt a hand at her elbow. A
uniformed officer supported her and took the files. "Hey, Doc.. let me give
you a hand.." he said walking her to the door. "Can't have you hurting
yourself.. or the little one" Natalie blushed at the attention. She was not
accustomed to being so obvious.. indeed, she had only begun wearing maternity
dresses that week and while they were certainly more comfortable, she felt
awkward wearing them.

"Thanks, Sullivan." She said, taking the files from him when they were
inside. Walking up to the desk, she checked the duty roster <yep, they are
both here..>, she signed in and went into the detectives room. Nick looked
up as she walked in.

"Nat? What's up?" he said as she walked up to his desk.

"Deliveries.. and here are some reports for you.. and for you Tracy.." she

"Decided to show your face finally, eh, Nat?" Tracy teased. "Take off your
coat.. let's grab some coffee."

"I don't think it is my face that people are looking at." She said dryly,
sliding the coat off, into Nick's hands. He walked over to the rack and hung
it up, admiring the deep blue dress she wore.. it was simple but accentuated
her softly curving belly, now clearly visible. "Even you.. Nick.. stop
staring.." she whispered as she followed Tracy to the break room.

"Yep.. you DO know how to make an appearance. I don't think a single eye saw
your face.. but they did see what you were wearing." Tracy said, handing
Natalie a mug and a tea bag.

"You mean they saw my belly.. Yeah, its kind of noticeable now. I can't hide
forever, Tracy. I think people are morbidly fascinated by this." Natalie
responded, stroking her abdomen gently. "I mean, we kept things so secret
for so long.. I just don't think anyone sees the same side of Nick as I do.."

"Got that right." Detective Miller smiled grabbing a coffee mug and filling
it. "Personally, I don't think I NEED to see the same things you do.." he
leered at her.

Tracy slapped his arm playfully. "Enough, Miller. Down.."

"OK, OK.. just having some fun.. after all, Nick so seldom gives us anything
to have fun with.. we're getting great mileage out of this.. and you showing
up tonight.. well, let's just say that those who thought this was an
elaborate hoax are now paying up.. unless, of course, that is a pillow under

"It isn't." Nick's voice was stern, flat and Miller scurried out the door.
There was a reason for Nick's precinct nickname of the 'Knightmare' and few
of his co-workers wanted to tempt fate.

"Nick.. be nice.." Natalie scolded stepping closer against him. "Happy to see
me?" she whispered softly.. their lips meeting. Forgetting Tracy was even in
the room, he pulled her closer, one arm on the flat of her back and the other
twined into her auburn curls.. twisted his way into her conservative knot as
their kiss deepened. His tongue ran over her lips, seeking entrance. She
opened her mouth and met his explorations with her own. He wound his hand
across her back, caressing her as she moaned softly pulling him tightly
against her.

"Ahem.. shall I fetch some ice?" Tracy said loudly as they broke apart and
both looked at her, sheepishly. Applause broke out and Nick looked back and
saw that most of his fellow detectives were peering into the break room.

"Well.. anyone have ANY doubts now?" Detective Lock said loudly. "Doctor..
thank you for the demonstration.. and it was so good to see you.. both. Nice
dress, by the way." She grinned at Natalie. "I don't think Detective Knight
knows the penalty for public displays of affection in the precinct." At
Nick's puzzled look, she continued. "Guys.. what do you think?"

"Hmm.. this was more than a peck on the cheek"

"Or even a closed mouth smooch."

"I think there was tongue action." Detective Miller spoke loudly. At
Natalie's flushed expression, he looked triumphantly around the room. "Ah,
hah! Class A PDA.. at least they kept their clothes on.. this time.. we know
that at least once they did not." A chorus of laughs circled the room.
Natalie remained against Nick's chest looking up at his closed eyes and
frustrated expression.

"Donuts for a week." Lock called out.

"A week? Too easy.. donuts and gourmet coffee!"

"Agreed?" Lock called out.. "Detective Knight.. how do you plead?"

"Guilty.. on all counts.. in more ways than you'll ever know." He finally
released that big teasing grin and Natalie breathed a sigh of relief. At the
hum of laughs and teasing remarks, he looked at his fellow detectives "And
since I don't drink coffee, or eat donuts.. I will have Nat as my technical

"Yeah.. I bet she's your technical adviser in more than one area.." Miller
did not finish the comment as Nick stared coldly.

Quickly returning to the open smiling expression, he went up to Tracy.
"So.. are there any other little rituals that I have somehow missed out on?"

"Well.. the bachelor party.. cops usually throw a pretty wild bachelor
party." Nick just looked at her silently.. his eyes dark and threatening..
OK that was a forbidden area. " And I will warn you.. a second offense of a
class A PDA is donuts for a month. You don't even want to know the penalty
for a third offense."

"So in other words.. go to the interrogation room and lock the door?" Natalie
piped in. Nick just looked at her astonished. "Play along.. this is all in
fun.." she murmured. "Lighten up, would you?"

"Hey.. that could be fun.. uh.. Tracy.. if we did a , what did they call it..
um.. a class A.. is there more?" Nick stammered. He was really trying to
get into the right frame of mind.. he was trying.

"Yep.. Class B is clothes loosened.. class C is clothes off.. and you REALLY
don't want to know the penalty for that one."

"Oh, but I do, Tracy." Natalie was intrigued.. obviously Nick did not know
much about the friendly teasing that was commonplace among mortal co-workers.

"Next girl's night out, I'll tell you all.. but not here.. and not where my
partner can listen in.. you can tell him if you want.." her eyes twinkled and
Natalie smiled in understanding. "Speaking of which.. some of us ladies,
including YOUR two assistants have already made plans for tomorrow night..
Join us?"

"Oh, Tracy, I don't know.. a pregnant lady wouldn't be much fun." Natalie

"It's OK, Nat. Go. Have fun. They need a driver anyway.. at least I won't
have to worry about bailing you out again." Nick teased.

"Oh? What is that? Do I know that story?" Tracy was intrigued. She had
never heard the story of Natalie's wild night out several years back.. and
the booking photos had mysteriously disappeared shortly after the event, so
it was never discussed.

"No.. and I won't tell you.. ask Grace. She might remember part of the
evening.." Natalie grinned. "So, where do we meet?"

"My place, ten pm sharp. OK?" Natalie just smiled and nodded. "Nick.. don't
we have some work to finish?"

"Yeah, yeah.. yeah.. see you in the morning, Nat .. OK?" He gave her a quick
peck on the cheek and followed Tracy out. Natalie followed, finished passing
out the files and was grabbing her coat when Captain Reese walked out and
motioned to her silently. Nick had not noticed, and Natalie followed Reese
into the office and closed the door.

"Umm, sorry about all that in the break room.. I didn't know they would do
that.." she said apologetically.

"Oh, Natalie.. that was all in fun.. As long as my officers do their jobs, I
don't mind a little fun. But not in the squad room. The break room is fine..
But that is not why I wanted to see you."

"Oh, what's up, Captain?"

"I just wanted to know how you are doing.. I've noted no more problems at
crime scenes.. how about in the lab?" she shook her head. "And this may be
none of my business.. I know how secretive both of you are and have been
about all this.. but I am still not seeing a ring on your finger."

"Joe.. don't push.. the baby is not here yet.. and I know Nick better than

"In more ways than one.." he smiled.

"OK, OK.. we are committed to each other in our own way.. and we are not big
on public events.. so don't plan on anything elaborate.. if we need you,
we'll call and tell you to meet us at the Courthouse."

"Anytime, Natalie.. anytime. I just want Nick to stand up to his
responsibilities to you and his child."

"Oh.. he will, Joe.. I have no doubt that he will." She said ... <and a 2000
year old Roman general will make sure of it>

to be continued...
Dreams and Reality 05c/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01

Natalie was still awake and reading on the couch when Nick strolled in
shortly before dawn. He tossed his jacket on the armchair and shrugged out
of his holster before sitting down at her feet. "Cutting it a little close
there.." she said quietly, looking up.

He started to massage her feet. "Seconds to spare.." He looked around,
sensing a residual presence... "Nat, why was LaCroix here today?"

"To talk..." she said simply, seeing his look of distrust. "And you know
what we talked about?"

"No.. but Natalie, he can be very manipulative. Please be careful."

"Nick.. he was very polite. He only had two things to say to me.. the first
is that he wondered why we have not married yet."

"He actually said that?"

"Umm.. no, I think he phrased it as 'we should go through with the mortal
conventions'. Now I translate that as marriage."

"And the second thing?"

"You aren't even going to answer the first?"

"I want to respond to both things at once.. OK?" he said lightly, moving his
hands up her leg, massaging her calf.

"OK, OK. You win. He wants me to convince you to 'go off the bovine'." Nick
looked at her and groaned. "Now, before you go off on this.. he does have a
point. For my sake, I need you in control. I am not going to attempt you
crossing me, if I don't think you have control.. He has offered several
times.. and he probably will keep offering until it is done. I'd rather you
do it, but I WILL go to him before our deadline. I may not know exactly what
happens but I know that I do not want to have an audience."

"And afterwards?"

"I will drink human.. but you are welcome to drink whatever you want.. even
my protein shakes. He will supply your needs. I know how you feel about
killing.. and that is NOT what I am asking of you."

"OK. Natalie.. I love you enough to strengthen the vampire in me. You are
right. I do need to have better control before I would dare being with you.
I will go back to his special vintage." Nick kissed her hand gently and
stood. She watched as he walked across the room and went to the safe.
Opening it quickly, he pulled out a velvet pouch.

She watched silently as he walked back over to her. "And everyone thinks I am
ducking responsibility.. I know Reese spoke to you also. Natalie, I wanted
to do this right.. you were correct, I am a medieval man in many ways.. I
would not allow my child to be illegitimate. But I also did not want you to
think that the only reason we were together was for the child."

"Nick, I have never thought that." She said softly, swinging her legs off
the couch and sliding closer to him.

"Natalie, I love you. I know of the tremendous sacrifice you will be making
for me." He put his fingers over her lips. "Shhh. Its OK.. I know you believe
you are giving free consent, but I exposed you to my world so it IS my fault
that you will be brought into it."

"OK, yes.. that much is true.. but I am truly happy to be joining you.."

"So.. if you are joining me.. you need the appropriate symbol. And that
takes time." she just looked at him silently, questioning. "I had this
shipped from my estate in Brabant.. it has been in the vault for 700 years..
waiting for the right woman. I needed to get it cleaned up, sized and
refurbished." He sighed and looked deeply into her blue eyes. "Miss Natalie
Lambert, you would do me great honor if you would consent to be my wife.. now
and for eternity." He said formally and took her left hand.

"Yes, of course I will marry you Nick.. and no matter what LaCroix says..
this is for eternity." She replied, looking back into his blue eyes, now
rimmed with gold. She was even getting used to the way his eyes changed..
she felt the coolness of a ring being slid onto her third finger and looked
down. It was an exquisite diamond bordered with rubies all set in a wide
gold band engraved with a filigree pattern. "Oh, Nick.. this is incredible.."

"It was my mother's ring.." he said quietly and Natalie just stared,
realizing how old that made it.

"Nick.. are you sure you want me to have it? Its priceless.."

"And so are you, my love. Perfect fit, I would say .." He reached for her,
and their lips met in a long, tender kiss. All too soon, he broke away, eyes
glowing and fangs dropped. "Sorry, Nat.. I really want to go further.. but I
DO need better control."

She reached up and touched his hand gently.. "Yes, Nick.. its OK. I love
you. I can wait. Maybe you should make that call to LaCroix?"

"No.. I think I need to make another call first.. like an appointment for
us.. at the Clerk's office. And then.. what's your preference? Remember no

"How about a walk across the hall to a judge? We just ask a few people to
meet us as witnesses.."

"No white dress? No ceremony?"

She laughed. "First off, Nick.. obviously I am not a virgin.. so no white
dress. And I have never dreamed of a ceremony.. and I really don't need
one.. I just need you.."

"No argument here.." he pulled out his cell phone and dialed as she went out
to the kitchen, poured him a mug of cow blood and herself a glass of juice.

"OK.. the clerk's office is open until 6 on Thursdays.. so I made us an
appointment for 5:30. And then a 7:00 appointment with Judge Bains. So who
do we want there?"

"Tracy, Grace, Jill and Captain Reese. Anyone else? Do we dare ask LaCroix?"

"He might not show.. but I'll invite him. Let's see, Reese may still be at
the precinct.. he is usually there until 10. You'll see the others tonight.
And Nat... I have a feeling that as soon as Reese knows, he'll drag me out
tonight.. so don't worry if I am not here when you get home."

"You are assuming that I will be home first." She smiled. "But at least we
know, I'll be completely sober."

He just laughed and dialed the phone.." Yeah, Captain Reese please.. OK..
thanks... Captain, Nick Knight here.. Is that offer for unplanned leave still
open? .. No.. Cap, she's fine. Umm.. I want to book off Thursday night..
yeah.. its important.. and umm.. we'd both like you to meet us at Judge
Bain's office at the courthouse at 7:00 PM.. Yeah.. We are. Thanks.. You'll
be there?.. OK, great." He hung up the phone.. Natalie swore she could hear
the captain's cheer. "OK, Nat.. your turn to book off." He handed her the
phone and she dialed quickly.

"Terese.. hi.. this is Natalie Lambert... I know, I just left.. no I'll see
her tonight. Actually, I need to speak with Dr. Coburn.. He is? OK.. well,
book me off for Thursday. Yeah.. personal day. Yeah.. very important. OK..
yes, I will be in on Friday."

to be continued...
Dreams and Reality 06A/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01


Natalie dressed in her new black long sleeve sheath.. the silk draping over
her abdomen elegantly. With black hose, heels and a glittery gold necklace,
she was ready for a night on the town. She saw Jill's car in front of
Tracy's building when she got out.

"Wow.. you are dressed to kill.." Grace gushed, opening the door.

"Maybe.." Natalie smiled as Tracy came out in a short black leather skirt
and royal blue silk blouse. "Hm. Not bad Detective.. so what is on the
agenda, ladies?.."

"We're meeting Maria from Vice.. you know her .. she knows all the best
clubs, and Angela, Homicide from the 27th . They'll be waiting at a club
downtown called the Raven." Jill spoke up. Natalie tried to keep a straight
face as Tracy gasped. "Oh, you've been there?"

"Umm, yeah. Once or twice. It's kind of gothic."

"Well, that sounds like Maria. Do you mind Nat?"

"Not at all.. sounds like fun.. remember.. I'm just the driver.. Just tell
me where to go.. and we're there..." she twirled her keys for effect. The
light reflected off her ring and cast a pattern on the walls and Tracy gasped.

"OK, Nat. Stop it right there. Hand.. Out. Now." she commanded, grabbing
Natalie's left hand. "Oh.. My.. God... am I hallucinating.. or were you NOT
wearing this ring at the precinct this morning?"

"How very observant of you detective.. no I was not." She grinned.

"Nat, honey.. tell me that you are wearing it there for the reason I hope.."
Grace asked hopefully.

"Yes.. This was Nick's mother's wedding ring and he gave it to me this
morning. We are making it official and would like all of you to join us."

"Of course.. you know we'd love to be there. When?"

"Thursday night, 7:00.. Judge Bains office."

"Nothing like a short engagement, huh Nat?" Jill teased.

"Well, it's not like I should wear white.." Natalie laughed.

"Well, that changed the theme of tonight's festivities.... Ladies, this is
now a bachelorette party." Tracy announced. "Let the revels begin.." She
swept on her jacket and led the way to the parking lot.

"Natalie, this IS your party.. you sure you don't mind driving?" Grace asked
as they all climbed into Natalie's car.

"Really.. I do not mind.. I won't be drinking, so it makes the most sense."
Natalie replied and drove directly to the Raven. She found a parking spot in
the alley and got out.

"Natalie.. you've been holding out on us too, I didn't give any directions.."
Jill teased as they walked into the club.

"Yes.. I have been here before.." Natalie answered, scanning the crowd.
<still mainly mortals.. strange that I can tell the difference so readily>.
She spotted the two detectives seated on the upper level and waved. "Over
there.. I'll get the first round.." she motioned to the table and walked up
to the bar.

The bartender recognized her from her previous visits with Nick. "Good
evening, Doctor. Where's Nick?"

"Not here.. I'm here with friends. I'll have a club soda with lime.. and
send over a bottle of champagne for my friends.. and.. put it on Nick's tab."
She smiled broadly, pointing at the table.

"Yes, got it.. I'll have a waitress bring it over. And HE wants you to say
hello." He motioned his head to LaCroix who stood at the other end of the
bar, sipping his drink.

She glanced over and saw that her companions had sat down and started
animated conversations. When she saw the waitress bring the order over to
the table, she moved over to where LaCroix stood. "Yes..?" she looked at him.

"Welcome, my dear. You are looking, shall we say, breathtaking." He said
smoothly, nodding toward the table, taking her hand in his. "Who are your

"My assistants, Nick's partner and a couple of detectives. We are just here
for some relaxation. Nothing official. I trust my friends are all safe, as
I am."

"But of course.. I will see to it when the crowd changes.. Have fun.." he
smiled indulgently and kissed her hand lightly. She smiled back at him and
made her way to their table.

"Uh, Natalie.. do you know that man?" Tracy whispered as Natalie slid off her
coat and sat down. She knew the main clientele of the club were vampires..
and suspected that the owner was one as well..

"Yes, I do.. he is the owner and a friend of Nick's." she said quietly and
sipped her drink. Tracy was quiet but did not say anything.

"Natalie.. not that I'd ever turn down champagne.. but did you see this
label? This has to cost a fortune.." Jill sipped the drink and pointed at the
bottle. "This is your party.. you should not be buying the drinks."

"Well.. thank Nick.. I put it on his tab.." she laughed.

"No.. you didn't.." Maria laughed. "I don't know Nick very well .. but from
what I've heard.. you don't mess with the Knightmare. I would never have the
guts to do that."

"Oh.. Maria.. I don't think you've met Natalie." Tracy said, glancing around
nervously, checking for Vachon or Urs.. or any of the other vampires she'd
met. And puzzling over the revelation that her partner evidently had an
ongoing 'tab' at the Raven... and was 'friends' with the owner.

"Yeah.. you're the night shift ME, right?" at Natalie's nod, she continued. "
I guess you pack a good scalpel."

"Among other things.." Natalie giggled.

"Hey.. that's a gorgeous ring, Natalie.. and I see the rumors were right.
You're looking great." Angela interrupted, sipping her drink. "I never did
hear.. who's the lucky guy?"

"Nick Knight." She said with a smile, catching Maria's shocked look. "So..
yeah.. I may have guts putting our party on his tab.. but at least I'll come
home tonight sober.. and I'm sure Reese will do his damnedest to make sure
Nick is feeling no pain."

"Well.. if the party is on him.. then let's stay here.. they usually have a
great band on Wednesdays.. and Natalie, I didn't mean anything by the
comments about Nick." Maria looked at her concerned.

"I know.. hey, don't worry about it.. I know what his nickname is.. and
believe me, I have seen him worse than any of you can even imagine." Natalie
smiled. "Now ladies, I believe we are here to have fun.. And Tracy you
promised to tell me what the penalties are for a class B and class C PDA."

Tracy flamed red.. but Maria spoke up. "So they nailed you, huh..? What did
they get you for?"

"Umm, just some deep kissing.. a bit of tongue and a moan or two."

"That was YOU moaning, Nat.." Tracy giggled. "Yeah, we clipped him for a week
of donuts and gourmet coffee."

"First offense, huh? Did Tracy explain what a class B is?" At Natalie's nod,
Angela continued "Varies.. for the guys it is usually something gross or
physical .. for women, it's just doing everyone's paperwork or something

"And a class C?"

"We hide the clothes.. and everything else that can be used for cover.. and
if things are quiet and the command officer is out or distracted, we haul the
offending officer out in cuffs to be umm, booked for indecent exposure."
Tracy giggled "So please Nat.. a little restraint would be nice.. I have no
desire to know if my partner is circumcised or not.."

"He's not.." Natalie said with a devilish gleam.. causing them all to break
out in peals of laughter.

"Oh, Nat.." Tracy giggled, wiping tears from her eyes. "I have to work with
him.. you know I'm going to spend my next shift giggling and staring just at
the thought."

"And.. you'll be too embarrassed to tell him what is so funny.. right?" Tracy
merely nodded, but the ice was broken.. and the jokes began to fly..

Two hours and two bottles of champagne later, they were all in the spirit of
the party.. and enjoying their company and the attentions of male guests on
the dance floor. Natalie could sense a change in the clientele. Tracy and
Natalie were the only ones at the table when a young dark haired man walked
up to the table. Natalie could sense he was a vampire.. and from the
tenseness of her smile, she knew that Tracy did also.

"Doctor.. I do not mean to intrude.. but I just wanted to thank you for the
care you gave me and my friends. You have my eternal gratitude.." he took
her hand and kissed it and suddenly stepped back "Oh.. please, pardon me..
tell him I would never ..."

She reached out and smiled "Don't worry, it's OK.. I know.." she whispered
and then murmured "I think you have said all that needs be said.. and I
trust my friends are also safe.." He smiled and backed away.

Tracy turned and looked at her intensely. "OK Natalie. What was THAT about?
And don't say nothing."

"I provided medical care to some of the city's lesser known population. So
he's thanking me.. that's more than my usual clients."

"Uh, huh.. Natalie.. I know more than you think I do.. and I have a feeling
you do also.."

"Tracy.. there are a lot of things I know that would surprise you. And a lot
of things that I really cannot discuss. Even with you." She took a
deliberate sip from her beverage. Tracy just looked at her and said nothing.

Grace and Jill had returned to the table when Natalie noticed LaCroix making
his way across the club. <Hmmm.. the balance must have shifted..>

"Ladies.. I hope you are enjoying your evening.." LaCroix said smoothly
sitting down at the next table and motioned to Natalie to join him.
Motioning to Tracy to stay, she moved over to his table.

"So.. the balance has shifted?" she asked softly, knowing that he would be
able to hear her clearly.

"How observant doctor... you show great promise indeed. And speaking of
which.. I note that you were successful in both of your missions. My
congratulations indeed.. and that is an exquisite ring...wherever did he get

"Belgium .. it was his mother's. So, you have spoken today?" she had very
quickly adapted to the 'no name, vague topic' discussions that were safe to

"Yes.. and the first delivery was sent. And I will see you tomorrow evening.
I hope your attire is as alluring as tonight's is.. and now.. since all have
seen that this table is under my protection, I will take my leave.. but
please, let me know if you need assistance of any kind." He stood and gently
kissed her hand and walked away. Natalie moved back to their own table to
the stares of her companions.

"Natalie.. you have REALLY been holding out on us.." Maria said, shaking her
head. "Do you know that is the owner?" at Nat's nod, she went on.. "And half
the people here are terrified of him. They call him 'the General' ... but no
one will say what branch he was a general in.. or when... they just say you
don't mess with him.. and here you have him charmed.."

"Well, I don't know about charmed.. he does have a violent side.. but then,
so does Nick.. and they are friends from way back, as close to family as you
can get. I guess I know how to deal with it. He is very loyal to friends.."

"You really do have no fear?" Tracy just shook her head. Up close, she
could tell that LaCroix was indeed a vampire.. either Natalie did not know..
or she did not fear.. either way was dangerous.. She looked up to see the
band setting up <oh, no.. Vachon..> His eyes met hers.. as well as the other
women at the table.

After enjoying the first set of music, Natalie stood.. she was by far the
most steady of her companions who had managed to polish off yet another
bottle of champagne.. <oh well, Nick can afford it..> and with a quick
apology to her companions, made her way towards the ladies room. To her
surprise, the crowd gave her wide berth.. although she sensed their eyes
following her. Walking past the stage she glanced up at Vachon. "Hey
Vachon.. I enjoyed the music.. introduce me to your friends?"

"Hi Doctor.." He ran his eyes up and down her figure with an appreciative
eye. "You know, I did not believe it when Tracy said you were pregnant."

"Well.. as you can see.. I am."

He moved closer and spoke softer. "But what I find truly astonishing is who
the father is. And don't try to lie about it. I can sense it clearly.. the
fact that everyone is staying away from your table is not just that HE came
over to talk.. although that was a nice touch. No.. they fear you both.. a
mortal carrying a vampire's child." His voice had dropped even lower. "And
that vampire is known for his violent temper.. even for one who drinks cow."

"Not any more." She whispered and smiled at his startled look.

"Well.. I bet that endeared you to the General."

"Indeed. I know who not to piss off.. and he is Number one on the list. He
gives me an assignment.. I pay attention. Is it my fault that his son
listens to me, and not to him?"

"Smart thinking.. and don't look now, but Tracy is coming over. She doesn't
know yet?"

"No.. and it is not my decision, so I will respect his wishes." She said
softly and then raised her voice to a more normal level. "So, who are your

"Tom is on drums.. Rick on bass.. Jose on keyboard.." They each came over
and shook her hand, looking her over carefully.

"Good job guys.. we're enjoying the music.." she said loudly "Oh, hi Tracy."

"Natalie, can we talk?" She glared at Vachon and steered Natalie into the
ladies room. After determining that they were alone she turned to Natalie
with an alarmed expression. "OK Natalie.. enough. How do you know Vachon?"

"Medical care of a friend.. I told you. I treat some of the city's lesser
known populations. Don't worry, we are all perfectly safe."

"Uh, huh." She said uncertain, then looked at her closely.. "you know what he

"Yes.. I do.. and I know that you do also.. and I also know that it is not
smart to talk about it. But yes.. I have treated some of his friends.. done
them some favors.." Natalie's voice was low.. but calm.

"Favors?" she repeated, looking at Natalie curiously

"Tracy, I am the night shift coroner.. think about it. There are occasions
where my descriptive abilities are needed."

"You cover for them?" Tracy asked, incredulous. Natalie was the last person
she'd imagine fudging a report- for anyone.

"No.. Tracy.. I simply do not call attention to things which are beyond our
jurisdiction. When appropriate I send findings to my contact and they take
care of it. What goes into my reports are things which the department can
handle. If you really know what he is.. you know that there are things which
we cannot and should not interfere with."

"Who is your contact?"

"I cannot tell you that. He swore me to secrecy. And my very life depends
on my ability to keep a confidence.. and so does yours. There are those who
would not hesitate to kill us both.. just because we know of their existence.
Remember your first encounter.. did he not try to take your memory of him?"
Tracy was silent.. thinking back to her initial meeting with Vachon.. how he
tried to hypnotize her.

"OK, Natalie.. I trust you.. I hope you know who you are playing with." She
leaned back on the wall and watched Natalie closely. <oh.. if you only knew..

"Come on.. Grace will think I fell in.." Natalie smiled and led the way out
into the club. She could again sense the watchful eyes of LaCroix.

to be continued
Dreams and Reality 06b/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01

It was close to 3 am when the women left .. all were feeling no pain.. and
Natalie was the only one standing upright without assistance. She drove each
to their home.. with her best medical advice for hangovers and a reminder of
their plans for the upcoming evening.. and returned to the loft.

The shades were up.. but lights were all off. Natalie got off the lift and
found her way to the nearest lamp by feel.. she was getting better at not
tripping on the rug.. and was really not surprised to see LaCroix seated on
the couch.

"So.." he looked at her through steepled fingers. "Did you and your
associates have a pleasant visit to the club? You know, I AM honored that
you came."

"Yes.. we did. But that is not the real reason you are here." She stated
patiently. One did not rush these conversations.

"Nicholas's young partner. She knows?" his question was brief.

"Yes. Very little though. She knows of Vachon and Urs. And she knew Screed.
But her senses are too keen. She was asking me questions about you. About
what I know."

"Hmm.. And Nicholas?"

"She has not made the connection.. yet.. but it is only a matter of time, I

"Indeed... A problem?"

"You tell me.. I realize that I knew too much.. like medical profiles that
even you did not know.. but is it too much that she knows that I know?"

"That you know of what?" he asked swiftly.

"The concept that vampires exist in the modern world. She saw me talk to
Vachon and knows that I know what he is.. I did not confirm anything else,
but I have to tell you she is pretty perceptive. Look, the word 'vampire' did
not come out.. I believe her exact words were 'You know what he is?' and I
answered 'yes, and I know that you do, and I also know that it is not smart
to talk about it'. I know you guard your existence closely and don't want
her probing any further but she was worrying me."

"Indeed. Well, I believe our first lesson will be the Code."

"The Code?"

"You do not know of the Code?" she merely shook her head, and he smiled.
"Ah.. so Nicholas has NOT been so free with information. The Code is the
rule of the Community.. known only to its members.. but you, my dear have
already committed to join.. and are under constant surveillance.. so you may
learn it.. and it is not written.. it is learned. After that.. we will
discuss what to do with Ms. Vetter."

"She is a Resister. At least that's what Nick told me when she first met
Vachon and the Inca."

"Yes.. well.. if she is a problem, decisions may be forced. Let's be
honest.. you may be willing, but your decision is being forced." He looked at
her gently. "Oh, do not fret.. I won't kill her.. merely scare her. I am
quite capable of that."

"I'm sure you are. And are probably very good at it.. One of the detectives
with us tonight.. and she doesn't know what you are.. but she is afraid of
you.. and I was making her very nervous. But then, she just thinks I am very

"That you are, my dear. That you are." He stood and looked up at the
skylight.. "I will take my leave of you now.. and see you later this evening."

With that, he rose and flew out though the skylight. It almost frightened
her how quickly she had become comfortable around LaCroix.

Natalie had gone up to bed shortly after LaCroix left, with Sydney curled up
behind her knees. Although she knew he didn't need it, she left a candle lit
on the piano.

Nick got in shortly before dawn and stumbled up the stairs. It had been a
long time since he consumed that
much alcohol.. and he was more nauseated than intoxicated. He had grabbed a
bottle of LaCroix's special stock. He could tell by her soft breathing and
steady heartbeat that Natalie was asleep. He drank deeply from the bottle,
savoring the tangy flavor, the scent, the sensations.. ahh.. how had he
tolerated drinking cow.. For once, he felt it safe to move in close to
Natalie. Usually, he kept a distance, although in sleep they moved closer,
almost as if their subconscious was unafraid. Changing into his black silk
pajamas, he slid into the bed and laid behind her, sliding an arm over her
until it rested on top of their child and was promptly rewarded with movement
and a kick. What could be better?

Natalie woke briefly.. squinting at the clock.. 9:30 AM.. ahh.. don't need to
get up yet. She could feel Nick's cool, firm body nested against her snugly
with his arm around her tightly. She sighed in delight and rolled on her
other side facing him and nestled herself against his chest, with her arm
around his back. Thus entwined, she slept.

Waking shortly before sunset, Natalie went downstairs and prepared breakfast
for them both.. toast and coffee for her.. a crystal goblet of LaCroix's
special vintage for Nick. Belting his robe around his waist, Nick walked
slowly down and gave her a big hug..

"So.. you have fun last night?"

"Yes.. we did.. and I am sure that I am in much better shape than any of my
companions.. who turned it into a bachelorette party.. and was your evening
as much fun?"

"Interesting is more the word.. I hope there are no homicides tonight.. I
don't think anyone from the 96th will be in ANY shape to do much thinking..
and I had forgotten how nauseating whiskey is.."


"Jack Daniels.. shots of Jack Daniels and poker.. and a scantily clad
stripper.." He grinned at her. "But I much prefer women who are pregnant and
smell of apples and cinnamon.." he kissed her forehead lightly. "And we have
an appointment tonight.. unless you have changed your mind?"

"Never.. I will be ready in a half hour.." Natalie smiled seductively and
went back upstairs to shower and dress for her wedding.

Precisely at 4 pm, Nick came into their room, dressed in an elegant black
silk suit.. carrying a slim box wrapped in gold paper. Natalie was putting
the finishing touches on her makeup.. her cream colored silk dress hugged her
soft curves and fell mid calf.. with heels and shimmering hose and her pearl
earrings they made an striking couple.

"I have something for you.. call it a wedding present.." Natalie looked at
him, startled.

"But Nick.. I didn't get you anything.." she protested, taking the box

"You have given me a child.. hope for the future.. and love for eternity.."
he whispered as she opened the box.. to find a heavy gold necklace with a
diamond and ruby pendant that matched her engagement ring.

"Oh.. Nick.." she breathed, staring at the necklace. "Its gorgeous"

"It pales next to you, my love.." he murmured, nuzzling her neck before
fastening the necklace. "Come.. it is time.. my beautiful bride.."

The drive to the Courthouse was short, and their appointment at the clerks
office was quick. License in hand, they emerged to meet their companions in
the hallway outside the judge's chambers.

"Nick.. Natalie.." Captain Reese nodded to them. "You are both looking very
stylish.. and I must say.. it is about time you two stopped the cat-and-mouse

Tracy walked up and handed Natalie a box from a florist... "I thought every
bride needs a bouquet.. and I didn't think Nick would get out today.. So,
partner.. feeling any pain today?"

"Thanks Trace.. and I am feeling about as much pain as you.." He handed the
bouquet to Natalie, who had greeted her assistants and looked down the
corridor to see LaCroix walk toward them. Tracy stood in stunned silence as
Natalie walked up to him and gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek and
allowed him to stroke her abdomen.. and Nick walked up and engaged him in
friendly conversation.. obviously Natalie was not kidding when she said that
the fierce owner of the Raven was a friend.

Looking around at the assembled group, Nick took Natalie's hand, glancing at
his watch.. "I would like to thank you all for joining us as witnesses.
Come.. it is time.." together they went into the judge's chambers.

After a simple twenty minute ceremony, Nick and Natalie emerged, now married
and accompanied by their police department friends, went over to the 96th
precinct for a reception. Citing the need to return for his nightly
broadcast, LaCroix excused himself after thanking both Nick and Natalie for
including him in their celebration.

to be continued...
Dreams and Reality 07A/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01

CHAPTER 7 (two months later)

Closing down the computer, Natalie stood and stretched, rubbing her aching
neck.. only to find strong, cool hands touch hers and caress her back. "Ah..
Nick.. that feels great." She turned and put her arm around his neck,
drawing his face closer. As their mouths met, she pulled closer, molding
herself to him.. that is, as much as her rapidly expanding abdomen would

"Are you ready?" Nick said, breaking the kiss and gently rubbing the mound
where their child rested.

"Yeah.. are you sure we need to go to the club? I could really use some
rest.." this latest 'command performance' had her worried. Although LaCroix
came over to the loft at least once a week, ostensibly to tutor Natalie.. and
harass Nick, she had not been to the club since their wedding.

"Yes.. he said it was important.. someone from out-of-town that you need to
meet. And I am not ready to cross him right now."

"OK, OK.." she agreed, and taking his arm, followed him out to the parking
lot into the warm spring air..

The drive across town was quiet. Parking in the alley, he led Natalie into
the club. Few mortals remained inside but the dance floor remained well
populated with the immortal clients.

"Where is he?" Nick hollered to the bartender, who simply pointed to the
door leading to the private quarters. Shrugging his shoulders, he led the
way for Natalie and knocked on the door.

LaCroix answered the door, holding a stemmed glass, as usual and smiled at
the couple before him, motioning them inside and securing the locks.

"So, why the summons?" Nick asked patiently.

"Sit here, Nicholas.. you and I will enjoy one of my finer vintages.. This
summons was for your lovely bride. And I did not think you would permit her
to come unescorted." He did not mention Natalie's previous visit and had
never sent the bill. "My dear, you are looking radiant.. motherhood agrees
with you. My guest is waiting down the hall for you."

He escorted Natalie to another room down the corridor and opened the door,
waited for Natalie to enter and then returned to the main room. Natalie
tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness as the figure struck a match and
lit the candles. "Bon nuit, Natalie." The lilting French accented voice
brought back many memories..

"Janette.. why the secrecy?" Natalie recognized her immediately.. she was not
the confused mortal woman sitting on her autopsy table for a 'bullet removal'
that she had seen six months previous, but rather the smooth confident
courtesan that Natalie had first known .

"I am still a wanted woman in this town.. one cannot be too careful.. and I
am not ready to deal with Nichola's angst over bringing me back over." She
said casually.

"So.. what do you want from me..?" Natalie asked cautiously. While she had
met Janette several times, she'd never thought of her as a friend.

"Simply to chat, my dear." She shrugged. "I see that my sources were

"Oh??" Natalie probed. She had gotten somewhat used to being the focus of
the grapevine.. but the lines of communication within the vampire world were
still unfamiliar.

"I had heard that Nichola had managed to impregnate a mortal woman. I just
knew it had to be you.. it is quite the talk.. no one has ever heard of this
before.. I just had to see for myself."

"So, I'm famous.. great." Natalie was starting to feel like the immortal
sideshow.. and while she and LaCroix had formed a loose alliance of sorts..
well, she was not sure how she felt about Nick's former lover, pseudo- wife,
one-time sibling and now child.

"And, Natalie.." her voice dropped lower. "I heard of the judgment
pronounced against you. I know we have not been the best of friends.. but,
well.. I thought you might need someone to talk to.. that is not going to
fight with or about you."

Natalie just looked at her for a minute, and then relaxed a little. Yes, she
really did need to talk.. and Janette would be the most appropriate person
right now. "Yes.. well, I have agreed to it. What choice is that anyway?
Nick is still trying to figure out a way to appeal or delay. But unless, I
get pregnant again immediately, I don't see how we can stop it. And I am not
sure I want to stop it.." her voice trailed off.

"So, he is being reluctant?"

"And that worries me.. I mean, there is always the risk he will drain me and
then let me die.. I don't want that. I'm almost ready to just tell LaCroix
that the job is his.. he keeps offering.. but having him as a master scares
me. I have seen how possessive he is with Nick, I don't know if I could deal
with him for eternity."

"There is another option." Janette said softly, calmly. "I could do it.."

"But I was told specifically that my choice was Nick or LaCroix.. or the

"No my dear, the choice is immortality or death.. preferably immortality..
the community merely wants you converted, but would prefer that an older,
stronger person do it. I believe I would qualify. Despite my month as a
mortal.. I have regained all my powers.. almost as if that month never
happened.. and I am older than Nichola."

"But why does it matter?"

"You are very strong, even as a mortal.. and I can already feel you as I
would a vampire. By carrying Nichola's child you are already developing our
senses. Some of that could be temporary.. but no one really knows.. and no
one knows how you survived the mating act.. so you are already perceived as
being very powerful. As a vampire, even a fledgling, you will need a strong
master, an older vampire .. even that young Spaniard that you know.. you
would overwhelm him.. he would not be able to control you... it is possible
one so young could perish even in bringing you over."

"Oh? How is that possible?"

"I doubt you have been told much of the actual process of bringing someone
over.." at Natalie's nod of agreement, she continued. "Well, the master must
feed his own blood to the fledgling.. there is a fine line between giving
enough for the conversion and too much, allowing the fledgling to overpower
the master and drain him."

"Oh, I see." She said slowly. " Janette.. I thank you for the offer.. and I
will take it into consideration. I have not decided whom I will trust with
my life just yet. In any event, I would like us to be friends.." Janette
smiled and reached over to take Natalie's hand.

"Of course, cherie.. we have an eternity.. and you are family. But if you
don't mind, my dear.. I know what a passionate man Nicholas is.. it has
been nearly a century since his last warm meal.. and all he drinks is cow..
How DID you survive?"

Natalie looked at her calmly. "He didn't bite me.. he has still never tasted
my blood." At Janette's surprised look, she continued. "Nick took a bullet
in the line of duty last October. In the head. Obviously it didn't kill him,
although they did take him to a trauma center.. and pronounced him dead."

"Not too far off the mark, Natalie.." Janette merely smiled.

"Well, I got there just before they sent him to the morgue, and fed him some
fresh blood and LaCroix hypnotized the staff.. and he recovered.. although
the bullets are still in there somewhere. I can't exactly extract them
easily from that thick head of his." This brought a muffled laugh from
Janette. "Anyway, he had amnesia.. did not remember who he was.. what he
was.. I took him home.. he remembered me enough to know that he wanted me..
and things went a little farther than I'd intended.. anyway he made love to
me as a 'mortal' man. While I slept, he snuck out of the loft, and got
caught out in the morning sun.. got burned but made it back to the loft. I
had to tell him what he was, get him some blood to feed.. well, we have not
made love since then.."

"But you are married..?"

"Yes, and we sleep in the same bed.. and somehow, even though we always start
the morning at opposite sides, by dusk we are in each others arms. And
usually he is holding the baby.. he has a knack for holding me in exactly the
position she is laying.." Natalie sighed. "It is only in my dreams though...
that we can do more."

"Oh, Natalie.. This has to be difficult for you.. so many changes. It is
much more complex for you than it was when I came over."

"And I've really needed another woman to talk with.. one with whom I don't
need to keep secrets."

"Ahh.. then Nicholas has not said anything to his young partner. Good.
Surprising, but good."

"She knows of Vachon though. She knows just enough that I am not sure how
well I will be able to conceal myself.. after all, how do we explain my
sudden 'allergy'?"

"You don't. You are just too busy, or unavailable to come out.. or the baby
is sleeping. Whenever someone calls during the day, you have an
appointment.. there are many ways to be vague."

"What about work? I have always needed to take a lot of call."

"Negotiate.. tell them that you do not have a daytime babysitter.. you will
only take call at night. Threaten to quit. They will not want to replace a
full-time permanent night shift coroner. If you need to push the issue..
post-hypnotic suggestion helps."

Natalie laughed. "Yes.. I have seen Nick has use that to his advantage.."

Janette smiled in return "Yes.. well, we were trained by the best. That is
something for you to consider as well.. your sire is responsible for your
education. LaCroix may be overbearing at times, but he takes care of his

"I know." Natalie looked at her, understanding clearly. "He has already
started tutoring me."

"Really?" Janette could not help but show surprise.

"Yes, well, he said I am under constant surveillance.. and I can feel it..
even during the day if I am out on a call, I feel like they know where I am..
it is weird... Anyway, he said I could start lessons. I have been studying
the Code.. and a little bit about the history of the Community."

"I can believe you are being watched.. I am just surprised that he would
start already."

"Personally, I think he is trying to butter me up.. make me see him as my
teacher so that I will let him bring me over.. The way he and Nick argue
about it, I almost think there is something sexual about it. Especially when
they threatened to have witnesses if we delay."

Janette did not respond at first <oh, you do not know how close you are>. "I
am sure he wants to control you and therefore control Nicholas. And then
there is the element of taking someone that 'belongs' to someone else.. that
is part of his personality.. you know he once fathered a child on the wife of
one of the Roman senators.. everyone knew it but dared not say anything..
even as a mortal, he had a nasty temper." She kept her voice low pitched..
she knew that if he wanted, LaCroix could listen to every word.. but he had
promised her a little privacy.

"Well that explains so much." Natalie said thoughtfully. She had never
heard so many personal details of their past lives. "Janette this has truly
been an enlightening meeting.. and much more pleasant than my LAST command
visit here."

Janette smiled warmly. "I am glad that I could be of service.. now here is my
card with my private number, should you need a woman's ear. I will come if
you need.. perhaps when the baby is here, I will be ready to see Nicholas
again." She smiled and handed Natalie a business card and then moved to sit
next to Natalie on the couch. "May I?"

"Certainly.. and she should wake up soon.." Janette looked at her, and laid a
tentative hand over the swelling mound. "Janette, it's OK.. you aren't going
to hurt me." She took Janette's hand and moved it lower, holding it firmly
against the spot she knew the baby rested.. and was promptly rewarded with a
kick. Janette's eyes glowed for a minute and her smile got bigger. "She says
hello, auntie.. you know .. it is weird. She does not kick on command for
Grace or Jill.. but whenever LaCroix touches her, she kicks.. and now she did
for you as well."

"Could be coincidence."

"Oh, but you should see my belly when Nick touches it.. I swear she does back
flips until he talks to her."

"Doesn't that hurt?"

"No.. it just feels weird.. and now she is getting big enough that I see the
ripples when she is flipping." Natalie replied, looking up at the other
woman "Janette, I would like to see you again, if that is OK.."

"But of course.. Now, my dear.. dawn approaches and unless you want to be
stuck here or leave your husband here.. you had best head home.. I have SO
enjoyed our chat." She stood and gave Natalie a friendly hug. "Please keep
in touch."

"Oh, I will.. and thank you for your understanding.."

to be continued-
Dreams and Reality 07B/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01

Janette's comments about feeling Natalie's presence still haunted her the
next night. She had not said anything to Nick.. indeed, she would not even
said who she had spent 2 hours talking to.. other than to say 'an old friend'
and that 'it was a surprise' but she could tell it bothered him. She figured
she would confess the next day, when she was sure that Janette would be out
of town again.. and she knew, as Nick did not, that Janette's new home was
just across the lake in Buffalo, New York.

On a whim, she waited until she knew both of her assistants were busy
elsewhere and Nick was tied up doing interviews and drew a sample of her own
blood. Taking it, and recent samples from Nick and a pre-pregnancy control
sample of her own blood, she went across town to the Research facility to
borrow time on her friend's electron microscope. The equipment was seldom
used in the middle of the night.. and she had a standing offer. Nick's
sample, as usual showed an abundance of what she called 'the vampire virus'.
She usually used her own blood as a control, so had seen it under this
equipment before.. but was not prepared for what she now saw. A mixture..
not pure vampire, as Nick's.. but not human either. The scientist in her
started to think of variations. She got out a fresh slide, placed a drop of
her control sample, and then watching under the scope, placed a drop of
Nick's blood in it.. and watched as the 'vampire' cells consumed her normal

"Oh this is weird.. too weird" she muttered. <ok.. phase two..> she did the
same test in reverse.. and the result was the same. And then she took her
own fresh sample, added Nick's blood and watched.. and nothing happened.. the
cells co-existed.. "hmm, this is weird, too." She looked again at her
original slide and did some calculations. "OK, time for the second opinion."
Packing up all her supplies and evidence of her nocturnal visit, she returned
to the lab.

Everything was still quiet.. opening a stray file to cover, she picked up the
phone and dialed LaCroix's private line... she knew he was doing his show but
she knew a call from her would prompt a visit.. soon.

"LaCroix.. this is Natalie. I need to talk to you." she said when the
machine clicked on. <he knows how to find me.. and he'll be too curious to
ignore me>

Indeed, he did.. before she knew it.. music came across the radio instead of
his smooth voice and the rush of air she felt told her of his arrival.

"Yes.. you called?" concern was clear.

"Let me know if anyone comes this way." She began and then dropped her voice
to a low confidential tone. "First, thank you for inviting me over to see
Janette. We had a lovely chat."

"So she said.. and she, too, is looking forward to your joining us."

"Well, I may be closer than you think."

"What do you mean?" his voice was dark, still. "You aren't doing anything to
harm the child?"

"Absolutely not.. but last night, Janette said she could feel me as a vampire
feels another. I know you of spoken of the baby having Nick's aura.. but
this description.. she wasn't talking about the baby.. she was talking about

"And?" he prompted.

"Well, I ran some tests." She looked up to see his indulgent smile.

"Yes.. your inquiring mind cannot resist a challenge.. so what did you find?"

"Anyway.. I had previously identified an element in Nick's blood that I call
the 'vampire virus'. It really is not a virus.. but every vampire sample I
have studied has this anomaly. Well, I have it now... in my blood"

"Really? How fascinating.. and Nicholas has still not shared his blood with

"No.. he is afraid of hurting me or the baby.. anyway.. about 95% of his
cells have this anomaly.. and about 10% of mine. What is weird is when I mix
his blood with a pre-pregnancy sample of mine, his cells overwhelm and
destroy mine."

"As I would expect."

"Yes, well, now when I added his to my current sample.. I increased the
percentage to 50%, but they did not destroy my normal cells."

"This is all very fascinating.. but as you say.. cut to the chase.. what are
your questions..? And I will warn you, I may not have answers. We are
entering uncharted territory. I have told you, I have never seen a mortal
woman carry a vampire's child."

"Have I already started across?" she whispered.. looking up to see his eyes
focused on her intently.

"Yes.. I have suspected for some time that this was happening, which is why I
wanted Janette to see you.. get a second opinion as it were." He replied, his
clear, confident voice breaching no doubt.

"OK.. what happens then.. will I come completely across this way.. or do we
need to finish it at some point?" she asked.. the scientist now needed
something to focus upon.

"You will not come completely across this way. At some point, our hand will
be forced.. and either we complete the process or you will either die or go
insane.. But, Natalie, I do not think you will have that year as a mortal
mother.. actually, by the time you give birth, you will probably have very
little time left.. a few months at most." He reached out to take her hand,
not sure how eager she was to embrace immortality. He knew that Nick would
be quite upset..

"How will I know?" she asked softly.

"You may not have any signs.. or you may simply stop tolerating food.. and I
am not speaking of simply the nausea of pregnancy.. and you will have
developed vampiric abilities.. that is why the lessons.. I am watching .. and
the Elders are monitoring you.. they will let me know if we delay to a point
of danger." He smiled at her. "I will not let any harm come to you.. tell me
when you are ready.. and whether Nicholas is ready or not.."

"If I have not given birth yet?"

"You are far enough along that the child would survive if born today.. even
as a mortal?" Natalie nodded

"Yes, I have only two more months.."

"Well, we could arrange an accident that would force an emergency delivery."
At Natalie's shocked look, he smiled.. "Oh, please.. you would never be in
any real danger.. they would merely think you were.. if I can conceal a
bullet in the head.. you don't think I can rig a fetal monitor strip showing
distress.. or produce enough blood that it would appear that your life was

"Oh, OK.. sorry.. and I did not mean to doubt you.. I was just surprised by
this.. I needed to know I was not crazy."

"Never, my dear.. never." He smiled indulgently. "Anything else?"

"Yes.. a favor. If they take any blood specimens from me or the baby when I
do deliver, I need you to make sure nothing unusual is seen. Or remembered."

"Absolutely my dear.. I will take care of it.. and my price will be named
later." He smiled again.. his trademark calculating look that made most
mortals run away scared. Natalie merely strengthened and stared back. <ah,
she shows great promise. Already thinking of protecting the community.. I
shall enjoy extracting payment from her... for years to come>

"Yes.. I am sure it will be.. and thank you for coming so quickly." Natalie
stood and gave him a quick embrace before going to unlock the door.

"Pleased to be of service.. I will be in touch.." he nodded, and with a
whoosh was gone. Natalie sat down and put her documents away and stared
again at the unfinished files, but not really seeing..

Nick picked her up at 5 AM as usual and spoke at length about the case he was
working on.. the renovations that were almost done.. the need for her to
decide a theme for the nursery.. and finally stared at her. "OK, Nat.. am I
in the doghouse about something?" he looked at her intently. "Why the silent

She startled and stared at him, as if she had not heard a single word he'd
said. "Oh, Nick.. I am so sorry.. no, I am just a little distracted."

"Feeling OK?" he asked solicitously.

"Yes, physically I am fine.. right now." he just stared questioning, at this
distinction... "let me make some tea.. and I will talk .. OK, not in the

He pulled the car into the garage and they rode up together in silence. He
went up to their room and changed into pajamas and grabbed a bottle from the
refrigerator.. and sat down on the couch. After changing into a loose cotton
nightgown and taking her mug of tea, she sat down in the crook of his arm.

"I met Janette last night." She said quietly.

"And she did not wish me to know?" he asked softly, stroking her shoulder.

"She did not say.. only that she was not ready to see you.. but she thought
she would want to see you when the baby is born."

"What did she want?"

"To chat." At his quizzical look, she smiled.. "a little girl talk.. that is
all. She thought I might want to talk to a woman.. she's heard about the
sentence.. and the baby. Nick, it really helped.. you don't know what a
weight was lifted.. She is truly the first woman that I have been able to
talk about everything with. Every other woman that I know, cannot know the
whole story.."

"I am glad you two can be friends.." he said sincerely. "Where is she?"

"Nick.. please don't push.. anyway.. she said she could sense me.."

"She probably meant the baby.. she is sensing me through the baby."

"No.. she sensed ME.." Natalie sighed at Nick's questioning look. "So I drew
a sample tonight and took it over to the Institute for a little research."

"Obviously, it showed something.. or you would not be bringing this up.. OK..
give me the news."

"I have already started across.. I spoke to LaCroix tonight as well and he
agrees with my theory.."

"You told him... before you told me?" Nick's voice became dark.. threatening.

"Nick.. stop it.. jealousy does not become you.." Natalie's voice was
equally threatening and their eyes met.. both rimmed with gold.

"Nat.. your eyes!! OHMIGOD!!" Nick just stared.. his own eyes returning to a
clear blue.. and watched as hers became their usual soft blue.

"What about my eyes?"

"They changed... they became gold when you showed anger.. How do you know
you've already started?"

"My blood.. carries the vampire factor. When I tried to mix a pre-pregnancy
sample with your blood, the vampire factor engulfed and consumed all the
normal cells. Now, they are simply mixed.. and when I added your blood, it
merely changed the concentration.. but the normal cells were not harmed or

"OK.. so what did LaCroix have to say? And I really am sorry I jumped at

"That I won't have a full year to be a mortal mother.. we may need to act out
of necessity sooner.."

"What about the baby?"

"If I have not already given birth.. delivery may be umm, pushed up.."

"Won't that be dangerous?"

"Nick.. the baby is far enough now that even a mortal child would survive
with good neonatal care. But remember this child is not purely mortal.. no
one knows what a normal gestation is.. for a mixed child"

"So how will we know?"

"When I can no longer eat.. and have more pronounced abilities. Nick.. I
don't think flashing my eyes is what he meant.. But it might be helpful if
YOU refrain from pissing me off in public.." she smiled, playfully punching
his arm.

"OK.. I'll do my best.. but I will still need to finish bringing you over?"

"Yes.. It won't happen completely.. for all I know these effects are
temporary.. but I don't know if I can afford to wait to find out.. Are you
OK with doing this on potentially short notice? I have no doubts.. and I
don't want you doing it if you have doubts.. Janette has offered her
assistance as well."

"Personally, I would prefer Janette to LaCroix.. but in any event you will
still be bound to him indirectly. I don't want to lose you.. or our child.
I want us to be a family. I have accepted that it means you join me. I am
looking forward to the day when I can fully express my love, and not fear for
your life." He spoke quietly, firmly and pulled her tighter, splaying his
large hand across her abdomen, feeling their child move across his caress.
She sighed in contentment and turned slightly to face him.. their mouths
meeting.. the kiss deepening .. opening her mouth to his tongue. His hand
moved across to cup a full breast, caressing it gently through the thin
nightgown. She ran her hand across his chest, slowly unbuttoning his pajama
top and pushing it off his shoulder. He shrugged it off and slid his hand
inside the nightgown to massage her breast.. circling the nipples with his
fingers. She gasped with pleasure and rained kissed down his face, his neck
.. his chest.. while moving a hand lower... "Natalie.. stop." He pulled her
hand back up to his face and kissed it gently.. "We are not prepared for that
yet.." she looked at his eyes, golden with passion.. and sighed.

"Someday, Nick.. someday." She pulled his hand back to her abdomen.

"If you were not pregnant.." his eyes glinted at her and he feathered kisses
across her forehead, her neck, her lips. "I would not have stopped you.. and
you would.. very shortly... be joining me in eternity.."

"Then.. it is sexual?" Natalie looked at him with a broad smile. "Coming
across, I mean."

"It can be.. and that is the most enjoyable way.." he smiled back, kissing
her neck again. "Not how I was brought over.. exactly."

"How were you brought over, Nick..?" this was something she had never dared
ask.. but now felt she needed to know.

"Janette seduced me.. and then introduced me to LaCroix.." he again kissed
her.. "They had been watching me for several days.. she wanted me.. and her
control was not very good.. so she asked him to do it.. He offered me life
never ending and after the Crusades and being imprisoned for a year, it
sounded good. I agreed." He sighed. "And I reveled in my existence.. my
immortality.. the hunt.. the kill.. for a long time... then I began to
question it.. the random kills.. so I would only kill the wicked.. the
'guilty'.. But you know what? There is no difference between guilty and
innocent blood.. killing is killing. I have sought mortality for the past
two hundred years.. and have not killed in a hundred years." He hugged
Natalie closer, and she remained silent.. this was the most honest he'd ever
been about his vampiric past.. and this was something he needed to do.. "My
love.. if it means a life with you, I will abandon that search.. you are what
I sought, my dream was not life in the sun but light in my soul.. peace in my
soul.. a chance to atone for my wrong doings.. I can still do this.. be with
you, raise our child.. our reality can be my dream in so many ways.." he
kissed her softly.. and stood, raising her to her feet.. and holding her
tightly, walked up the stairs to their bedroom

He quietly laid down next to her, face next to her abdomen and began to sing
softly in French. She was not sure exactly what he was saying, but it
sounded like a lullaby.. and she drifted off to sleep, comforted by his
strong arms and the strength of his love.. now and for eternity.

to be continued--
Dreams and Reality 08/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

Disclaimers in part 01

CHAPTER 8 (one month later)

Natalie sat quietly on a bench in the park across from the Coroner's office,
sipping her tea and watching the sunrise. Since her discovery of the changes
occurring in her blood, she had taken to working late.. with the excuse that
she wanted everything caught up before the baby came and watching the sunrise
before going home. Nick understood and said nothing. He knew she had no
regrets about the transition that she would soon make, but also understood
the need to savor the warmth while she could.

The May morning was already hot.. and her bagel was gone.. she was about to
head back to her car when she heard a familiar voice calling her name.. she
turned, seeing an old friend, the captain of the 27th precinct.. her first
assignment when joining the coroner's office.

"Natalie.. I thought that was you.. working late? I thought I'd miss you..
isn't your shift over at 5?" Joe Stonetree smiled and sat down next to her.

"Joe.. what brings you down here? My shift was over at 5, but I want to make
sure my files are all up to date and complete at all times now.. I never know
if it will be my last shift.."

"Ah, yes.. you're at that point are you? I'm sorry I missed your party. You
and Nick certainly caused a stir." He smiled teasingly. "Not that I did not
know a long time ago that there was something between you two. And talk
about keeping secrets.."

"Well.. we have both been trained in confidentiality.. so we took it to the
extreme. You know what a private person Nick is.. and Schanke was the only
one who could really tease him and get away with it."

"Yes.. I miss him too." He said quietly.. thinking of Nick's former partner,
killed in a plane crash almost two years previous. "But I am sure that he is
watching you two.. and enjoying this immensely."

"Joe. I am sure you did not come all this way to talk about my marriage.
What is up?"

"That is the Natalie Lambert I remember.. the direct approach... well, I'm
here to ask you to come back to the 27th as primary ME."

"Joe.. I would love to work with you, but I am happy at the 96th.. I'll
continue to do some of your cases.. any time you'd like, just request me."

"Natalie.. have you reviewed the departments policies regarding assignments
of parents?"

"Umm, no.. I did not know there was such a thing. Could you send me a copy?"

"It's on your desk with a memo from your supervisor. I saw you out here and
thought I'd speak to you first. The department has a policy forbidding
assigning both parents of a minor child to the same crime scene. In your
case, it means that you cannot report to crime scenes that Nick is handling.
I know you enjoy working with him.. you still can.. just not in the field.
So when you come back from your leave, one of you will be reassigned. I can
put in a request and the spot will be held.. otherwise, the department will
hold off re-assigning either you or Nick until you come back. There might be
a day position if you'd prefer.. but I'll hold the night shift if you want to
stay on shift with Nick. I'd like you to consider picking up more of my
calls.. I have a lot of green detectives.. they could use a more experienced

"Joe.. this is all news to me.. let me talk to Nick.. read the memo.. I'll
get back to you before I start my leave. Fair enough?" She stood, with
some difficulty and picked up her briefcase.

"Fair enough.. and from the looks of you.. that won't be any too soon. You
are looking well, though.."

"Thanks, Joe.. and I will consider what you said." She walked back to her
car slowly.

The warmth of the morning sun felt good.. but she had noticed that sunburn
was a bigger problem than previous springs. The few times that she had gone
to the park with Tracy in late afternoons had all resulted in a painful
sunburn.. no matter how much suncreen she used, so she had declined Tracy's
last few invitations.. being a 'beached whale' gave her a more plausible
explanation than being an 'almost vampire'. The mornings were not a problem,
though .. and food was not an issue yet.. but her last sneak visit to the
institute had shown an increase in the vampire factors to 45%.. and an
admonishment from LaCroix just last week to be ready..

Nick was still up, composing a new piece on the piano when Natalie came in.
"Good morning.. nice sunrise today, my love..?"

"Beautiful." She put down her briefcase and walked up to him for a quick
kiss. "I saw Joe Stonetree this morning.. he says hello"

"Oh.. what was he doing at the Coroner's office?"

"Trying to recruit me.."

"Come again?"

"Department regs.. parents cannot work together at crime scenes .. so one of
us is being reassigned. Since you have a partner involved, it makes more
sense for me to take the reassignment. At least that is what the department
is saying. At least Joe had the courtesy to say something to me directly ..
My boss just stuck a memo on the desk when I was not there. Anyway, he wants
me to go to days at the 96th which I already emailed him and refused.. The
other options are swing shifts with a split assignment or nights at the
27th.. or wait until after my leave to be reassigned and taking what is
available.. so it looks like deja vu for me.."

"How do you feel about that?"

"Well.. I'd rather work with you of course.. but I can live with going to the
27th.. at least I won't have to worry about Tracy figuring anything out."

"Is she a problem?" Nick asked with surprise. He had thought that he was
doing well at concealing his identity to his partner.

"Nick.. did I ever tell you about my bachelorette party?" at Nick's shake
'no', she continued. "Well.. they took me to the Raven." He looked at her,
shocked and was about to speak.. "Let me finish.. well, first she saw me with
LaCroix.. I was only saying hello and making sure we would be safe.. anyway
she kept asking about him and looking at him funny.."

"Yeah.. I noticed that at the wedding as well."

"I just said you were friends.. your families went back a long way.."

"True.. very true.." Nick said thoughtfully.

"Anyway, I thought she was distracted.. she was pretty plastered.. I was
going to the ladies room and Vachon spoke to me.. she saw it.. I tried to
bluff my way past how I knew him.. but she pulled me into the ladies room and
straight out said 'I know you know what he is.' Well.. I admitted that I
did.. I didn't have a lie ready to come out glibly.. but I also warned her
to never speak of this again to anyone.. but she looked at me funny the rest
of the night.. and every time I went out on the dance floor.. all the
vampires moved away.. it would have been funny to watch except Tracy seemed
to notice... Vachon said the younger ones were afraid of me."

"Afraid of you?"

"Yeah.. they were leaving me alone because they did not want to make you or
LaCroix angry." She smiled. "See.. you can protect me even if you aren't

"Wise idea.. especially not upsetting LaCroix.. he is not someone to trifle
with.. and I know that you have spent time with him.. while I am not thrilled
by it.. I can't exactly say I am not glad you have his support. It will make
your introduction to the community much easier. And you speaking to him
would have made it quite obvious that you were under his protection.. but why
would the young ones even make the connection to me? It's not like you come
to the Raven with me.."

"Vachon said he could sense you through me.. and quite clearly even at that
point. Maybe they thought you'd bit me.. didn't you say that gave a scent?"

"Yeah.. but you don't carry that kind of marker.. oh well.. it is too late
now.. everyone knows I am the father.. and I'll warn you.. I am sure we will
get some kind of summons to meet the Elders after you come over."

"Have you ever been summoned?"

"No.. I have met Enforcers twice.. and that is frightening enough. I don't
know what to expect... but you are a bit of a special case.. and I am sure
that your knowledge will be archived."

"So, what do we do with Tracy?" she asked.

"Nothing, as long as possible. But before we move on.. I'll make sure
LaCroix takes her memories if Vachon does not intend to bring her over. I
won't leave her a target.. OK?"

to be continued-
Dreams and Reality 09/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01

CHAPTER 9 (one month later)

It was the topic they'd steadfastly avoided since learning of Natalie's
impending conversion. Moving on. Neither one wanted it. And yet, neither
one was sure how long it would be before questions were raised. Questions
that could not be answered. It was more common to leave the mortal ties
immediately.. but since Natalie's family had all died.. her only ties were to
the vampire community and work.. and Nick was confident that it would work...
for a while...

The warmth of friendship was something that Natalie cherished and sitting at
her baby shower opening gifts, she knew she would tough it out.. at least for
a few years...

Tracy helped her carry the gifts up to the loft. She really was there to see
the nursery.. and get some answers... It had been three months since the
party at the Raven, and the discussion in the ladies room, laced in secrecy.
Seeing LaCroix at the wedding the next evening, and watching the way he had
interacted with the two of them had her even more baffled. They both seemed
comfortable, almost casual with the intense man.. and neither of them seemed
to notice the aura of evil that surrounded him.

"Can I get you something, Trace..?" Natalie called out , moving the last of
the boxes into the nursery. She had left Tracy admiring Nick's latest

"Oh, I'll just grab a coke from the fridge.." Tracy replied opening the
refrigerator door. Standing in the nursery, Natalie looked up quickly...
<no, don't.. please don't look>.. but it was too late. Tracy stood silently,
a confused look on her face.. the can of soda in one hand.. a glass bottle in
the other. She watched as Natalie walked out of the nursery and toward
her... a sad, but resigned look on her face. "Raven Private Reserve? I'm
not totally ignorant.. I know what this is.. Entertaining lately? I somehow
don't picture Vachon coming to call.. is this for LaCroix? You know a lot
more that you let on." She said accusingly.

"Put it back, Tracy.. and sit down." Natalie said firmly. "I'll be right
back." She went upstairs to their room and nudged Nick awake.

"Nat.. is it time..?" he said sleepily.. he could sense that the sun was
still up, but would soon set.

"Time for something.. but not that." She said grimly, Nick instantly became
more alert at the tone in her voice. "We have a problem. And I need your
advice, and help."

"What is it?"

"Tracy" she said matter-of-factly. "She found a bottle in the fridge. She
asked if it was for LaCroix. She is firmly convinced that she knows.. and if
she is that accurate about him.. it is only a matter of time.. and I don't
want her going into the Raven to ask him for information."

"Oh" he said pausing to think. "I know LaCroix thinks she's dangerous. She
takes being a detective too seriously sometimes.. and Vachon cannot or will
not control her." He sighed, coming to a decision. "But I think she'll be
less dangerous if she knows more and is scared into silence. I'll talk to
her.. and have LaCroix scare her. He's good at it. You go downstairs.. I'll
get dressed and come down soon."

"Do you want me to say anything?"

"Not yet.. just pour a glass and have it ready for me."

"Ah.. the shock method." She smiled.

"Yeah.. I do it well." he laughed, their eyes meeting as both recalled how
they met.. when Nick had been brought into the morgue as a bombing victim..
and came back to life on her autopsy table.

Natalie walked back downstairs, feeling Tracy's eyes on her.

"You did not need to wake Nick. This is between us.. I just need to know what
you know. It's driving me crazy.. I keep thinking I am seeing vampires where
none exist."

"Tracy, what I know could get you killed." Natalie said firmly, grabbing two
stemmed goblets. One she filled with milk, the other with blood. She walked
over to the couch and set both very deliberately on the table in front of her
and faced Tracy, seated in the armchair.

"Expecting company? The sun is still up.."

"No Tracy, no company." Nick spoke as he walked down the stairs and sat on
the couch next to Natalie. He picked up the goblet of blood, and facing
Tracy directly, drank it down in one swallow.

"More..?" Natalie murmured as Nick and Tracy just stared at one another.

"Bring the bottle." He said quietly. "OK, Tracy. I am putting your life in
danger, but if you probe the wrong people that could be equally fatal as
honesty from me." He took a swallow from the bottle directly and let his
eyes glow briefly. Tracy sat speechless.. "The bottles are not for Vachon..
or LaCroix.. they are mine."

"Nick?? That's blood.." Tracy stammered, not believing that her partner was
calmly drinking blood..

"Yes Tracy. It is." He look up at her, and smiled.. fangs fully extended.
"It's breakfast."

"OHMIGOD... Nick.. you're a.. a.." she stammered and moved to stand, to
leave.. Natalie took her hands and held them tightly.

"You were right Tracy.. I knew more that I would say... a lot more.. You
asked who my contact was in the community.. You wanted to know. Now you
know." Natalie said calmly, firmly.

Tracy had recovered from her original shock and had developed a sense of
anger, betrayal. "You kept this from me for two years.. knowing I knew about
Vachon.. was dating him.." she looked between the two of them.. "You are my
friends.. my partner.. and you lied to me.."

"I never lied, Tracy.. I may not have told you everything, but I never lied.
You never asked me." Nick answered emphatically.

"It was for your own safety." Natalie said patiently.

"Oh, I don't believe that.. you know.. and have known longer than I.. and
obviously know more than I do.." she looked pointedly at Natalie's rather
enlarged abdomen. "You are married to one.. and are carrying his child. You
are safe.."

"Yes.. I do know a LOT more.. and have medical documentation to prove it.."
Natalie said frankly. "But I am not safe. Not by a long shot.. you see,
Tracy there are those in the vampire world who have a zero tolerance for
mortals having any knowledge.. Vachon protects you with a death oath.. as
Nick has protected me for several years.. But my knowledge was becoming too
great for even that promise. I will be joining the community within the next
year.. for eternity."

"To be with Nick, you mean.."

Nick stood and moved closer, shaking his head. "No.. either she comes over or
she and our child will be executed because of her knowledge.. I would have
preferred waiting a few years.. have another child.. but we were not given a

"And because Nick got me pregnant.. if I refused to come over.. he would be
killed as well. This is nothing to joke about." Tracy just sat silently,
trying to absorb what she was being told.

"Why now.. ? Obviously you have known each other for some time.."

"Because of the pregnancy. You see, Tracy.. that is not supposed to happen.
Mortal women die when they have sex with vampires. A vampire, umm.. must
take blood to uh.. finish. And they generally don't stop with a little
taste" Natalie replied.

"You didn't..?" Tracy looked at her confused. This had matched something
that Vachon had said one night when they were getting close to intimacy.

"Well, I did not know who or what I was at the time.. I could only remember
my feelings toward Nat.. and my desire for her.." Nick interjected, and Tracy
could see the love reflected in his eyes.

"You remember.. he had amnesia when he was shot..." Natalie answered the
unspoken question.

"That's when..? But you remembered Nat?" she paused, searching her memories
of that night, that horrible night when she thought she'd lost her partner.
"Oh.. Um.. Nat.. tell me.. I was there.. I saw the shooting. Did that bullet
really glance off his 'rather thick scalp'? I held him until the paramedics
came... it sure looked worse to me..."

"No, Tracy.. it's still in there.. I've been pulling bullets out of other
parts of his anatomy for years.. but I am not going into his head.." Natalie

"I know I have been asking a lot of questions, Nat.. but I am a detective..
it's what I do.." Tracy said, as if preparing for another line of inquiry.

"Well, Tracy in this case.. discretion will keep you alive. There are those
you should not ask.." Natalie asked.. trying her own way to end the questions.

"Like LaCroix.. very perceptive of you to figure out his secret.. but very
dangerous. He has a very low tolerance for mortals.. especially curious
ones. Tracy, he is the one who brought me over. Made me what I am." Nick
answered patiently.. beginning to set her up for LaCroix's appearance.

"Nick, I heard him called "General". Just tell me, is he still in the
military?" Natalie started laughing loudly.

"Nat.." he looked at her "This is not funny.." Nick took another sip as
Natalie collected herself. "Tracy.. he was a general in the Roman army..
before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius buried Pompeii." At this, Tracy took a
deep swallow of her soda and began to tremble. "About 2000 years ago.."

"And he brought YOU over..?" she started, and Nick nodded. "If I may ask..
how old are you?"

"804 years. I was brought over in 1228. Returning from my second tour in
the Crusades."

"Oh, wow.. Nick, this is incredible.. But, Nick.. why the sudden honesty?"

"Two reasons." Natalie interjected. "One. Your questions are getting too
close to the mark and we don't want you attracting attention. Attention
which could prove fatal. If you are told the truth.. perhaps you will leave
it alone.. ask only one of us or Vachon. And two. Because of me. Nick has
learned to hide things well. I will be young, have less control. You would
eventually notice. And if anything was said in the wrong company, people
could die or at minimum we'd have to move on."

"Wrong company? Nat, I would never.."

"Not intentionally. But you could and not even know it. Tracy.. NO ONE is
to know. Not Grace. Not Jill. Not our bosses. NO ONE." Nat said

"I thought you told Grace and Jill everything."

"And you thought Nick told YOU everything. NOT THIS."

Nick spoke up. "Tracy, because you cannot be hypnotized.." Tracy looked at
him surprised. "Vachon told me that he'd tried... and since your knowledge
was his fault, he has shielded you since then. But if he or I ever leave
you here unprotected, you will be killed."

"Or brought over." Natalie interjected. Nick may not be thrilled at the
idea.. but Natalie felt she should know really what the options were.

"I won't say anything.. I promise." Tracy said earnestly.

"Tracy, we are not, as a rule, very trusting of outsiders. Your promise to
me, I accept. But the others won't and eventually you will have to deal with
the others."

"So.. you kill me? That's pretty cold Nick."

"No. You allow yourself to be hypnotized. You will remember Nat and I and
Vachon.. just not as vampires but as friends."

"You could do this? Vachon could not."

"I am older.. stronger. And if you are willing, submit to me, it might work.
But I would not do it. I would have LaCroix do it." With a silent whoosh of
displaced air, LaCroix stood behind Tracy.

"What if I don't agree to it Nick?" Tracy asked.

"Ah, detective.." LaCroix smiled his best cold, evil tone. Eyes glowing
red, fangs fully extended, he spun Tracy around and held her easily a foot of
the ground. "I do not require your cooperation."

Tracy stared, her heart pounding. "Who? Who are you? Oh my God.. Nick.."
she stammered, the fear evident. LaCroix set her on her feet but held her
tightly, one hand on her shoulder, his eyes returning to normal.

"Lucien LaCroix at your service. And you are detective Tracy Vetter. And
your knowledge of us is only acceptable temporarily because Nicholas has
vouched for your silence.. your young Spaniard's word alone is not
sufficient.. he is not known for keeping his oath. Break it and you and he
are both dead. Understand?" Tracy nodded vigorously. "And when he leaves,
you will not longer be permitted to keep this knowledge." He laughed coldly.
"you may have more options that our good doctor here.. or I should say.. our
protégé.. Her days in the sun are now numbered in double digits and counting
down quickly..."

Tracy tried to gather thoughts. "OK, options.. what are they?"

"One. You are killed. Naturally you don't want that.. so let us skip to
number two. You are brought across and become one of us.. and unlike our
doctor you may select anyone you desire to be your creator. OR finally,
number three. Your memory is removed."

"Do I have to decide right this minute? And what do you mean when you refer
to 'moving on' when and what is that."

"Tracy, as a vampire.. I do not age.. Neither will Natalie." Nick explained
patiently " Eventually it is noticed. Because I create personas which mingle
with the mortal world, I can only stay in one existence ten to fifteen
years.. tops. So we leave before then. Start a new life. Disappear

"Ms. Vetter.. you do not need to decide now. When Nicholas leaves, you will
be visited by Enforcers.. our own police force. If he has not done #2 or I
have not done #3, they will do #1 and then find Vachon, Nicholas and
Natalie... and the child. Now we do not want that. Do we?" his glare became

"Absolutely not. OK, OK.. I'll be quiet and I'll stop asking questions. And
I will decide when I have to.."

"Very good. I will be watching you." LaCroix stared intently for a minute
and then nodded to Nick and rose through the skylight. Natalie sat down next
to Tracy, taking her hands.

"Tracy, are you OK with this? I'm sorry we had to be so rough with you."
Natalie said softly.

"Its just a lot to take in.. you weren't kidding.."

"No. I wasn't kidding. About any of this.. And it is not too late for you..
you can still escape.. you still have a choice.."

"Natalie. What did he mean when he said your days in the sun are numbered?"

Natalie sighed and looked at Nick. "Go ahead, Nat.. let's get everything in
the open." He murmured.

"OK Tracy.. When I was found to be pregnant, the community determined that my
level of knowledge and involvement was no longer acceptable and a judgment
was passed on me. As I said before.. I will be joining the community within
the next year."

"But he said DAYS.. not a year."

"And I said this was not supposed to happen.. any of it. I am in uncharted
territory here, Trace. By carrying Nick's child.. his DNA is affecting
mine.. we were not expecting this. I have already started to change.." She
hesitated and Tracy nodded, thinking of the reaction of Vachon and others at
the Raven that night. Now things were making sense. "You know why I wouldn't
go to the park with you? Because I can no longer tolerate direct sun.. Or
indirect afternoon sun. Even with the strongest sunscreen, I burn and
blister with as little as 5 minutes."

"As least you don't smoke or flame.." Nick said dryly.

"Yet" Natalie returned.

Tracy smiled and finally relaxed. "I never knew. I thought it was just the

"You weren't supposed to know.. remember?"

"Oh, yeah.. so now you will just kind of change and one day you wake up a

"No. Nick will still need to complete the process.. but I am past the point
of it being reversible.. even if I wanted to avoid it or we were permitted to
avoid it. It will be soon. While I am on my leave."

"When do you start your leave? And you are going to come back?"

"I'm already off field work. That last crime scene was hard.. took two
uniforms to help me stand up.. and Grace can tell you about me almost falling
into an open abdomen last week.. it wasn't pretty.. my center of gravity is a
little off. I start my actual leave on Friday.. I'm just cleaning up the
files right now. Chang will take over for the 96th. When I come back, I'll
cover the 27th... department regs."

"Tracy." Nick broke into the discussion. "I know this is kind of a bad time
to ask you for a favor since we just finished shocking you.. but if Nat goes
into labor during the day..?"

He did not even finish the question when she smiled. "Of course Nick.. I
would be happy to drive you both in.. I'll even drive that boat of yours so
you can use the trunk.. and now I know why you like that big trunk.. Just
call my cellular.. unlike some people I know.. mine is always on and charged."

to be continued
Dreams and Reality 10a/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

Disclaimers in part 01


"Knight, Vetter.. got a call." Reese's voice boomed across the squad room
overshadowing the din of shift change. He strolled over to their desk.
"Body found in an abandoned house. Check it out.. ME is rolling." He looked
at Nick. "I think its Chang."

"Yeah.. Nat started her leave yesterday.. Too hard to work around a dancing
belly she said.. And whenever I'm around, the baby is doing back flips.. And
you know how she refused to compromise her standards."

"I know.. and I'll miss her doing our cases."

"Cap.. she'll still be doing curbsides for me." Nick grinned. "It may not be
on city time.. or city property though."

"Can't complain about that.. and I won't.. and if Chang doesn't like that..
he can talk to the two of you. Now go.. get out of here.. report back by the
end of the shift.."

Natalie was enjoying her new freedom.. catching up on journals,.. even
reading fiction. Knowing that eventually she would need proficiency in other
languages, she'd decided to surprise Nick and brush up on her French. She
sat at the dining room table, popped a CD-ROM into the laptop computer and
sipped her tea. Even though she was on leave, she was keeping the same
nocturnal hours. <might as well get used to it> she thought. Her last blood
test, most likely the last she'd be able to do legitimately, showed her
count up to 62%. Her vision and hearing had become sharper and the
queasiness of early pregnancy was back.. only worse...

It came as no surprise when she felt a tingling on her neck. Without looking
up she spoke. "Hello LaCroix.. time for a lesson?"

Standing behind her, out of her vision, she could not see his wide smile.
"Very good my dear. You've made progress." He walked up to peer over her
shoulder. "Ah.. thinking ahead? But I could teach you this as well.." he
indicated the grammar exercise that appeared on the screen.

"I know that. I wanted to surprise Nick. We have not decided where we will
go next.. but he has always talked about taking me to France on a holiday. I
guess you don't surprise easily."

"Natalie.. you are full of surprises." He sat down next to her and looked
into her eyes. "Your time grows short, does it not?"

"I am due in three weeks, yes."

"That is not what I meant."

"I know. And you are right. I can only eat dairy and sip tea.. the protein
shakes I made for Nick. And I sensed you very clearly."

"So. Are you ready? Do we proceed with an accident as we discussed before?"

"I'm ready. But I have a different idea."

"I'm listening."

"My water breaks.. either I go into labor.. or they will stimulate it or
deliver me. But in any case, I deliver the child within 2 days.. come home..
and if my symptoms don't improve.. be brought over. Do you think a week is

"Yes.. that sounds reasonable.. won't even require much assistance. So how
does one 'break water'?"

"Do YOU really have to do it? Umm.. I'd rather Janette do it." he looked at
her questioning. "It involves a vaginal exam. Sorry, LaCroix.. but there are
only two vampires that I will allow down there.. and you aren't one of them."

He smiled indulgently. "Of course, my dear. I will call her.. go pack your
bag.. find what ever you need."

Her bag was by the door, all ready. Natalie sat on the couch trembling
slightly. She had thought she was ready, told him she was ready.. but now
that the dream was a reality.. she was nervous.

"Natalie.. it will be fine. You will be fine.. Nicholas is at work?" she
nodded. "Should you call him?"

"When we are done. Everyone must think this happened on its own. If Janette
cannot get to the bag.. I need to start bleeding.. and that may take a little
more doing."

"Understood." He stood behind her and massaged her shoulders.

Janette arrived quickly, flying through the skylight, landing softly in front
of the couch. "Mon pere.. Natalie .. how may I be of assistance?"

"Natalie will explain." He stood and moved into the kitchen. "I will await

Natalie nodded, and took Janette's arm, walking with her into the bathroom.
"Janette, you know how I have been changing?" she nodded and indicated
Natalie should continue. "Well. I need to finish the change. Soon. very

"You know, I will be happy to bring you over, but what about the child..?
And I would want to speak to Nicholas first.. I will not do it as a
surprise." Janette answered sternly.

"Janette.. I need your help to go into labor. Not come over. I need to give
birth... see my daughter .. then I will have Nick bring me over.."

"Very well." she replied, a relieved tone in her voice. " In that case, I am
happy to help. What do I do?"

"You are going to break my bag of water." Natalie said, walking into the
bathroom, handing her an amniohook and loosening her clothing. Janette took
it, a skeptical look on her face. "Oh, don't worry. I'll talk you through
it.. it is safe for us both. Then I call Nick.. say it is time.. and we go to
the hospital."

"Are you sure?" Janette said watching as Natalie undressed and eased herself
onto the floor of the bathroom.

"Janette.. I would rather you do this than LaCroix. I am ready.. to have the
baby.. and to come over." She sighed. "I can no longer tolerate the sun. I
can barely tolerate food. I need to do this."

Janette knelt and gave her a hug. "OK, Natalie.. I have never done this.. I
helped friends deliver babies when I was mortal.. but that was a very, very
long time ago.." Natalie laid down and gave Janette a step by step guide..
and was rewarded by a gush of warm amniotic fluid... followed by a sharp
pain. "Natalie.. what is it..? Are you OK?"

"Ooh.. umm... thank you Janette.. uh, it worked.." she caressed her abdomen
and breathed deeply as the contraction eased. "That was just a contraction.
I'm OK.. time for step two. I need to call Nick and let nature take its
course." She readjusted her clothes and walked into the main room.

"So.. Natalie.. Janette..?" LaCroix looked up as Natalie picked up the phone
and dialed.

"Damn.. he doesn't have his portable on.." she mumbled. "Yes, LaCroix.. it
worked." She dialed the precinct and feeling a contraction begin.. put the
phone on speaker and motioned for them to be quiet.

"96th precinct. Sergeant Wells."

"Hey Bob.. this is Natalie." She began to breath heavy as the contraction
peaked. "Uhh.. is Nick there?"

"You OK? You sound out of breath.." she could hear sounds of other voices,
getting closer and could picture in her mind, him pulling the office pool
off the bulletin board.

"I need Nick. His portable is off." She repeated, caressing her abdomen as
the contraction eased, she could feel fluid trickle down her legs.

"No.. he and Vetter are out on a call. I can take a message." He said,

"No.. I need Nick.. now.. I can't wait for him to finish an investigation."
she repeated, knowing that her statement would start the phone tree on the
office pool.

"OK, I'll put you through to the captain." She heard the phone click over.

"Natalie? Is this business or social? Nick is out on a call." Reese's voice
was concerned. Since their marriage, he had become rather paternal to both
she and Nick, and hovered around her at crime scenes.

"Yeah.. that's what Bob said. I need Nick umm, now.." she felt another
contraction begin and looking at her watch, realized that this was going to
go quickly.

"Is it that time, Natalie?" he asked calmly, patiently, hearing her breath
coming deeper. "How far apart are the contractions?"

"Yeah.. umm, three minutes apart and my water just broke.." she replied,
taking short shallow breaths as the contraction peaked.

"OK.. stay calm.. I'll call dispatch.. have Vetter bring him to the hospital.
Are you alone? I can send a unit to get you.."

"I have a friend here, she can drive me in.. I'll meet Nick at University

"Nat.. good luck.. I'm looking forward to meeting the baby.. we'll get Nick
there.." she heard the phone disconnect and Natalie turned to her companions.

"OK.. step three.. who wants to drive me into the hospital?"

"My dear, nothing so mundane.. Janette will bring your bag.. and you packed
some sustenance for Nicholas?" She nodded and LaCroix picked her up and flew
her out the skylight.

to be continued-
Dreams and Reality 10b/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01

The investigation was, so far, difficult. No witnesses. Cause of death
unclear. Drug paraphernalia present and a lot of vague signs of a fight..

"I miss Lambert already." Muttered one of the attendants.

"She'd be done and have an answer already." the other agreed. Nick said
nothing but moved closer to the body and started to point out his

"Knight.. stick to the detective work. I will do the pathology. You may be
married to one, but you are not a coroner." Dr. Chang glared at him. Nick
stared back, eyes glittering, anger rising.

"OK.. give me a TOD? A Cause? Even an opinion.. is this a homicide? Or are
you incapable of sticking your neck out?" Nick said coldly and Tracy moved
closer. She could tell that Nick was getting dangerously close to losing

"Guys, guys.. Enough already.. face it Nick.. your mind is more on other
issues right now. Cool it." The anger was palpable and Tracy did her best
to diffuse it.

"Knight.. hey, Knight.." a uniformed officer strode in. "Your phone off?"

Nick reached into his pocket and checked. "Ooops." He said sheepishly... but
the tension was broken.

"Hey.. Todd.. you're in the running.. don't you have today?" another
uniformed officer called out and Nick looked up sharply.

"What was that?" Nick said quickly.. that sounded like the office pool..
date, time, weight, sex.. cops bet on anything.. He knew that there was a
pool about his child's birth.. but tried to ignore it..

"Yeah.. Knight.." the first officer continued, glaring at the other. "got a
call from dispatch.. your wife called the precinct looking for you .. she is
enroute to University Hospital. Contractions three minutes apart. Vetter is
to drive you there.. and Reese said to use the siren... and to call when she

"Come on Nick.. we're out of here.." Tracy pulled on Nick's arm and put out
her hand for the keys. She knew he would want to fly.. but would take him
sufficiently far away from the crime scene..

Nick strode into the hospital emergency department and went to the
information desk. An elderly woman with stacks of files surrounding her,
sat typing on a computer.

"Excuse me.." he looked at her, locking on her heart beat.. forcing her to
look at him. "Natalie Knight?"

The woman smiled. "Ah, yes.. a labor case.. came in about fifteen minutes
ago.. you must be her husband... she went straight up to OB.. take the
elevator, at the end of this hallway.. third floor, take a left and check at
the desk."

Nick nodded his thanks and moved swiftly.. stepping off the elevator.. Nick
could sense Natalie.. truly sense her. And seeing LaCroix, Nick walked over.

"Thank you for bringing her in.. how did you know?"

"I was merely checking on her.. knowing you were out. That is all. And she
kicked me out of the room. Nasty temper that woman has.. she is over there..
room 8." Nick laughed at his description of her temper.. <yeah.. Nat could
be pretty abrupt.. even if she was not in labor... but now.. was probably
not a pretty sight.>

He walked into the room, and was shocked to see Janette holding Natalie's
hand.. soothing her through a contraction.

"Janette, what are you doing here?"

"What does it look like, Nick?" Natalie snapped. "She is helping me.. you
weren't here yet.. Come here.." He walked closer and took her hand, giving
her a quick kiss on the forehead. He sat down on the bed and met her eyes..
and was surprised to see the power.. she was further gone than he'd realized.
With sudden certainty he knew that seeing his vampiric family together and
Natalie's labor was not a coincidence.. and knew that he would soon have a
job to do.

"How close are you?" he said looking deeply, intently in her eyes.. not
noticing Janette sneak out of the room.

"Very close.." she said softly and squeezed his hand tightly as a contraction
began. He supported her gently, rubbing her back, her shoulders and gently
hypnotizing the pain away.. willing her to relax.. and it wasn't long before
her mood changed.. darkened.. he could see on the monitor tracing that the
contractions were firmer, longer. He could smell her blood, oozing out..
and his eyes began to glow.

"Nick.. in the suitcase.. two flasks for you.." she gasped between
contractions. He quickly drank one as the nurse walked into the room.
Before she could see anything he was back at Natalie's side.

"Hi.. you must be Daddy.." she said with a warm smile..

"Nick." He said, shaking her hand firmly.

"I'm Susan.. and it looks from the monitor tracings that you're making
progress, Natalie... I think it's time for a status report, no?" She had a
calm, experienced tone.. confident mannerisms.. and Nick felt very much at

"OK.." Natalie answered and bent her knees up so Susan could check her.
Nick just watched, fascinated.

"Oh.. are you sure this is your first? You are moving along very fast.. You
are 8 centimeters. Well.. I hope you were serious about not having an
epidural.. 'cause you're too far along for one." Susan informed her. "I'm
just going to give your doctor a jingle, and then I'll be back to start
setting up for the party.. OK?"

"Yes.. I am sure.. I want to do this naturally.." Natalie smiled, wiping the
sweat from her brow. As Susan left the room.. she murmured to Nick.. "finish
the bottle.. it will get pretty bloody before we are alone again. Childbirth
is a vampire nightmare.. and tell LaCroix and Janette to find something to
eat if they plan to stay the day. I will bleed for at least a few days and I
don't want to be too tempting." He complied and stepped to the doorway to
motion for LaCroix.

"We are very close.. you may want to find a snack or something if you intend
to stick around. It is almost dawn.. Nat is concerned about our reactions to
the smell. She said it will be strong," he whispered and LaCroix nodded as
Nick went back in to support Natalie.

By the time that Janette and LaCroix had returned from their little visit to
the blood bank, they could see a red flag above the door, and activity
increasing.. and the doctor stride in breathlessly.

"Natalie.. my dear.. you don't mess around, do you?" Dr. Wagner said
teasingly. "Hi, Nick.. well.. I hear it is time for the big event.." She
bent over and quickly examined Natalie.

"Yeah, Sarah.. you know me.. always in a hurry." Natalie joked. "So?? can I

"By all means.. but please.. give me a chance to go change.. so not too

It only took a few pushes.. and Nick could see the pale curls on his
daughter's head.. Natalie had lost any sense of modesty by this time.. and
did not care that Nick was coaching her from the end of the bed.. staring at

"Whoa.. slow it down Natalie.." Susan cautioned.. sticking her head out the
door to wave at the desk. Another nurse came in wheeling a clear plexiglass
crib loaded with blankets. Dr. Wagner strode back in, now dressed in scrubs,
dark hair contained in a paper cap.

"OK, Natalie.. let me put on the catcher's mitt.. and we'll have a birthday
party.." she said cheerfully and two pushes later, their daughter slipped
out and let out a vigorous wail.

"Welcome to the world little one.." Nick murmured gazing intently at his
daughter, watching the nurses dry her off, wrap her tightly and bring her
over for Natalie to hold..

"You did great.. absolutely great Natalie.. No stitches.. there was just a
small scrape.. if I did not know your membranes popped on their own, I'd say
it was from a hook.. but it isn't enough to stitch... so if she is eating
well, and you don't bleed.. you'll both be able to go home tomorrow. Who's
your pediatrician?"

"Paula Faye.. and you think I may bleed?"

"Well.. your labor went so fast.. I'm going to have them take a look at the
placenta.. but I think you were starting to abrupt.. that's why you had the
bleeding toward the end. Nothing to worry about.. but I just don't want to
send you home today."

"Whatever you think is best.. but Nick is allergic to sunlight.. so I really
want to leave before sunrise then."

"OK, OK.. I'll start rounds at 5am.. but I usually start in the ICU.. I'll
see you first though.. You better tell Paula that.. she usually rounds
later.. Congratulations."

She walked out of the room.. and except for Susan putting away all evidence
of the recent activities and every so often checking on Natalie, and the
baby. Nick reached for the phone and dialed the precinct.

"Hey Bob.. Nick Knight... yep.. OK.. pull out the grid... ready..? It's a
girl, 2810 grams ; 7:35 am. Claire Marie. .. Vetter still in? OK.. Hi Tracy..
it's a girl.. yeah, pretty amazing.. blond hair, lots of it.. Yes.. you can
come visit whenever ... Oh, hey.. who won the pool? Yes, I will.. see ya!"

"So who won?" Natalie asked, playing with her daughter's small hand.

"Andy Taigget.. day shift vice. Tracy says congrats.. she'll come over later
this afternoon. Umm, are you ready for visitors? I know two who did not
leave when the sun came up.."

"They stayed..? I thought LaCroix would leave in a snit.. I was pretty nasty
to him.." she said in surprise as Nick walked to the door, and motioned them
in.. They followed him hesitantly.. seeing the room tidied up.. and Natalie
perched upright in the bed, cradling a blanketed bundle. "Come on in.." she
called out to them.

"I would like you both to meet Claire Marie deBrabant Knight" Nick said
formally taking his daughter from Natalie and pushing aside enough blanket
for the others to see her clearly.

"She is exquisite.. like her mother.' LaCroix whispered.. and then said
something softly in what sounded like Latin.

"So, am I forgiven for kicking you out?" Natalie teased.

"Of course, my dear.. I am not your husband.. and I had no business watching
that process.. truthfully, I was thankful that you did not expect me to
witness this event." Natalie just smiled at him.. amazed that she could now
be so comfortable around her former enemy.. "Now, I believe we all need to
rest.. Congratulations both of you.. I will see you after sunset.."

Nick sat in the recliner, his daughter resting snugly on his chest, Natalie
sleeping in the bed next to him. He began to sing softly.. a lullaby in

"That was beautiful, Nick." She said softly gazing at the picture of her
husband and child.

"So.. Nat.. you pushed things.. didn't you? That scrape was what she
described.. wasn't it?"

"Yeah.. I talked Janette through it. I'll be fine. I had to, Nick. I am
getting too far.. I need to.."

"Yes, I know.. I could sense it when you were in labor.. but how do YOU know?"

"I have not kept solid food down in a week. I've been living on yogurt,
milkshakes and those protein shakes I used to make for you." she looked at
him, the fatigue still evident. "No one knows if the effects are temporary..
if I cannot eat now that I've delivered.. it is time."

"Time?" he looked at her questioning.

"For you to intervene." She said simply, matter-of-factly

"So soon? I had hoped you'd have some time to heal a little." He sighed.

"I thought everything was taken care of after.."

"Well.. I could just use the traditional method." Nick scratched his head,
avoiding her questioning look.

"What are you trying to say.. but not say? Let me guess.. you are
embarrassed.. so it must be sex." Natalie looked at him intently.

"Oh, Natalie.. there are times that my 13th century upbringing really shows.
OK.. I was going to use a slightly different technique.. make it a little
more pleasurable for you." he looked at her, taking her hand gently. " To be
precise.. I would make love to you.. and at the umm.. peak.. I would bring
you over.."

Natalie followed his gaze, sensing his discomfort. She reached over and
touched his hand, which was still gently stroking their daughter. "Its OK,
Nick. I'll be healed enough. I want you to do that.. I want it to be as
special as you'd planned. I know this is not the dream you had for us.. but
it is our reality.. and it is my dream.. an eternity to be with you.. to love
you.. and a child as well."

"Whom we will outlive."

"You don't know that.. no one does.. she will grow up knowing the truth.. and
if she chooses, she can join us.. then again.. you don't know whether she is
affected or not.."

"OK, OK.. you are the optimist.. I am the pessimist." Their eyes met and he
moved to the side of her bed, gently embracing her... until a loud wail
interrupted the moment and their daughter opened her eyes wide and turned her
head to nuzzle Nick's neck.. "uh, Nat? You think she's hungry?" Nick

"Yeah.. let me take her.. I don't want her getting YOU too turned on.."
Natalie laughed and took the bottle to feed her.

to be continued...
Dreams and Reality 11/11
May 1999
Karen Gunther

disclaimers in part 01


Claire was a week old.. and thriving.. for the first few days after giving
birth, Natalie could once again eat solid foods. Then it came back.. the
nausea.. intense nausea.. and hunger.. worse than before and unrelenting..
she felt herself weakening..

After an unsuccessful attempt to eat yogurt.. about the only food she had
been able to eat for several days.. Natalie knew it was time... she could not
tolerate it any longer. She crawled into bed where Nick still slept.
Curling herself against him, she began to caress him. Unbuttoning his pajama
top to reach his bare skin, she caressed his chest.. kissed him softly..
moving higher to meet his lips.

"And good afternoon to you.." he met her eyes and kissed her gently. "I'm
not arguing with your method.. but is there a reason you woke me?"

"Nick.. I can't keep yogurt or tea down today. I'm ready. I don't want to
wait any longer."

He looked at her intently, studying her face. "I agree. Let me call LaCroix
for some supplies. And a babysitter. We can't have Claire need something..
you will not be safe around her at all today.. and for a few days, not
alone." He got up, slipped on a robe and went down stairs to the phone.
Speaking rapidly in French.. he came back upstairs drinking deeply from a
bottle marked with a wide red ribbon. Natalie had noticed it appear after
the birth.. it was labeled in an old French dialect.. and had been hidden in
the back.

"Gift?" she asked indicating the bottle.

"From LaCroix.. extra special blend... includes umbilical cord blood from
Claire.. It will make me stronger.. better control. Better for you as well."
he smiled, taking another swallow. "Nat, Janette is going to take care of
Claire. LaCroix will be downstairs. He won't watch but he will be aware of
what is going on.. and stop me if needed. OK?"

"Sure. Whatever you need. It is strange but I do trust him.. at least to do
this for us.." she sat on the bed, her quiet calmness hiding her pounding
heart.. but not enough that Nick was not fully aware. He sat behind her and
began to massage her shoulders. He said nothing as he sensed that LaCroix
and Janette had arrived. Natalie sensed them as well, and reached for her
robe. She stood and walked up to the bassinet. Picking up her sleeping
daughter, she went to the stairs with Nick close behind.

"So, my dear.. it is time." LaCroix said quietly. "You know I will be here..
not to intrude, but.."

"Yes, I understand. And I appreciate your concern.." she stood on tip toe
and kissed his forehead before walking over to Janette. Giving Claire a kiss
on the head, and clutching her to her breast briefly, she placed her in
Janette's arms. "And I appreciate your part in this as well, Janette. There
are bottles made up already if she gets hungry. Just warm them.. she doesn't
like it cold any more than you.." her tone was teasing.

"I will cherish and protect her, Natalie." She touched Natalie's arm. "And I
will be here waiting for you to come back to us.. it will be all right.
Everything will be fine.. you are ready.."

Natalie smiled nervously as Nick grabbed several bottles from a box that
LaCroix carried. Taking her hand, he led her back upstairs and closed the
door. Setting the bottles on the nightstand, he walked over to where she
stood silently, motionless.

"Nat.. don't be afraid." He said, pulling her into his arms and gently
kissing her forehead, her eyes, her nose and then her lips.. at first
tentative, gentle. As she relaxed and began to respond, he deepened the
kiss, probed her mouth with his tongue.. traced the inside of her warm
cavity.. She pulled his head down closer, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Sliding his arms around her, under her legs, he picked her up and laid her on
the bed, shedding his robe and top at the same time.. and loosening her robe.
Laying down next to her, he rained kisses down her neck, her shoulder and
untied her gown to reach within and cup a full, firm breast.. trailing kisses
to the rosy tips.. he pushed the gown off.

"Careful, Nick.. I don't think the milk has dried up.. I wouldn't suck
there.." she murmured as his kisses focused on her breasts.. although she was
enjoying the tingling sensations that he created. And as if to prove her
point.. a stream of warm milk jetted out and caught him on the cheek.

"OK.. OK.. guess I have to be more careful with the new mother.. should have
had Claire empty you out first." He laughed, continuing to caress her sides..
reaching down lower. He stood to stood to shed his pajamas and helped her
off with her gown and panties.. his caresses were gentle, deliberate as he
sought to give her pleasure but still acknowledge her recent delivery. The
evidence remained in the fullness of her breasts and the roundness of her

"Nick.. don't stare, please.. I look horrible.. so flabby.." Natalie
whispered self-consciously as he gazed at her figure.

"Nat.. you are beautiful.. you just gave birth to my daughter.. I would
expect changes.. I am not into anorexic.. remember.. when I was growing up, a
woman was not a beauty until she had given birth.. Now.. before I get too
excited.. are you sure you want to do it this way?"

"Nick.. I am fine.. and I think you are already getting excited...." She
murmured and reach out to caress him.

He gasped at the unexpected sensation of her warm hands on him Meeting her
lips with his own, he kissed her forcefully, his tongue parting her lips,
exploring her mouth, his hands exploring her body and pulling her tightly
against him. Trailing kisses down her face, her neck and beyond, he rolled
her on her back.. feeling the vampire rise within him.

Eyes glowing and fangs fully extended, he looked down at her smiling.
"Ready?" he whispered between kisses. Natalie merely smiled and pulled him

"Do it." she said forcefully. Pulling his face to hers and kissing him
intensely. She felt herself riding a wave of passion.. higher and higher..
and then she felt the sharp prick of Nick's fangs in her neck.. and her blood
flowing into him as he sucked gently.. she saw jumbled images.. Nick's past..
his life as a mortal.. coming over.. traveling with Janette and LaCroix.. and
then she sensed his deep abiding love.. and then all was black..

Nick pulled away.. her heart was slowing.. he sensed LaCroix in the room..
silent.. observing. Feeling her to be at the threshold between life and
death, he nipped his wrist, drawing on it until he had started the blood
flowing.. laying next to her on his side, he reached over and dripped the
blood into her mouth and began to whisper into her ear. "Natalie.. come back
to me.. turn away from the light.. come back to us.. I love you.. I need
you.. your daughter needs you.." he felt a gentle tugging on his wrist as she
first licked and then began to suck earnestly. The tingling he sensed began
to burn but he did not move away.. finally LaCroix stepped forward and pulled
Nick's wrist away but held a bottle to her lips as she drank fervently.. and
her eyes popped open. Glowing green eyes.

Nick smiled broadly. "Welcome back, my love." He said, pulling her into a
deep embrace.

"Nick.. I'm hungry.. where's that bottle?" she whispered.. taking in the
sensations fully..

"Yes.. I know.. here.." he said, handing her a bottle and helping her into
her gown and robe... and putting on his own robe. She drank both bottles
quickly and LaCroix returned with another one for her.. and handed one to
Nick as well.

"It's uncut. Pure and fresh.." he murmured as Nick's eyes glowed with the
first taste. "Nothing but the best for my new granddaughter.. and for my
son." He looked at Nick with pride.. waving at the bed .. "I didn't think you
had it in you.. this way requires so much more control.."

"Ah, but it is more pleasurable for the fledgling. And she will be stronger
than the average fledgling.." he returned. "We may not have had a choice in
whether it would happen.. but at least I can give Natalie every possible

"She is already stronger than the average fledgling.. and I am still proud of
you, mon fils..." He turned to Natalie. "So.. my dear.. welcome to the

Leaning on Nick's arm, Natalie looked up at the elder vampire. For all the
years that they had been at odds with each other, he now gazed on her like a
proud father. "Thank you, Lucien." She replied, her voice sounding
strangely loud.

Extending an arm, he grasped her hand lightly, squeezing it gently.
"Natalie... you have nothing to fear from me. For now and eternity you are
of my family... my blood. I will protect you with my very life." Their eyes
met with an intensity that Natalie had never experienced, as Nick held her
tightly. "I will take my leave of you... but please come see me soon." With
a nod to Nick, he left them alone.

Natalie turned in Nick's embrace, kissing him lightly. "So, when do I see
Claire?" she asked softly.

"Not yet." He replied, pulling her tighter against him. "We aren't quite
done yet.." he smiled, twining his hands in hers and leading her to the bed.

"What? I'm not across yet?" she asked in confusion. She could hear
Claire's cooing as Janette rocked her downstairs...

"You are." He said, pulling her next to him on the bed. "And I have shared
of your life tonight, but you have not fully experienced mine...." He kissed
her with increasing intensity, caressing her shoulders as he pushed the robe

"Wait... Nick. What are you doing?" Natalie said in a panic, feeling her
desire for him growing. A tingling sensation filled her as he pushed off her

"Making love to my wife..." he said with an innocent grin. His eyes had
taken on the luminescent quality that she'd always associated with the
vampire. "Fully... without worry of killing her. And this time, you will be
able to understand why we could not do this before..."

"Well, why didn't you tell me?" she grinned, pushing his robe off. The room
seemed to fill with a golden glow as she began to trail kisses across his
chest. His caresses grew more deliberate, the sensations intense. She
realized suddenly, that the milk no longer filled her breasts... and her
belly bore no evidence of her recent pregnancy. "Nick... the milk..." she
said with a panic.

"Is gone." He confirmed, caressing her breasts gently to confirm it. "I told
you that would happen. Vampires don't have children. Remember?" he slid
down next to her.

"Yeah... I just didn't think it would be instantaneous." She sighed, gazing
at his face, his eyes golden with passion. "So, are my eyes still blue?"

"No... they aren't..." he replied, rolling her onto her back, caressing her
body in ways that she'd never imagined. The sensations were more intense...
and with a start, she felt a sharp pain as her canines elongated, and her
fangs dropped for the first time.

"Oww." She exclaimed, reaching up to feel them. "Nick? How did that

He continued to caress her, kissing her neck lightly, licking the vein. "Its
supposed to." He said simply, smiling so that she could see that his fangs
had dropped as well. "There are two things which will cause the vampire in
you to surface." He explained in between kisses. "Hunger... the need to
feed." He whispered, his kisses traveling down her belly. "And then there is
passion..." he whispered, his eyes lightening up.

"Nick..." she pulled him up to face her. "I need something... I don't know
what... but I need something. Hand me the bottle." She murmured
desperately. She could see, faintly, the veins on his neck. Her fangs

"No" he said firmly, pulling her closer.

"No? Nick..." she said louder, starting to panic.

"No. That is not what you need." He grinned, moving next to her, whispering
in her ear. "Take me."

She pulled back slightly. "Take you?" she asked, horrified.

"Take me. Bite me... drink of me." he moved his next closer to her face,
"it will give me pleasure. It is what you want. Do it." he said firmly and
moaned in delight as he felt her fangs penetrate his neck tentatively.
Feeling her reach the vein and begin to drink, he leaned slightly and
penetrated her shoulder, feeling her sweet blood... her essence mingling with
his.... Her thoughts becoming his....

With a low growl, she pulled back and met his delighted gaze. Her eyes were,
at first, unfocused, but began to clear. Her fangs had retracted and she
gave him an embarrassed smile. "What was that?"

"Good? Huh?" he prompted with a leering gaze.

"Uh, yeah... is that supposed to happen?" she stammered looking up at him.
His memories were a blur in her mind, but she could feel his love, knew his
delight in their new bond.

"Absolutely. And I hope more than once..." he pulled her tight, kissing her
forehead. "You could call that the vampire version of losing your virginity."

"What, the biting? Nick. You never told me that I would want to bite you."
she looked at him deliberately, leaning back into the pillows.

"Its kind of hard to explain." He shrugged. "I thought it would be better to
just let your instincts guide you." Caressing her shoulder lightly, watching
the punctures seal and close, he continued. "The sharing of blood, the
sharing of ourselves... that is more important than the physical part of sex."

"So, we won't... ummm... be able to..." she stammered, surprised at her own

"No, of course we can. Didn't we just...?" he grinned, noting her
embarrassed smile. "But you will need blood... fresh blood... in order to

"So that is why you would never?" she began.

"Except when the vampire was dormant. And you know what it took for that to
happen" He said with a nervous laugh, wrapping his arm around her. "There
are some who can take just a sip... but I was never able to do this with
women that I love."

"And now?" she asked hesitantly.

"Now we have eternity...." He said kissing her forehead lightly.

"Eternity..." she whispered sleepily, leaning into his embrace. The reality
of her dreams was better than she'd ever imagined....


I hope you enjoyed my little tale....