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Destiny or choice

April 2000
Karen Gunther

Disclaimers: the characters and situations that inspired this story are the property of Sony/Columbia- Tri Star. I promise to treat them much better!

timeline: following 'Last Knight'


"I have faith, too." Natalie faced him directly, meeting his gaze with love in her eyes.

"What are you saying?" Nick said softly.

"I'm not afraid of death .. or an eternity in darkness.. as long as I can spend it with you." she replied, her voice clear and sure. "I have faith in YOU," she tapped his chest for emphasis. "I love YOU." she cupped her hands around his face and looked up. "Make love to me, Nick... Take just a little at a time."

He look down for a moment, and when his eyes met hers again, they glowed golden... the eyes of the vampire. His smile was hesitant as he kissed her wrist, inhaling deeply, her scent intoxicating. "Whatever happens,we will be together.. forever.

"Forever," Natalie murmured as Nick kissed her lightly on the lips, holding her tighter, he brushed her hair away from her neck while deepening the kiss. Hesitating for an instant, he moved to her soft, supple neck and planted his fangs. Her essence, her memories, her love flooded him with a warmth he did not think possible. It was sweet, intoxicating... he wanted more... so much more. Before he realized what had happened, she was unconscious, limp in his arms.

With a gasp, he laid her gently on the rug and knelt by her in horror <what had he done?> and then sensed the presence of his master, his father, his brother.

"It appears that all we need do is turn out the lights and lock the door," he said sarcastically, feeling Nick's sorrow intensely. "Or did you intend to add her to the entourage?" at Nick's continued silence, he spoke with frustration, "Oh, Nicholas, I hope you have thought this through."

"I... I could not stop myself... I took too much," Nick said softly, staring at Natalie.

"There she lies, at the brink," LaCroix said quietly, drawing closer to where Nick knelt. "Bring her over or let her die.. you have only moments to decide."

Nick sat back on his heels for a minute and then in a soft, sad voice said "I cannot condemn her to this darkness." he leaned forward to kiss her, feeling her warmth starting to fade.

"Wise decision." LaCroix answered, knowing that is what Nick wanted, no, needed to hear ... truly, Nick would not agree, but he would prefer that Natalie join them in eternal life. She was the spark that Nick needed to pull him back into his true life. "We even have time for a burial, if you would like." He could still hear Natalie's heart beating, slow but steady.. but for how long? And he knew that Nick would not be able to bury his love. All he need do was get them both to a cemetery. He would do what Nick could not or would not.

Nick stood and walked over to the fireplace and picked up a carved, ornate walking stick and handed it to LaCroix, silent but unspoken was the request.

"Don't be ridiculous, Nicholas. Life is a gift. As precious as a peach... don't trade this life in for an empty box." Nick was silent as LaCroix pleaded with him. "And so, in your eyes, I am the devil?"

"No, LaCroix... you are my oldest friend," Nick replied, meeting his father's eyes, pleading, before turning and kneeling by Natalie's still body.

With a brief hesitation, LaCroix lifted the stake and thrust it, exclaiming loudly, "Damn you, Nicholas..." and it fell, not through Nick's heart... but higher, through his shoulder. His blood flowed out profusely and before Nick could say anything, LaCroix had taken Nick's gun from the mantle, and cuffed him in the temple. "No, Nicholas, I cannot kill you. As your oldest friend, I will save you." With a sigh of regret that he could not attend to both of them before the dawn, he lifted Nick into his arms, not noticing the puddle of blood that had fallen from Nick's wound onto Natalie's face, and trickled into her mouth. The beating of her heart that had nearly stopped, began again, at first slow, irregular, but increasingly steady .. a gasping breath.. then more regular...

Moving swiftly against the coming dawn, he went out the kitchen stairwell, quickly, hurried.. failing to disable the alarm system or close the door behind him. He had to get Nick to shelter and tend to him, bring him back to the only path possible... time would heal his wounds. It always did.


Joe Reese pulled up to the dark warehouse just before dawn. He could see the sun's light peeking over the buildings of the city. What a long, terrible night this had been. This was the thing he dreaded most about being precinct captain. The need to tell a cop that his partner had died, especially since it was only a year after this particular cop had lost another partner violently. And just when the two of them had started to work together.. even a little. Recognizing the dark sedan parked in front of him he realized that someone had beaten him to this particular notification.

"Well, Dr. Lambert... I'll talk to you both. And I hope I am not interrupting anything," he whispered to himself. Like most of the Metro Police force, he had heard the rumors and comments about Detective Knight and the coroner. In his year as captain, he had seen them at numerous crime scenes, saw Natalie nurse Nick back to health after his near-fatal gunshot wound and amnesia, and had concluded that the relationship went beyond simple friendship. How far beyond, was anyone's guess.

He had never been to Nick's apartment, but had heard stories. It was legendary after being searched when Nick had been accused of murder several years back. The 'high tech dungeon of doom' was the description that Nick's former partner, and the only cop to really come here often, had used. Knowing that Knight had a state-of-the art security system, he was surprised to see the door ajar, almost as if someone had left in a hurry. Finding an open stairwell, he went up to the second floor, where another door was wide open. He walked into a kitchen, lit by the sunlight streaming through wide windows. He looked around at the vast openness, seeing the grand piano, extensive video system.

"Nick? Nick?" he called out, turning on the kitchen light and looking for signs of his officer. His jacket was thrown on the table but he saw no sign of Nick. But he did see something more ominous.. and heard a soft moan.

Lying on the floor in front of the fireplace was a body.. a very familiar body...

"Oh, my God," he breathed, recognizing Natalie's still form. Rushing over he felt her pulse. It was there, but weak, and her breathing was slow, irregular. He pulled the phone from his jacket and hit a button. "Dispatch... Captain Reese.. Send paramedics and a crime scene unit to 101 Gateway... yeah, that's right.. Nick's place... no it's Dr. Lambert... and tell them to hurry, she's barely breathing."

He slipped into 'professional mode' as he pulled out a notebook and began to jot down his observations, speaking softly to Natalie, watching her slow, labored breathing. "hang in there, Natalie... help is on the way."

He pulled out his phone again with a sigh and dialed again. "Yeah, Stonetree please.. Joe Reese here... I need your help on a case.. yeah, I came over to notify Knight about his partner and I found Lambert here.. she's unconscious and was attacked... he's not here... uniform squads are en route but I need some detectives... and I don't think the 96th should handle it. He lives in your jurisdiction... I know it's going to be hard, but can you? Thanks, Joe... I owe you.. No, I'll stay until you get here."

He hung up as the elevator motor began to sound loudly, and paramedics rushed through the door, followed by several uniformed officers. They watched in stunned silence as the paramedics began working on her and after the officers finished chalking the outline, loaded her onto a gurney. Stonetree walked in and approached Reese, "OK, I've got it.. I'll keep you informed. And he worked for me for four years, so this is tough for us all... but I understand wanting to do this by the book." He shook Reese's hand and then turned to the officers, "OK... you know what to do... just because a fellow officer lives here, does not mean kid gloves. Search the place... dust for prints.. you know the routine."

He turned to the two detectives who walked in, whistling at the things they saw. "Captain Stonetree.. Detective Simmons, and Detective Terry, Violent Crimes Division."

He nodded in acknowledgment "Yes.. OK.. Here's what we know. This apartment belongs to a homicide detective from the 96th... his partner bought it tonight. His captain was coming over to notify him and found Natalie Lambert.. the night shift ME, unconscious on the floor," he pointed to the chalked outline. "They have taken her to Toronto General Hospital."

"Any reason why the ME would be here?" Simmons asked

Laughter could be heard from several of the officers. "You guys don't pay much attention, do you? There are 3 separate pools on when Knight would either marry her, get her to move in here.. or get her pregnant." one of the officers replied, bringing over Nick's jacket, and holster.

"Oh.. so we might have a motive," Terry replied, pulling out a notebook. "If we are assuming he is the lead suspect."

"Perhaps," Stonetree hesitated and turned to one of the officers. "Anyone upstairs? Like is he in the bathroom or something?" the question went unasked and unanswered but clear to all.. did Knight kill his lover and then himself?

"No, but his car is still here.. maybe he was kidnapped"

"Everyone knows his car... if we put out an APB, he couldn't get out of Ontario..." scoffed an officer while the two detectives took notes... grateful for any assistance from those who knew Knight... and obviously, these officers knew him.

"Well, he left his badge.. and his gun." a second officer replied holding them out.

"At least his department issue gun," laughed the officer.

"Captain.. I think we should put out an APB.. if he is not our suspect, we still need to talk to him..." Simmons stated. <oh, what an ugly case this is going to be> "And IA needs to be notified."

"I agree. I'll take care of IA." Stonetree replied. "You put out the APB. I'm going to head over to the hospital. I'll call you if Dr. Lambert is up to an interview."

With a sigh, Stonetree went out to his car. Reese was still there. The two captains just looked at each other. "I know Nick has a temper.. but he did not do this." Reese said quietly.

"Those officers up there seem to think that they were lovers." Stonetree looked at him carefully. "When he was still at the 27th, I knew they were friends... had it gone further?"

"They were very discreet. But we all knew that if you couldn't find one, call the other. They spent entirely too much time together to just be friends... but if they were lovers, you would not know it from watching them in the precinct or at crime scenes. They were always very professional. But she did take care of him after he was shot... and I saw her face when she got to the hospital. What I saw was not concern for a friend... it was love."

"Why was Natalie here tonight? Did she know about his partner's death?"

"Yes... I found out later... as the ME on call, she was notified."

"That would have been her case?" Stonetree looked at him with surprise.

"No, she refused," Reese commented, leaning heavily against the car. "Claimed conflict of interest... she and Tracy had become pretty good friends, because of Nick, I think. I guess they pushed her to take the case so she then threatened to quit and walked out of the office. That was the last her assistants saw of her. I assume she came over here... because there was no answer at her place."

"Is it possible that someone got past Nick's security system? Obviously she knew his security code.. maybe she did not close the door behind her."

"I suppose. When I got here, the door was unlocked and open.. totally open.. as if someone left in a hurry."

"Hmmm... let me think about all this," Stonetree said thoughtfully. "you heading home?"

"Yeah.. I was."

"Stop by the station before your shift tonight. As first on the scene, I want an official statement. Whether he did this or not, it's going to get ugly... and I'll keep it from the media as best I can... but her office may not be amenable. They'll see it as we are protecting our own."

"I hear you... I'll meet you and your team at 8, OK?"


It was a club, like many others in the dark city. Wedged between high rise buildings, the entrance off the alley to a below street level doorway hardly would attract attention. And this particular club only came alive after dark... well after dark. The reverberating beat of the music would echo the silent, empty streets after most had closed.

Unknown to most of the guests of Midnight Sun was that this particular club catered to a select population. A very select population...

The club's owner, a raven haired beauty with a sharp wit and a timeless sense of elegance was known for the quality of her establishments... and her discreteness. Midnight Sun was merely the most recent of a long string of clubs she had owned... indeed, some of her most loyal customers came from her former home in Toronto. And though they would share the news with her, they were careful not to reveal her location to those in Toronto who sought her.

It was from them that she learned of events affecting her family... changing it... forever...

That cold November night was like no other that she'd experienced in a millennia as a vampire. It started out ordinary enough. The steady snow meant a slow night, and very few mortals. As she surveyed the club, watching the behavior of the 'young ones' who burned off their excess energy dancing, she was approached by a familiar face, a blond woman, a drifter in many ways, but loyal.

"Janette? I need to see you," she said, nodding toward the private booths in the back. With a shrug to the bartender, Janette followed her.

"What?" Janette whispered, knowing that if Brianne was asking for assistance, it was serious.

"The Toronto community is falling apart... so many were killed by LaCroix's daughter... we are all afraid to go to the Raven... He is so distracted... No one knows what is wrong with deBrabant, either... but we need you to come back.. just for a while."

"Oh, Brianne... I don't know." She hesitated and then the emotion hit her like a sledgehammer... fear, anger, regret. The clarity of the sensations meant it could only be coming from Nick... her former sibling and now master.. the duality of their bond made everything so much clearer.

"Janette, are you OK? What is wrong?"

"I don't know... but you are right. I need to go to Toronto. Something has happened," she took a deep breath and looked at the younger vampire. Brianne did not question how Janette could know this.. some things needed no explanation. "Tonight at sunset." She stood and went toward her apartments calling to the bartender. "Miklos.. close for me... I need to lie down."

She could not sleep, the intensity of her dreams interfered... images of Nick and Natalie, then of LaCroix staking Nick kept flashing into her mind... that could not be possible. Could it? She knew that Nick still lived... his bond still reverberated strongly. Finally giving up on sleep, she turned on the television and tuned into a Toronto station. It was unlikely that she would learn anything valuable, but one never knew. As a news broadcast began, she was shocked to see Natalie Lambert's photograph flash across the screen as an announcer read expressionlessly "Dr. Natalie Lambert, Toronto county coroner was brutally attacked early this morning in the warehouse district. Witnesses to the scene describe it as similar to the so-called vampire murder at the Royal Ontario Museum in 1992. Police are not releasing any details. She is in critical condition at the Toronto General Hospital Trauma unit. Police are asking that anyone with information regarding the attack please call Crimeline at the number listed on your screen." Looking up startled, Janette realized that her dreams were in all likelihood, not a dream at all. Thinking carefully over what she'd experienced, only one conclusion was possible. Nicholas had taken his mortal lover as a vampire would. And that she survived, and apparently was still mortal showed the strength of this particular woman, or that something else had happened. And that possibility worried her.

Thinking over the potential consequences when Natalie awoke, Janette came to a decision. She must not be alone... the risks to the community were too great... She feared who else may have heard that broadcast and knew what happened....

Dusk had fallen and LaCroix awoke and lit the candles. The cabin was too remote for electricity, but a newspaper was rolled up in the mailbox. <ah, what comforts money can buy> The paper might be a few days old, but would suffice to keep him apprised of when it was appropriate to leave.

Sipping his breakfast, he spread the paper over the kitchen table, and waited for Nick to get up. Nick was in a deep depression and might not show his face until midnight or so... and likely would take his meal and go back to his room... maintaining the silence ...

Scanning the paper, LaCroix checked first the obituary page. Surely they had found her by now. He was certain that the death of the county coroner would warrant a formal notice. Not finding her name, he turned to the local pages... and caught her name in the crime logs...

"Toronto county coroner Natalie Lambert is in critical condition in Toronto General Hospital after being assaulted early yesterday morning at a warehouse apartment on Gateway Lane. She was found unconscious with her neck slashed and in shock. She remains comatose on life support. Police investigation continues but robbery and sexual assault have been ruled out. Detectives at the 27th precinct have linked her assault with the disappearance of Detective Nick Knight, who resides in the warehouse where Dr. Lambert was found. Anyone with information regarding the assault or the whereabouts of Detective Knight are asked to call Crimeline."

"Oh my," he murmured, leaning his chin on steepled fingers. "Oh, Nicholas, you must have been very careless and slipped her some of your blood. So, she lives. But for how long?" Knowing that if HE saw the newspaper article, the television reports were, in all probability more lurid, others surely saw them as well. That meant Enforcers would probably be seeking Nick soon. Leaving someone like that, in that halfway state, between mortal and eternal life was worse than bring them completely over... Allowing Dr. Lambert to become a hunter was unthinkable. And if enforcers had to 'take care' of Natalie, they would target Nick next. And he could not allow that...

No, they had to go back... tonight...

He went into Nick's room and nudged him awake. "What do you want?" Nick said angrily, not opening his eyes or looking up.

"Its time to go."

"Go? Go where?" Nick was sarcastic, his resentment of LaCroix's action would be hard to overcome. "And who says I am going anywhere with you?"

"We have loose ends to conclude. Then we move on. We need to go back to Toronto.... Take care of your friend. See Aristotle.."

"And I need to say good-bye"

"To whom?"

"Tracy.... And Natalie.." he said softly, sadly.

"Very well.. you can make your rounds of the cemeteries.." he smiled sardonically, knowing that he would not find Natalie in a cemetery. And least not yet...


Slipping unnoticed into the hospital, blending into the crowd, Janette moved quietly to the intensive care areas. She could see a uniformed police officer seated outside a door which she presumed was Natalie's. It seemed reasonable to assume that they would be guarding her.

Staying in the shadows, Janette slipped into the room and studied the woman who laid in the bed. Except for the abundant auburn curls, this pale, silent woman bore little resemblance to the spirited mortal woman who had led to her desire to leave Toronto and Nicholas... Opening her senses, she could detect the residual scent of the vampire. Seeing a heavy bandage on the left side of her neck, Janette lifted it carefully... And saw clearly, unmistakable... fang marks. Neat, experienced and yet bruised... as if passion, and not feeding was the intent.

Natalie was pale, very pale. An IV drip was taped into one arm and a profusion of wires led to the monitor that traced overhead. Janette could hear softly, barely audible, a voice mumbling. "Nick... take a little... I'm not afraid... love you... eternity in darkness...together... forever.."

Janette looked around, startled. Was this the ramblings of a delirious woman... or truly what had happened? Had Nick failed in an attempt to bring her across? Or was this a botched attempt to make love? She had no doubt that it was Nick that had bitten her. That was obvious, as she could sense his presence in her. But why had he left her there... alone.. not dead, and not brought across.... A very dangerous situation. One that needed watching. Before Natalie said something that would reveal them.

They arrived in Toronto just before dawn. Pulling up to LaCroix's townhouse, he pulled the Jag into the attached garage and turned to Nick. "Nicholas... before you go anywhere... we need to make sure that you are not a wanted man.."

"Wanted? For what?"

"Don't be naïve.. You are the detective here. It has been almost two weeks. I am assuming that someone has found the good doctor."

"Oh," He said, his voice low. "Let me go look."

"No. It is too close to dawn. Why don't you just call and pick up your messages?"

"If it has been declared a crime scene, they would take the answering machine."

"Exactly." LaCroix smiled and closed the door behind Nick and switched on the security alarm. Nick had already gone up into the study and was dialing. The phone rang... and rang.... And rang...

"No answer," he said grimly.

"Then you know. She was found." LaCroix kept silent about the newspaper article. <and was yet alive... but you do not need to know that yet> "So, you keep a low profile. Fly, don't drive. If you go to the loft, go through the skylight and scan it first."

"You are assuming that I am a suspect."

"You are," LaCroix said flatly.

"How do you know?" Nick asked, his voice dark, threatening.

"Because I was not born yesterday." He answered firmly. "Because I know how these humans think. Blame the first one you see... And Nicholas, she was in YOUR home... and YOU were not there."

"I need to know for sure," Nick said in a soft, sad voice. He still could not believe that Natalie was gone.. that he had killed her.

"Very well. I will call Larry Merlin. Ask him to pull the police file."

"Everything. Including the autopsy." He breathed a sigh, thinking of Natalie... in her lab... on the steel table where they had first met. And wondered which colleague had pulled the short straw for this case... or did they bring in an outsider?


Cold... intense cold... and darkness... voices, first quiet and reflective, then worried... and angry. Finally calm, professional. She saw herself, as if in a dream... laying in the hospital as doctors and nurses scurried around... placing monitors... yelling for blood... more blood..

Opening her eyes, it was dark... she felt heavy, her mouth dry, her neck sore. Despite the darkness, the room lit only by the glowing numbers on the computer screen, she could see clearly... she was in a hospital.. but why? She moved her arm a little, feeling stiff. She could see the IV tubing snake to her arm, the black sutures holding it in place...

The door clicked open and Natalie could see a nurse moving quickly to the bed. "Natalie? Are you with us? Can you hear me? Can you see me?" She asked softly flipping on an overhead light.

Natalie winced in pain at the light. "Of course," her voice came out as a croak "Turn off the light.. it hurts," She breathed a sigh of relief when the nurse complied, a puzzled expression on her face. "What happened? Where am I?"

"You're in the Trauma ICU at Toronto General Hospital." She was cool, professional.. and was evading the question. "Now, do you hurt anywhere... except when I turn on the lights?"

"Thirsty," she whispered. "What happened?"

"Let me tell people you're awake first.. I'll see if we can get you something to drink," the nurse murmured, carefully avoiding any other explanations. Her footsteps sounded loud as she went out to the main desk, and Natalie could clearly hear her announce "Dr. Lambert is awake... call that policeman who needed to talk to her."

Natalie moved stiffly in the bed, feeling the bandage on her neck... and it came back to her.. <make love to me, Nick..> but what had really happened to her? And where was Nick?

She looked up and saw Joe Stonetree sitting next to her bed. He took her hand and cleared his throat. He could barely see her face, but since the nurses said the lights hurt her eyes, he made do with the reflected light from the halls. "OK, Natalie... what happened?"

"Joe? What are YOU doing here?" she asked, her voice soft, barely audible.

"You were attacked in my jurisdiction, badly enough to wind up here... you think I'm going to let some rookie question you?" he answered with a hint of a smile. He had begun to think that she would never be alert enough for this interview.

"Sorry, Joe," she took a deep breath, and looked him in the eyes, marveling how she could see him so clearly. "I was surprised to see you, that's all."

"And you are doing a great job dodging MY question. What do you remember?"

"Of what?"

"Why you are here... come on, Natalie... work with me a little."

"Why AM I here?" She looked at Joe, a slight sob escaping. He squeezed her hand tighter. "No one will tell me anything... and other than seeing they did a cutdown for an IV and that I am not allowed anything to drink yet, I can't tell."

"OK..." he put a small tape recorder on the overbed tray. "Much as I'd like to say I am here as a friend... this is a case and I have to make this official, Natalie. I need to tape our discussion.. OK?"

"Sure," she nodded.

He reached over and clicked the recorder on and started to speak "Case number 97-0982. Interview of Dr. Natalie Lambert. Joe Stonetree, supervising officer." He paused and Natalie repeated her name without his prompting her... she knew procedure. "OK, Dr. Lambert. On the night of November 28, what events do you recall?"

She took a deep breath. "It was the worst night I can ever remember.. it started with a call to a suicide."

"Do you remember who?"

"Yes.. Dr. Lora Haynes."

"And you knew her?"

"Yes... she was a friend from medical school.. and for a long time since."

"What made this particular case worse?"

"She left a suicide note addressed to me. And her journal," Natalie began to cry softly as the memories were returning.

"Do you want to stop? We can finish tomorrow."

"No... just let me finish it... don't interrupt, OK?" he nodded, leaving the tape running. "Nick, I mean Detective Knight, took me back to the morgue and stayed with me while I did the post-mortem exam. We were talking ... I think he was worried about me... and then he got a page... to come back to the station...some situation with a prisoner with a gun. He left and the next thing I know, I am getting a page that his partner, Detective Vetter had been shot. I met him at her room in the ICU... oh jeez.. she was over there... across the hallway.." the tears were now streaming down her face. "It did not look good..." she sighed and spoke clearer. "I went back to the lab.. I had to file the final papers on Lora's suicide, so her body would be released to her family. While there, I got a call that Tracy, I mean Detective Vetter, had died." Her voice became angry as the story began to unfold. "It was dispatch calling me... telling me that they had a coroner's case for me.... For me. Tracy and I were friends. What, did they think I wouldn't crack... doing two friends in one night? I called Dr. Coburn, and refused. He tried to insist but I told him I would quit before I would do a post-mortem on Tracy ... and then I walked out." She took a deep breath and looked at Joe.

"You're doing fine, Natalie. It's OK. You can be honest with me."

"So, do I still have a job?" she laughed nervously.

"Of course you do, where did you go?"

"I went over to Nick's loft. I was going to tell him about Tracy's death. I know how hard he took Schanke's death a year ago... I worried that this would push him over the edge. But then, we'd make quite a pair, you know," she looked at him, all seriousness. "Better take that gun away."

"So was he there, Natalie?" Joe questioned patiently, realizing that she had just confirmed their worst fear... that if they found Nick, he would be dead.

"No, but I waited there for him."

"And... did you tell him?"

"Joe, that's the problem.... I can remember sitting on the couch waiting for him... but I cannot remember him coming home... or talking to him... I just remember feeling cold... and then waking up here."

"OK, Natalie... are you sure?"

"Yes," she said emphatically. "You know I would not lie to you. It's pretty scary to not know where you are, or how long you've been here... obviously since you are here, something happened that is a police matter.. what is it?"

"For starters, you were attacked at Nick's place and left for dead."

"Who did that?" she demanded.

"We were hoping you might shed some light on that, but not yet, I guess."

"Who found me?" she asked softly.

"Joe Reese. He was coming over for an official notification and he found you, barely breathing, barely a pulse."

"External wounds?" she probed, watching as he hesitated. 'Come on Joe... this is ON the record... I am a coroner... what were my wounds?"

"Just two little slits in your throat," he paused, gauging her reaction. "you were drained of most of your blood."

"Rape?" she asked solemnly, her tone coldly professional.

"No... and no other wounds... and no blood at the scene.." he looked at her intently "Know any vampires?"

"Oh come on, Joe... you know me better than that." she scoffed <make this good, Lambert> She knew all too well the dangers that she was facing. Dangers that would only be intensified by police focusing or even mentioning the supernatural. "You know I am a scientist. I do not believe in the supernatural or occult. There must be a more logical explanation than that. Where are the crime scenes photos?"

"I can't show you those," he protested. He could tell that she was not suffering any damage to her quick, logical mind.

"OK... but I know Nick's loft better than you.. are you sure there was no blood at the scene? no blood on the rug?"

"Rug? No rug.. you were on the floor."


"By the fireplace."

She paused, taking a deep breath, as if thinking hard.. she had to get the focus away from vampires. Or real vampires would come for her. And they would not be as gentle as Nick. "No.. there should have been an oriental rug there. Black with a red and orange pattern."

"Hmmm, really?"

"Yes, really ... there wasn't a rug there?"

"I'll check with the team... and look at the photos.. you are sure that you do not recall anything more?"

"Really, Joe... that is ALL I remember."

"OK, Natalie... you will call if you think of anything else."

"Yes, and messenger the transcript over and I'll sign it." She reached over and clicked off the tape recorder. "OK, Joe... where's Nick?"

"Gone," he intoned, his voice filled with the sorrow that had affected him since that night.

"Gone?" she questioned. <so much for forever>

"He's missing. You were probably the last to see him. If indeed, he was at the loft that night." Joe sighed, looking at her as best he could in the low light. It was strange how she seemingly could see HIM perfectly. "We put out an APB, but I am not optimistic."

"How long have I been here?"

"You were in a coma for a week, totally unresponsive and then barely lucid for the last week. They said you would have a few minutes of awareness and then slip back. It has been two weeks." He let the implications of his statement sink in. She knew as well as he, that the longer a missing person case went unsolved, the lower the likelihood that the outcome would be good.


"Natalie, Natalie," the voice was insistent and the tapping on her shoulder roused her enough for a sleepy nod.

"What?" she mumbled at the nurse.

"Doctor's here to examine you. Come on, Natalie. Wake up." she flipped on the overhead lights and Natalie winced in pain and closed them tightly. "The night nurse said you were pretty talkative. Even gave the police their interview. It's time to get up. Its a new day and everyone is happy to see you back with us." her cheerfulness and persistence bordered on annoyance. "Hmmm, your blood pressure is still really low. 65 over 30. I'm amazed that you can sit up. Pulse 42. Temperature 35.1... Natalie, none of these numbers are even close to normal... Do you feel OK?"

"I'm fine, just fine... except my eyes hurt. Turn off that damn light." Natalie's voice bordered on anger. <wake me out a sound sleep.. what do you expect?>

"OK." She said quietly, and switched on a smaller light on the bedside table. "Is this one OK?"

"Better," Natalie said, relieved, leaning back against the pillows, trying to digest all the comments that the nurse had made. <what was happening to me?>

"Hey welcome back, Natalie. I wasn't sure if I'd ever get to see that smile again." Dr. Greene said, cheerfully reaching for the light switch.

"Don't," the nurse cautioned him. "She's having some sensitivity to the florescent lights. Natalie, I will put a note on your door so people don't automatically flip those on."

"So, let's see how you are doing." Dr. Greene sat in the chair by her bed, and flipped through the chart before turning to examine Natalie. "Sorry, but I need to do this." he murmured, pulling out a small flashlight and shining it into each eye for a moment.

"Mike, what happened to me?" Natalie asked quietly. "I can see the cutdown and Stonetree told me that I have been here two weeks."

He put down his pen, and sighed. "Joe Reese found you unconscious. Pulse about 30, resps barely detectable. He called for a squad. When you got here you were unresponsive. Hypovolemic shock.. your hematocrit was 5%. Hemoglobin less than 1." He looked at her intently. "We pumped about 10 units into you. Put you on full life support, including hyperbaric treatments. You came off the ventilator after about three days but we had you on dialysis for almost a week, until your kidneys kicked back in. You were on pressors up until 4 days ago." He paused to let the magnitude of her situation sink in. "Natalie, you were absolutely comatose... EEG did not look good. In fact the first one met brain death criteria... but the next one improved enough that we hung in... but I never expected you to be coherent.. ever."

"I should be dead," Natalie whispered.

"Yes. You very nearly were." he looked at her intently. "you roused a little two nights ago, started mumbling about someone named Nick. Is this someone we should call? I know you have no family, so we did not know who your next-of-kin would be. I didn't know you were seeing anyone. The police department has been doing a vigil and your department was praying pretty hard, too..."

"Yeah... because it would be a coroner's case and none of them would want to do it," she said sarcastically.

"So, who is Nick?" he probed. He knew there was something that she was not saying. And it centered around the only name she'd whispered in her delirium.

"A friend.." she sighed. "And a cop..."

"Oh, is he the detective that they are looking for... Nick Knight?"

"Yes...and before YOU ask... no, he did not do this... he was not even there," she said firmly. He might have moved on, but she could at least clear his name.

"OK, OK.. I want whoever did this to be found.. but I won't push." He picked up his pen and began writing on her chart. "But, I think it is high time we liberated you. Let you eat something. And then move you out of ICU. Sound good?"

"Sounds great!" Natalie sat up straighter. "When do I go home?"

"Whoa... wait a minute. Unconscious for two weeks, you have only been arousable for about 10 hours. I think you are jumping things just a bit."

"OK, but I will warn you. I was a better patient unconscious," her voice was all seriousness, but her eyes twinkled.

"Yeah, yeah, most doctors are," he laughed "I'll go write some orders... have the nurses get you a menu...See you later."

The first meal they brought her consisted of broth, jello and tea. Natalie almost laughed at it, and then became nauseated. It was not what she hungered for... and that frightened her. She managed to sip a little tea and choke down the jello. It did not come back.. but eating was a bigger struggle than she'd thought... and another puzzle..

The room they moved her to was brightly lit.. the sterility of the hospital decor was offset by the picture window overlooking a park. The nurse wheeled Natalie into the room, helped her into the bed and then went over to adjust the blinds open further.

"Nicer view than the ICU," she smiled.

The reaction was sudden, swift and painful. The burning sensation, dizziness. "Close the blinds.." Natalie said loudly, her voice reflecting the pain.

"Why? It's such a pretty day out.. and that ICU was so gloomy.." the nurse had not yet looked at Natalie.

"CLOSE THE GODDAMN BLINDS!!" Natalie's voice rose and the nurse turned to her, puzzled to see her patient hiding under the sheets. "It hurts..."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know," she murmured in apology and shut the blinds. "Does the doctor know that your eyes are so sensitive?"

"Yes. Its been this way ever since I woke up from the coma. The overhead lights are just as bad." Natalie sighed. "I just want to sleep."

"OK, but I think the lunch trays are up... He advanced you to a full liquid diet."

"I can barely handle clear... I'll try it.. but please make sure there is tea or jello." Natalie sighed. She pulled her hand from underneath the bedding... and frowned at the blisters on her hand.


Darkness fell and Natalie awoke, refreshed. Standing up carefully, she pulled her IV pole closer and walked over to the window. Opening the blinds, she gazed out to the park. Feeling a tingling on her neck, she shivered and then felt a cold hand on her shoulder and heard a lightly accented voice "Doctor..."

Natalie turned and saw her guest. "Janette... what are you doing here?"

"Guarding you," she shrugged.

"From whom?" she laughed. "its not like Nick is going to want to see me. He made his choice. And it wasn't to be with me."

"Are you sure HE made the decision?" Janette probed. Now that Natalie was awake, she intended to get answers to some questions... like what happened...

"Who else?" Natalie looked at her, puzzled.

"My dear... the descriptions of your wounds and blood loss were in the news. The first reporters even called it a vampire attack. He is in hiding. LaCroix is protecting him. This was dangerous. The Enforcers are watching you both. And you are on very thin ice with the community. In your delirium, you said things."

"What? Mike said that I was incoherent." Her voice was soft, but worried. She knew how closely Nick had guarded his secret.

"Yes, well he would. None of the mortals who attended to you will remember anything." Janette was firm, matter-of-fact. She paused and looked Natalie directly. "I said I have been guarding you. But I will remember everything that you did say. Natalie, you know too much."

"And now that Nick is gone?" her question went unasked.

"Just be careful. I protected you and will stay with you. As long as you keep quiet, you'll be safe."

"What about the attack? How do I cover it?"

"You don't. You say nothing... you remember nothing."

"Well, that is true... and what I DO remember, they would not believe," a nervous giggle escaped.

"But I would, and I do" Janette sighed and asked softly, "Natalie, did you really offer yourself to Nicholas?"

"Yes." she replied quietly, looking away, toward the park... not meeting Janette's penetrating gaze.

"Oh my dear, that was not smart." She responded quickly. "Do you know how long he has desired you? And how long it has been since he had a warm, willing, pleasured meal?"

"No," Natalie replied, turning away. She knew that what she had done, pushing Nick, was not the smartest thing in the world. But if she had it to do over, she would not have changed anything.

"Oh, at least a few centuries. Since then he has survived on criminals, lowlifes... and now animals. I am not surprised that he lost control... pleasured blood is exquisite.. I am sure that yours was unbearably sweet.. and for a starving man, would be a feast..." Janette's voice trailed off for a moment before she straightened and faced Natalie again. "But I don't know why he did not bring you across fully."

"He couldn't condemn my soul to eternal darkness." Natalie intoned solemnly.

"What??" Janette exclaimed.

"That is what he said." Natalie explained patiently. "I don't know who was there, but that is what he said and that is the last thing I remember before waking up here."

"Surely he had a plan in mind... in case he lost control." Janette probed. "And even he would probably admit that his control was tenuous at best. What did he say he would do if he could not stop? And Natalie, I will tell you, he never had very good control with women he loved"

"That he would not leave me. That we'd be together forever."

"Oh my dear. I am sure that is just what he intended. I surmise that he tried to do just that by asking someone to stake him. But that did not work. I sense him clearly. He is alive and nearby." She paused and turned Natalie to face her directly. "But what did YOU want him to do?"

"Bring me across," she said in a low voice, barely audible.

"Truly?" Janette looked her over, intensely searching her eyes.

"Yes," Natalie sighed and walked back over to the bed. "But that will never happen."

"You want this, only to be with him?" Janette asked patiently. She could sense that more had happened in the exchange. Somehow Natalie had come part way and was now stuck in that gray area~ that area between life and death. She was not a vampire but neither was she fully mortal any more. And she would never be able to go back.

"That isn't the only reason. He would never discuss it, so it doesn't matter. And you can see where forcing the issue got me." She laughed nervously. Taking a deep breath, she turned to Janette. "I do have some questions for you. I think I may need some help."

"Yes, I will try to answer your questions as best I can." She responded watching Natalie sit on the bed. "And help you in what way?"

"I have changed somehow... will I become a hunter?" at Janette's gasp <she knows> her voice became softer, almost pleading. "I don't want that."

Janette looked at her in surprise. "You know about hunters?"

"Yes... Nick told me once... mortals drained but not brought over.. who can sense vampires... and seek to destroy them." Natalie said with a bitter laugh. "Well I fit that description... except the seeking to destroy part. I would rather be a full vampire than become a hunter."

"We won't allow it then." Janette said firmly, matter-of-fact. "What do you feel, toward me, now?"

"I could feel a tingling on my neck just before you touched me. I didn't know what it meant." She leaned over toward Janette and held out her arm. "My vision and hearing are much more acute but I can't tolerate bright lights. And this is from exposure to afternoon sun.. only a few minutes."

Janette studied the red, blistered arm. "Tolerance to food?"

"Not good. I'm nauseated, but it stays down."

"And your reaction to blood?"

"I don't know." She watched as Janette slowly, deliberately cut her forearm with a sharp fingernail and let the blood pool and drip. Natalie could feel her heart beat faster as she inhaled the scent, her mouth watering. "Hunger.. it makes me hungry... I want it," she breathed, licking her lips and unconsciously taking a step closer to Janette.

Janette stepped back and licked the wound clean, looking at her. "Not a good idea, Natalie." She walked over and took Natalie's hands. "You survived Nicholas's feeding but you are not unchanged. You must have ingested some of Nicholas's blood... enough to save your life, but not enough to bring you across. Taking blood now will not help your hunger. You will not be able to properly digest it. I will watch over you and come again when you are released from the hospital. If your symptoms have not subsided, you and I will discuss whether or not you still want an eternity in darkness." She stood and moved closer. "I can help you, Natalie... but you need to be sure... I need to be sure."

"How do I contact you?"

"You don't... but I won't be far. I will know when you need me." She smiled. "Now rest."


"Natalie, you really should not be alone." Dr. Greene sat across the room, chart in hand.

"I'll sleep better in my own apartment. I have friends who can look in on me.." Natalie said firmly. She had been 'awake' for nearly a week and was tired of the hospital routine. Of fighting to stay out of the sunlight or of others discovering her new sensitivity. Some things she simply did not want to explain.

"Will they stay with you? I'm serious Natalie. Your coordination is not up to par. You are still having trouble tolerating food. I almost put you back on IV fluids yesterday. Your intake was way down. I'm still not happy with your blood pressure." He saw that Natalie was not convinced by his arguments. "And I want you off work. At least three months."

"Mike..." she pleaded. She detested being off work, for any period of time. Especially if Nick was gone. She would need something to fill her nights, erase the memories.

"No, no... Don't argue. I already called your department. You are on leave. They don't expect to see you at all for a month. Dr. Coburn wants you to check in with him monthly. I want you to take it easy for another week and then start physical therapy."

"OK, if it will get me out of here." She said with a sigh.

"You'll get out of here when I see a ride here for you. A friend, not a cab. Someone who will actually make sure you eat dinner. I don't want you to be driving until you come back to see me. I want to see you in the office in a week, after you've had your evaluation with the physical therapist."

"OK, OK. I am a doctor. I can take care of myself."

"You're stubborn, too." He grinned and patted her on the shoulder. "I'll be back."

She reached over to the nightstand, and picked up the phone. She called her long-time assistant. Grace would be the best one to call for a ride. Janette would be able to find her at home.

Grace readily agreed to provide a ride home and fussed over her. She had shopped for Natalie, and spent the afternoon catching up on the gossip. She carefully avoided any talk of Nick... the attack... Tracy's death. It was too soon for Natalie to deal with the emotional impact... the loss..

Natalie remained in solitude for the next week. Regaining strength. Meditating on her life, her goals, her hopes. And struggling with the nausea that seemed unending. She hungered but could not eat. As a desperate measure, she began to subsist on the protein shakes that she had developed for Nick. While they were tasteless, at least they stayed down.

Her assistants took turns calling her, offering company, to go to lunch, go to the grocery, a movie. Finally she relented and met Grace for lunch... and to visit Tracy's grave.

"Are you sure you're OK, Natalie?" Grace looked at her as they left the restaurant. "I mean, you barely touched your meal."

"I'm OK, really. It's just been a rough month," Natalie sighed as Grace unlocked the car door. She was still dependent on others driving her around.

"Oh, Natalie, honey... that's what friends are for.. talk to me.. please." Grace answered earnestly.

"Grace.. This is something that I need to figure out for myself." Natalie buckled herself into the seat and looked away. Her sensitivity to sunlight had lessened somewhat, but sunglasses were now a routine... indoor and outside.

"What? Figure what out?" Grace looked at her puzzled, starting the car but not pulling out of the parking lot just yet.

"Whether or not I can come back to work," she said softly. Her time away from the office had intensified feelings, made her question the wisdom of returning to the coroner's office.

"What? Natalie, you are the best ME in the city... in the province. You can't quit."

"But I don't know if I can face the memories." Her voice was small, shaky. "I don't know if I can go into the lab again."

Grace took her hand. "It's Nick, isn't it? You miss him." Like most of the department, she had been witness to the growing relationship between her boss and the mysterious blond detective and she knew better than anyone how his disappearance would affect Natalie. Indeed, no one had seen or heard from Nick since that night. She reached around to give Natalie a hug. "Transfer to days. To a different precinct. Request a different lab." she pleaded. "Don't throw away your career. I.. I mean it, Natalie. You are the best ME we have... and you are my friend. I hate to see you hurting."

"Grace, I am so burned out," Natalie sighed. "Just give me time. Yes, Nick is part of it. But not completely. There are a lot of issues that I need to sort out."

"OK," She hesitated. "Have they figured out who attacked you?"

"No. The police are convinced that it was Nick. And they won't look further." Natalie paused, her voice going cold, firm. "It wasn't. He would never hurt me. I should know."

"I never said it was. And I would never believe that Nick was capable of hurting you." she looked at Natalie as she pulled out of the parking lot. "Are you sure you are ready for this?" she asked softly as she turned the car toward the cemetery on the edge of Toronto.

"Yes. Tracy was a friend." She whispered. "I was unconscious at the time of her funeral. I need to put some closure to this." Grace simply nodded. She understood the need to say goodbye...

After walking Natalie to the grave site, Grace stepped back, leaving Natalie some privacy. Pulling her heavy coat and scarf tighter, Natalie knelt in the snow by the headstone. She brushed the snow away and read the simple inscription <Tracy Vetter 1970-1996 Killed in the line of duty> She sighed and then spoke in a low voice "Tracy, I am so sorry. I miss your spirit, your energy, but most of all, I miss you and I am sorry that I kept Nick's secret from you. If anyone would have understood, you would have. And I could have helped you with Vachon. Yes I knew about him. And I told Nick that it was nasty to have you the only one out of the loop... You know, we were part of a very exclusive club... mortals allowed to know their little secret. Well, Tracy, I will very soon be joining that other exclusive little club. One that I prevented you from joining. Nick was ready to bring you across... and I stopped him. It was jealousy, pure and simple. I was angry that Nick would share something with you that he denied me... I truly hope that this is what you would have wanted. If Vachon had survived, I think that you might have wanted it.. to be with him... but now, well Tracy, how could we know if that would have been what you wanted?" she sighed "if only Nick had told you the truth earlier... well, you might not have even gone into that locker room... if you knew that your partner was bullet-proof. You see. I have known for six years. And I'd finally gotten Nick to believe in himself... in us... in our future. And now he is gone. He left me for dead, and moved on. Only I was not dead. And I don't know where he is... whether I will ever see him again.." the tears were streaming down her face, freezing in the cold January afternoon. "Tracy, he changed me. Emotionally. Physically. And now, Tracy... permanent changes are coming." She straightened up, her voice clearer, more resolute. "Well, Tracy, this is goodbye. To you. To Toronto. I am going to finish what Nick started... let myself be brought across... so I will not get the chance to see you, even in an afterlife... if such a thing exists.." with a brief prayer... she stood and walked away <probably the last time for that> she thought sarcastically.

Janette came to her that evening. Even in jeans and a sweater she was elegant. Natalie had just sat down to her 'supper'.. if one could call the cup of yogurt, protein shake and tea a meal... Without looking back, she spoke, "Hello, Janette."

"Good evening, Doctor," she smiled. <so, she progresses.. is she ready for the final step?>

Natalie turned and motioned for her to come and sit. "If we are going to be friends, please... call me Natalie. After all, I may not always BE a doctor."

"True.. very true." She looked her over carefully, noting the strange combination of foods and Natalie's continued pallor and thinness "So, have your symptoms abated at all?"

"I don't burn as readily.. but otherwise, no. I knew it was you," she looked at Janette, concerned. " And I know that some other vampire has been watching me for a few days."

"I imagine that the enforcers are close. As I feared, you are in danger." She sighed, not sure how to say it.

"Janette. I know what is happening to me. I am stuck in between worlds." Natalie was succinct, matter-of-fact. "Those enforcers of yours won't allow that to continue... I don't know what their intentions would be, but I don't think I'd like whatever they could possibly want to do." she did have a suspicion of how they would handle it and wanted to take care of the situation herself.

"You are correct, Natalie... are you ready to make the final step?" Janette was equally succinct, and looked Natalie in the eyes, questioning.

"Yes, if you do it," Natalie answered softly, a hint of pleading in her voice. She was tired of the uncertainty that her life now held.

"I am willing," Janette replied taking Natalie's hand in hers, waiting until their eyes met. "But first, you must realize what this means. I will be your master.. for eternity. This gives me certain rights over you.. and responsibilities. You must stay with me for a while, at least the first two centuries as you adapt, learn our ways, find your place within the community." Janette was serious as she watched Natalie for any hesitation. She had never brought anyone across before. Had never wanted the responsibility... but somehow, the prospect seemed different when considering the doctor. She would be a friend and confidante and was more aware of what she was getting herself into than most converts.

"I understand," Natalie's voice was clear, firm.

"And I will not permit you to feed on the blood of animals," Janette looked at her seriously.

"I understand. As long as I can get donated," Their eyes met, smiles growing.

"Yes, yes.. we call it the 'private reserve', it is what I serve at my club," she smiled slyly.

"You will need to take a leave of absence from work. After a period of adjustment, I will see if it is advisable for you to resume this life... or whether 'Dr. Lambert' simply disappears."

"I understand.. I will go to the office tomorrow and request an indefinite LOA, and ask Grace to take my cat. I think I need a long vacation, somewhere remote and relaxing.. a mountain resort, maybe." Natalie looked at her soon-to-be master with a suppressed laugh. After years of helping Nick cover up for various things, her skills at inventing believable fiction had become quite good.

"Yes, that would be good.. I can have Aristotle set that up. You will be with me, though" Janette took her hand and squeezed it... to seal their friendship for eternity..

"Of course... so I will see you tomorrow?"

"Yes... I will be waiting here for you, Natalie."


The messenger dropped a thick envelope off shortly after sunset. LaCroix handed it to Nick without a word. Neither man had relaxed much since arriving back in Toronto. Nick was on edge, sensing something familiar, yet unfamiliar.

He sat down at the dining room table and began to spread out the familiar forms of the police report. Skimming them quickly, he saw how they had searched the loft ... again... at least there was no blood in the refrigerator this time. He read the eyewitness reports.. namely Joe Reese's statement. The crime scene pictures were as he remembered, where he had laid Natalie. But where was her body? She was in the first picture, but in most of them, there was just the chalk outline... that was odd. And no coroner's report. What he found most odd was the names on the reports. As he suspected, they had assigned it away from the 96th precinct... and given it to the one closest to his home. But it wasn't assigned to Homicide... but to Violent Crimes...

Still pondering why this just did not add up, he found it... 'transcript of victim's statement' ... a typed four page interview with a very familiar, although shaky signature at the bottom. "she's alive..." he whispered.

Natalie sat quietly ignoring the buzz of activity in and out of the coroner's administrative office. The stack of papers she held were filled out neatly, only needed the right signature.

"How long a leave? You know, you still have a couple months left of the original 3-month LOA that Mike put you on," Dr. Coburn looked at her sympathetically. He really wanted his best ME back, but he wanted her healthy. She had given them quite a scare.

"I don't know, Jim. I'm still having some effects from the coma, balance and coordination, mostly. My therapist says I am improving but I doubt I'll be ready to tackle crime scenes any time soon. And my vision... I am still very photosensitive. While I could probably do a post in the dark, I don't think the techs would appreciate it," she tried to instill some humor into the conversation.

"Well, Natalie... take care of yourself... don't worry about not having a job to come back to." He looked at her, taking the stack of papers, and signed each. Hesitating before handing them back, he paused, "Grace told me, um, some of your concerns. I understand.... And we will reassign your office and lab space when you are ready to come back. And if you want a different shift or precinct, just say the word." He handed the papers back to her admonishing. "Get the help you need. You have 118 sick days still on the books... when those sick days are almost gone, if you cannot come back, we will need something from your neurologist for long term. For now, your word is enough. And I think Reese would kill me if I made you come back right now."

"Thanks, Jim. I will be in touch," Natalie picked up the papers and leaning on her cane walked out the door. It was a prop, one that made the illusion easier... and no one questioned her. Her true infirmities were ones that the others in the coroners office would never know. Just as they would never know that this was truly goodbye.

Her senses tingling, Natalie opened the door of her apartment. It was lit only by candles and the blazing fire in the fireplace. Janette was sitting on the couch.

"Everything go well?" she questioned.

"Yes, I am on extended LOA. Six months"

"You still want this?" Janette asked softly, walking up to Natalie silently.

"Yes, I do." She answered, firmly, resolutely. "I know what I am doing.. and saying."

"You are ready to leave here? Leave everything behind?" Janette probed. <last chance to back out>

"As long as you do not leave me alone... yes." Natalie answered clearly, confidently.

"Natalie, if I do this, we are bound for eternity. I will not leave you. And even if we were apart, I would know if you needed me... if you were hurt in any way." she smiled. "Do you want to change your clothes? I cannot promise no drips.. or stains... black is best."

Natalie went into her room and changed out of her beige suit into black jeans and a v-neck knit top... black of course. She came back into the living room, braiding her thick unruly curls. "So.. what now?"

"Lay down on the couch, please." She instructed and as Natalie complied, she touched her shoulder. "Don't worry, Natalie. It may hurt a little at first."

"Janette. I know what being drained feels like. Remember? Been there, done that... I trust you. At least I know what YOUR intentions are.." she smiled as she laid her head on the towel that Janette had spread on the couch and tilted her chin up, exposing her neck.

Kneeling next to the couch, Janette took a deep breath, allowed her senses to extend, concentrating on the steady beat of Natalie's heart... the scent of her blood. She felt her fangs extend, her vision going gold... she smoothed the hair away from Natalie's neck, felt the pulsations of the artery just below the surface... and then leaned over and planted her fangs into the artery. Warm blood spurted out... sweet, intoxicating.. <ah, no wonder Nicholas lost control... exquisite...> swallowing rapidly, Janette drew the remaining blood slowly, carefully. Sensing the slowing of Natalie's heart, she pulled away, licking the wound clean. Pausing a moment, she opened a small wound on her wrist and sucked until the blood flowed easily. Dripping the blood into Natalie's mouth, she spoke quietly. "Drink, Natalie. It is what you want. It is what you have desired. Come back. Turn away from the light. You did once... this time, I will do it right... I won't leave you. Drink from me and you will be eternal." She could feel Natalie's mouth move slightly and she saw her swallow.

The tingling, burning sensation intensified as Janette felt the bond.. the link between master and child.. fragile, tentative.. but strengthening with every swallow Natalie took. Natalie reached up and drank deeply from Janette's wrist before opening her eyes, releasing Janette's wrist as she sat up, eyes glowing green. She looked up at Janette, uncertain.

"Welcome back, my child," Janette smiled. "How do you feel?"

"Exhilarated. At peace. Whole." She turned, swinging her legs off the couch. "Ever since I woke in the hospital, I have been struggling, confused, conflicted... and now."


"Now, I am hungry and I know that I can now eat what I have craved for the past month."

"You have desired?" Janette looked at her, surprised. This was a very unusual reaction for one newly converted. She was very calm, calmer than most.

"Yes. It's been hard. Like you said, I knew that even if I drank it, that I could not digest it properly and it would not ease my hunger," she looked up at Janette. "So, what now?"

"Now we go for a walk," She looked at Natalie for signs of hesitation, of regret. And saw none. She took Natalie's hand and led her to the balcony. "You do not need a coat any longer except to fit into society. You won't be bothered by cold." Natalie nodded and followed her out the door "OK, Natalie... lesson #1" She laughed and explained the basics of flight, and then pushed Natalie off the 5th floor balcony... floating herself to the ground, to watch... make sure that no harm came.

Natalie initially fell but did not reach the ground... she hovered momentarily before lifting up and then landing softly beside Janette. "That is incredible!" she grinned. "Such freedom."

"And you still hunger?"

"Yes," Natalie nodded as Janette inclined her head toward the public park across the street. After a brief walk, she stopped and pointed.

"Can you feel him?"


"On the bench. He will die of the cold tonight but first, he will ease your hunger. He is your prey. I will help you."

"Oh... starting me off right away?" Natalie looked at her incredulous. "You're going to teach me to kill."

"You may not always have a steady source like the Raven. You must be able to take care of yourself. And Natalie... you knew what you craved and where it comes from. Don't spend eternity fighting with yourself. It will only weaken you."

"OK.. yes, I understand." Natalie shrugged. It amazed her that the thought of killing did not bother her. Did coming across change one that much? "So, how does this work? I sneak up on him, overpower him and then chomp?"

"Crudely... but yes... as a woman, though, you may find that the hint of seduction is better than overpowering physically. And pleasured blood is much sweeter." They walked closer and it was with little difficulty that Natalie secured her first meal and was much neater than most fledglings in their first hunger. She even made sure that whatever the police found eventually would lead to hypothermia as a cause.

"Very good, my dear," Janette praised. "You know, I would have just dropped him in the lake."

"Which is frozen. No, I have been covering for you guys for six years. I know how to hide it, what the coroners will look for," Natalie laughed. It was so easy to tell Janette everything now.

"You have been covering for us?" she asked with surprise. She knew that the coroner and Nick were close friends but had never imagined Natalie compromising professional standards... falsifying records.

"Yep... I would see something odd... I made up a story to hide it and called Nick." She looked at Janette. "You did not know?"

"No. I thought it strange that we had no run-ins with the police... no carelessness for so long."

"Maybe it is useful to have a friend in the ME office," Natalie replied with a small laugh.

"I never thought of it that way... I think perhaps you were destined to be one of us," she smiled, squeezing Natalie's hand briefly. They continued back to Natalie's apartment in silence as Natalie absorbed the sensations of the night fully, and then felt a chill... a powerful aura. She looked up at Janette, concerned.

"Stay with me, Natalie... it will be okay," Janette said smoothly, confidently. "All right, show yourself."

Landing softly in front of them, a tall, slender man dressed all in black, twirling a stake in his one hand peered at the two women through mirrored sunglasses. "So... Ms. DuCharme.. a pleasure to meet you."

"What do you want? We have no need of your services." Janette said harshly, stepping in front of Natalie.

"Ah, you wound me... I merely wish to congratulate you on your new child." The man replied casually, studying Natalie carefully.

"Yes.. so you noticed. And you can leave her alone. She is my responsibility now."

"Tsk Tsk.. so, you were that intent on saving deBrabant? Where is he? I think he needs to be reminded of the hazards of carelessness."

"What is he talking about?" Natalie whispered to Janette.

"Yes, fledgling... what am I talking about?"

"The code, Natalie," Janette sighed. "Nicholas has violated the code. First in allowing you to live with your knowledge of us. And then in leaving you."

"What will happen to him?" Natalie murmured, unable to take her eyes off the enforcer.

"A warning," the enforcer looked intently at Janette. "Since YOU took care of the problem, he will live. As will you, Ms. Lambert... yes, I know who you are. But we will be watching. Listen to your master... and do not attract attention."

With that warning, and a second glance to Natalie, he flew away. Natalie began to shake in fear.

Janette moved closer and spoke softly. "Do you understand what just happened?"

"Sort of... I guess. Was that an enforcer?" she said looking at Janette.

"Yes. That was an 'oh-so-subtle' way of telling us that an order had been issued," Janette explained.

"An order?" Natalie repeated questioning.

"Intervention... which means an execution," Janette paused, hesitating slightly. "Yours and Nicholas." She let the words sink in as she spoke slowly, deliberately. "I told you that patience was very thin. Nicholas was very careless. Normally, I would not clean up after him." She stopped and met Natalie's eyes. "But I could not allow your execution. This was not your doing. He knew better. He knows the code. And he very carelessly left you with a big 'target' painted on your head." She sighed and straightened up. "But I am looking forward to spending time with you."

"You did this... brought me across... to save him? Protect him?" Natalie questioned. Her previous confidence in the fragile bond with her new master was wavering.

"No. I did it to protect YOU. You were blameless in this whole matter. And you have always been a friend to our kind, to me. I have never wanted a fledgling... but you are different. Eternity with you will not be a battle. But you realize that, even as we speak, they are looking for Nicholas."

"To kill him?" she asked with growing fear. Had she embraced eternity only to see Nick relinquish his?

"No. Warn him. Tell him that the order was issued. And that it had already been taken care of," Janette shrugged.

"Me, you mean?"

"Yes. He will be told that you were brought over. They won't say by whom."

"But he'll know. He'll come looking."

"Do you want to be found?"

"Not yet. I don't think I can handle his angst... his guilt. He will blame himself when this is what I wanted and I don't feel the guilt. I am willing to do what is needed to survive," she said emphatically.

Janette gave her a small hug. "Smart decision. I agree. We will leave tonight... go to my new home. Leave everything here. Just go, leave no clues. Our paths will cross with his someday and by then you will be ready. I will be ready."

"He'll get LaCroix to help him look."

"Probably, but that will take some time. In the meantime, you have much to learn. Come..."


Nick paced the room restlessly, "where is she?" he muttered. Copies of the police report and hospital chart lay on the dining table. Evidence of the effects of his actions.. coma, kidney failure, respiratory failure and the slow recovery... delirium.

LaCroix merely looked at him, an amused stare. "It is out of your hands. You made your decision."

"She was DEAD.. her heart had stopped.." Nick shook his head, remembering that fateful night. He had replayed it in his head so many times since then, it haunted him.

"And you are sure that not even a spark remained?" LaCroix asked quietly, patiently.

"What are you saying?" Nick's eyes narrowed. <he knew something>

"How careless were you? Are you sure she did not even taste a drop?"

Nick stopped pacing and stared at his master, stunned. He did not know. Did not remember. The police reports, hospital records may not have the evidence to implicate him on other than circumstantial facts... but he was wide open to others.. others that were not as forgiving.

And as if to read his thoughts, three darkly clad figures burst through the window. Two of them grabbed Nick by the arms and restrained him against the wall, stakes in hand, poised. The third smiled at LaCroix and then turned to Nick. "Nicholas deBrabant, you have been judged guilty of three flagrant violations of the code." He paused for effect, looking to LaCroix and motioning for his silence. "One: that you knowingly revealed yourself to a mortal, permitted experimentation and the gathering of empirical evidence about us. Two: that you knowingly attacked a mortal who is a public figure and would be missed. And Three: that you left her to be found... not dead, not fully crossed... but somewhere between."

"A hunter? Dr. Lambert is a hunter?" LaCroix burst out.

"No," the enforcer glanced between the two men for effect. "She is a vampire." Smiling at Nick's shocked expression. "Or at least she is now."

"You?" LaCroix asked, knowing that enforcers converted and left. If that was the case, they needed to find her.. make sure she was cared for.

"No.. another. You are in debt. Someone else cleaned up for you and is taking responsibility for Ms. Lambert." He smiled coldly. "I witnessed her hunting with her new master... she is a natural." He laughed at Nick's horrified gasp. "Let this be a warning, deBrabant. Next time, we won't be so lenient. Even if someone else does clean up after you." He motioned to the other two enforcers who released Nick and the three of them flew off silently into the night.

"I must find her." Nick said urgently. He looked toward LaCroix, as if to ask for assistance.

"So... go look. Be discrete." LaCroix nodded to him and watched Nick fly into the night.

Nick landed on her balcony and cast out his senses. He did not even hear her cat in the apartment. Puzzled, he walked though searching for any clues. It appeared that she had been here recently. Remnants of a dinner were in the sink. Her clothes, her personal items were all in place. Her keys were hung on the hook by the door, her purse sat on the corner table. Nothing was missing... except her...

It was on his second circuit of the apartment that he picked up the very faint hint of blood... crossing the living room, he saw a towel draped over the couch <why would she put a towel there?>. And then he noticed the drops of blood on it... almost as if it had dripped. And it was still damp. He was drawn to the scent... bringing the towel to his lips, he tasted it <Natalie, my sweet Natalie> . So she had been here recently... very recently... It hit him suddenly... she had just been brought across. That night... on that couch... And he had the evidence~ the last of her mortal blood. To his relief, he realized that what the enforcer saw was her first hunger and if she was being called 'a natural', she was in control and someone was watching over her. It bothered him that he did not know who that someone was. He almost resented it. He would not have made her hunt or take human blood.

<Well, my love.. it appears that LaCroix is not to blame... but who? And where are you?> Knowing that she would have to seek shelter soon, he decided to stay, wait for her. He dialed LaCroix "She isn't at home... but I think she was just brought over tonight. I am going to stay here and wait for her."

And so he waited... and waited. For a week, he'd leave the apartment only to replenish his food supply. He slept, clutching the towel, still infused with her scent although the blood was dried.

Finally, LaCroix confronted him. Coming over late at night, he clicked off the television, setting down a crate of his private reserve "Nicholas, face facts. She's gone. Stop wallowing in self pity. She has moved on. Without you."

"She'll be back. She has left everything here."

"Of her mortal existence. But she is not mortal, is she? And how many times did you just disappear into the night? Evidently, her new master took her away for the transition."

"Her mail is being forwarded.. the bills are being paid. She'll come back." Nick replied stubbornly.

"Maybe. Or when she is ready to declare this chapter closed, Aristotle will send his assistants over to pack her up... store her belongings or ship them somewhere. You know how it works." He stopped Nick's restless pacing. "Don't go there. I already saw him. She has not been to see him. He would only say that her sire had him concoct a cover that she was convalescing in the mountains so that her mortal co-workers would not look for her."

"He would not tell you where she was, even if he knew."

"Yes. True. But I did not ask him WHERE she was. I asked if he had met her, spoken with her. And no. He has not. Her employer thinks she is in Alberta. She isn't. She is underground.." LaCroix sighed. "If you want to stay in Toronto, I will re-open the Raven. Listen to the talk among the young ones."

"You would do that for me?"

"Yes. And for Dr. Lambert. She may come seeking you at some point."

"Unless she hates me," Nick said mournfully.

"Oh, but remember that she survived only because she had tasted a little of you. Your essence. Yes, she has bonded with someone else but eventually she will NEED to see you." he moved closer to Nick and whispered. "taste you."

Nick shivered at the erotic implications. It has been so long since he has made love to any vampire except for Janette. Could he love Natalie in that way?


The club proved to be a comfortable home. Natalie shared Janette's spacious subterranean apartment that connected to the club. She was adjusting to her new life. Janette was a patient, nurturing teacher and it did not take long for Natalie to develop enough control to start working at the club.. first as a bartender, and then as a waitress. It was not what she would want to do for eternity... but after struggling and pushing herself for her entire mortal lifetime, she was content to just exist. For a while at least.

No one questioned where she came from, or who she was... as Janette explained 'it is our way. Who you were as a mortal does not matter. You are with me, of my lineage, so you will be accepted'. She began to learn names and became accustomed to being simply 'Natalie'. It was strange to not have a professional title attached...

She'd barely noticed the coming of spring... and except for the lateness of the sunset.. summer. She had not realized how long she'd been in Buffalo with Janette... or that the time limit to her mortal 'cover' had long expired. And then visitors from Toronto came into the club... mortal visitors..

It was her night at the bar. Like Janette, she dressed elegant, and just a little provocative, her auburn curls pinned up to fall around her shoulders and her sleek black sheath just a tad revealing. She preferred tending bar, it allowed her to sip as needed. As a very young vampire, maintaining control among mortal guests required a near steady infusion of 'reserve'. Tending bar also allowed her to practice skills, eavesdrop a little and watch the crowd.

Engrossed in a conversation with a mortal waitress, she did not notice the approach of a portly, dark man. "Natalie? Is that you?" he asked in a surprised tone. <wow.. that was hiding under those scrubs> She whirled and saw him standing at the bar... Joe Reese and three other Toronto police captains.

"Joe.. what are you doing here?" She asked, trying to maintain calm. Janette stood back, watching, observing how her fledgling would deal with recognition.

"I could ask you the same thing." He looked at her intently. "Your LOA ended three months ago."

"Really? Oh, jeez... I did not keep track," her surprise was genuine. She had, literally, lost track of time as she adjusted to her new immortality.

"You never showed up at the rehab center in Alberta. No one has seen you since January... even your doctors. What's up Natalie?"

"I needed a break. I did better rehabbing on my own," she shrugged.

"I see that. You are looking well. Well enough to come back to work I would guess," he glanced up and down her figure with an appreciative gaze. "Look, you were declared a missing person in March when you missed your third appointment with Dr. Coburn... and we started looking for you. Every trail was cold. You did not even take your purse." His voice was calm, steady but a hint of annoyance was surfacing.

"What are you going to do, Joe, if I don't want to come back?" she asked, studying his expression.

"All I am asking is for you to call Dr. Coburn... let the department declare you 'found'.. you have a lot of friends in Toronto who care about you... worried you were dead."

"Joe.. I am not coming back to work. I need a break. You don't know how close I came to doing the same thing as Lora." She sighed. "I need a break from death... losing Tracy pushed me over the edge."

"And what about Nick?" he asked softly. "You can talk to me. He is still missing, too."

"I loved him, Joe. I still love him. I miss him. Toronto has too many memories for me," she said with a hint of sadness. "I know we told everyone that we were just friends, but it went beyond that. Or at least we were trying to make a relationship work despite objections from his family."

"Family? I thought he had no family?"

"He did.. and his father and I did not get along," she took Joe's hand and murmured. "I don't know where he went... but he won't be back. That much I do know. And you will never find him. I won't find him .... But I still love him and miss him. I simply could not come back to Toronto... the memories hurt too much." She straightened up and took a deep breath. "But that does not matter now.. OK, Joe... what can I get you?"

"Just a draft," he replied, looking around. "So, how did you find yourself here?"

"The owner is a good friend. She came when I had just gotten home from the hospital. Offered to help with my rehab. Actually was going to fly out to Alberta with me and then we both changed our minds and came here instead." Natalie paused. "Its been therapeutic, Joe. Really it has. And I am happy here."

"Well.. OK.. but I am going to rescind that MP and mark you as found and if you ever want you to come back, call us. There will be a position for you," he looked at her and waited for her to nod in agreement, before taking his drink to his table.

With a nodded farewell, Natalie stood behind the bar, grasping it tightly. Eyes closed, she breathed deeply and felt a glass shoved into her hands.

"Here, drink," Miklos, the senior bartender commanded and watched her guzzle two drinks quickly, back turned to the bar. "Better?" he whispered and smiled at Natalie's nod. "OK... either you take care of him, or I will tell Janette."

"T-take care of him?" she asked with hesitation. She had learned to hunt, to kill... but that was always the random stranger. She could not kill a friend.

"You know. Make him forget that you were here." Miklos explained.

"But I thought I was pretty careful what I said."

"Yes, you were. But he knows where you are and will waste no time telling all your Toronto friends and then they will come here looking for you," he said patiently, waiting for her to understand. "When you move on, there is no going back." Before she could say anything, Janette had come up to them.

"Natalie," She said in her 'command' tone. "Come with me." She led Natalie into the back room and turned her around. "Look at me." Their eyes met and Janette stared directly in that manner that showed clearly that she was the master. "Who is he?"

"Nick's police captain from Toronto."

"What did he want of you?"

"To tell people where I was. That I am OK. He really wants me to come back to work, but I refused."

"Did he ask about Nick? Or who you were with?"

"Yes... I said I had not seen Nick... did not know where he was. And I just said that I was with a good friend who helped my rehab." Natalie paused waiting for Janette to respond. But Janette seemed to feel that the story was not finished. "Well, it is true.. you are a friend. And I do not know where Nick is."

"You also said that Nick had a father with whom you did not get along... mortals do not know of LaCroix." Janette's voice had that hard edge, the one that said that she was angry.

"I never said it was LaCroix. I did not even say that this father was in Toronto. Everything I said was true. And that was a reason that mortals would accept, better than the truth. Janette, they all thought that Nick and I were having a torrid affair, and sometimes they ask less questions if you partially go along with their assumption."

"You also said that they would never find Nick. But you knew he was gone," Janette's voice had softened somewhat, as she realized that Natalie had straddled both worlds for so long that she had a logical explanation that both sides would accept.

"Isn't that the truth? At least as much as we know? Look, when I was originally interviewed by the police, I hinted that Nick was suicidal."

"Natalie, you must take care what you say to mortals. This story will work, but was just a little too specific for my liking. Please be cautious revealing your past, talking with mortals.. Especially mortals who knew you from before."

"Miklos said I need to take the memories," She said hesitantly.

"Hmmm. Miklos is very sensible. But we want to make sure this works. You are still learning. No. I will do it." She released her hold on Natalie and they both relaxed. "This does raise a valid point, though. They have declared you missing. And are actively looking for you. We need to close that chapter."

"What do you mean?"

"Go to Toronto. You will officially resign. Arrange to sell your apartment We will meet with Aristotle and set up your new identity. Meet with some of the other major advisers. We will get you set up properly. You must decide what you want to do. You are welcome to simply help me at the club but somehow I see you doing more that this."

"I can't be a pathologist?" she questioned, finding it difficult to keep the dismay from her voice.

"Not yet. Not unless you re-appear in Toronto as Dr. Lambert and then you will have to explain the last 10 months. Something that I do not think would be easy. You are too well known among professional colleagues and would be recognized. Maybe in ten or twenty years. You can still be a doctor, though. Maybe a family doctor... a clinic... Very little blood there." The implications were clear. While her control was good, she was still a very young vampire.

"Oh, I had not thought of that."

"Yes. You do not have 800 years of control. Pathology would be very difficult for you right now. Someday you could return to it. Having an ally in the coroner's office was handy but now is not the right time for that.. Think about it. Setting up a new identity can take time. We can enjoy ourselves in Toronto... See who is looking for you." The implications of that statement went unsaid... but clear.... Was Nick still in Toronto?


It was Natalie's first flight over water... exhilarating barely described the sensations. All too quickly, they arrived on the fringes of downtown Toronto. "Come, my daughter." Janette grinned. "My apartments at the Raven await."

"The Raven?" Natalie looked around nervously. "What ever happened to low profile? What about LaCroix? Nick?"

"My apartments above the club are mine. He uses the second floor only. He may sense me.. but not you." Janette explained walking confidently through the dark streets. "I will sense either of them." She stopped and looked at Natalie sternly. "You cannot hide forever."

"I don't mind seeing LaCroix." She chuckled softly, imagining the look on the ancient master vampire's face. "Actually, I am hoping that I do meet him. But I am not ready to see Nick."

"I will keep that in mind." She led the way through a maze of hallways and stairwells, entering security codes at several points, before opening the door into a spacious living room. It was very feminine and very elegant... very 'Janette' and she immediately felt at ease. Faintly through the intercom, she could hear music.

"Sounds like the club is hopping," she observed.

"I suppose... I will check things out. I do not feel Nicholas or LaCroix, but let me make some inquiries. There should be some 'reserve' in the refrigerator. Help yourself." With a nod, she walked through a different door and clicked the bolt.

The club had changed since she left. It lacked her elegant, sophisticated touch. She shuddered at the advertisement for a stripper on 'ladies night', although this band was quite good. While her presence was noted, she'd been gone long enough that her identity as former owner was not known to this mostly young or mortal crowd. Surveying and finding no familiar faces, she went up to the bar.

"New in town?" the bartender said, placing a glass of private reserve in front of her.

"Returning. I have some business." She sipped the drink casually. "LaCroix still broadcasting in the back?"

His eyes lit up when she mentioned his boss. "And what do you know of LaCroix?"

"Enough." She let her eyes glow briefly, let him sense her age. "I know that he is not here presently... but that he is still in Toronto."

"Yes.. he is. And he broadcasts at the station now. What do you want with him?"

"To say hello. Check in, as it were." She said casually. It was a simple request, one that the bartender would be comfortable with. Checking in with the senior member of the community was expected when relocating.

"Very well," he nodded, pulling out a pad of paper. "Leave your number, and I will have him call."

"That won't be necessary. I will be upstairs in the 3rd floor residence. He will know that I am there."

"Third floor? Oh, miss.. you can't stay there." He looked at her with alarm written on his expression. "Those belong to Miss Janette. No one is permitted to use them."

"And I am Janette." She smiled at him. "I thank you for your vigilance, but my father will not mind that I am using them."

"Oh... I am sorry.. I did not know. I never expected that you would really return." He stammered. "I am Marcus. I have worked with Mr. LaCroix ever since Miklos left."

"It is a pleasure to meet you Marcus... and I will relay your efficiency to my sire. He will be pleased." She smiled seductively. "I require a bottle of your best, s'il vous plait," Taking the bottle, she glided across the room and disappeared into the private residential corridor.

It was close to 3 AM... the mortal 'closing time' when LaCroix walked into the club. The vampire element had blended into the shadows... all was well.

The vibrations were faint, but he felt them clearly... Janette had been there... He strode up to the bar "Marcus?"

"Hi, boss. Yeah, you have a visitor upstairs."

"Janette..." he smiled and moved swiftly to the stairs to the upper apartments. As he approached, her vibrations became stronger, but he felt something more.. someone else, who bore a striking echo... a fledgling perhaps... but in the thousand years that he'd known Janette, he had never seen her bring anyone across.

The door was already open when he got to the third floor. She was standing at the doorway. "Mon pere."

"Ah, my beautiful Janette. Welcome back," he gave her a gentle embrace and followed her within the apartment. "My dear, what is this I sense? A young one? Yours?"

"Are you alone this evening? Where is Nicholas?"

"He is still brooding the loss of Dr. Lambert. It is becoming quite tiresome. Why do you ask?"

"My companion is a bit shy just yet." She turned around toward the kitchen and called out. "You may bring some refreshments... he will be alone."

Natalie came out of the kitchen slowly, balancing the tray of goblets and bottles of reserve. "Good evening, LaCroix," she said softly, her eyes meeting his.

He stared momentarily and then a smile crossed his face. "Dr. Lambert. You are a bit more, shall we say, lively then when last we met."

"Thanks to Janette," Natalie responded sarcastically.

"Ah, I thought I recognized you as family." His eyes glinted. "So you were not as far gone as Nicholas thought... I was not sure, though. We left in a bit of a hurry."

"And left me to die." Her anger was reflected in the bitter tone of her voice.

"That was Nicholas's choice. To die with you."

"To die?" she asked puzzled.

"Ah, well. He asked me to stake him. And I did." at Natalie's shocked look, he laughed. "But not where he wanted, I suppose." He looked at her intently. "I disabled him and took him away. I could not kill him. But I sincerely apologize for not considering your wishes. Nicholas said you were beyond our assistance. I should have checked for myself, as we were obviously mistaken."

"You are forgiven." Natalie said, her tone softening as she moved closer and sat in the chair opposite him, setting the tray on the table. "You did not know what I wanted. He did." She sighed and glanced at Janette. "Oh, I know now that Janette is a far better master than Nick would have been."

"Indeed." He sniffed, pouring a goblet full of blood and handing it to her, watching her intently as she eagerly drank the contents. "So, you are indeed one of us."

"You did not believe your own senses?"

"No, I believed them, but I wanted to make sure. Seeing is believing I suppose." He straightened and filled goblets for each of them. "You have better dietary tastes than Nicholas." He nodded toward Janette. "Then you are with Janette now?"

"Yes," Janette interjected. "I heard of Natalie's unfortunate attack on the TV news. It was fairly obvious what happened. I knew who had done it. I knew what would happen to them both. And I was correct. The enforcers were close when I brought her across."

"So you were pressured, Natalie?" he asked firmly.

"No, LaCroix. I was trapped between worlds. I feared becoming a hunter." She replied without emotion. "So I asked Janette to help me."

"I see," LaCroix interrupted.

"You know what would have happened," Janette broke in.

"Yes. The enforcers would have made sure that you did not become a hunter, Natalie." He looked at her intently. "But I am glad they did not need to intervene. It is much better this way... And you do realize that they DID pay us a visit... roughed Nicholas up a bit."

Natalie looked at him directly. "After they met us in the park."

"Yes, he did say something about hunting," he smiled indulgently. "I thought Nicholas would have a seizure at the vision of his icon for mortality hunting."

"Well, he relinquished any rights over me when he left me to die. Or, more properly I should say, left me to spend a month in limbo." Natalie's voice became angrier. "Do you know what it was like? Craving blood but unable to digest it. Unable to enjoy any other type of food, either. Enhanced vision but so sensitive that any light caused pain. Coming across was a blessing... it gave me peace, made me feel whole again."

"You realize that he is obsessed with finding you," LaCroix cautioned.

"I'm not surprised." Natalie said flatly. "but I am not ready to see him. Or forgive him."

"So what brings you to Toronto? Not that it is not an exquisite pleasure to see you both, but I somehow doubt that you intend merely a social call."

"I need to close my mortal ties." Natalie said simply.

"Indeed?" LaCroix asked. "So how is Dr. Lambert going to cease to exist? And why now?"

"We had mortal visitors in my club who recognized Natalie. Police... who want her found"

"And I don't want to be found, so 'Doctor Lambert' will be relocating to a remote village somewhere to do primary care... and find herself. They all knew that I was on the verge of a breakdown anyway."

"You realize the police searched your home two months ago?"

"How do you know?"

"Nicholas." He sighed. "He was convinced you'd be back. So he'd been camping out there. When they declared you missing, he went back to the loft. Since they'd stopped watching for him."

"Nick has been living at my apartment?"

"Yes, and it messed up the investigation. Signs of recent habitation and all. Of course, finding Nicholas's fingerprints confused them as well. There are some who think you ran off together." he smiled, pleased that the police had been unable to find a single useable clue. "So what do you REALLY plan?"

"We will meet with Aristotle. Develop a new incarnation. A letter of resignation will arrive at Natalie's office.. postmarked somewhere exotic. Aristotle will handle selling her apartment."

"I would like to stay in touch, my daughter," LaCroix said gently.

Natalie nodded and Janette pulled a card out of her purse. "My new club. We live in an adjacent apartment. You are welcome to visit anytime. Give us a year and then you may tell Nicholas this location." Natalie gasped and glared at Janette. She turned to faced Natalie and spoke firmly. "You cannot and will not hide forever. He is family. I would like to see him again. You both need to sort out what happened and then move forward. I will give you a year to fully develop yourself... mature your abilities. He may not seek you out if he knows that you are with me."

Natalie snorted her disagreement. "Right. That will happen. After 800 years, he won't want you."

LaCroix looked between the two women... alike in so many ways. And Natalie was far too controlled for her tender age... Janette was doing a good job as her master. "I will not reveal anything, but he is looking. And when Dr. Lambert ceases to exist, he may seek consolation from you, Janette. And he can track you." Natalie looked at him, startled. "Yes, my dear. How do you think that I stayed so close to Nicholas even when he sought to evade me. The bond of father to child.... Ah, Janette has not taught you this yet?"

"Not exactly. I mean, yes I knew that she could sense me... Nick can track us?"

Janette sighed. "Even though I still feel that LaCroix is truly my father... Nicholas brought me back across after that fire... well, now he can sense me as a sire would... I know it sounds rather convoluted."

"And he can track you across distances?" Natalie asked anxiously.

"Well.. yes. Remember, before I brought you across, I told you that I would always be able to feel you?"

"Umm hmmm... but that goes beyond simply feeling the other?"

"Yes, my dear." LaCroix smiled, pleased that, at last, he'd found an area where his 'daughter' had been less than forthcoming with her own progeny. "Your link with Janette will allow you to find her... track her... just as she can find you." He smiled at Natalie's look of surprise. "for eternity... you are family... and you cannot hide from me or Nicholas. We WILL be able to find you."

"Nick can find me?"

"Not yet. He does not know how to look. He does not know who your sire is." LaCroix smiled sardonically. "And I will not tell him. But should you ever need him, I can find him for you."

"Hah... I doubt that I will ever *need* him." Natalie looked at him exasperated.

"Don't be so certain." He cautioned. Sparring with Janette's progeny was a delight. She was not the usual timid fledgling. He was going to enjoy this new relationship with the doctor.


Several months passed. It had been over a year since that fateful night in the loft. Natalie had settled in with Janette, building a supportive friendship. Using her new identity as Natasha Lamb, she had opened a clinic in a women's shelter a few blocks from the club. Treating, colds, flues, bumps and bruises and the occasional victim of abuse... and pregnancy.. She felt alive, useful ... and the abuses suffered by her clients served as a learning experience for her. No one questioned the safety of the women at this shelter... and there was never a repeat visit by any abused woman.

Hunting was an essential skill, and satisfied longings that Natalie found hard to control. Even Janette was supportive... if not slightly amused by her activities. Tracking the abusing boyfriend or spouse was oddly satisfying. Usually she merely 'whammied' them into a confession to police or to abuse themselves and not the women. Those that proved resistant... well they never hurt anyone again... and were never seen again either.

Overall, it was a very satisfying life... but something was missing...

Another night of fruitless searching. When they declared Natalie a missing person, Nick moved back to his loft. His beloved caddy sat unused as he used the skylight and the powers of flight to move about the city... always aware of the police... who were no longer looking for him, but still occasionally came over unannounced... until he changed the alarm code and watched them all puzzle over that. Larry Merlin had helped him tap into the police computers and he saw his own case go into the unsolved files. He searched for clues where Natalie could have gone...

One night late in October, the file was marked closed.... A resignation letter from Dr. Lambert, postmarked 'Yellowknife, Northwest Territory' had been received, and the signatures verified. Citing burnout, she stated that she had been working primary care on a native reserve and felt the slower pace fit her physical limitations since the coma. The stress of the Toronto coroner's office was too much. A post office box was listed as a change of address. Reading this, Nick felt a cold chill. This had Aristotle's delicate touch all over it. Taking to the sky he landed on her balcony. Sure enough, completely empty. A 'sold' sign hung on the balcony....

That confirmed it. She had moved on with the surgical precision and finality that he knew so well. Did she know how he hungered for her touch, her voice. He had been angry at first, that she was now a vampire... but now wanted to see her, tell her that it was OK. But if she closed her Toronto ties, why was he still here? A different approach was needed... Janette. He would find Janette. Seek her counsel. Her guidance. The past year had been torment. Perhaps it was time to go back to his roots. Re-affirm his place in the community. Create a new life. And maybe in time, his path would cross with Natalie... and he could bridge the gap... mend the rift.

As soon as the sun set, Nick made plans. Drinking deeply of a fine vintage that LaCroix had left, he extended his senses... searched...concentrated <Janette... my sister, my daughter... where are you?> He knew she was not in Toronto, but the very slight tremor he felt told him that she was not far. Time to talk to LaCroix.

The club was not very busy yet... mostly mortal.. The music was muted, suitable for conversation. Nick strode up to the bar and waved a Marcus. Over the past year, Nick had spent more time here than he had in the previous 6 years that he'd been in Toronto...

"Hey Nick... he's in the back.." Marcus waved at him. He had noted, as had most of the community, that Nick was drifting back into the fold. Since his last mortal pet had disappeared, he had given up that quest... which most felt foolish... no child of LaCroix would stay mortal for long.

Nick walked into the office and nodded to LaCroix. "I need your help."

"Still looking for Dr. Lambert?" he sniffed. "I suspect she does not want to be found."

"You're probably right," he said, sitting down opposite the desk.

"Indeed... I am always right," he sneered. "So what brings this epiphany?"

"She is no longer considered missing. A resignation letter is in her file now. And her apartment was sold. It has Aristotle's efficient touch all over it. She has moved on for good... maybe it is time for me as well."

"It has been time for over a year, Nicholas." He sighed, looking at his progeny intently. "So, how can I be of assistance?"

"Janette... I want to see Janette. Do you know where she is?"

"You could track her yourself."

"I know. And show up unannounced. Give her something else to be angry with me about. No, I want her to know that I need to see her. To agree to see me first." He looked at LaCroix thoughtfully. "She is not far... but not in Toronto."

LaCroix smiled. "Yes, well, let me make a few phone calls. I will see what I can find out. You will wait in the club?" Nick nodded and stood.

After Nick closed the door, LaCroix pulled the card out of his desk and dialed. "Hello. He wants to see you... I don't know... He did not ask about her... only you. Yes. I will come with him. Expect us later tonight then." He hung the phone up and touched the intercom button. "Yes. Marcus, tell Nicholas that I have the information he requested."

It was but a minute when Nick walked into the office. "That didn't take long." He said sarcastically. "One would thing you knew exactly where to call."

"Yes. One would think that," he agreed. "Nicholas, I do not volunteer such information. I have known where she is for some time. But I promised to let her know if you sought HER."

"So she could leave?"

"No. So she could welcome you properly, I suppose. Nicholas, she has agreed to see you, but wants me to accompany you."

"I have no choice about that?"

"No. Pack a bag, and meet me back here by midnight, and we will be on our way."

Nick was quiet as they drove out of Toronto. Crossing into the states, he could feel the twinge of his bond strengthen. As they reached the outskirts of Buffalo, his smile grew... "She's here," he whispered.


It had been a busy evening at the clinic... November brought colds, flus, earaches. She was seeing children now as well. The shelter's administrator was so grateful for the young physician that cared for their residents that they had at first been hesitant to ask for her to see the children as well... until Natalie brought it up.. and set up a third evening weekly. Since they all thought she had her own private practice, no one argued the 'evening' only hours... and she was a volunteer after all... Natalie saw her last client at 11 and dismissed the staff shortly after that.

She felt unusually restless tonight, and looked forward to the quiet stroll back to the club. The solitude of the city streets was something that Natalie treasured. Only once since coming across, had anyone accosted her and he never knew what hit him as he found himself at the police precinct, confessing to a series of rapes and muggings. Toying with the criminal element was just so much fun. She did not have to kill them to make sure that they never committed the same crime again...

She had been feeling very odd vibes from Janette for the past several hours <longing, desire, hope> She entered their apartment through the back door, intending to change clothes and join Janette in the club. To her surprise, Janette was sitting in the living room, waiting.. a bottle and two goblets sitting on the table.

"Janette? Is everything OK?" Natalie asked alarmed. She set her briefcase down and came over to her sire... she had never seen Janette like this before. Quiet, reflective... a sense of joy... of hope...

"It is time to banish the ghosts, Natalie... for us both." Janette announced in the 'command' tone that Natalie heard seldom any more... but knew better that to debate.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Natalie asked softly, not sure what to make of Janette's odd mood.

"Time for the family reunion," Janette replied.

"LaCroix?" she whispered.

"And Nicholas." At Natalie's angry look, Janette spoke in her stern 'I'm the master' tone. "I told you that I would not let you hide forever. I have just as much reason to be angry with him..." her voice softened. "It has been a year for you. For a fledgling, you are very controlled, strong. But there are some experiences that I cannot provide you. It is time. And if you are not willing to see Nicholas, then it will fall to LaCroix as our patriarch"

"Does that have anything to do with the vague cravings I have been feeling?" Natalie asked quietly. There were times that her status as a recent convert was more evident.. and this was one of those weeks.

"You are having desires? Cravings? And yet you are feeding properly?" Janette asked sharply.

"Yes. Even after a very satisfying hunt... there is something missing... I don't know how to describe it."

"Desire, longing?" Natalie nodded and Janette smiled, mysterious. "Then this visit is most appropriate... Go, clean up.. change... they will be here in another hour or so."

Pulling up to the dark high rise, Nick felt the threads of his connection clearly. As LaCroix parked in the alley, both men got out of the car and LaCroix nodded to the stairwell leading to the main entrance of Midnight Sun. Music echoed though the alley as a couple exited the club and the men brushed past. The bouncer looked at them intently before nodding and opening the door. The club's main room was reminiscent of the Raven. A few couples swayed on the dance floor. Booths lined an upper level with anonymity. A long bar occupied the far wall. Walking up to the bar, they recognized the dark haired man serving drinks.

"Miklos. Good to see you. I wondered if you had moved on with Janette," LaCroix nodded.

"General" he responded, placing a drink in front of both men. "Janette and I have been business partners for the past century. We work well together. And we don't carry bovine," he said to Nick.

"That's okay. I don't drink it any more," Nick said quietly, looking around the room.

"Have a seat. I'll buzz Janette," he said. Their mission was unspoken, but understood.

Natalie had changed into a burgundy velvet sheath, her hair curled around her face, falling in the loose curls that she knew Nick liked. While she had not completely forgiven Nick for abandoning her, she still loved him with an intensity that frightened her. She was both excited... and afraid...

"Relax, would you please?" Janette exclaimed, watching Natalie guzzle yet another glass of reserve.

"What if he rejects me?" she verbalized her worst fear. "He did not cross me, he does not want me as I am. He came here to see you."

"But we don't know why," Janette stood and laid a hand gently on Natalie's shoulder. "Don't jump to conclusions," she cautioned. "Nicholas and I have a long history... he knows how to find me. He does not know how to find you. He does not know that you are with me."

A buzzing sound from the intercom caused Natalie to jump slightly... much to Janette's amusement. "Well, Natalie? Public or private?"

"Private," she whispered as Janette crossed over to the speaker.

"Yes, Miklos.. Send our guests back to my private quarters." She clicked off the speaker and turned to Natalie. "Natalie, please get out some clean glasses, and select a vintage suitable for our family." The message was unspoken. Janette would meet them, assess the mood, and then, if appropriate, Natalie would join them. It had worked well when she'd initially met LaCroix.

At the soft knock, Janette opened the door and gently embraced each man. "Bon soir mon pere, Nichola..." she smiled and motioned them within. "What brings you to my home?"

With a tentative kiss on her cheek, Nick turned to her. "I need your help Janette."

"Oh? Is this part of your cops and robbers act? Aren't you a bit out of your jurisdiction, Nichola? Should you not be serving and protecting on the other side of the lake?" Janette glanced at LaCroix, warning him to be silent.

"No... I am not with the police any more... haven't been for a year." he sighed. "Janette, this is very hard for me, but I need your help to find Natalie... I need to tell her how I feel... I just don't know where to look."

"Misplace your mortal pet?" Janette looked up, amusement in her glance. Nick was still looking off in the distance. "What makes you think that I could help?"

"Umm, Janette. She is not mortal any more and you have more contacts among younger members of the community."

"Oh, you finally?" she teased, the question unfinished.

"No.. I mean, almost..." he hesitated. "but I thought I'd gone too far.. taken too much." He looked at her pleading. "The enforcers told me that she had crossed over... but I don't know who did it... or where she is... how she is doing... all I know if that I miss her." He sighed, making eye contact with Janette. "I know this is a lot to ask of you."

Janette smiled, her best expression of mystery. "Oh, ma chere, I think I might be able to assist." She looked at him sterner. "But first, I must know your intentions."

"Intentions?" he repeated.

"What will you do if you find her? Do you still seek mortality?" she asked sternly.

"No.. for the past few years, I was only continuing that search to be with Natalie. What I did was not well-planned. If I had been feeding properly, I could have brought her over properly... Instead... I don't know what pain I caused her, but I would like her forgiveness.. I want to be with her... to let her know that I still love her."

"Good enough.." Janette murmured, and then in a louder voice said. "I think we need something to offer our guests.. have you found anything that interests you?"

Nick looked around, suddenly sensing something... a presence... of another... "you aren't alone here?"

"Non, Nichola... I have a young companion... just a year old.."

"Yours?" The surprise in Nick's voice was mirrored by the shock in his face as Natalie walked out from the back room. "Nat?" he whispered.

Natalie walked into the room and set the bottle and two goblets on the table. "Hello, Nick..." she responded, keeping her voice neutral, controlled.

"So, you... you are with Janette?" he looked between the two women, stunned.

"Yes. Have been ever since you left me to die... alone." Natalie's voice reflected the anger she had suppressed for a year. Janette cautiously withdrew, and motioned for LaCroix to follow her. Some discussions did not need witnesses.

"I'm sorry." He said, simply, the pain in his voice clear. "I thought it was too late... I could not do it."

"Does this ring a bell... 'I can't condemn her to eternal darkness'? Did you ever pause to consider what I wanted? That I wanted you to bring me over?"

"No. I was very inconsiderate." He looked down. "I have no right to ask this of you... but can you see it in your heart to forgive me? I admit that I did not think this through properly."

"Why should I?" she asked, a hint of anger in her voice.

"Because eternity is a long time... and I can think of some things that I would rather do with you... instead of argue.." he pleaded with her, moving closer. "Natalie, what's done is done... and it is time to move on... either we can start anew or not.. but I want to try."

"And you will accept me as I am?" Natalie asked quietly, sitting on the couch next to Nick.

"Absolutely," he said, eyes meeting hers, passion and love reflecting. "For eternity."

"Truly?" she asked as he wrapped his arms around her and met her lips in a soft tentative kiss.

"Can I show you?" he whispered kissing her forehead, her eyelids, her cheeks and then their mouths met.. a passion erupted, more intense for their year of separation. Natalie felt the return of the uneasy feeling of the past few days.

"Nick... what is this I am feeling...? this strange craving...? of something, I don't know..." she murmured as his kisses trailed down her neck, his hands unzipping her dress and moving it off her shoulders.

"Normal... very normal.." he whispered, reaching within to caress her breasts. She felt fangs descend and gasped at the sensation... this was different from the usual feeling when she hunted. "it's OK, Nat.. it's okay." He murmured, moving her face toward his neck. "Its what you want... what you need."

"You want me to bite you, Nick?" she pulled back, horrified.

"You want it too, Natalie," he whispered. "Do it... take me..." he urged, and then sighed in exquisite pleasure as he felt her sharp fangs in his neck and the gentle touch of her tongue as she sucked... and could no longer hold back as his own fangs dropped and he quickly leaned over and bit her shoulder, drinking from her, even as she drank from him... her blood had not lost its intense passion and sweetness.. the ecstasy of it was unwavering... the memories and sensations triggered an orgasm beyond anything that either had experienced before...

They broke apart... and she leaned back against his chest as he carefully fixed the dress to cover her again. "Feel better, Nat?"

"Nick... that was... well.. I don't know. What was that?"

"That was the vampire version of losing your virginity.." he smiled, caressing her shoulders gently. The wounds from his bite had already healed. "Still have cravings?"

"Well yeah.. but now I know what I was craving... you. Why is that?"

"Umm.. you must have tasted a little of me... and that saved your life. Even though Janette is your master, you and I have a link... can you feel it now?"

"yes," she sighed. "So what now?"

"I don't know. I have to talk to Janette. She is your sire. I cannot and will not take you from her."

"Nick," Natalie began, looking at him, the beginnings of anger <how dare he waltz into her life... take a quickie and then leave again?>.

"I will need to get set up with Aristotle," he continued. "I could always be a cop again... maybe this time Vice.. so I can harass Janette," he laughed softly as Natalie relaxed in his arms. They were still twined together on the couch when Janette and LaCroix came back into the room. Through their links with Nick, they were both quite aware of what had transpired.

"So, my child... did he satisfy you?" Janette asked with an amused giggle as she walked around the couch to sit on the low table.

Natalie felt herself warm and blush slightly. "uh, yes. And now I know what those cravings were."

"So, Nicholas... what are your intentions now?" LaCroix asked solemnly.

"I won't take Natalie from her master, but I would like to be with her," he looked at Janette as if asking permission. "and with you Janette. I can have Aristotle set me up...Find an apartment."

"And will you play cops and robbers again?" Janette asked, a touch of amusement in her voice.

"Yes. I enjoy it. And I think it is beneficial to the community to have someone on the police force..." Nick responded. "What about you, Nat? Are you ME?"

"No," Natalie answered quietly. "I do not have 800 years of control. Besides, I was too well known among forensic pathologists in Canada and this part of the US. I run a family practice clinic at a women's shelter a few blocks from here."

"And she is the unofficial protector of the women," Janette said with pride.

"What does THAT mean?" Nick asked, concerned... had Natalie changed that much?

"Let's just say... those women do not have to worry about being beaten again... ever," Natalie replied, meeting Nick's gaze directly.

"What exactly are you doing?" he asked, a dark look crossing his face.

"I find them... convince them of the errors of their ways... and that it would be better for their health if they confess to the nearest police station. Or that perhaps they need to abuse themselves instead of the woman they profess to love." LaCroix laughed at that statement.

"What if they are resistors?" Nick asked quietly.

"Well... you have been around long enough. You know the code. You know what I do." She replied matter-of-fact. "You may not approve so you might as well know now before we attempt to resurrect any relationship or expect me to live by your moral standards. If you cannot handle the fact that I hunt... say so now... I don't have 800 years of control. Or guilt." She glanced between Nick and LaCroix. Nick was silent, expressionless.

"My dear... if that is the outlet that you have taken to fully develop your skills, hone your control... well, it is admirable. It appears that you have fully accepted yourself." LaCroix said with a hint of a smile.

"I have." Natalie replied softly. "Entirely. Unlike, Nick, I know pretty much exactly what I was getting myself into when I came over. I accepted what that meant. I am not going to spend eternity on a pipe dream or fighting my instincts."

"So, Nichola.. you are being very quiet," Janette murmured.

"I don't know what to think," he hesitated, looking between the two women. "Natalie, you think I chase pipe dreams?"

"Don't you? Aren't you?" she said sharply. "Are you still seeking a cure?"

"No," he responded quickly. It was true, since hearing of Natalie's conversion, he'd not given any thought to mortality. "I want to be with you. I can accept eternity if we are together... I can still atone."

"And you can accept yourself? Accept me?" Natalie asked, taking his hands in hers. "This was my choice. I have accepted it. Can you?"

Nick reached over and brought her hands to his mouth in a tender kiss. "Natalie, it was your destiny.. everything in your life was preparing you for that choice... and it has saved me as well. That choice that I made in 1228, I could not accept until just now.... by accepting you, I have accepted myself..." Drawing her closer, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "As long as I am with those I love, I am not in darkness. You are my light... my love..."
