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Children of the Knight

timeline: second season, after 'Be my Valentine"

disclaimers: this story was inspired by the television show "Forever Knight" which is the property of Sony/Columbia/ Tri-Star and a lot of people with more
money than me!!! No harm is intended and no profit is being made from this story.


"What are we going to do about this, huh?" Nick said softly, reaching up to touch her cheek gently, hesitantly. "About how we feel?" Natalie was too stunned to respond as Nick continued caressing her face, her neck, lower...

"How do we feel?" she whispered, smiling at him and running her arm along the sleeve of his shirt, shivering at the sensations he was producing in her. <beep.. beep> the high pitched sound of the microwave startled them both and she murmured "That's my two minute gourmet. I guess I should.." her sentence was not finished as he captured her lips with his. There was nothing hesitant about the kiss, but a fierceness, a hunger, passions long held in check. She leaned into him and wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer, feeling him reach under her long jacket, holding her waist tightly. She could feel his tongue tracing her lips, probing until she opened them and met his cool tongue, allowing his exploration.

He pulled back slightly, leaning his forehead to hers and whispered. "Natalie, I love you as I've loved no other woman. You are my light in the darkness..." he silenced her response with a kiss that spoke of his deep longing. Caressing her back through the silk of her blouse, he slid the jacket off and untied her belt. Slowly reaching under the blouse, he caressed the warmth of her back murmuring "I don't want to hurt you, Nat. Tell me if you want to stop..."

"Nick, I've loved you since I met you." Natalie spoke clear, firm. "I want to be with you. In all ways....


Another long night in the morgue. The city was still cleaning up the mess from the asteroid scare... and the corner's office was in the fourth week of overtime. At first Natalie thought it was simply exhaustion. A month of double shifts would tend to do that. She had not seen Nick since that night in the station. In a way she was still angry with him. After all of her hard work to help him, he would just let her die... but she was too tired anymore to care that he was avoiding her as well... was just too tired..

The nausea started next. Unrelenting. All the time. The weirdest part was that she was not losing weight... but gaining. It wasn't until she could not zip up her skirts that she became concerned. She could not be pregnant... after all, she had not had sex since med school... and even then it was not really her choice... and her dating life was non-existent... at least it had been since that disastrous night with Roger Jamison. Her fears were too great... except with Nick... she was safe with Nick... except for having a physical relationship. He had never said exactly, but always hinted that it could be fatal for her... still she longed for more.

They had finally caught up.. closed all the murders, suicides... a month of nonstop work... Natalie stared at her clean desk with a sigh of satisfaction. <ah... time to sit...> she pulled out a stack of journals, determined to catch up on her reading...

"Natalie... Natalie..." she awoke to find her assistant shaking her shoulder. "Wake up Natalie. You have a scene to cover.."

"Huh? Oh Grace.." she startled and looked up. "Must have dozed off... ok, Grace. Where is it?" she stood as Grace handed her the paper.

"You are working too hard." She sighed. "Are you sure you are OK? I can have them send Dr. Jarrett."

"I'm fine." She said firmly and pulled on her coat. Leaning over to pick up the medical bag, the nausea hit. Grabbing the desk, she steadied herself.

Grace shook her head, watching her boss struggle at first and then walk out "If you don't see a doctor soon, I will drag you myself.."

The floodlights made the dark alley as bright as day. And the growing crowd told her that it was ugly... people had such a morbid fascination with death, she thought.

Pushing her way through the crowd and flashing her ID at the officers, she made her way to the cluster of detectives. "What do we have?" she said firmly to Captain Cohen.

"Natalie... we were beginning to worry. You weren't answering your page.." Amanda Cohen looked at her, concern showing. It was not like Natalie to miss a page or be late to a call... "Found in the dumpster. Pictures are taken. Give the word and we'll get him out for you to examine closer."

Natalie nodded silently and went over to the ladder. Climbing part way up, she peered in... and caught the odor... The sensations hit her suddenly.. she paled, sweating... dizziness and then darkness..

She woke up to see a cluster of concerned faces. She was laying on the ground, at the edge of the alley. "What? What happened?" she whispered.

"Lights out.." Don Schanke said succinctly

"I passed out?" she looked around, saw that the paramedics had started an IV, and stood next to her with a gurney ready. "I'm fine.. you aren't taking me anywhere..." she said firmly.

"That's what you think..." Captain Cohen responded. "You are going to the hospital to be checked out. Grace told us you have been ill for the past month or so... Your office is sending the on-call ME."

Knowing she was out-voted and DID need to be seen, Natalie nodded reluctantly. "OK, but I'll walk to the ambulance.." Determination reflecting in her face, she sat up quickly, and was instantly dizzy. "Guess not." She shrugged and nodded to the medics. "OK, Schanke... let's get this over with... can you get my car to the hospital?" at his nod, she looked around. "Where's your partner?"

"Night off." He looked at her with dawning understanding. "Want me to call him?"

"Just curious." She responded, allowing the medics to strap her to the gurney... and not really answering his question.

"Impossible.." Natalie said vehemently to the doctor.

"Very possible." He responded. Doctors were not known to be good patients.. and Natalie was not different in that respect. "Come on, Natalie... just let me take a look. Humor me... If you're so sure, what's the harm?" he wheeled the ultrasound machine closer. After running tests for anemia, blood chemistries and a CT scan of her head, they were taking a different approach... pregnancy. And since she was not letting him do a vaginal exam, they'd sent a blood test and now wanted to do an ultrasound.

"OK.. you win. But I am telling you that it is NOT possible..." she said reluctantly and pulled down the sheet.

"Yes.. it IS possible.." he said softly sliding the transducer over her abdomen. And then turned the screen for her to see. Even though it had been close to ten years since she had seen an obstetric ultrasound, she recognized it. The beating heart... suggestion of movement in a fuzzy black and white image... He clicked some buttons. "Looks about fourteen weeks, but I'll have the OB on call take a look and see you." He wiped off the gel and looked her in the eye. "Well, congratulations Dr. Lambert... you're going to be a mother." He patted her arm and pulled the ultrasound machine out of the room.

Pregnant... how could she be pregnant? Thinking back, she realized that she'd missed those periods without noticing. But surely she'd notice having had sexual relations...

She was lost in thought when there was a knock on the door, and Schanke's voice. "Hey, there's the missing ME! Knock. Knock... Well you are still pale. Not as pale as my partner... feeling any better?
Have they figured out what happened?"

"Working too hard. Not eating.." she said succinctly. She'd leave the rest out.. for now..

"Well then. I guess I'll have to make sure that someone brings you lunch from now on..." he grinned and she knew that he was referring to Nick. He was the eternal matchmaker and was determined that his partner was her ideal match... Not that she disagreed.

"Dr. Lambert?" a petite brunette peered into the room "I'm Dr. Woolsey, the OB-GYN on call. Dr. Mallet sent me.." she walked in and sensed her patients unease.

"Yes.. Um, Schanke. I'll see you later.." she nodded toward the door and Schanke left, giving her a curious look.

Dr. Woolsey closed the door behind him, and looked at Natalie. "I take it, that is not the father.."

"No, just the detective who caught me.."

"So. Tom tells me that you were rather surprised about the pregnancy. He showed me the tapes. There is no doubt. You have a very healthy looking fourteen week fetus. So you have no symptoms?" she pulled a chair closer and opened the chart.

"Nausea. Fatigue. But with all the suicides and murders around that asteroid business... I just did not think pregnancy."

"Yes, I can imagine." She responded, sympathetically. "But that was over a month ago.."

"For you... But my office dealt with the aftermath... the murders and suicides... It took us that long to catch up and then handle new cases on top of it. I've been working 80 hour weeks and no days off for over a month. Doing at least four or five autopsies every night... So I just attributed everything to stress." She sighed.

"I can understand that." The doctor responded.. if there was anything she could relate to, it was hard work. "Natalie, I need to examine you. If everything looks OK, we'll release you. I'll send records to your regular gynecologist. And I will call to check that you've made an appointment for regular prenatal care."

"OK, OK.."

"And you are taking a week off." She looked at Natalie intently. "I'm serious. You lost consciousness. You were quite dehydrated. You need to figure this out." She took Natalie's hand. "I know you work hard... I've watched your career.. and I know you are not married. Since I don't see anyone here with you, I am not going to ask questions. But I get the distinct feeling that this was not planned. You need the time to tell the father. Figure out what you want to do..."

Natalie was silent but met her eyes and nodded slowly. She did need to figure this out. And to figure out who the father really was....

Natalie walked out of the emergency room in a daze. Schanke drove her home happily. He had already taken her car to her apartment. He did not press her for details... why an OB-GYN came to see her... why she was so quiet... but he was relieved when she said she would be off for the next week...


Nick breezed into the precinct at exactly nine PM. Schanke was already at the desk, waiting. "Got a new one last night." He said, handing the file to Nick.

Skimming the reports closely, Nick looked up. "Let's see if Nat has the prelims done." he reached for the phone.

"Not her case." Schanke said with a shrug. "Day shift ME did the post.."

"What? Why isn't it hers?"

"She's off for a week." Schanke answered, pulling the ME's preliminary report from his 'in-box'

"Vacation?" he asked "Odd that she didn't say anything.."

"Medical LOA." Schanke said succinctly. He was enjoying this. For all that they both professed to be 'just friends', he knew that it went further.

"WHAT?" Nick's voice reflected concern, alarm and emotions he thought long buried. True, they had not really spoken in the past six weeks, but he was finding it increasingly difficult to be around her. Since taking of her blood, he knew her in ways that Natalie did not even know herself. And he dared not let LaCroix see his feelings toward Natalie...

Killing that young vampire almost gave him away. It had taken a month of hanging around the Raven to convince LaCroix that his actions were based on something other than love... mainly that Natalie needed to be the coroner of record for all those careless vampire kills. That he was 'protecting the community'.

"Yeah.. you weren't there..." he sighed. He knew there was more to the 'friendship' between the coroner and his partner than either one would say... and the fact that an obstetrician had been called... "She passed out last night at a crime scene... almost fell off a ladder." He watched the look of concern that was evident on Nick's face. <yeah, there is something between them> "Right into my arms." He laughed. "Hey, Nick. Relax. She's OK. Exhaustion. That's all. You know how hard she works."

"Yes, I know." Nick said softly. "Why didn't anyone call me?"

"Is there a reason that we should have called you?" Schanke smirked. "Holding out on me, Partner?"

"No, it's just..." he hesitated. "Never mind.."

'Uh, huh.. Well, if it makes you feel any better, she did ask where you were.." he grinned at the startled look that Nick gave him.

Natalie slept fitfully, finally getting up in the early afternoon. Pulling out her dusty obstetrics textbook and a calendar, she started calculating. 'hmmm... fourteen weeks... mid February..." She searched back in her memories. Looking at her date book, she focused on her appointment list and case load records. She had vague memories of a serial murder they'd investigated that week. Reviewing the computer's file, she clearly recalled the first two crime scenes but not the third one. What else was missing from that date? She saw a brief note 'dinner with Nick' penciled in for the 14th but she did not remember ever going to dinner with Nick. Sure they were friends... and she sometimes wished for more. She'd been to his house numerous times, but that was all... wasn't it? And even if she had gone to dinner with Nick, he always claimed that his vampirism made any relationship with mortal women impossible.

Pondering the issue further was giving her a headache. She sighed and went into the kitchen. Seeing her answering machine blinking, she put on the tea kettle and hit 'play'

<beep> "Natalie, this is Linda Woolsey. Have you made that appointment yet? We're sending a copy of your ultrasound to Dr. Blackburn's office. Hope you are feeling better.."
<beep> Dr. Lambert. This is Jeannie. Just confirming that you are booked off until the 18th. If you need to extend the leave beyond that date, give us a call. Hope you are doing OK.."
<beep> "Hey, Natalie. This is Myra Schanke... heard you are under the weather. Call me if you need anything."
<beep> "Natalie, this is Captain Cohen. We got the copy of your LOA papers. Please, take care of yourself. We'll see you next week."
<beep> "Nat. Call me. Please..."

Nick's worried voice was repeated on three more messages. Sipping her tea, she picked up the phone and dialed. "Hi, Nick... yes.. I got your messages. All four of them. I'm fine. Really. Look, I was exhausted, dehydrated. They gave me an IV.. ran a lot of tests. And sent me home.... Yes, Nick, I am fine. I will sleep. Yes, you can check on me later.... Bye.." she sighed. <overprotective as always>


True to his word, Nick came over after his shift, bearing gifts... a video, gourmet coffee and fresh pastry. She let him in with a cheerful smile. She had dozed on and off all evening, and felt much better.

"Hi Nat." he smiled and gave her a friendly, light embrace. When he touched her, his senses tingled... something unexpected.... <something was different> he thought and then chastised her gently "You need to take better care of yourself."

"Well. The next time the world goes crazy, remind me to take a vacation." She said in a tired voice and looked at him, all joking gone. It was time for them to discuss the issue. Past time...

"Natalie... I know you said I was right... but are you really OK with my decision?" he said softly.

"Nick. You made your point. Even in the worst scenario, you won't bring me across. So, now I know where I stand. I may not agree, but I know.." Natalie said firmly. True, she did not agree... but there it was, and she could do nothing about it.

"That wasn't the reason.." he began, and hesitated. How could he get her to understand what his life was really like.. the tormenting urges... the loneliness of eternal darkness...

"Does it really matter?" she interrupted. "Nick, if I am forcing you, it won't be right. We have to BOTH want it. If you change your mind, we'll talk. But I won't bring it up again." She picked up the remote and sat on the couch.

"No popcorn?" he looked at her, clearly she was not going to discuss it further. Her usual glass of wine and bowl of popcorn were missing. A mug of tea and some saltine crackers sat on the table next to the couch... along with his mug and bottle of cow's blood. An unspoken testament to the barrier that kept them apart..

"Not today. Come on, sit.." she moved over and patted the couch next to her. "So what's tonight's film?" she asked, changing the subject... she had other issues on her mind... like an unexpected pregnancy and did not need to deal with his angst.

"Well, since I wasn't sure if you'd be up to blood and guts, I thought something light.." he put a tape into the VCR and sat down next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. She leaned into his shoulder and curled her legs up on the couch. This was as close to intimacy as they ever got...

By the end of the second movie, another comedy, Natalie had dozed off, leaning against his chest. He sat motionless, enjoying the contact, however fleeting. The sense of closeness, her trust and unspoken love was what kept him from moving on...

The familiar rhythm of her heart beating resonated in his mind and he sighed in contentment, inhaling her familiar scent. It was as she fell asleep that he detected something different... a change in the rhythm... or was that an echo?


Nick had moved her to the bed and left as soon as the sun set. Natalie rose slowly and went to the kitchen <tea and crackers.. that's what I need..> she thought looking at the clock. She was not sure when Nick had left, but the sun had been down for at least an hour. The nausea was a little better.. With a sigh, she went to the answering machine. <slept through three calls..>

<beep> "this is Ellen at Dr. Blackburn's office. We got a very interesting report from St. Joseph's ER. Call us today, Natalie.. we have an opening first thing tomorrow if you can make it." <oh, I hope Nick did not hear that one>
<beep> "Natalie, this is Grace. Call me. There are some rumors going around the office about you.. And I just have to fill you in."
<beep> "Hey, Nat. Schanke here... Seen Nick today? We got some leads on the John Doe in the dumpster that I need to talk to him about. Hope you're behaving at home"

Sipping her tea, she dialed her office. "Hey, Grace... Natalie... Yes, I am relaxing... So what are the rumors?.... Now why would anyone say that?... Yes, I was seen by an OB-GYN.... What's wrong with that?.... Grace, I am not going to dignify office gossip .... I did not say that Grace... So, how far has this rumor gone? Well, keep it there... No, I won't confirm it..." she sighed in frustration. "Grace, we'll talk later." She hung up the phone and looked again at the calendar. <so, my co-workers know I am pregnant and I don't even have a clue who did it to me..>

An idea came to her while showering. Janette. While she never considered Nick's former wife and lover to be an ally or friend, she would at least be someone that she could be brutally honest with. Maybe she knew how to get past that hole in her memory. Some time in that two day period, she got pregnant. And the fact that she could not remember how it happened, screamed 'vampire'.....

Dressing simply, elegantly, she picked up her purse and went outside... a destination in mind..

There was a line outside the Raven, but the bouncer seeing her approach, waved her in. She scanned the club until she saw her. Janette. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, stylish dress. Smooth, French accented voice. "Doctor... this is a surprise... what brings you to my club? And without Nichola?"

"I need to talk to you." At Janette's surprised look, their eyes met, serious. "Alone."

"Come." She nodded, taking Natalie's arm, leading her into the back room. "What is troubling you?" While she had always felt that Nick's quest was foolish, she had become fond of his mortal friend... and hoped that he would bring her across soon.

"OK.. You are the only one that I can be totally honest with. This is just between us, OK?"

"Of course." She nodded.

"Can you restore memories that someone else took?" Natalie asked simply, noting Janette's surprised look.

"No. Whoever took the memories is the only one who can give them back. Why?" she was truly curious now. Nick had always said that she was a resistor...

"This may sound strange.. Janette, I am pregnant." At Janette's smile and murmur of congratulations, she paused. "But not only do I not know who the father is... I cannot remember having sex with anyone for at least ten years.."

"Oh, dear. That is a dilemma." She began to analyze the doctor, sense her fully.

"Well, I've pinpointed conception to be between February 12 to 15. Unfortunately, I have no recollection of that time period. Anything, including cases that I did... and have full records of.. Coincidence? Or did something happen that someone did not want me to remember?"

Janette stared at her intently <of course, the fight at the restaurant between Nick and LaCroix> "Natalie, may I touch you?" Natalie nodded and Janette took her hand and ran it over Natalie's arms, her neck... there it is...

"What are you looking for?" Natalie said softly, aware of Janette's intense, careful scrutiny.

"You realize that a vampire must take the blood of his partner to have complete sexual relations. If you were impregnated by a vampire... he took your blood."

Natalie looked at her startled, and began to study her wrists as well. "oh, so that's why Nick says he cannot be with me."

"Then Nicholas has never taken your blood?" Janette asked softly running her fingertips over the minute scars on Natalie's neck. Natalie shook her head. "Someone did. You have fang marks. You cannot see them easily, but I can feel them... and sense them.."

"Are you sure? Surely I would remember that.." Natalie sat on the couch and stared at Janette.

"I am sure. Perhaps the events are connected. Whoever bit you is probably the father of your baby." Janette replied, watching Natalie's expression. She could sense quite clearly that Nick was the one who had taken Natalie's blood but obviously her sibling did not wish his mortal companion to remember that event, so she would not say anything... but resolved to pay him a visit very soon...

"I thought it wasn't possible... Nick said that he would never be a father..."

"And you believe everything he says?" LaCroix's smooth voice teased. He looked at Janette. "Brianne said you were back here."

Natalie stared at the tall man. <he looks familiar, but why?> "Umm, Janette. Should I leave?"

"No. My dear, doctor. I came to see you." he smiled coolly. "Janette. Leave us. She is in no danger.." Janette stood and with a quick glance at Natalie, left the room.

"I'm sorry.. you look and sound familiar. But I cannot place your name..." she watched the man intently, puzzled that Janette would so readily obey him. He bore the air of power, aristocracy. Smooth, confident and an aura more intense than she'd ever felt before.

"LaCroix... Lucien LaCroix." He took her hand and kissed it politely before sitting in a straight chair opposite her.

"Oh. Yes." She stammered. Indeed Nick had spoken often of his master, an ancient vampire who had trailed him through the centuries, always battling each other. Somehow she had pictured him to be much older.

"So, doctor. You have a dilemma, no?" his mannerisms were polite, almost careful, deferential.

"How much did you hear?" she looked at him embarrassed. Somehow, it was easy to confide in Janette. After all, such things were more commonly discussed amongst women. But the imposing figure of the Nightcrawler was more difficult.

"Everything. And I can help you. I know who your baby's father is." He spoke softly, controlled, watching her expression of surprise. "Indeed, I have known of this baby for two months... and was just waiting for YOU to figure it out."

"OK, since I have only known for two days... how have you known for two months?" her voice, tinged with a mix of anger and curiosity. <just who knew of this? And why?>

"My dear, I sensed it... I knew." He took her hand gently "a grandfather knows these things.."

"Then who is it?" she asked softly, wondering what he meant by grandfather.

"Nicholas." He smiled at Natalie's stunned expression.

"No... I'd remember that.." she stammered.

"Just as you'd remember his taking of your blood?" he leaned back in his chair, deliberate in every word, every action. "My dear... this is NOT supposed to happen. Of course, we could not let you keep those memories. But then, I've never seen a pregnancy result..."

"I guess there is a first time for everything.." she said wearily. "Does Nick know also?"

"No, my dear. But you will tell him, won't you? And maybe he will give you back your memory.. Surely you would like to recall the event as well." he smiled slowly.

"How could he?" she swallowed, but could feel anger rising in her.

"Indeed." He sneered. "Please, doctor. Sit. I will tell you what I know. How you got into your present condition, only Nicholas knows... but first. You know who I am?"

"Yes." she said quietly. "You are Nick's master."

He smiled indulgently. "And you know what that means?"

"Sort of. You made him a vampire. He describes it like a father or brother.." she refrained of telling him some of Nick's more descriptive terms... she knew that he could kill her at any moment- and she would not be able to do anything about it... and so, was trying her best to keep the conversation congenial.

"Close enough." He responded. He, too, knew that the conversations had been more in depth, but he could sense that she would say nothing to anger him. Good, very good. She had control. Nicholas had chosen well in her. "Well, we had a bargain.. an old one. And it is time for my retribution. You see, I fell in love with Nicholas's sister. I wanted her by my side for eternity..."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Nicholas stopped me." His voice became cold. "And I swore that if he ever fell in love with a mortal, I would deprive him of her. Watch the despair take him over as she withered and died of old age.. bore some other man's children... forgot his touch.. his voice"

"So what does that have to do with me?"

"Isn't it obvious? Nicholas loves you. Intensely.."

"No, we are just friends.." she blurted quickly.

"Oh, no, doctor. The child is proof enough." He laughed coldly and returned an intense gaze. "That he controlled his blood lust enough to take but a taste of you... allow you to survive. Well, that is enough of a demonstration for me. Actions speak louder than words. And he loves you enough that he lied to me..."

"So what do you intend to do about it? I think I have a right to know your intentions.." she looked him directly in the eye. <let him try to hypnotize me..> a cold shiver going up her spine.

"Right now? Nothing. You will go speak to Nicholas. Tell him of the pregnancy. That I know. Everything.." he smiled. "My price will be named later." She looked at him closer. "You will stay in touch. If you try to disappear. I will call the enforcers. And mercy is not in their vocabulary.."

"And you will let me have the baby? Be with Nick? Without interference?"

"For now. But we will talk again. And, doctor.." he waited until she turned and faced him "Do not let him bring you across.."

"Don't worry.." she laughed softly. "He refused."

"You asked?" he asked, incredulous. So maybe this would work out well, after all. If she was a willing convert so much the better.

"During the asteroid scare.." she began softly.

"Fear will make people do strange things..." he responded. "Desperate people do desperate things..."

"LaCroix. It wasn't fear." She said firmly. If they were to communicate, he needed to know how she felt about joining the community.

"Then what?" he asked, intrigued. She was Nicholas's icon for mortality, and she was ready to give it up?

"Love. I wanted to be able to share my love for Nick... but obviously he does not feel the same way.."

"Ah, but he does..." LaCroix smiled sardonically. "He reveres all that is mortal. But you especially. It does not surprise me that he would refuse... Just remember, for the sake of your child..." standing smoothly, he offered his hand and helped her to stand. Running his hand down her abdomen, he paused at the very slight swelling that was only barely noticeable to his close gaze under her loose fitting dress. "Yes, this is a very special child... very special." He straightened and looked at her intently. "You will keep in touch, my dear..."


All eyes were on Nick when he buzzed into the precinct that night. He was in an unusually good mood. The 'movie date' had gone well. He'd even spent the day at her apartment. Ever since taking her blood in that brief, passionate moment three months ago, he found it difficult to be around her... to maintain control... he wanted more.. so much more...

Schanke stared at him, a puzzled look crossing his face. "Just friends, eh?"

"What?" Nick sat down, draping his coat on the back of the chair.

"That's right. You don't pay attention to the grapevine." He responded. "Maybe you should." Their eyes met. Accusing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Nick asked, dark tones creeping into his voice.

"Where were you today? Not at home... I called four times."

"I was at Natalie's apartment." He said simply. Whatever was floating around the office did not concern him, office gossip never did.

"Hmmm... any announcements?" Schanke asked with a glint to his voice. He loved to have the first word and his partner was ripe for gossip right now.

"Of what? Schanke, just ask me..." Nick answered with a sigh.

"OK... is it yours?"

"Is WHAT mine?" Nick was becoming increasingly frustrated with this vague line of questions.

"The baby.. Natalie's baby." Schanke answered and watched his partner stare in silence. If it were possible, Nick paled further. Leaning forward in the chair, all color drained from his face. Schanke was vaguely amused by his reaction <it is his... and he didn't know..>

"What baby? Natalie didn't say anything about a baby.." he said quietly, but remembering the faint echo he had heard. Perhaps he was hearing an unborn heart... a baby... Natalie's baby....

"Maybe you need to find out. Is it possible?" Schanke asked softly, acutely aware that others in the squad room were trying, ever so subtly, to listen in. Nick's silence was enough of an answer. <yep, it is possible..>

"How did this become part of the rumor mill?" he asked instead. Pregnancy had not even been a consideration when he'd made love with Natalie. He'd been taught that it was not possible... but then he'd also been taught that mortal women did not survive loving a vampire. That he had allowed it to go that far, and that he could control his need for blood was still astonishing... but he had not dared to try again.

"Her LOA papers were signed by an OB-GYN and they check the box 'condition may extend beyond 6 months. Further evaluation needed'. Grace called her. She won't confirm it... but she did not deny it either.."

Nick stared at him thoughtfully. "I'll talk to her." Schanke handed him the phone, eager for answers, but Nick shook his head. "Privately. In person. I want to see her face when I ask her.."

Natalie was exhausted when she got home from the Raven. Emotions swirling... mind racing. Collapsing on the couch, her last thought was 'how could you?'

Natalie did not hear the phone ringing.. repeatedly... or the knocking on the door. She awoke to cool hands on her shoulders and Nick's voice calling her name.

"What? Nick. What are you doing here?" She sat up, a little unsteady and dizzy.

"You didn't answer your phone. I was worried." He looked at her closer. "Dressed a little fancy for sleeping on the couch, aren't you?"

"OK.. I went out. I had something to do.." she answered. <and you don't own me... so stop being so over-protective>

"What? You're supposed to be relaxing... where did you go?" his look became darker and he caught residual scents... smoke... perfume... bloodwine... "You went to the Raven" he stated, the fear and anger rising in his voice.

"Yes, I did. Nick, take your coat off. Sit. We need to talk." She commanded, sipping from her water glass as he nodded in agreement. "OK. Please don't interrupt me. This is hard enough and I don't want to repeat myself." He nodded and she continued. "OK, yes, I have not felt well for the past couple of months, but I thought it was stress. Nothing more. Maybe I willed myself not to put two and two together. Or maybe someone else willed it." She looked at him, a hint of annoyance flashing. "Anyway, when I was in the ER last week, they ran all sorts of tests. Went through an entire laundry list of diagnoses. Negative. Everything was negative. And then some eager resident came up with the one thing I'd thought was impossible. Pregnancy." She paused, taking a deep breath. "Up until the moment that I saw the heart beating, I denied it. I mean, I hadn't had sex in oh, eight, maybe ten years or so. At least not that I remembered." She smiled inwardly at the look of guilt that crossed his face. "But sure enough, I am pregnant. Nick, I have spent two days wracking my brain, trying to figure out who the father was, and why I couldn't remember. Then it came to me. You see, I figured out when it happened. And that I don't remember anything of that day. Including a case I handled. So naturally, I figured that someone took the memories." Her gaze became dark, angry. "Obviously, something happened that I was not supposed to know about... Like this..." with tears in her eyes, she caressed her lower abdomen. "How could you?" She silenced him with a glare, and sighing, continued. "I went to Janette. As a woman, I thought she'd be more helpful... and she was. We had a very enlightening discussion." Her eyes met his. "So you bit me? Enjoy it?" She went on with barely a pause, not letting him talk. "Then LaCroix came in.... so he has met me before? Interesting that I didn't know that... He was VERY informative." She smiled inwardly at his concerned gaze. "So, I am now the pawn in some 800 year old chess game. Thank you very much. At least now I know it." She finished angrily. "So what do you have to say for yourself? Go ahead... I'm listening..."

"First, I am sorry to put you in the middle. This is an old matter between us." He could not meet her eyes but spoke softly, gently.

"Yeah, he told me." She sighed wearily.

"Please, Natalie. Let me finish..." he took her hand. "I love you. I want to protect you. It is in my nature to protect those I love. I was wrong... OK?" He paused and looked at her face. "Natalie, look at me..." he caught her eye and focused on the sound of her heart beating.. "you will remember..."

Memories flooded her mind... loving words, a caress... intense passion... Making love and the vivid, unexpected pleasure of his bite. The loving looks and touch at the crime scene and interrogation room. Flowers delivered to the morgue. Meeting LaCroix at the restaurant and her fear as her control slipped away. Feeling cold breath on her neck... a loud crash, arguing voices. Nick's voice... cold, distant... denying his love. Being pulled tight against Nick, feeling his cold touch on her back... her lips... and finally his soft, sad voice saying 'I am so sorry, Nat' and then telling her to forget.

She leaned back on the couch, eyes unfocused. After a few minutes, she had the strength to look up, "Why? How? I thought you could not do that to me..."

He squeezed her hand. "LaCroix drugged you and then put you in a trance. He is old enough to control anyone. I only intended to take your memory of the dinner. But you lost the entire day. I regretted it immediately but I did not know what to do. If I gave you back the memory of our love, then you would also know that I publicly denied you."

"Nick, is it better this way?" she asked softly.

"No." he said sadly.

"How can I trust that you won't do this again?"

"I've lived in shame every time that I have seen you for the past three months. I could never do anything against your will. Ever again." He stood and began to pace restlessly "If you want me to leave. I will."

She stood and stopped his motion. "Nick." She said softly. "stop it. You are doing it again. Beating yourself up." She captured his handed and twined her fingers with his. "I know you meant well. Had good intentions. But if we are going to make this relationship work, we need to be honest with each other."

He reached one hand behind her waist, pulling her closer. "You want to have a relationship with me?"

She slipped one hand up to his chest and up further, around his neck, pulling his lips to hers for a brief kiss. "forgiven, but not forgotten." She murmured. Pulling his hand lower to rest on the very slight swelling of her abdomen, she looked at him intently. "we have other things to consider.."

"Indeed." He smiled and pulled her over to the couch and sat down with one arm wrapped around her shoulders. Resting the other hand on her belly, he took a deep breath and concentrated... <ah, there it is..> his smile broadened as he found the rapid beat of his child.

"Want to share?" she asked, seeing his smile... something she had not seen in so long...

"I was listening." He answered, pulling her closer, caressing her arm.

"Listening?" she asked, hesitantly. Nick seldom spoke of his vampiric abilities... just how good was his hearing?

"To you... to the baby.." he grinned at her. "Confirms that echo I thought I heard yesterday... I thought I was imagining it... but now I know.. it is real."

"Oh..." she shook her head. She was seeing an entirely different side to Nick. "So what do we do now? I hear the office grapevine has been burning up. Have the rumors pegged you yet?"

"Schanke has... I don't know whether anyone else suspects me... but yes, the grapevine is going overtime." He paused, and looked at her closely. "Natalie, I want to be with you. With our baby. Share this entire experience. Please, Natalie... would you move in with me..?"

"So, we go REALLY public? Isn't that dangerous?"

"Yes, we go public.. finally. Officially.... Although it probably won't be much of a surprise to anyone. And you will be in less danger if you are with me publicly."

"And you will be OK with me living at the loft?"

"Nat.." he sighed. "I'll have to go back to human vintage. That's the only way I will stay in control."

"But that will screw up all of our work.. don't you want to be mortal?" she protested.

"I want you at my side. I want you to be safe." He looked at her seriously. "If I go back to human blood, be less public about my quest, you will be safe. From me... from those in the community who do not approve of my relationship with you. It will make LaCroix happy..."

"Nick." She said hesitantly. "He said I would be safe from him. That he would do nothing..."

"Oh?" he looked at her, concerned.

"But if I ran off, disappeared, he'll call the enforcers..."

"He would.." Nick said sarcastically. "So what is his price?" at Natalie's startled look, he sighed. "He always has a price. I just hope that it is something that you can live with."

"He just said to keep in touch... and that this would be a very special child.."

Nick looked at her suspicious... his master was known for his bargains... "Well, he is up to something... I guess we just play out this hand and see what he intends when the time comes..."


Nick's cell phone woke them later that evening. The intense discussions, revelations and soul searching had exhausted them both, and they slept deeply, twined together.

"Yeah.. Knight." He said with almost a growl.

"Hey, partner... wakey, wakey.. night shift has re-convened and Cohen is looking for you.."

"Oh, jeez.." his abrupt movements woke Natalie and she mumbled a sleepy 'mornin..'

"Oh, umm, Knight.. Tell Natalie that the more accurate term is 'evening'. And I hope you both had a pleasant day today... I expect details.." his laugh was evident, even to Natalie.

"Schanke.. I am on my way. Cover for me.. I owe you.."

"Yeah, yeah.. about time too.. hasta la bye-bye.."

Nick clicked off his phone and turned to Natalie. "I have to go. I'll be back around 5. Think about it OK? Moving in with me?" He sat up and pulled on his shirt. It was wrinkled... and he would get a lot of teasing for wearing it two days in a row... but he was positive that Schanke had told everyone exactly where his partner was... and why he was late... if only it was all true.

"Yes, Nick. I will try it. I will move in with you. Give me some time before breaking my lease... I want to be sure about this first. I will pack some boxes and meet you at the loft after your shift."

His smile broadened. "You are on a medical LOA. You may pack some boxes. But you will bring just yourself and a small suitcase to the loft. I will bring the rest. And they will ask... do I have your permission to speak?"

"Nick.. you are being overprotective.."

"You bet I am.. but am I doing anything that the average man would not do for the mother of his child?"

"Yeah, yeah.. you win. OK, go... and here... you need a photograph if we are really going public.." she handed him a small black and white picture with a fuzzy image. He looked at it puzzled. "That's our baby, Nick." She said softly. "Head, arms, legs, spine... heart." She patiently identified the features while he looked at her incredulous... it was real... everything was real..

For the second night in a row, Nick could feel eyes focused on him as soon as he walked into the precinct.

"Knight. In my office." Amanda Cohen's voice was heard as soon as he had hung up his coat. She was a stickler for promptness... but Nick hoped that was all she wanted... Schanke looked up and shrugged.

"Captain. I'm sorry. I know I am late." He tried to look contrite as he closed the door behind him and sat down.

"Relax, Knight. I understand... so how is Natalie?" she paused briefly. "That IS where you were today? We know you were not at home.. at least you did not answer the phone there. Let me guess.. you forgot to set an alarm clock..."

"Exactly." He was relieved... he did not have to come up with any fancy explanations. "We were talking... it got pretty intense... I think I fell asleep around 3. You know this is not like me.."

"I know. As long as you don't make this a habit..." she looked at him sternly for a moment, and then softened slightly. "so, tell me... is she?"

"What?" Nick asked, confused. He did not think that the captain paid attention to the office grapevine.

"Knight. I do listen to gossip. And I have a copy of her LOA papers. Is she pregnant?"

He smiled, and pulled out the ultrasound picture. "Yes." he said simply. Cohen looked at the picture and then at Nick.

"And since you are flashing the picture, can I assume ...?" she asked hesitantly, handing him the picture.

"Yes, absolutely. The child is mine." His voice was confident... calm. No hesitation. He had no doubts.

"Well, take care of her. And don't let this get you too distracted." She stood and smiled in dismissal. "Congratulations to both of you... now get back to work.."

He walked out and went to his desk. Schanke slid his chair over and stared intensely. "So...?"

"Yes..." he said, pulling out a file.

"Nick. Come on... let me have the scoop for once.." he looked over his partner seeing the wrinkled shirt. "I see you did not make it home today..."

"Yeah.. well, we had a lot to talk about. And Schanke... I told you. Yes. She is... and yes... it is mine. And ... she is moving into the loft..."

"Wow..." Nick had never given him this much for the grapevine... he was always so tight with personal information. "Marriage?"

"Maybe.." he looked away. "Under discussion. And DON'T say anything to her... she was OK with living at the loft but doesn't want to give up her apartment yet. We still have some things to work out... without pressure from any outside sources."

"OK... hey, congratulations, Nick... you will be a great father.. Can I tell Myra? When is she due?"

"Early November. And yes, you can tell Myra. I have Nat's permission to, as she says 'go public'.." he rolled his eyes, picking up the file again, watching his partner eagerly dial the phone. Aware of the quiet that permeated the squad room, he stood and looked around the room at the sheepish, semi-guilty looks that the other detectives tried to hide.. most had unopened files on their desks... but were paying more attention to the quiet conversation between the two homicide detectives...

"OK. I guess nothing is going to get done around here until everyone's morbid curiosity is satisfied." He took a deep breath and looked at the expectant faces. "Yes, Doctor Lambert is pregnant with my child." He announced simply, matter-of-fact and then sat down and tried once more to read the file on the desk. To his surprise, applause and a few cheers went around the room. He looked up and saw smiles, happy faces, looks of joy and a few 'congrats' and a back slapping 'way to go'


A week flew by. With Natalie's supervision... she was under strict instructions not to help... her belongings.. including her cat... were moved to the loft. She took advantage of the opportunity and added some 'homey' touches... some plants which would thrive in artificial light... a stocked kitchen..

Her doctor, after chastising her for delaying prenatal care for so long, had cleared her to come back to work. With the admonishment to take extra care with the materials that she handled, she would not have any special restrictions.

Nick had gone in early, as early as the sunsets of May would allow him. Natalie pulled into the parking lot, eager to get back to a routine. And almost ran into a gurney being pushed by two attendants.

"Oh.. sorry, doc.. didn't mean to run you down.."

"It's OK, Eddie. What's the hurry?"

"Explosion at a chemical plant in North York. We'll see you there." He called out, pulling the gurney toward the loading bay.

She looked at her silent pager and went to her office. No page. No message. She flicked on the light and hit the intercom button that connected her to the morgue's main desk.

"Can I help you?" a static filled voice replied.

"Yeah. This is Dr. Lambert. Am I supposed to be heading to a scene?"

"No.. no pendings listed for you. Why?"

"Eddie said he was heading out to an explosion site. But I have no pages or messages here.."

"Dr. Hill is covering that scene."

"OK.." she said and clicked off the intercom <strange... they called the teams from the 96th, but the ME from the 89th..> Pulling on her lab coat, she clicked on the computer. Scrolling through the email, she found a message from Mike Ashburn, the supervising ME. <Welcome back, Natalie. We got your clearance papers. Don't take this personally but I am not sending you out tonight. Get caught up with your paperwork and there are a couple of hospital posts on your schedule. See me before you leave in the morning.> She frowned, reading it. "So he doesn't think I can handle it." she said out loud.

"That's not it and you know it." she looked up to see Nick standing at the door. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "You passed out at the last scene you went to. Of course he is not going to send you out until you have done a few posts here at the lab. Demonstrated that there is nothing to worry about."

"OK. I guess I over-reacted. Why aren't YOU there?"

"Not our jurisdiction. Grace called me when they sent the back up units out. That's why your usual attendants are out... they sent out the backups. She knew it would upset you."

"She knows me pretty well, I guess."

"I would think that she does. You've worked together longer than I've known you." he leaned over and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. "Now, I need some reports from you.."

"So Cohen doesn't chastise you for a social call?"

"OK.. you got me." He smiled slyly. "She's OK with us, but I don't want to push it." he sat on the corner of her desk and looked up with his best 'oh-so-innocent' look.

"Well. I think I can assist. What reports do you need?" she teased, sitting next to him, oblivious to the stack of memos and files cluttering the desk behind them.

"These.." he said, handing her a folded sheet of paper and wrapping his arm around her shoulders, drawing her closer. She unfolded it, and looked up puzzled.

"What?" she said, looking again at the blank paper.

"Make something up..." he whispered, leaning closer. "Schanke is covering.."

"Oh, and loving this I am sure." She smiled and leaned against Nick's chest, savoring his coolness, his strength.

"Yeah, hard to wipe the smile... and he is ecstatic that I owe him now.." Natalie smiled and pulled his face to hers, their lips meeting in a fierce, hungry kiss. Now that she had evidence that a relationship was indeed possible with the vampire, she was not about to let him forget.

"And I do plan to collect.." Schanke spoke behind them, enjoying the sight of his partner in a passionate embrace with the coroner. He knew they were so right together... it was about time that the two of them knew it as well. "Sorry, but duty calls.." he said, watching them break apart. "a floater.."

"Sounds like fun.." Natalie replied.

"Yeah.. it will be... See you later, Doc..:" Nick stood and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and squeezed her hand before leaving. And nearly bumped into Natalie's assistant on the way out. "Bye, Grace.."

Grace strode into the room, hands on hips, she stood in front of Natalie. Mock anger sounding in her voice. "Girl.. I have a bone to pick with you... just when were you planning to tell me that our fair detective had come through for you?"

"Grace.. you know how private Nick is. I have to respect that." Natalie replied. <sounds better than he hypnotized me and I did not remember it>

"So... tell me. How is he?" she whispered confidentially, pulling out a tray of instruments for their first case. The two of them had worked so long together that they had a rhythm when dealing with their 'customers'.

"Made me forget my own name..." Natalie said with a grin <well, it was true... just not in the way that Grace would assume.>

"Wow..." her eyes glinted, meeting Natalie's gaze. "worth the wait, I guess... so, what was his reaction about the baby? And, by the way... why did it take so long to figure out that you were pregnant?"

"He is very excited about being a father... um, he, ummm, asked me to move into the loft.." Natalie skillfully dodged the last question. It was a topic she would not discuss with anyone but Nick.

"No... really? Oh, my... so are you?" Grace smiled uncontrollably... finally those two had come to their senses. So it took a baby to do it... maybe Natalie should have taken that route earlier...

"I umm, already did. We did it last week while I was off."

"That is great... Great." Grace gushed, undraping their patient and handing Natalie the instruments to begin. "So, when is the wedding?"

"Grace... don't push. Obviously the baby was not planned... so we are still coming to grips with all these changes. I'm sure we will talk about it before November. For now, I am happy just waking up next to him.."

By 4 AM, Natalie had finished two hospital autopsies and weeded through a stack of memos and files. The 'in' box was empty and she stood and stretched. The rest of the office buzzed from the explosion victims. It felt strange to NOT be involved in such a large case... but Mike knew that burns were her least favorite..

She walked up to his third floor office and knocked. Usually he came in at 7, but had been covering while she was off. "Come..." she pushed open the door.

"Hi Natalie, have a seat." He waved to the extra chair and yawned, sipping his coffee.

"So, am I off probation?" she began without preamble.

"That was not my intent and you know it." He answered sternly. "You know I detest this night gig and I am ecstatic that you do it voluntarily." He looked at her, amusement showing. "Of course, now I know why..."

"Mike, is my relationship with Nick going to be a problem with you?"

"As long as you keep it professional, no. Cohen and I have already spoken and we are in agreement in that regard. Actually, you surprised us both. She knew that you and Knight were friends, but neither of us had any idea that it went further. And that is how it should be. I will warn you though. Don't lock yourself in you lab. Even if you aren't doing anything, people will talk."

"Let them. Mike, I am getting used to the strange looks. And when I start to show..."

"Speaking of which.. what are your plans?"

"I moved into Nick's place last week... so I won't be alone. I will work as long as I can. And I do plan to come back after I give birth."

"On nights?"

"Yes... why?"

"Just asking. If you were thinking of a change, I'd start looking for options. I don't want to lose you. You are the best forensic pathologist I know."

"Then why did you not send me to that scene tonight?"

"Three reasons. One. You did pass out at the last case you did. In my eyes that warrants a day of light duty. Two. You detest burns and sending a pregnant woman to do multiple victims of her worst scenario goes against me ethically. Three. This isn't a mystery. We know what happened. And why and who. I did not want to tie you up for a month to close it up. You just finished all those cases from the asteroid..."

"Isn't that a bit patronizing, Mike?" she interrupted.

"You bet it is. And I know you resent patronizing men..." he smiled at her. "I'll admit it.. I have every intention of being protective of you. And from what I have seen of Knight, he is going to be worse." She nodded in agreement. "And just so you aren't surprised. If there is a call and bullets are flying, you aren't going..."

"Because of the baby?"

He grinned. "Absolutely. Call me a chauvinist if you must. But I think that pregnant women deserve extra consideration. There is another life to consider... and what we do now affects your future.. your child's future..."

"OK, OK... I surrender. I swear. Between you and Nick.. I am going to go crazy by November.."

CHAPTER 8 (six weeks later)

"Did he say why he needed to see us, Nick?' Natalie asked impatiently, pulling yet another dress out of the closet and trying unsuccessfully, to zip it up. The pile of rejected outfits threatened to cover the bed and Natalie was becoming more frustrated with each attempt.

"No, he didn't" Nick answered patiently, pulling a garment bag out of a different closet and handing it to her. "here, try one of these.."

She unzipped the bag and found several maternity dresses ranging from a very casual denim, to a conservative navy blue, such as she could wear to work and finally a sleek dark green silk....perfect for an evening out. She looked at the dresses, dismayed. Nick had good taste... they were her size... but to wear maternity clothes would finally acknowledge to all, in a very public way, the changes that had been taking place in her body... and she was not ready for that. "Nick, it's too soon for this..."

He reached around her, softly caressing the growing mound where their child lay. "No, Natalie. It is perfect time. I love you... I want to show you off. Its too late to change things.. or hide what is happening."

"Nick, I can't be showing yet.. it's too soon.. I'm only twenty weeks.. I'm too big."

"I thought Dr. Blackburn said everything was going normally... and we know there is only one baby in there... when should you start showing?"

"Oh, I don't know.. after the fifth month is what my mother always said.. when she was busy counting on her fingers how long someone had been married.. she's probably tossing in her grave... her own daughter. Pregnant and not married." She leaned against Nick's chest, reveling in his soft touch.

"Well.. I would be happy to remedy that situation, Natalie. And not just to make your mother happy. It would make me happy as well." he murmured, kissing her softly.

"Nick.. not yet. I think we have some issues to decide before we make vows to each other that we cannot keep. I believe in 'until death do us part'.. and if you are not ready for eternal vows..."

"I hear you, Natalie... some things cannot happen while you are pregnant... but other things should. And even in your mother's words... the time is right for these dresses... you are in the fifth month.." he said softly, knowing that the issue of bringing her across would re-surface again... and he knew that it was what Natalie wanted. But did she really understand what she was asking for?

"OK. You win. I'll wear the green one... happy?" he smiled and watched her slide on the sleek garment easily. It caressed her curves, pleating ever-so-softly over the abdomen, falling gently just below the knee. With the tumble of auburn curls and simple gold jewelry, she was elegant... perfect for what Nick suspected was an introduction to the community.

There was no line at the Raven, although the bouncer stood silent vigil. He waved Nick in and stared intently at Natalie for a moment before waving her in as well.

Nick could sense the crowd was heavily vampire... in fact, he could not sense any mortals, except for Natalie.... And that worried him. <what exactly did LaCroix have in mind.> They went up to the bar, Nick's hand resting gently but firmly on Natalie's back. He wanted no one to question that she belonged to him. Janette stood in her usual place at the end of the bar.. watching.. aware... She watched the couple approach and waved them over.

"Ah, Natalie... so good to see you again.." she greeted Natalie with an appraising look, noting the maternity dress.. and the way Nick held her. "So, it looks like you straightened out your dilemma.."

"Yes." Natalie nodded, accepting the soda water handed to her. She could see that the only other beverage being poured was a thick red liquid from green glass bottles... blood... Turning away, she accepted the brief embrace from Janette. "So what is the occasion?" she leaned closer and spoke in a low tone. "and why was I invited? I am not a member of the club..."

"Yet." Janette said briefly, noting Natalie's cool expression. "So, you can tell?"

"That I am the only mortal here?" she paused at Janette's barely perceptible nod. "I don't know how... I can just feel it.." she looked around nervously. <how DID she know that?> It was true that over the past year, she had become better at identify the denizens of the night. But now, she knew with certainty.

"Yes.. I will confirm it.. you are... and you are perfectly safe among us.." she smiled seductively at Nick. "On the other hand... mon Nichola... you may not escape unscathed..."

"So where is he, Janette?" Nick asked impatiently, ignoring Janette's comment and Natalie's observations. "And I repeat Natalie's question. What is going on here?"

"The occasion..." LaCroix spoke up, suddenly appearing at Natalie's elbow. "Is the presentation of my daughter-in-law to the community." He smiled at Natalie's shocked expression. "Oh, I know... the vows have not been exchanged. Yet. But in my eyes.. you are my son's wife... and as such, you are under my protection." He turned to Nick, voice hardening. "And if you deigned to involve yourself in the community, you would know that we hold these private parties three or four times a year. Perfect opportunity to declare Natalie off limits."

"Aren't you forgetting something? We usually do not invite those being protected.." Nick asked, still unconvinced that LaCroix's motives were purely altruistic.

"Ah, but those we are protecting are not usually carrying a child... much less, one of ours..." LaCroix responded, resting his hand lightly on Natalie's swelling belly. "Have you ever thought of this child? The child of a vampire? Is he mortal? And more importantly, what effects will he have on the woman who carries him?"

Natalie turned, startled. She had never considered that there was a risk to her. "You mean?"

"Think about it, my dear... It is starting already... And you cannot stop it or change it without endangering the child." He smiled at her shocked expression. "And you would not do anything to endanger your child, would you?" his smile did not reach his eyes and Natalie understood the unspoken message clearly. She would not live if her child did not...

"It? What are you saying?" Nick asked urgently.

Natalie looked at him, comprehension dawning in LaCroix's words. Suddenly a lot of things became clear... not the least of which was his reference to their relationship. "Nick, didn't you wonder how I knew that I was the only mortal here? I didn't put it together before... but my vision, my hearing.. smell. Everything is much stronger. I am developing some of your abilities."

"How is that possible?"

"Because of the baby.." she said simply, watching LaCroix's nod. "I'll run some tests on Monday... see if I can confirm anything... but I think he knows what I am suspecting..."

"Indeed... and I would be happy to clarify things... but I hate to ruin surprises. Go ahead and run your tests. You see, my dear doctor... you may not yet be a member of the club. But you certainly have filled out an application. Just as Nicholas's child fills your belly..." he smiled indulgently. <oh, eternity with the fiery doctor would be so much fun..> "And tonight, you will meet 'the club' as you call it. So, enjoy yourselves... dance.. mingle. Nicholas, you may introduce her to whomever you so choose.." with a laugh he strolled off to a booth in the back.

Nick just stared at Natalie. "I don't know about this..."

"Don't leave yet." Janette warned. "That will make him angry. And his anger could endanger Natalie. Just relax both of you."

"Nick, it's OK. I am fine with this. No one ever said that carrying your child was without risks. I can live with whatever is happening. He won't hurt me... he promised.. Come dance with me.." she laid a hand on Nick's arm and steered him toward the dance floor. Wrapping her arms around his neck and drawing him close. She began swaying to the music, sighing in pleasure when he slid his arms around her waist , caressing her back through the smooth silk. Their lips meeting in a tender kiss...

Janette quietly strolled over to LaCroix's table and handed him a full goblet. "so tell me.. how serious is this 'application' of hers?" she asked quietly.

"Very serious. It has been decided and approved." He looked around, nodding at two gentlemen who appeared to be in their late 50s... but from the powerful auras they exuded... were clearly...much older. "She will become one of us." He smiled in satisfaction. "Our patience is at an end. She knows too much, has seen too much. And now, this. We would have forced the matter soon, but she took the matter into her own hands. Without even realizing it. She does not realize it, but her fate was decided when she conceived a child with Nicholas. The good doctor will continue to change as the pregnancy progresses become more vampire than human... she will be craving blood soon... And when she gives birth, the last of her mortality will go with the child."

"Will she cross over without help?"

"No. And I fear that he will be reluctant. The blood she will crave will be his. And if he does not help her, she will not survive..." Janette looked at him closely. "Watch her.." he urged. "I will intervene if needed."

"What about the child?"

"A mortal, human baby at the time of his birth... but he will revert gradually... by age twenty or so will be full vampire. Will stop aging in his mid 20s. Or at least that is what has happened to the other human progeny of male vampires."

"Will you tell them?" Janette nodded toward the couple swaying on the dance floor.

"No. And you will breathe not a word."

"What if she figures it out?"

"So much the better. Send her to me... we will talk. I will become her ally... her trusted friend." He smiled coldly. "Quid pro quo, Nicholas... I will have my retribution. Fitting that I deprive the mortal you love.... Of her mortality. Somehow, I doubt he has the strength to do it... and she will turn to her trusted friend.."

"I don't know LaCroix... I think she will do quite well as one of us..." Janette shook her head as she gazed at the couple on the dance floor.

"I agree." LaCroix nodded, watching her expression closely. "And so do the elders. That is why she was invited tonight. They wanted to see her for themselves."

"What do you really have planned?" she turned and faced him directly. She had known LaCroix too long to think his motives entirely altruistic.

"She will be the key to bring him back to me. She already has him drinking human vintage again." He gave an intense gaze over the crowded club. "He had denied me, and the community for too long. We will introduce her around. Let her develop friends. After keeping secrets for so long, she probably longs for a confidante. You may do well in that role. After all, you have a long history with Nicholas. And who better to guide her and teach her and to help her learn the value of knowing our resources.."

"Is that not dangerous? If the enforcers got wind of this.." Their eyes met <yes, she could be a confidante... and would enjoy the company of the young doctor... but was that really wise?>

"No. Like I said, and as she will soon discover... those abilities she has noticed... that is just the beginning. She already carries enough of his blood that she is safe among us. No one would cross me..." he nodded toward the couple that approached them From a distance, Janette realized that Natalie did, indeed, exude very faintly, the aura of a vampire.

Natalie motioned to Janette and walked her toward the ladies room. "Hmmm. No line?" she murmured.

"No, my dear. Unless I am touching up my makeup or desire a quiet conversation.. there is no need." Janette shrugged. She was not sure why she had followed Natalie, and was not sure she would be able to withhold information so easily.

"Janette. Tell me the truth. Why am I here tonight?" Natalie looked at her intensely,

"To enjoy yourself. To meet people.." she responded with a shrug.

"Meet people? Why is everyone giving me such strange looks?" Natalie questioned. She wasn't buying it. Something was up... and no one would tell her.

"Looks? Whatever do you mean?" she tried to hedge.. <this one is too intelligent. She will not easily be fooled.>

"Yeah, strange looks, confused. It's as if they cannot believe what they see." Natalie probed. She could tell now that there was a reason she was there... and it was not simply to be nice. Just who was it that she was supposed to meet.. and why? "Is it because LaCroix is being civil to me?"

"Perhaps..." Janette laughed. "Actually, the looks are because you are pregnant. Most of our community, for all our age and experience, know very little, have had little or no contact with pregnancy or children."

"Oh, I see." Natalie paused. "Even you? You cannot? Could not?"

"No, my dear, I cannot. Even as a mortal I could not conceive. It is very rare among our world... only the thing of legends for one of us to bear a child... or father one. It takes great control..."


"Oui.. Most often the mortal is drained in the act of passion... after all, did not Nicholas take your blood?"

Natalie blushed and reached up to her neck, touching the two minute scars. Now that she knew they were there, she could easily feel the tiny bumps. "Yes. You know he did..."

"And everyone here can tell. Oh, they cannot see the marks. But we can sense when another has fed from a mortal... and if that one is old enough, well, you know who did it... and Nicholas is certainly old enough. And for one who has fed upon the blood of animals for the past century, it is astonishing that he did not kill you. Natalie, when you first came to me, I could tell that it was Nicholas who had fed from you. But not knowing why he took the memories, I could not say anything."

"And so they stay away?" she asked with trepidation. There was a lot that she did not understand about vampire protocol. If her life was in danger, she needed to know.

"Well. No one wants to anger Nicholas... have you seen him angry? Ah, you have... and you will agree.. you would not want to meet him in a dark alley. LaCroix is worse. You are under his protection. You are quite safe here. I do not know what his ultimate price will be." She spoke softly. "Do not fear. He will never harm you. Whatever the price is... it is something you can repay easily. Relax. Enjoy yourself"

"Janette, you keep telling me to relax. But you have not told me why, all of a sudden I am being allowed to be at a private party. Here. Meet people. What if the enforcers get wind of this? I'm dead.."

Janette sighed. <she will not be bluffed for long.> "My dear, you are under LaCroix's protection. He wished all to know it. For all to see you. To understand WHY you are being protected... and do not worry about enforcers. They cannot act without consent of the elders. And two of the elders were here tonight. They have approved your protection."

"Oh." Natalie smiled, visibly relaxed. "Thank you, Janette... I know you are not supposed to tell me too much. And I do not want to get you in trouble. I just want to make some sense of all of this. OK? I could not relax, not knowing if I was truly safe... I'm okay now... thank you... Shall we head out again?" She was sure there was more to the story, but knew that she would have to figure it out for herself..

Nick was at the bar anxiously watching for her. He stood and glanced between the two women when Natalie emerged from the ladies room. "Nat?" he hesitated.

"What? Are you afraid of a little 'girl talk"?" she laughed. "I wanted to ask Janette a few questions." at his pouting, hurt look, she drew closer. "And there are some things that you don't like to talk about... and I would rather ask another woman.."

"OK.. I'm being overprotective again... I just worry about you.."

"I know.. I know." Natalie said softly, leaning against him. "It's OK. And I love you too.." She pulled his face down and kissed him gently. The public affection drew interested glances.. she had never felt so bold.. but she was enjoying herself. For the first time, she was not embarrassed to demonstrate her feelings... she had no professional image to uphold in the vampire community. And Nick certainly was not resisting...

The party went well into the wee hours of the morning... and Janette spent much of the time introducing Natalie to various tradesmen... plumbers, carpenters, electricians and so forth.. as Janette explained it, 'their work is top notch and they keep our hours. As a community we support each other.' Natalie had never thought of the Toronto vampires in that sense. Sure, Nick referred to them as 'the community'... but had never fully explained what that entailed. And other than the Raven, she knew of no vampire business. As she soon discovered, those she met seemed very happy that there was a physician in their midst... although Janette's comment was that Natalie's most frequent service would be to sign death certificates for those moving on, or newly converted.

"Ironic, isn't it? That is what I do anyway.." Natalie laughed.

"Our point exactly. Aristotle can be of great assistance, but to have a legal, recognized signature... well, it will make a lot of things easier... And, my dear... you need never fear for your safety. You are one of us.. we will protect you." LaCroix explained.. with patience that was unusual for him.

"Aren't you forgetting something? I am not one of you..." Natalie responded.

"Yet.." LaCroix smiled coldly. "I am patient. Your day will come. And do not forget... as long as you are the mother of Nicholas's child... you ARE one of us..."

Natalie looked at him for a moment, not sure what to make of his statement. She had not yet decided if she wanted to join the vampire community fully... but obviously, he felt she would.. "And my child is as well?"

"But of course, my dear.." Janette answered, giving Natalie's hand a warm squeeze.

"And that is why everyone is so fascinated by the baby?" She asked, curious about the way that all that she had met would touch her belly.. and the broad smiles at each tiny movement of the unborn child cemented her ties of friendship.

"Yes.. I told you that this is quite unusual... we can sense the baby within you.."

"Oh." Natalie was quiet, puzzling over that statement. Nick had never told her how good his senses really were... and Janette was not being very clear just what she meant. As the evening had progressed, she had developed a certain comfort with the vampires present... she could see how the community really was just that... a network of complementary professionals, tradesmen.. It was a lot to absorb... and exhausting. Nick seemed to sense her fatigue and appeared at her elbow.. just as she stifled a yawn.

"Janette... if you would excuse us. I think Natalie has had enough for one evening." Nick said with a warning gaze. "Please make our apologies to the others, but we will be heading home..."

"And thank you Janette..." Natalie said quietly. "I enjoyed meeting everyone.. and I would be happy to be of assistance.." she gave Janette a light embrace and took Nick's arm. Under watchful eyes, they exited the club.

Seated in the back corner booth, LaCroix sipped his drink watching his son leave the club. He had witnessed the way Janette skillfully escorted her around... and the warm embrace they had shared...

"You are very shrewd, Lucien..." a thin dark hair man commented, sitting at the opposite bench.

"What do you mean, Aaron?" LaCroix replied with his best calculating glare.

"Using the mortal woman to pull him back to us... And there were some who said it could not be done..."

"All I am doing is using the situation to our advantage. He is the one who got her pregnant.."

"Ah, but you did not drive him away... Nor did you kill the woman..."

"Best to play this out, Aaron. She is beginning to figure it out, but does not yet know the conclusion..." he smile, brief, cold. "And I think she wants it... but won't tell him that..."

"She will be an asset to us.." the elder responded, sipping on his own beverage.

"Indeed.. and I have known that for some time.. passion, fire and utter lack of fear.."


In the weeks that followed, Natalie's contact with the shadowy world of the vampire community increased. As predicted, most requests were to simply sign a death certificate.. with an occasional splinter removal thrown in. To protect their anonymity, meetings were always at the Raven... other than Nick, none of the vampires seemed eager to frequent the coroners building.

Nick was less that thrilled with Natalie's meetings at the Raven, because LaCroix's summons seemed to occur while he was at work or in daylight hours... times when she would be forced to go alone. For her part, Natalie was unconcerned. She had taken both Janette and LaCroix's word that she would be safe. Indeed, the Raven's bouncer always had a kind word for her now... and would walk her to her car, especially when she was there after dark. After all, while she had the protection of the vampire community, a lone woman was still prey to the mortal world.

As the pregnancy progressed, Natalie began first to notice improvements in vision acuity.. hearing became sharper and odors bothered her more than ever before... and then she began to have odd feelings at the smell and sight of blood... almost a hunger..

A serial killer that struck Toronto in August made awareness of the changes more obvious... despite several months of denial. Natalie could no longer avoid confronting her fears. It started, simply enough, with a page to a playground.

Police floodlights hit the area like a beacon. Natalie had been in the lab when the call came in. 'Two bodies on a playground... certainly not playing..' she had grumbled, changing out of her scrubs for the second time that night. 'too bad the department frowns on scrubs at crime scenes' she thought, smoothing the teal blue jumper.

Pulling up to the playground, Natalie could see Nick's car... she had grown to appreciate his calming presence at crime scenes. She grabbed her bag and strolled to the detectives. "OK, guys.. what now?"

"Ooh... now that sounds grumpy, Natalie.." Schanke teased. "Nicky-boy keeping you up days?"

"Not that it is any of your business, but Nicky-boy's boy is the one keeping me up. He is practicing for soccer try outs with my bladder..." Natalie teased back. "That does not answer my question.." she looked, concerned at Nick, who seemed paler than usual.

"Stabbing. Maybe gang related. It's messy." He said simply and shot her a cautioning look.

"OK.." she said softly. Taking a deep, calming breath, she went over to the shrouded bodies. The smell was intense. Her heart began to beat faster, and she fought the urge to lick the blood off the faces of the victims... feel its power... taste the warm, salty essence.. Seeing the scene through a golden haze, every detail sharp, she was startled to be surrounded by rhythmic noises, almost like drums. Kneeling by the body, she focused on her clipboard and concentrated. Shaking her head, everything seemed to clear suddenly <what was that about?> she wondered. Going about her work methodically, she was acutely aware of Nick's presence, his watching gaze.

After reviewing both bodies, she was approached by the group of detectives and command officers.

"So, Natalie, what do you think?" Captain Cohen asked, watching Nick help her stand. Except for more intense observation and the occasional assistance with balance, she had not seen any change in their actions toward each other. Professional at all times... the seniors officers who had wanted her transferred were being proven wrong. Indeed, if she did not KNOW that Knight was the father, one would not be able to tell, either by their behavior at crime scenes or in the precinct... or even in her lab, where the opportunity for privacy was much greater.

"Well, not to state the obvious, but she was stabbed. It looks like a crime of passion... or rather interrupted passion." She took a deep breath before continuing, ignoring the men present and speaking directly to Captain Cohen. "Multiple stab wounds to the chest and abdomen ... her throat was slashed... he was castrated as well... " she took as deep breath, trying not to react to the whispered comments between Nick and Schanke. "TOD about two hours. I would guess at least two perps, as I think they were both killed at the same time.."

"Ouch.." Schanke said louder. He could not meet Natalie's gaze but he saw Nick's hand tighten around hers.

"OK, thank you Doctor." Cohen responded and turned to the detectives. "Well, they had different gang colors, different markings... that is right up your alley, Schanke... check your contacts. Was this simply a Romeo and Juliet situation.. or something more serious? Knight, check your informants for deviant behaviors. And people, let's keep this quiet. No sense alerting the tabloids..." She nodded to both men and strode away.

Nick turned to Natalie, pulling her closer. "You OK?" he murmured. "You got a little pale.."

"Can you blame her?" Schanke asked. "I seem to remember you getting paler than usual when you first saw this scene.."

"OK, I'm just being protective... as always. Give me a break." He responded, looking at Natalie, unspoken fears in his eyes. "Let me walk you to your car." He murmured, shooting Schanke a look telling him to stay behind.

"OK, Nat... are you really OK?" he asked softly leaning against the door to her car.

"Yeah.. the blood bothered me at first.. but I'm OK now." she answered quietly, not meeting his intense stare.

He looked at her, concerned. "Bothered you how? Nat, I saw your eyes..."

She looked up, startled. "What about my eyes?"

"they changed." He said quietly, the implications clear. "So how did the blood bother you?" he asked softly.

"Hunger." She said low, meeting his concerned gaze. "We'll talk later, OK.. privately"

He nodded and opened the car door "Yes... I will see you at home..."

Changed back into scrubs, and definitely more comfortable with her enlarged belly, Natalie sipped her tea, waiting for the attendants to have the room ready for the post mortem exams. Looking over her black notebook where she chronicled her work with Nick, she flipped to a page near the back. After the party at the Raven, she had started monitoring her own blood. For what, she was not sure... but the flashes of awareness, of sensation... well, it had to mean something. She quickly drew a new sample from her own arm, and prepared a slide. <hmmm, nothing obvious here... time to call in a favor> She called her friend at the research institute and arranged for time on the tunneling electron microscope.

Back to reality, she proceeded with the 'official' case... the autopsies revealed nothing unusual except for the circumstances of where and how they were found. Completing the preliminary report was accomplished quickly and she slipped into the night to the clinical research institute next door.

She had studied Nick's blood on this apparatus before, but never her own... what she saw was puzzling... <hmm, that's odd... I did not think I brought Nick's samples..> She paused and checked the label on the slide and tube. Sure enough, it had the code she'd long ago assigned herself as the control.... Wanting to verify her observations, she pricked her finger and squeezed a fresh drop on the slide... and licked the excess off. To her sudden horror, she realized the hunger, the tingling sensation when she tasted her own blood. It tasted good... she craved it... wanted more... Shaking her head to clear her mind, she looked into the microscope again... and saw the evidence... physical evidence.. sure, enough, the 'vampire factor' she'd identified from Nick, was now in HER blood as well. A cold chill went down her spine as she realized now, just what LaCroix had been trying to tell her... but she had to be sure...

Nick was not yet home when Natalie arrived back at the loft at the end of her shift. Wanting answers and knowing that Nick would not tell her what she needed to know, if indeed, he even knew... she dialed the Raven... "Janette... I need to see you...."

The Raven was closing when she arrived at 5 am. The predawn sky had barely lightened and she closed the door tightly behind her. The bartender had been expecting her, and pointed toward the stairs to the private quarters.

"Natalie? What concerns you so?" Janette greeted her at the top of the stairs, leading the way into her apartment.

"Something is happening to me. I need answers that I don't think Nick would know.. or tell me.... And I don't want him to worry if this is nothing..." she looked at Janette, worry and fear filling her eyes.

"OK, go on, Natalie... I do not know if I can help you, but I will try."

"I was at a crime scene tonight... a particularly bloody crime scene. And I reacted to the blood.."

Janette studied her closer <yes, the vampire's presence was stronger in her... but her heart still beat strongly> "Reacted, how? Nausea, perhaps... you are, after all, pregnant, and such reactions are natural."

"No. Hunger." She said simply and her eyes met Janette's intense look. "I wanted to dive in and lick it off the victims... suck it up from their wounds..." Natalie looked at her friend, raw fear showing. "And then I could hear the hearts beating all around me. Nick said my eyes changed..."

"Oh my..." Janette leaned back in her chair, unsure what to say. "What do YOU think is the problem?"

"Well, I checked my own blood tonight." she took a deep breath before continuing. "Janette, I carry the vampire factor in my blood now..."

"Oh, Natalie. Mon chere... you really need to speak with LaCroix.." Janette knew that this was the discussion that the ancient vampire had predicted several months previous.

"Janette... please tell me. Is this permanent?" Natalie pleaded, raw fear clearly present.

"Natalie... let me call LaCroix... I do not know what to say.." Janette hesitated. She knew what was happening, but was not going to tell her new friend that her life had changed... was changing.. forever..

"Janette, please... just tell me." Natalie whispered, an almost desperate, pleading...

"My dear doctor... Janette is correct. We need to speak. Alone." LaCroix's resonant voice sounded from the doorway and he extended his hand to Natalie. He had sensed her flash of transforming power earlier that evening, and knew she would seek Janette's counsel. He led her into another room, a private lounge where he sometimes spent the day, adjacent to Janette's apartment. "So what led you to this revelation?"

"I was at a particularly bloody crime scene tonight ... and well, I hungered for the blood.." Natalie looked at him, nervously. She was not sure how the ancient master vampire would respond to her probable conversion... they had never been friendly.

"Indeed?" he smiled. "You craved human blood?"

"Yes... the smell... it was overpowering.. it called to me... I wanted it." she met his penetrating gaze. "Why? ... There is no reason..."

"Oh, but there is, my dear... Remember, you carry the child of a vampire. His blood is crossing with yours every minute... affecting yours.. changing yours..." His smile broadened, eyes glowing. Yes, it was time for the truth to be revealed.

"But Nick has not taking my blood since that night. How can his blood be affecting mine now..?" she questioned, not quite believing what she knew was happening.

"No, but his child has... and continually is changing your mortal, human blood with his. And his blood carries the vampire." He leaned over and took her hand gently, caressing her palm as their eyes met. "My dear Natalie. The time has come for me to be brutally honest with you. You are changing. You will cross over... It is not a matter of choice, it is a matter of time. You cannot stop it."

Natalie sat quietly and took a deep breath before saying softly. "I guess I knew that. I just wanted to hear it.. to admit it. So someday, I just wake up and poof.. I am a vampire?"

"Well, it will not be as dramatic as the more usual method of conversion." He shrugged. "But eventually you will need to feed from a mature vampire..."

"Drink their blood?" she asked, her voice a mixture of horror and desire.

"Yes. And if you don't, you and the child are in danger. When you start having those cravings, do not fight them.. And the blood must be fresh... your lab specimens will not work.. so you must tell Nicholas.."

"What if he is reluctant?"

"Come to me." He smiled indulgently. "I am not. I look forward to your joining us. For eternity." He looked at her carefully, seeing the slight glow in her eyes, and taking a small knife from his pocket, made a cut on his wrist.

She watched the blood pool on his wrist and felt her eyes change.... Her mouth watered... her heart beat faster..

"Go ahead, my dear" he said softly. "Take it.." he cupped his hand, allowing the blood to pool slightly... brought it to her lips. And then sighed in pleasure as she drank his blood, licked clean the wound on his wrist.

The blood was like a fiery nectar.. sweet, tingling. She felt a sizzling warmth all the way to her toes, felt his power... his concern for her... his love for his son... and then peace, calm. Her eyes cleared, she felt the baby kick and turn over... she could almost feel his calm as well.. and a peaceful 'thank you'. Her eyes met his with a sense of wonder.

"So, my dear. What do you think of me now?" his cold smile had warmed.

"I don't know... words do not express. That was not what I'd expected... I mean, I knew blood was your food.. but that was so much more..." she hesitated.

"That is because you've never tasted one of us. Correct?" he watched her intently as she nodded slowly. It was, as he expected, her first introduction to the power of the blood. Things were progressing as he'd expected. "Yes, well, I doubted that Nicholas would allow you to indulge... much less offer himself."

"This won't hurt the baby, will it?"

"No. Actually, this is something that your son needs as well."

"What do I tell Nick?" she asked, tremulously. "He will be angry that I drank from you."

"Ah, but I did not drink from you... so he has no cause for jealousy." LaCroix said with a stoic gaze. "But do tell him. He will sense my presence... and will be angrier if you try to hide this. Besides... if he had been paying attention, he'd have already offered himself to you. Maybe now he will."

As expected, Nick was pacing the loft when she stepped off the lift. "Where were you? You left the lab before 5.. I called..." he looked at her intently, smelling... no, sensing.. smoke... blood... his master...

"I had an errand." She said simply, shrugging off her coat and crossing to the kitchen. He caught her waist and studied her wrists, her neck...

"What were you doing with LaCroix? I can sense him on you... what did he do to you?" The fear mixed with jealousy was clearly evident...

"Nick. He did not take my blood... relax.. sit down. We need to talk." She leaned against the refrigerator and looked into his eyes. She could feel him forcing down the vampire.

"Then why do I feel him in you?" he shot back, anger and jealousy rising.

"He fed me.." she said simply.

"WHAT??" his voice rose, fear and anger mixed..

"Nick. I did not know what I was craving. Why my eyes changed at the scene... but now it seems so obvious. Nick. I have been craving blood."

"Blood? Natalie, that is impossible..."

"To be specific, what I craved was vampire blood."

He looked at her, horror in his eyes. "No, Natalie. It is too dangerous.. Promise me..."

"Nick, I need it. The baby needs it. He knew it even if I did not. And if I can't have yours, I will go to him again." She moved into the living room, leaning on the couch before facing him. "You don't know, do you?"

"What?" he moved closer, standing directly in front of her.

"That I am crossing over." She said simply, and watched his expression change from concern and dismay to anger.

"WHAT?? I'll kill him. He has no right..." His voice rose, his eyes darkened. "How could you let him?"

Natalie put her arm out and drew Nick closer. "Shh. Nick, calm down. I didn't let him do anything. He answered a few questions. That is all. He did not touch me. He cut his arm... I drank some of his blood."

"Questions? Such as?"

"Did you know that I carry your aura? I can sense you clearly. Feel your emotions... " Nick did not answer but looked at her curiously. "Nick. It is not LaCroix who is doing this to me. If you must blame someone, blame your son. That's whose blood is constantly being exchanged with mine. Yes, it is a more gradual change... but a change nonetheless."

"My son?" Nick looked at her carefully. She seemed rather confident that their child was a boy... and this information was something he'd never heard of in his 800 years. "How can an unborn child be bringing
you over?"

"Because he carries your DNA, which has the vampire factor. Somehow, it is rewriting mine. He carries my DNA as well, so has a mortal heartbeat, is growing and maturing like a normal human.."

"So is he mortal?"

"He is right now... but whether he stays that way is beyond my comprehension. All I know is that I needed the blood. Call it an uncontrollable craving. LaCroix said it was the baby that needed it..."

"So when you give birth you will be back to normal?"

"I doubt it." she paused, not sure how to say it. "Nick, I needed the vampire blood for the baby, but it will affect me as well. I will cross over... or I will die. There is no going back..." her voice had become softer and she tightened her grip on his arm. He looked at her, sorrow evident.

"Nat, I am so sorry." He said softly.

"Don't" she said sharply. "I do not regret any of this. And the fact that we will be bonded for eternity..." she smiled seductively.

He pulled her closer, drawing his arms around her waist. "OK Natalie. No more guilt. But the next time you crave someone's blood, come to me. I may not be happy that your decision is being forced, but I do not want any harm to come to you. If you need me, I will be there..."

She melted into his embrace, thinking 'eternity will not be long enough ...'


After her meeting with LaCroix and admitting what she really craved, what was truly happening to her body, she relaxed. Finishing the 'Romeo and Juliet' case, as the playground murders had been called, and tackling another stabbing case, she remained in control <maybe he was wrong..>

Now into the third trimester, the voluminous maternity clothes were not an option, but a necessity. She had become accustomed to the curious looks at crime scenes.. had no one seen a pregnant coroner before? Autopsies were more of a mobility challenge as she worked around her ever-enlarging belly... but her assistants were eager helpers... and were anxiously planning a baby shower... of course what they really wanted to plan was a wedding shower... but that topic had not been brought up again....

Two weeks after telling Nick of her eventual conversion, she began to feel the hunger again. Finishing a particularly ugly autopsy on an automobile accident victim, she fought the urge to lick the blood off the woman's forehead. Feeling slightly dizzy, she pulled off her gloves and eased herself into the chair.

"Grace, I need a break.." she mumbled.

"Nat, honey. You are pale as a ghost... are you OK? Is it the baby?" Grace knelt by the chair, concern evident in her voice, her gentle touch.

"Yeah, yeah... I'll be fine.. It's not the baby.. I'm just hungry, felt a little light headed." she hid her face in her hands, afraid to look up, knowing that her eyes would have a golden cast.

"Are you sure? Let me call Nick... I think you should call it a night..."

"OK." Natalie agreed quietly. She'd intended to call Nick as well... but her message would be a bit different.

"Detective Knight please... OK." Grace watched Natalie as she leaned on her forearms, face down. "Yes, hi, Nick.. this is Grace... I think you need to come take Natalie home... she's had a dizzy spell and looks really pale..."

"Grace, I'll be fine.." Natalie murmured.

"No. You are working too hard. And if you won't listen to me, I bet Nick can get you to slow down."

"Well, he DID get me pregnant... that has certainly slowed me down."

"Besides that..." Grace laughed and turned to see Nick hurrying into the lab. "That was fast." She remarked and with a nod to Nick, left them alone.

"Nat?" he said hesitantly, seeing how she was hiding her face..

"I'm hungry.." she said softly, raising golden eyes to him.

"OK. But let's go home.. I'll take care of you, OK?" she nodded and followed him out to the car, leaning heavily on him as the receptionist watched her leave. Nick used his radio to book them both off for the rest of the night.

Sitting on the couch next to her, he let his fangs descend and sliced a narrow wound on his wrist, Sucking briskly to establish the blood flow, he looked at her intently. 'Do you want a glass?" he asked quietly, clearly uneasy with the prospect of Natalie feeding from him... but he had promised. At her soft negative, he held out the bleeding wrist.

The scent was enticing, overwhelming. Natalie grabbed his arm and brought the wound to her mouth. She swallowed rapidly, briskly sucking from his wrist... and was startled to hear his sighs of pleasure.. And if LaCroix's blood was fiery, Nick's was like the sweetest wine... exquisite... intense sensations of love, passion and desire filled her. Brought tears to her eyes...

She broke away, and gazed into his eyes... and knew that her love was reciprocated... "Nick..."

"Shh.. I know... pretty intense..." he wrapped his other arm around her shoulders and drew her closer and then both were startled to hear applause. They turned and saw LaCroix standing behind them. "LaCroix, what do you want?" Nick asked with a tired sigh.

"I am merely looking after my grandchild." He responded. "I was not sure that you would share yourself so willingly." He had walked around the couch and now stood in front of them, inches from Nick.

"This may not be something that I would have wanted for either of us, but I will not endanger Natalie. If she needs me, I will be there for her. Whatever is needed"

"What if she required fresh, human blood... would you kill?"

"Yes." Nick replied softly, tightening his arms around her. LaCroix smiled and walked back into the kitchen.

"I must say, your taste in vintages is much improved. Care for some?" he said, holding out a full mug to Nick, which he took readily. "So, Natalie... what do you think of all this? How is he?"

Natalie blushed at his tone and stammered, "I think that is rather personal. Let me just say that I enjoyed it." she looked at Nick directly, "but I am looking forward to the day when I can share myself with no worries. No restrictions.."

"Really? How interesting.... And this is the first time that you have fed from Nicholas, is it not?"

"Yes. LaCroix, if you showed up here, because you knew of my need, then you know that as well." Natalie watched the expression of the ancient vampire.

"Touché. Yes, Natalie, I did know that. You are entirely too perceptive for one who has not taken that final step into our world." His expression became serious. "My intent is not to intrude, but to advise.. to caution you.."

"Of what? You said don't fight the cravings... obviously, I did not..." he sat on the chair next to her, glancing between Natalie and Nick before taking her hand gently in his.

"Taking my blood was just a short term relief. Nicholas, as your true creator will have a greater effect on you. Now that you have taken Nicholas's blood directly, you are one step closer to our world." He looked at them both, his expression serious. "Every time you experience these needs, you will change a little."

"So what are you saying?" Nick asked, tightening his grip on Natalie's shoulders.

"Take precautions. That is all. Be careful going into sunlight. Say goodbye to your God.... Churches may make you feel ill. When next you go to the doctor, they may notice a change in your heartbeat. A slowing perhaps. If they take any blood, tell me. You now carry detectable changes. You do not have fangs yet, but we have all seen your eyes change..."

"So will I just wake up a vampire... or what?" Natalie asked. "You keep saying that it is inevitable... but when and how?"

LaCroix sighed. "Not exactly. It will be gradual, but after you give birth, things will happen rapidly... you won't sleep through it..."

"Let me guess. Don't fight the cravings."

LaCroix smiled. "Exactly. I will give Nicholas specific instructions when the time is right." He turned to Nick and murmured. "And I am not holding it back deliberately. The elders have only informed me that they have approved her conversion. They will be in touch will me some time in the next month... they are watching us..." He stepped back and nodded to them both. "I will take my leave from you now. Keep in touch.." he silently flew into the night.

Nick snuggled closer. "Feeling OK with all of this?"

"I just wish he would tell me the whole story. I keep thinking there is something that he is not telling me."

"There is." Nick said grimly. "Janette told me that this has happened before."

"And?" she could sense that he was reluctant to tell her everything.

"And the mothers are usually visited by the Enforcers after giving birth."

"and killed?" she asked softly, seeing his silent nod. "Why?"

"They said the women carried enough of the vampire to become a hunter. And their partner is often killed as well. To send a message to the rest of us."

"To stay away from mortal women?"

"No." he kissed her forehead gently. "To pay better attention to them..."

"Well, I can appreciate that.." she smiled. "Is that why LaCroix invited me to that party?"

"Yes. He wanted everyone to know that your needs would be met. That we would watch over you."

"And you would really kill for me?"

"Yes. Natalie, when you first cross over, you will need it." he sighed. "I made a mistake with your brother."

"Nick. Don't.." Natalie turned away, staring into the fireplace. The death of her brother was a topic they had never discussed.

"Natalie, I have to talk about this... You are starting to sense things from me... Eventually you will know this from my blood. And I would rather explain it. Let me finish." She nodded but did not make eye contact. "I fed him cow blood in his first hunger. I hoped that if he never tasted human blood, he would not crave living humans.... Would not kill."

"Well that was real effective..." Natalie said sarcastically.

"I know. And I am sorry. I should have stayed with him... should have gotten some of Janette's stock from the Raven... had you get something from the morgue. But instead of preventing the cravings... I made them worse. His first hunger was never satisfied... and he lost control of it.. of everything..." He turned her shoulders so that their eyes met... could see the tears filling her eyes. "Natalie, I won't make the same mistake with you. I will have fresh supplies for you... I will stay with you.... I will teach you to hunt properly... to stay in control.."

"Nick.." she began.

"Don't you see? I am at peace. With you. It is not mortality that I want as much as a chance to atone. And to be with you." he held her closer, kissing her gently. "And I have just enough of the 13th century knight in me... there is something that we need to do.... And I don't want to wait any longer.."

"What?" Natalie asked, although she had an idea where the conversation was leading..

"I know that illegitimacy is not the taboo now, that it was when I was young... but I cannot stomach the idea of my son being a bastard." He was on his knees in front of her... their hands tightly clasped. "Please, Natalie. Marry me... I, too, believe in 'until death do us part' and I am prepared to take vows with you for eternity. I can think of nothing better than having you at my side forever..."

She smiled and kissed his clasped hands. "I wondered how long it would take for you to get around to this... Yes, I will marry you." He pulled her closer and met her kiss gently.

Motioning for her to stay seated, he crossed to the safe that he had hidden behind a painting high on the wall. Pulling out a small leather pouch, he sat next to her and slid a ring on her finger. "So, Miss Natalie Lambert, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

"Yes, Sir Nicholas deBrabant, now and for eternity, I am yours..." their lips met with a fierce, passionate kiss that spoke of promises and future fulfillment.

When they broke apart, catching their breath, Nick turned to her eagerly, "So? When?"

"How about today? We are both off tonight... Let's just go to the courthouse, get the license and find a judge."

"No ceremony?"

"Nick, we can't do churches. And if we want to make sure that our child is legitimate, why wait?"

"No argument from me... I just don't want you unhappy that you didn't have a formal wedding... What about witnesses?"

"All I want is you... and as far as witnesses.. Don and Myra Schanke... He would never forgive you for not inviting him to our wedding." She said promptly.

"Sounds good to me... I'll make a few phone calls. You get something to eat." He laughed at her growling stomach. "I don't think that I satisfied you THAT much..." she giggled as Nick started dialing the phone. Within a half hour, he had the appointments made and was preparing to call his partner. "So do we surprise him?"

"What time is our appointment?"

"Four- thirty at the clerk's office and five pm with Judge James."

"Hmm. It's still pretty light then, Nick.."

"I've gotten us a darkened limo. They'll pick us up in our garage... take us to the underground parking at the courthouse."

"And we pick up the Schankes on the way... Myra will flip over being in a limo..." Natalie grinned. "Take us all to the courthouse together... we tell him the plan when we arrive. And then we go to dinner..."

"That would work. Good thinking." He smiled and was already dialing. "Hey Schanke... No, she is fine now... just working too hard as usual... I know this is last minute.. but do you and Myra have plans for tonight?.... Well, you've been covering for me a lot lately, and I would like to do something special to thank you... dinner with you and Myra... I have something special in mind... we'll pick you up at four... Great.. Nah, this will be fun. Oh, Nat says to tell Myra, semi-formal..."

As he hung up the phone with a 'thumbs up' signal, Natalie smiled, "you are good.."

"And you need to get a little sleep my lovely wife-to-be.." he smiled, looking at the clock. "I will wake you up at two..."

"OK, OK.. I'm going.." she responded, blowing him a kiss as she climbed the stairs.


The limo pulled into the garage promptly at three-thirty pm. Natalie had just begun to fathom the benefit of the vampire community, such as last minute limousines... She put the last touches on her makeup and met Nick at the bottom of the stairs.

"Every bride needs flowers..." he said softly, pinning the red rose corsage on her cream colored silk dress. Even so obviously pregnant, she was gorgeous. Janette had given her this dress just the week before, with instructions that it was for her wedding day. They both knew that Nick would want their marriage to be before she gave birth. Custom made by her Parisian designer, it caressed her curves, hugged her pregnant belly, smoothly falling mid calf. Nick extended his hand and escorted her to the lift.

They pulled up to the Schanke's home and the driver went up to the door. Don and Myra climbed into the limo with incredulous looks. "Wow.... You really did go all out... just for moi..." Schanke teased.

"You are looking well, Natalie." Myra greeted her with a gently embrace. "That is a very nice dress. I don't think I have ever seen such an elegant maternity dress..."

"It was a gift... Nick's friend Janette bought it in Paris for me.." Natalie smiled, not saying that it was custom made.

Don looked between Natalie and his partner... hmmm, Parisian dress, flowers, very nice silk suit... Italian if he had to guess. "And where are we going? I think this is more than a 'thank you partner' event.."

"What ever do you mean?" Natalie smiled innocently.

"I'm a detective. I know when there is more to the story." He smiled. "And I have a definite feeling that there is more to this story... Not going to answer me, partner?"

"I will grant you that, partner... there is more to this evening's agenda than dinner... you always wanted to be the first to know my private life... this is your chance." Nick grinned.

Peering out the window, Don could see the downtown Courthouse, and saw that they were pulling into the adjacent parking garage. "Dinner at the Courthouse? Nick? Just what do you have planned?"

"Well, we do have an appointment before dinner." Nick smiled, helping Natalie out of the limo, followed by the Schankes.

"OK, partner... an appointment, you say.." he grinned and turned to Myra. "I think maybe we should have brought some rice.."

"Would be appropriate.." Natalie smiled, tightening her hand in Nick's and watching Schanke's smile grow broader.

They approached the clerks office and Nick turned to the Schankes. "Now, Don.. you know I could not get married and not invite you. Natalie and I wanted to be low key about this.... We fed the grapevine enough for quite a while."

"You aren't planning to keep this secret, are you?" Don asked, almost disappointed.

"No.. but we are just going to get married with no fuss... and show up to work with wedding bands on, and see if anyone notices." Nick grinned.

"Actually, we are counting on you for publicity.." Natalie smiled.

"Oh, you can rely on me to do a great job.. trust me, the entire city will know within 48 hours..." Don smiled broadly. "So, you two are really doing it, tonight?"

"Yes, and you are our witnesses..." Nick said simply.

"And we are honored." Myra beamed. She loved weddings... and this one was long overdue.

Forty minutes later, they emerged from the judges chambers... Nick and Natalie married... and the Schankes beaming with happiness. They returned to the limo and proceeded to the CN tower where they had dinner reservations at 360.

The evening was going too well... dinner... dancing... Upon learning that there was a bridal couple present, the band played a special song for Nick and Natalie to dance together... to the applause of the other patrons... strangers... but all could see the love that flowed between the newlyweds.

It was close to 11 PM when the beepers went off... all of them. Nick sighed and pulled out his phone. "Yeah, this is Knight.... What?... This is supposed to be our night off.... She did?... Oh, all right... Where?... you absolutely need us?.... well, we both have had a little wine with dinner... no, Schanke is with me.... Of course.... Yes, I'll tell her... OK, we'll be there..." At the multiple pages, Natalie knew their evening was being cut short and had signaled for the check.

"So what is it?" Schanke asked as Nick clicked off the phone and handed it to Natalie.

"Another Romeo and Juliet. And our presence has been requested. Rather strongly." He turned to Natalie. "Your case, too, Nat."

"I figured." She responded and made arrangements for the attendants to bring her equipment.

They dropped Myra off first and then proceeded to the perimeter of the crime scene. Flashing lights, crowds of onlookers and uniformed officers marked the area. The officers looked curiously at a limo stopping at the scene, and at the individuals who emerged.

"Riding in style tonight, guys?" one of the officers called out, recognizing the detectives... and the coroner. They both rolled their eyes, and went in search of Captain Cohen.

"Captain?" Nick said, catching her attention. She nodded in acknowledgment and then looked more carefully... nice suits... white dress... corsages... shining rings.... Rings? Nick never wore a ring before that she knew of...

"Knight." She nodded. "Did we interrupt something? You are a bit formal for a crime scene.. And Dr. Lambert as well." she nodded toward Natalie who had gone over to get her bag from the attendants.

"Yeah.. a wedding dinner..." Schanke announced loudly.

"You and Lambert got married?" she asked, looking closer at the coroner and the detective. Yes, that did look like wedding rings that flashed and sparkled in the artificial light.

"Yes... about 5 hours ago..." Nick smiled. "So, what did you pull us here for? I, for one, would like to finish this as quickly as possible..."

"Well, at least now I know why you were so reluctant to come in on your night off.. Sorry. But you could have told me.." she straightened, acutely aware that Schanke's announcement had spread... and the news was probably going across the police radio..

"And tempt the gossip chains again... No thanks..."

"Anyway... we have a double homicide.." she pointed toward the bodies draped at the end of the alley. "Gang colors.."

"Same as last time?" Schanke asked.

"Sort of... they were opposite, though. Either this is retaliation, or something equally ugly.." she shook her head in dismay.

"Nick, see what Natalie thinks... Schanke, I need you to contact you gang informants. And, Knight, congratulations..." she nodded as they separated to start working..

Nick approached Natalie, smiling as he watched her work. Calm. Efficient. She looked up, sensing his approach.

"Well, I'll call it." She put her hand down to steady herself as Nick reached over and helped her to stand... and drew interested looks from the other officers... "Retaliation or same killer. That is your department. But it was the same MO... exactly." She shuddered, pulling off her gloves and nodding to the attendants to take the bodies away.

He reached around, resting his hand on the small of her back. "You OK?" he asked softly

Oblivious to the attention they were attracting, she turned and face him, placing her hands on his chest. "Yeah. I'll survive. But I'll be better when we finish here."

"OK, you two. Let's see some daylight." Schanke teased. "you can start the honeymoon later. Although, I do believe that you've already... umm... consummated the relationship." Nick rolled his eyes and separated slightly.

"Find anything useful? About the case?" Nick asked, acutely aware of the whispered comments circulating amongst the uniformed officers... comments fueled by their casual embrace. Publicly displaying his relationship and feelings toward Natalie was unusual... The speculation had been going on for years... and even the pregnancy did not confirm the relationship as much as the casual, yet familiar, contact...

"Oh, I have a few calls to make. But don't hold your breath. I have a feeling that someone knows exactly who and why this is happening... but they won't tell us... we'll have to out-smart them. Figure it out for ourselves." He held out his arm to Natalie. "Shall we adjourn to the precinct, madam?"

"One problem... no car." Nick said, motioning to one of the officers. "Hey, Miller, catch a ride?" he turned to Natalie, "we'll have him drop you at the lab. I'll borrow a precinct car to pick you up..."

"Sure thing, Nick. Oh.... You need to bring Dr. Lambert with you to the precinct... or should we call her Dr. Knight?" Miller said with a laugh.

Nick sighed... knowing that they would do their best to embarrass him... and make Natalie blush... not that he minded that... Natalie's embarrassed blush was just so enticing...

"Why do they need me?" Natalie whispered as Nick walked her up to the precinct door. Miller and Schanke had insisted that the newlyweds take the back seat and had periodically dropped little joking comments.

At the doorway, Nick straightened their corsages, and gave her a gentle kiss. "Think about it, Nat... We show up to a crime scene in a limo... formal attire. Schanke announces that we were at a 'wedding dinner'... They want to celebrate."

"Yeah.. I guess I didn't think of that." She took a deep breath and twined her arm with him. "OK... they want a show.. I'm ready.."

Arm-in-arm they entered the precinct to a loud burst of applause. A sign, congratulating them, was taped to Nick's desk. A table was set in the middle of the room filled with cake and cans of soda. Numerous officers and detectives, including some from Nick's previous assignment at the 27th precinct were present. "Now, you two really didn't think you could get away with this quietly?" The desk sergeant laughed... "we've been predicting this for years... all of it." he grinned, looking pointedly at Natalie's enlarged belly. Pulling out a slim notebook and a fat envelope, he called out. "Marriage date of August 28, 1995... and the winner is.... Joe Stonetree." A cheer went up as the captain of the 27th stepped forward.

"Winner?" Natalie looked at them, confused.

"The pool.. it's been going on for years. Almost as soon as Nick started at the 27th.." Joe explained. "Hey.. I knew there was something going on between you two back when he rescued you from that lunatic at the greenhouse.. you aren't very good at hiding your facial expressions. Either of you." He came over and gave Natalie a quick hug. "Congratulations... I hope you have a long and happy life together.." Natalie just looked at Nick thinking <and you have no idea how long...>

"And, um... guys... you're supposed to do things in order..." Schanke teased his partner. "I pegged this part to have happened some time ago... so I didn't even get the pregnancy pool right."

"Pregnancy pool?" Nick looked at his partner, amusement gone. "Just how many pools are ongoing with my personal life?"

"Well... it started with when you'd get her to move in with you... then when you'd get married.... And then we added when you would get her pregnant. Look, Nick... we don't have that many guys who aren't married... we were just having fun. I mean, we could all see the way you two looked at each other. It was bound to happen, sooner or later... at least one event." Miller explained. He had also come over from the 27th, and had brought the pool with him... and even got some of the guys in other precincts who knew Natalie to get in on the pool.

"Well, I'm glad that my personal life was a source of amusement..." Nick responded, trying very hard to stay calm. He detested sharing intimate details of his life with anyone... and had just gotten accustomed to sharing his life with Natalie.

"Hey, we do it to all the unmarried guys... you just let us close it all at once..."

"Maybe not." Bob Zahn spoke up. The long-time day desk sergeant.. he had some in especially for this party. Seeing Nick with a wedding band was a sight long anticipated. "The baby pool is commencing... date, sex, weight. All bets $5 each..." he called out as Natalie looked at Nick, slightly annoyed.

"Don't you guys have something more important to do?"

"Nah... not tonight... come on. Time to cut the cake.."

"Not yet... we haven't seen him kiss the bride.." Bob called out. Nick caught his eye and with a smile, pulled Natalie close, and wrapped his arms around her waist... their lips met at first tenderly, but with the cheers of the precinct became passionate. Their tongues met and reached and caressed each other, explored. Deepened. Passions exploding. He ran his tongue across her teeth, feeling, probing... <ah.. she does have them..> he thought as he felt the hard nubs behind her canines.. She moaned softly, running her hands into his hair, rubbing his back... his neck...

Schanke watched with fascination. He had never seen this side of his normally reserved partner... that he could be a passionate man.. but when he heard Natalie's soft moan of pleasure... well, there was a time and place for everything.. and the middle of the precinct was not it. And this kiss was beyond simply kissing the bride. "Ahem... time for the cold showers everyone... Nick... I think that is enough of a demonstration... we will never doubt you again.." He said loudly, laughing as the couple separated, and Natalie quickly grabbed a cup of ice water.

"Okay, can we cut the cake yet?" Natalie smiled, fanning herself as she passed a sultry look at Nick..

"I think we need to do something... before Nick needs to go excuse himself for a while.." Joe spoke up. "And my turn to kiss the bride.." he walked over and gave Natalie a gentle kiss on the cheek..

Natalie gave him a squeeze and looked at the spread of goodies. "this is so nice, guys.. how did you pull it off so fast?"

"Oh we are talented.." Miller laughed.

"And we have sources... one of the clerks in the registrars office used to work at the 27th and is in the pool. When you showed up tonight, she called over here and told us..." Bob explained. "I merely put the wheels in motion for a party... we just pushed it up to today when we got that call."

"Although showing up in a limo was a nice touch..."

The crowd in the precinct continued to grow as off duty officers and detectives kept coming through to wish the couple good luck... and enjoy some cake. When Natalie did not follow the bodies to the morgue, her office began looking for her...

"Hey, Knight... your phone is ringing..."

"OK.." He broke off his conversation and moved over to his desk. "Homicide, 96th precinct. This is Detective Knight.... Oh, yeah... she's here..." he motioned to Natalie and handed her the phone.

She pulled her pager out... indeed she had been paged... and either did not hear it.. or feel it vibrate. Oh, well. In some ways, maternity dresses were not terribly practical. "Yes, this is Dr. Lambert." A loud groan cent around the room as they heard her salutation.

"Hey, Knight. She isn't taking your name?" Bob asked. Somehow, Knight did not seem like the kind of guy that would like that.

"Professionally, no. Personally, yes. Her reputation as an ME is well established. She has licenses that would have to be changed... Besides, two Knights at crime scenes would be pretty confusing."

Natalie had turned, only peripherally aware of the conversation in the background... actually, they had never discussed the issue of her name... and she had answered out of reflex.. but was glad that Nick had thought the issue over. Sure enough, the call was her office.. wanting her soon. "I don't know.. this WAS my night off... OK, I'll be over as soon as we are done here... Yes, Jill.. I did go to the crime scene in a limo..... OK... I'll see you in a few.." She turned to Nick, "Yeah, they were worried when I didn't show up. with the bodies.

"Are they pushing for the prelims tonight?" Nick asked, glancing at his watch. They had three hours until sunrise.

"Yeah.. but if YOU aren't pushing... I'm in no hurry if you aren't" she slid closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Knight.." Captain Cohen peeked out of her office. For the most part, she had stayed out of the party. "I just got off the phone with Mike Ashburn... he would like Dr. Lambert to finish the posts tonight... we'll book you off. Take your wife over to the lab and let her finish her work... and then take tonight off.. Call it a honeymoon..."

Nick nodded, and after saying goodnight to Schanke, took Natalie's hand and they left in a borrowed precinct car.

Pulling up to the coroner's office, Nick parked in his usual front spot, and walked around to open the door for her, and help her out.

"You're coming in?" Natalie asked, surprised. She had figured that Nick would head home.. and that she would catch a ride with her assistant.

"Of course. This is our wedding day... I'm not letting you out of my sight." He smiled, resting his hand possessively on the small of her back.

Walking in together, they attracted the attention of the receptionist, who did a double take at her attire. "Wow.. nice dress, doctor.. You went to a crime scene like that? That looks like silk..."

"Thanks, Carol. It is silk .. from Paris..." Natalie grinned. If nothing else, Janette had wonderful taste in clothing... and she was looking forward to future shopping expeditions.

"So, you were out somewhere?" Carol asked. Her job was to stall... and she was not blond for nothing... her hair color came in handy at times.

"Yes.." Natalie smiled, and holding out her left hand, she explained. "We got married."

"For real?" Carol did not have to act to show her surprise and pleasure as she admired the rings. Like many at the coroners office, she had been waiting a long time for someone to catch the doctor's eye... and like many, had been frustrated that the one she seemed to want, took so long to figure it out.. "That is great... really great. Congratulations, both of you.." she leaned over an hit the intercom button. "Grace... Dr. Lambert and Detective Knight are here... what room are you setting up?"

"Room 2. I'm all set." A disembodied voice answered. Natalie nodded, and taking Nick's hand went to her basement office. She puzzled that Grace had answered the intercom. Jill had been the one to page her. And they never were both on for Natalie's nights off... something was up.. But the hallways were empty... and Nick kept glancing at the large autopsy room with interest.

"You really want to watch? You hate these things..." Natalie said, pulling on her lab coat. "I'll just see how Grace is doing... and then I need to change.. you are welcome to just wait here..."

"Let's both go in... and see what they are up to.."

"Up to? OK, Nick. Spill it.. What do you know?"

"That Grace is not alone... unless our customers from tonight still have beating hearts... and I can assure you, they did not..."

She paused and smiled. "So, Carol is a better actress than I thought." She reached over and took Nick's hand. "Shall we?"

Arms twined together, they crossed the hallway to the largest autopsy room. Without knocking, she pushed the door open and called out, "OK Grace... all set?"

"Of course, aren't I always?" Grace stood in front of the steel autopsy table, which was covered in a sheet... but those lumps did not look anything like a customer... "Good to see you as well, detective..." her voice rose slightly as she greeted Nick... and then gazed over Natalie's attire thoroughly. "Not to criticize or anything... since that is a really gorgeous dress... but aren't you just a bit formal for work? Both of you?"

"Well, it was supposed to be our night off... we were out."

"I heard..." Natalie turned to see Mike. Looking around the room, she saw the majority of the ME staff were in the observation deck... and were starting to make their way downstairs.. "Congratulations, Natalie, Nick... I am happy for you both.."

"About time.."

"So limos are the new way to travel.."

Natalie stood next to Nick and accepted the well wishes of her colleagues. Last was Grace, her first assistant when coming to Toronto as a brand new pathologist. Over the years, their friendship had grown... "I do have a little complaint, girlfriend... I always dreamed of watching you walk down the aisle... I never thought you would just elope at the Courthouse.."

"Grace, church weddings take too long to plan. And obviously, we did not want to wait... I don't think Junior here would appreciate it..."

"OK.. but we missed the shower... the bachelorette party.."

"If you insist, we can still do a shower.. Knowing what kind of shower you'd do, I won't fit anything for a while anyway..." she grinned, sliding her hand over the growing mound... and watched Nick grow flustered. "Yeah, the kind of shower intended for your enjoyment..." They both laughed at Nick's obvious discomfort... ah, another side to the famously cold detective...

Barely making it home by dawn, Natalie had NOT done the autopsy... and also had been given that night off. 'they aren't going anywhere...' was the response Mike had given her.

Finally alone, Natalie sat on the couch snuggled against Nick's firm chest. His arm was draped over her shoulders and rested on their child. Silent, they watched the fire, comforted by each other's presence. "I felt them..." Nick said quietly.

"Felt what?"

"Fangs... you have the fangs." He answered. "You probably cannot feel them yet. But I know where and how to look."

"I thought LaCroix said I did not have them yet..."

"But he did not look, did he?" Nick asked softly, kissing her cheek.

"Well, no." Natalie admitted. "I would not let him look the way you did.." she giggled.

"Enjoy it?"

"Well, yes... I did. And I wish there was some way I could show you..." she whispered as he pulled her closer.

"Ah but there is... I'll show you.. don't worry. You will be safe..." he murmured, and ran his arms down her sides, pulling her closer, kissing her throat, her cheek, her forehead and then her mouth. He allowed himself the passion he held back in the precinct.. and when their eyes met, both were golden, his fangs had dropped... he unzipped her dress and slid it down, revealing her smooth, white neck.. slipping off his jacket, and shirt, they kissed again. Fiercely. Passionately. She ran her tongue around his fangs, exploring their sharp edges, probing, caressing. He moaned in pleasure and kissed her deeply, finding the tiny fang buds, stroking them, stimulating them caressing them with the coolness of his tongue. She leaned back and took a deep breath.

"What? What are you doing to me..? I have never felt anything like that.. been so sensitive..."

"Those are your fangs, my love... they are not fully grown yet, as you have not come across... but if properly stimulated, we can enjoy them..." he smiled seductively and kissed her neck, finding the pulse points. He wanted her.. wanted to taste her essence, but held himself back... kissed her intently, sucking with fangs sheathed.. and smiled inwardly at her groans of pleasure.

"Nick, what is this?' she whispered, tracing her kisses across his face, and emulating his actions, to his neck.

"This, is vampire sex..." he grinned and moaned in pleasure as her kisses found the spot... over his large vein, kissing him, tongue licking the spot passionately. Meeting her lips he drew a sharp fingernail across the neck vein and whispered. "Drink my love, and know me as I am..."

Her eyes, golden with passion, met his and with a look of surprise, she moved her kisses to the flowing wound, and sucked briskly... and truly tasted him, his love, his passion, his desire for a future with her. The wound now clean, she raised clear blue eyes to him... and offered her wrist... "drink my love... and share my dreams... my hopes for us both.." With a questioning look, he hesitated at first.. he had only taken her blood once... and while he had craved it ever since, had not dared. With a smile, he sank his fangs into her wrist, drinking deeply... and then truly did know her passions... knew her better than she knew herself... and knew then, without question, that a future in the darkness, a future with him, was what she wanted.


The second 'Romeo and Juliet' case had made the tabloids and the media crowds following the homicides grew larger every day. And once it was known who the investigating officers were, cameras would follow Nick and Schanke to every crime scene...

So far all they knew that the two gangs were bitter, long standing rivals... although their turfs overlapped, and they recruited from the same schools. And as Schanke had predicted, no one was talking. At least not to the cops.

It had been several weeks since the wedding. The teasing had finally stopped, although Natalie felt that people still stared at her at every crime scene..... And she'd had no new cravings... although the exchange on their wedding night might have had something to do with that... LaCroix had been right about changes though. Her heart rate was slower... much slower... to the point that her doctor had insisted on an EKG... and was planning a more extensive work-up until she'd convinced Nick to 'persuade' him that it wasn't needed. As things stood, Natalie was just looking forward to giving birth...

It was September... the evenings were cooler but still light until close to time to go into work.. Natalie was beginning to appreciate Nick's frustrations with his limitations... but would not change the way things were...

They were both completing paperwork at the kitchen table when the call came for another case. Double homicide. Stabbing... Empty warehouse... Sighing as he hung up the phone, Nick crossed to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle. "We've got another one.." he said simply, rapidly draining the bottle. "Come on.."

"Hungry?" she pointed to the empty bottle that Nick was dropping into the recycle bin.

"Damage prevention." He said simply. "If I go to a stabbing or gunshot case, I need extra fortification." He explained. "You will, too. You will need more than me... and you may need something in the middle of a case.." he warned, taking her hand as they went to the lift.

Much like the previous cases, the warehouse was at the end of a dark alley. A barely populated area. The police lights made the area bright as day... and the press of the cameras forced Nick to push open a pathway for them.

Natalie made her way to the bodies and set her bag down for a preliminary examination. Pulling on her gloves, she could smell it... the blood. Forcing her mind onto business, she began to jot down observations. The tableau was much as their previous cases. Aware of the press of camera, she was careful to only uncover a small portion at a time. But even with her careful, deliberate examination, she saw it.. the blood... an overwhelming amount of blood... bright, red, warm... <they must have hit the carotid artery> the physician thought... but the budding vampire could only see the blood...

Nick had gotten a report from the uniformed officers, and as the first detective on the scene had begun to make assignments, started questioning witnesses. All the while, he kept glancing at Natalie, who was growing paler by the minute. He saw her stumble and kneel by the bodies, eyes focused on the ground. Turning to Schanke, he mumbled "be back in a minute" and strode to her side. "Nat?" he whispered, crouching next to her. "look at me.."

She glanced at him, eyes circled in gold and murmured. "Nick. I tried to control it.. help me.."

Murmuring encouragement to her, he helped her to stand, and to walk to the nearest squad car. Sitting her in the passenger side, out of sight of the cameras, he called to an officer. "Hey, Delbert... get me some water, please. Natalie needs to collect herself..." Leaning over her he whispered. "Relax. I will take care of you... you did good..." he soothed, feeling her strain. Taking the cup from the first aid kit and a bottle of water from the officer, he could see Captain Cohen walking over to them.

"What's up, Knight?"

"I got a little dizzy, that's all." Natalie answered, her voice clear and strong, but her eyes were closed as she leaned on the car frame

"You sure? Do you want me to radio for an ME?"

"No.. Captain, I know this case better than anyone... I can finish... I know what to look for.. I just need a few minutes here." she said firmly and drank the water quickly. Although still quite pale, she looked better and Cohen looked at Nick.

"OK... Nick, if she is not fit to continue here, I expect that YOU will tell me." It was clear that she knew that Natalie would not, willingly, leave the crime scene....

"Of course.." he responded and waited for the captain to be a good distance away before whispering to Natalie. " should have done this before we got here." Pulling a small knife out of his pocket, he made an incision on his wrist and let the blood drip into the cup that Natalie held. Filling it halfway, he squeezed his wrist tight to clamp off the flow, and commanded softly. "Drink it quickly."

She brought the cup to her mouth and had swallowed the blood in two gulps, sighing in relief. "Thank you, Nick..." Raising clear blue eyes to him, she smiled and stood cautiously.

"Feel better?"

"Yes. I think I can continue... but we will talk later, no?"

"Later... when we don't have an audience..." he agreed and watched her walk back over to the shrouded bodies.

"She OK?" Schanke asked, approaching his partner quietly. "It isn't problems with the baby?"

"No... her famous steel will is evading her common sense of late. Each one of these cases makes her queasier. I just need to make sure she is eating a better breakfast.."

No one at the crime scene had seen anything... as usual. And no one in the gangs was talking. No one. It was frustrating, to put it mildly. And the media attention made the entire situation worse.

Natalie finished the post-mortem exams and faxed her reports over to the precinct. Since Nick had driven them both in, she waited for the end of his shift... and took time to work on her favorite research project... Nick. Since he had gone back to drinking human blood regularly, his vampire factors had increased in size.. to the point that she no longer had to call in favors to use the electron microscope... her regular one worked just fine. And for the first time tonight, she saw it in her own blood.

Feeling a tingling on her neck, she knew that Nick had arrived... and was coming closer... she pretended that she did not feel him, as he silently walked in... it was a game... "see anything fun?" he whispered in her ear, smiling as she jumped slightly.

"Depends. How do you feel about this whole nursemaid thing?"

"Well, I didn't anticipate having to feed you at a crime scene, but I'm OK.. why?"

"You don't know how frightened I was tonight." she looked up at him, the raw fear showing in her eyes. "I came very close to losing control... I don't want that to happen again..."

"I don't either... Maybe you need to feed before the cravings start. Do you remember how long it has been?"

"Since our wedding night... don't tell me you've forgotten.." she smiled seductively.

"I know that.." he leered at her.. "I mean before..."

"Well, it was two weeks from when LaCroix first fed me until I needed you... and then we exchanged blood two days later. And it has been three weeks since then..."

"OK.. I won't let you go more than two weeks... that way we can ensure some privacy... make it a little more fun..." he looked at her with a gleaming eye.

"Nicholas B. Knight..." she feigned embarrassment. True, they had not attempted intimacy since she'd moved in... and their wedding night, when he had introduced her to 'vampire' sex.. or simply the exchange of blood. He was too afraid for her safety, and the baby, to do anything further... but hinted that he wanted more... and she wanted more...

"Come on.. let's go home." She nodded, picking up her briefcase. Following him out to the car, they were quickly surrounded by reporters, cameras flashing..

"Detective Knight... a word, please.."

"Any leads on the Romeo and Juliet killings?"

"Is this the same killer?" the questions were shouted as Nick pushed his way toward the car. He muttered 'no comment' several times until someone recognized Natalie.

"Say... aren't you the coroner?"

"You were at the scene tonight... any comment on the bodies?"

"You are leaving together... are you ready to report progress?"

"Were they engaged in sex at the time of their deaths?"

"Doctor.. what is your opinion..?' the crowd swarmed closer and Natalie shrank into Nick's arm. Leaning against the car, he turned toward the assembled group.

"We both have no comment at this time. Our investigation is continuing and I cannot release any information yet. Now, I am planning to take my wife home. Do not follow us..." his voice was firm, dark, threatening. The reporters backed off, although Natalie could overhear one questioning 'did he say wife?'

"Nice speech." Natalie said dryly as Nick got into the car and started the ignition. "Did I detect a bit of a threat?"

"Not at all. At least not intentionally.." he smiled at her.


The sun was high in the sky when the phone rang. Knowing that Nick did not easily wake up during the middle of the day, Natalie picked it up, looking at the clock. <two pm... who would be calling?>

"Yes... oh, hi Bob. No, he's asleep. Can I take a message?... Bob, if it is that important you better tell me... he won't be awake enough to remember... I should know what he's like half awake... yeah, yeah... very funny. Okay then, what is the message.... OK, I'll tell him.. She didn't leave a phone number? .... OK, Yes. I'll make sure that he gets there..." she sighed, hanging up the phone and crossing towards the bathroom. This was one part about being pregnant that she would not miss.

Stepping back across the room, she felt his eyes on her. "Good afternoon..."

"Who was on the phone, Nat?" he mumbled sleepily.

"Bob Zahn, He took an anonymous call for you... at least he presumed it was for you..."


"Yeah, she asked for the 'cop who came with the pregnant cop'. The consensus was that she means you, since I was the only pregnant person at the scene."

He nodded. "True... OK, so what was the message?"

"She had information regarding the murder last night. She will meet you at the Raven at ten pm."

"The Raven?" he asked skeptically.

"That's what he said, and I don't think that Bob has ever been to the Raven, so he would not be teasing you on this one. Nick, the Raven is pretty popular among the college crowd.... Even those with a beating heart.."

"OK, OK... so you'll drive yourself to work?"

"Yes.. I am capable of driving.." she laughed.

Darkness had fallen and Natalie had left for the office when Nick pulled up to the Raven. The crowd was mostly mortal when he strode in. Janette saw him and approached quietly.

"Mon chere.. should you not be serving and protecting?"

"I am" he said with a smile. "I'm meeting an informant." He said simply, motioning to the bartender for a beverage.

"No more bovine?" Janette murmured, seeing him with a glass of 'special'

"Janette, you know that I gave that up when Natalie moved into the loft. If I am going to teach her, my own skills cannot be blunted."

"Yes, I did know that" she said smoothly, gliding next to him, speaking in low, confidential tones. "But I was not sure that you would admit it..." he responded with a look of understanding that spoke of their centuries as siblings. In many ways, he was more at peace with himself than he'd been since first crossing over. With a gentle pat on her shoulder, he moved to a dark corner and sat a secluded table. He knew the drill when it came to meeting informants at public places... how to strike the balance between private and public.

A few minutes later, he could feel the approach of a young mortal woman. By her clothing and tattooed hands, he recognized her gang affiliation as she passed by him, as if to size him up. "detective?" she said softly from behind him.

Without turning, Nick placed his hands on the table and replied in a low, confidential tone, "you have information for me?"

She walked around and sat next to him, still not making eye contact. "I should not be talking to you...."

"Then why did you call?" he asked patiently. He would not force the issue.

"I saw you last night when they found Makala and Ronnie. I saw the look on your face when the pregnant lady almost fainted. How you were so gentle with her. I knew that even though you're a cop, you care... is she your lady?"

"Yes, she is." Nick said simply. "So, how can I help you?"

"I know who is doing these killings."

"Can you identify him? Would you testify?"

"Let me explain first... it is older members of the club... they would kill me for telling you anything. But they might kill me anyway... so what's the difference?"

"Miss... why don't you start from the beginning. Maybe I can figure out a way to not involve you directly." He could tell that her fear was genuine.

"You see, we all start at school together... the gangs don't start recruiting until around Grade 9 or 10.... And they recruit by neighborhood... on the playgrounds, the parks, the grocery. And they make it sound so wonderful." She sighed. "But then, after you've joined... and when you join, you join for life..." her voice sounded bitter. The story sounded chillingly familiar... "But after you've joined, you learn the rules... and the first rule is no association with non-members... especially members of other gangs. Like, you know, I'm a lady of the black night... but my man, he is a B- Dog.... And well, we fell in love before either of us were in the gangs... and it is too late to get out..."

"And this is a problem?" Nick asked gently.

"Yeah... It's forbidden. If I see him again, I'll be warned once... and then executed... and I was warned last night... so I can never see him again..."


"That's what these killings are... executions.."

"By whom?" Nick pressed... this was making more sense... chilling sense.

"The enforcer squad." He startled at her words. The whole scenario was so familiar. "Senior members of both groups. They want to ensure the purity of the neighborhood, so they work together to keep us younger ones apart. Build the fear and the anger..."

"But you were romantically involved before you joined?"

"Yeah.. we were.. but that doesn't matter."

"Could not one of you convert? Join the other... move into the other neighborhood?"

"It isn't done..."

"Has anyone ever tried?"

"No, but they wouldn't accept me."

"You don't know that." He said gently. "So it is this enforcer squad who are doing the killings?"

"Yeah, they used to just shoot people... but the new ones... well, they get off catching people in the act..."

"and you can't give me any clues to identify them? Or where they might strike next?"

"No, I've never seen them.."

"Would you be willing to trap them?"

"What do you mean?"

"See your man... only you tell us where and when... and we will watch over you. At a discrete distance, of course..."

"Oh,... I don't know... they'd kill me.."

"We relocate you and your man... I doubt that anyone in your club has the financial resources to find you if the witness protection people hide you.."

"Let me think about that... I'll be in touch..."

"Please... and if you think it would be hard for you to call the station... leave a message here with the bartender... he knows me."

"And what do I call you?"

"Nick... just say the message is for Nick... I'll get it."

Nick walked into the precinct at eleven. Natalie had already called to tell Schanke of his 'meeting'.

"So... find out anything useful?" Schanke asked watching his partner hang up his jacket.

"Actually, yes." he replied and proceeded to outline what he had learned and what he wanted to do. "So, what do you think?"

"You sure about this? Is she on the level?"

"She seemed pretty scared... and I believe that she does NOT know exactly who is doing it... but the scenario she spoke matches what Natalie thinks happened. And besides... what do we have to lose? If she and her boyfriend are attacked, at least we can get them on assault with intent.... We may not be able to prove the other cases... but if these kids know they are being watched, maybe they will change their tactics..."

"When pigs can fly... Nick, you know as well as I, that you cannot get out of these gangs. Sure we can relocate her, but as long as she is in Toronto, she is a target..." Schanke's words had a ring of truth, and Nick could not help but think of the parallels to his own life... only in his case, they were allowing a temporary reprieve for Natalie to join him... Otherwise, he fate would be much like his anonymous informant. "How will you know if she agrees?"

"She will leave a message at the Raven. I thought that was less risky than her calling the precinct again. No one in the gang will question her talking to a bartender..."

"And you can trust that bartender?"

"Absolutely. Janette would not tolerate anyone dishonest working for her." He grinned, knowing exactly how his immortal sibling would handle a dishonest staff member...

"Okay.. I guess..." Schanke looked at him, uncertain. "Shall we tell the Captain our idea?"

Captain Cohen was, as predicted, skeptical that this would work. And they had so very little physical evidence from the other cases that their ability to tie them together would be difficult, at best. But, it was their best lead so far...

The call from the Raven came early that morning. And it was from Janette, who merely said come here for a message...

Arriving at the club at 4 am, Nick found Janette sitting with his informant. "Nichola... bon soir.. I have been telling me friend here, that she has nothing to fear if you are protecting her... this is a very interesting plan you have devised..."

"Yes.. anything to thwart those enforcer squads..." his double meaning was not lost on her.. and she smile slightly. "So you are agreeable to the plan we discussed?"

"Yes... I will do anything to stay with James. And he feels the same way." She looked up at him, hopeful. "Just tell me where and when... we'll be there.."

"OK. I cannot guarantee that any others in your circumstances will be helped... but if we can catch them in the act of assaulting you , we will have sent a warning. And I promise, we will relocate you and your friend..."

"I understand." She said softly. "Why are you doing this for me if not to catch the guys who have been doing these killings?"

"Because I understand what it is like to love someone, and have others stand in your way... tell you to stick to your own people..." their eyes met briefly in a moment of understanding. "And besides, we may be able to link them to the other killings. We just don't have the evidence right now... and don't even know how many are involved on these enforcer squads. Do you?"

"No." she said quietly. "How will you be protecting me? I am not sure I can wear a wire..."

"This is not will not need to wear a wire. We will have you meet your friend at a warehouse that is already wired with hidden surveillance cameras. It is one that I have used for meets before. And it is near where the other murders have taken place, so we will still be in your territory. I will be hidden along with my men."

"You will be watching?"

"Yes.. there is no way to avoid it... just take your time... we will be discrete." He could sense her unease. "You do know how the others were found?"

"Yeah.." she sighed. " so we gotta make it look good, or the enforcers won't show up..."

"Unless they stake out the place first, and are waiting... in which case, you may not have to do much to get them to act."

"I don't know, detective... they are pretty sick... I bet they get off on the watching.."

"But if they do, I will know they are there..."

"OK.. I'll do it.." she looked up, finally meeting Nick's steady gaze.

"Check back here tomorrow night. I will leave a message with Miklos. What is your name?"


He reached over and squeezed her hand. "This will work, Raeanne..."


The warehouse was dark, silent. Nick stretched out with his senses and could detect no heart beats... no other presence. He clicked on the tiny microphone on his collar and spoke softly. "All clear, Schanke... no one is here.."

"You really think they will show?"

"Maybe.." Nick answered, watching his contact and a tall man approach quickly. With his enhanced hearing, he could hear the conversation.

"Rae... I love you, but this is insane... you really think that he can protect us... you saw what they did with Ronnie..."

"Shhh... we just need to make it look good. Otherwise we can never see each other again. And I love you. I cannot live without you, James." She pulled him closer and began kissing him with a hunger, a passion that Nick could understand. For what seemed like a very long time, they were alone... passions growing. It was almost as if the lovers were saying farewell, as only lovers could do...

Silently in the distance a door opened... Nick focused his attention on the approach of three human heart beats... closer, closer. Without a word, they came upon the lovers, knives drawn... Nick hit the silent alarm button and flew behind them... as soon as the knives were within striking distance, he spoke, dark... threatening. "Freeze... Police.."

"Shit..." the tallest of the three breathed. "What the hell... you are dead... both of you.." he pulled a gun and pointed it at Nick. The other two men both began to run toward the door... into the waiting cluster of police officers, led by Schanke.

"Drop it..." Nick said with an evil smile walking closer, hand outstretched. His own 9mm was aimed and pointed as the man began to fire randomly... Nick felt the bullet pass through his shoulder as he lunged over his informant. With the first shot, the officers in the distance returned fire and quickly hit the shooter.

Schanke came closer, seeing the blood on Nick's shoulder, stretched out his hand "good work, partner. We've called the paramedics to look at that shoulder."

"Nah, don't bother, it just clipped me... I'll have Nat fix me up." he stood and looked at the shooter. "She'll be here shortly for that..."

"And have her stack of papers to go with it..." he sighed, remembering each time he'd fired his weapon fatally. "Really Nick.. that's a lot of blood there... The paramedics need to clean it up. You may need stitches or something."

"And I told you, I am fine..." he turned toward his informant. "Raeanne, are you OK? We will need you both to come to the station..."

"Uh, yeah.. detective. You got the other guys?"

"Yes, we did. We'll have you pick them from a lineup... see if you know their names. Do you know this one?" he pointed to the man who lay dead a short distance from them.

"I only met him once... at my initiation." James said softly. "His family name is Big Dog... I don't know what his given name is... we were told that he was the chief.. that he was the one who determined if you could live past age 20.." his words came out hesitantly.

Looking up, Nick could see the approach of the medical examiner van... and Natalie's car. "I'll be back.. you two can go stay with those officers until we can take you into the station." He walked over to Natalie, eyes meeting silently.

"So, what is this I hear about you having a thing against enforcers?" she teased as he got into step with her.

"And that is a surprise?" he teased back. "You don't agree?"

"I didn't say that.." she looked at him with pride. "This was a big risk you took.."

"They were never in any danger and you know it.." he looked at her intently. She could see in his eyes that he would have protected them, at all cost... even to revealing himself.

"Yes I know that... but you took a big chance in almost revealing yourself.. The only wire in this warehouse is you... how do you explain that, hmmm?" she glanced back at the other officers. They all seemed to be holding back, allowing she and Nick to be in conference over the body.

"I don't... and I just hope that the department never tries to use this location again." He grinned at her

"So, who got him?" she pointed at the man, as she crouched by him, pulling on her gloves and handing him a pair. "I can tell it wasn't you... and why don't they have YOU over at the paramedic van?"

"You know very well why.." he said softly. "Because they wouldn't find anything... it went straight through me... and by now the wound is closed."

"Is it?" she said softly, watching him unbutton the top button of his shirt and run his finger along his shoulder.

"Yes... but if it will make you feel better, you may inspect it for yourself... later."

"It will make me feel better..." she said with a leering glance.

"Focus, Natalie... Cohen is coming..." he whispered. She nodded and quickly went about her assessment.

"So, Natalie... anything surprising?" Cohen asked. She had been watching them from a distance... and while they appeared very professional, she had a feeling that their conversation had strayed. "Knight.. are you sure that you don't want the paramedics to look at that shoulder?"

"Captain, its okay, I will check it out. I don't think it is bleeding anymore, so I am sure it is all right." Natalie said firmly, stretching her hand out for Nick to help her to stand. "Well, we have a 9 mm through the shoulder... and the heart. I'll have the OIS papers to you and IA before the end of the shift. Nick, do we know who's gun?"

"I'm not sure. When he started firing, several guys fired back."

"Well, do the ballistics and figure it out, Natalie." Cohen responded. "And Nick, if you won't see the paramedics, at least go change your shirt."

Nick nodded and took Natalie's hand, leading her to the cluster of police officers. Her attendants came up behind her and loaded their victim onto the gurney. "Natalie, I would like you to meet our assistants in this adventure..." turning toward the couple leaning on the police van, he nodded to them, "This is Raeanne and James..."

"I hear you were very courageous..." Natalie said, shaking both of their hands. "I am Natalie Lambert-Knight."

"I saw you the other night... are you feeling better?" Raeanne asked warmly.

"Yes... much better. Thanks." she answered.

"Are you a cop, too?" James asked, eyeing her figure appreciatively. Even being so obviously pregnant, Natalie had caught his attention.

"No, I am the coroner..." she smiled. "But Nick and I work together closely."

"Very closely..." Schanke agreed, coming up behind them. "they are married... OK, kids, your chariot awaits. And Natalie... would you get him to do something about that bloody mess of a shoulder?" he rolled his eyes and escorted the two informants to his waiting car.

Natalie went over to Nick and placing a hand on his back whispered. "I am supposed to do something about your bloody mess of a shoulder.."

He turned and opened her car door before asking, "and what would you like to do about it?"

"Come to the lab and find out..." she said seductively and climbed into the car, waving as she drove off.

He stood there for a few minutes before heading over to the caddy, only vaguely aware of the attention Cohen was paying to their actions.

Natalie had changed into her scrubs before Nick got to the lab. She already had a clean shirt ready for him. With his habit of stepping in the way of bullets and other small projectiles, they had found that having a stash of clean shirts in her locker prevented a lot of questions.

"OK, Knight, lets see it..." she said as he opened the door. He grinned, pulling off the shirt quickly and walked over to her and sat on the table. She ran her hands over the small wound... it was almost closed completely, and judging from the exit wound on his back, had gone cleanly through him.

Inhaling deeply, he relaxed in her scent, running his hands across her back, pulled her tight against him. "See anything?" he murmured, kissing her lightly on the shoulder, trailing up her neck... their lips met and passion exploded as he kissed her without abandon. Their tongues meeting, dueling.. He reached under the rough cotton scrubs to caress the bare skin of her back.

"Ahem... doctor..." with a startle, they separated quickly and looked up at Captain Cohen.

"Um.... Yes, um, captain.." Natalie spoke first, pulling herself away from the table, her face flaming.

"So... does the detective need stitches?" her voice reflected no amusement.

"Um, no... barely grazed him..." she stammered. She handed Nick the shirt she'd pulled out of her locker. "Here's a clean shirt Nick..." He silently buttoned it on and looked at his captain, who merely gestured to the door.

"So, Natalie.. this is the first time that I have seen the crack in the wall."

"Excuse me?" Natalie looked at the captain.

"Oh come on... you two obviously have very deep feelings for one another, but are both very good at hiding them. I just wondered what you would do if faced with Nick being shot... if you could maintain the cool professional facade."

"Well, we were told to keep it professional. And really, I am trying..."

"Relax, Natalie. I am not here to reprimand you. It has to be difficult for you. I just want you to know that I appreciate your keeping it in the lab." she smiled. "I told Nick once that I do listen to the gossip. And I want you to know the latest pool they have going..."

"besides the baby one?"

"Yes.... you know very well that the entire department knows why he comes over here so much..." she nodded, knowing that her relationship with Nick was providing way too much enjoyment. "well, the pool is for when he can't wait to get you back here... and gets you into a compromising position in his car at a crime scene."

Natalie just laughed. "You have got to be kidding... people really think that I would let him..."

"I saw that kiss at your wedding party. And I did just see the two of you... If properly motivated, he would, and you would let him..." she paused. "Just don't do it if I am there. This is my only warning, Natalie. I will close my eye to anything that goes on here in your lab... but not in public... and crime scenes are public. We cannot have city employees acting like adolescents. There were many senior officers who wanted you re-assigned away from Nick... not that they don't trust you...."

"I understand captain..." Natalie nodded. "I will get to that ballistics right away..." Turning away from the captain, she moved over to her desk and sat down "I'll talk to Nick. Don't worry captain."

Cohen nodded and walked out, passing Grace with a nod. Natalie had started filling out forms. "Nat? What was the captain doing here?" with a smirk she looked closely at Natalie. "And why did Nick leave so quick?"

"Umm. She well, caught us.."

"Caught you? Caught you doing what?"

"Well, if she had been a few minutes later, we may have had a few less layers of clothing..."

Grace laughed. "And how many DID you have?"

"Well... Nick got shot.." at Graces concerned look, she continued quickly. "It just grazed him... but as usual, he wouldn't let anyone except me look at it..."

"Good thing he married a doctor.." Grace comment dryly.

"It would be better if he wasn't such a cowboy..." she sighed, not wanting to get more specific. "So, he had no shirt on... and well, he had his hands under mine.. and, umm, it was pretty close to coming off... so I got the 'don't act like adolescents at crime scenes' lecture."

"I think he is the one who really needs that lecture." Grace laughed. "It took him long enough to give you any attention... and now, I think he can't keep his hands off."

"Well, you don't see me complaining. Do you?" Natalie asked quietly. "Anyway, I need to do the post on our customer in the next room. And get that slug to ballistics so we can finish the OIS papers. Tonight."

"Got it... I'll go get set up.." she said with a smile.


The paperwork and labwork lasted well after the dawn. It was almost 10 am when Natalie had finished the necessary work to complete the case. She knew that Nick was already home... and Grace had gone home around 8. She had not seen the daylight in over a month and was very aware of LaCroix's admonitions to avoid the sun, but was too tired to stay.. too tired to explain why she could not go home.

Walking into the break room for some coffee, she was stopped by Ellen, a day shift attendant. "Doctor... you're still here?"

"Yeah.. just finished all the OIS paperwork and left it for Jill to get signatures as soon as they match up the slug. We ruled out all but Schanke and Lomiller. The finals should be back before she gets in at 3. I faxed the preliminary to the 96th and to IA. And now I get to go home.."

"Are you on tonight?" she looked at Natalie with concern. "You look really pale."

"I'm on, but I am going to tell dispatch that I will be on pager until midnight." She answered with a sigh.

"Are you sure you can drive yourself home?"

"I just called for a cab... I'll have Nick bring me in tonight and just leave my car here for the day."

"Good thinking...." She responded watching Natalie head back to her office. The late September morning was warm, but Natalie pulled on a long sleeved labcoat over her dress and a scarf over her head before grabbing her purse and briefcase. It was a risk, but one that she felt she had no choice. She knew that Nick would be sound asleep... it was with trepidation that she headed out the front door to the waiting cab. She had seen how fast Nick would start smoking, and was relieved that she only felt vague discomfort. Climbing into the back seat, she slumped down and gave the address.

The usual short drive to their warehouse apartment took much longer in the busy day time traffic, and Natalie could feel herself growing warmer. The exposed skin on her face was becoming hot... and she surmised red, although she could not feel blisters yet. By the time the cab pulled up in front of the loft, she was in acute pain.

"Lady, are you OK? You don't look well.." the driver looked at her with concern.

"Umm, it isn't the baby if that is what you are worried about. I am just very sensitive to the sun and forgot my lotion today.... If you could just unlock the door for me..." she handed him a key and literally ran to the blessed darkness of the stairwell before opening her purse and paying him.

"Do you need to call anyone?" he asked, looking intently at the burned and blistered face handing her the key.

"No, my husband is upstairs... he'll take care of me. But thank you for your concern..." she took a deep breath and punched in the security code for the lift.

Nick was waiting in the living room when the door opened, concern showing on his face. The rumpled pajamas told her that he had been asleep. "Nat? What the hell?" he looked at her blistered face and reached for her purse and briefcase.

"I got stuck at work. This was just the ride home. OK.. I am more sensitive than I thought.... Poor judgment." She said quietly. "I thought you'd be asleep."

"How could I sleep through that pain?"

"You felt it?" she asked incredulously.

"Of course I felt it." he stared back at her, realizing for the first time that he had felt her pain as a vampire master. Their bond had grown to that point without either of them aware of it. "We are bonded.." he said simply.

"What does that mean?" she asked, pulling off the labcoat and walking into the kitchen for a cool compress.

"You and are linked, bonded... as master and child... for eternity. I will always feel your pain and strong emotion. Be able to find you. And you will feel me."

"I didn't feel you get shot tonight." she protested, sitting on the couch and draping the cool cloth over her face. "Ah, that feels better."

"Because it didn't hurt." He said with a shrug. "and I think I have a better solution for that burn..."

"What? It is blistered and it hurts like hell..."

"Yes, I know it does... I can feel it as well... and if you fed, it would heal faster."


"Natalie, obviously, you got burned because you are that much closer to crossing over... I know it has only been a couple days since you took my blood... and every time you take some, you get closer.. but your alternative is to wait until dusk and I can have LaCroix or Janette come over. The vampire blood will let you heal faster."

"No... I only want you. But I think it is time that we ask LaCroix what will happen after I give birth."

"I'll call him later." Nick responded, letting his fangs drop, he sliced a wound on his wrist and held it over Natalie's mouth, sighing with pleasure as he felt her gently sucking and her soft tongue caress the wound. "Better?" he whispered as she broke contact. He could feel his bond with her reinforced...

"Much.." she sighed, pulling the cloth off her face. The blisters had healed, and she was just red.

"OK... tomorrow we take proper protection for you to the lab." he said decisively.

"And how do I explain THAT? People are used to seeing you bundled up in hot weather..."

"The alternative is to simply stay the day... don't you have a cot in that back room?"

"Yeah... I don't know what would be worse though. That cot is pretty uncomfortable..." she groaned at the thought.

Nick stood, and held out his hand. "Well, I know where there is a very comfortable bed... and I think you could use it..."


Nick got up shortly after dusk, but Natalie was still sleeping soundly when he came upstairs to wake her. "Nat? Can you get up now? We need to talk..."

"Hmmm." She groaned, rolling on her side. "Not yet."

"Yes... come on. I made coffee... and eggs... Come on.. wake up." he pulled the covers off and began to tickle her sides. "Or I will invite LaCroix to talk to you up here..."

"No... I'll get up." she sat up with a start. "He's here?"

"Downstairs waiting." He confirmed, handing her a robe. She slid the robe on and belted it just above her enlarged abdomen and then followed him down the stairs.

"You are looking radiant, my dear." LaCroix greeted her.

"Yeah, radiant with heat." She groaned. "I know... I did not take your warning seriously enough. Don't lecture me, OK?"

"I had no intention of 'lecturing' Natalie. I instruct once... and if you choose not to comply, that is your problem." he said with his usual disdain. He had little tolerance for disobedience but had learned that carelessness was best remedied by experience. And he had no doubt that Natalie had learned a painful lesson. One that would not need to be repeated. "Nicholas was filling me in on your dietary needs of late and the stimulus for each."

"I assume you mean my near loss of control at the crime scene and then getting burned this morning."

"Yes." he sat down next to her, taking her hand in his. "You can still eat?" he asked sharply. He sensed the awakening vampire in her quite clearly. Her heart beat still, but was less than half of where one would expect a pregnant woman... and the vibrations were unmistakable. Her days as a mortal were counting down quickly.

"Well, I get nauseated pretty easily... but I am pregnant. It goes with the territory." She sighed.

"And you are now more vampire than human Natalie. You will start rejecting food." He said seriously.

"Wh- when?" she stammered, taking a deep breath. "So, when do I really cross over?" she asked, her hand trembling slightly in his tight grasp.

"After you have given birth. The last of your mortality will go to the child. When you wake up after childbirth, you will experience first hunger... you will be eternal..."

"So, it will happen while I sleep?" Natalie looked at him, confused. "I thought you said I would not sleep through it..."

"Not exactly, my dear... we all experience first hunger after we have slept first after crossing... and completed the transition. You will need to feed from Nicholas as soon as the baby is born. Your real decision is whether you want to deliver in a hospital or not..."

Natalie looked between the two men, as if realizing for the first time the reality of the situation. "It might be better not to.. but what if there is a problem with the baby?"

"If you do choose to go to the hospital Natalie, you will need both Nicholas and I..." he continued. "Nicholas will feed you, and I will protect you both from prying eyes..." he gazed at her in silence, as if to say that either choice was acceptable.

"I think it would look odd if I decided to deliver at home all of a sudden." Natalie said slowly. "I am a physician, and my friends would not believe that I wanted that... they will have a hard enough time accepting that I'll refuse an epidural." She smiled at Nick's look of surprise. "Why risk it, when I have a nice, friendly vampire at my side... I'll let you hypnotize me."

He looked at her in surprise. "Nat, you are a resistor... I may not be able to..."

She silenced him with a soft kiss. "You did once.. Remember? What if I let you? If I want you to...?"

"It will work." LaCroix said flatly. "And that is a wise idea Natalie... the less intervention you permit, the less clean up I will need to do. And watch your diet... it will become more difficult, I fear."

Nick shook his head, questioning the wisdom of both his sire and his wife... but ultimately it was her decision. "Well, then. We will contact you as soon as Natalie goes into labor." LaCroix nodded and with a pause to squeeze Natalie's hand, rose silently through the skylight.

Natalie sat in silence as Nick watched her closely. "Are you okay, Nat?"

"Yeah.. the reality is sinking in, I guess." She said softly. "I knew it was coming, and it is what I want..."

"Say no more... no matter how prepared you THINK you are..." he sat down next to her. "How about some distraction? A movie? Theater? Evening out... somewhere other than the Raven?"

"No.. how about a quiet evening at home? Just the two of us. A video and popcorn, like we did before I got pregnant. I am on call tonight."

"Sounds good to me..." he grinned, pulling open the drawer of movies. Popping in the much-used tape of 'King Kong', he came over to the couch and pulled her tighter against his chest. This was one of the first films they had watched together... and the first time he had shown his fangs to her... even though he'd done it as a joke.. it had, in many ways, cemented their friendship.

The movie was barely half over when the sound of Natalie's pager and the phone interrupted their quiet solitude. "Here's hoping some eager clerk was confused.." she said with a sigh, punching the speaker button. "Yes, this is Natalie.."

"Hey, Nat... where's Nick?" Schanke's voice came over the speaker as Natalie got up and looked at the pager. It was her office number...

"Right here... what's up?"

"Problem with our bust from last night."

"Yeah, what?" Nick sighed.

"They're dead... suicide probably, but we need you both to come in. The department is saying that our informants are in no danger now." Nick looked at Natalie exasperated. They both knew that the real danger was starting now. The gangs would take revenge on the young couple. The risk was real.

"OK... we were relaxing. Give us a half hour and we'll both be in." He clicked off the phone and sat up straighter. "Duty calls... are you ready for this?"

"Yeah, yeah.. I'll be fine." She mumbled and stood up slowly. She felt vaguely achy and sore. Her fatigue was more pronounced... usually taking Nick's blood made her feel more energy... but today was different somehow. But then, she was a professional and duty called... and this would certainly not be the first time she went to work tired. She could do this... With Nick watching closely, she went upstairs to dress.

Pulling up to the precinct, Natalie saw the coroner's van at the side door. Nick helped her out of the car. He was becoming concerned over her continued quiet, slow movement... and her mumbled reassurances did not make him feel better. Something was wrong.

"Hey, Natalie... glad you're here... come on down to holding and see what you can find out..." Schanke called out as soon as they had entered the precinct. He watched as she walked in, seemingly leaning on Nick. "Hey, are you okay? You look flushed.."

"I'm fine, Schanke" she looked at him calmly. "Just tired.."

"Uh.. sure.." he said, questioning and looked at Nick who shrugged. "Nick, you going down with her?" he asked, more as a formality. Just looking at his partner, he could tell that Natalie would not leave his sight.

The two bodies were uncovered, laying in the unlocked cells. The other prisoners who had been in the holding area had been questioned and moved. Natalie nodded to the morgue attendants who leaned against the wall, gurneys ready.

"They been officially pronounced?" she asked, pulling on gloves. At the shrug from the guard, she opened her medical bag and pulled out a stethoscope and began a thorough assessment. Business-like and efficient, she had examined both bodies quickly and silently. Nodding to the attendants to take them away, she reached for Nick's hand and stood, balancing uneasily.

"Natalie... you are worrying me. Something is not right.." Nick murmured, watching her rub her back and grimace.

"Nick, you worry too much." She turned to him with a tentative smile. "I just have a backache.. it will pass. Don't you have work to do? I can ride back to the lab with Eddie."

"Are you sure?" he searched her eyes. "Call me immediately if you have any other pain.. anywhere.."

"OK.. do you want my preliminary?" she teased. Sometimes he was too busy being the worried father to remember anything else. "Suicide... probably an OD. Of what and how they got it is another question. I'll rush the toxicology, and let you know if I find anything else... and I will call you if I need you."

He watched her follow the bodies to the van with growing trepidation. It probably was paranoia, but he could tell that she was not telling him everything.

Natalie had changed into her scrubs and was preparing for the first autopsy when she felt the ache change to a sharp pain. Leaning on the cold steel table, she rubbed her belly, feeling it grow hard... tense.. and painful. And then the pain eased.... <just my imagination> Natalie mused... it could not be labor... she had six more weeks to go... she was not ready..

"Natalie... what is going on?" Grace asked quickly, seeing the pained expression and way she clutched her abdomen. "And don't say nothing.."

"I had a cramp.. that's all." she responded quickly. "Come on, we have work to do..."

"Oh, no.. no you don't. You are going to sit yourself down, put your feet up. I am calling Mike... you are not going to do two autopsies if you are cramping..." Grace said fiercely, pushing the intercom.

"That is not necessary. I had one cramp.. one... Let me just sit here for a while, drink some tea." Natalie sat down as the intercom buzzed.

"Yeah.. Carol.. book Dr. Lambert off for the rest of the night... she is not feeling up to these two cases." Grace said firmly, challenging Natalie to contradict her.

"You need to call in the back up? Mike is covering tonight.."

"Yeah... and I'm calling her husband." Grace said, watching Natalie rub her abdomen and noticed the deeper breathing. "One cramp? Natalie, you are in labor.."

"I can't be.. I'm not due for six weeks.." Natalie said softly, feeling the cramping sensation more clearly... and now recognizing that yes, it was a contraction.

"Natalie, honey... babies come when they are ready... not when we think they should. I'll get Nick here to take you to the hospital. Maybe they can stop the labor... but you are definitely not working tonight..."

The precinct was in an uproar. The death of a prisoner in their own holding cell was a call to re-examine every procedure in detail... who had seen the prisoners, when, how.... And Captain Cohen was not a happy woman.

The preliminary assessment of an overdose was more puzzling... tapes of their interrogation, surveillance videos were being reviewed... but everyone was staying clear of the captain. Nick had tried, unsuccessfully, to argue for continued protection for the two informants. The department's argument was that there was no evidence to suggest that they were in any further danger. And since there was no trial to testify... they did not need to be relocated.

"Nick... I will authorize two more days in the safe house... no more. If you can't produce evidence of continued threat to their safety, we cut them loose. We cannot protect every gang member who wants out. And so far, that is all you have given me." Cohen said with a sigh. "And check with Natalie... when will we have the tox reports...?" she motioned for him to leave, as a uniformed officer walked in the office.

"Uh, Captain, sorry to interrupt... but dispatch just booked Dr. Lambert off for the night. They are calling in Dr. Ashburn to do the cases... so it may take a while" Nick looked at him, concern rising into panic as he heard Schanke's voice calling him.

"Nick.. Grace says that Nat is in labor... she needs you at the lab." the words were barely out of his mouth when Nick ran out the door, mumbling for Schanke to sign him out.

Striding swiftly into the lab, Nick saw her sitting at her desk, feet up... face no longer flushed, but pale. Grace was hovering over her, a worried look on her face. "OK, Nick... you tell her that she is going to the hospital to be checked out..."

"Nick, I have had three contractions... I am NOT in labor..." Natalie said firmly, arms crossed over her chest.

"Humor me... what's the worst they'll do? Say it is nothing and send us home..." he shrugged. "We are going. I'll carry you if I have to.."

"You would." She said, resigned. "Two against one... OK... but I tell you, I am fine." She stood slowly and felt his arms reach around her, massaging her abdomen... and saw the concerned look that crossed his face. "what? what is that about?"

"Just doesn't feel right..." he said softly. "Grace.. we'll call you." he said louder and guided Natalie to the car. Once alone, he turned to her. "Natalie, this is real.. don't ask me how I know... but it feels different. I am sensing you.. and the baby... and it is time." He started the car and pulled out his cell phone. "LaCroix... meet us at General Hospital... it is beginning..."


They had settled Natalie into a private room in the High Risk Maternity wing... since she was six weeks premature, she was considered at risk.. and she was definitely in labor. The contractions began in earnest during the drive to the hospital. Despite the growing pain, Natalie was calm, relaxed. Strangely enough, she felt at peace. She knew what was happening... and was ready.

Nick paced restlessly about the room while Natalie was settled into the bed and attached to the fetal monitor. To his relief, the baby's heart beat was strong, regular... and normal. Natalie's was anything but... and it took a bit of persuading for the nurse to not be concerned about her heart rate of 30 and lowered blood pressures. The initial examination showed labor to be beyond the point where it could be stopped... and when Natalie refused anesthetics, the nurse shrugged and just said to call if she needed anything... or changed her mind.

And Nick's pacing was driving her crazy. "Nick.. settle down. It's OK. Really." Natalie said calmly, reaching for him.

"Nat, you are six weeks early..."

"It will be okay. The baby is big enough, old enough..." she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the chair next to the bed.

"And you know what is going to happen..."

"Yes. And I am ready." She looked at him directly, sensing his trepidation. "You are nervous!" she said incredulous.

"Yes, I am... if anything happens to you..." the comment was not finished as he felt LaCroix's approach.

"So... I am to become a grandfather tonight." he said dryly, meeting Natalie's gaze.

"In more ways than one, you could say." She responded simply, taking a deep breath as another contraction began. Their eyes met and she could feel the touch of his mind, his powerful aura willing her to relax. She allowed his hypnotic influence to take hold and her awareness of the pain dimmed...

"You see, Nicholas... if she is willing, she can be easily affected by the simple touch of the mind." He smiled, looking at his son. Natalie appeared to be asleep... although the monitor showed the peak of the contraction just beginning to ease. "Nicholas, no harm will come to her... you have my word."

"What if I take too much?" he whispered, finally verbalizing his worst fears.

"You do not need to drain her. She will already be at the brink. You need only feed her." LaCroix explained, seeing the relief cross Nick's face. "And I have in my bag some supplies for us all."

Natalie woke periodically through the morning, and LaCroix would bring her out of the trance whenever her nurse came into the room, and then he would fade into the shadows. Her labor progressed rather quickly and it was just before noon when the contractions became longer, firmer and her mood changed... and they pronounced her ready to push.

The activity in the room intensified as the nurse began setting up equipment and prepared to move her to the delivery room. This was something that she'd not planned on. Certainly less private... but she did not know whether the baby would need intensive care.

"No... you do not need to move Mrs. Knight. She is very comfortable here." LaCroix said smoothly, capturing the nurse's thoughts. His controlling voice calm as she echoed him.

"Thanks." Nick said quietly, capturing Natalie's eyes. "Ready, my love?"

"Yes... now and for eternity...I am yours." she smiled. She knew that at some point she would lose consciousness, but trusted Nick to watch over her.

With only a few pushes, he could see the blond curls of his son's head... it was happening...

"Hey now, Natalie... let me put on the catcher's mitt..." the cheery voice of Dr. Blackburn sounded from the doorway as the stocky brunette hurried into the room. "Natalie, aren't you a bit eager for all this?" she glanced around, seeing the delivery equipment all ready, and frowned. "She's 34 weeks... shouldn't we be in an OR, Susan? And we ought to notify the NICU."

"No, doctor. We are staying here. We do not need additional help. You will deliver the baby and then leave us alone." LaCroix said smoothly, repeating his instructions to Susan... and then going to the door, clicked the lock shut.

The room was quiet, but the electricity was palpable as Natalie gave one more push, and her son slid out, with a lusty cry.... Followed by a large gush of blood... a very large amount of blood... Before the doctor could react, LaCroix had taken the baby from her arms and ushered them into the bathroom, locking the door. Natalie had grown pale, took a slow, shallow breath and was barely conscious. He could hear her heart slowing. "Now, Nicholas..."

Nick let his fangs drop and sliced a wide gash on his wrist, sucking briskly before holding it over her mouth, letting the blood drip while murmuring to her. "Drink, my love... drink and join me... turn away from the light... come back to me... to your son..." he watched for what seemed like an eternity before she shuddered and then began to suck eagerly on his wrist, drawing the precious fluid... feeling the tingling vibrations as their bond strengthened and their minds linked... the eternal joining had begun. Natalie had come across.

She opened her eyes, now golden... and smiled, revealing tiny, barely descended fangs. "Nick.." she whispered and he leaned over to kiss her.

"Welcome back, my love.." Nick said softly caressing her shoulder.

"I... I'm hungry..." she whispered, looking between Nick and LaCroix, who stood a distance away, holding their son, wrapped snugly in a blue plaid blanket. LaCroix approached the couple and handed her a tall glass bottle.

"Drink" he commanded. She did not question... but swallowed the blood... it was pure, fresh... and warm... She looked at him quizzically. "Yes, it is yours... mixed with your son's... from his placenta." He handed another bottle to Nick. "They will never know how much blood you lost..." he smiled as Nick also drank it without argument.

With a quiet warning glance, LaCroix let the medical team out, and instructed them that all had progressed normally, that Natalie had not needed any stitches, and was ready to be cleaned up. He then released his hold on them and unlocked the door to the room, once more fading into the shadows.

"Congratulations, Natalie..." the doctor said warmly, picking up her chart. "Do we have a weight?"

"Ummm, here we are... 1875 grams." Susan called out. "And he is 46 centimeters long. Such a cute little guy... and doing quite well. He seems very strong for being more than a month early."

"Yes, he is..." agreed Sarah with a smile. "Well, Natalie...we'll keep you here overnight... and you can go home first thing tomorrow, as long as your little guy here eats all right and you don't bleed..." she responded, making a notation in the chart before looking up, glancing between Nick and Natalie. Something had changed, but she could not remember what it was... it must not be important. "get some rest... I'll see you in the morning."

"Sarah... remember that Nick is allergic to sunlight... I'll need to be discharged before 8." Natalie called out, reaching for the blanketed bundle that Susan brought to her.

"Not a problem, I start rounds at 6. I'll come here first. Who's your pediatrician?"

"Lisa Mercer." Natalie answered, studying her son's face.

"OK... I'll give her a call and let her know. She'll be by this afternoon to see you both." With a wave, Sarah left the room. Susan still bustled around, putting things away... and periodically would come over to look at Natalie.

"Feel OK, Natalie?" she asked, pumping up the blood pressure cuff. It must not be working... she could not get a reading... and for that matter, she could not find the pulse. "Let me get you some warm blankets. You feel cold."

Natalie glanced at Nick as Susan piled on the heated blankets... this was where it got tricky. His voice soft, compelling... he instructed Susan to leave them alone... and then handed Natalie the chart to fill in some numbers, watching as Natalie held their son close.

Holding the tiny baby, she was struck by his warmth, the sensations just now increasing as she focused on his heart beating, his breath ... and the touch of Nick's mind in hers... keeping her in control... the strain of the focus was too much and she turned to Nick with a pleading glance. "Nick, take him.. I need to sleep."

Nick held his son close, marveling at the perfection of his features... his child... his son... He was aware that Natalie had slipped into the deep sleep of the newly converted... she would be much less calm when she awoke. Strangely enough, he felt confident that all would well. He had never felt so good about a conversion before..

While Natalie still slept, he decided to make the phone calls that their mortal friends would expect. Picking up the phone, he dialed and spoke softly. "Bob... Nick Knight... She's okay... and so is our son.... Yeah, I know. We screwed up the pool... ready for details?... OK, he was born at 12:28 pm... weighs 1875 grams.. yeah, just a little guy... but perfect. Schanke there? ... No, I'll call him at home. No, I won't be in tonight... thanks..." he clicked off the phone and glanced at Natalie before dialing again. "Myra... Nick Knight... tell Don that he's on his own tonight... I'm fine... I'm a father... thanks. Its a boy... umm, that is still under discussion. He came early so we weren't completely prepared. No, he's doing fine... I'm staying with Natalie tonight... we're in room 3251 at General Hospital... Nat's asleep right now... come after supper... OK, thanks.."

After he had hung up the phone, he could sense LaCroix approaching. He silently handed Nick a tall mug. "You did well. I am proud... and I am pleased to have Natalie in our family. I know you do not always trust my motives... but all I have ever wanted was for you to be happy. And she will make you happy... eternally." Nick searched his sire's eyes, looking for deception... and found none.

"Thank you LaCroix." He said softly, feeling his son squirm.

"I think someone else is getting hungry... do you want the nurse?"

"No, I can do this... I would rather minimize others coming in here until Natalie wakes and feeds properly." Nick responded, opening the bottle of formula that Susan had left in the crib. LaCroix nodded and pointed toward a black leather case that leaned against Natalie's small suitcase.

"Supplies for her... a special vintage, courtesy of Janette. And she even packed them in bottles which would not raise suspicion..." he held up one for Nick to see... 'juice' bags...

"Clever..." Nick smiled, putting the bottle in his mouth and watching in fascination as his son latched on and sucked deeply, their eyes meeting.

Voices, sounds in the background woke her late in the afternoon. She opened her eyes to a golden haze, feeling the intensified sensations, sight and sound and touch... it was overwhelming... and then a sharp pain crossed her abdomen.... "Nick?" her voice, though a whisper, seemed loud.

"Shh.. it's okay.. here... drink..." he was at her side quickly, handing her a foil packet with a straw. She looked at it quizzically and then smelled the blood. Smiling she drained it quickly, and two more before her vision cleared. "Better?"

"Much." She sighed. She could see their son, sleeping in his bassinet across the room. "How is he?"

"Perfect. I have fed him twice. Changed his diaper. And kept the nurses out of here as much as possible. Although I had to persuade them that your blood pressure was all right. And that you had a pulse. I hope the numbers I came up with were okay."

"If they weren't, the doctor would have been in." she laughed. She could hear the approach of a human heart beat and looked at Nick with fear.

"Its okay, Nat... relax." He murmured as the door opened and a cheery young woman wearing pink scrubs walked in.

"Good, you're awake. Thought we'd have to do something drastic to wake you soon. I'm Sandra, your day nurse... although you slept through most of my shift." She came over to the bed and set down the tray of food. "I think you need to clean up and then your dinner is here...." She smiled. "Let me help you up..." she leaned over and putting her arm around Natalie, helped her to a standing position. Natalie concentrated on ignoring the siren call of her beating heart. The scent of her blood... so close, so enticing.

They walked slowly to the bathroom with Nick close behind, ready to help Natalie if her control started to falter. Behind the closed door, he could her the nurse instructing Natalie in proper care of herself, and what changed to expect as she recovered from childbirth... and was surprised to find her healed already. She was about to remark on that when Nick walked in... and carefully hypnotized her to forget Natalie's exam was anything but normal... and that she could leave them alone once more.

"I think we need to get you discharged as soon as possible, Nat." Nick sighed watching her walk across the room easily, the weakness gone.

"Yeah, you're right. Did you call people?" she asked, approaching the bassinet cautiously.

"Yeah, I called the station and Schanke. He'll be over after supper."

Natalie reached over and picked up her son. She could hear his heart beating, could smell his blood but for some reason, it did not call to her. She had no desire to harm him...

"Nat?" Nick whispered, watching her with interest. Would the vampire surface with their child?

"I'm fine.... He's safe with me..." she smiled, relief evident in her voice. "OK, we need a name..."

"Richard?" he said softly... knowing how close she'd been to her brother. She looked up in surprise, love shining in her eyes.

"You would be okay with that?"

"Yes... what happened should not affect your memories of your brother. He was a good man. He deserves to be remembered for that. Not how he died."

She smiled, caressing her son's back gently. "Richard Lucius..." she murmured.

He looked at her in shock. "Nat? Are you serious?"

"Isn't that the Latin form?"

"Well, yes...."

"And he IS the closest thing to a grandfather that Richard will have... why not?"

"If you are okay with it... that is an awfully big change for both of us, Nat. I have fought him for centuries. He has threatened to kill you on more than one occasion. And you are proposing giving our son his name."

"Call it a declaration of peace. I have no desire to battle him for all eternity. And neither do you." she looked up and saw the love shining in his eyes.

"Richard Lucius deBrabant Knight it is..." their eyes met and he moved closer, drawing her into a gentle embrace.

"Knock, knock..." a loud voice sounded at the door, and they looked up to see Schanke and Myra... and a big box with balloons.

"Come on in.." Nick motioned to his partner as Natalie went back to the bed and pulled a robe over her gown.

"Sorry Nat.." he grinned, realizing that she was not prepared yet for company.

"It's okay, Schank... it is not the first time you've seen me without makeup..." she smiled at him calmly, motioning the Schankes into the room.

"I guess you weren't REALLY okay last night, Natalie.." Schanke looked at her with concern.

"Well, this little guy was just a bit impatient. But we are both fine..." she pulled away the corner of the blanket. "Come on over... we don't bite..." her eyes met Nick's with an unspoken message.

The last of the visitors left around 10 pm... at least the mortal ones. Natalie had just finished feeding her son a bottle of milk, and herself a 'sip sack' of blood when she felt a tingling... a chill running up her spine. She looked at Nick with fear.

"LaCroix." He said quietly. "You are sensing LaCroix approaching. You will always sense one of us... but family will be the most intense vibration. And you will feel me even if we are apart." He looked up and saw his master enter the room quietly.

"Ah, Natalie... You are awake." He said smoothly walking over to the bedside where Nick sat holding her hand, protectively covering their son. "You have nothing to fear from me. Had I wished you harm, I have had numerous opportunities, my dear."

She looked at Nick for confirmation, but he merely shrugged. "What do you want LaCroix?" he asked with a tired sigh.

"Merely to welcome the newest children of the night." He replied, extending his hand. "You asked once, what was my price...? Well, it is simple. What have I ever wanted...? Companionship."

"Companionship?" Natalie asked warily. "From whom?"

"My children... and my children's children." He stood next to her, resting his palm on the baby's back. "Nicholas is my son eternally... as you are now his daughter." He turned to Nick and spoke firmly. "Acknowledge me publicly as your father, include me in your lives and when you move on, we all go together."

"Or?" Nick asked harshly.

"You need me. Natalie needs me. Your quest has made a lot of people very nervous. For the safety of your child, you need to be seen as having reconciled with me."

"Enforcers?" Natalie whispered. She had never seen one, but saw the fear in Nick's eyes whenever they were mentioned.

"Not if I have anything to say about it." LaCroix answered quickly. "You are of my blood.... And therefore, Natalie is of my blood as well. They have to go through me first.... But if you are a continent away, I cannot help you."

"So all you are asking is to be a family?" he asked, looking suspiciously at his father. They had spent too many centuries fighting, battling, running from each other. This seemed too simple.

"Yes. I do not expect you to agree with my philosophies... many fathers and sons do not. There may, as well, be lessons which you would prefer that I teach Natalie. You may not agree, but she does need to learn to hunt."

Nick nodded slowly. "Yes. That is true." His eyes met with Natalie's. "I think we can live with that. And our choice for our son's name reflects our desire to come to an agreement." He handed LaCroix the copy of the birth certificate form that they had filed earlier in the day. LaCroix read it silently and then looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

"I am honored." He said softly, a catch to his voice which Nick had never heard. "May I see my namesake?"

"Of course." Natalie smiled, and held Richard out, unwrapping the blanket slightly. He stepped forward and gazed at the sleeping infant. "He won't bite LaCroix... and I know you won't either..." she said softly placing him in the elder vampire's arms. She stepped back slightly, Nick's arms wrapped around her shoulders as they watched the awed expression on LaCroix's face.

"It has been many years since I held an infant." LaCroix said softly whispering phrases in Latin. "A blessing.." he murmured, seeing Natalie's quizzical expression. He laid the infant in Natalie's arms and touching her forehead murmured a phrase, again in Latin. Turning to Nick he said in a firm tone. "I trust you will call me if ever you need my assistance. I will ever be close." At Nick's quiet nod, he was gone.

Natalie looked toward the door and shook her head. "What was that about?"

"Just as he said. He was welcoming you into our family. As only an ancient Roman patriarch could do." He leaned closer, drawing Natalie and their son into his arms. "His support will make your introduction to the community easier and will protect our son from those who do not trust us... or fear him."
