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Sunday, May 26, 2002

I meant to post this yesterday, but I forgot. So, I guess I'll post it today. If anyone has any pictures from Friday nights show, Email them to me. It would be greatly appreciated.

Also, I have been working on a new layout and I hid the link to it somewhere on this page. So, I am asking for a little feedback. If you've found the link to the new layout, tell me what you think. Tell me if it's better/worse, bad ass/sucks ass, or needs some work/leave it. But ofcourse to see the new layout you have to find it. Goodluck!

Saturday, May 25, 2002

Last night's show went rather smoothly. The turn-out wasn't so great, but that's okay. It was fun. Anyway, we haven't rescheduled a date yet because we don't have a drummer. The only reason we used Ed last night was because we already had the show scheduled. That's about it for now. Not much going on in the Indredkold news. Take it easy and check back for updates.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002

No more pencils - No more books - No more teacher's dirty looks!

Our show has now been rescheduled! I know this is short notice, but I know everyone will be able to make it. Come out and see us this Friday. That's May 24, 2002. The same line-up goes. Spasm will open the show, then Syeringe will get shit going, then comes Crude Fall keeping everyone awake and active, and then you get your healthy dose of Indredkold. The show starts at 8 so come out and see what's going on.

In other news, the new layout is done. All I need to do is add some more pictures, and move over all the crazy content. If you want to see a sneak peek, a link to it is hidden somewhere on this page. If you find it, you get to see it before everyone else does, if you don't...well you must wait.

And finally - IT IS SUMMER! At last two whole months of freedom! Sweet sweet freedom. Hope everyone has a safe summer filled with whatever it is you like to do. Stay alive and we'll be seeing y'all at the shows! What ever you do, though, be safe. Know your limits(for my drug-using friends...*coughs* ADAM!) and don't drink and drive. Or smoke and drive...or snort and drive. Hell just don't drive. Walk! If it's too far to walk, run or ride a bike. If it's too far for that take Metro. I know it costs money, but just think of it like paying for gas. If it's too far for Metro, you need to keep your ass at home! Anyway, have a safe summer & once again, stay alive. Out.

Friday, May 17, 2002

- The Corrupted Children Show cancelled...again -
Ok, if you have any commmon sence, you would figure that the show is going to be cancelled tonight, but there is some dense people out there, so I am making the update anyway. Due to the "inclimate weather" the show was cancelled. A reshceduled date is in the works, but nothing is set in stone. We'll keep the site updated so keep checking in, and look for that rescheduled date.

Also during summer, sence we won't be seeing most of you, keep checking back to for dates we are going to be playing. Looking for Crude Fall or Syeringe dates? Chances are, we'll be playing with them, so check here for those too.

We are also still looking for a drummer! So, if you're a drummer, and you want to try-out for Indredkold, Email me. We'll get back to you on where to meet and all that good stuff. That should be all the updates for now, keep checking back for that rescheduled date.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002

Hey, I just wanted to make a quick update and let everyone know that Indredkold is still going to be playing this Friday, May 17, 2002 @ Vertigos with Crude Fall Syeringe, and Spasm. Also, due to the fact that we have no drummer of our own(thanks to Ed from Crude Fall for filling the spot) Indredkold will not be at our full potential. The show should still kick lots of ass, so come out and bring your friends.

Also, a better layout is in the works, so if you wanna see it, you're going to have to wait, hahahaha. no just kidding. It is somewhere on this page, but it is creatively hidden, so use your mind to try to find the link. Later.

Friday, May 3, 2002

Okay, as you may or may not have noticed, there is an Angelfire pop-up on my pages now. I know it sucks, and it's extremely annoying, but hang in there people. I am trying to find a new host that won't stick me with annoying pop-ups. Those Jew bastards at Angelfire figured out a way around me.

Also, you probably also know that Indredkold is one drummer short. Our drummer Pat decided it would be best for him to part ways with Indredkold. This also means that our May 18 show @ Battle Of The Bands is cancelled. The May 17 show is still on though. So you can still come out and support us there. Pat, if you ever read this, no matter what people say, there is no bad vibes between you and Indredkold. So, this brings me to my next point. If you're a drummer and would like to try out for Indredkold, Email me, and we'll get a hold of you. That's all for now.

Thursday, April 25, 2002

Okay, lots of updates for ya. Let's start off with probably the most important. Indredkold is booked for the Battle Of The Bands on Saturday, May 18, 2002 @ Pasadena Fairgrounds. That's one day after our next show which is on the 17th w/ Crude Fall, Syeringe, & Spasm. So come out and support. Also - sorry for the lack of updates, the web master kind of forgot the password to update the site, but it's back in the memory and it's there to stay. Also, work for a new layout of will be starting soon. That's it for now. We'll see you on the 17th & 18th.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Well, Indredkold got the next show scheduled! We promised we'd make up for the month-long wait, and we will do that on Friday, May 17, 2002. Be there. We are going to be playing with special guests Crude Fall and Syeringe. Get ready for a good show, we're working on new music, and hopefully some visually stimulating aspects to our stage. That's it for now, take it easy, and get ready...

Friday, April 12, 2002

Finally wrote the Indredkold biography. Read it in the biography page.

Thursday, April 11, 2002

Added some( studio pics to the pictures section.

Tuesday, April 9, 2002

- The Corrupted Children Show cancelled -
Due to an emergency situation, Indredkold was forced to cancel their second show. We're sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you. However, Crude Fall and Spasm will still be playing that night. A rescheduled date is not yet under consideration. Rest assure, we will play again, and we will make up for the wait. Be prepared...

Thursday, March 28, 2002

Indredkold's second show, The Courrupted Children, will be on Friday, April 12, 2002 @ Vertgio Nites. 9406 Spencer Hwy. with Crude Fall. If your band, or a band you know, would also like to play that night, email me.

By the way, the pictures from our first show are up. They're in the pictures section, Dumbass! That's it for now, take it easy.
