Dawson's Creek Quotes

PACEY: "You are the single most important person to ever grace my existence."

PACEY: "Why can't you see me man? When did you give up on me, when I was 5, 10, 12--I'm 16 years old, Dad. I'm here and I'm not perfect. I try so hard for you and it's your job to love me no matter who I am or what I become. Because you're my father, Dad. You're supposed to love me so much. I can't do this by myself."

ABBY: "...then there's Jen and Dawson--he's on the rebound and God knows she loves to bounce."

JOEY: "Sounds like you're looking for a Julia Roberts."
DAWSON: "What I need is a you."

JOEY: "Thank you."
DAWSON: "For what?"
JOEY: "For being my friend, understanding me better than anyone and for putting up with me for the past 16 years. I love you."
DAWSON: "I love you, too."

ANDIE: "If we're not together, then I'm not sitting beside you, staring into your eyes, and kissing you."

PACEY: "Hey, I don't talk trash, I recycle it."

PACEY: "This is you. It's not showy or gaudy, just simple...elegant...beautiful."

JEN: "Hey Joey, I love your lipstick. What shade is that?"
JOEY: "Wicked red. I love your hair color. What number is that?"

BESSIE: "He's still our father."
JOEY: "Yeah, our father who art in prison."

PACEY: "Dawson, you're not a little oompa-loompa anymore. You're a big, bad, manly oompa loompa."

JEN: "Hey Jack, keep fighting for your last causes. You never know when your luck might change."

PACEY: "I don't care where we go or what we do as long as we do it together."

JOEY: "I'm not meant to. Isn't that obvious by now?"
PACEY: "Because you're 16 and alone?"
JOEY: "Because I'm 16 and in my entire life there's only been two people that have ever really known me. Dawsons and..."
PACEY: "This A.J. didn't know you. I don't care how you felt about him. He didn't know you Joey. Because if he did, he never would have walked away from you."
JOEY: "I was gonna say you, Pacey." (Cinderella Story)

PACEY: "Let's go make out somewhere."
JOEY: "Oh, sounds romantic."

PACEY: "Get in bed, Potter. And while you're there, get over yourself."
JOEY: "Get your butt away from me."
PACEY: "Potter, my butt wants nothing to do with your butt, okay?" (Stolen Kisses)

JOEY: "This morning. Your arm brushed up against me in bed and I felt it."
PACEY: "How did it feel?"
JOEY: "It made me feel alive."
PACEY: "Okay. Joey, I'm going to kiss you now."
JOEY: "You can't!"
PACEY: "Look, Jo, you can't say something like that and expect me not to kis you, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm gonna kiss ya, in about ten seconds, and if you don't want me to kiss you, well, if you don't want me to, I guess then you're just gonna have to stop me. Ten. (he kisses her)"

JOEY: "You got me. We did it. All day, all night, 24-7. Are you aware that there are at least 38 known differing sexual positions. And 42 if you're flexible enough."

PACEY: "You love me."
JOEY: "You but me."

JOEY: "I want to be with you, Pacey. I want to stay and be with you."
PACEY: "Well, if you want to be with me, then staying here would be a really stupid idea, considering I don't plan to be here. I plan to be wherever you are." (Future Tense)

PACEY: "How come you're so much smarter than me, Potter?"
JOEY: "I'm not, Pace. You're just emotionally retarded."

PACEY: "Come on."
ANDIE: "Where are we going?"
PACEY: "Upstairs to your bedroom."
ANDIE: "Oh really? And what did you have in mind?"
PACEY: "What do you think?"
ANDIE: "Pacey!"
PACEY: "We still got three chapters to read. Let's go!"